All things Neceſſary for the Tranſlating of either
Language into the other.
To which end
Many things that were Erroneous are reCtified, many
Superfluities retrenched, and very many "2%
CCI ES Cr nn iognr
in the Mother Tongue.
Towards the ing the Engliſh Parr (which hath been long defired)
here are added of Wards, Phraſes, Proverbs, Proper Names,
and many other uſeful things mentioned in the Preface to the Work.
» The Second Edition enlarged.
By ELISHA COLES, Late of Magd. Coll. Oxon.
the :
| Lamberd-frece ane Cornballe
o D proirmcy ogy > mans gg tee pet nk I
ng #9, ar the Corner Shop of Li
Hereas Eliſha Coles hath by his humble Petitionrepreſent-
ed unto Us,that with much Troubleand Charge he hath
Made and Compoſed a Dittionary Engliſh- Latin and La-
tin Engliſb,containing all things neceſſary for theT ranſlating of either
ar am, into the other, and ſuited to the meaneſt Capacities, by a
plainer Method than hath been heretofore uſed : And the ſaid Eliſha
Coles having by his faid.-Petition Humbly beſought Us to Grantunto
him Our Royal Licenſe for the ſole Printing and Publiſhing the ſaid
Book : We have thought fit to condeſcend unto that his Requeſt,
and We do accordingly hereby Grant Our Royal Licenſe and Pri-
viledpe unto the ſaid El:ſha Coles, his Executors, Adminiſtrators and
Aſſignes, for the ſole Printing and. Publiſhing of the aforeſaid. Book,
with all ſuch Alterations and Additions as he ſhall think fit from time
to-time to make thereunto, for and during the Term of Fourteen
Years, to be Com from the day of the firſt ſctting forth of the
faid Book : And Our Will and Pleaſureis, and We do hereby Re-
quire and Command, That during the ſaid Termof Fourteen Years,
no Printer, Publiſher, or other Perſon whatſoever being Our Sub-
jet, do preſume to Imprint or cauſe to be Imprinted, without the
Knowledge and Conſent of him the ſaid El:ſha Coles, his Executors
Adminiſtrators or Aſſigns, the aforeſaid Book or any part thereof,or
to Sell the ſame, or Import into Our —_— of England any Cm
thereof Imprinted. inany Parts beyond the Seas, upon pain of the
Loſs and Forfeiture of all Copies ſo Imprinted, Sold or Imported
eontrary to the Tenor of this Our Royal Licenſe, and of ſuch other
Penalties as the Laws and Statutes of This Our Realm will inflid.
And of this our Pleaſiire, the Maſter, Wardens and Aſſiſtants of the
Company of Seationers are to take notice, that the fame may be
Fatred' into their Regiſter, and due Obedience be yielded therc-
Given at Onr Conrt at White-hall the Twenty Seventh day. of
Rebruary 1677, 1n the Thirtieth Year of Our Reign,
By His Majeſties Command.
The Authour to the Reader,
proper Uſe and Deſign |ty, and therefore have omitted them.
> Engliſh and tender Capa- | mologies, which (for | part) de-
ies 1s ( in brief ) the|pended meerly upon ConjeCures, and
C— firſt | were of little or no Uſe art all to Chil-
g - NG —— at + |
Engliſh into Latin are plain, and rationally to
foundarion bei : how carefull
In anſwer to this Deſign ir ſhould] The ries are here made more
confiſt of rwo 3 One containing | complete, by-being placed over initial
all Words (bo A; ive and Pro- | vowels, as well as ſyllables.
; per)all Idioms and uſed in the] Many Phraſes and Proper Names
; Latin Tongue, with appoſite Engliſh | (with the hardeſt of their Genirives Jare
ſuned thereunto ; The other contain- [added from Calepine, Ferrarins and 0-
ing all kind of Words, Terms of Art | thers.
and Phraſes uſed in the Engliſh Tongue, | The method alſo of Calepine is here
with proper Latin ſuited to them; and | obſerved in placing all (both Common
both in an Alphabetical Order : be-|and Proper) in an Alphabetical order.
ce that 1s mo ED to the _ hot dns be blamed by _- _
iries, is not (in the | con t conveniency
prejudicial rothe ſtrongeſt, / =
Having therefore (as to this general | red, the naturaldependency of one up-
) obſerved what is a ſu-| on another, the many Reperitions and |
perfluous and wantjng in others; That| References that were wonr to be made
we have here endeavoured to Rettifie, | from one to another, and are all by this |
Retrench and Supply. method faved.
In the Latin part, many Words and] Bur that method of Calepine and 0-
Phraſes are much more properly ren-|thers after him (who wrote for Men)
dred than they were aye and|in placing the Derivatives all under!
where a ſingle word could convenient-|their primitives, is not ( in the leſt)
ly be had, we choſe ir rather than a|to be followed by thoſe who prerend
"Ye hve nee henty ep Sjnonome's packien? For they we aerine ©
e have nor up 's, | pacities. For are ſometime © |
but yer rook care that Words{eſpeci ons |
the primitives) ſhould have the whole
iery of their ſeveral ſignifications. Dy
uſefull Explications, Dire&i-| In the Engliſh part, the Corre&ions |
ons and References as were wont to be are ſo many and fo as would take
in Latin, are here in plain and intelli-| up roo muchTime and com to relate. |
afterwards repeated agai and Proverbs are added.
in Eaglith, we judged a needles rank No her wich che winks body of Bro-
x "+ autaghebs. —*
_—_— not only of Men and Wo-
men, and here in England (fo
far as be procured) bur alfo the
Modern names of Foreign _
Tſands, Mountains, Cities, Rivers, an
other noted Places, eſpecially in Exrope,
as France, Germany, &Cc.
Some obſolete Words and uncouth
Phraſes are among the reft, becauſe we
are to ſuppoſe the very worſt that any
one can -occafion to turn into La-
tin, without intending the Englſh for
-uſe. For as in the Latin part only-:the
Engliſh, fo in the Engliſh part only the
Latin is to be propos'd for imitation.
And the want of this conſideration gave
occaſion to many miſtakes in other
hatin "Joenter Hens of
The Engliſh i O
Nouns, and Preter-tenſes of Verbs are
here (to our utmoſt ) obſerved. To-
gether with ſuch __ Subſtantives,
as are alſo taken and uſed as Adjettives,
than which there is hardly any thing
more common , yet nothing leſs re-
— or more needful to be under-
And all in a regular and Alphabetical
ſold by Peter Parker att
An Engliſh DiRi
In a M
By the Bookſeller.
he hath ſufficiently commended ir (elf to the VVorld by the Sale of
almoſt 4000 inlefs than two years time.
There is lately Publiſhed by the ſame Author Mr. Eſha Coles, and
Leg and Sterin Cornhill,
: Explaining the difficult Terms that are uſed in Divini
Hurbandry, Phyſick Pilo@tks igati wo
Arrs and +» Containing
nl pd Greck, Latin, French, or any other Lan-
| EI PNG -— —— ——— write Eng-
Order. As alſo the names of =m
other things that were wont
to be im particular Tables or many lit-
tle Diftionaries within the your.
Which was far from being ſuired to the
common uſe of Schools or Childrens
> — A Bk ſuppoſed in
them not a judgment ,
bur a judgment Philoſophical
For unleſs they know beforehand
what the thing is, or what General
Head itis under, they muſt of neceſfiry
ſearch all py boy hs or at
leaſt look ſo long till rhey find. Bur a
little experience will prattically de-
monſtrate the uſefulneſs of our Method,
and all we have done.
I think there is none can obje the
ſmalneſs of the Charatter, who conſi-
ders, that ir is intended for young eyes,
in the of 'a word or rwo, and
not to ,_s on as a continued dif-
courſe. Bur eſpecially conſidering
how much is comprt in & little
room, that it mo be much more
PR and far chargeable than
| _
Mr. Parker. ;
; commend your Diligence and Diſcre-
I tion 1n ng and Printing ſo
uſeful a as the Engliſh and Latin
Diftion Mr.Eliſha Coles )
a Work which Fhave wiſh'r-for, as
Public Good
are to
(wherein yer the greateft Difficulty lies,
and conſequently whereof is the
greateſt Neceſſity in Books of this kind)
but beſides this, they are uſually ſtuffr
up which a tumultuous Heap of Latin
Words, ſome proper, others Metapho-
rical, others but nominal, being indeed
Greek in Latin letters, and many obſo-
other E liſh
e tO
Words than thoſe ro which _
fubjoyn'd. Hence the Making of Lati
nhl in Schools is the chief and moſt
neceſlary exerciſe for Beginners,becomes
bahe thedp ofe] boſe Dinars
y Ip oft Ditionaries, jt has
on ir muſt)che moſt Face
Sound imaginable, that to hum that
underſtands rhe true P
tin-Tongue, it appears
rous,abſurd, and ridiculous. Hereupon
Scholar 1s ſevexely beaten, who knows
by ing of the Badneſs of hls Latin, till
ters of bloed. \ Pain cauſed whe:
Fault: is nor in the Children, but inthe.
Dre. W's. Opinion of Mr. Coles Diftionary.
_ for the #ſe of Children, who are wo
ropriet — ;
Book,which while they make it their Re-
fuge,proves the great Impedimeyt of their
Learning, And this I think will plainly
appear by this Compariſon.
A man
that of him he may learn the 4rt of Print-
ing. Now it 1s not thar” he.
which ſets the Letters for the Preſs,
ſhould underſtand the. Language which
ment of t y the Appoi
of his Maſter, to ſer the Lereers for the
This Example is 20-
u ye 3
brought to the Boxes 0
are ready furniſhe prepar
Hand, he js taught the Order of Letters,
and the Art of Compoſing. He proceeds.
according to this Or -errs not .1n
the. Uſe of this Art. Bur when a Proof,
is drawn off from the Preſs, whena
ſheer of Paper is printed with the Let-
rers by him ſer, it hath the ſtrangeſt A-
= imaginable.
there are
a Greeh litter or ewo, then one or two
Italick letters, and in each Word ſhl
ſome.old Engliſh or Dutch-letters inter«
mixr, and oft-rimes empty . ſpaces in the!
midſt of Words, havi
all. The Maſter of the
of com he Lad eſcapes not |
out | gy how much is he to bel
Examination of |
his Son with a- Printer, |
For in ſome Words }-
rwoor three Latin /etters,chen |
no Letters at}.
—_ _——_—_—_—
ſtantly fills all the Boxes with a
kalick Leners, ſome Greek {etters,
the School-mafter 1s angry, and the poor.
tus Faults correted in Let-
Ls ——
old Engliſh Letters, and in ſome Boxes
all. And he that is a Learner, and not
well able to diſtinguiſh theſe lerrers,and
is only taught to take ſuch Letters -out
of ſack, boxes,though he exaGtly obſerve
miſerable work as has been before re-
ented. And while the Boxes remain
rniſh't with ſuch a ſtrange MZ xture of
Letters, *tis impoſſible he ſhould make
better Work. And where ke 1s furnifh't
with no letters at all of that kind, he
muſt of Neceſſiry either make vacanr
ſpaces,or fill up with heterogencous letters,
which will render the Print utterly un-
intelligible. And till the Boxes of Let-
ters are better order'd, 'tis impoſſible
theſe Errours ſhould ever be j{f
I could heartily wiſhthar the Errours
of making Latin 1n the School, were not
too parallel ro this of ſetting letters for
the Preſs. Bur it is too manifeſt that the
Engliſh Diftionavies hitherto extant are
like thoſe Loculi of heterogeneous letters."
And while childrenare yet learning the
LatinTongue,it's utterly impofſible they
ſhould diſcern that propriery of Words,
which neceſſarily ſuppoſes an exat
knowledge of it. Hence in their maki
'of _ there 1s that wild _
Words, proper, improper, metaphori-
cal, pared xr pe ole: and oft for
want ofa Word in the Ditionary, they
are forc't to coin one from the Engliſh,
or leave a vacancy 1n the Latin, which
breaking the ſenrence —_— the
ſenſe. Thus a company of diſagree-
ing Words , radely chad together
\( hike Captives of divers Nations ) by.
[che Rules of Concord and Regiment, make
upa rece of barbarous Nonſenſe.
And hrs a train'd up in thefe ak
ciſes never arrive at the $kill of _—
good Latin, rill chey are furmſht wich
many proper Words and Phraſes in the La-
tin Authors my have learn'd, as will
ſerve for this Purpoſe. And thus the
Ditionaries defign'd for their Help,
prove rather hurtful and impedimenta}
to them, nill they have made ſuch an Ad-
his preſcription, muſt needs make ſuch |rhey
lirtle or no further Uſe or Need of
aſſion'd for ſome of rhe Letters, none at | them.
By this means it comes to paſs, that
the of hopeful youths in Learn-
of the Latin Tongue. And for the
more ſpeedy Attainment of Learning,
the former age hath not furniſhr us with
ſo proper 4 Help as this preſent Book.
For in this little Dicti Children
may readily find a proper Latin word for
any Engliſh ow, and the right Interpritati-|
08 in Engliſh of any word that occurs in
= _ Tongue. He _— the An-
glicifms or Propriety of our Engliſh Tongue,
which are fawte DiffMity, and give
the greateſt trouble to Beginners, have their
Import expreſt in proper Latin Phraſes :
and the chief Phraſes and Idioms of the
Latin Tongue, ave truly interggeted in En-
gliſh,with a ” Explication of ſuch pro-
Names 4s 49 occur in Poets and Hi-
orians. Here 3s a Furniture ſufficient ſor
the carrying of the Leayned by the Condudt
of a diſcreet Teacher, through the Latin
Tongue, Upon this Account I cannot but
congratulate the youth of this Age, in that
they are or may be, at a low price, furntſh't
with 4 little Book of great Uſe, by the |
Help whereof they may 3n a pleaſant and
4 tous Way, arrive at that Lear-
ning by which they may attain to Riches
and Honour, and which being accompa-
ny'd with true Piery, will prepare them
for the Higheſt Happineſs.
To-conclude, that this little Diftionary
ts above all extant, adapted to the Uſe of
Schools, and Benefit of Scholars, that
deſire to attain tht Latin Tongue is thi
Opinion of
Sept. 10.1677. Your loving Friend
{ Vance in Learning , as that they have
T. W.
ſo great a
nimis ex/gua merces protanto (tam
mogne) labore tartogue etiams be-
wmeficio, * I
bl —
. omicitiom alicui yer ——— *-He
virkuti remu/it.
tor, oris, i.
An i Abengoo!
+ alicui injicare.
benefit, tole ninnur off
f, * I am @ reading,
lego* I was 8 going, am.* Oace
a yearlgo a — in an-
no jiſc atum 80
hour a yawn ng, dwn ofcitat, tots
abit bers, * Twelve pence an
in wlnom ſolidur, * Twelve acres
y —_ du:drnc in ſingulos b imines
A © the name of ſeveral rivers]
An, A&
Y Azrallo (tn Pifidia] Amaſſus, i, f.
Aare,ond Arel a river 1a Germany]
ed, (ariven away ] obethus,
abit (the hinder part of a ſhip)
E [ey the poop) 4d puppt,
Abaiſance [bowing down] venera-
bunda corporis inclinalyo.
To [Abandon C for
9,00 eſaro, dere linqun, deſtitno, ere
derelifius, deſertus, a-
An yy defirtor, amanda-
Abaſed, bumiliotur, depreſſus , 6,
Abulement bumiliatio,onis, \.
To Abaih ( ſhame J proterrefocia,
fenders, is raborems deves robe al
ſaw a man, bominems
£15 a whole
name ] Aoycn,ents,m.
{put away] ebdico,|
forſake ] omendo,
ones frieniihi>
virtue, auncines
denaliftio, aman-
To Able, ( bring low] bumutio, An
ere, dieprims, ere, mitucre, gradu
p- confundor, 4i pude- |
oe in * e 15 abaibed, pudo-
ated, "confuſur, pudeſaltus, 4
: An {ohatmentd cnpypagair f.
To ABATZ res ] Subduco,detyabe,
mu r.42y ere, fi minorem f4-
care, pariem al1quam condenare, to-
tae ne1! exigere, * To abate ſome-
whatof hs right poululum de ſuo
, _ —_— cannot abate 2
Mp— wh 7 tize
boa pu, we To abate ſomewhat
E the who! '& renutieve _ -
une. * It was apnong aye
— - _ oy fs
ay, Poſiulitum fu't ut 1pen-
ys equitums FEra demerentur. «To
—_ ——_—_— animins ſran-
1 Alle | _ ] Decree o, ere,mi-
an r, wr. * His fickn. P began to
» tevioy morbus eſo cept.
To atate 1u cnes fleſh , maceſco,
att enwor.
Abated, ſubduttur, comminutur, a,
was, * Nor one abated, {1me u/ls de-
du(l ions,
Abatement Mullis, dimiautio,
An abaing5 canis, * 1 complain|
not or ene al Abatement, now query
An aba:ement (intruding] [=:rs
i0, onls, |
abatement of a Writ, exceptio
d latoria.
An abate ment { n heraldry) dim#-
The Writ abates (is overthrown)
concidit fans
Abating minuens, &e.
Abs Crew decreſcens.
ap ng nituſer, cris, m.
hy Gi, 11, Mm.
tis, m- c00-
wn T u_ » <, MW.
ti 1 0
An nel 2 Abate » ,
Toke Keep one at abbay, proteloy re-
ville (in Fronce) Abbevilla, e,t
» Abbotia, oy f. ceenedbi-
', D.
Abb: ES _—_
_ reviare * "Bw ad5yevio,
oy fee Abrid
—_— pe Lhe [ —— 2
Abcucted [led away] abduftus, #,
An 4 Abecedary, [A. B. C.] Alpbe-
betum, i. , An « B. C-boy, pur
+elemen”' ty
An DA Bo 'texoher "_—
AE Fs neegte1 4
in Bavayia
Abortency ſin —_—_
vium, or Aberconov
Aberdeen, (in moving
evans, & y
aberdore Can Scotland ] Aber-
F ... WH ſia Scetlord] Abrrdu-
ra,e, &.
"_ ord (in England JCarcoria.
ew [in the Ifle of Angleſey]
FD - Cin Monmuuthſbire]
Iver) 'n Monmenthſbire
dp Prnny | Godbanm um
Abereerh ( is Scotlond , } Abrene-
ATP peAY [going altray, ] a5err a»
10, ne
Aberryl a River is Waler,] Roto-
To 77 [et 0n) ]inſige, conCrtoy ine
Uoganm, vindico.
to aber (20) Adminiculey, ab ali-
quo fl re, Suppetias ferre, propugnn,
— _ babey *Co-
Ces il ſe avorfer:
kar rh Tow .
To be abhorred, detefi-nd ug,
or, Oris, m.
An » abto. rer of women, miſogy-
'© Abhorrence loathi
wn Abhorring 3 oa on jos
= horriegs lime eteflatio,
mY BIDE, dwell,] commorer,
i abide, Cade re
1, op- re Ts It.
To To hige tay? in or places $ub/to,
jo ore;
perduyo, are 5 Perf ty conſuls ove |
An my
_— abhorrex © Marriage, miſoge- f
A pation, Ab&reiatio
an 4 d eviating, 5 contretito, Pa |
7 agate cn/u con um. 1 *It "wil
abide, firmum of /tobile perm -n1
ru Cf. |
To a: .e [endure] fer, * I cann>t
ab de to do it, eg't eff mii fa |
cerye, * [ca nt ab: er lee you,
ſo 4a nty, delicis ſun fere in
poſjun. * I carnor a5 4 !0 1ca
of 1, reſpaunt cures * He cann't
#b de me, me mars dit. + He
canaot ab14e him out <f his
fi,h, aw inceauts fer. * lie
cann t a ilea wt), abborrert a ve
WY ris * Nu wriy tan ab 4: hm,
in & diam ambuict, * the Fa-
ih rc@ nOtay © he SON 446 par
re it! folru ex * ] : erc- 1veE hey
can a5 d. non? of u ,invi/ 5 nes
Ny eſſe 1Hry ent: *Lle cuul tm I a-
rierat, *1 am notab'e'0ah 1e
the houſe; 4u-are - equ2, it 461518,
* {Je could not ab 1: thi .--- poli
ps * I (hall not ab-qe t - be
y, n'n Þ>/un adeſe. * I'wll
n:ver ab1d* it, non prtier, nin 'e-
rom, n:n ſinams. *If you abide
but th ti-it charge, primams {1 coi-
t1.nem ſuſtinuest rs.
To abide the tow h ig nem Vent patt,
prrieulum ſur tydio lapide neuti-
yurm formidive, digeultr'ibut gui
oaſngus par efje, nullaterms ce-
An Aller, babitator, oris, m.
An Ab:ding, commor 1ti2, onis, F.
An Avid ng (abo 'eJbob! oeulumn,
An abiding [<nduring to the end, }
perſeveran' r.
An #b ding [rarry;ng] mora, ex-
pelÞ 1110 euntta're, ons, Ke,
An ab 4 ng, (ſufte ing ] tceratioy
perpeſſnn, cnis, f.
An abje-t Lon away} -5j:tw, ccn-
templus, perditur, Proflige: us.
Abe], PAIN inde 4 Fe
Abigail, A'tgail, indec, or -lis,
Abihments, appar atuy, veflitur.
Abiity (pow tr] pitenti!, * Every
one to do a-cu d ng to his ability,
_—_— fe qu 'mque ſuo modulo &f
bility [riches] facultoter, tum, f.
* He 13 of the ab-bty of a Gentle-
mat), pet facultetes equeſtris or-
dirs. * To zppo nt fune als a+-
cor ng to thr ab!lity, proefirive
Suraprum ſuneram ex cenjrhus * Of
what atibty 1s hz, quon'o valet -n-
nu cen'u * A man of ability may
Go what he lift, crom dives quis ex-
tot fici 6 quod rwult agit,
Adil y {of body] rofwr, viver.
Ab ty [ot parts } ſo/ertin, peritia.
A” milech, Atime/ectur,i,
Ab nidab, Abindob, indecl,
Ab ag:on [1m Berkitice } Abinde-
14 or Abend nia.
— —
| Ab nown. A*inam, indec.
| The A%ſſms, [a people of FEtbic-
| pin] Aff, cram.
| Abiſtaveraci (in Crhicia] OBoſa,
10 azure [ toriw-ar] A'juro, cre
To abjure the realm, efurare potri-
Abjured, 15/uratur,
An abjunng, oh ur :Hio, onis. \.
Abl-, poten, vilens, tis, idirieus.
* Not able to take pains, 1p ati-
ens daboris,
Very able, prav:lidur, proepotiernt,
>: xporens, ntts.
nn potuit «'-.- * No man were:
#bicto abide him nemo pefſur bun: |
Ao Able man { ftrorg ] validus.
* !Te w1s (© able a man, its 5.nt
viridus fat,
Abie (w # hy] orntnt as,
Ale {ik if.1) fire. il wazan
ab :1\z-2k tourcho e times, mw-
tun u top" 1 Vw latt di-
A 1: to ul: h mſelf, comer ſur _
To erciry ave CP"? {ſum , eſſe ,
To þb: 14 r- abie re )00' ts, eve
A" ab e © hola vir apprime do(ts .
To be abl:, p /um, vre2, qu2?. |
+ Eve'y +1: provid +h ue rd rg;
as hz i5 avic pro i out 03 Facu bare
pavot. * ile 5 not abierobar 10!
preatan @ vy, lam inagrne non «ft
pir invidie.* A- tar 2s Lam able,
guvd que, pro med parte, pro nin
Parte, * Non* 15 able io come
near him for 5k |) . ertifex long?
citva anulum. * W: w:rs not 2+ |
ble toy do it for pover:y, Ns: /zvit
ns egeſtrs focers * He 1s hardly |
able ro ho'd his eyes Open, vis
ſutinet prlpebras, * He isn't abie
to pay, nn eff folvendo. * Iam
2b'e to do or allow it, eff mit; un-
de bet fiant. * H wa-notabero
(rezk 3 word more, vx tn defe-
cit, * [am af a14 he wi not be
able to ttand to him, metio ut ſub
ftet. * He ow2s wore than h- 15
able to pay, animmm deber. * He
g'ves more tha he is will able,
[enienor off quom ves priitur * One
ot h'c age is abl: to b: of Nero's
guerd, prefire Ner-nem ſecurum
walet bac tas, * Ho 4 ro: able
to reſolre upon any : hing, Cur pa-
rata e/t nr quidtrm guts Corti conſt-
(i, * He wabetoſpend a Kings
revonlue,veld Hercult co mterere que-
ftam p:ſſit. * H: 15 ab'e to ſplit
a har, I e mily> valinii poterat
iew?s reſecare
Anlznels, porentia,
Th: ablative calc, caſus auſerenst,
hatinus or ſextu.
Ab ey (bl ndefs] corits
Ablu ton [wa'h ng away ] 95lutio.
Abn-gation ( flat dey ng } bne-
Abnr, A'ner, ri.
Avon, [in Szeden] 4%, <, t.
To b: a-board, in nw efe,
To go a board, niwvem conſcen-
aere. ,
Abode, c:mmor4"tn, nic, f.
Abo1z, { cwllng pizce] babita-
Having ab5>de or tariie2, cmmora»
Fir, 4, wm :
With good abode, eufpicato, 5:nir
evibus, proſperis vents, genie 11
With 1!] abode, contra euſpitiayovi-
us 4 Levd dans.
To »*bobſh, atrogo, ontiqus, ove,
obolen, invilidum redders *® To
abolil laws, (eges re/crnderegtdicia
rumpe? 0
To "Dot [detaee] 85 tera,
Abol:/hable, dele*1bs, e
Abolthed, antiquatur, ebolrtur,
To be monde z eble/co, ere.
Aboliihment, 2 exouttorati5,9* |
An 3 Abolilhing, $ boli119 abyoger |
11s, an 1quitto,
Abolition {10 Court] abolt! in, otti- |
ents in/titul < perempiio. |
Abomnables odrofſus, execratilis, |
An abominab.e faft, flagrtinm. |
Abominably, dz 5t, abeminandumn tn
Num. |
To abm na e, 40 ning'y ore,
Toub mnaic {loath] fifiiois,
Abom.nabl; (m, hy] vebemnty.
An Abominat.0n,95mi 13:19, ons, t,
res execr anda, deteſt i'r is,
Full of abomination, o' min ſis.
An aborſkement, 45 r'«s.
To Abor: {miſcarry] 25 rtvo, ire,
Avoriive, ab3rti' us, 4, un. _
An abortive birth, ofa, c t&
A3OVEF, [NOT B:LOW ] fu-
per, /upre,as, * He placed them
«a>07t tymielt, futer /e £18 c9'lcens
vit * 4":ics lar abuyer wm, Ver
ris brlow mty ſupra me Atticus,
infra er 1ius acoubuer ont. |
ABOVE, ( in grearne*1s, place x
ex-ellency 0: hyunour Jar pre ry,
Jurericy, «ae, as. * Huw liberal ty}
Is above his ability, mfr eff bes!
nignits efus gum focutites. Coe-!
Sw could not endure any one!
above him, Coſar p icyem ferren n,
poim!, * You hainone above You
in degree of h:nour, nemmem bo
bers benoris grain ſuperiorem. * He
fits above his matter. ſup2ricy cum
brrus accumbit. * A good nume
1+ above wzaith, An: efiimmn
divitiis proeftet, * "Tis farce a-
b ve the kn1es, vic genu t ſuerar.
ABOVe, {more or ;orger than]
plus, ompins, magis cum, &c,|
as * aboveiw2s thuv'an1, plus Ono]
mi 11, * Abwverwo hourves, om-
pl us dunbus borzs » Above thirty|
years old, plus ann, trigret i netas.
* Above a tvot h gh, pede aitior,
ABROV E, {b*yon3 o: more than]
ente, witra, proater, ſupra * As;
above all, ante cm, * No one!
th-ng above the reit, nitit proeters
Cetera, * Above hs itieugths!
uit/9 of ſup 4 v1'#r, [
A:OVE, tujwa d] ſu fun, as
* the ears arc 1gh'y placed
»bov eqrette ſurſun ſuit wres,
Ave all, (more et ecielly] po-
tifſimum,cam p min,
Above that, in uper. ad, extra, ſu-
per bec.
F:om »bove, ſuns, drſupey,
All th:rg; +bove, ſugera omit.
H1- heat w above w rerg,ext tl eoprte
ex a,ui, * It ts # toor aud a halfe!
above grou nt, ext:t : terra Sj |
tide, * He nabcve cen years vid,
dere ann exc fit.
To be above (cx c') geſt».
To get above one, ſupero
To aboun1, o/ an2o, ſcatio, of ma,
* To abound in a-eiſacics, ne-!
eeff iis | offuere, * When choler |
abounds 1:{:afes grow redunderda|
bile merli ii ſeurtor, * When I
ſaw men ebound ng in thele, cum |
viderom bennnes tis rebus earcum- |
To mak* to z2bound, wowmul ns, ave. ;
ABO U T, has cver+ fign ficars- |
ous, ana accord'rg'y 1 dvefly!
made in Latine : |. metimes by. |
Ad. a,about ten thontand, ad _
milzr, * Atour which time, od
que trupors. * About fun let, |
ad ſult «ccaſun,
Apud, ifhe be about the markets |
4 0 erun of, : '
4 c Pet 100m. _ The cities out |
Caſt, wrles:; cr Capu rm. * They!
watered pbout Aquitera, crown |
Aquile:wm byemabont. * Your her
ters mind 1s about the green fields,
tirca viferites off aniimus tweet cam-
a A 4
| pos joyrca. * The at dives
1010ns abou, theie things, vorrs |
ores hetc pinto, * about break of
day, ewes twucts oriurs IT
Circiter,4s, Ab ut no Ny crater ma-
ridiem. *abour e ght a clock otts-
yam circrter bor .m.
Dey as, } came ty ycu about your
dau, hicr, adit te ve Bales. E
F.yme, 2+, About ih: ſame time , itſ-
dim ferme dithus, ;
I, as, You are Jeng about this buſi-
reis, 4/4 «5 in boe negro,
Inft:r, aiy * Tis about 4 tmeers longs
"ſtay qu 1twor digiterun off,
Plu; minus,as Abuut thirty days,
dies plus mer nm, tr: ginta,
Q« /', a% Abour the bottom of the
tic, #17 10 extrema pagina,
* Abou: rey pounds, gwr/s gua-
dr 1g1 vita mine. * About a toot
bg, qu pedals.
re Aboutthe ſame time, fb
| edte.
| ABOUT, f[ready to] by a fu-
1domn [pus
this rater, bac ſur ve ſeribems |
"ACT _
all over The fields,per ogro: poſſim
«ſpe git corpul, '
ABROAD, [ in forein parts]
That report runs abroad, ee foams
vagatur, * He makes it known
abroad, vulgo notum facit, * There
{o many tales abroad that no
dy know. what to beheve, tt
crcumfernntur mendacia wt n ſtias
quid eregderigum it,
lo Abrogate, { make void] abrogo
ort, reſigo.
an Abrogating, Þ Abregaticy en's,f.
—_ abro a'!, 4 um.
To fit ab 004d, SrcuSore ovis.
Abru-zt, {broken of ] prevuptur.
AdVETRED, Þ Abuptic ent 1
Abrutly, riptim, provupts.
Abi'uzzo, {a counuey in Italy}
' Abſalom, 4ſe ems ind.c. or Abſa-
Super, 8 Iwlw ire to you about |
Abſ:nce, eb/in ia, deſidrrinm,
Don: in «b{ nce, 25 nanens,
Ab'ent, abſens. nts.
ric nr of the follow ng verd, | Tob:abinr, a'ſum, obeſe, :
! * As, be'ng ©bout ro fizphe his Jait | To ablear h:micit,, ([pizy leat in, wltimn pgrelineg imiln-| fight] abeffe, cbdere +, proaſenion
| | fe wn fijteve, ſe loco abſt neve.
yur, Ke, 4
ABOUT (go 2 out] it, aggrede-
| 1h- fc heit way about 1s the wea-
re!t way howe, comprret ! phrues-
gar, diſfonats, wis intze vid
Fro y, ('n Ireland], <.
brahan, Airctam, &, 5 of Ab5re-
bamut, 1.
Abrahams Lalm or hemp-tres,
| An abricot, prunum Armen arum
! An abr coc-rree. molus Armen oc.
| To abridge, AbSrovio, artio, arr,
To ab{vive, (a<qu t] aff ive, ove.
To abſo-ve is Judgment, rum 4b-
felune,crmme Lberave, mnnoenne
tom proniuncy ate ax Vols 4X mars.
Tob: abioived, {5 yari, omnine
ſun en tis abſcivi, ſe prricults «x-
Adſolved, e5*lumwn.
Abſlute, (perf:&) ebſelutus, cm-
mbs; num: 711 perſecins. Es
Abſolute [nor de ending JSu7 Furir,
Abſolkireiy, ASS nts, pt -mffume
Abſolu enols, dowwnetts, ny, te
Ab: tution, abfolutro, ons tf.
| ccatrabo, ore, ads certa cat's f*- | Ablolutory, abſuluterinr, . wn.
ducire, in ſummon redige ©, wi9 | To Ab ay, e*grn 6,70, * To ab-
a'p tu perare, in comp ndiues © | ſtain fron plaſu e, 4 wilupratum
£77, mu/tum in paura conforre. Heceb. 11 :bboyy rs 19 opt tins torn
* Io abridge ons liberiy, Corr | peyove, viluptati un; be wm indicere,
ceo, mm ordinem vedrgers. * To | Defraudays gen ww placid ls abſtivne-
abndge oacs Charges, Suwpinrs | oo bir, * To abitzin from mezt,
cantrakere. . | e164 abſtinere, matiem controbere,
An Ab>ydoment, compendium, oft- | y ntri be um indicere. * D- firing
tome, Synapity, commenreviolur, | they would murther
brevis axepirentin, ſumme nigett,| 2 < fire, precantes ut cadibu; &f
| ſanmarorum facie Incendr's pircerent .
' Ab coach, rerobrarus od promentum. | Ab{temiou:, {© ber]-b/fteminr.
| To ſet ab:oach, or tap } teri- | Ablierſire, {| cleauling ] offorji-
7.18 Two.
| ABKOA D, fin the oven air, Ab :1nen:e, ebflinentia, continen-
| from home, or not wihin] Fry, | ne.
{ Sub ao, im publico or eperts. A+, ' Tov abſtrat, ſeparate} ob/trabo,
| * they 0'ren kup abruad f mrſ a0 | FS jung», ore, 1gr1'go, are.
; exnont, * There muſt b» a f:|An Ab iratt, eput:me, compendium,
place taken abroad, [doneus ſub | 2bftr (j
dio ſumentus /orue, * He lay | Abil.uſe, [Dark] oecultar, abftire- |
| abroad all n ght, pernoftovit in| fu
| publics, ; | Abltruſenels, cburitar, otic, f.
ABROAD, [from wt'hin or | Abſu-5, [toolh } abfordur, impre-
| into the open air] 175, 1 publt | tunus, roti-m diſenus or difſerte-
cus or apertiun. As, * h{tock me!,
by wy iclt avroed wih Ii”, me 'Somn what abu d, ſab bfurdus,
ſo'um Fein it frar *4 kncewyou tl V v »b u d; per 1b ſurans,
do not come ab'oat, ſerv ie in| A ab'u.d ry, abſurlils, atis, F,
publ cum non proce. * It is not! Ab urily abfar?ls, inconereus.
my dire that yuu il.0u! 35 ubl th | ve y ab urdiy, per rb ſurds.
thi. wo: k »br0ad. toc £192 aprr= | Abun ance, o uni nba c:fia, epu-
tum w1 proferas mbilp flute, * He- | lentic whertas, ſatietas, * Aban-
| — abroad, pricedit in medr- | —_— of t uit this year. anus exus
| ' rat pr 1. * Abundance «tf leaves,
! ABROAD, Call _ poſſim ; felr rum, * Aat_:
| A. ihe icatters the y ab:0ad } of firaw and fudder, fromims &f
OD —O—
gud efotw. * Conn with abun.
ance Or ears, ſeges whirib we;
erebrisſpicis, *A%a bf
tales. abunde fabu/aruny.
an hq — Loverplus] corolla.
Too much abundance, ſuperobur-
Abundant or abounfivg, abundens,
coproſus, u5.y.
bundantly,ebund-,copi:ſe, uher tim,
* The fruits of the Ear:b yie.g
abundantly, tnre ſatu: profurdun.
tur mebrs, * He was abualantiy
thanktull, cunulat! ſims mibi (rae
Ham reddrdit. * | thick I have
abundantly 12t'Sticd h'my put, me
eff atim ſati;feci ſe.
T- abuſe, e*wt 1, ti; 14:10, are ; come
vict yy art 5 injw tim alichi i f vos
or immiltere, Calumnti ow rare
* Youu iliall not abule me in mine
cwa houſe, fax2 ſerutis non 1i/us
b nc 11 ulam off r,
To abule ca.naliy,potu?, ore.
Io abule to one, tac: ſcurroy.
An aveſe, Abujiz, 0rti, 3. cbaſur,
Us, ID, Cort. rum.
Abutei, viclatas abuſus.
An Abuicr, wil tr, udificcty,
wWr/, m.
An bu{ing, mated; 73.
| Abuſive, etc x, «ci, 3 /[Curre, <, Mm.
Abufively, otw/ivr, ſurilitey,
{Abuiivenc!s, $currr it 4s.
| Full ct abutiverels, /currt'ts,
| Abutieh (6 Egypt) Alone.
To a ut), ( borde- up0n ) 2452400, 299,
collz iter, art, contirwi ivy 0's.
Aburtals, {& wites, conf 14, tormit 2.
Abur-1ng, contirmi- u7, 0. #7, :
' Anabyſ:,(>0-comleC. picJo! i] 5,4, fe
Aco, [in Ptericn) Ftlemat'y tis
| = : 3Gemy, /Acadern 2,
cCa%tem!an .
| Acecement F Academi wig 6, a8.
| Academicks, Academici,crum.
To accele;ate, [haſt.u] accelerc,
Accelerate, acceleratur.
An accent, accentus, t.nus, apex,
To accert, accentum ap; ingere,
To accept, acc; i2, ore. * He ac-
| ceprs my reque 's and petitions,
oftulrt: of petitiinus ſuſtipit
[T6 accept of kin«ly, gratum & cc-
ceptum babove, equr & butt can»
| ſulcre, lets frerts atipure,
[ Acceptabl:, optatur, charus, gre tus,
| *]: will be veryzcceptable to me,
14 mit pergratum «crit,
Acce,t»biene s gratia.
Acceptably, p's
Acceptance, 51.v lent: 7,
A » acC8[ tus, gr atur,
To be accepted accept », avi.
[An acceſs, [coming t.] acceſſur,
editury tr, Mm. :
To hive accels unto, admittory ts :
ad congreſſum adwitti, * Nc
man can hve acrel-to him, new
ad cum afji/are pt-fi, * That ]
may have an eafie acce's to you
| hbrary, ut wits tar rhe puteart.
| Ace ble £2008 come at] expo
tur, eff abilis.
| Acceti9n,[ atd1:10nJadditamentum,
| £6111.
An Acceſſay 2 conſ rs conjure ti
Acceſſo y 5 ons, affni cs, popu-
iarii.ſtrlhrisconſerus, timin;e or
freime is ſemmentpee offini . * They
thought he was acceiſo.y, proetut
' ſuſpiernem conſeientie, |
Az Acreſſo-
The Aecidence, Gremmalices in-
cidens, _ tuitns.
al. contingens.
An Acccaſtirg, [Lending ] opp «l-
1 ti, Mm,
0 Accommodayge, [ fit ] accoms-
modo, adopt.
Accomm odated, infiratius.
To Accommed?te { a difference }
pocem vedintegrare, controverfiam
inmere. -
To Acecmmodate { Furniſh one }
Suppedito. ; :
An Accommodation [ making up
of a difterence ] commeditas, re-
dintegratio pocis. :
To Accompaty [ go ] comi-
tor, ati; ſe ſecium itiner1; dare:
* He Accompanies - him, ſe Ui
comitem exbiber. * Many Accom-
Panied him home, frequentes cum
deduxerunt demum. * To Accom-
pany the Corps to Church , pro-
ſequi fun.
To Acrempeny [ keep Company
with } eafſhms ſimul wivere y
cum «liquo ofhduus Ee or conſue-
diſcedeve, ;
Accompamied, comrtotur.
An Accompani-r, deduttcr.
Az Accompeny:ng, Jeduttio.
To accompliſh, conſummo,
odrmples, conficio, ere, * To ac-
compliſh ones vows, vets
re, vori fidem ſoly-ye, *
ones d accompliſhed , votir
frui or potivi, voto dammari, voti
ſui ſummam conſequi, * To ac-
compliſh cnes Deſtiny, foto ſua
compleye, exitu defungr.. * To ac-
irom vl eftum in aliquermn conſurn-
t one ACCORD, unonimis, e.
With one accord, concorditer,unani-
miter, wno enimo, * They pa-
thered themſelves tcgether with
one congreg arunt ſo pariter
od um wno animo. .
By mutual accord, ex compatto, ex
To ping [ agree ] cenſantio,ton-
cordo,convenio, as, * I accord with
you, cenſentio 115i, corvenit mibi
tum, * To accord in an Opi-
NiON, cencurrere inunem ſententi-
om, uno ore conſentire,
To accord in mutual afeftion,idew
Us, uri fiudere, con
Junlti fon + inter ſe vivere.
To accord, [ make toazgree ] com
pono, cencilio, Hites ce mponere, In
| mg redigere, in concordiam ro-
ACCORDING AS, preut, pe-
rinde wt; #0 oc, pro 40 wt. 2s,
* According as every mans plea-
ſure is, preut cujuſque libido oft.
* According as the opinion of e-
very mang manners is, perinde wt
opinio oft de cujuſque meritur, * Ac.
cording as 1 de erve, pro 00 ac me-
tudinem babtre, @ latere nunquam fit,
' bid gerit omnia,
comp l-ſh anger 0; fury upon one, |
reor., * According as the time
ſuffer, pro 8 wt temporis
drfficultas tulit. * According 2s
there ſhall be need, «!cunque opus
ex, ſecundum, pro, &o. as, * He
ſpeaks nothing according to truth,
nibil ad weritatem loquitur, * He
doth all according to his own
mind onely, de ſuo. unins ſenten-
* The eauſe
thall be weighed according to
truth, ex veritats cauſe pendet.
. According to PpSment, ex
compo/ito, Which is moſt ac-
cord\nz to Nature, quod eff 4 na-
tura mexim?. * To hve acoord-
ing to ones own Nature, ſecundum
naturam ſuom vivere. * Let him
An accountants C
Acceſſorily, obifer. ” Thop came of their own acco:d, , tis. * Ty caſt account with hs
4 voluntate venerunt. Pen , ſiri5hendo conficere yotiones.
* To call one to account , ad ra-
tinem reddendam worare. * To
give an account of ance Going,
rationem fattoruw reddeve. *
is caſting up h s accounts, retic-
nes colligit, %* You are out in
your account, non reſpondet opini-
on! calculus, * You are right in
your account , retls rotionem ts-
nes, * It js a clear account, ra-
t19 apporet, * Ou; accounts agree|
very well, bene ratio inter nos ac-
cept! & expenſi conventt, * They
are not yet put into the accountss|
in ration:im nondum vinrant, * I
make this account, mea /ic oft yo+!
tio, * To give a good account of
a thing, rt! couſom grobabilems red-
ders, * To give an account of 2
battle, preeli: decurſum ordine +x-
} -- accounting, com in, calcy-
latio, dates _—_ by
A htrle account, computatiuncula,
Bills of account. litere rotienarie.
A book of accounts, Diarium, /i-
',- Dong & expenſi, _
calter of arconnts, £ or
calculet«y. OY
Accountable , computebilis, rationi
reddende © ins.
Of accounts, calcularim, rationa-
An accountant, | giftice peritus.
[4 5 A opbithols- |
Tos crum. [ " J fi f,
0 account [eſteem] eftimo, facio,
Jun duo, tabeo, judico. t
0 make great account of , wagnt
fat), in diliciis bobeo, 1n oculis
fero, * I make no great account]!
of, new m-ga- pendo, * If you
make 1o great account of me, /i
me tant: facis, * They made great
Account of 1t, is ſ-mme opud i
los bonore fuit. :
To mak* Little Account cf,
out nitili pendo. * 1: may be you
make little Account what mes
haye according to his deſercs, qucd
mwritns fit ferat, #* Itis accord-| of me, Ts forteſſe quid de mu fret
ing to our wiſh, veto conventt yes | parvi curas, wet
* According to my former cu- [An Account, { Eſhmarion ] pre-
meo priſtine more. * Ac-| cinm. * Men of no Account ig”
to the efteem I have of | nota capita 3 bomines viter, mibilt +
ins nomine turha, * To be of
ſome or no Account, alique vel
nulle eſſe numero, * Authors of
good Account, claſſic1 ſcriptores.
W hat Account d1d Ceſer make
of you ? quem! o am opud Ceſarem
ebtinuiſti } * They re of no Ac-
eo J oo
. | conernenter, ſic, pariter. Account of Pleaſure, chgRets)
AN = Ca | (oſreement T on { 4 by Somme 12 ho
concordia, c 10, conſenſus. * tor, cengredi oricr, ac-| © ecount but ws him
the matter _—_ be brorght to an| —_ anio, "oY Fo bode e modo Camonters
— = 1 5 py res y Age ecmpellatus, ignotus \ Ot great Account,
eft. s reat force 'An , quis,
- the accord of 'ooc Wems manxi- An , ' $ compellotio. Ee, Sabina, &e.
ma vis oft in conſenſu - To account, { RECKON J] nuwmere, | To Acceutre, { Drels ] epparoyin-
* accord of all Nations is to | fi c 0, ore, * He ac- 2, crnog 14ſtio.
be accounted the Law of Nature, | counts of that a all elear gain, | Accoutred, inflrutiut,ornatur.
cmminy gentium conſenſio lex nature cmne id deputat «fſe in tucro. * He | Accoutrements, Arma, apperatus,
mo "FO oy -— _ _- ad atio,_ inf
, is. her, our, your or ecundus 4 Re . ceoutrings s io, infiru-
their own” ACCORD, altro,| » Itewillt be accounted 28 done by | 0s. puts HALt.
Jponte { voluntote ] med, txi,ſud, | no right, pro eo bobendum oft ac (:| To accrew, [ riſe, grow ] Accreſto,|
noftra, wftlrd. as, You did it of | aullo jure fottum ofſet, * 1 make| y
your Gown accord nte twd fa-
ciehar, *% He gave "1 me of 1
owa gecord , witro mibi dedit.
—— — _
account, fert onimus , In enimo Ty. Accroach, 9us «liemum inva-
er, ©
An account, computum,coleuluy, re
M Yeſatie —_—
; Na ma Sg
aw cum 4s ro-
pr nedie * He Aid my Friend
of Bribery, nomen Amici met io
mite detulit, * He might A e-|
cuſe anothe Bribery, »/+ «l-
trum > o crimine arceſ].vit.
To Aecu'e, yume } 6 culPo,
te Giciſe nn ew
To Accuſe falſely, crlumnior, in- |
Y anos crimineri, filto crimine in- |
( Accuſe ſeeretly, defero, erre
To be Accuſedyin jus vocori, judicio
Foes accuſatus, argut
| falſely, Falk Cletus,
j Accuſtd ſeere: elatus.
An Accuſer, eccuſ+tor . incuſator, d#-
, ator
A partaker with an Accuſer, ſu5-
: A ta Yy Accuſer, calummi ator.
An Accuſer ſuborned, immi(] ovine.
, An A-cuſe- Corrupted by the Per-
, lon Accuſed, pro v-ric tor. * To
ſer u> againit himſelf a Corrupt
Accuſer, gue fibi ap-
Poe Accuſer, de
- eeſalt Crimi
To f ame an ; I oc ecenſatio-
nem PW ſcipere.
A taiſe Accuſation,Sycophan'io,mg.
liticfa @ mundax infematio.
A Lo ret A Acculation, dela!io, dels.
— ——-
or an Accuſation, accuſotorins.
The Acculative caſe, coſus accuſon-
Sh incuſandi, accuſativaes Of quar-
To be Aceuſed, accuſandus.
TI one is Acculed, accuſa-
Lingo Ogaie con
ec cly, column oſs,
| oy alle alle Acculing, ; cel, = Syco-
| 7 — o([neſaci capftts
| a conſu etudrinom _ . x
| ww days. * So miich it 1s to
Accuſtome ones ſelf in Youth,ede6
US a bog aſſet c, fo
Not Aceuſtomed,inafitetur,inſobus,
inſolitws1,inſnetus, * Accuſto=
med t0 receive Truths, inſolens
F ,#fſ of , Fe
_ þ pn ldotuap fon T
The Ace, ( at Cards ) mon, -&-
| honey ty, ( ſharpneſs ) ecorbitar ,
Ace:cazs (in vom ) Acterontia,
ropre- dolcy.
0 not Accuſe you, | The Tecth-erhearatelglo ration
o Accuſtome himſelf, oſſuſte, J«| Acknow
e-throw, 2
dis, f.
end | Acerrs Fawba 10 Naples ) Acerre, rum.
Achamba my et Iſland ) Tc
© | ofa AC ACHE, deley, ori,
The Head-ache, cephalotgia, copitis
An extreme Ache of a Bile, wiceris
To have an Ache, doko
Ackelo (in Thrace } co. che,
e Ac 1, 0s cox melicis,
Ache for Tg ( Herb) 4-
tos ACHIEVE » pete, afſequey,
zc wpremaem $929 10993 1004=
os © I could not Achieve it,
1d obire non * He has A-
cores his Labours, per ſuntins oft
To be Achieved , p:itror, * The
Moyy' 18 Achieved, Vittoria con-
Achieved , confell ur, geſtus, tran-
n Achiever, conſefior. * An A-
prone of vikories, Vitterrarum
An in Ach eving , confeftio , conſum-
Achering of great matters, mug -
An Achievement , Precleram fa-
Ach. cvements (10 Heraldry ) In- |
bes ( # River of | Armenia the
greater, ) Aroxes.
yp -16 ( in Macedonia) Achris
Achierwald ( ( a Wesd _ Low-
's ceuho-
med s
na Us (— 1
»g our Anceſtors
| | he w_. - and Aceuliomed,
. To Accumulate, { heap up ] re of Fo In more poſitum 1nſtitut que a bark Acorn, 23" —_—— |
s. 07 um.
ed lat ſur pari To ( —_ Londes |
en la ing = To IT - albomed, iſ F .. = lang: —_ on =_
oleſ- ifer,
Aveurnte [ ] accuratus, —" g co, - hag F od ny ASCOT, hay
ee t cio, indico, commeneſacro, ne uw
fennel e, ali ivr: An Aceuſftom: vg » #ſſme folio. fo. * Acquant my Matter ,
Aecu The Ace, ( point p] ts 4% Jadictinm bero facias mae. He
To ACCUSE, eco aſd, eri=| | Theo -2ce, om Acquainrts them with his mind,
guid previ volit oftendit. .
ry careful to Acquaint us, foc nos
qu1m diligmnſſime certiores.
Acquaintance ( Familiarity ) foami-
liontes » ncceſſitudo , conſurtudo,
* Our Acquaintance 18 of no long
ſtanding, non lenge cognitus y_
* To ſeck ones nteance,
_ ug —_— oppticare A
ones Acquaintance ,
em'citiom alicujus fibt concitiore.
* To take Acquaintance,, 4d li. |
« ſo, E.. Upon what
qua gratie , quo
nomIne 7? * [ have no Acquaintance
,neque te quis [is b:1o ſcio,
* I have notthe le cquaimt-
ance with him aus on eter [it
neſcis, * I have little Aequar!nt-
ance with you, Uſus enicitie ts-
cum m1bi paris,
mine ,_ notus mibi quidom. * An
intimate Acquaintance of mine,
Knus ox intimi; mir familioribus.
* Heis one of my old Acquaint- |
Ine, / ſumma wihi cum © conſutu-
& familioritas pervetus off * A
very great A ance of his,
Summa cum PRGSRGA ili con-
FL ve
Acquainted but a very little |
while, inter nos nupera «ff admo»
dum notitre,
To become Aequainted COgarnny »
notiriom intey ſe aſciſcere
To — Hoqulratecs certiorens fa-
him Acquaint-
Tg make Plots, cmnio #bi
ilia, * And he never
cquainted what it was,
Nee phery id jit mibi certius feet,
» Should not 1 have been made
Acquapendente » (in Tuſcany)
A .
To Require Teſt ſatisfied ) ar»
Fs or iy Cp ——
at u me, _s quie c :
# ſco # », we” To AS An A quieſeing, 5 "0 » ofſew-
know that has his L'fe by | Acquiejcenee,
ones eourteſie, om reſerre ſa- | Aequieſced in, ET quo con-
lutem ſuam olic 14, | tents ſun.
* To 20 _ it 0owiDgy «c- To Aoquice Lo HB] acquiye, tres
TO Ack Acknowledge before an _— An Aequirings ad jettio, onis, f.
profprecy, ori. Acquilition, $ Arceſſn, onto, F F- bis
i ap pun b on fon, hr: Ty
An Ar es iti0,n0- 0 1
exmere, lit s ovens.
= -47 Slwragny ; _ pon —_—_— * To
Aconite ( Wolfs-bane ) oconitum. | Acquit one from blame, Atquer
An Acorn, glews, a f- ex culpa —_ * He was Ac-
—_—— ——
quitted by every one, omnibus ſen-
tentirs abſolutur eſt. * We do not
deny bur th:y may be acquited,
gw minis ſecundum e134 bis detur
nen recuſamus, *® He Acquitted
him(elt handſome'y in that buſi-
nels, {aut? munus ſoun admuni-
cquittal, A*ſtutio, onis, f.
An my ce for money reee'v-
*e1, Acceptilatio, enis, t. Apecha,
$11.grapks, |
Acquirted, Sclutui, Aſolutw, Lite-
Arr Acre, fug:rum,
Acr- by Act, jugeratim.
Aernnony [ilar pres) Acriments.
An Acrroi:ick, cyoftichrs, 1415, i.
Acs {in Gaſcegre] Aque Torbehe,
or Auewſfle,
Acſar | 12 Gilcia] Anagy rl ue,
To ACT, Ag", ere, Recit,, * To
AX (ta-e playes, /udos /con:' cus 0-
gere, tiſtrionmcam exercere, * We
are goirg to att a play, foiulam
ottury ſungus.
An Ac or deed, F*0um. G:ffum.
An Att or decree, Senatuscnſultum,
Decretum, Scrum.
An At in a play, Aflus, fi, wm.
A noble Act, fatinus norte. * You
will have done a great At, Pug-
navers !
Aw cked crhein-us AR, F cinus
Ants :e, 1:ired, Alt 1, crum, n.
An A*%mg, Gefticul io.
An ACTION, Atiun, 8
An Acton 15 the law, Dia, lig,
Fymuls, * An Attion perſonal,
atro © niiftitia, or in perſona.
An A*tion of treſpaſs, In uriarum
Y»wulg * Tolue upon an action
Of reſpaſs, 1njurioam cum a/tquo a-
An Attion of corenant, Furmuls
p-Utr & convents.
an AQion withdrawn, Attic reſciſ-
Actions [ among merchants] P-cu-
im, ſors. * How go Actions ?
Quanti valent ſorges ©
To trirg an Action $argn On-,
To enter an Ationy Diiam ſe t-
beye or imprngere, in jus vcore,
litems in'enderegde'ttcrem interpella-
ye, * D dit thou ever hear an
action brought againſt me? ce4c
dum 4! wigqurm cndiſty mitt nguri-
arum /Criptom dicam.
To lole h s Attion, Lite or cauſa ca-
dere, intrntionem perdere
Ative, Agilts, Gnavur Sirengas,
Attiwely. Str:nus, P. onipte
Attivity D-xteritcs, Gnevit as.
Aa Actor {'5S.age-pleyer] Heſtrio,
enls, Mm.
An Actreſs, Mim-.
Arua', Aftualts, in attu
Acuzly, Revero, in a('x.
AnAtuy, Alumni,
Adam, Adom, <, or Adamur, i.
Adam's apple (a tree] pomunm A-
Aczemant {loadftone] mognes.
An Adamant [diamond] edeamas, _— dumo, Dire'tus.
Adamantine, :damaontinus.
To Adact [make fit] adojto. Fan
Adapted, ad-ptarus, Aien! 11 Ar:6107) Adonum.
An Adapting,edoptatio. | Adequa e [qual] Alcguiter
Adare [in Ireland} Adavo. | To Adhzre [cleave uito} Adbe-
Adazar (a hill in Aſia] Coutofus, | ye ro, ore.
To ADDb, add, app- nog 2/0, PEEL, An Adheient & artnzr) Par'icepr,
Co, Adrungogere 5 Anreltents (kr #47
lum eugeye, acteſſionem magnom f 1- An Achering, Aibeſro, on! X f
Cer, ric rementum vet atferre. * To! Adjacent ncar}) A Ja cons,
aJ1 his judgment, Judiciom inter Comer mans.
pon-re * To Add oneto the rum- | Acia;ho y [tnliferency} Adiaphe-
er, al quim in numiram dggregss a Hd: ffereviia. -
re. * Add ſcmet hing fo eg' wW th n Adj :etrve A ije(!rvum,
his breg I, cd panem a;1qutd dhe A4itu (t.rews!] V te,
* To Add fuel to the tres Oiewn Io AG on, Adjuneo,
addere ermino, | Arjomet! Atjuntiur
To Add [join to) A/jungo, Con- Acj»ning A zen, Anir, Aciw-|
ne'to, - | bare, Finiimus, Continans, incon- |
To Ad1 [reckon toJ Amnurers, | £610 Peſitus, EP
Ailſeri$s, { To Ac urn (put off J Drffero,Pro- |
To A1., over and at ove, Superadds,' _{*t*, Comperendm, =
Ea707 10a, ove, n ; To Aq) urs he Parliament, C:n-|
To Ad! tog*ther, Condds, eve. vertum in allo diem” tf reve, |
To Add iv iperkine, Swperdicr, ere, A) DES, Dilatus, Compererdina- |
Io he A&"e4, 2ddir, er, accedo, ove.
AC41cd, "Additur, odrunttu-.
Adzed to ihe nuaber ©; ochre, ad
Is", :
An Av irning,
Dat. Co pe-
An Adjou nmon R—_
rendina! 9
riprivies. FIN | To Adjucge, Adi, Audio, Di-
Athong Added beſide the purpoſe, 7« '760- ;
pore g 9 a | A jutp d, Adjudic tus Aldiliur
An Adding, Additio, adjeitiv, acceſ- An Adjung ng Adjudientro,
flo, 0111. | Adnimen* (h 1] A jumentumn.
An Aidition, Additamentam, Ap- An AG)\nt [a thing joined) AJ-
*mdrw, nas | 14/1,
An Adder, I":per 7, Colub-y, A*jurztion { an earneſt cha.gin, ]
A little Adder, Coluwberen/us, Ad jer 110,
A water-Adders Hydra, Natrix, To Adjurey Adjuro,
To Adjuit [ict in order] Compons,
Ot url kean Adder, Iiperens, 7. Confiero, :
WIrui, d, umn. | Adjuited, Comp ſits, Accommoda
An Adders kin FVernetio. exuvie,! 1.
Adder's-tongue [herb] Opti.g! f- An Atjuſtin*. Arcommodati»,
ſum, tingur ſerpentina, An Adjurant [helper] Adjuter,
Adder's-g als. Con {orctis, | Adle fee Adg.e. ;
Adder-wort, Bi/t:rta. | To Adie [cam] Salariam vel proc- |
An Acd ce [4 Cooper's tool] Hay-| m1nm mererr.
pag 1, Dolabra, A1me3'urement, Admenſuratio,
A hitle Addice. dolatellg, To Adminiſter, Admrnijtro, |
To Addict (give up] Addice, De-! To Ailmmiter hyſick, Adtibere |
ES: Son EI.
vovee, * To Aa hmief to | we. d1c10o0m., bs
ſome art, oriem eclere. * To AA- An Atmmiltrator [d.poſcs] Ads |
d&& hiuſe.t to live uprightly, f's, mn firater. ; FE
legem mnocent! © ind\ceve. ; An A*mmſtratrix, Adminiftratrix, \
Addicted, Additins, Dedirus, deve-!' ict. | |
tws, Denatus # In thoſ- Fudies ' An Adminiftring, Admini tra- |
towhr h we are bath Adder, ' An Aimmittranion, 3 to
tit ſtudiis quia; uterque noſhiim An Adaral, Thaleſhivebay o&, m. |
d-y-nttus eft el:fhis prefottus or legatus. — I
Add-2ed [carneſtly d ſpoſed] Stu- An Adau-al [ilmp] Nave protie- |
ICs. ' Fi2. F
An Addicting, Dicatus, fs, m, di-| To go Admiral, Maris prefeituram
eotio, onis, and cicature, — .
Ad!ite [coming from, the lees of | The Aimira)hip, or A4miraPs-ct-
wine] arida vini fax, cruftat: | fire, Thalafftaretra
Jex dolor r, | The A4miral'y [Court] forum Tha- |
Addie, Irritus, Vreuwr, % An Ads Gofharcbie: .
dle-egge, ovum arnam, ſa'venta- | To Admire. Miv.y, Admirer, fl
neue, Sephyriuam, * Addic-h211-| ſequor, Sſpicrs, ® Every one ad-
ed, faingr, * Your brain+# e A4-| mrvres yam, 26 banc occult ommrs con»
die, m7» tif! ſorum oft ſin 10 87, | work funt,
To A-dou'e: [1we- en] Edaico, | An Am'ration, 2 44mivatio
To Adcr.ſs [apply] Apio, Accin- | An Almirng, 5” 6 :
£0, Ports Procingo. | To have m A4m'ration, Stweo,Mt-
lo Addrels [cirect unts) Dirigo,} vor. ts
ore, _ | Aimrable, I ignis, Mirandus, Su-
Au Addreſs {diretion] forma di-
| ſpicrendus.
; | A<mwad'y, Infigriter.
an Addreſs [petition] Lize”ws ſu>- |
; -
kle Axis him to the tree»
Admiflion, Adwfhe, on's, f.
plac. To Am t Adimiito, Ad fevito Atſct»
An Acdreſs [ſprakizgto] Compet- | ſea. *
latio. : Com, \
mm—__ 1
aDo -
it be ſo, -/to, Fit,
mus, fac 12 0//ty non re! gn”
to o-ders, mitier: ſcris,
Aimittable, :dmiitendus,
cepinm conv uiendi baberey ad Colo
quam "dm tr
Admitted (into a Colledge] C-<p-
Admitted [into orders] Initiatus
| Admitted, Admiſſur, Atſeiw.,
An Ataittivg, adm1ffrc, ons, fe
To Adm x, Aem' ſero,
Adm xe, Admiftu.
| AdTixtion {[minghne] Admretio,
| To Admoniili, Mine , coritoren red
Admoniſhed, Admnnitur. :
An Admonithers Admontor, 0r:s.m,
An Admon'ſhirg, 2 Admen tro, Mo-
An AdmoTtior, > nu
T> Adnihila:e [bring
Adn hilzed, 14 nib lum yedaGt ur,
Aloe (ttir} Tar5:, Tarultzs, * To
m:ke much a%g%, magnoy comer tare
| Inrb 5, tempeſt tes excerime, * Whit
{ Atoe he makes ? quintos trag dt -
| £3 excitat7 * The-: will b- old
Ados then, twe ile turhe fient.
* Why do you keep ſuch Agce ?
pe M1, MM.
ou: 112 twmulth is ?
Much Adoe. V ie. grenn
Viih much Adoz, $ [ine mergno /4-
to get 1: done. difficu/ter atgue <-
£16 frubat, mulixmn 1 8 labgratum
e/t, * I] haq4 mtich adoe to kee:
my hin's trom him, nl grits
fuilumn e/t quam ut ah il}; manus ab-
Adoleicency { youth] «do/eſcentic.
[| nun.
Atom. flower flzs Adonzs.
To A4>pt Adofptoy Croptoy fibi fpli-
ut eligere, babere pre ſu), bavrtdem
To Adopt 29 ain, Re-dovto,
Adopted, Ad: ptatus, adept:tine.
Ai AJopeer, Adoprator.
An Adopting, 2 Adptio, Adeptatio,
An Adovtion, y Atiratie.
Adoptive, A rptins.
To Adore, Adovo, Colo,
Adored, Cu/tus,
Adorable, Adorabilie,
| An Alorers Adorator, Cultey.
| An A 'oration, 44 » Cultus,
| An Adoring, 4s, m.
To Alon, UOrm, Perorno, Decoro,
| Cendecere, Excel, Expolicy tre 3 por
| rum reddeve, vet decus & venerems |
dave, venuflatem accerſere, lingam
Adorned, Orn:1tui, Politus, Excul-
ws, Limaius, Comptus. * The
domy:rdſuſeit in ciritatem *AlmiciAn Ado nng,
pings Hhrrgrar, de- | An Atorument, 5 * |
,* 10} car ver of Aquitzne) A'u-b Let ouc tor an Advaniage, Merito=
be Admired to cou fol, adm ſee t |
is conci/zum, .* To bz Adauited:| Atc 21, {2 ans name] Adrionuy.
$ 0-namentum,
Av ur
Wi', Q RT £5 T9
would not Advantsge you, meta”
ofht ne non 116; 1/tbuc faencravet.
With Advantage, Fenerets
| The Adriatick Sea, Adris, finus A- | Requitei with Advantage, Fam:
A1om {1n Hangnry)] Poten 1909, Sa-
banks Adorned wy h green praiss |
* A-
riparum vVeſtitus virid! ffumi
dorned with grrlands and roſes,.
| ſertis rrdimitins Wo 1oſi3, x
V1 dT 1c rf
Sv a. "I
To Advance [lift up] Exz/to, At-
To Advance [| oromote ] E —_
To'o, Eveboe, Promoves, Exlio.
* To Advance one to honour,
digntatem augere, ab obſcuntate in
clitateas vindicare, ad imperinm
efferre, * He greatly Arwancet
learmngy dtujtems ingen': proven»
tw in wiverſum orbem ef udit.
* To A"vance monty, pecuniam
in anteceſan repreſent we vel ante
tempur dep ne.
To Advaace [n-ut I Progredeey,
Pr. ficrſtor, Precedo, Proficio.
Advanced, Elatus, Evettur, Aut us
An Atvanz ng. Elatio, Eve us us.
Adva vement, 2rofeitusr, Dignitas,
A'vinap*, Lucrum, Commodun,
P erega"ivn, Urniiitas. * It will
be no Advantage to the Com-
mo: was ith, & repubS/icd nn ere.
* T:kethac eurſe which w.ll be
mott ror your Advantage quod tt -
br wlih ſimu ent 1d eonjt'11 caph. x,
* It you 25k what A1vantage it
will be, /# reges qu'd profuturum fi:
1151, * It 1s not tor our Advan-
tags, nin et im rem nojftrams. ® jt
will be for your advantage, & re
tui -rit. *It it wore anyAdvantage
tO us, /t2x uk eſſet notro, * ilav-
ing the Advantage in places ſupe-
yior loco, * What Advantage then
ha h he Jew? quid ergo ompluy
Juices eff 7 * Hethough: it w.uld
be good Advantage to him,magn?
fir uſut fore arbityabatur, * To
make an advantage of the Com-
mot wealth, Kempublicam queſtu
brie-e, * (hs wars miglry ad-
van'ave town'ds, bet res maxime
oppertuns fuilt od. * Le't Satan
lhouideget an advantage of is uf
ne ecoupamu” 4 Satin: * You
ſhall tay you have Jar{ cut thit
kinineſy to good Advanta re, fa-
ner 1f um 1/tuc 1151 benefic wo pulctre
dices, * They deiond : hems lves
by Advintage of the place, /e cp-
por 'n1itaribus lect defer:derunt,
; To let flip an Advanrage, «acnſre-
nem negatis bere gerendr: amritere
* To let fip one Advantaze tor
another that is greater, cmmue-
dum aliqus1 majrrty adiprſcend! corn
mod! Cour fpratevire.
To give one Aivantag*, ſuprriovem
condtith new cedere.
To have Advantage of, pre ftare, ſ«-
Wap e{/e, * ;
0 take Advantaze of, in ipſe arti-
culv of primere.
ADVANTAGE [ over-meaſure }
au(tavrium, Additamentum, corclla-
rams Month.
To Arvantage, Conduco, Proſam,
* What Advarr:ge h it me ? quid
mibi prodeft ? *W hat 1+ 2 man Ad-
vanraged ? quid prodeſt curftom ?
* When be might; very well Ad-
vavtape himle!t ren pound mn
gold, cum /ucy ore rmpunt poſſur £494
ponde decem. » You were 2fraid it
Adrantagiouſly, C mods,
4ven', Adeentus, 48, m,
An Aq1ve ta, Lowics.
Atvenritou, curing by chance?
Adrentit us
To Ativenture, Autor Perich tor, Age
gredicry, Alerm j eerogntrieuinm fre
ceres, fortune mindear:. * 10 Ad-
yv-nrure to ſea vela vents dove,
* To Adven'u'«< h;s | fe, þy-vebere
vitam in pericu'um, * To Adven
tu-e the hazard of war, fortun me
belt tentave, * I will Adventure
and ſvek my foruwne, fericlitabuy
fortunam, f rtune me 05jicions
An Adven ure L hazaro] Pericu wn,
An Adventure Centerpriſe JCarptuns,
Atvem ure [chance] Cos,
A: Adv-n ure, Temer +, Caſu
By Adven ure, Forts, Frrtur's,
to be Aty-wu ed, Aulen!'us.
An Atventurer, Audaculus, pericti-
An Advewuring, Peric/ttatio,
Aiventurous, Aud:x.
An Adventurous A*, Auſum,
Advemurouſly, Audattery Confiden-
ter, Temere.
An Atve:b, Adver3'um.
An Alverſary, Adverſoviat, Anta-
£c14-ſta. * A great Adrerſary to
thy Empire, inmic / mus bu c 194
perio., * An Adverſary that b-ars
oneill w I, in alrquem mals aruma-
Atverfary (ogy nt Aldverſariue,
To b: mm Adveriary. Adver{iy, arts
Remtey, ti.
Adver {crols] Atverſur, 4, wn.
* The Adverſe ;arty, partes 6i-
Averſity, adver fry rears 5 miferia,
res aduerſe or anzute., » He 1s
im A iverir' ys eft 15 1itus & Jreeds
* To help in Alzeriny, erctis m
vt ur oper Cer ye, rebur rnemmndes
altquem ſu'levire, * Few F reds
un Adverſity, temrore þ fſuerint
nubila ſolur evie, * Alverſi y tries
Friend in angu/ti1s amica appa»
To fuer Adverſity. ſovertis Fre-
tw:is vim patty, in tuy6:dis rebar
: ; fur,
e h:ve Admirtrance, -ditum hb1brve, Atrinis CE Province of Aſia) Aſ- Amtvantzgiuus, Commodus, Iucreti-
T> Advert ( mark ) adverts.
To Advertiſe [give Notice } comm
menofacio , certicrem facto, ert5
eurm frrve.eve, monitns erudire,
* You mutt Advertiile and tel! be:
tore hant, predicanian & pre
m nendum 2 tir,
To b- Advertiſed, crommenefio, evi
reſtiſco, eve, * So ta paſt that he
will no* be Advertiſed, agent i4-
(rus modam nn religutt,
Advertiſed, ed (tus, cwertrcy faltur,
* Afvernifed m all by : hs Embar-
ſadours, edofings comma per degn-
An Advertiſement, moenitume, + To
I-za to b's Advert) ements, mon
tis ring nite, ® I iyoare frice Ai
vertilementy ad tt :xpicyat. ferr%0.
An Adreraler, monitor ;
ADVICE, confilum. * He will fol-
low no ies Advice but his
own, de ſud unins ſententis gerit
omni, h
Advice { News ] nunciur, denun-
Done with Advice deliberatns, evi-
gilatny, ? :
Done without Advice , femerariw,
inconſu tus. -
Adviſabie, opur, opere-pretivm,con-
-\$ Adviſ bieui conſul
viies ann conſureresy
To4 Give Advice, F con/ilinm da-
re, prefere, * 1 Adviſe them to
quiet , mere ut quieſcont.
* What you Adviſe me to?
quis das cenſilii quid ſuades +
* deceſlity torced me to gave that
Advice, me egeſtas impulit wt 1d
conſulerem. * You give youu Ad-
vicey bene m'ne', * I am not
able to Adviſe you, c:nſ1{ti leum
non babe», * I will not Adviſe
you at all, nib 1 ego tibi crmſthii bo-
die quicquam d2bo, * 'Tiz no ill
Adviee they give, nn male pree-
(19 1unt,
To Adviſe [ ask or take Advice
conſulere aliquem, in cenfilium ad-
vecere, * Adviſe with him. bunc
\Cape on lii ſotixrm, * I will take
his Advice, is quod miti dederit
a_—_ id ſequry, * He delired
a Nights time to Adv ſe what to
do , n:Gtem [i5i ad dehiberendum
Pofixt wit. * Thy ſent tothe Au-
gurs to Adviſe about that matrer,
ad e:m rem conſult ndum Angures
acciveront, * It behoves us tO
take Advice, conſults opus eff,
To Adviſe [ conſider } delibero.
To Adviſe before hand, proemerito.
To be Adviſcd, ſapio, ere.
Well-zdviſed, ſobrinry, circumſpe*
tins, con/ideratue.
| AJviſement, 2 dehHeratio, con-
An? Adviſing, F ſoltatio.
IN-adviſed, imcoutus, mols can'w,
Adv:iſedly, « nſults, eeonſullo, cog!-
tate. * To do Adnſecly, ex co-
gitats ratione res compenere, ad
conf:ltt caleulos rew core, nibil te-
mers conari, * Whether he did it
Adviſedly, or turned neceflity in-
to Advice 18 doubted, confultone
#d egerit,on erroremn in conſiliums vfT=
terit dubinm.
Adviſedneſs, Coutels, ;
An Adviſer (takirg advice] Deli-
berator, Cenſ»ltor,
An Adviſer [g:ving advice) Con-
Alulation [flattery] Adulatio.
Adulatory, Adulatoriw.
Adult (grown up] Aduttus,
j = == d Agulteri LITA
oo — [corrupt] Interpolo,
F. 1
leer2'er, Inter polotor,nango,
ulterating, nMerpolatio.
Iterer, Adulter, Maxchus,
\dultereſs, Adu/tero, Macha,
ubery, Stuprum, Adlullerinms.
Faken in Adultery, flupri com-
to commit Adulterys Adulteyo A-
dulteror, Stupro, Machbor, C0 fugit
| oe violave, Nuptias inquinare, Cu-
le altenum temerare.
To be defiled with Adultery, Adut-
teror, Temeror.
0 Adumbrate o[hagow? Adumbro.
du iumbratus.
\duneity (crook:dneſs)] Aduncitas.
\n A {CounſeIlo:] Advo-
catus, Patrons.
A petty or filly Advocate, Legule-
An Alvocate's plate, Patrocinion,
To plead as an Advocate, Patreci-
nr, ori. _
An Advocate's pleading, Patrocina-
tio, onis, f.
To Advow or Avow, Adveco.
An Advowſon, Advecatio,
Aduſt _ Aduſtur.
Aduſtion, Aduftio. cnis, f.
Aciton {1m Bark y Aque lunum.
Aelſ or Aloſt ſin Flanders] Al»
[ſin Mauritania) Quiyvs,
Aches, /Ene 1, &+ 1&7
Aerts > Aereus, Htherenr.
Aitval (of ſummer] A/trvvs.
To Mitivate, Afiive.
Acton [in Buy ſhire] Atoni 2.
Affac off, Procul, Linginguus.
Afdime (in) Epirus] Arſince-
Afcard, Pavidus, Trmidus.
Tobe Afeard, Expaveſco, ere. _
Aterat [a river 1n AMeſop-tomio]
Atiable [courteous] Afffebilis, Co-
ms, Blandur, ſumms bumanitale
ann er? —_ > Affabilitas,Comi' as.
Affably, Affubiliter, Com iter,
An Atfairn, Res,ei ; negotium.
To Affett ([ acuſtow] Affetto.
To Affect [ love} Dihgo.
To Affect [ meve afiction } Afi
tation, Affeſtalio,
Affected, AffeFus.
Affeted [taken up] Affet atus,
Atected { beloved] Dileti us,
Eaſily Atteced, Fiexonimug,
An ed word, Ditium Accer-
f tum.
Maliciouſly AffeSed, Lividus, Ma-
lignus, N ger.
Too much Affeted, Putidubus,
Somewhat Affected, Puirdinſcu'us,
Affettedly, Putide.
Affettion, Affettus ds, m. oncr,orir.
* To move the AffeCtions
peaking, mertes incendere, inflam-
mw aLicere, in _ panares
achrymas exprimer?, 0 bridle
the Afertions, cupiditates indomi.
7 compeſcere,
Moving Affect.on, Patteticur.
An 1onate ſpecch, Oratio pe-
tbetica. :
Affections'e 2 offefiumſpirong,
Full of Affection F amore
leen] ores —_ K ;
, one, alt quem
cognaticne attingere, -
\dulterous, Adulterinus, Srepreſur.
An Athtancer Sp«nſ-r, 7:5, m.
> —
An Affar.cing, Deſponſatio, onir, f,
Sponſalia, erum, n. _
Afffimtv Anita, Propnynnce.
To Afffi.m, Afirm ere, Aſſeve-
re, Aiteſt wv. * To Affirm before a
Judge, jure jurando affrmare.
Afffirm:bie. Affwrmabilis.
An Afffirmat:on, d Affrmetin, Aſſer-
An Affi ming, 5 i, Aſſeveratio,
Afffirnarive, Aſſam tives.
Affficmatively, Afirmative,
To Affax (faſten to] Affigo, ore,
Affixe't, Affexus. .
An Affixmg, Afuxio, Adjunftio,
To Affett, Affirgo, Premo, Excrucio,
* To AM. & ones ſeit, ſe macerarez
or m-cerart.
Attited, Afi" us, .
An AA ter, Afffittatey, Vexator,
Afffiction, Afgiiftio, Cruz, Urucia»
\fivence fplenty] Cop
Affffuence [plenty 0.
To Affeord [give or Field) Reddo,
Pre heo, Minftro.*It eannot be Af-
torded eheaper, non pote eavinorrs.
To put up an Afferont, injuriam in-
ultam dimittere, impuritam ferre,
To Affront, Contumeliis Ioceſſere.
,<grum cultumn in ſaltum
:omred, Contumeliis leceſſitus,
An Ae a d Po tulontia.
An Affronter, Petulong.
Atore, Ante, Pr ; ſee Before.
Atoreſa d, Pr edittur
Atore-hand, in enteceſſum.
To Atfranchiſe, Monunitro, donore
An Affray, Pugna, Comflif ns, Ti«
mult us
AFRAID, Povidus, T mil us,
Somewhat Afraid, Trepidulus.
* No hing Afraid, Intrepidus, Im
Jonnn Incencuſſus.
© be Afraid, Paveo, Times, Metuo,
Formido, Vere:y, Formidine anei.
* I am Afraid to ſay it, religio ef
dicere, * 1 am Af aid I
- wereor ut po * Are you Atraid
to do it 7 num dubites id facere?
* Heis Afraid cf nothing, nib1/
extimeſcit. * He is as much Afia-d
ret, quic
eſſe, tota mente crntremiſco, exe.
He is ſore Afraid, pre meter uh; ſit
neſtit, cy itt in genus decidit,
delirat miſer trmore, lingua bart
To be Afraid before-hand, Pre fer-
mido, Pretimes.
To begin'o be Afra'd, Paveſto, eve,
To make Afraid, Preterres, Terr:
to, Terreſacio, Terrifico.
To wake traid, eo,
be ubtineo.
netus, Territus.
the Conſul, «57 is wenit conſulem
ediit, * Aſter we were ſet, cum
eomſediſemas, * Alter I departed
from you, uf ebii abs te, * After
the Kings were driven cut of the
City, pu/ſis ex urbe revibus. * Five
des atter you had gathered them,
fi vinte die quem ſuſtuleris. * Then
e walked on the ſhoar, After that
into the bath, ind# ambulovit in tt
tore, -po - in balneuwn, *
newt day After he had tilled
bn 7 die quo exwn inters-
AFTER a Ci bn, ge.» Me i
Ales 4, Dy Led
modum freito, * He TA hw Ar. At
ter his own name, ſo dicit de no-
mine, * A the faſhion of © a
garden, in mem berti. * Atter
- Loy gate or way, meo %,
demned Cobintns, ors off Gadme
AFTER Coon 20 Adjective
h.cug cing, you
- his time, « _ Pons
_ Pojeier * After-wit or
7. ts, 6 poſterior cogitotiones.
ter their _ in-
Le. ns = wy
"4" i, ce, behind] Pond,
One. After another, Alternur, Al-
ternetim, invicem, tex ordine.
After-birth, ; — avum.
The After-noon, Tempus pemeridi-
Afrer-noom, Poft meridiem.
(# mans __ Fn r,
= again 4 IST nk -
I aontsg non
Fad life wp lift up ſelves hea they | Ages
* {tear
fe rurſus extubſſent, *
que i;crnm, etram os etiom, &c.
'* It thunde g Aga'D
witha huge ing, Hrerum ot-
que reruns intonat ingens.
| * I named *. Again and Again,
iter um oc tertio nominavi. * I ew-
treat you Agan and Agam,itmrum
& ſes te yogo.
AGAI ST, az Ad, Adver fus, Ad-
myrtos, * Leſt thou
againſt the lone, ne of:
lapidem pedem tum, DF Niene3s
gnthered up againſt the common-
weal h pecumte conciliate adver-
uhlicom, * Be ſure you
get it _—__= yo night,onte |
i/tom am xpeditum «
Probato, * He .jves at
ſtream, cont 4 ——_—_—
ngit. * They y the
preſent againſt ml Toſepbe came, oy
dum verryet . To*
» *A ef yhncckag in |
mum. *
21ſt the ſhoar
m littus. *It
his mind, preter i
cog tatr
billows beat A-
uttus iDiduntur
out ſo Againſt
F \ ———
verſus, 4, an
— _ vodtr —_—_—
=, "Ae, ori.
) Invits " mniner=
your nib 7 mmm muvitd n4-
ture. * A wiſe man does nothing
Again his will, $ Ly m bil fs
t invitus.
inſt my!
will het I REY Fl/mminius out
a the Ho ter ate, Invitus quidem feci
Flaminiums Senatu
Agamer, [ in Jielend ] Agame-
ainſt the| Ke |
ane [The Kings Agent, Regis tt w_
- | Argh Ag glu inate, Caſes [4
a _— Agitation
paint | Bro
An =1" { whit!o} _—_—
The Africans, Afri, Africeni. ter he went in again, bs id multd{ Agan, ſan Ifend in Aſie] Agens.
To Atright, Re Ferits Ingent: OS yo in'ns C: He js fred E
met r8, Terroridus —__ for- k Againy -L ; wo inci- , Canared) Attenitus, Stupe-
,—_ oninam cppr mer oy > edn * If ever he doſo| f-Q
Afright, T11mr, fron Con fler- ain, / nquem » pf bae.* Whom | To be © Agatt, flo.
_—_ I lee before, nor | An Agat-ftone, Acbates, ir, m.
Afrighted, Territue, Conflernatus. ſhould ever ſee neque is [a womans ] Age
To be Afnghred, Terreoy, Confterner. nte emy nit rom
Afr, (ig a ihip Puppis. * Foreand | poſted viſurus. * If the commend Agel in Lenguedce)] Agatha,
Att, Þ prove @f « puppi. is b:auty, do you tas, atis; Secutumn. * I
AFTER, (before an caſe] | Again, /# audobit bee illins fomen y mine own Hoes Scio eg" quid
' 6, b, ex, p'ft,ju5. As, | tn bujus contre. * N — etatis ſim here 15 not three
* Pre the funer2}, /te- | the afairs of the City, do you A- rence detw:en their
tim d funere, * He was a lite Af- | gain write what's done 1n the | Ages, Toda aan on 045 oft e-
ter- time, recing 46 illerum | Country, babes res wrbonas invicem | taies, * He for his Age, Per
Þetote 2 * <dT 2 mſeces ces vida, * What is juſt is| efatems licet, * For {0 19 ny Ages,
ny whecher afcer that day, nec vere} hc neſt, and Again, what is honeſt | Per mg u/4.* At fixteen = Fours
uſquam diſcedebam 2x to dies, * Aff- | is juſt, quod eft boneflum eſt, | Age gh natus fo ==
ter his demh, poſt oj m mortem. vi iſimgue, quod boneftum oft juſtum | * When he is t
* Preſt ter t er yours | «# » Your to me ag2a1n,tws| Age, Ub etas acce = fe
Prone) Pete erg memutuus emer, * Wem ginta ſex, * He 15 at Age,
take heed that we ſay over A puevis exceſſit, Adultus eft pF.
FTER, C gmiying af zfrer that) is in what we have vit, AEtatem babet, * At this Age,
made by, poftquam, &c ter » cavenium eff ne id — Hee etat1s, Tontus nets.
I ſhewed them your manner Supra diximus deinceps dicamus. | Old Age, Senetta, Senizm, Seneftus,
JEEP oftendi tus. p er * To't Again, A y cone wits, * _ in my old Age, Nurc
was i aqurm intro. | nemo-no impel. it exalls «tate
* Afcer he = The wene to| AGAIN Gent AGat AGAIN, EIS at- | Under Age, [ſubſt.] Minermninm,
Under 4 as. Cadjec.
uder A ] Minorernir,e.
Great f'> oy Grandevitas, Longevi-
te, atis, F.
Of the ſame A Be Chrvns Contenrns
Par annis, $u5 codem afivo.
Ot on: years Age, y— = Fn
or the firſt A
In this Age,
Aged, Grendis, Stecinn Anno-
- | Am—
1, tus,
+» Con eneſco, ere,
Agedly, Sem{rtey, Vetufle.
as [in Agquitane) Agernum, or
; ent, Agers, After,
An - ent,{in aforreign Country.
«ng, ntis,
—_—_ [make heavy or
wo Tee Agzrave, Aggero, Exag-
Aograomed, Ex: E
An acts
An Aggravation
To Aggregate {gather together]
'To Aggrieve, Moleftid rfficere.
I Fe _—_. pou Vigetus,
nItys ts
(09E es ty, Dextre.
q 1” Agitebilis
[Agirated, _ Ag
\ Bier Cm im Lincolnſhire] Segeeum,or
Agier, (6 little plate of metal)
ea, Bratieola.
An \n Aglet, Crag of a point] Aras
[Agaund nan ſin BuctingtomſbiveJ
'An Atnail, {corn] Colus,
ſa womans name] Agnes,
ann's demu=s 1eliit, * So many in gratiam rediecm. Ah, ab. |
years a30, Tit anms lopjty or pre” Ap'e:abie, Con/entonexr, C:ngruus, Ahab [a mars n2me} Abasp, inde,
reritis. * Some years Ag, alrguit * LEE Ahazuerus [a m:us nagie] Acazuts |
ants a*nis * About 800 years 28% , Agrecable{ w-Il-pleaiing]) jucun/us, , rus. |
en's onns ferre ocangentes. ratus, Ah:z([a mans name?) Abtay, indec.
, Long Ao 2 Jam- pridems , | To be zpreextle or fit, C:mpeto, Con- Ahaziah ([ @ mans nan } Aveoſi® |
! A good while AzoS Fimdudum0+ | went, Qa4ndve. : «a, 4, mM _
| lim, * 1:14 n0t ng Ag» ſince, | Agrecab.ctiels, Convertentia, Compe- Ahiazza {'n Crlicis] IJ, "_
tand ſ:ns Giueſt ctim. * Ic 14 long | tentiz Congruen's mn Congruites. Aichitact {'n B-varia) Ala, Nrriſts,
Ago fince we diunk, Jam dia fac- Agreeably, Apie, Cinfl-nter,Compe» Awrertum. |
tum et poſtquan bibrmw, * We tenter, Congruenter. AID, Auviltum, Ad jumen wm AJju
ou: ſelves have ieen almoſt ll To be agreed, concordo, conſen'to, Iorium, Aiminiculum, Subſrdinum,
thoſe things lorg Ago, 1p/i ns Agreed, Compo/4us, Pattnr, Trenſ® Suppetiee.* He delires his A'd, Im-
ridem vidomut eadem fere mmia. «Ctus, * A truce agreed on, Ceſ- pl.yot fidem ejus. * He wasſcut
Not lonz Azo Haud ita pri> Jeatio pugne patit ia. * The day is tor an aid, Sub/idio mijſns eff.
| But a while Ago F em. | agreed On, Patins & c:niitutus efs The Koyal Aid {tax Cenſus regaliry
| # Its but a wh 1: Ago ſince he di- | gies. * I: wagreed unoa by all, ſu5ſidium Regale
| ed, Nuver eft mortons, * Youlock Cnſer itar, in cy omnes conflat. To Aid, Aunilior, cri, Atjuvo, Atju-
| fairer now than You did @ whice * Thy 2-e aprecd together, Owe togSuccurro, Adminiculor, Subveritoy |
| Ago, Formoſicr Trdere qurm duduns, | 5 ermpotio rem agunt. > Are you Sublev., Aljumenio eſſe, Suppetias or |
How4org Azo, Q« m dudumt ag ced 2t laſt 7 Fam reidiijiis in opem ferre, adeſſe.
An Agoay [aaguiu] Agents, An- | 6. ncrdrom? * Are you two agreed To aid together, Condjuro, |
ger. yet I pray ? Fam pex «qt ner vas Anaider, Auxiltator, Opifer, Alju- |
| Full of Agony, Animom agens. | ques dur 7? 1 w.h hare them a- tor. :
| To be full cf Agoay, Extremis engi greed, pacem compont vol., Aigues mortes [in Linguedech] A- |
dc lnibas, | Agreeing, Cencers , Congrout, Cn quemrtne, f fo m1: nd.
An Agomf?t [a Champion] Agcni- | ſonens, c nſentiens, Quadrans. A gues caldes ['n Spain] Ajur cal-
ſto, «, m. ; Not Agrecing, Dizjaticins, Diſen- do, Aine quintian &,
Agou: (2 river in Fronce] Arautus. lanes. _ £ Aiduzcal (a mountain in Africa) |
grout, Univer, Conjunttim.* To! a, $ aaunnny Conſe » Wy, _ a, |
take work a-great, nicgrum of us grecment 3 conjenſicy enls, ie
Suſcipiv, win Mes : An Ag:ecment{CovenantJPatinn, An Ailemnent Þ Merbus, Molum,
A taker ct wo. k a-great, Redemptey. | Faedus. _ What 2:ls you, Q *idnom ti5i dolet ?
A taking a work a-great, Redemptu- | An Agreement [recontilingJRecon- Quid re turbat 7 uid tibi eft + What
ro, Redemptio., crlialts. . | Als you to be (Jiad? Quidin & |
To AGREE, Aſſentior , iris Fo- | Agreement [im tune] concentus. | griffi; ? What ajils youreye 14
vea, Arno, Conveno,Conſentio. * I | Agreement{ proportion ]Symmetris. cculo fatium ejt tus 7 What 2 i. 73» |
do not beleive we {hall agree, Ncn Articies ot agreement, Fiederis ar- Quidnmm ills deter + 1 ask-d what
conventurum inter no arbitroy. *[] ticu/z,conditienes or capri, Ulic 2 I-d to be {5 angry, Quere-
have Azreed tor the price, conve- To be at Agreement, Concerds. | bamguid excanduiſ/et, * Tait this,
ni de pretto, * My brother an11 | To come to an Agreement, «d con- ; Hoe me 11's baber, * We ail no-
cannot Agree about theſe thy. gs, | _<1d1 am adduct. thing, Niti! {bis dole: ? :
bec frotri mecum non conveniunt. To make an Agreement, Componere To Aim at Col'imo, ave, Tels
* Nothing better Agrees with na- | {1!es- Take AimF d 1120, Collimare
rure, Nibhil eft nature accommoda-» An Agreement maker,orbiter trenſ- oculos, Ecopion pref ere, tanguam
tius, * They Agree together, Iis | 4Utor, Sequeſter, ' ad metam enili. * They amed at
inter ſe convenit.* He rever apreed | According to ag'cement, ex pail, his deſtrutio ,Fxitinm 1! defiin:-
with any for ttipend,nec unquim de | *x © mpathe, rent, * They both aim at it, «6
mercedibus patins eft. * It he A- | Agreſtical Agreſits. embot ur id deſtinatuy. * Th:y aim
gree with himſelf, / {1biip/ ceonſen- ASTcoNJOD > Agriculture, at high th nas, M 1gna [161 preps-
tiat. * 1 Agree wich youy Tecun | Agriculture punt. * I 1m at but your
ſentio. * I Agree with other w-1- Iv agrieve, Grove. latety, N bil {abers 14/3 at ſatpus fi2.
ters. Cenftat mibt cum ceteris ſcrip- | Agrieving. Gravans, * 1 kncw what you aim at, $cio
torilus * They Agree uvon | ap 4 a94toving $ Gravamen. gud concye. * What does th: man
truce, Inducizs condi xerunt. * One e Agrievance . a'm at,, Quimbic rew agit 7 *I
thing they cannot Agree abour,de | Agria, Lin Hungry) Agria, aim at gicater matters, Mien ma
re una diſſident, * They Agree a- Ag imony, Agrim« nie, Cupotorium. | jora molicy, * The more they aim-
pa'n, redount rurſus in grotiom, Apriomela, { a Kiver in Theſſaly] ed at me, the more vexed cy
* Let them agree among them- | SfAetins. ; were that they miiſed of their aim,
ſelves, Tronſigant mter fe ip/i, | Agrippa, (a mans name] 4erip-| quo me magis petiverunt tanto majo-
* Ile make you Agree, Eg» re-|, 94,0. . rem bis fruſftratic dolerim attvlit.
digam vos in gratiom, Lites inter | The agriot, [tart Cherry] Cer1fum An aims Al/ wn, Scetus. * All the
90s Ermporam. ® It is luch,as that | oc1dum, aim Was that, N:bi/ aliud quereba- |
it can never 2gree with it, Ejuſmn- | An Ague, febris F. tar n+/r ut, * Iam quite out of my |
di eff ut cobarere nunguom Pofit, | A little Ague, Febriculs, aim, non wh lerraruam [1 ſeas. |
* To that they all agreed, Omnes | An 2gue continuing but one day, | * When one is tothrow with any |
in cam ſertentiam ierunt. * All ugly | Febris epbemera or diania, 211m, Quwn modus W impetus Fattfis
things ſcemto agree to her, Om | An ague coming by fits, Febriz inter= | temperandus dirigenduſque eft.
na iuypia in iſtam quadyare viden- | mittens or intervalata, To give a m, intentionem proemon-
tzy. * His deeds and his words | A quotician ague, Quetidiana,” Se- | flare, dirigere.
Co not agree, Fatta ejus cum dittis | mitertions, Z : Aumed at, Petitus., * He ſaw his
diſcrepant, * Jt did Agree with | A Tertian Ague, Tertiona, trites. | brother was aimed at, Frotrem de-
thoſe letters, Erat cenſerteneum | A quartan ague, Quortana ftinari ſentiebat.
agree | A 0g aguey Conſen, ens, An aimer at, Petitcr.
A cold ague, Agenia. An aiming at, Colrmatio, od ſecpum
hey A- { S:ck of an ague, Febricitons. intent19.
gre ; | To have an ague, Febricitor , Febre | Aindre [a french Ifland Antrun.
1 ord laborare. Aur, Aer, eris, «ther, Aurd, Calum.
| To Agree [bargain] paciſcer, tron- waytanarins | * This airi»ſo ill ; am
_ The fit of 4 ys Parexyſmus. to endure ity vix ſuſtineo grovite-
| 40 agree in one tune, Concinc, Con- \akirg £ tem cali tujur, ® I] cannot 2
centog ave. 5 with this air, INES HONG,
| To make to agrees C:mpono, eve. it; ' # We have athick air about
| *I'le make you agree, «go vos | | us, nobis aey creſſus offunditar,
——O>——— W—_— — AD YO ——
—_— —
In the open ait, #5 dis.
notes ferene.
An air in Muſick, Modulur,
The air of the tace, Symmetria vul-
tis, gratia, Aſpetius decarns,
To Au abroad, Aprico exporere.
ad ignem exiccave,
Aire [in Scotland] Vidogarys.
Aire {in Aquitene] Atwrun,
Aire ; in Preverice) FEria or Heria.
Aired abroad. Soi expo /itus.
Aired by the fire, Ign: expojitur.
Airy, Azreus, FEthereus,
An Airy man, Ir le'us, ur
As Avry of Hawks, Accipitrum ce Albers (ww Denmark] Alburgue,
tus Or nidus.
Aiſe [herb] pidoeraria. ;
A'ſnc{2 river in the low countries]
Axona. ]
Ax [1m Provence JAjuce Sextie.
Aix la Chavelie {in the Duke-
dom of Fuliers] Aquiſerenum.
To Ake, Dev, cendeleo. * my
head akes, Dolet mibr coput. * The
Sun m:kes his head ake, Delert 4
fete coput «jus, @ His head and
teeth Ake, L1bevat 4 dolore ca-
pitis & drntium. |
An Akinz, Doley, orif,, wn.
To have an aking tooth at one, In
dizrer. infirſum off- alicut,
The head ake, Cepb-{a/gre,
The toorh Ake, OUdont "gia.
Akemanch-tter {Bath City] B«-
Aken ( Aix ls Chapelle) Aqui/gra-
: An aker (of ground] yug rom.
Ak-rhuys in Norwas ] Acheruſia,
Akerman (in M»/devia. ] Alba,
Akerſonor, {an Ifland of Norway]
An aker (tf, ruTo,inffrrumm'un ad
avatri dentom mund-ndum,
Akl {in [rel nd) Act ilis. :
Alabatter, Aiabajtrum, Alabaftri-
wh <e,m. E
Alabafter, a?)
Of Alaboiter F Alabaftrinu.
An Alabi1fter box, Myrother inn.
Alacrity ch-arfulnels} Alacritas,
ma min y.
Aligany, virum trum,
Alagon [aS awiih river] Alagerins.
Ala:s {in France ] Aleſia.
Al 2 mode, more no '<y Elegonti, |Stale Ale. Corpiſia vetuls.
ad formulom concinnam vel comp- | An Alehouſe, Coupena,Cerviſier iam
One |
terms Ex ſcito cults.
Alandt{ an !fl2 cf Finiend]
Alan [a mans name} Alarus.
An atarum, Clofiewn, ad Arma,
Ts gire;2n Alarum, Ad arms weave, | An Ale houſe-keeper, Caupoy ons.
* To fourd 2n Alarum, Clafficum
ermmme, Tabhd /ignum dave.
To alarum (fright one] pryterreſa-
Alas, Ab. Hs, Ebeu, Hei milt wi
five, Hou ms: wilrum.
Alas tor ihame, Prob dederns, Preb | An Alhmbeck{ ez $:1
ſud ys,
Alai for ſorrow Prob doler,
Alete {of late] Nup-r, Meds.
Alrriſin Italy JAlatrium, Aletrinm. | Alena river in Dorſe
To Alay, Mit:go, fee AVay.
{Albagrz{an Ifand of Africr] Cerne, | Al
Alban (a mans name] Albonue,
Albanie (in Macedenia] Aibaonie, | Aleiſandierts, [ir Cyprur] Ar fime.
Cool evening Air, Cauri veſpertiniy|
To Air by the fire, Igm expanere. | Albſor [a mountain of Aſra] Cau-
| + To Ar ihcets by the fare, Ledices |
b:1nus, | Alb-ran {between Africa and
a country of Ajia] A mt- | clcath, calrida potio yeſtinrins.
ad \ Ale-houſe. ad
—_—_ Lin Macedonia] Alba-
An Albe {a Prieſts white veſtment]
| Pederis,
' Albeit, tomut/3.
| Aibemarl [a tamily] ds Albamarls.
Albert [2 mans name] Albertus.
| Alburin colour, color ex albo &f ru-
| fo mixtus, Suhaquilus.
| Ao Agypt] Babylon, Mim-
| The Albigrois ipFronce, Albigenſes.
Alb.a Lan Ifland ct AZtbropia }
Spain] Errorts 1:ſula.
Ibuquerque, (in Spain JAibaquer-
Alcabyr (in Zgypt ] Bebylen.
Alchaſyr {1n E2k) Berenice,
The Alchoran, Alcerarum.
Alchotan { in Aralis felrx] ſara
p15 Inſult. :
Alchywve ( the art of tranſmuting
metals] Alchyw is, Chymia, Ars
Spacey ica. * No Alchymyto fav-
ing, M-grum veliigat porſtmonia,
An Alchym |, Alc ymiſta, £e, ms
Alemacer {iv Holland} Alrmaria
The Alcyon [Kg fiſher] Halcyrn
Al4be:ry ( iu Hertfordſbric] Auloor
Va ar Tiqua
Alcborough (in Tort fbive ] Ifubrr
8 mem, Iſurrnm.
Alenburg (in Holſo'ts] Urbs wee
$7 i F, funator, p2-
tricius. * To walkan Alderman
pac”, Lentos pa'us trabere, junoni-
uw incedeve.
n A'\dermans robe, Abolls,
The Aldermans bench, S-notve.
Aiderman- like Sent. vie Patync is,
i Alnus, i, ft.
of Alder | wk 4, wh,
n er-
B-& of Alders > Alnatum.
Ald-rnay { Ornoy Ifland] Efodie.
Aidred [2 mans name) Aldredus.
ALE, Als, Cerviſie ſins lupulis,
* Goon A'e 1s meat, dnvk and
\New Ale, Mu/tum.
'SFrorg Ale, Ceviſia primorit.
ww — Cerviſne torus & ſarun-
| gdarin,
ons. * To haunt Alchoules,
a it ve popin as.
An A chouſe- haunter. goneo,pr pin?.
Of zn Ale _ T Pepinalis.
An Ale-bre wer, Cerviſiar ins,
pr—_ ſherb, JCoſtus berrorumn.
Alcgar, Acttuns crrviſioe won (w*
Ale hocf, [he Þ] Heders terreftris.
| Alew:zgne, Germornto,
1:7] Alembicus for-
nax, ects, f.
A- length, in longum,
| Alenzon,{in N:rmondy 3 Alencer it
tbive ] Aler KI.
[po [in Sywi:i]J Alrxandria
e-bu y vale [ n Buchingbemſbire)
Etlecurr ona velits.
| Ale
" Cay Alive Princeps in us e&ia'is
[im Longuedee} Ales. =
ander { a mans name] A {-xon-
dey, ri.
Alexanders foot [ Heb #thrum|
Alexander (herb) Otur ern
Alexandrow (in Poland] Alexan-
F*. -—» enſign] S:gnif/
e et eo.
Alfred [a mans name} Alifredus,
Algarve (a Countrey in Span] Al-
Algebra;Cthe art of
vget oft - 4 ot figurative num-
Alger (im Mauritani:] Algaium,
— ———
Aigernon, [2 mans name] A'ger-
Algezira (in Andotugi ] Carthei
i. ] Cartbeia.
Aigid Cchill] Algious,
Aigidity, Algar, «15, m.
Aches Ca Province of Africa ]Z-
Aihailk ws Barking, Parocl ia mri-
un 5 :nttcrum de Barking.
A.hal/'ows Breaditrect, Oninium
Santtorum in vic jifterum.
Al hallows, Hon lane, Umenum $1
orum 11 mrs v3 wlo,
in vie Ling: bardico,
Alh-Il: w+ $:2 nizg, Om. $. pilt-rum
delthwr 1am.
Alhall. ws the wail,0.S ſupre murum
Alicante [of the Kingaom ct Ya-
tentia] Atene, Ihe,
ene, Alttantioum.
Ahec [a womans name] Alicia, A-
deliza .
Ahcaraſ in Sicily } gels.
Ahe:d:<{an Iflang of Sicil; ] Phos-
r1 uſa,f.
An Al«n 2 (ſtronger TAlimus, Ex-
An Aliant 5 teynus, peregrinus,
Io Alten Alt-no, Abalien, ab-
To a.ienate 5 dico Avcco, Diff a-
bo, Alnmum facere.
To Alerate [put to ſale) B neu2
pr. ſeribere.
Al enated, Alterus, Alien rtwur. :
To receive a th'ng Alenated, Poſt:
minio recipere.
——_ $ Abdicatio, Alieratio,
Alite (in 11213] Allipbe.
Al-gant,os Alicant. -
gl 7 ir] S$u5/ido, eve,
git trom a horle] Dejulrc gee
Deſcenſus ab #quo,
Al-ghted, De: => h by
ke, A que, Pari'er, Pevinde.
Altke adj. pay, c mper, <qurlis.
Al:ment {nouriſh ment) Al mentum.
Al-mony [ food] Almnmen.
Al.lander { lovige] Leriftroum val-
ALIVE Superfles Virus. * He is
Alive and 3l.v*< 1] ke, F7roit «tour
valet. * Is he Al vs, Suprratie &
veſt uy aura Attered 7 * Whit
he w=+ Al ve,Sr1ire. * To b:ta-
ken Atv ,[1 fot ftot mb ff wn ve-
my+. * 'Th- tet + hiictoy her this
Philoſopberym. «x Hope keeps him
Alve. Sper otlit,
Alkzkengy[winter-che ry] ſolorum
A'kanet [-r hane*] Alchuſa,
Alkumys, Akbywir.
A L L, Omnis, Cunftas, Univerſur,
' Aleffandri:{ n Fett] Alexaridrin, \, nien of all orders, Omnes ©
3 2
T: tes, Integ:y, Poyper, famme. * Al
Alhal!ow. Lumbarzti:eer,Om $210. }
Al cant wines Vimun regicnis I'\ich
09071 9
rd h-
_ — _
| Jha mibil rvefert utrum. *
DO —————_—_—_— a,
' could, Qu-ntzm moxime
_— — ———
i o—e——
erdinum bemines. * But whenI
had done All, os cim omni fe
clſon. * Theſe things I ſpeak of
il in general, Hee loquir de Uni-
ver/is * I have not ſcen All this
day, H:die toto non vidi die, * Kee |
it All to your felt, [nregram titt
r-ſe-ves, * All that wiilewa ]
at Nupler, eo emi tempore Newp:1
ſui, * Knowa All the Wo I:
over, tots n tws in wie, * The
th ng i known All Le:50s over, per
torom ves eft noti/wna Leribn
* Th-re I refted All N:ght long,
ibi quievt n tem 4 nn * All
my taul: 159i hat - Summa wimmis
FOE * But yet that 18 not
ll, fed nequaguzm in iflo ſunt om-
ALL C when it =” only J is
made by Unur, So/ur. As, * He
is All my care, I//um (#72 umn,
* He is All for himſelt, $161 com-
modus uni eft, [1þi felt eavet, dun-
taxat profpicit. * Have her All
to oor elf, bene Jſclus babeto,
* They live All u-on Hone'y met-
te ſole vivunt. * The $-oick- were
All the Philoſo; hers that ſa'd ſo,
Stoici foli ex emm'ns Piileſophis
ANl ( ſignifying as much az,ſo much
as, &e. ] qurntumcungue quid quic-
qu d,quantumy quim. * All I way,
all I can, quentwmrungue pefſoms
| wn potero, * I lent to the
r#tors to bring you All the Soul-
diers th:y hed, Ad Pratores miſ
ut mi/ttum quod baberent ad vor ot
durerent * AM che Judgment I
had, Quicqu'd batuerim Fadicii.
* I wou;d ftrive all that ever]
0 Qu Make A : =
ate you can (um un polerts fe-
ftrn1, * All chat 15 or tes in me,
«num in me crit, * He did
All he could 10 overthr. w the
Common weal:!h , Kempublicam
Sp .ntum in ipſo juit evertit,* Com-
ort her al} you can, I/t:»m qu-m
pies far conſulere, * Let them
make All the ſtr i hzy pleaſe,tur-
bent pory* quam velint.
ALL AFTEK AS [1.e, arcord-
ingly a3) prog exynde ut, As, * AN
af:er as the thing 15, pro conditicne
rei. *. All aſter as jt 1$ 10 big-
neſy#, pro magnitudine ret, * All
after as it is in thickneſs, pro mo-
do crofſitudinis, * All after zs
Fodder is to be had, Exinde ut pa-
buli focultas «ft.
ALL ONE, Ferinde,Idem, &c. As,
* This is All one as it I {houl4
lay, Hoc pgerinde eft tontum (i ego
dicem. * It is all one as if, idem
e/t acſi. * This is all one w th thar,
Hut urum Cf idem eff atone il'ud,
* They once were All one with
the Arademicks , ndam iden
exant gut Academici. * It 8 AL
one whether « nibil intereſt utrum,
* It 1s All one to you whether,
It was
All one to thoſe that k Ned him
what he [a d, nn inter futt occaden
tram quid dicerer, * It 18 All one
to me, nibil moor, nibil mea re-
ferty, non mognopere labro.
ALL ALONG, Pronut, Preflratus.
See Along.
, Il on a ſuddainy de improviſe, ſu-
Al the while per cone tempur, * All
the while wes ot agerk Con-
ulrtu ſuo.
Il th's while, T/que toc, Uſque ad
boc tempurs, Uſque adtuc, tamdin
* We have had tuch croſs Wea-
(her all th s while, ito wſqu? adver-
of® tempeſt ate u/t ſum
i-ular Phraſes. All 1zhuſher, otiwn |.
ſilent wm ejt.% This 1s All that's
1 f cf the mony, Tontum religaum
ejt de argen'o, * When All came to
all, Ad exiremum,tondem. * Giving
all for gone, tronſatium de port:-
tus ratws, *Allu one, 41d
or eadem operd, ſimul. * She (cat-
ters the Tx Fields,
ex agros Þ //im it cerfug,
He:0 and there and An
bie & ilic ſimul, * Is it nct All
a Cale, noi pay ratio eff, ala cruſy
4 ? * Juſt for All the World as,
imullime atgue.
All in a Tale, non coherent.
on a Summers day, die quidoam
£e/tiv:. * All to brake his Scull,
Con:regit Cranium. * Itcom:s All
to one, = _ * _ to
no e, mil agis. * 's
cur, Noſtra A lis efl. * All
that can lick a diſh, «4 w1nme od
mximum., * All the kindne's
yo can do them is not w-rih a
hy, Sigquid benefacras flumd le.
wir eft gratiz. * All is fate yet,
res adbuc quidems in tuto eff, * All
is well, ſoaiva ves et, in poytu no-
wigo, * Allis well thatends wells
exitus ofta probat. * All's not
right with them, eliquis monſtri
elunt. * All's not won that 1s
ud a'rquem, 1nbima familie-
rit te alicut conjung'. *
At All, Ommnyprer/us, As * Ido
not at All to that, Nulio mo
do proxſus oſentr, * 1ntruth you
are alhameq of nothing at All, ni-
bil te quidem. quicquam pudet,
All Scu's day, feralra februa.
goway [ in Scotland ] Al-rune.
The Allay of Money, twmper amen-
tum, mixtuga ( juxta leges mone-
tavias. )
To Allay [ eaſe ] ſedo, lenic, ire;
minuw, cre, * te Allayed by
Hunger with leaves, Levovit fa-
mem froniibus, * He Ailays his
fierceneſ} and ſeverity with cour-
reous behaviour, ſeveritatem acer-
bom mul t1s condiments kumonitatns
mitjiget, * The Tempeſt Allayed,
Dn reſedit.
To Allay Wine with Water, V:nuwm
Lympta mer»m temperate, Lympba
reſtringere pucula aydentis falern:.
» Sudlevatur, lenitus. * Hun-
ger Allayed ty B-nquets , fomes
exempta epul's, * Wine too much
All:yed, V:num plus ſatis dilutum.
*. The griet was All:zyed, Defer-
buit ſepcratus door.
An Allayer, Subeneter.
An Allaying, S«5levatio, lenimen-
To ALLEDGE, Allego, cito, profe-
re, affero , Rent . Ol
Alleage a Law, Autboritatem emen-
ter. * Canſt thou Alledge any
thing why thou art not juſtly con-
demaed, nunguid couſare guin ab
Ss ab: -$ turpi viltus,
an Aillegation, A.cgotio, onis, f,
A fall: Ailegation, Counnie. f
An All:gator { Beaſt] Crecodilus,
Alea12n'e, Fides, Fidelitas.
An Allegory Allegorta.
Allegorical, Alegoricus.
Allegorically, A ics.
To Allegorize , Fiegerice Sermane
Ailelujah ArTeh}e.
Allelujzah { Wood Sorrel ] Oxys.
\llemagne, Germonia.
] Alen-
Allerton, [ in York-ſhire } Cate-
An Alicy [ walking place J am5u-
Fg: Iggy -
' 4
ſubdioli! embula 10. nerdy
An Alley ( narrow paſſage ] An-
li-good ( Herb] Chryſlocbonumn.
All-hatlows C hurch, Ommum San-
ttorum Eccleſia. See Albillows,
All-h-al { Herb] Ponax, air,
All-ſeed, { an Herb] Atripiex ſyl-
Marr —_ Afnis.
An Allie
As Allie { of the State ] Socins.
To Aikhe, Conjungs.
Alliance { by Marriage } Afeni-
Alliance [ in B:ood J Conſanguini-
All ance ([ of S:ates] Secietar ,
Ys Affnis, Propinguury, C:njun-
us. 7
An Alligator, Cree: dilus.
South-All.ngron, Se: Maiden head.
To Allot, Delego, ſo ite afugnave
* He Aliotted me this buſineſs, we
buic neg«1i0 delegavity mibi boc ne-
eMmum pſwr,
To be Allorted unto, or have by
Lot, fortior, iri, *41 am Allotted
to Puniſhment or an Office, ſor1ior
&n.m vel Mag: firatum, Þ4
n Allotment, Aſffignatio, ſortitio,
To ALLOW, [gve] Enbibere,
Attribwo, proabeo, prefto, demetior,
iri. * 1 will Allow him Moaey,
dabitur a me orgentum. * Allow
him his Expences, ſumptum ili
Suggere. * I amable to Allow its
e/t unde bat frant, * As you are
»bie to Allow, pro ve twd,
To Allow { Approve } Concedo,
probs, cemprobs, approbe, accipio, te-
ftimento ern we, judido confirmae.
* I Ailow of that Reaſon, Accipio
couſam, * Who Allows not, quiz
e/t qw non probet 7 * It is Allowed
of in Men of our Years, AEtat:
nflre crnteditue, * They would
be Allowed to do ſo roo, Eendem
licenti -m {ibi permit1i volunt. * Some
things are All w2d to be thort-
ned. quedom breviove permirtirur,
* Something 1s to be Allowed tor
Cuſtom, Hogs e-nſuetudini dan-
dum et, * The Bucs Allow it to
WV ——_— ” _ ka at
—_— J—
—_- gy—O—E_R——_—
_— ——
bs done, Admittunt rite aves.
To Allow in Reckoning, decidogeve
Allowable, Legitinzss, Acceptobiltry
An Allowanes, penſto, demenſum.
All-wance [ in Keckoning ] dedu-
(tum, Kt
Awe { given ] Previtan, Ex-
Allowed ( approved] Probaturgre-
Allow:d in R-ckoning, Subftraltus,
An Allowing ( gving ] Exbibitio.
An ones approving ] Com-
an Allow'ng in Reckoning, de/u-
men b
An Alluminor { L-mner ] piftor.
To ALLURE, ILicio, A 'icio, ere 5
A 'etto, Illetto, Pellici . Felletto,Sol-
licito, * Excel'ent Wits are Al-
lured with Praiſe, glurid invitan-
tur praecheya ingents.
To Aluce forth, Prelicro, Protetto,
To Allure with fair Promiſes, Blon-
dior, Delinio,Verbis 1[erebroſis cap-
tore, Verbrs pholevotis ducere.
Allured, Aller, 1.etur, Attrafius,
In:fer w.
An Allurer, Pellax, Ilex, Ale Tor,
Sedu/tor, Sollictiator,
Allurgg, Iilece5reſur, Blandus,
An Alluring, A/{*(tatio, Soillicrta»
119. Hkettus, is, mn.
Alluringly, Bland?, I/lece5rog8 Sire -
Al etta is, T'lettoamentun, Blani-
mmnten, Incitementam, When.
* He gives himſeif -0 the Alluce-
ments of Delictouſnels, Dedit fe
forum wvitirum rileceiris, » He
had mar m-nts of the
City, Multa babebat invitementa
Az Alluſion, Allufto.
An Aluſfion to the name of th'ng,
Agnomin io.
An Almain C in Muſick ] Modulus
Alemann cus
Almaign Germnnia.
An rt .
n Almoners Lodging » Almono-
Almighty, Omnipotens , Cunttip -
Almig hiineſs, Omnipetentia,
An Almond, A rgd1/0,nux graca,
An Almoud- Tree, Anygdolng.
An Allu ement, Illece5v 1, Blenditia,
Alncage J. -
Ot or ” Aimonas, F _—
The Almonds of the E azz, Giandu-
ALMOST, Fere,birme,Pene, Prope,
moſt out of my Wi ix
pad me. » When he ſaw i - io
mms Almoſt encompaſſed with the
| Right, «57 vidit Komanos
Fontum nen C:rcunuvi a dextyo corn.
Almondbury { in England } C#-
Alne fo River in Northumber-
[1 Alaanins.
Alne [ a River 1n Wa.w.ok-ſhire]
= Aula'g:r, Utni
b or . z
ber « a g:r, Ulniger, evi
Aload ( a River in E lus.
oes, oy ery Fa an hags
The b tter kind uf Aloes, Atve ſuc-
The grofſer kind of Aloes,, 4
cadetine. 4
A ſweet and ious Alves, Xyloa-
he, Agallichum, Lignum elves, Ery-
In, i.
at T, Excel/ur, in Sublime, Sub-
limes, A/tss, Supernus, Superns,
S»pro, Surſum. * Hoiſ: up this
Fellow Aloft, ſblimem bune rape
* The Doughs grow up Aloft, mm
excelſum emrcont romi. *The Air is
carned Aloft, Extenuains . er ſubli
Fred: Ajokt, Def
rom Aloft, De .
To fer Atofr, Eres oe.
Alon (aRvyecrin
ALONE, Sohn, £. litaviur,
| Unicur,
Unus, Incomitatus. ou
truft him Alone, Preſtns abſenſ-
xe idems erit, * You are not A-
one 1D it , Feeerunt alli ſope.
manack, Calendsriung, Epbe- | * We wil doit Alupe 3 ns
mevis, idiss f agemus. * As he was 0'tati
Almaz [ in Hungary ] Amuantie. by himſelf Alone, cum aligue ſe-
Almenara { 'n Atnca ] Cortbogo, | cum agtteret :
Almeria ( it- Granata } Abneria, | Alone [ adv. ] Selem, Solitaris,
Por tus magnus. Ail Alone, Pe ſ tus
Alms, Eleemoſyng. Left Alone, Deſo/atus, Deſi-tmr,
An Ajmns, Stips. To leave Aunt, Derel-nqurgdeſero,
An Almsdeed, Ree. To let Alone, Mitto, miſſum facio
An Ang houle, Btochotrophium. Miſe .W lt thoſe edi A
ns « . Cl acl mus, me
Calns, $Eremſmorivs Alone, Sine meds. * Let m* A-
To give Alms, Eleemoſynim dave: | lone with it, Quieſcas ego widero
erog we, ſacere, mendico fiipem. por» | id mibi da neg-tui. * Let me A-
rigere, lone or I'lc g ve you a Caih i»
To ask Alms, Mendico. the !1eeth, Crepaburt mans mai
An Alms-man, Pro/eufticur, trbi nyt me eom'h fe
An{ Manct, 0 E eemaſynarins , | ALONG, per [ oc elſe by an Abla-
Almoner, Pr ehitor , Ero- | tive calc. } As, * I will ſ-nd ſome
«tor. Along the thoars, per Hiftora cer-
tos dimice ms * I was going A
long the H gh way, cd 1hom
with; end cam; Ag, *I' will
ome AJoi g wth you, Un«
Iecum iho dewmurs. * He came A»
ly:.g with me, Mecun nod advetiy
Al .
my! Aloud, clir?, clave or intints voce,
All tots whique, * All
wy Lite Long E—_
To lie an Along, Procumbo
. ”m' b
Fe { Bulfinch } Rubicills,
pes { Mounrains berween
and Wely } Alper, inn, f.
k Letter] Al-
Alrhen [in Holland } Albiniens
7 4 [ a Mans Name } Alphon-
Aifine { Herb ] Avriculs muris.
Iſo [ moreover ] preterec, guin-
el1am, porro X -
Altai a Mountain of Scythia }
An Altar, Altave, is, n. ra.
Alrenburgh ( in Gezmany J At-
Altenhoten [ in Germany ] Arri-
annum, vel uf currt,
To ALTER, Muts, Commute, Im
muto, Permuto, Vario, Verto. * To
Al-er h 8 Opir 10n, de ſententia de.
cedeye, @ propeſite reſilive, vela wer-
Alerable V-riebilis, Mutabilis,
To be Altered, Immutoy, * The
Cuſtom 1s ſomewhat Altered, de
flexit de wia conſuctudo. * There
was nothng that 1 thought tit to
be Altered in the Laws, bil ba-
bui quod putaram naondum in le-
1 us.
Aker ing, Momentaneas.
An Alerinz, Matatio, Innova-
Alre ation tio, Vaviatio.
* A great Aireration of time,
mire temperis inclinatt-,
Lercation { Cumention ] riza,
U ve, Alternius, Mutuus,
Alternately Ahliem tim,
Alternarion, Viaſundo, iniry f.
Hough, go om ounomw! on me
tb t. 10s
#6. att.
ſitudo, im, ce(ſit ary, foſtigneam, ju5-
hneſs ] Altitado,Cel-
I1ntta', tas
Altoboſes (in Lonia] Colophen,onir,
Altogether, omnno, pror/ u-
An Alveary [ Bee-hive } Atveore,
Foy Alwmen, in's, n, Salfugo t29-
Koach-Alum, Alumen prtree.
« with Alum, Alwninate.
Full of Alum, Aleminſes
\iway, Semper, Perperucy Perenns,
Iugiters, Nunguam 11m, Uſqueys:-
" ques 11 erum, in elem * He
is »[ways ar his Book, « put + 1o-
* my py 4
Alſo, item ttrom, quequey necnn,
wu ad
hula non tollit. * He 1s Alway*« cut
at rhe ſame note, Chirdo Semper
' oberrat yy =. __
Alete [, in ne v7.
( B 2 . Ys AM,"
os. —
I AM, ſm. * I Am here, Ciram
odſum. * T Am clear againſt it,
Anim; abboyret, * I Am an hun-
pred, Eſurio, * I Amdry, Sits,
* I Am of your mind,Tecwn ſen-
tio, tibi afſentror. * 1 Am upon
2 Journey to, Ncbir ter eft in,
* He knows I Am coming, Scit
mr adeſſe, * As tar as I Am able,
quod guro, * I Am about atruth,
res vers agitury. * I Am above
thirty Years old, Plur Annis tri-
ginta natus ſum, * ] Am as you
{ee me juſt to, its /wm,
* I Am contented with
mibi quidvis ſet eſt
yria ] Ap<mia,tEpipha-
ut vides,
avy thing
Aman ( in $
Amain, Pebementer, V olds, Strenue.
Amain ( a Sea-term tur come on
Boar ]} Acceatte.
Amain, jor the Mariners to lower
the Sails, demnttere velr,
To Amals { heap up ] Coatervo,
Amaiſed, Coacervatus,
Amafling, Coarervans.
An Amaſling, Coacervat'e, ;
To Amate [ diſcourage} Exonmo,
Attcrumn veddeve, mente conjter -
nare, confilir jin.pem reddeve,
Amated, Exanmatur, Atton:tus.
To AMAZE, Obſtupeſacio, Alto-
nitum reddere, in ſinporem or admi-
rotronem (nies,
Amazed , St»peſrtins , Attoniturs,
* He 1s Amazed in Body and
Mind, Arnimo & Corpore 10rpet.
* The Horles are Amazed , Con
fter nantur equi, * The City is
Amazed with fear, Urbs Lympta-
ta bory:ritus.
Amazedly, Atteni's, |
Amaz*dneſs, ffupcr, vir, m.
An $ Amazing, yg Kher con-
Amazement, 5 fternatio,
An Ambaſſador, Legotur.
An Ambaſladors Allowance, Leg 1-
ntvam. :
An Ambaſſage, Legatio.
[0 lend in Ambaſſage, L:g0, ore 3
L:egaticnem mandare. :
To go cn an Anbaiſige, L'gatione
f = Ambaſſador, Leg tort ue,
Amber, Succinam, Elettirum,
Amber, adj, d Elet'rinus, Fucc ins.
©} Ot An br
A languet of Amber, Lmnewinm,
Aubergreeſe, Ambra, Ambarum.
An.verp ( 1n he upper Palatinate]
Cntrobts, Amterea.
Ambes anc, ks ef,
Amtieiut { compaſling about) Ams-
Ambiguity [ doubrfulnels 3 Am-
biguitar, Ampbibolrgra, Hemony-
Awuwbigun's, Ambiguur, Ampti5cle-
', FEM recus. :
fly , Anv1gnty Amphibe-
Aud gat
{ [4 ic e, v
Anh ton, Ambitio, Am'i'ur,
Ambirious, Ambitious,
To b: Ambit'ous, Honeres embire,
Hen 11s fame fligrire, Impernnm
Ambi: ouſly, Ambitices, * Ambi-
niouſfly © ſeck Frefterment, An
bire Dreniat tem
To Amble, To' utc, Glomer 1ve greſ
Sar, in namerum oligere wngutas,
An Amble, 4 |
Ambling-pace, fi . |
An Ambling, Tollwtatio, Glomera-
Anblnglys Tollutim, _
An Ambler, Equus tout ryius,
Ambling Ho.ſe, 5 gradarins y @-
wrro, -
bleſide, [1n Weſtmorland] Am- |
Ando-dexter.[] ack-on-both-fideJ
Amb idextey, :
Amboiſe [ in France ] Ambacia, |
Inceſſus numere-
Jum ' Ambresbury (in England ( Amr |
brojia, Ambro(1i mons.
An Ambrey (Pantrey ] Celia prnu- |
Ambroſe [a Mans Name ] An-
Ambroſes, { herb ] Am'roſir.
Ambroſia { the Diet of the gods J
Ambroſia, &.
Ambrun { in Frarre] Eborodunums |
Ambulatory { Walking } Amnvbula- |
forruds. |
The Ambury C in Horſes ] Verru-
ca /pingioſa ſanguine plena,
Ambu |
An 3 Injidie.
To lye or be in Ambuſh, Infidter, \
avi, #
Laid in Ambuſh, in inſiſiis poſitus,
A Li:r in Ambuſh In/i41 ator,
By Ambuſhment, «x 1njidiis,
Amel ( enamel ] Encauſtum.
Amelcorn, trit:cum amy! un, olyrs
omylum.. : :
Amen [be it] ita fiat, Amen,
To AMEND, Emendo, Corri zo Re-
tio, Reſartio, Reftauro, Recrnom-
no, Subtawo, * He Amends his !
work, p litiur Imit cp ue. -
To Amend ( grow berter ] Re/+-
Piſco, in mils proficere, @ vitits |
pedem refevre, impuriorts vitee ſor-
des abluere, |
”Y Amen3J C in Health J Conves« |
Amends, Compenſatiz. * He has
the Amen1s in his wa hands, pe- ,
r'bit inultus.
To make Amends, r:/titwrre, come
penſare, reprndere, damnum reſav-
cire. * He mak*s Amen1s tor
his fault, redimit culpam preteri-
Amended, Ememdatus, Refeiius, I- |
aur tus.
0 be Amenied, Ementahl's,
Not to be AmenZted, inemendabilts.
An Amender, Ceorrettor, Em nd itor,
Cenſer, C ftig ator,
An Amending, Keform :tio,
Amendment, C:ftig1tio.
Amznity H— ] Amoni- |
tas, atrs, F, |
To Amerce (| fine ] Mullto, Punic,
Multtam dico or evoge,
Amerced, Mulitetus.
An Amercement, Mult, prin,
An Ameccer, Mit rt.
Au Amer-ing. Mulit :1io
Ameren [ a Biltck INant)] Au
America { 2 fourth part of the
"_— ] America, n ui orbis,
merican, ,
Ot America, F Aweric mw.
Am:sbury ([ 11 Wiltſhire] AmSro-
1a, Amwrojtr baygus.
An Ameiſe (a Poprih Prie'ts Robe]
Ex .mitam,
An Amethyſt { a Violet coloured:
(tone ) Amethyſ/tis,
Amethy(t-purple, Am*thbyſlimns.
Amiable, Amabilis, Platidus, pey-
«ler venuſtur.
Amableneſs, drcor, Pulcbritudo.
Amiably, Amadbiliter, Decore, Pla
cid, Palcbrs, Vanuſts,
Amicable { Friendly ] Amicur.
Amid C( in Paphlagonia } Amiſte.
Amidift, inter, in medio,
Amiens 4. France } Ambianum,
Amineds { a Mans Name ] Ami»
AMISSZ, [ not right ] provur,vi-
tioſws, * It will not be Amiſg,ncn
evit al1:num, * It is not Amils,
mon abs ye oft.
Amiſs [ not rightly J provs,mals,
mend55, perperam, vitiose, * You
Judge Amiſi of theſe things, beec
male Judicas,
To do Amils, Pecco, delinguo, in fe
deliiium admitters. * They Ex-
amine what is done Amils, quid in
eo peccatum ſat exquirant, * It you
do never (6 little Amiſs, $1: ten-
tu'wn price ſſes.
Ammcl, Encou/tum.,
Ammeriham ( in Ergland ] Ag-
Amity ( Friendſhip ] Amicitia,
Ammunit on, Arm rum copia.
Ammunition, ad). 2 Militeris, Ca-
Of Ammunition, F ſfironſis,
An Amner, 4: Almoner.
Amnon ( a Mans Name ] Amnon.
Among, Z apud, iny imter, As,
Amongſh, Hence there grew
many Diſeords among the Atbe-
nims, Hine apud "AOL 7 -
mcngit Fr ends all chings are com-
mon, Communia ſunt Amicorum
mmter Je comma,
| Amoous, Procax, Amaſins, Ama-
An Amorcus Pot:on, Philtrum,
Ar.orouſly, Ameterie, precaciter.
Amort, Tr ftitia obdutins, » All
amo't, qurntns quantus tri flitia to-
tus 05ductur,
' Amos [a Mans Name] Amy, inde,
To Amove, Amoveo.
To Amount, Cres, Exurgo, * The
Summe Amounts to thus much,
redit ſumma,
GH [ Loves ] Amares,
An$ Amvers dtumer, .
Ami hibol- gy ( dcubttul ſpeech 7
Ampbihol:gra, :
An Am; hithear'e, Ampbitbeatr um
Of Fey Amphith:atre, Amptitbea-
Amph bicus [ kving both by Wa-
ter and by Land ] A*ptibius,
Ample ( large ] Ampins,
An Amie Tetiimony, Plenifſumun:
Amplation ( enla gement ] Am
To Amplifie, Amplifice, Exagger'.
Amplified, Ampiipcatus , Exagge
YOrks. ;
An Amplifier, Ampli peator,
—— , ———
An Am-'l fying
An Amplifica fg $4"; if 1tin,
Amputation [cu ting of] Ampu-
Amitel Ca R ver in H Land] Am-
fattcedan ſin Holland] A »fterde-
mum, : ;
A' amulet againſt wi.cherafc, Amw-
letam, P«r14p. wm.
To amu\e { pu* 1n a 4uwp)De 100,
enimum in ſpeftaculo ecoupaye
To amu'e (wth w ris) @ 7 nem in-
on:bus verbis ducere, trabere, maya»
11, ludificart.
Amuled, Detentus, Occup tur.
An Amuſing Detenti» , Animi
An Amuſement F «cu paito,
amwel (in Herrf-rdſbrre] Fons Am-
Amy { a womans n'me ] Amicta,
Ama: a
An, (ez the particle A.
An Anabaptift, Anhaptifts, Cate»
| baptiſity &, m1.
An Anachor:te, [tonk] Annchere-
e2, <, mM,
! Aa anagram ( 2 tranſpoſiig the
letters of a name ] Anrgramma
atis, n.
An analogy [agreement] Anel gia.
Analogical, An :logreus, 1, un
An Analyſi: (unfoldiag]} Anzly/is,
tr, to.
! Analytical .
| Angl/tie k $ Analyticur, |
Avandale [in Scotland } vallis A-
nandta. .
Ananias { a mans name] Ananiar, &,
Anzrehy [eonfuſio |) Anne.
Ana:h:ma ( a curſe ] Anattems ,
Ta ana: hematine, Anatbematiy»,
Anathematized, Anatbemn Hy :tus.
Ang hematizing, Anathbemetipatto.
Anatolia ([o#'t of Aſia the leſs J
An :toli um Torem 7. ;
An Anatomy, An!omia, Sceleton,
i, ll,
The art of Ana omy, An rtemice,
Ana:omical, Anrtomicur.
An anatomilt, An 1tomeſfto, oe, m.
To anatomize, Anatomrye, Diſſeco
Anatom z ng, D:ſJettio.
| Ancaſter {'n Lrncolnſbire )Crocctons,
Anceitors, Anteceſſor es, Maj ver, P-
ores, Patres. To imitate hi An-
celtor-', Majorum ve/tig1is inbereve.
* To excell his Ancetto 5, foie
dignitatems qugere. :
Anceſtors, ad). 2 Gentilitius , Avi
Of Anceſtors tus.
Unl:ke his ———
Lo & $ Anchoram gaceve,
To we'gh anchor, Anchor am ſuble-
At anchor, Stars in ancheris.
To ride at anchor, ad ancherom
An anchoret 2 Anachcreta , Eremi-
An anchorite m.
Amchoves, Excra({icholus, Saydina.
An ancient Senex,
An ancient father, Aves.
an "_—_ [enſign] Signifer, Vex-
Anc en demeany ve ws regis patrt-
”*% 1991
to grow n+ ent, Ieter (ſto.
Gr. wn 20211 , [nveteratur
Anc.ently, 0 wn, Antiquiits, Quen-
dim Atinqais temp vi'w Mai rum
et te.
Aacienneſs2 Antiquitu,Groandevi-
An-enity 5 tar, Vetuſtas, otis, t.
Anc'am, [ in Pameranze ] Ante»
The ancle, T:lur, Surg.
The ancle-bone, Malle-/us. ;
Coming cown to the ancies T:'/aris,
* Unde: the ancie, $u5:ol :175
An ancome, { ſclon] Farr cx/u'
AND, Ac,atque, Et,Necn n Que,Twm
As, * I commend them a4 thai
delervedly, Ego illos laudo rdowe
merrto, * Toltrut our Lentwns
bo:h in other arts and eſpecially
in the imitation cf your ſelf Len
In/um n:ftrum cun ceteris artibus
tum imprimis miteticne twi fac
erud 5.
AND NOT, Nen autem, Nee,Negue,
Er nn &e. As, * You ſhould re-
lerve him,and not rail at h\m,Oper-
tet te bemnem ſublevare n n autem
Jurgiits adoyiri. * And rot long
at:er, Neque its Jengo intervalie
mA nd not without cauſe, Nec in-
jur14,* An you eannot bur know
it, Ne cl wn te eff, * Bring home
your wite and do not c:ofs me,
Reduce uxorem oc neli adverſeyi mi-
1. * This man if he agree with
himſelt and be not ſometimes 0-
wid igitnr ft wideritis.
And you will not forgive
Sr autems nm remiſeritir, * Not an
you wuld have k lled me, non
And withall, Simul.
AND YET, Tamen,Erfi. As, * And
yet all cannot be Scipic's, Nec $4-
men omnes peſſunt FT [7 rpiones.
* And y:t why thouid I reach you
ths + Quamquarns te guidem quid
bic d erm 7 * 1 ſufſer for my raſh-
nels, and yet what raſhne's was
there 11 1t } Do pane temeritatis
mee, et uo fſwt illa demeritas ?
AND THEREFORE, Proin, Proin-
de, Ay, * And therefo'e be as
couragious as the caſe requires,
Promde fac tintzm animus babees
quart» opus eft.
Partieulaz phraſes. * Whom his
mother conceived And bore, guem
marer cone genvit. * He mace
me drunk and put out my eye, me
mebriatum excecavit. * And you
and all, Er te quoque etiom.* And
why ſo? Nam quid ita} Quome-
brem tandem? * How van we go
out and not be ſeen, Qzemedo po-
wins egredi ut non ic
Andernopob, x Andrinople C in
Three} Advianapolen ,
An andiron, Andens, Andeld, Subex
or Contterius ſecovius.
Andover [1m Hontfhive] An devere.
Andres [in Galatia] Androſi.
Andrew [ a mans cnneJantrey:
S:. Ancrew Cape {1m Scotland] Ve-
109Ky .
-——_ Cyart of Spain] Vonde-,
To aneal [plaſſes] F 4s, |
Anemone { tiow r] Anemone, ef,
Anent (aga'n) &r:g1 14
n-mt [ corcerning ] De.
Anew D+ in egrs, Doruo.
An Angel Angtlury, Nwicings,
An evi argel, Cie damn.
An argel ot Gol, Ange 'inus, Ange-
21 KI.
| An argel-Fflh [ſeaeTSquating.
Angelet [a womans name] Aage-
» Juxl i,
{ett 1,
| Angelca [herb] Angelica.
Angelical, Angelus.
Angelot { F-ench Cheeſe ] C:/rus:
galireus quadratus. |
Anger, Irs. Indignatis, Furer, $4-
vitir, Color, Bi rs, Stomactus.
Fxtream angery Fxcandeſcentia.
Anger :neur:ed, Off-nſa.
Aptne\, to 2nger Jracundia.,
To avger, Irr:'o0, Acerbo, Exagito,
Exncerbo Exc rmdefacie, Inceſſo,In-
cenſum dave, Animum olicut movers
Farorem acuere, Stcmackum conti-
fave. Pe ;
Angerly. $:ze Angrily
Angers { n France] Andegeavin,
An angle {corner} Angu/zs
An Angle Arundos , Pevtica
Ana rod Piſcatoria.
To ang/e, Ineſcare, Hemunm mittere,
An angler, P:ſcator, L'neam jociens,
Medeyetor arundinis.
Anghety Ifland, Angleſeg amine,
An Anuglicum, Id19;jmpys Anglica-
An angling, Arundinis moderatio,
An angling-lime, Lino, Sets. _
| Angouleime [in Aquitain] Engoliſ-
Angred, Irritatus, Offenſus.
ANGRY, Iratus, a, ww.
Exceeding Angry, Rabidus, Rabic-
us, incenſusiva.
nr” Angry, Iracundas, Stoma-
To be Angry. Iraſcor, Succonſee, ex-
candeſco, Eferveo, Stimacher, * I
am {0 Angry that Iam not my ſelf,
Pre ivacundia, nom ſum opud me.
| * He was angry at it,boc anime ira-
cund» tultt, * He is Angry at you,
| now for that. I nunc preprerec 1151
Juccenſit. * They are Angry with
M.. 4 m———_ inte = in yy
Oo . Wo, Se7r7
Eid Debar ther, Iro ardeve, —_—
vitey Ir ſti, Grovius commoverer1, i=
rarum ſiimulis exardeſcore, *
To be ry for every trifle , De
ofini ya alterccn:.
Te ceaſe to be Angry, Deſcevio.
To Anger 3 mowvere, * A
Make Angry F little maiter will
ſerve to make them Angry, Pro
levibus nexis iras gerunt.,
Anzniy, Iracunds, Irats.
Avgprily (in look) Torve.
| Angry i» ſpeech] A/pere.
Anpulih, Anger, 6714, Anxietar,eri-
cratus, tis, mn. :
Angular ( with corners] Angularis.
Angus (tar! of Scerland] Anguſia.
Anguſt [narrow JAnguſnes 2, amr,
The ſtreic of Aman, Ananm
19 [womans old age ] Ani/ztas,
radverſion, [obſer ra.con Jaws
nr alte. ;
To am
advett, Adverteve onivniam. |
ehcourd7e) Coberter, |
[ xe) Coder
An Animal [hving creature] Ani-
mol, olis, n.
To Ammate
DE —
Cobortationibus impelleye, Studium
————_— Merterms alicui repo»
An 4 Avimati » Cobortatio
Animoſiry, ( -are-bur ning] Simub-
tay, Inmwdia, Stomachs
Anjou {in 67 ol Sadenevie.
Am Arniſum, Amferumn.
Ankle, as Ancle, Totns,
An Ankor, ſee Anchor, Anchero.
Annals [regiſters] Annales , 119%
gl , 0 Km
An Annait, Annalium conditor,
Faftorum Scriptor.
Annates, C firit-fruits ] Primitiee,
facerdotii vacantis anni vedi-
wh Jus caduci ex ſacerdotali pre»
ons [a womans name]
[0 Annex, [jointo] yer ore,
——— ————
\nQnexe nexil.
\ thing Anmexcd, . < - "own
\n Annexings App*/
netonned Canned] "Abregatur,
op ; —- __ (bring to nothing)
or ad nibilum redigere.
Anwhilated, innibilum redaltur.
Aonih lat
Anat hilar, > Annib: latto,
Ann: ed, > herb] Anniſum,
Anniverlary, [yearly] Anniverſari-
ws, So -—
An Anniverſa (yearly faſt) An-
n ver ſarium, iy (yen 11,
j Annotation, Annotatio
To Anno ” — Lodo, 0
ds. yz , » Of-
Annoy. Inc
yance, JT Ne Leſi 0, Off en+
4 Led, Offenſur.
yed BrGes cold; Algoſus.
no ater, is.
\nnual, veuty? Annunus, Sclennis,
\nnually, Quotornis.
in Annuity, Anmitas, Annwmm,
wy <- on q.
*%%. *» ih
%* >
Il Cache noi Abrogo.
\naulling, A#rogatro.
To Annunzzte, [bring news] An-
The Anvuntiation{Ledy Hoe An-
nunciatio [=o
To Anoint about, Ont Cir-
To Anoint beneath, Subterdinie.
'To Anoint often, U
To Ancunt upon,Superrawnigo, ſuper-
Anointed, Unitus, Linitzs,
Anointed over, Per
An A-ointer, Vntter, or
an - — of a = 00rPs, Pol-
An Anointir —_— > Cn
Anomalous, 2 [ irregulaz ] Anomae-
Anoncier,” | wy
__ Statimn, Illico, Mox, C
On Continuo ; Bot
[1 "Exefhigid, roterug, Prepediem,
Abſque nora, Citra meram,
Anonymcis, [ nameleſs ]} Anony-
Lo, —_
as _Ancinting, Untitio, Inunttio,
\ Another, Aliur, 6, ul. * He is of
another mind, A Aliter putet. * If
your caſe were mine you wolld be
of Another mind, tu /1 op = a-
liter ſentives, * Let he be cf ano-
ther mind, Ne ſententiam mutt,
* They ſtand now on one foot
then on another, Alternis pedibus
injuftunt, * rurns done onz
after another, B-neficia gltro citro-
bus data acceptaque, * He is of
another mind now, De ſententta
deduttus off, * One after another,
Ex crdine, * He diſperſed them
abroad ſome to one place and (ome
to another, Alia alto difſipavit.
One Another, $8« invicem, * They
killed one a 'o0ther, Mutuis iltibg
occidere, # Their ſociety one with
"_—_— zeehciores ipſorum inter ip-
Jos. one another
—.&... _—_— cord; * Boys
love one another, Peri amant in:-
fey fe or mutyd. * They run their
heads one againſt another, Alver-
is concurrunt frontrhus., »* One
m'\chict in the neck of Another,
Alind ex alio malum. * They may
b: a help to one another,” Alii
ali: s prodeſſepoſſunt.
At Another tific or place, Alias.
* One while he attempts my (oul-
diers another time my friends,
Modo milites witisy modo amices
o{rcit -f.
Another mans, Alienus. * F:ee of
anothers purſe, De alteno liberaliy,
Another way, Alorſum.
To Anoy, Ofendo, Sze Annoy.
Anſelm 6 ons name] Anſelm us.
To ANS » Re ndeo, Su bjicro,
keſponſ» Bs e anſw:rs
the purpoſe, fem reſpondet.
* He Anſwers like for- like, P-r
py refert , Lege talioms ogit.
Thus 1 anſwered what a little
conelu s Raotion; ili
Pauld ante concluſt occurri.
wer, {be anſwcrable to or
Ter again or often, Keſyon-
again as an echo, A//ono,
Wy 1, equor,
To Anſwer to an aftion at law, Ke-
onfireri in law for another, /a-
dimonium obire pro aliquo.
To Anomt «ll over, Ablino, Pey- An A
Be Is os quo vidinoni-
wcrer for another, Pres,
An þ = fer
Antaotno, (in Syria) Aniechia.
An Anragon iſt, (adverſary) Ant 'go-
ASAL,C (m Pomph lia) Attalis,
Antap) {in Cilicis ro tr 0
The Antarxic( South- pole) Polur au-
hnc-dew, (beaſt) Tamondur,
— ————_ ( on hoy Anhtece-
__ | Anthem, (divin*s ſong) Anti-
An: hall, ( in Bedfordſhire ) Anti-
—— n, (a mans name) Antboli-
Anthony, (a mans name) Anto-
S:. An hovies fire, Eryſipelar, a-
Anzchriſt, Antichrifter,
To Anticipate (prevent) Anticipo,
Occupo, Precipio.
Anticipated, Occupetus,
An Anticipater, Occupatoy.
Cr ms Anticipatio,Occupatio,
Anee (in bui'dirg) Perſone.
A Done Antiick, Inzptur, P.ntomi-
To "dance Anticks, antique more
duceve chrwens,
An:ick, Archaicus.
The Anticor (in horſes) Febr
pains pblegmone circa pettus
9 "Antidate, Tempus precipere, A-
n:chroniſmum admut!
An An'idate, Proctrenifinis.
-—_— Signatus cum prochroniſ-
An Antidote, Antidetar, i, f. A-
An Antilope, —
Ant'mony (a ſtone found
in _ gh Str drus, Piatycpbe
jooh, Antioe
jochetta 73 ECilicis) Antic-
—— (a mans name) Antic-
hy, Ca natural contrariety)]
L2 . © an Anti hy againſt, Odio
© have an a'
—_— —— ab as
The Antipodes [whoſe feet are a-
one ours] Ant1podes, um.
Antiquary, F-44225 Anti-
To el [aboliſh] Antiquo,
_ quatus.
Antique, Lehrer, #, Archetypus, Ex-
_ oletur,
An uity, Antiquites, V-tuſtar,
newt oO pofition or contra-
rr AS P
Aeris, ch Brow-Antler ] Remi
ro corn cervi junicris.
7 — Li Brabent]
Ara, (im Ahrice) Bu Bu p regia.
An Anvts Incus, is,
An Anvils ſtock, Truncus incudis,
To {trike upon an Anvil, Incudo,
A i worker on an Anvil, Incud»,
Anxiety,Sollicitudey inis 3 Anwetas,
Cruci nine.
Anxious, Anxius, Selvcitur. :
ANY, Uſlus, Quilibet, Qs ivis, Quis-
youu £ LY * If they had
Ay Be $i in an eſſe.
he weather will vo ve them]
pd. 2 far, Tompeſtas
dive I:ngixs non potitur, P Bue if
there te my © neceſfity for this
me ee Io
Sin que racefſizas bujus obvrnervit.
* Tuſc him the moſt of any, H.c
tg) utcy wn omminm plume. * It
you proroke me any morey Proter
bee (i me irrite. * Whit theie
was any t'eaty of peace, Quad de
pace agereiuy, * Contented with
any Prince, —_—_ - principe
contentus, * ] underſtand not a-
ny one word, Ierbum prorſus nul-
lum inte:go. * He comes not be-
hind any for bravery, nemini ce+
dit ſplendeye * There was never
any doubt of it, De e nungu'm
<mnine dubitatum et. * He rook
as much pains a» any of you,
A que ut winſquiſque veſtrum 1156»
Any ? Ecquis? Ecquiſnam? * Ho,
is any body here ? Hevs, ecquis bic
of ? * Whereas you a*k whether
there be avy hope, Qued queris
_ {her Nu
ny thing, @Yc umm, Yudpiom,
Qojepions Lev * FIN Thing
pleats me, Mibi quidvis ſat ef.
* If he would have any thing
wi'h me, Siquid me velit. *It he
offend 'n any th ng. Siquid peecar,
* I know he would do any thing
you would have him. Fatlurum
= velles ſcic eſſe omnia. * Was
e any thing the r cher, Nunquid
eep10/107 furt } * Think you there
will be avy thing the fewer tta-
tutes made ? an minus mults ſent
tus, conſults futura utes ? * He
looks not ary thing to tnd
tault withal, N nrequirit quod re-
pretendat, * In any thog ra her
than in this, Ubivis facihus gud m
in bac ve,
Man viſpiaw, Quivis. * Is
Body ae man erot more
One fortunate than I ?
Ecquis me wivit bodie fortunatior ?
* If any oug, ask tor me, S1quis me
Any where, Uquim, Uſpiom.
* [* were better to | ve any where,
Pref intius ſutrat whivis gentinuem
etatom agere. * I cannot tind a
penny of mony any where, Num-
mum nuſquam reperite argenty queo.
* Were you any where elſe, Tv
ft alicuhr efſes.
Any whither, Q #oquom, Queiow.
* Are you going any Whither
turns ne quipiom e5 7 * Nor inde]
did I go any whither after that
days Nec vero uſquam diſcedebam
ex eo die,
Any while, Aliquend'u,
At Any time, Unquam, Quandeocun-
Aoſta [in Piedmont] Auguſta preto-
Apace, Cits, Proper#, Feftinantev ,
Currics/o, * He runs apace, Cur-
rt gradu incitate, * He reads a-
pare, Curſom legit. * He ſpeaks
apace, Pr ecipitat ſermenem.* The
ſhip ſails apace, Claſſis fertur cito
To write Apace, Currente calamo
\paid, Cententus, * Well Apaid,
Apart, Seo _ Sepoyatim, Segreg a+
119, Sigi
Avart from (leparate] Sejunit us,
An Ape, S1mis, * You aje you!
| Eb2, Inepte ! ls
To Ape one, Ridicule imiteri.
A little Apes Simuols,
Apelles, {a man« name] Apelles, is.
The Apennine mounc | in Italy }
Mon: Appe ninus.
Apith, 9/CMS
Apilh tricks, Mimi, orum.
An Apiuſl 1imiiationy Cocogelia,
Apulineſs, Gejticulstio mimice,
An Avhoriſm, {choice ſhort ſen-
tence] /pb.ri mus, X
The Apocalyps, [revelation] Apo-
The $% ©, 4 Libri "oy
L 0c yphas Lacrt apron yper,
A-o0cr - hell Apocy A us.
Apoley, (10 Thrace] Conflantineper
que bog
n ue, { ta Apolegus,
fo Apo. i "_ :
Apology (excuſe ) Apologie.
To make an Arolog, [
aliquem ſcriptis deRadere, oltcujns
eriptis ſuſtipere»
2 ſhort witty ſen-
pleatick, |
A lehieed, Apepletiicus.
An Apo, lexy (dead palſey) Apo-
poltaſie,(revolr ng) Apoſft aſs, De -
n A:o?at*, Ap flata, &, m deſer-
tor ſacyilegus,
To Apoltacize, Defſeiſes, Deficio,
Fidea nau'rag um facere, Fidet re-
nuncicre ©
An Apolthume, 4s impoſtume,
An Apottle, Apoftolus. _
apon —_ p flolatus, ii, m.
CITOL Que, , ;
Atofloben, $1? Picns:
An A-otheca y, Fhermacipola, Me-
dicomentavins, Unguentorius.
An Apot hecar es {lup, Phaymacopo-
hum Pharmacia.
Apothegne, ſee A. ophthepm.
An Apozeme, D-cothum, Decotlus
ny D celtee vet jus. :
0 Appale, (aſtoniit) Pallorem in-
Ap 'ed, Percu'ſus.
AISITS C:nfternitio.
An Apparance, Species, i. :
Avparel, Vejtis, ir, Veſtitus, fis,
Ve ftrmen'um, Apparatus, Amitius,
Cultus, Hobitus,
To Appair (diminiſh} Attenuo, Im
minuo, Labeſatto.
A lu t of Apparel, Indumentuw.
To Apparel, Appero, Vaſtio, Veftem
for any on*, |
An Apparent cr me, Crimen fl*”
to be A parent, Pateo, * It is
parent, Logu:0 c.n/tat, Res Ay 4
To make Apparent, Patefacio, Om-
nem obſcuritatem tolleve, tenebras
diſtutere, Nullum dubitondi 1.cum
Made Apparent, Patefailus.
Ap cently, Liguido, FPerſpieut, Mar
Apparentneſs, Perſpicuitr,
An Apparition, Apporitto, Speltrum
An Apparitor, Liger, Apparitor.
An Appartment, P:rito querdam
polatu aliiut ad babitandums «ffig-
| Letters of A Beal, Libelli app*llato-
$Appet ator, Provo-
Apparee, Compares,
Pites, I'lnreſco, * However h
w || have huaſelt ap; ear affecteq,
uteunque ſe cffethum wderr wolet
* As tar a+ can appear by what is
written, Quid bteris ex ot. * Iwill
make ir appear to be true, Id verum
ef offendoam, * It appears by thiss
Uud indicrum eft.
To Appear openly, In medio efſeyin
orb1s theatrum prodive, 10 (uct vey
arty 6 temebr is er wmpere.
o Appear, (pear up) Exorior, E-
m'co, Surg.
To Appear before a Judge, Compo-
re , Siſtere ſo.
To A; pear, (abc ve ground) Exffe.
10 Appear, ( above water) Ewergo.
To Appear, (tor azother) Vadimo-
nium 05:78.
To Appear(jet over) Promineo,Su-
10 Appear 28 through a glaſs, Tren-
To begin to Appear, Pateſco.
It Appears, Conftet, Ligquet, Patet,,
þ _ cies. Fredfed
n rance, cres er 1/0
An Ares, > ito. * A fine
Navy in Appea ance, Preclara na -
A great ppearance Frequentie
[1 ©
The Appearance (of 2 perſon) Pree-
An Appearance (above water) E-
Py — (viſion) Viſie, $
n a"ance (viſion) Viſio, Spe-
es Uiairs iy
induz2 re.
Apprelled, Amiltes, Veſtitus,
Apparelled gallantly, | —
orn it ws.
7 ——_ meanly, Vili veſte te-
Apparelled in mourning, Pullrtus,
Pall veftitu indutus, Lugubri babitu
Ardied handſomely, cultus,comp-
rn, Poli tus. £ .
Apparelled unhanc ſomely, incu/-
Ry lm bg = IP
n relling, Am#! us
rp ty Excor gotta 2 Td
APPARENT, Maonifeftus, Ligurd-
us * Apparent tokens of wck-
edneſs, Expreſſo ſeeleris veftigia.
| To ſtand Apart, Driffo, Diftito.
A firſt Ap carance, (rifing)
tus, fie, m. * Atthe firſt appea-
- — Ceſar, Coſar #1 prove
A day of Appearance, Dis fle-
t .
The laſt day of Appearance, Terme-
mus pevemp! 0714, ;
A default of A;pearance, Eremed:-
to 85
cium, deſertum
To wake ones Appearance, S2 im
0 be bound for ones Appearance, |
Prematiere vad: monium. ;
To 4 Compe " cm, 4
mo, Minuo, Crmpeonro, Inge, Re-
mitto, Plato, Se Leria, demulcen,|
Paco, ma - facere, ny
— —
reddere. * To Appeale ones wraths
Irs ſuwrentem m live, .
To &preals by lacrifice, Expi ,Pl:-|
co lito,
” > cabilts, Ingenio flex-
Not A7peaſable, Impl cobilis.
Cppeotis, Pt- OE —_— Seda-
tus, Kemoutus, Lenitus, Froprtins.
* A war not to be A;peaſed, Inex-
12b1/e bellum.
0 be Appcaſed,P1»cor Remolieſco,
Miteſeo. Deſevity Deſerve, * H
is Appcaſed, Ferver animi vecedir.
* When their anger was Appeal-
ed, Quumn ire conſesiſ]ent. :
An AJpeaſcr,Plucat.r,Pacator,Poci-
Sedatic, Dels-
nitio, P<crjice»
pellant, I Provecans, n'is,
Fs 'ator.
PPencaat (hanging 0B] Appen-
An A =
A ſmall Ap
delixe] Appe-
An Appetite, Appetitus, Appetitio.
Tog:tanA Oe Oſerrt fomem.
To have an ne, Eſurro.
A good Avyetite to Eat, Feredio.
An Appetite to dridk, Bibeſ10,
Full cf Appetite, Avidus, Guloſus.
- $lureonous Appetite, Addepba-
An unſatiable Appetite, Orexisy is 5
my en
To Applaud, Applando,Plauſu of pre-
auded, Plauſur, a, wn.
Þ Plouſur, fs, m.
plauſe, Ingenti ſonuerunt a
An APPLE,Pomum Molum. * Ap-
ples, egg, 2.64 nuts, one may cat
afrer fluts, Pome, cvs alque nuces [i
det 1161 ſordida guſtes.
Apple ſoon rotten, Pumum ſu-
A ſummer-Apple , Precox, Praco-
A win'er apple, Serctinum.
little Avple, Pow wn nonum.
The Apple of the eye,Vcutt pupilla.
Apple of love [herb] Pomun a-
moris, 6
Mad apple, Mo/um inſanum,
| Apple. thorn, Strammin um,
An Apple-ecore, Volv a, Pomi medi-
An Apple-
An Apple-
An Apple-monger, Pomi!io.
An Apple-mo.te [Cider] Pometi-
» P om, enis.
tz Pomanans, Poame-
» Pomar iur.
Apple-tree, Pomur, Molus, i, f,
ric k or [weet Apple-tree, Me-
lomellus, Af
at your redder | B
!{ of his fellow r
reltounl d. ogues]| A
Ot an Apple-tree FH4tins.
An Apple-yard, Pamarium.
:aring Apples. Pcomifer, Malifer.
Co. Apples, Pomgſur.
o APPLY, Applico, Acc:oymodo,
odbibeo, Tribun, «ro. * To Ave
y hstas k _—_— aceur.rve.* To
APPIY his mind ro Philoſophy,
entem ad Philoſephi rg appeliere.
*He Apples h:s whole courage
to pra (c, In cwmbit tctc peers ad
laudem. * He Applied his wind
to writing, enimuwn ad ſceritendum
opjulit, * He Applies hs book,
Iudijs ſe toturs dat or ded't,
A aie | Applicatitis
Apphed, Applcatus, Acccommdatur,
\ppliers Annmnmeboter, p
phcatiro, Ac-
pplcatooF — corre]
\PPOINT, Stats, C
15 Appoint boun is, Teymine, Li-
Appointed, Conflitutus, Certur, fta-
Tus, Condittus, Prefiitutus. * Ic is
ſo appointed by nature, 4 nolurd
ita comp 1retum 0,
Appon:ed Cana) Lrgatus, Di-
ppoinred [eondemned to a thing)
Appointed to aid another, ſub/idia-
Ls KI.
An a>pointer,Prefiniter,Conflitutor,
_— l Prefiritio, A
An A; oti” £ePratio ig-
tis © nftrtorts Dejig natto, 4.
Jerif tio.
An Ml ppointment, Mrndotum.
By Adpo ntment, Juſſu, C:nſtituto.
:thout Appo n'meat, Injuſs.
To . - —_—_— Fquelibus partibus
An Apportionment, FEqus fund:
To Appote Aypons, Excenins.
polers exeminotor.
"poſirus, Aptus.
pound, Apte.
; rehend; Pebendo, Depreten-
To Aperehend unawares, Intercipio.
To Apprehend a maiter, Percyere
—_— Percepins, Compre-
An Captns, fs, * Of
god pubenon Ce Acutus, In-
nio ſummo pred: tus.
\nperkendion, [fear] metus,
Suſpicro. |
| rehenfive, Sag az, perſpicax.
_ aIn- bp
To Aprrehend a malcfator, Kew | An A
| Apprehenſfively, S-gacitey.
Apprehenſwvencſs, Sagacitas,
An Apprentice, Tiro, ents.
An Appieatilbip, Trreciriium. * To
rve an Appienticelhips tiricant-
To Approveh, Approgingu, Accod
0 coach, of 1nquo, Accedo
Ap ay yy nn :
To Approach near, Prope adsſſe, pro-
Fins accedervs.
An _—_ Acceſſus, Aditus,
To make approa "hes, promovere ac»
ce/ſus, wrgere rprnntne.
Approachable, Acceſſib1/rs,
A1 Approach. Apprepingu:ti.
pr on, Comprobatra, onin, t.
To approperate { hatten'] Appro-
cor ay pon
An Apricock,M:lum precoguum,
An Apricock-tree, Malus armeni-
or tit, Apto, Adapto,
on encinno,
To be Apt to Sleep, facile delabi in
w dapti *udo,inir.
$to good or evil, Indoles,
nels [to learn) Dociliies,
G [aRivenels] Dexterites.
Aptly "
Aquarius (one of the 12 ſigns}
Aquatile [watery ] Aquatilis, 4-
quations, ;
Aquamite. Aqus vite.
An Aquedua (conduit} Agua»
Awe fiſh] Aquila
4 .
Anita [a mans fm? Aquila,
a [part of Afia] Arabia,
an Arabiew, |
bian, A
RIS yh
\rab ck, Arobies.
Arable, Arobrlis,
Arach Loare of Aſia] Partbia.
Li Arahre FR-Aja) Cone
| += [a Spaniſh Kingdom] *)
I —__—_—_—
Serin A- of1tus, bene diſpe-
hen. pre tle & in Ana, t-
Kay tncomph; I tur, Inordi-
n Arbour- cher, Topiarius.
Arboug- mak ng, T:91ar19,
The Arbuzstrut, Arbutums, Fxatu
a Arbute tree, " = Mi
Arcena), Armamentar
An Arch, Arcurgls, m. Foenes, ie's
To Arch, Arcuo, Fornico, in Arcum
þ nary cury 76, arcum comp 1g i6us
I! prdum efficere.
An Arch roof, camere. L1
Th an Areh-root,
Arch, + = Princeps.
Arched y_— 1queatus.
bu ling: AF: Arch- eng, Laqueatio.
of 4 i bridge, Puntis ca-
The ror eric { court of Arches
þ.y - de avcubus,
el, Arch1ngelus,
woe, dead nettle } Lominn.
- —nritied copus, Me-
Rake Archbiſhoty + —
AS A ICSoOnY, Tec lie naw
[2 uctys,
| Archotaus (a mans b name}
An Archer, S$agittarins, Arcitenens,
] Sogittaria.
An rArch | Heger » Archibereticus,
The Arch-priefts office, Flammum.
A'clo [in Ireland —
he Arctick ( Nor: 1 Polus
ertticus or | "a » Cardo
Our's at fep-
uſus, wa ofotws. tentrionalir.
fondle, Indiſ- Ardeeſ in Selond Jordrovem
den (part Syria) Paimy
Lips, Vaſtitus, fs. _
in Araying, Ince/tur fir. | Ardeney aro, Ardor, Zelus,
To ny [detile file} S$ordido, Fado, | Ardent eſs 5 XEftur, fs.
Conſpurco Ardent yt Vehemens.
An Acbalif [ erofſ-bow] Arcube- | 4 ll
of fre net Hg head: ſin Scotlond]
pil womans name] Arbil- | Norantum promentorium.
Ar abe Ardour [ g:cat heat} es Orig.
A trary, yy FIR Ardrag k fin heland] Ardiacum.
Arditrarily, Pro I1bitu of lil idine. Ardres A —w dra.
To Arbitrate [judge be.ween] D#- | Are, ſec
fy" ore. Are fa Kivers in Torb ſbire) Arur.
An Arb'trator, Arbiter, ri. Argen:, adj. 2.4 _— Candi-
Arbi:ration, 2 Arbity _ obitretus, | Of or like filver
Arbitrement 5 Comprom —_— an [in Normandy] Argento-
0 put to arbitration, Compromitto.
An Arb trarr.x, Arbitra, Argeatine C herd] Thalifirum.
2000Y (in Bur =_ Arberoſa. Argile [ part of >cot{.n1] Argatbe-
n arbor,Per ir:darizm, To= | lia,
% Fium. ne [an Atlontich TIlandJCerne.
Argue [ Ireland] V.luntium.
Argo [ 3:ſons ſhip] Argo, us, f.
Argonauts { F:ſons compan.ons ]
gonaute, orum, Mm.
Argo Cn Pels ] Argos.
Argoletiers, Equites ferentarij or
leviter armoti.
To argue, A'gu0, Diſcepto, Ingeni'
dere pugnare, in contrarias partes
i] erere.
"4s tum, "Ratio.
An EI w=3h Themo,lems- | ans
The argument of a Comedy, Em-
A cunning argument, Elenchus, So-
Hem argument, Demon/tretio.
Full of arguments, Argwmentoſus.
To hold an a: nt with one,di/-
| m—— adv:yſus aliquem, cadere ſtr-
Arid [ory ng Cary / may
þ Een
Ediftum Regis quo ommes
Fe Begeppcianij in cc convo-
Ares ( aries (s mans name) Aria, m
yl one of the twelve Gigs]
Ar "ight, Ref
TO ARISE, Sm, Aſſurgo, Exur-
IT 4- = Orior, Exo-
To "ariſe rn befores Undo.
re day, Ante/uco, Ante-
0 atiſe
ba. nn
© ariſe befo
| The Archipelago, gem more.
DE: —_ qo rr moe an- z
A bs
_ (a mans name] Archi
To ariſe together, Conſur
To coſe reeariſe, Excitor Exuſtito.
Aragon (a Spoeniſh River] Ara+ An Archtodt, { maſter-builderJAr-, Anlen, Ereltus. |
gontus TT — Acclieas,
Aton Ornotas. Prem] Ike, Affabr. A? ariling, Srre(tro, |
Coogee} Jn. ne nn Avrcbitefturs An ariſing again, K-Surreftio.
y, Orn C4 Architrave, { 1he Chapiter of a| The 2-fing of a hill, Acclivitas.
Pt, Indutur, «ftitus, Ornatur. Pilar the chict beam 1n building) | Aniftarchus [a mans name] A ijtor-
As Arazy, Diſpe/itio, Compo/1tro, Or- iſtylrum chus,
Archives [ſtore places for old} Ariſtocracy { government by No-
1s et in Aray, Diſpono, Compond, - & rebius, or bles] Arrftocratio,
Ordim, Strw, Inftiue, Dirige a- An 4 _ 08 prieſt, Archipreshyter » | Ariſtocrarical, Avr/t:cra"icus,
ciem. Ariftolochy ( herb j Arift-l.coia,
To march in APP, Ordine incedeve, F " Archpriefls- houſe, Memins. | Arthmetick, Arithmert:c 2.
Arithmerical, Arithos:ticus , 4, umn,
A! YT — tome. icuryLogi- |
T4, & ,
An ſs; See.
les (in Provence] Arelas, Art-
in Luxemburg] Orolaumem,
, Brectium, * My Arm is
further than our
l-ave, of quimus, uando wt volu-
mus gon heer, s fy ſtrength of
arm, vel:d4 mane.
A little arm, Br 'chi lum.
To take one in his arms,
ambabu ulns _—_
An arm [ot the += _
An a'm{of a Tres:
The arm ( of a Vangh Paimus,
Ot an arm, Br act i215.
To arm, 4 "Moy Muntio, Inflrao, Av-
ma capere, ſe telis induere, ferro ac-
To arm at all points, Paneplia or-
arms, comple or,
mare, cat:phract y
An nen-fall Meniputus, _—_
An — 54 las Axille.
Ofthearm: h. » Axillavis, Suba-
Fr wade, Go Hſpanica.
Amen fin Ireland] Armacbe, Ar-
of Armegh, Armacenſis, Armacha.
Armano: {h [part of Scotland] Arma-
Armed, Armatus, Inſtruttus, Muni-
Armed all over,Cat phrofus, Pear.
Armenza Cie Spain] Armentia.
( parc of Aquitain) Are
Armour for the thigh, Femorale.
& cos; of armour,” Foldd-encas ntum,
An Faber armorum, Ar-
momentar is, yo onis.
Am armourers » Officins Av-\
Arms (weapons) Ares orum.
* They arc up inams, In ermis |
Armes (coat of armes) Inſignio,
Io lay down Arms, pone'e Arma,
* They laid down their Armes
and called for Quarter, Armis po-
fitis ad Imperatorum fidem confu-
A*Man of Armes, Vir bellicus.
By force of aumes, Manu, vi @&
An Army, exercitue, * He ſaid the
Army would be routed, dixit fore
ut exercirus peleretur, ,
To lead an Army, ogmen ducere. |
To Ma ſhal an Army, Aciem ordi-
nave, dirigere. _
To raiſe or muſter an Army, Mzili-
ter conſeyibere.
Arnhem ( in Gue/derland ] Aren1-
cm, Heyen :tium. .
Agayuien [in Pomeronia }) Arn-
Arnold [ a Mans Name ] Arneldus.
Aromatick, 2 Aromaticus, Swuaveo-
Aromatica!, lens.
An Arquzbus { a Musket ] /c/ pus.
To Arrai;n, criminiz, re-
ww agere.
Arraigned, poflulatur.
An Arraignment, Attio
Arran Iſland { Glotta ] Arronis.
An Arran1, mandatwn,
To ſend on an Arrand, eblegore ali-
To deliver an Arrand, mandata per-
A ſleeveleſs Arrand , futile nego-
mm. '
a fl:eveleſs Arrand, r*
infetts vedire, epera abuti.
An Arrant Whore,proflibulum, ſctor-
tum tyioholove,
Arrant, mera, purus putus.
Arias { in Artars ] Atrebatum, Ne-
mefocernsa. _
Arras ( Hanpin's ] tapes, etis;
periftiremata pbrygia Or acupitta,
Figured Arras, Piitura gextilir.
Of _ he Pep
Array [ Cloa'hs ] Veftis, Veftitus,
Array [ Order ] Aces, ns
Our of Array, twyþbatus.
Arrayed, Veftitns, ordinatus.
Arrearage, reliquatio, onir.
To be in Arrearage, re/rqucr, ari.
Arrears, reliqua, orum, n.
One 1n Arrears, reliquet-y,
To Arreſt, in jus trobere, raters,
v. Carey rewn corripere,
An eg Sr in jus, manils
Arreſting, irjettio, pretenſe.
An Avrett of Parhament, decretum,
Plebiſcit um,
Arreſted, prebenſus, in jus tratus,
Arriana [ in Africa ] Abditana,
The Arrians, Arviant.
Arrighced, Ad retium vicetus.
An Artival, Adventus , Appuiſur,
Ks, 9.
To Arrive, Appello, eve; edvenic,
ettingo, in portum ogere, tellure po-
{Arrived, Aus, Appulſus.
An Arriizg, pp ulſu, Alventus.
Arrogancy, Arrogantia.
Arrogant, Arrogans, audax.
Somewhat Arrogant, Suboudax.
Arrogantly, Arregonter, eudatter,
omewhat Arrogantly, Subaudatley,
To Arrogate [ t»ke to ones (elf }
Arrogo, ſ1bi ſumere.
_ [ a Rave in Burgundy] Ar-
An Arrow, erunde,ſagitta, calomus
* As {wift as an Arrow out of @
Bow, Neque aves , neque vents ca»
A lirtle Arrow, SagiteDa
A troed forked- headed Arrow, tra-
guls. ;
An Arrow head, ferramentum, wu
oro, within, bamus, cuſfis ſogttte
Arruw- head [ herb ] Sagitteris.
To ſhoot with ap Arrow, trersfigo.
Bearing Arrows, Segitrifer, telr fer.
Of an Arrow, Sogittarins.
Arſhot { im Brabont ] Ariſtotium.
The Arle, podex, ia, |
An Arſe-toot ( alittle diver] mer-
The Ar ſe-put, inteflinum reflum.
The Arle hole, ca/vs.
Arſen2l { Store houſe of Armour
and Amaunicon ] Armanumn, re-
Arſenick ( Rats bane] A. ſenicumn,
auripigmentum. |
Arſenick- colour, S:mdix.
Arſeſmart, Per/icaria, * Codd:'d
Arſeſmart, Per/icaria ſiliguate, n.4i
me tangere,
Arſe-verſie, Suſque deque » Preepe-
o go Arſe-war4, retro ambulere.
Arſuſo ( in Poleſtine J 7 pje.
An Art, Avs, Iif, F-
An Artichoke, (.ynora. ;
A Jeruſalem Artichoke , flos f-lis
Pyramidalis. .
An A tery C Pulſe ] Arteria,
The great Artery, Aorta.
Ot the Arteries, Arterr 1/19,
Full of Arterics, Arteri:ſus,
An Incifion of the Azteries, Arte-
Arthririck ( Joynt-gout ) Artbri-
tis, dolly Arthritices.
Arthur ( a Mans Name ) Arttu-
An Article, Articulvs, Conditio,
To Article, Cenditrones mire,
To draw up Ar:icles againſt one
( for Treaſon ) Poftulare copii is,
leſe Mojeftatis inſtmulare.
Anicie by Article, Articu'otim.
Anicled, Pat: ur.
Articulate, Articulatus
To Articulate, Artrculo,
An Artifice, Artificium
An Artificer, Ariifex, Opiſex, Fa-
ber Operaorius, Mccbonicus
Ar.ificial, Elaboratus , Tecbnicus,
A abre fating.
Anificial not Natural, fat! itivs.
Artificially, Affahye, ad cmuſſom,"d
unguem, od normam, ſci:s, perite,
graphics, ſumm + arte,
To forge or wo:k Artificially, fa-
Artificia'neſs, Artificium.
Artilleries, M-chine bellice. _
Fur iſhed with Artillery, Mechinis
tellicis infleultus. .
A Train of Artillery, Machinarum
The Artillery yard, Paleflys. _
Artinia [ ous of Greece } Etclta,
an$ per cl > Artiſex, icis,
Artois { ore of the Netherlands }
Arun'( a River in Suſſex] Arunur.
Arundel ( in Suffex ] Arundelio,
Arundellum. Aruntina vallis.
Arundel [ the Family ] Arundeling,
Arondel)rus, de Hirundine.
Arzerum { part of Alia } Aſſyria.
AS, ( implyirg time of Acton J
at, Cum, cam
anſuper, iter, &c. |
As, * As he was ſitiing on a
green bank of Graſs, ut viridenti
t-yo conſe erat berb ee, * AST toc
at the Door, dum ante </tium flo.
* As I tolded up this Letter, Cum
© mplicorem bane Epiſt lam. As
I wes poing into the: Nurſery ,
ut in gynercum ire cecipi.. * He
ttucies As he 15 Travelling, in iti-
nere ſecum 1pſe meditatur, * Had
this be*ialn you As you were at
Supper, $1 intey { Super ] can'm
bee t:bi aceidifſet. * And As he
fl w he look-d down upon the
Fields, egr:ſque velans deſpette-
AS [ «n'wering to Such ] qualis,
gut, ® Sucha one As, Tlts quz
Us, or is gi. * Shou dT beſuch
a Fool as tothink ? Ego nune fim
{ fuch
re, Similis erit
que antes ſuerat.
As ( having $o anſweriig it ] uf,
freut quemadmedum. * As you
b ew, io ſhail you bake, wut /e-
men'em ſeceris, ite & meres, * Ay
it 14 the part of a Wiſe man to
bear the chances of Fortune (tout-
ly, ſo it is the P.op*:ty of a Mad
Min to be the cauſe: cf h's own
tad Fortune, Quymadm dum ſa-
prentis eff fortuitus Taſus magne oni-
mo ſuſt-nere, its dementts oft ipſcom
j1bi malom facere fertunam.
As [ anſwering 10 $0 } uf, quowmo-
do * You have ſo made me Con-
ſul As few have b-en mare in this
City, I «a me PRs nſulem quo-
meido pat in Crurtate falli
mm * But who is ſo Fooiilh or
rutiſh As rocaretopgan fay it?
Coteriim outs tom ſtultngs Ou; bu vg
eft wt oude :t 1&j ugnare ?
As great, tontus.
As great As, Qurrtus. * As greet
Honour As p 1. ht be was given to
the gods, Ds yurntus m9ximus
pterat babitus oft b nes, * All
this As great As it is, is th ne,
Tulum bee qun'wmeungue et, tm
} As it was
nis beni at-
As [ in quality of } ut, tanguom,
* ky I wil fo hm to the
Dea. h, not Asa juſt Enemy. but
Ax a po. ſonous Murderergad inter-
ned nam mibti pgerſequendus eff nin
wt juſtus brſtis fed wt percuſſcy ve
nefient, * "He 1s not valtied As
he s any Mans Son. but As he is a
Man, non qud filius alicujus ſed
gud bio eſtimatur, * ] lover
you As my own B:-other, Te in
Germant Fratyis dilexi loco, * I
came to Amanus with As great
March As ever I could, Quam
potur maximis itineribus ad Ama-
num veni. * Theſe benefits are be accounted As great As
thoſe which, Hac Heneficia aqut
magna nin ſunt babenda atque ea
gue. * T thought he made As
great account of her Ag of him-
ſelt, Quom ego intellexi baud mines
eipſum magni focere, * He
IT Miſery As he that,
nibils minus in miſeria «ft quam
ille qui, :
AS ([ accordingly or proportiona-
bly As ] ut, ati, /icut, velut, pe-
vinde wt, perinde atque, We, As
* As I wrote to you hetere, wt
_—_ =—
Sevip/: |
BD —_——
eripſ ad te antes, * He file! to
big louſe As to an Altar, (rut 77:
arom conſugit in tujur 4 mwn.
* As it is ity ito ut agiom 2,
* I] loved him As my own, eamav!
0 mo, * As they were able to
follow, prout /equr porevant, * As
I] cuzht, pre £0 «c ebui. * Hes
not hated As he delerves, quem
nequaquomn preinde oc dignus eft cde-
runt r= * As _—
time ſhall, x ve em-
,» As there thall be need of
» KW cungue fuertt wer-
* A; an* {hall Adviſe, de or
ex elieujur ſententia, * As occa-
fion r-quifes, pro re nota, * The
are As very Fools, pert flunina
fort. ; :
AS ( whichor which th/ quod,
id ln As, * She as I her
Mother bid her, Mater qued ſusſit
ft, * Butit cur Country
As it ſhould
b: mage mv'1d, and As to the com-
| mon ſafety more profitable, ſerr-
| em id qu'd eff ad ſtveritatem leni-
| ui, od communem ſalurem utilus,
| * As for Fompenia, quod ad p mw
| poriam, * As for your Exculing
| your ſelf afrerwards, fu quod fe
| pfterins purges.
AS BEING. s qur pry us ſet-
licet. As, * A People that may
be pumbred As Be ng ſmall, g's -
lus numerabilly wipete __ * De»
m*critns, as Being a Learned man,
thinks the Sun to b= of a great
compaſs, $1 Demverite magnas vi-
fetus, qurfze bomant erudite, * His
Bro he Lucius, As Being one that
had tought abroad, is the Leading
Man, Lucius qurdem frater ejus,
ut pate qut peregre depugnavit, fa=
mlimm ducit. * He knew you
woul1, As Be'ng one that under-
ſtood you, ſertbat fathures quippe
qui vas inteljex-rat. * Thy lay,
th: Man As Be ng inraged, an-
{wered, cunt b minem. ut erat fu-
rioſus, reſpendeſſe. * And I, As
Be ng a very wile Man, preſently
under!'00d, Ego /crlicer | —_ prom
der, 1ſſomus, flatiminte'exi, * As
Be rig one to whom great ſorrow
came by hs Dea.h , wut od quem
ſummus maroy morte ſur ventebat,
ASB g As, As Bad As, inflar. As,
2.50 a Book, in/tar voluminis,
* Thzy th nk it Az Bad as death,
injtzw mortis puont.
As Big again, aliero tan's {| or du-
of m jor.
AS FAR AS, uſyque ad, quantum,
quod, qud, as, * They went as far
a+ to the Works, ad molem uſque
em * As tar as lam a-
le, quontum poſſim, quod queo. * As
wi.h you
tar as it may ſtand
Health, qu:4 commudo vale'uftr.;s
twe fiat. * As far as it is Pothble,
quod ejus fperi ' t. * As far ns
from Tmclus, ab «que Tmlo. * As
far as from Erb1opra, Ex £'bigpra
que, * As far +. from thence,
CC ——
moaxime (p'andum.
keep ro its kid
* We have done as Much a) w-
re miſſo n:ftre oc re- epto
av] gather by helooks, | * He made as Much account ©
qu num ex vH/'u jus inteliige. the gocd will of the Free-men a3
* As far as one could ſeey gud vis | of his own Crecir, It voluntarom
ſuc erat. | tantidem quanti fidem
As for, de, &fec. $'e Av To, | Jaam fecit,
AS MUCH AS EVER, ut c{©m
moxime, * The Houle 1 23s Mu-h
haunted 2s Ever, Domus Celebra-
tur ite ut dim moximsd.
AS OFTEN AS, Quatie,cungue, to-
ties quoties,
Juxta acjty ita wt jt, non ſecus ac jt.
As, * "As If they had been fur-
prize1 by an Ambulhts perind? cſi
infidiis cireumventi fuiſſent. * She
tought as If the h | no mind to | AS yon ng cum, ut, {mu
onquer,ite niet mae! , [m1 » etque. »
hoo et E1 would have you | Soon as awd quam A
mind his Buſineſs as If it were | As ſoon as ever, «bi primum, ut
mine own Cale, ejus negotiue fie | primiimy cum primiim, ſimul ac pri
velrm Ty re : efſet res mit. | mim, tations ut.
* As If I did not know you were | As thor gh, gueſt, We, See As if
wing, qu meſon wes 14's. | AS WELL AS, ut, tom qu mm,
* This 1s al; one 2s If 1 ſhould (ay, | <qu# or, As * De bear it 2
boc yp oft ranqu-m ji £20 dicam, | Will a3 I can, wt petero ferom. * I
» As If you were wy own Bro- | they eculd erdu-e our Vices 2
ther, n n ſecus acſi mens frater eff | Well as our Commands, $i tom
fer. * They locker as If thi'y had | vitro noflys quam Imperi+ ferre po-
run :way ſug ſpecrem prebut ut.
* He makes as Though hz had net
been will ng,difſomulat ſe voluiſſe,
$2t We:Ce, ut, cen, qw-ſt, np
A» bttle as, quontu/urcurgue. * With |
as little trouble as may be, |
quam minima cum moleflta, * For |
as Little as you can, quem gueas bp d
mnmo. | 10s eque quam dis cernunt,
A» long #n, quandin, tamdiu dumy| AS YET, «dbuc,
tontiſper dum, romdin quam dum, Prov. As light as a Feather,
gavod, * As Long as they Livey | lerioy., * Aslean as arake,
w/que dum vivunt, * 1 gave as | Ne vivit, * As poor as Job, Iro
Long 4+ I ha 1:, dedi dun fuit. | pauferice, * As true 35 the Goſ-
Sr ae ny alters tanto &ngier. | pel, Apollints reſponfum
AS MANY AS, t«, totrdem, gu-t- 'Afebaba ( a River in Th:ſoly ) Pe-
quot, gu dewnque, Ag, ere | news,
are as Many changes of Voices ## | Aſcaunſe, ex oblique.
of Minds, Vocrs mut atienes totidem | To Alcend, aſcends, confi endo, alta
Jont qu t animorum * Ay Na y | prieve, ſwſum evihi, altins emer-
Years #5 he has Lived, tr Anne | geve.
guet babet, * Twice as Many a» Ailcendant ( Power) aulteritas.
the punber of $zyvants requires, | Th: Alcendant ( of a Nativity )
duplicra gu 1m numer us ſervorum tx-| Hor:ſcopur, Sidus ſub quo quis in
1git. * As Many as there be, | lucem vere.
wamwiy multi ; quitquot erunt, * As A $ Are! ding, Zee » eften-
any Soulciers as you can get to- | "7 Aſcenſion, F fu
| _ qwide ungue miilum contra- | An A'cent, grodu1, 45, w.
e poteratis To Aſcertain, c:rtum fecere,
As mich, ronturr, * T h 1 | Atcertained, cerins fottus,
I'ie a5 much more, «iam? alice wm |An Alcertaining, Corfirmatio,
tantum pereundum fit. * Who |An Aſcertainer, Cenprmarer,
vught to uſe th:ie things as Mach | To Aſeribe, ofſcrito, attvibus, ere,
or more, quem payrter uti bis de... | Alcribeg, oſcriptur.
cuit, ext ttram amplins, * Had 1 An Alcnbing, afcriptio.
kncwn as Much, St: id ſcſſem. | Aſebin (in Mcefepetomno) Articchia,
* 1 will doas Much for you, red- | n1f151s
dam vicem, yeddetuy opera. * They | ASHAMED, Confulus, Pultfaltus.
are as Much to blame, Similt ſunt | To be Aſhamel, Ernbeſes, Pud:fro,
in culpa, tam ſunt im vitto. Cenfundoy Pudeſer, *-I am Aſha»
As much as, qurnizes , non minus | med of you, Fudet me tw. * He
— * I] ſhew you av Much Re. / was Aiſhamet to come in ycu
as » Qua poſſum ve- | ſight, Ernbuit ora veftia. * Arc
perationse moxime tt = y a not you Aſlamed + ecqurd te pudet 7
* Above five times as Much as is | * I am Athamed to tell you, pud r
Lawiul, Quinguies tonto amplius | oft mitt diceye, vere 7 diceve, *1
t/fent. * He thinks no body can
do *s Well as himſe:f, Nitit ni
ewd ipſe facit rellum putat, * As
Well as I, Mecum pariter, que
mecam, juxtle meceun. ® I
= a> Well my ſelf, tam te di-
180 quam me pſim. * Thry can
the as Well * Night a dy Day,
romis'd and under ock , Sztu+
* Acad as
h as you will thereto, itwl
oO 1 » Quantumeurqus
co addideviy, in ſus goneve monebir.
quam licitzm for, * Agit 1 were | am Aſhamed co have !w-h 4 trick
nor #8 Much concern'd in it as | put uvon me, Difpecrt fic woke
you, Qur1/r iftic manus mea ves oga- | data eſſe werhoa, * She may be &-
Iu quam a. * As Much as lay | ſhamed, b«bcot pad yen, = :
12 you , qued quidem itt te fwurt. [To make Aſhame.!, Pucefacing, pier
* Which is as Much as any Pla n- | ye officio, Confurdo, prdarim ality
tft c2v deſire, quad off accnſotors mmeutere, a
—_ —_—
[ any -
ned, $ t me.
} of, a
» Pudefottio.
raxinus, i, f.
Aſh the Family) De Frerinis,
ridges | ns i Hertfordſhire) Ju*
ws F)
= - ” Cineritius.
Aiten keyes, Frultus fraxineus, lin-
- rove, Fraxinetum.
An Ald-grove, day, Cineralia, dies ci-
- » Cini, ei is. w_
-alhes, Cinis ad{ixiviuews.
A \ moker or ſeller of aſhes, Ciniflo,
To 5 to aſhes, In cineres redi-
Pale as aſhes, Cineritins,
Full of Aſhes, Crnerwentur,
Aſhoar, In telLwe, * Tocomea-
ſhore, terr4 potiri.
Aſide, Separatim, Secrſim
Aſide (awry) 041i,u4, 4 Lazere *He
looks afide proudly, viſus ſuper-
beg Ho _ aſpetium contorgue”.
= 4s ther Soſza, ſecede
more to maintain, Es \p' ws requ rit
ad ſe twendum, * When I could
come and ask you, Cams taberem
Iui cepiom, * Ag I was a:kingthe
porters whether any it'p were
come, Dum percontor portitores ec-
gue nevis venevit. * Ark my fel-
fo whether I be a thick, ones
compotto rem agunt, quaſt in wela-
bro clear i, * You can but ask and
have, Quicquid rogaveris , tum
Touk after, Requiro,
To a:k aries. Al1quem con'uleve,
To _ again, Repoſeo,Repeſtulo, Ker
0 ack carneſtly, Flegito, Effiagite, | 7
Etiam atque etiom rego.
To Ask wero, * Th
ay Sody wok for me, Om me
To 8: 1 frequently,
hd ack nd noudy, 1 me Pey-
ack mournfully gy
To ths price, (toc apen) Li-
To. ack the rice, (3s (he ſeller) 1:-
dico, e asked a 1co ſeſterces
or it "I centum nummis indica-
ro o—M ſeoretly, £u
[0 ask as a woer, Proc
Askaunees Torve, Tronſversd.
sked, R'gatus, Interrcgatus, Poftu-
latur, Petitus.
An askery, -— Peftulator, Que
fitor » Rog -tor
Aih weed, Herbs :
yt ad (m Caine) Fans in- T
An om of queſtions, Perconteter,
Azkew, Tyr
To look A ws Lienls oculis or 6b-
lignis ratwey!
Looking Atkew at, Torviim intu-
An | cking/, Megatio, Petitio, Poftu-
Uitio, * Shall 1 gve him his a:k-
ing for op £54 i quant: puſcit
vin emam illam ?
An asking of advice, Comſultalio,
Aſleep, Soporatus.
Faſt aſleep, Sopritvs..
To be afl
o :
Fain aſleep, £
Tolay or lull aleeps $ pio.
A laying or lulting aſleep, Sopo-
Adogen in Nway) Allee.
Abope, bligus, Obltguwim.
To make afl »pe, 019n2,
Aſna (in #gypt) Sy-me.
annoy (in $a Nnatia) Ten:is.
wk Pia "the VE
Aſpenden (in Hertf.,rdſbire) Coaver-
na viferina
An \ UPEr (Turkiſh coin) Denarius
Aſperity ( roughneſs) oſperites,Du-
Alperoſa (in Thrace) Abdera
Aiperled (blemilhed) Maculatus,
ng» bd Aſpen ſu » Imputs-
perfion olhz2 Maculo ,
ne, Maculam
An al a (ſerpent) oſpis.
| Fa "©, Spiritus a
810: \ration,
An aſpiring, Foſpi e276,
To aſpire, anni tor, enbele.
To aſpire unto honour, Honor! vel/-
þ cari, Henores ambire, Honors flo-
Alpired un unto, ambitus.
A (herb) oſpbedelus.
Saw 's Tronſver
C comb) os ids
"Sn Ten * He ab) Su ens
n aſs, ofinx.
ask Ales (3, oſe[ur bes.
for nothing, bilrequirant, # fla he _ v ofc 6-0
A wild aſs, er, ri
An aſi » Puus Je.
an aſs, aſmavinsy 4, wn.
An aſs-herd, «fmnarins, it, M.
joy gn als eſrminus.
n af5-dreſſer,
An aſs- driver, 'Fogeſo » (nis, WD,
To rite on an aſs, Inſidere ofinm.
F a fetida. f Africs) ©
part 0 ca yrengica.
Ts aſi (fer oy, Iueſe, aggre-
dit, imvado.
Allzobech (wild (cikenard) oſa-
To A Aſart, arb-yer extivpore
To Af; Dy Percutio, Ex inſidiis
Aſſaflinate, 5 anterficio.
- | A general aſſault, Oppugnetio gene-
Affpropotamia, (8 a river in Epirus) wy
Aſſa fztida (a ftroog ſcented gum,) T1
an Afffaſline, Perc on, Sicaving,
erfettio pey im-
rem, of ex inſidius. |
To aſſault, eggre:ior, adcyior, In
boflem rurre, *1ea the C1-
ty with high
O8þedi ne & =
ic oppug-
netionat us ens premere capit, tw,
aſſoult a tuwn, «ſſulters manibus,
Tormentis —_—_ « gevive muros,
0 go aſlault (as b _ Catulio,
an anaſts os $ 5 th Op ans:
—_ —
relis .
oy Af
An FIT exe] 09 y<ppugne-
he can do,
Vires Suns Pretentare, * It is mo
hard matrer to aſſay, Dificile non
eft periclitari.
IS aſſay again, Reten
To cihy bs NS hed © Pretente,
bt jaſay, (ralie firſt) PreguftoyPre-
To: 2 rivily, Subtents.
FR fs Expertur, Pro-
Not "Affayed, Intentatur, Inexper-
An "Ayer, Tentaley, Probatey.
An oayer of coin, Metallorum pre-
—_— efeting
An aiſay Tente'io, Tent amen,
Alſcdation Fr
RIS regionam tox-
To ASSEMBLE, dies To Congreg®s
CNrr0 Cnuec onveco,Coge, *
Emmet bk _
nehum > aſſemble an
army, Exercitom —— Militem
FEELS (Riv. ) Congregetio,
_y catio,
As © aembling + ( neut, ) Cenven-
An: aſſembly, Cetw, concio, Frequen-
an of aſembly of Divines , Synidu
A AfoSierty. aſſembly, Tumaltwr.
To aſſent unto, aſſentior, Sententi-
Cui FLA off, De
To: == Aſere.
\s aſſertion Aſſertre, Dogma, atis,
To aſſeſs [tax] _ imponere,
Alſeſſed, Ce
an a aſcimemry” Co Corus, 1, Tribu- |
| Toke 8
| Arak ati
=_ teeth i ſacceptio,
| * Be aſured of this,
Aſſidui tas
Aſ rover
A Gut *y C ailige
:y ,Cut-
* Aſfiduity ma
ta cover __ -—
;To a defiege.
[To aw [ appoine Aſſign, At-
| tribu 9.
| tn i .
[Aligned ", 7 Hr 2m
Mabe en,
d vumulate ( countaten offi-
Anſar SY. in d Srotdond Itys.
An a Conte {ſus Lo nan per Co-
An afliſes, as þ Previncialia.
bednnd. 26eps he affiles, Forrwm [or A
A "Clark wy ARS Accenſus,
To aſlitt (a'd] 64 hey nk
bor, ſubſidium _. 7 | ry Cl
remanum auxilicrem porrigers ſe
propugn:terem dare, ſuppetias ive.
Allſtance, nm He
- es allittance, Suppeties invo-
An n Aſifant, Callegs, &, m. adjutor,
Afited, Adiu us.
To aſize weights ani meaſures,
nts or menſurar edi litto ſigns
Aſiz* 4, Adilitio ſigno munitus.
An aſlizing, Signotie.
Aſſo [1n Mengrelia) Surrum.
| Aſoor2ble, Congregabilis.
An aſſocuate, F-mil/tavis, Socius.
To aſſoviwe, Sotttatem contrebo,
Conſn, $14i adjungere, aſciſcere fo-
To "aldcixe ones ſelf, C-ngre or,
: To alſociate in wary arma conſo-
Affocined, 1: fecietatis fadus con-
Pp aus.
A - Ae AED Aſeciatio,
To oil [ a*quit ] ob/elve, * To
| a aol ons his promile, Votum
' Aſoi __
'An St yo
To aff lane fake o 0 to 0168 ſelf) afſ-
| mn,
a ampli C promiſe ] Poltum,
'To gn, off Cerruns ——_ Con-
| (ne, Protegere, Ss |
|% ir four yon * y 1 —_—
, 0, your (
Ty aflure 2 perſon by promiſe, fide
| interpoſits polliceri.
{To affure — M_— ftatwere,
| Toh be aſſured, ne/ſum ba-
An afſurance, Coutio, Cautels, Secu-
| vitas, fides data,
To give aſſurance, Sotisdave,vadrmo-
Bad _ Infirma gautio.
ood aſſurance, Satiſacci-
» Certus PT r1matugs.
» Contron Ky
' Aduredly, Certs,
CR —
aTure you, A
Mello, Lev, L2ni1, Placo,C mpeſ0
* Time aiſwages crief, dies lenit
dolwwems, Duloris vis cum __
IE cit,
Be = Devi 2 Npides
Su'ſs{o, Detwmes, Detur geo, * The
ſorc:w begins to aſſware, Dat 1m-
tervalla & rvelexat fe d Ly. * That
the ——_ :ſs of th: K ng nught
aſſwage, 'ur relanourſcat
R- * The Feve: 15 alſwaged,
Fe -— conquieſcit.
Aſwaged , Sedatur , Mitigotus.
Te , $itis relevaia.
An aſſwager,
ANw2 10g, Mit:
waging, Mitigetio » $edatio,
Plecoticn Delinimen umn.
An afteriske ( lutle tar } Afffe-
Al xictſme { conſtellation} Afte-
An aſthma [4ifficule breathing J-/tb-
m7, ets.
Athmarick (purſic) ofibmeticus
To ASTONITS ls lapefcie, 6
= Conſterno, Conturbe,
_— Te: refacio, Exemimatun red-
0, aſtoniſhed. Stupeo, we Stupeſſe,
's Oops Ex bs eicarines, eb. ob.
to ant onimi. * He was afto-
at the fight, «/petis obmu-
Altos ſhed, tenet, Speaſes,
»pit tus, perculſus Cl
CE fntmerns! Perturioting
* He food atomihed
at hs brothers fight, Frotris |
Hobet: ſhed, ettenitis beſere an'mis.
* Exceeding ſorrow me 2-
—_ Doley nimnins excnſat miht
An aſtoniſhing, Exonim :tie.
Atcarhments Stupor, Torpor, Pa-
Atorg { in Spoin ] ofture , a>
ttraddle. Varicitus,
To fit a fraddle, Divericetis cruri-
bus ſedeve, equitare.
Aly d Errabundus, vagus,
To go aſtray, Erro, Vager . Poly
» Paſa 16 recto bets as.
aſtray, Erver, ovis.
j | Anaftreon dies)» "fviftio,
ay - -——A a $$typticus,
A-ftride, A iciths,
volabe I, — ing in-
Rove —— _
a aStl "AT _
fNefor, C Afurein:fs. Certitudo, AT, is — di L
Ars emi pH bona perſe*- | An allu-er, Confirmator, prep : ofions, by divers Latin
nalie. An aſſuring, Confirm tio, A «© < 2s, * "I he in #* Romu'ur,
An — —_ afficming) TO ASS AGE, M: tig*, Mualce», ler a Km, »* Nor was
Afun ow ratim, Seorſim,Segre-.
gotim, £ t6,ob "—-
To take 2 Cander. in —_ tribure,
To cut aſunder, Diſſec
To IROY Sjungey Sep oro.
Ate, as, * At the Gate, onte js
Cum, 2s, * He went away at break
De, as, * At Midnight, de med:
Ex, #5, as... 0 lore at ones heart,
In, as, *At my Rolls mw”
* At Schoo', I
Toter, as,* U% the
Per, 3s, * At leiſure, per otium,
Super, , =, * His wickedneſs was
Thise he Yn u2, _—_— Thi of
$ ecul'5 erexit. * He commants
the briige at | Ganons tO be bro-
ken down, P —_— erat od Go-
revam — reſtindi, * Art th:
pleaſure of a woman, od arbitrium
ontiopis, * Art the mo?, od fum-
mum, * Art laſt, od ultmun, ad
ex —— * At latter Lammas,
od Grecas Calendar,
* At Lecca*s houſe, apud
* Three hund-ed nd
fix were ſlain at Cremer, Corſi apud
Cremeram trecent: & ſex.
of day, cum diluruls abrir,
notte, * He is perfumed a: my
charge, '{t unguents de mes,
Chureh, Is templo * At Co its,
In Cajzta. * At the name of He
—_ —— *1 lik-d |
ita t very Fam in prone? W
id mnibi Placebot. * My Com ip
18 now end, mn
meus fn «my -% he weſt
l-esat the bottom of the car, s of
6 yg at work, —— a
peye = At © pre-
oy - in preſentid.
ie0Ng, inter
mitia, * Had this betalm you at
ſupper time, þ boe Inter C enom dc-
of hn * At the duor, pro fori-
Sub, as, * At the co of the Ro-
man h pm foe Preeto-
ris Romawi, * At Sun-ſet they
= ovenefes occaſum ſolis deftt-
common ta!k of all at ſupper,
brefofis He Rs EE The
ofdſug ibus vivi
iged at a ſmall cherge,
Sunt. * They hold
floors at a great rate, orcas
Yom magei eftrmant. * What
quad Rome
dwelt at At Gar?
yaxreap * $
» Cartbegine. + At Dep
wy Ar Jopiters commons
mmperante. * Ar _ "—_ Siding, Ah plea-
ſure of God, Nutz & erbitrio wy!
a of
RC ————
Y Silaays 4+
OD” o——_ 7” mW PT a
* At th2 firſt tight, Primo cſpeltu,
* At your peril. Periculo two,
* At the l-at,Miniwam, * What
w 1 4{t thou do at hm, Qur4 2s
facias, * When he heard what it
was at, eudito precio,
Ac: (for to, by a dative caſe) ns,
what will the Co at me, quid fo-
cif mit'h,
AT home, of at the houſe, 4 mi.
| As Il be a* home it you would
have any ih og w th me, Demi ers
f! quid me * He was brought
up at hs houſe, Iftias demi vat
ducatus.* at your houle, perrs vor.
Ata venture, Temne, is incerium
At hand, Preflo, Propt, admanum,
Sub manu, in promp!
At any time, Vrnou
Leaſt at any time, Nequendo.
At laſt, Tand. m.
At no time, Nunguam
At the moſt, Ut plu imum,
At that time, Tunc t:mpris.
AT LEAST, Saltem, Cert#. &0. as,
It I may not enjoy 2 d com-
monwe3al h at leaft I w.]l be with-
out a baJ one, 51 mit; Rep. bon
fruit man liceb:t, at carebo m114,
* That at lea(t the ſhaJow of Pe-
ter mpht overitadew (ome of
thems//t Petri vel vmbra inuwtra-
ret aliquem ecrum, * We were
two hundred of us at leatt, Faimus
omnrno ad ducent s.
At length, alrguondo, Tandem, de-
man, Dengue, In Ingumn.
At onoe, Sim, ſeme!.
At unawai ©», Inoprn to,
To atchieve, Patro, perpetyo.
Atchieve4J, Patr1xs.
An atch eving, P «ratio.
An acchievement, Praclorum fa
cinus, * Great atch'eyements,
An atchievement ( in heraldry) In-
a atchiever. Patr-t:y.
Atheiſm, atb-i :, etberſmus,
Anathziſt, atb-v1,0tor"s.
Arhelney (in Semerſirſbire] ade-
Athol (Part of Scotlend) atbelia,
Athern (in I elond) otbra,
An atom, etomus, i, f.
Atriplex (herb) «triplexum, atri.
flex, icis.
Atrocity ( fierceneſs ) otyocitas,
To AI TACH, Infmulo, Probends,
Manus i al:iguem injicere, * He
Attached my tather for debt, P.g-
nuratus oft patrem meum * A ſore
ſickveſs attached him, Eum mor-
bur invaſit gravis. * When the
two, Cum unem v 1 alterum peſtis
( perent: f,
10 attach (goods) prgnrY. -
Attached, Pretenſus, apprebinſus,
An attach tio
An attachment $*$951%
An attack, ag greſs', oppugnztio,
To atrack, eggredi, oppugnore, a=
doriri, wmpete facere,
Artack'd, opp*ritus.
To ATTAIN anto, pitior, prrve-
nr o,Cenſequey. * Vertue 15 the rea-
dy way to atta'n 2 quiet I:fe, tron
quille mite ſemita per vertutem
AT ALL,0mn noProrſur, Quicquam.
At this tune, Nunc dirrun, F191, Hoe |
P-ſtilence had attached ome or"
* They cannot attain to that
pr2'ic, ed illom loudem afpirare non
prſſnnt. # Eafie ways ro 2'ta'n pro-
motion, aditus ad capeſſenios be»
nores prompt. Wig ES
An Attaindre, Convittic, conis. evi-
(tio, Condemna'io.
Attatn=d unto, [mpetretas.
An Atta:ning untu, Imperyatio,Cen-
ec 7,
o Actainty Evinco, ContincogReum
agere or perager-, :
To Arraint { corrupt] Inficto.
intel, Convittus ,
A-rravted flelh, Caro ſuSrencida,
Attaintuze of blood, Sanguinis Cor-
An Atrempt, A»ſum, Incep'nms co
7 To make & fouth at-
tempt, Inept? aliqu'd moliri.
To Attempt, Conor, Molior, Incipioy
4 .
Attempted, Inceptus.
4n Atreapter, Incep'or,, Molitor.
An attempting, A«/irs, its, Mm.
To ATTEND, Projtotor. » Ill At-
rend you, te Manebo.
To Atrend a perion as a beadle,
Apporituram facere Or capparere
To Attend unto, Auſtulto, Anim? 6
deſſs, Aures varus dare,
To Attend upon, Drdaco, Comitor,
ctendance ;
Atten {ance on buſineſs, ne-
ve a.
An Atten1ance or train, C.mitetus,
A great mans Atteadance, Pompsa
reg alis, Twrba clentum, Comitaius
An attendant, Afecls, Come;,
Attention, Silen wm, Fav.
To procure attention, Auditores
ottentos reddere.
Very Attentive, Perattentur.
To be attentive, Aeſſe -nim1, oni-
mum adverto, Aures orrigo.
To make attentive, Expetiationem
Atcenvvely, Att nte,Tacite, Arret-
1 aur ibus.
m—_ teatle, .
0 attenuate [lefſe 1] Attmuo,
Atrenuation, A'tenuatio,
Atrter, Pus, Sanies.
Arienſh [in Scotland] Trim nti-
= atteſt, Atteftcy.
8 atte(t1 ,
ARCs Atteſtatio.
Atteſted . Teſt imonio confi: matur.
Attire, Ornains, fs, Urnamentum.
* Clothed in rich actuce, Veſtibus
Sumftu'ſtr ornetus,
To Attire, Orn.
Attired, Ornotur,
An attire:, Ornator, w. Ornatrix f.
Av attiring. Ornatro. ;
The Attires of a (tag, Cornua cervr
adul a, Us RR
To Attone _
make Attonement _—__
An attonement, Conciliatro, Recon-
cttialn. oy
An attonement-maker, R-conci/ra-
To AttraS [draw to] Alici, ore.
Attrateds Altius,
Attractin -
Attractive 3 Ta
Aa attratti: g, Attrotlio,
An aitra*tion, Ilecebra,
A tractively Fellaciter.
A::raoped, Inftratus, Ornatus,
A1 ATTRIBUTE, Attributwmn.
To Attribute, At:1%uw), Aſcriv,,
c.nfero, * He Attnbutes his vices;
to 014 age, Vitta in; ſenetiutem cons)
fert. * He Artribures his- own
praiſe tO another, L1des ſus ad ole
term transfunctt, * He Attributes,
to me the (ateguard of rhe whole,
Emoire,J«1icat 1mperio Remon) @ |
ortt t yrarum me ot'ul:ſe ſalutem.'
* He atiribates praiſero h1mſclte,
la 'em j141 off umnit, arrog at,
Attributed, Attribu'ur,
An attributing, Attributio.
Attrit.-on [rubb-ng] Ati,
A" attouroy, Procurator.
Th: K ngs u:ney, Cogriitor re-
A knaviſh attourney, Prev rricater.
A piating attourney, Rabwls,
To make am attourney 2 Li'eris do-
Appornt an Attourney $ is procure-}
forem flatuere, :
A leiter of attourny, Liter pro-
Pu ”e
n attourni{hi .
An attou rnm_— ; Proces fie.
To AVAIL, Proſum Valeo, fJaro.
* What 4d it avail, Quid retulit ?
* I: avails noth ng to a goo life.
Nibil d bene vivendum confert.
Available, Va'ens, Efrax.
I: avails, Ga, Cnducit, refert,
Intereft. * It avals httle, Pawn
juvet, * It avails much, Multim
Javet, Plrimit prodeft.
To avale, deprimo.
Av+Ilon (in Burgundy] Aballo.
; —_ See advance.,
vant [ away] Ap-ge, ai
An avant mince, ak
The avant-peach, per/icum proccox
An, pridromnus, pro-
Avarice [covetoufneſs] Avri'ts.
pe — ——_—
va't, Oc;iis face Je, Hine te provi
Aubzzne (in Povme) os.
Aubanton (in Picardy) ebontori-
a_ (s river of Campanis Belgi-
Aub:nas (im Narbone) albena-
cum, Alba Au
Aubigny (in Ofoedy) A'binia-
Auburn-eolour, Fuſcus, Subniger.
Audacious (bold) Ardax, impu-
dens, Improbus.
Aulaciouſly, Audabier, Impreb?
Audarnty, Audacia, Improtitas.
Auie (a river' of Narbone)
Audible, Sonorus.
An audzeyee, Cetus, Concurſus,
Audience (hearing) oudienti s.
To get one audience, exdienti ow 4-
licui facere, Concilinve.
To pive audience, Auſtulte, At endo,
To g:ve ambaſſators audience, Le-
nog eudire.
0 have audience, oudiri,
Av audit, Computum, _ :
To audit accounts, Rationes exam -
An auditor, Auditor. |
An auto 'v, Auditerizm, Conflux-
ur, {45,* To ſpeak a great
clerk, Foltenrins
I womans name) Audris,
Avellino (in Mepher) - Abs' inumn.
» Ave Mor
hen ariverin Seotlend) Avo
ven-liffe (a river in Irelend)
rms. (a River in Ireland) Do-
adleng por \ciſcory ſei 3 Ta'imem
por pori referre,
—— Hor port raph
An avenger;Ultr oricy m. Viirix,
An aventure, (miſchance) caſus,
Anavenuc, «ditus, Introitus,
Avens (herb) Caryopbyllate.
poof iN s 7 the leſs )oby#us,
4 -— Plen» = x ->. ſe-
of carriage) eve-
: To avert ('urn from) overto.
AL mans name ) — my
1ngs avery, eavenrr
akon ons equorim conditur.)
| Areriation averſio,
A great aunt by the mothers (ide,
aunt by the fathers fide,
An 2 — (let) Impedimen-
ToA AVOID, Fugio,vito, Devito, ſu-
gito, * To avoid er, Ex 11
ueis evolare, Ex mals « emergere
arcins enctere.+ To Avoi
, * To avoid 2
To avoid exerements E gero, Eva-
Avoid {be gone] Abi, fece
To avoid navy © coughing 4A
An avoidance, ——
An avoidanee of a living, Wacttio.
Avoided, Evitetws.
Ealty avoided, Evitabilis, Devite-
Not to be avoided, Inerit ob 1ir.
An avoider, Evitetor, Devita'or.
An, Evitatio, Devitetis.
Ano ths -poi-weight, Libre fede -
Avols $i
yy Er =_— Nor-
Avon (is wi 7 gy Alan-
w, I-
uditory, equent; - | Aunceſtors, Ma author
%, or a7 gs face, |H ; of of Auneritrel, clientels | the author or of bon => —_ —
An auditour, Rationum ex 1winetory Tow LE aſtiom cruribus Pry; idteve.
enerins, the F | , /» «i vetuſtus, See The author of a law Legiſlator,
urs Xe pe
Roti:nibns An aunt. An author (contriver) [eventoy.
F 74. I An matby ih: "mochers fide, Ms- | A Co (_ mtg Do-
terter — * Laws in war have
rms. * - in at 2U-
thority n
Pluri mon * He ":
pertder? —_
s cus
man —— —A, bE
another, magnopere
emmebat, * 1 have autho-iy, Li-
cet mb. * ie Gro tre his own
authority, $«2 jure ag
y— {icave] pvikgiun, h-
Chief authority, Primatus, princi-
authority M1
Chief men in -X 9
0, tes, autboritat
FE aac cy
hority, Py
To, —— authority, Kegno, De-
T7 "put cur of authority, ebdicare
+ Stu/tns, 1
- x3 a river in Norv-| Avondale or Oundale Nov= | aliquam magi/cr:t abr.gore alicus
than LY - Antone, | th: _— Avene tk : +6
To increaſe) ange?, | To areu aſe vero, offermo, Con | To be put out of authority, e5/ol-
To —_ - peers. nlarge) emplio, o gvouch for another, Aftipulor, | To authorize Jubeo, , Ot 'borr totem
v augment Suffy agov. ; tribuc, Ind
['0 be augmented $ocereſes. Avouchable, ofirmablis, Authonazed, centi: ans, ts Fuſſus,
Augmen:ed, auitus. Avouched . An authorizing 2 Previlegiums,
' Augmenting Incrementuns. An avoucheT, - *f, An authorrzation F Licentis,
Augmentarion + An avouching. mat'o. Autumn, ut E
Qn » emplificator, To avow, Propteor, « ſſero Autumn ad).
aug re, Terebro, Terebrum. An avour, patrenut eccleſie, Of autumn Soutumnelic,
A littie augre (wimbie ) Terebel- | Avowed, Pelom ns A |
lum. An avower, Teftifc ater. Autun (in Burgundy] ouguffedu-
Augsburg (in Swerdlend) ous An avow:y, Uindicatio.
7 —— Daomeſia, 4 Avowtry, «d Auvagdounc (in Irelend] Achadi
Aupep (1m Sj Heracl: Anvetgne (pen of France} —_—
An | _ugur (Soothſayer) angur, | Au (i Normandy] A-
brine. Aux [in Aquitoin] Augufta auſti-
Fo uy (divination by birds) ou+ | Aureat, euretu. ors.
a ular, exricularts Auxerre [in qr ag
fan oro b Anſpicious (luckey] Felix ren, Getrtconts Pol elaunodunum.
(a mans name) Au- Anitere, Seve Auxthary [helping ] Auxilieris,
| An auftere look, erwus ofpeus. = =
| ultow (in Polend) Angnfta- | Auttercly, Severs, Duri A forces, ox (ia,
|Auſtereneſs 2c... Auxone —_— Burgundy) Au/one,
| An aviary, Caves, Ornit ium, | Auſte « Aw, Keverentie, Mb,
Aviee (a womans name) vi/ia. | Auſtin [2 mans name] Aug»ftinue. | To in aw, Timee.
Avignon (in Provence ) Avenio, The A friers, fro 10, - | Tow Contines.
pg (a River in Scotlond) avi- 5 - Germany [ —, 4 A
a, o » Ravereer,
Aringon Avent Aventon(in Gloucefter- | Authentiek peregiwed ſtood in wv of him,
P® (Aut Q Þ Antbenticus, Retue. fond 62s Sf annturrs?
_ "7 wy Acis-\ To make authentical, Katuws fo- J» cant, _
H c o i i ilens.
Aukwad, Siniffer, Inidenews Made authentick, Retificetss. Thorow:y Crake, Somno .
Aukwardly, Siniftre. An A OR, autor, condirer., [ To ( Excito, ", |
An aul, Subula * An eathor of credit, Cafes aficus
Au kby (im Turk ire) Derveats Ft ſhip. _— — To awake (neut) Expergiſtor
retis wtitcy Jr | To .
Sqrheum, ; fon'® The irc euthor of i , pg to.
nn CEA
P ia, [7 ex- | Toaw 2 .
An , Overam frifurs. | orte ſunt bc mals, * chief { T avard(defend) Inter mY
- © 9 oe >. FE” Is. 4
— 7 C — =
"- -
"> -
An Award, Adjudicali» Aye (yes) Imo, Send. To pay Back, Renumero.
AWARE, Sciens,Frov:dent, Pre/en-) Ayis % All. ; To give Back ({ recoil) Retyccodo,
tiens,preſeins. * He was Upon him! Ayman, (fart of Aſis) Arabia fe-| Inciim.
ere he wa' Aware Imparatum ador- | {ix. To look Back, Reſpicio.
tus eft, * She taited of it before | Ayr, (in Scotland) Azrea, To drive Back, Retroago,
ſhe was Aware, d: & imprudens| To Ayr. Sew Air. To wri'e Back, Keſeri
guftavit. * 1e (urp-ized them
before they were Aware, Inprnan-|
tas deprebendt. ;
To b- AWARE of Caveo, Prevideo,
Preſentio, * I was not Aware of
Ou, Hud te aſpexerom. * Look
Lack as 1t you had not been Aware
ofhim, Queſt de rmproviſo reſpice
eden * Here « my malter an
I was not Aware of h.m, Hers eſt
nec previder om,
AWAY, (ty) Vab!
i (be gone) «page, * Away
W th you, apage te.
TO AWAY, (go Away) abeo.* Ple
Away hence, ab15bo binc. * Away
with all the (peed as can be. Re-
migio v logue quantum p-terir fe-
” & Ju e
(#] AWAY WITH, take Away)
aufercyTollo,de medio tollere,* Away
with this mult , oufer m1br porter.
*Away with theſe f -pperics, Pel-
lantur inepti«e iſle. * Away with
thoſe cheats, Fraudes tollas.
TO AWAY WITH, (bear) Fero,
Paticy. * They can ill Away with
it, Gravitey ferunt, Non facile bet
ferunt, * I cannot Away with
this aity Non celum patior,
To b: Away, AbJum.
To run Awiy, Fugio. * I ran a-
way as fait as 1 could, Ego me is
pedes quantum _queo conject.
Awbrey,(the family) Aubrenry Al-
bericus. .
Awed, abſterritus, Inbibitus.
Awful, Verendus.
Awkward, «a: Aukward.
An Awl, Suhula. _
An Awm of Wine, Menſura circitey
350 librayum, »mpbora vini. ;
Awncel weigh's Lances manurie.
Awn (chaf) acus, Palea.
An Awning, Velorum proetenture( ad
—— :
Awry, (crooked) Diflertus, Obli-
A'vry, (crookedly) Diftort?, Obli-
To 69 Awry, 0berro. :
T k Awry, Tranſverſa («blique )
Ii, I
A broad or ſquaring Ax, Delabra,
s battle-Ax, Bipennis, Securis bel-
A ch'p-ax, Dolabella.
A little plain'ng-Ax, Dc labells.
An Ax to cut both ways, Securis
onceps. <4
on Axle-tree, axis, is, m.
n Axiom, exiome, omar,
The Axis, (diameter of a Sphere)
axis, Diametrus Phoevre,
—— Securidica.
\x-weed, Herba Gerardi.
For Ay (ever) in eieanum.
y ! (Ay me) He mibi, Ebeu !
Noe enpiona
(01 Ayd, Oputuler.
— «mt i.
Ayrcd, Soli wel igni od ficcandum
expoſitus, ad ſulem vil ign-m ſicca
An Ayry, Nidus acctpitoumn.
Azac, (a river in Sa-matiz) Tanars.
Arzar, (in Syria) Comageres Eupbra-
Azarias (a mans name) Agariar,
&, mm.
Azebani, Can Indian Ifland] Te
probaue. ;
Azemiay (part of Aſi) Perſis.
Azinua, [ part of Ajt-] Aſſy1t2.
Azioth {in /Zgypt] Enbajtus.
Azirul |: A gypt ] {r/inee.
Azo-e:, { We. ern Ifiands] Ayores.
Azure, [blew] Cerulevs, cyanens.
An Azure-ttone, Lopis layult.
Azza, [in Paleſtine] Gaze,
ue EE IE nn,
_— —
T2 Babble, Garrio Effutio, De-
blatero, Quicqud in buce am ve-
nerit effutire.”* He is a very bab-
ble-fart, Kimarum plenus eft, Hae
tac perpluit,
A Bavler, Garrulus, Lingusx, Lo-
quax, Gerro. Licutulei us, Blatero,
A B»b>:ling, 2 Lequacitas , Inrpta
A Babble, gaYrulitas,
A Babe, Infons, ns,
Alttle Babe, $ Infantulus.
Babyſhip, I feat: a.
A Babl:, Nuge.
A Baboon, Cynecepb lus.
Babylon, {rhe Country] B :byloni a.
»n, [the City] Babylcn, onis.
Babyloniſh, Babylonzus,
Bacchanals, B xcchanelia, wn, n. Di-
onyſ1a, orum
Bacchui, Bacchus, i. .
Bachad, (in Meſopotamia] Selrucra,
Bachara {in Germany] Buccracum.
A Kachelor, Calebs, his.
A Knight Bachelor , Milcs bata'a-
A Bachelour of Arts, Baccalaureus
A Bachelo.s degree z Baccalauria
A Bzchelors button, Po/yontbemon,
Bachelorſhip, Celibatus. |
To Back,Sufulcic, Adjuvo, Suftinto,
Suftento, alieut ſuccurrerye.
Ta Back « horſe, Eguum conſeerder-.
To back a hork at fiſt, Eguwni do
To pur Back, lle, Diſtineo.*He
was pu: back, Kepulſom 11th.
To ke. Þ Back, orer, Retin's,
morer, ari. .
A keeping Ba. k, Cobibitio,
To caſt wack, _y
eo, Revertor, Ke
ol be back a
$2'0s Autumn redibo, * Make hat
A giving Back, Reclinatio,
To ſend Back, Kemutto,
To go Back, Regredicr, di, Redeo, |
* To go back from hs word, Ce- |
dere ©” demigrave de gradu.
A going Back Regreſſus is,
To Back-ſl de, Tergiverſor,
Backſliden, Tergiverſ tus. |
A Backſlider, Tergiverſator. |
A Backſl.ding, Fr grnrſorio, Apo- |
Backward, adv. Retr5.
Hackward, Averſus, Piger.
Backwardneſs, P:gritia.
A Back, Dorſim, Tergum. * To|
rail at one behind his back, «d-,
ſenti mals logur, * He will be the |
ſame before your face and behind
your back, Preſtns abſenſque idem
orie-back, in equum non cmnino
aſcendit,* To fight 0 horſe-back,
Ex equo pugnove, * To run away
on horſe-back, Cum eu ſugere.
+. fit 07 horſe-back, L 0008
little Back, Dorſiculum,
The Back of a knife, Ebrieulum,Cul-
tr: dorſum,
The Back of a chair, Selle more
doſſuaria, crepido dorſuaria.
The Back-ftairs, Poftic: parypalatii.
The Back of the hand, Metacer-
0 break ones Back, Delumbo, E-
Broken-b2ckt, Elumbis.
Backed {ſeconded] Fr-tw, Sub-
Backed a+ a horſe, Demitus. * To
ut hi» horſe to be backed, Equum
omntort tradeve.
A B-cking, adminicy lum,
To Backbite, Obtrefto, clam vitupe-
ro abſent; contumelioſe molediceye.
A Backbiter,Obrrettotcy.
A Backbiting, Obtrettatio,
T he Back bone, Spine dorſs.
Of the Backbone, Spinexs, Sj ine-
. tis.
A Back-friend, Falſus amicus, Occul-
tus beftis.
Set Back to Back, -verſi celligati,
A ſet-ing Back to Back, overſurum!
col 1gat10,
Bearing upon the Back, Dorſus-
A ſaddle Back, Tergum ſubſidens.
$a"dle Backt,Poandus
The Back-fide (of a leaf in a book}
Charto averſa,
A Back-fic'e or yard, Certis poſtice.
On the Back-fide { behind ,
Poft, Retro, « teyeo.
Dwelkrg on the Backfide, Pr ficur.
Back, adj. P:flicus, Poftericr, A-
4 Back-blow, [with the hand} «-
verſe monus alaps, mfiifins manu
overſa colapbus.
A Back-bl w {with a ſword} aver-
ſa menu incuſſus enſts, averſi gledii
init um vanes.
A Ba k-ſhop, Officine interier, Poſt
ca tabeyna, ;
A Back- door, Paflice. The
[The Back-parts, Poſteri 110, A Bailif [ſergeant] Lifter. A Bald man Glbrio. al:peruy.
A Back-f ford, | 2m | A Bailiff ($:rwar3 DAG erſatce, To be Bal 1, Catveo, Gl, _
| Ro Laydum A Bans of a hu nareds i0icus. $® grow Bald, Calveſco, Glabreſets.
| Afflitch of Bacon, Succidia. The office of a Baihf, Villicatio, make Bald, Deprio, Decatve, De-
A gammon of Bacon, Perne. A Bal ng, Vadrmenit imter poſitio. \glebr
Bacon-greaſe. oxungts. A Ba liw ck, Prcvincia. 0 be made Bald, Colveſfo.
& nook of Bacon, Petaſo. A Bain (Bath) Faſncuns To b: Bald betore, precetves
Kulty Bacon, K1nc:dum larduon. AdryB ji be Bald dehing: Kecelreo
Bars, (a mountain in Cilicie] A C alle: (mn L1den] Baie heed of > (Colvatn, Depilatug,
um. c oc
Bad, P Prove, Malus, *Itiia Bal Baindri\geſi Tork ſhire )Bainw pens, | Baldnely Coterting? calyitum.
bufineſ! Occiſe off bec yer, * He | glory Baldne\s re, pr ecolvintes
is a3 bad as ever, Ru frm od 1nge + Ban, + Eſea, INecebra, Balder aſh, potus mix tw
nium red:t, * He took A Bald-nb, Cyts
couries> To Bat (lay a bait} Ineſco. * You
agen. d inguegetorde, Ih | on #3 = to lay baits for
c alam! ”
To be very Ba Bad {96k} Yebementer To Buirge an Inn, Diet Di-
bye en} Juſw, + She did as a \ Bui ac an fan =
her wo he: bad her, water quid To Bait a bear 67
ſuaſit ſux ſecit, * If laur um cum c ane como
have done as I
1198 exequi votaſſer, A Ba . -
Badajon (in Sin) = en. Ec. Cort
Badalona, {in Catalanis] Be'ulo, Fr Ine place TO wa yJDi-
Baden Cin Seityerload) AmueThir- A aiting place [ for w.ld beaſts]
£ [4 bitbeatr
Baden (in So Sweedlend ] Bada, Therm She he Baits of a Hawk) Contendit,
inferiores, olaturit.
| Badenoch [in Scotland ] Badenachs, Baize, Pannus villeſus.
Bad ly, M12, Preve. Gb — Pinſo, (oquere furme or
A Badge, In/igne, is, 1 ake-houſe Piftrinum, Furnon,
A Badg:, ptr ber, Qual viatoress Pokey, Piftus, LID n
bajuli, &e. geftant. Baked 1N a Pany erteptitiug,
A Bag: [token] Indiciums. Bakedin a furnace or oven, Cliba-
A Brdger, Taxur Melts. nicus, clibanitins
| BR to be Baked, Coltilis.
Baked meats, P:/?a, orums,
To Tails Ceonfu =, Refato, © 0s 0b= | A Baker, P;ftor, kurnerius.
woman Baker, Piftrix.
Baied, Detuſus, Confu'us. A B»ker of Pies, artocrearinr.
, Deluſcr. of ſweet meats, Pitor dul-
Hy Bulgo. C1a71MS,
Bags Funday Marſupium. Baker-leg'd, Valeus
A _ Bag, gy Corus Sacculns. | A Bakers trade, Þipuro, Furnaria,
A money Bag, Loculus nummarid., A Biking, ( __—_
A cloak Bag, Mantica, ca Al 3 = Ne
of ak ng, Piftorivs, Piſri- |
1 meal Bag, Saccus fr umentariva. or to
A Bag bearer. Saccifer, Saccarins. | our,
A Bap-pipe, Tibia utricularityAſcan- Ot a Baker, Pi/torinur
A By feau Nerd Fo P fries.
- aſcaules, is. " Ta
ads [oy Popbrer B 1by/an,onis. "ou |
dings Maſſula, The Ballaſs-ruby, KRubinus ___
Baggete Flamter) Scruta, wn x; RL: Catahaſs) Ber prion
Bag ang Imped! Wt Saturra,
i elex. oe occh away y Bag To Balaft,
Baggaze, Sercinis aut vajis Cot- | Balaſted, $ - — MF
teftrs proficiſti. A d Saiebongs Libramen, Liromen-
B igeed! up, — Saccarins.
A Baie, Sinus, Bulatimore Bay (in Ireland] Buls-
Pajerits [a river in Sicily) Bloulbe-
Baibaſro (in Aragon] Borboftrum,
A Paie-tree, Lowes,
Baieux { in Normandy ] Baicce, Balbec Cin Syria] Heiiopo/ir, Ceſaree
Baiecaſſes Velec #7.
, ., »— 9% A
5" Podium. T
Calvur, Depilis, Glabey, Gla-
Ba 100 [eo river 47% Uſens.
Va mon (kh 5) Gen trend.
wn [2 man» name] Boldwinus. .
To Bale a hip, Ayud navem vaſcu-
lis (non antlia) exenerare.
A Bale (pack) Sarcine.
Vis . Bale of a bucket, Sifule
Buleful, Tis.
z porca, lira
Do Balk (make a FLOG ,D#-
tiro, 27" q oy
To Balk (pa > by) Omits 5 Siceo =
a neo, Int He
alkt him not a whito ? chil reli.
cut, * I will not Balk your houſe,
—— 1n:m non ſuns deciinatu-
Balkan, (a Thracies mounta n) He- {
Frog (that 2 notice of the
pomnm coming) Speculatores be-
A 'Bilking (making of Balks) In
Balkir (paſfinr Om!
A Ly Mele Na geifie odule.
A Bal ple: Felli
reat LO
A Fit Ball, prints — 206,
A handball, (renn'+-ball) pile pal-
maria or m num. hu, 0 play atf
us I=2-1 —_= racket ) pilom: ob-
or lateye in — 10idove,
_ pope nd . . Ball pile reſul- |
The tofſer of a "Ball, Dotor
A foot-ball , pris pedalis, Hirpe- |
WF; of wild-fire, Ignis phryging,
A murk-batl, mt ole atoriny
A ſwee* Ball,
The Ball "7 aP,
A waſh-ball,
s Scotia.
: Smegma,
a" I. 0.
A ſnow-ball, Nivetum, Nivaticem,
A Printers ink-balls, Tudes, it, pils
A ſoap-ball, pile matti eco.
To > Balance, Fquipondere
To BaMfiance accounts, payio, are,
Of a Ballance, Steticus.
The beam of 2 Ballance, Scopus, Li-
brive, jugum.
The A of a Ballance, Exemen,
The (eale of a Balance, Lanx ncis.
A Ballance-maker, Bilenci/ex.
| became for his appearance, | 5roſur.
| ba re oft alter ſift. iojes. *He bomewhat Bald, — Gla-
requires me to put in ba'l, Vade-
tur bie me. * ut in bail to Buld before, Pr
Bend to the award, Nadicotuns ſolwvr | Bald behind, _—_ ' Recaloaftey.
ſatiſdat. A Bald {fipple) reaſon, Futilis, In-
To take Bail, Satisaccipers, Prades OC 6 _
x oe du hred-bare] Tritzi, Protri-
0 Ba'
Bailed, y © baterpetes A itkeratus vadi- A "Bald buazard, Plange, percnos.
Ball-n:ed, in eq« 0 poſitus.
ry defy ney obo
A rect pair of Ballances, Trutine.
A i:tle pair of Ballances , Trutt-
Banaſt, Soburra. Ser Balaft,
: 1 Boyioon (4 (8 ot __ fellis,
To Ballot, $ufirag's ( per Spher-
4, mitter
am, Blount, Opobalſomum.
& 44nd Melli-
ho, bc pt opt yl! 'um.
»huc ca.
nt1 7 Aron
i Fratex judaicus,
Balm: Balſeminus,
| Balveole'( in Catalonia ) Aque v-
Balſamine += "my Siſym-
nd ) TEE Bremer cum.
( in Germany ) Budacum,
Lan (8 ver in Lincoiwſbire ) Ba»
Ban (3 River in reload} Banng,
Ban "$cctlond
= (in iy Bou-
; = Ban Bo onto” e) Exccyer, furiis
abdicave, . = ———_ contr « ali-
TA (Band rye ) Ligemes Ligamen-
1ecalum, Ligaculums,
A little Band, Baſciels,
A Swadling band, Faſt Faſe
fee the ſome B
A Bard of Seuldiers z Coborg, tis,
To divide into Bands, decurio, ove.
Of 2 Band or Company, Caterveri-
MI, Iirenalis.
A Band of F , Peditatus.
A acl Bend (0 Men, Cobortinn-
A Band of ten Souldiers, manipn-
By Bands, Iurmation, catervatim.
By _ of ten Souldiers, meni-
Bands 0 Le
Monte ns Li
Bandaliers, mcnile cum nidis pulye-
” poreing referins, pyrii pulveris
| thets.
1 Banditto [ Outlaw ] Exterris.
A Bandog, Canis cotenetre.
A —— Pandura
A Bandy, ma, Cleve felcet
'To 'o Bengy a {TN Cleve promay tor-
| To 0 Bandy at Tennis, Keticalo pol-
To he
7 Landy C made 3 Fo +4— 4
To Bandy againſt one, Cen: pire,
B ,,
| nanehly Potions
or Ward, tribu-
& bh
Wolt-bane, of Herd Acon tum.
I pbcrions,
T88 © Bayes [ Matrimony, Sponſe-
the Banes, Publicoye Ma-
To Lots, +
of Bangor, Bongorenſre.
To Banith, in exi/ium mitto, relege,
omando, extermino, ex1lro offcere
* He Baniſhed ſelf, in wies-
tarium exilinm conceſſit. * They |
were Baniſhed their Countrey,
Nu - emiſe extermineti ſunt.
the Court, Excu-
Baniſhed, Exul:ns, Ableg oatur, Ex-
torvis, CS a
"Ia aniſhed Ahany exal, wig, « al?
Banilhment, is
trim revocare, exulanti Cviralew
A Bank, r:
A Bank co hall back watery moles,
A'Gavk ( ( of Sand ) moles arena-
The Fighting Banks of a Gally
( be betwie the KRewers ) Cetofre"|
From Bank to Bank, tim.
A Bank of Money, £ os.
A _— ot Exchange, oberna ar-
Blnkerefes {Herb ) Eryſimum,
a 9 F--a Collybifer: A
6c loksor gain of Mony in Bank, |T
To ly Mony in Banks Collybo peen-
A Bankrupt
Ad —_ A nkeouts Oberetwe.
To be cr turn Bankrout,
A becoming Bankrout , Centwrbe-
To Bane "hoon
Denangs (e
fy aye en Pefte-
Bapeied, vil Nee ——w—_
A ok (Bankers ery Table] 7s
ecnturbe, ſolum vertere z fore c6-|
Dit a,erum. (
dif Ban foom ere,
A Cm os ner, & num ettol'e
A Knight Banneret, Eques vexilla-
benneltown (in ( in Sommerſetfhire )
Banno'es ( in Cotalenia ) Beculs.
nay (98 (# River in Irelond ) argi-
A Bragucs, Epulum, Epule, Con-
Jo Bavgu Convivor, Epulor,
Convivine &-
, __— dopibus convivari,
ED ul Comefſor,
A riotous ALS 2119,
» eate [te
Banquet before a Vacation, mi-
A Banquet maker, Cenvivator, op.
A nods ” Bang One
Banqueting, E io, Convivatio,
Banqueting- +» Flatente, dapes,
Trogemato, Mattys, Bullaria, wwe.
A Benqueting- houſe, Cenviverium, |
or > a —_— Compmrwnali
Epularir, Epulaterrus n
yt or Bean Cattle [in Scotland}
OY [ Fill } Pungitizs f
To Bapt
Baptiſmal, Boptiſmatis
be of ones Baptiſm, dies Iu-
aptiſt. Os L—_ ] Baptifta.
_ Bapdn, St. Johannes Bop.
A ar, wvellis, is
A Bar C hindrance ] 03/tecnlum.
A croſs Bar, Clatbri, orwm
A door Bar, x, ihe | Kepapulumy |
Bark, repagule covnnion. Fo >
re bens
To Bar # door door, Oppeſſule, Pe _—_
foribus ebdere, repogulis
Bar [ keep from } Interdice.
He Sarde m4 t Fronce,
omni Gollia Romanis interdicit.
* He is to be Barred from giving
his voice, G96 e,dejiciendus eft. _
To pitch the Bar, Sudew joitn wi-
To o Plead At the Bar, pro tribunali
Baramwer (i $4 Hungary] entione.
Conks » CanceJatus,
A gangs ( ene, * To
+ no
LR bd
Barbadoes { the Ifland ] Brbato
or Barbeda.
Bacbars { a Womans Name } Bar-
Barba: 4,4 Country ] Maouritc-
A | Bardacy Horſe CA A dard] Equus
A Bacbary hes, » maccipiter bby-
Barbaci Barb yu, Barbavieur. |
A » Barboriſmus, Sc lee
Ba: berous ,
To fpeak Bs
Oraticns| in-
EXITS uti, mc =
y dwg ——
A B E L ,” Aumicus cus.
To Ge te } - 2 obrad).
Barbed, Borbetus.
Trepie -2 and $eculum ferro
Ts Re —_ —_
Teaſer. |
A _ "Surgeon, Tonſor Chirur -
£149, Chirw gums agen, Of Chirur-
jon Exevcens.
httle I -—
A Barbers-ihop, Tonſorium , Ton-
Barbers baſiny Conches, peivis ton-
Barbers-caſe, Chirotbecs, cap*ula
B p Berbis.
— Cate 251 Barcins,
y—» i { im Spoin } Celiobrige.
[0 Bard or Beard Wool, extremi-
Foto Surrey wy tondeve.
Dyaucus. A
Bardiey 7 lang nd by Wale ys Adves,
= (mn Sonny 3 gd.
To make Bare or lean
A Bare plat without Ai ty £labre-
Bare « of Aa Le Indigens pecuaia.
C——_— Nuditas, « Catvities.
Bare-f 7 Nudipes, Excalceatus.
leg'd, prdes &
ves Oy A's
Secolp ( flenderly ) Tenwiter, eat.”
er, jejune.
As Bare us a Birds tail, Nudicr t-
A Ln, Fu Polum, $ 0, Sti -
it away by Barga iy Pattions tres/-
m'/it., * Heſtood to his B
Cranentio petit, _—_— -———_
Bargain (
is agreed} lacet
conditio, / P
Ma ant agan ks I- ciſeer | ,
-—O——_ PaRoy, Sponſor,
Bargained, Contratus.
bh Centraltor,
The inn:r Bark, Liber, ri. Darrenneſs, Sterilite Inſecuaditas.
A little Bark, Corticuls. Barrenwort, tn Las
In ms Bark a6 p1 ll Trees ) Decortico, a Barreſter, Berrever, Fitirie orc repagularis.
A Bark-houſe, A Berronds Lavics
Baring ethics, Bark, Corticy/s. Barricado, Lericem 05Jxreye
Excerticet us, Ry Lorica vero wn -
Barked, Þ Corticatur.
Having a Back, oy >
A Bar x of Trees, Exccrticator. 1 12 at iers,
A Seeking of Trees, Excorticatio. Fighr ar Berri concerto,
A Bark+( Hoy, Pinnace ) fy AP at Barriers, Pateprite.
—_—_—_ celox. k | Barrow [| a in ] Þri-
- bees ths Fiardour, Soto Fr b
FEES 8 ports. Barrow, Carrue, Vebiculum.
Bark, Nevierahen A litle Barrow, Vebiculs.
a A Bak man, Dag ) a) Latro, A ne v , Corrus
To aS2a nt
To Bark at, _ latrotu petere, , _
to Bark Burk again, B -— - —hammqgrandm—s:
To Bark = — The driver of a Wheel-barrow,c ar-
To Bark coat Obg annie, | ridulter. -
Bark ( a Dogs Name ) be. A Barrow-maker, VeQiculerins,
A Barrow- Moialis.
Barley, | Ig
Bacley-fiower, 4 - —__
Great Barly { Bear-Bazly ) ſpelts,
«| 200.
A — ( in Meaſure ) gre-
Herdeac xy Hordes- Bartram
) Cerviſie fler,cremcy,
| Lo.
Bat \
En es,
iennpets, 1
Bartels 2 (onthe Anatiſere,
Barnſtable ( in Devon ) Barnafta
Baron & Peavey V4," Gr Fon.
A'Baron of the Enahequer Le-
jad jm Chicf Baron, Baro Capi-
A Baroneſs, B
A Baronet, Barunculu
ba! - ''B uf Bovencitue,
Barrel the berrer Herring, [miles
» ſells ſale invetera-
2Y Barrel s tn doli
up Dn 14 recondeye.
Bar -—_ Steridis, inflvcantcs, Ef-
too grow Barren, Sterik ſeo.
OD Ivy, Hedevs be -
Barren i lertites, BF Efetd, Infe.
arrc Adeps
Bart Tin Pomeranie) Barca Ali-
A Bartering, Permatotio
Bartholomew (a —
The Baſs 2 — Boſſus, ſorns
EE Name] bets |
yB upon T
1-T<< (Founren Lo |
A'Sale-Viol, Fider primarie, welf +
Soans grovis ſundaments-}
Da A Biſy
CR Ee EU n———_——__—_
A Bale eourt, Curia inferior, aw cum antis —— A ba'tel of G ants, Gigantemactis,
A Sep eſtate, feudum viliue, (4) Celbarde, / A batte] of Frogs or Mice, Batre-
A Tenure, Clientele Serviks. | A Baſt «hom yew 1cbia.
Baſe (counte feit as mettal) Adu/-| A baſtion, [e LL Papi hows, Th- beds nning of a bazzel, pelite-
Ba atfoigne Lieb burgh] Belſt- Fe g P.gne pre luſ10.
Baſe (ftark naught) Nequem, pro- TO $22 votes Jo "chi.
wr, nullins, preti!, A Ba: ion x officer che Fleet] op- Or s taris.
q Bale, Tix rpits turns, AbjeAinr, Sor- ove a:tel 36b:y ( (un Suſſex] Monefle-
ow arts, _— x5 for Bortbelomeaw ] Bartbolo- | 1 tnm
0 feciant pr?) yo * Bae F Gs "Vier - Fo —_ —_——y volutary
Ng 14, ſins nomne it, Ve thin. go cone (raw oe) os pingueſco,
Farkas, * i be he were never A bat clava. Batter ([ oft 4/ia] Biitrians.
luch » Baſe telow, at ms tops | A ABrck-bar Lneredur —- tre eld +
Ks e Wea (0) as threſhers) Tyi 0 batter wit eat guns, ps!
nt 4 —y way, TabeSejr payet di- My Th Cenrevus ont's, = 4 Gun 9%
te ants Coulnurs 0 own-right [1 |
Baſe-birth, bumilis locus. A Batchelor, Ce/ Cele tore mania torme pREIIEND
Rats Berks -),— A Batchelor of — ertiom bacca- Amit an4 battery, aſſmitus W& ver-
aureus, atio.
An TT of dep cks verſutus atchelors button , Pol entheman, A barterer «tor »tox.
The baſe (fiſh Ks, Lychris, idis. * q jA battering, yo ; fue
A baſe wreteh, bats, infamisr. | To Bate {neut.} decreſco, minxor, Batcered, ys quo Jatus
ſely, abjefts, turprter See abate. A Zante» Habs fſeneſtra.
Baſely sf, improbe,nequiter. To bate, De ſumma remittere, di- Sactery bulwark) agger.
Baſeneſs, Twypi mittere, detrabere , Geofrgas fa- Bare er [oe r pancakes] 1 1mpenſe.
Baſeneſs of birth, Ignobilitar, O3-| cere. * Bate me an ave, Exceptis| T into rank
ſeuritar. exciprendis, * He bated him not hn gies
Baſeneſs of conJ'tion, —_ = ace, nibel yeticuit, See abate. | To bactle [| ger ao ] pingueſea,
The baſer ſort, fex inþ To bat Cas a hawk] Veolaturio, de- Toba, cere.
Jo comeed baſely, turpiter fe dare. e (atthe Colledge) Witty
Baſhtul, pad —— Ks. pre {frife] Ls, contentio. deþi __— & impen/ar is nomina re-
Battal? Werecund bate, ſu/urro. ferr
Baſhtu Verecundio, pu To make -bate, lites ſerere. Barrie (f vitful) ſerox,
_—_ [l:] witgerlan!) Bake lea, Avi- Remi ſſio de ſummed * The | Well battled, ion pinguis.
Bad ” yo nam*) Boſiliugs,
1{ h:rb] Ocymwn.
= Vaccaria.
Wild or ſwaall Bafil, Ocymoſt
yo in help) Luc _—_
AE rd fe of Ocd-
nance ) formentum decumnarium.
To d Books ad ignem vel ſolems ſovere,
gifs Mfing { Cn Handture) Boſenga, Ba-
Ag: RE” Speorta, Cala-
A ltr)
£1999, vel ad { formam am ſportul +
A Baſon, polubrum, 4 1 mal pel-
vis, Kum.
A little baſon, Conch s.
Vennye baſon [herb] lobram ve-
Baſp le 1fand France, Barſa,
woke prin =
or aw,
cars St
cetagn (in brencey Brian
A bus, ,
EE - ſpurins, filins po-
me ty Vinum paſſum.
1 "baſrag( pation) F Fu tigetio.
4 r1 | =
| To Rohr a
Prgneculum, ſe-
ped agger in aciem de- |
of a hawk, olarwm ploy»
A Bating,
Batterſcy [in Swyyey] Batberſage.
Batfowling, aucupinmm nol!
Bath (10 7" wo} _= mee colf«
G £ oque ſolts. Badiqa, Batho-
A "Bath, Bainewm Lwvacrum.
A little bath, Belneolomn.
The Bath-fiye, therymo-contberus.
A \ Knight © the Bath, miles de bal-
ry hot bath, Therm.
A bath-keeper, Bone Her,
FL bath. 5alneo Lavari,
bhe batkes [
She bathes [of a hawk) prolutt, mi-
A wo ty balnearwm ©206p%9m
bathing Lev ti -
bathing place, balne
bathing-fub, Rh, pc"
Belonging to bathes, bainearis, bal-
Barhideba {23 womans name] Bath-
A'batal, ei ocies iofrale.
The middle | Battalion, eonfiſti
| —_ among the ancients,
A's Ba tel gre » Pvgne, Con-
1 { joyn Battel J'
a "n ro deſcendere, ſigna |
ey is (ignis pugnare,
* (6 bed battel, belum indicere.
To begin battel; ve/rtor, * It
nn to a Battel,' res ad manus
for battel, ad certamen fe!) A
occmgt * He has won the bat-
teh, Viet” Superior evaſit.
»| pov array, actes,
A battel between two, due Hum.
— od battel array , qu1dro-
battl ng, come
atle-2x 21, bipenns,
A battle door, feruls, pole reper-
A r_ door (horn-book ) tebella
elemntarior am.
- cm 4 Lovica, ming murorum
Mt: Battler | [S: holar in Oxon] Bata-
A batt
A baubee bo king) quadr ans.
ry baud, feng.
To play the baul, lenxciner, ari,
Baudry Len :cinium.
(in ſpeech) obſcarnitas.
Full & baudry, i —_
Baudy, 05 —— —
A bauly-
To pr pads Roetes houſes, $4 fre-
Au hauncer c of baudy houſes, fſorni.
Baulp, oc ola: 6, A
A little Baven, _—
| you um (in France) Bal
To Bruner on ——y has, complicaye
Bate (+B in whury 3:7 wy
ore (jewel) anebole.
To bawl, c/:»mm9, wociſerer, ingent
came baw to mey wenit od me
clomitans, * Lyciſca nage 0 huge
ry let ot battel, Pugna ftatoria.
Baup roy 086 ance) I cot
(10 Frence anum.
0 haul, Omi lk,
Blew Ws.
y auro in+
Ty a. (furyiture) —_ "
, r0pe-
l \ftrepere turbas =
ye, lems p04 uh wr * He
dawiling s multum letravit Ly-
A Bawlin ”
| 'BE
To be wy \Cablent) ab obeſſe.
|; a beam of the Sun Rader vodiug,
Ty abalis
A Bowler, clamoſur. To be againſt, odverſor, &c. As, A bean of Egypt, Cokcaſis.
Al mw ng, vociferatio, exclamatio, | + 1am clear ago ity 47 i997 ab; The binJing —
ou had better not have kept a | boyyet ob eo. * It the Snare be! T The black & ofa * E-
aL here, nn Teeſe erat me nor agnats it, non a/pernente Sena- | bean hath a black, Vit js ne-
py - yy Hy am not againſt * Nibil; mn _—
whn, faxus, ey. I on ro are 2
A greac bawſin, ventroſus. inpedt .oft 2 mw Of a bead! F ——
flog exclamo, tos r _ ſunt adverſs. * It 7 bean-cod, S
'ers ; will not maſt your duty A deas-thell P - / come Valen-
A bay al Loy (colour) ex badio fuſ< | do either, ks vis ſatvo officio _
tbe tr _—A F, I ſtalk, Fobole, is.
A bay of - = ng, menſura vigint! cum oliquo oo Bean-(traw, Stipuls Fabalis.
quaty 1 pecum b, - be of Ones de, re, * They Bean-porreige, conch conchis,
1 bay (:0a4 tor {hips,) fltio. for the King,ce/ary ye5ur vn bn Bean-meal,
ab [dim) _ x To be Loy hace, * I ſhall | he Bert eapet ca avis fab hs
a, e as m as "I 4n1 19m 0 4 0
3-0 on a; -__
ero tree, ne71num. 0 uiet, q ieſeo. an
A pit AD ger ie |; 3 Ip IE fe oe {nes Bajule
ace where bay-treos , Lam» ould or arem or ,
retum. E I hav e been, fu Seo = * They lay they Toy reat load,
A bay-berry, 5:cca Iuri, $o be i”, One fo FEmma grovins dicunt ſufti-
gous ng bays, /eurifer, A brach or ſhore) _— littus. were, ®* Thearitin my _— in
rf. Gays louruftinus , anguftiſe- A beaeh {i\htrub)] a/ſpalathur. —_ babe, * W
= 8 2000age, wird We ſpeculare. Bear ſw;ne here ns bie pretijo
Ot bays, 7 ——_— cula, ſpeeularium. porci veneunty* They bear bear a price,
To bay (bark) t- A burmag ignis ſpeculato- __ I ent, pretium
To bay (hold at p4 bay ) latratu ter- rhe bY bell Lao facils
To "ated at a beacon, obſervare de ere op * He bears good
Bay. eoloured, bodus. 2 » __ — ilt A. wig,
ight- bay. fulvus, p,— at a beacon, ſpeculator, -bT ., at
A dapple bay, fulrwus al5Sis marulis pP. —y— you. wh unt /ing i te Fenevaten-
diſtintius bead (to pray _ LESS pre-
A we! of piles to break the water, Neatrie — Tot '0 Bear —-E for, oy s po
11 bead, hoe,
Bayard (a ace! horſe) equ2 badius A pairof beads, coronariam, Roſa- F —_- ca
Ba ', — o Frum, x fefſer 4 precatorie. Sur mag animo gy — * He
1 -winJow, Mcanionum. 0 beads, moni le ex gem-| bears unptus cfus
Z yern { n Germany] Baverie Vin- Suftert, rFy Ar 2s your eſtate
delicra. Afr tring of beads for the arm, «r.| » prove twd, * He gives
Bayl, vadimonium. See Rail. more than his eſtate will Bear, 5e-
A Bayl#, Vrilicus. See Bulif. A =_ [tree] Apederach, nignicr off quam ves patitur, * We
Bayes ( cloth) ponnus bins, vi.0- man. Ort mult bear falls to our lot,
a G bedelius, Lifter, Viater, | _9:4 ſors feret feremus quo anime.
Courle bays, prnnus villeſus craf- My -z-—M = TS Sons arms againſt, /* Fre arma
e 0 ellarins nya.
ayonne (in Aquitain)Baiona, Boi- a'b noriue, lifter TA "| To bear away, "glory por
_ ll, eetely £us. b- x geiris b, parie. * She
Baz (an Iſland by Irelind) Oc He, agle, cateUus venaticus, catulus 0 old © ſhe is paſt bearing,
TO BE. ſum. eſſe, fo, cri. * I be- Aenl port = pA bet per annes non
leive he will be here by and 5 xo ſutilis, in- To be
credo illuwm jam adfuwiurum «© t, bear one company, deduco, co-
* Be it tha; he was worth: ly puni- kTof Pl hip] roflys, orum.
ſhed, twlerit ſand meri's pane. | The o_ ad, extremit:s prove. To JT” ebruo, ere,
* Not to mark, as I was Wont to A Beak, rofirums. To bear one down in diſcourſe,
be,non tam qudm ſo!ebam- * If ſhe | A betle beak, Refellum, eviace, adigere is verb,
bear bs __ þ s kin, cog + Beake ed, R-/frotus wwe. To Bear (demenn himſelf] /e ge-
os a OS + Contborus reve,
gp your oath, dabitur Jef furendum. -_ 7 both Puftuls, To bear « grudge, exercere ſimul-
. "I 7 will be il for you, feres infer- | To beal, Suppure. fates,
tunizms, * It happ*ned a+ well as «pw otur. To ron gefto.
bt _— fri bud potuit | A beahng watio. To bear off ( a: diſtance) 15/i/to.
we oft, * If he be true | A beam, Trabs, obir. To bear of [at] probibeo, proetelo,
© h b mfelf al he [4 ipfe conſents The principal beam of a houſe, Le-
ot, or conſont ſo be (uns. To bear off 2 blow, itt uw avertere,
he be willmg, ID at _—_ & Ad A we To Bear - woouns head and ſhoul-
t it be ſo, foc ite fe efe,Fivom e/t>. | The bean of acarriage, enis Gere] foo
ry I ord odbe -— wx" inſani- The ponen of a ſhip. Retir, is, To Boar [jet te -
om pre cum ills, ou wee | Th* beam of a make! gooc =.
too ye g 20 be at itgcui &r £cto- | Th- beam of a great balanie, $te- | To To bear out [fave IN
em wen to ter, ris,
To's 2 pL decedent: The beam of a ducks cervini corny Thhear — -—-» =
(0 eo, *] er, ec imper
ne: by by doom ed. Wh if a g ___ beam {wind-beam] Erga- To bear towards a coaſt, odne-
eo pre bh
*k "4.
Roving h+ reaſ ms of he Phi-
loſo ils it ut ay-
gumenta credai Phile/opborum.
Of orl.k* 2 £
Made of a rabicus,
n [Th- b-am-tree, Arie,
The land of Bohemia.
A Fenth bean
ja Ea dean > Phaſeolus,
A httle -
tg m6
Th uÞs folcio, ſofa
| TT again, obnitae 0
— dear with, invulges m: I
* One ma'
Tate incomremency i [> bi,
= ETIS-——s—oes
po > en
guo 7 commods efus incomm-
umn oft ferre,
ſs, t * You
ESL ipſe miibi tu
qo (porter) bojulus.
bearer out, ſponſor.
bearer of a corps, ve/ſÞiBo.
bearer of (way, Dominator.
bean ng [carrying] bojulatio, por-
ans. {ſuffering ] perpeſſi0-
vickens rn. ſo.
bear-antlers (of a duel ſupert-
or & ſecunduz pollex.
Bearing Es, datus, conſignatus,
>p> >>,
Za vt
A little ſhe- CM
a ho baiting, Urſt cum cont Cer-
A _ ward, _—_—
Of or like a Bear, Urſinu!.
3 exvtcads w(i.,
Bearc-car {herh) [herb] cortuſa,
Bears-garlick, alum urſinam.
Bears- inm montagum.
A Ly ba.* His beard is now
y grown, barba ments ſuccrevity
F —_— remiſs
© Dca .
ittle beard, og
At eee hreakie beard, be
© have 2 e -
bom alere ye -
Ae T
A beard f corn, ſpic
To —7 7 0 have a beard,
4, imberbis
:erdleſs men, obvious.
d-ng of men, pubes,
Prins beard wool, Truncove ve7ur.
To — {outbrave] boarbam aticui
Bearded {outbraved)] inſolenter ba -
— pa [herbJ chondrils,
The Beazel of a ring, pals annuh,
A Beaſt, Beftia. 4
To become beaſt brateſes
A gre fi ta.
aw 14 beaſt, fer
NEE [rt
Beaſts of (fore, Ce Fe odhres:
* ]'le beat out —_— r bexins, 116 tidi
0 deat. Leon uer} vince \ fupere, A
* He bear the Kr] vince pi con-
16 ben a an, "=
al ' 1
To beat > an anvil, -——
To _ back, repedlo, repercutto, re-
Jo bextthe
oY cons
To deat with # a cudgel, ſufligo.
EY lew, /ugilo.
To _ or - brlle . thing to make
it thinner, procud,
To beat to gent, Obtide, diverbera-
To oeinkns m— domeii (!
(+) own lier, dejicio, de-
turbo, diruo. ; 1 :
To beat down fruit, frulius ex or-
= decutere, ſteynere, concuteve.
To 0 1to a net] quatere 4-
quas, tw bare, pulſando piſces in nee
To Fo bear upon the hoof, callem cor-
(+ beat oy the fiſt, aloſ170
To beat ro the ground, « ge,
To beat with a hammer, pertwnd
To beat as hunters, indago,
To beat or knock at the door, pul-
—_ excegito, inge-
To —_ or -——
To pene with a flaff, fi Mabi 0.
To beat toge her, contur
To _ 2s the waves, illido. * The
billows beat againſt the ſhoar,fluc-
tas illiduntur in Hittw,
The wind beats violently upon,
ventur eftuct in wn locum.
To be beaten, verberor, ceder, va-
Tob be beaten to the ground, colle- |
Beaten » verberatus, caſut, pereuſ-
bn 61d beaten ſouldier, miles eme-
Beaten [overeon'n ] vittus, fupe
yalus, * —— —omy 1ght bethe
more eaſily beaten, quo feett 23 vin-
nft, mp, ill
y—_ ep —> —_*
Bea'en or and blew, ſugillatur,
Beaten to death, ocerſus, eb/iſus,
Be 7 down, dirutus, deturbatus, |
yy { driven in } incuſſus, ad-
Beaten with hail ſtones, Gradine-
Beaten into the memory, iaculcs-
IM out, e us, catuſks,
A beaten Path, cls. _
Beaten ſorely, compulſatus, EPIC |
A bear ng back, renſes.
for grief, ploneo. js black 24 lew, ſugills-
es bear deaing th a Cudgel, Fuffigatio,
A Beater out & of —_— AY
A Bearer rammer ) p-wient z,
Printers ters, 1 tes.
A, verberatio, pulſstio, per-
Lok Ln 7D __
Tha boating of as Des, puts ar-
The he Dow deat ng of the pulſe, pu/-
the que ou beating of the pulſe,Cre-
To Fo Bentifla, Beotifico, Beo,
ihed, Beatus
B-atitical, Beatiffcus,
Bearitude, Beatttndo,
Beaſtally mdepiofite Turpiter Beaten with a ftaff, ſuſtigatus, Neg lapis beyoor
. 4 » .
Beaſthneſs, ig ratitay, _ Beaten or ſtamped together, ftipa- To paco, Jed,
Beaſtly, - oy 9, brutus. 5 tur. —_ q_—: yore deftitutus,
To exe Ve tre pag- | Bea en under, ſubtnſur -— Beeauſe, Quia, ved «nam, Prop-
4 is barns f yen I am | A way, via trite, terea þ rer he eame
beatengtu pulſes ego vapulo bentum. | Weather , ventir quoſſotus. back, becauſe he ſaid he had 7 tor. |
Bea beancifle, ure Sornſi conve-
A En keen ecoratio,
A beater du
vear'ng of the breaſt, Monger,
beatins one thin
Worthy to be bea-eny ve. berandus, k
Wendy's Plagſur we verberater -
down, Demolitio ——_— ano
Beacrice [a womans name?) Bea-
fu 1 icis
er [beaſt] coftor, oric 3 Fi-
Beavers adjo.Þ pare,
A Beaver (hat) Pilens ex pilis Þhri
coaltus, pbrinus —
B aver [ oil} Coflorenm
A B:aver{[meal
A little 0
b, beaver, Merende ſumer! meron-
ienhamp Ca fami'y] de bello
Pets pon) pin
— {mn w _ EeDomerif
Benumont [a family} «de bell
a —__ end 9-
» Dau bo ins] Bl ado Dena onSpin
ends oenteceaill.
doy, * The
_— nitor, * The
beauty he age, Evi decoy inte-
Yb, 1$ loſſe
Forma borwm Fragite 7 * Beauty
t but mony is omnipotent
excd me n ſperemus {1 nrummos oſfes
if, inducere cuti LIT
Fo looſe beauty, defer floreſco.
Ft ——_—
» © _—_
— rr OOO
6. he profit * = £ co =.
Il |:
mm —
Es —O©
of Comewhat Rediit poulo | Abed- + Lefli abiiſſes. * have becn here long
Od fe blue neſcio quid dicere F | bed baker, Ca fpeney. wo L þ tots my ad fums.
Becauſe of, ON Prefer, Orati Enge. A bed-chamber, Cubicu/um. * You been long 2a-
Bereaigos [bird] ] Ficeduls, Of the bed chamber, eubiculayity 8. | bout this, Satis diz jews boc —_
Beek for ke becen. enbiculavyins,o, un. wivis, * As we have ever been
A beck, nutws. * Non at a beek, » Stragule, Torale flrogu- | uſed, Ut conſurvimus battinus, * I
x nxt ens. [ u down Aſia,
beck, ad domint nutm. * He is A-bed Cin bed] Cubons ſupinus, Le-| a we Aſia gm I + "He
u his docks Nuts gubernetur, avey throe Tres
A beok (1 4 A Litas in bed, Deexbitus. men/e, abeſt Death yo
To becken, Bedrid, Clmicus, e me, Mors ob eculos mit ver-
To becken again, Kenuto. To be fick 11 bed, Decumbo. Fats oft, * 1 had at his
To becken back or from, Renwo, A bed-fell w, Conſors dt, nm fuſe. + I would it had
od, Arvols , Pulvinulus, | not been, nvem faltum. * I wh
Tobecken to,ennu,adautoonnitte. Alek 2004 not Fore: ne T, —_—_ as if 1 V
A omng, nute110. es 0:4-itraw (herd) Galtums, «ug u/abo.
To become fying, to be fit, | I! bedded, Cu*ons duriter, g&Y. po bv ro GEDES
fitting or __, Deceo, Per,| To dedagale, Veftem per tutum out New bier, Muſtuns,
dignum or decorums eſſe, * This| rerem trabere. ngjer beer, Cervilia pri=
me,Decet me bec| B -daggled, Þrr lut wn Or rorems ty ac-
veſtir, * It becomes not an Ocra- Small -ber, Cerviſia ( Lupulats)
tour to be angry, Uretorem iraſci A bedaggling, Extreme veftis bu-
nn decet. * You do 8s it mef-.tt10 0c _—_— A beer (tocxrry the dead on) Ca
you, Facis qued par eft facere. * $0 | To bedaſh, Sandapila, Ferntrum.
long as you do what mes,or 1s To bedaih _ Luto cooperive. fi bes: -eloath, Tels Sepulcbralir.
ming you, Tantiſper duns quid | Bedaſhed, a/perſus. A beeſomy Scope.
te dignums et facie, * This is not | Bedaihed all over, Late coopertus. Beeſt Colo Cole
very becoming you, Hee 1151 nen| A bedaihing, oſþerſi0 ings I oleſtr0, Cole ftroms,
ita —_— eft. ify To nobed, effects Col flratus,
ome ing to w or | Beda onſpurcatus - + moot -_ ef 2.
be made) bgnil EA on be- | Bedded,;i 34 dl. ls > ſents —_— Pli;um,
Comes fa yp pm_-_ B:dded < pur ro to bed) In Lefto peſi-
"n Ki, this,
co you think will become « of you,
Quid te futurum cenſes 7 hat
will become of my Laliels, Quid
Tilhola med pet
et Ill — — Diſconvenit.
A becom
B:eoming, Lam
Becom'n, Fattns, * Tt is becom'n
3 proverb, Abrit in proverbium.
1 becon, $ See beaccs.
A bed, Lettin, Torus,Cabile, Stratum,
* He goes ET to bed, It c#-,
them make the | s
beds for us, Letuks Ba forni
Te bed a w fe, wxerem in telum
Wi x _
14 -time ,
he bed (of 2 yp "alvenss June)
A litle bed, Leflulus, Torulus.
A trundle bed 5 * raty/fum.
A ſeather-bed, Culcitra plumes.
[4 beds-h: Rs n., Lei $508 WT Fui. *I fraid
} e as arraid ,
AN teas! you bad been! gone, Metnchom re |
A flock bed, Cutcitra toments & flec-
cis reſerta,
{iraw-bed, Tomentwn circenſt, cul-
titre flramine yeſerta,
bride-bed. Terus grniels.
ſettle. bed, Lettus verſolrlis.
be brought to bed, eniter.
Ng, brought to Bed , Purype-
A bed-fiead,
A under milſtone of 4
m | omit) Mt, —y inſrir % AS
(a man+« name) B
Mm In -n offs divitem p pied To bedew Irrero,
bo TE Bedewed, ay *
To become of, Frevi, Futurum eſſe. | A bedewing,
* What w.ll become cf me then, | Bedford (in Be ” 14 ſhire) Bed-
Lid mibi fiet poſtes 7 * Pray ſce fordic, Brdforda, L «ttoderum, Lic
what will become of jou, Vide| todurum.
toſs quid t1bi fu!urum (it. * You | Bedlam ) Xenodechign moniacer um,
care not what becomes bf me, Tu | B:dlem $ * Bedlam 1s the fitteſt
quid de me fiat parvi cures, * What | Bethlem place for him, Hs Lebo-
like (_—_— Faribunde, Fu-
To obedung: Sterycore inquinare,
corny unged, inqurnatue.
ing, Stercore mquinetio,
To \bedult Falve lvere conſper go. ;
Bedulted, P where c
A bee. - I
Bee-glew, pr
\ litr bee, Thiculs.
1 Kum B60, bombilins
FH F (bird) Apiaft, F.
You ympbe, arm,
A from ng berry examen.
To drive bees, apiarics alvecs coff-
ravegeximere faves ex alveis,
'A þ' mace eeppmngs
| Bench
ot —_ . F Faginus.
& grove of beech, Foginetum.
Beef, Bubuls, bovins, * £ Aiter beef
comes m » «quas inſundit in
Martlemas-te- f, Iubuls ſumo indu-
rata, infumats.
Cantbarus, Scorabeny.
Kenney wo _—_ filulars.
Needle (tly
RS 2 7
we bectle, Scare.
Ly 7 robbed hoy
As bl: EDS as J- 4 , Hipſea Ceci rs
[EEE —_
= yg
The beertlefiſh
o_ -b.owed, Coperatur Superei=
tle headed, dec, Fatues Talite Stipes,
Codex, P
—p ſame things
em mibi uu venirent, * I
how what hath befallen me, gud
9m bt ear ſeio. * There hath
no ſorrow b*faln him 1n his joy,
= nulla «gritudo gaudio inter=
peiti «od accidit or contingit.
TER idens, ntis, Caſu,
- — Actido, yo
7 Cenventens.
: To befool, illude.
led, 1Uiſar F
" 207j70,
RE ie varicully rendred in
molt com-
Latine ſometimes ( a
before the $ nate, oente Seng'wn
tus [ica deprebenſe eft, * The d'g-
nity of the Commonwealth was
num _—_
your very feet my Ic, e x
des weſtror, judices
love before my (elf, gore onte 4
diligo. * Hedied the year before
I was Cenlor, ennoonte me cenſo-
rem amor lius P_ *I thought «f
Co —
| —_— commods ce Jus incommo-
am of ferve
Nog ineſs, te * Your
ſelf (hl wo ee A ſe malig
efins eris.
2 eorps, ve/ſpiBo.
A bearer of (way, \ cM
A bearing [carrying] bojulotio, por-
ſuffering ] perp*ſſ10.
& ole
The bear-vnler of a 0, cporeri |
A —_=_ war _—
Ofor like a Bears Uryinus.
Bears-foot $ c9ntt
herb) euricule w(i.
Bears-ear (anicle [herb] cortuſa,
| — all .
arium montagum.
A 1 —y ex His beard is n*we
ly grown, barba ments ſuccrevity
=D tettus lanugine malag.
wo |
| beard, bavba
de 4
2 fr——_— 2
Fn wed olere þ ug rc
A re of corn, Spica.
To beard or begin to have a beard,
Having a great Ld mult Niberbur,
Haringa fed bears batulus.
| Having
3%, beard wool, Truncore veIus.
To — {outbrave] borbom aticui
Bearded ſoutbraved) inſolenter ba-
Bearded creeper [herb] chondrilla,
The Decal of a ring, pals annuh,
To 1,
become a $72 bruteſeo.
Pm>>>» >>
Beaſts of DNR? fue; __
fon nina gem es tibdi Worthy to be bea:eny ve. ber
am cerebyumn 2 A onky Plagſus, 1 ve. berenduy
0 beat Ceonquer] vince . A beater duwn, demolitor
* He beat Soon con- A out of work, excu/dy,
{o'r Pperti 7 © uu A bearer (rammer) p-wicnl i,
again(t, = ——_ Printers Beaters, tmndites.
To beat on an anvil, eccads,- ere., ED pulſutio, per-
To _ back, repedlo, repercutto, re- | A
0 bextthe bran for grief, plongo. | A dezcing black” A i bl lew, ſugills-
"ny rv 1s ——] excegito, inge- f, - ng xk
neyvos / (9 breaſt
2» » hn wt + ra cugel, figs... | ym « ha m—_ Menger,
To beat or - rs ©s evi make | A beating own, 2a a
oe Sinner, proces ig A | - — _ thing againſt ano-
ro deat do, diverbera- The r, »© 10z JA bo,
Fe wſque ad mortem ; ono
Tol = tdown, demolier, dejicio, de» The eager the les, puts r=
To beat down fruit, frailus ex r- The Dow beating of the »
bore Go Me DS, the us languidue, _ _—_—
To { fiſh into a net] quatere a- | The quick beating of the pulſe,Cre-
ja Lang Iw bare, pulſondo piſces in nee
roar To Fo Beris, Brotifen, Beo,
To beat upon the hoof, callem cor- | Bearrfied, Beo
B-atitical, Bearificws,
o beat with the fiſt, aloji7o atitude, Beatrtndo,
To beat to the ground, « ge, Beacrice [a womans name) Bea-
To beat with a hammer, pertund
© beat as hunters, indag 0.
To beat or knock at the door, put-
To _ or --—- FS
To beat with a fiaff, fi Mahi 0.
To beat toge her, contur:
To 2s the waves, illido. * The
billows beat againſt the ſhoar, fiuc-
tas illiduntur in littus,
wind bears vectently upon,
ventur <ftuct in cnn
To be beaten, = "cede, va-
Tot be beaten to the ground, colle-
Ll » Vverberatus, caſus percuſ- |
& »old beaten ſouldier, miles eme-
Beaten [overeon'n ] wit;
alu, = 19%, That _—— he yo
more beaten,gquo focil tis vin-
aga'nſt, mp tins, ill
Beaten Kick, — .— 6
ci po
cate { driven in ] incuſſu, ad-
Beaten with hail ſtones, Gradine-
Beaten into the memory, inculce-
DES on
Bemumont [a family} de bell
To deaf ie Foo conve
yeverber at us.
Beaten black and ble lletu;, | A beautifying,orratur,decoratio,
= to death, fee Har 5 _ Beautiful , p » ſpecioſus, pul-
—_ .
» dirutus, detwrbatus, "3
Beaver, adj adjea. I Coftoreus,
A B:aver Chat) Piles ex pilis fibri
B aver [ oil} Coflerexum.
4 Prapeaſmnct enda
A little beaver, merendula.
To beaver, Arreade, ſumere meyen-
fb icis
og ([beaft} caftor, oric 4 Fi-
coaltus oviens gobrus,
— [a family] de bello
——— fin w _ BeDomariſ
FE a — end 9-
Ca oe
brt: do Venaft,Spten
* The beauty of eloquence, |
Eon nitor, * "The perfet
age, "7 decoy inte-
ple nn = _ nottumes Poſſides
hat beautiful, venn/lu cxfale, Fh-
ridu's, * To make the 5k u-
inducere cuti niterim
Benen en out, excu{ſns, extuſus, ts
A bearen path, colts wol bem _ ty, de
en ſorely, compulſatus, confliga- | Beauvais[ in Abry ——__
Beaten with a ftaff, ſuſtigetus, = Jopis bequor
y Fn » £4 .
or ſtamped tog, ipa-s 'To paco,
—_ RY | Beealmed, vento deftitutus,
Beaten together, contuſus. It became, evoſit.
Bea'en » ſubtuſus, Becauſe, £ #i6, Quod, Qu nam, Prop-
A Beaten way, vis trifa. H ter he eame
Weather z ventir quoſſotus back, becauſe he ſaid he had for- or
oo _— am
>>». >zrj>> > wt wpmnmnmz cams...
—— — —_———
9” Rn:
ot ſomewhat, Redrit poulo
EE neſcio ok, dictret.
of, 05, Propter, Gratis
SS Ficedule, Ergo.
To becken to,onnugadentoonnife,
A beckomng, avt«110,
To become fyi to be fit,
fitting or beSmivgF Dec Deceo, Par,
—_—y decorums eſſe. * This
me,Decet me bcc
TTY Mir. # It becomes not an Ora-
tour to be + Uratorem ivaſci
non decet. * You do as it
you, Facis qued par «ft fatere, * So
long as you do what
becoming you, Tanti
te dignum eft facies.
ne nn To U if
0 ng to grew of
be made} omeſ bgnif [A It be-
comes unurable, E 7 1nſanobi-
lis. * What there but
wid te futuruom cenſes 7} * What
Oe —— of _; Tulicla, Quid
ANNE 20 et?
It all — Dedeet Diſconvenit.
A becom
B:eomingy | ang
Bzcom'n, Fatins, * It is becom'n
2 proverb, Abeit in proverbium.
A becon, See beacrs.
> 4-7. Hee 19k nen| A
A bed, Lett ers Code Stratum,
bitum incanetus. * We went to
bed, Cuhitumy diſceſſmur.
Cinnove, * Bid them make the.
beds tor us, Lettulos jube
oy bed 2 w fe, uxorem is leflum
oa nt_s, _
ed-rime ,
The bed Got a To "advent, Joel)
A ws hob, 2 Lefiulus, Torulus. |
ti us |
A trundle beg o Þ orabyſtums.
A ſeather- bed, Culcitrs plumes.
A flock bed, Cuicitra toments Q flac
cis referia.
A (iraw-bed, Toment wn circenſt, mat >
ctre flramine veſerta,
Abride-bed. Terus grniolis.
A ſettle-bed, Lettus verſotriis.
To be brought to bed, enitcr.
'A \ being brought to Bed » Purpe-
A deds-he a1, Cubitale, is n.
fhorni no- |
* He goes ſupperleſs to bed, It cx-|
To make a bed, Letium fterneve, con - |
>>» >»
enbiculariury,o, «
-— Siraguts,Torale ftrrogu-
A-bed Cin bed] CuSons ſupinus, Le-
IA .
2 Lying in be bed, Deenbitus
To be fick m | ded, Decumbo,
A bed-fell w, Conſors letter,
Gunta-yod, Avtola, Pulvinulus.
rye Porr: 4, S' tum.
[ahes b:d-toow (ber b) Gehum.
Il bedded, Cu*ons duriter,
To '0 bedagple, } Veſtem per tutu aut
B -daggled, Per lut mn Or yorem ty ac-
A bed ling, Ext bu-
mages Eee of
h lovers Luto cooperive,
» >
| all / ma _ coopertus.
= ' Con
Bedawbed, Confparcetun qui ninotus.
Bedded, in tet!
B:dded (put to 'bed') In Lelto poſi»
A beddeg under milſtone of 3
wal =r77 Whoa Mclaris inf.rior. -
To — 'Y
. | Bedewe +» aYYora
"| A bedewi
wing, Irroratto.
, | Bedford (in Bedfydſbire) Bed-
<6| fordia, Bedforda, L «ttoderum, Lic
Fat we Fou, Vide
bogs quid t161 AD. = You Bedlam ) Xenodechi gn moniacer umn,
care not what becomes of me, «dlem > * Bedlam 1s the fitteſt
guid de me fiat parvi enyas. * What | Bethlem 5 place for him, Hs cb+-
co you think will become of you, | rum ei pct andum oft aliquos viginli
bedlam forpur. ) meniacus,
bed c wy —_— 8, |
wo #5, * I have
indy Hen Jade te
__ or Doulle by beer, Corvilia pri=
Small-becr, Cerviſia ( Lupulats)
A beer (to exrey the dead on) Ca-
Sandaopil ,
th bes: — — hTulo Apubdde aie,
A beeſomy $5
Cut ra, Col flrums,
Of beeit ngs, Col fratur.
Beet (her ) Bet 2,
Beet without ſents Blitus, Bli:um,
B:er of flax, Lin/brium.
Eryt His,
- beet, '
A beetle fly) Cantbarus, Scarab ens. )
Ad le, — fakes.
The "leg
A afar 6 #/7is5, -- =
cas, THdes
The i Knobbed ho 'n 'd beette, Scars.
Av bl: by as abs, \Hpſee Cerizy,
A buck: ng-beetle, Tudic
A poveen-- etle, | ry
A little-beetle, Malleclur.
The deetlefiſh, Contberus,
Beoatſe-d. owed, Caperatus, Superci-
Beetle beaded, Fotuw,TulitaStiper
| Codex,
am-b nribundus. T 0, Actido, Evenio,
Bed oye 15 Faribunde,Fu+- | * The ſame eb wanld
me, Eadem mibi «4 wenirent, * I
To bedung. Stercore inquinare, how what hath befallen me, quod
Ty inquinatus. mbi ebtigerit ſei ſei. * There hath
A dedunging, Stercore mquinatio, no ſorrow b<*faln him in his joy,
['o bedult, Pulvere conſpergo. Hai nulla egritndo gaudro inter=
Bedulted, Pultere conſperſus,
1 \ bee, p15, ity fp. Veit Quod accidit or centingit.
Bee glew » Þ! Sp alling, Acc idens, ntis, Caſus,
A little bee, Tpiculs, It betell, accrdit.
[The Fever yu > Ss
: ; ; To betool, illnde.
F (bird) Apieftiv. Be tooled | altuſus.
—— W z; cron, A d-foobng, illuſi,
i ſwarm of bees, examen BEFORE 1s varicuſly rendred in
o drive bees, aptarics alvees cofl., Latine ſometimes [ and moſt com-
ravegeximere faves ex alvils, monly}
A CEE. Sins. Ante us, nor did 1 ever ſet eye
A Too- maſter, _—_ ng,
comes mul
Menkmerde f, lubula ſumo indu-
ron, hr
A beet, bos,0v
CIT » Sponds, plutrwn, Letl: 4 have BEEN, "Fi, * I was :fraid
| you had been gone, Metuebom ne |
' on her B.tore to day,
ego banc ciulis vidi onte bunc
diem. * Your (wad was taken
before the $ nate, onte Send'wws
tus [ca deprebenſa eſt. * The dg-
niry of the Commonwealkh was
fore mine eyes, Miti eſo cculos
obverſabatuy reipubliee dignitas.
* Lay it before © ur door, Ante ja-
nuom noflram oppene, * Bejore
your very feet my _ . x
des weſtror, judices
love before my (elf, ovem onte L,
di[1go. * Hedied the year before
I was Cenlory 2nmonts me cenſ
rem moriuus gs *I thought of
BEF —_— = 2
it four days Betore, id ipfwns quo-[ Togo Before, Proacedo, incidit ſuſpicis. * By this time i
tridud _— yo itarem. Before going, Pracedens, ntis. Began Li A nimaty
Sometme by Apud, As, The Mat-| To Beiriend, Gratiom alicui im-| incere corpit. * They Began t
ter is Pleading Before the Judge, rin, L Battel, Certamen 1mierunt, * Thi
Res agitur apa Judi cens. <triended, Gratis ſublewa'ur, | Leaſe Begins at Chriſtmas Inivcum
Coram, As, The Caule was Pleaded | To be Befriended, Grant's ſubleveri. | ducit « Natalitiis, © * When the
Betore the Senate , Coram Senetu | A Befriending, Gretificatie, Year Begins, Ireunte en. * Since
res atta eft. =o Began ( ro [xeak) infit. See p World Brgan, ob Orbe cen-
'N ito
In,As,Beſoie their Fathers faces. In
ora porentum.*] am afraid of com-| To Be et ign=o, To Bezin take inni
mudicne you any more Before| To Beget FA ocuie) Concilio pa. | _Orier, Naked Beginning from )
rio To Begin again, Redordicy, Redinte-
youy Face, Verzor coram in os te
dare omplius, * B:foce the Se-
nate, In conſpetiu Senitus., * To| A
A Begetter, genitey. $%0, emouiiny Kepeto, * He Be-
ettin2, Generatio, Procreati», | gins the Old Wars agiin, Kenovet
come Before him, [In conſpetium | The Begeiting » Primogent- F beya. ?
Suum venire. turs, ; 0 Begin to ariſe (a3 the Sun) ſu$-
05 As, Death was of ren B:fore my| To B:rg, Mendico, Stipem peteve, orioy,
Eyes, 05 cculos mibi ſpe mors ver-| To Beg ( Humbly intreat ) Sup- | To Begin 2 Deſign, Inflites.
ſata eſt. De bumiliter & Sſu*muſſe petere | To Bepina Jou ney, Ingredi iter.
Palam, As, I Commenled thoſe| To Beg (carn:fily defire) Obteftor, | To Begin the Battel Proetium inive.
—_ B: fore you, Harc te palow| obnixe rogare. * Let me Bug it| To Begin a Loat, &e, Pans pri-
laudaveram. - of you, {ine te Ex-rem, morem {bum deſccare, primarinn
Pre, As, Bu fore the Door, pre fo-| To Beg l-ave to Piay, Impetrare| pon's fru/ium decidere,
ridus. ® Do you go Before, Ile} viniom ladendi. o Begin rudely ( make the firſt
follow, I pro ſequar. | He Beg'd on the 1l-gh-ways, prop- | draligh: ) Delis,
Pre er, As, Before their own men-| ter wias mendicevit. * She Begs| To B:gin 3 thing, rem auſpicort.
taces, Prater ju rum ora, * They| ye would be Juſt to h:r, Fidem | To Begin 4 War, Bellum ſuſcrpere.
were zll carried before Lollins, | veflram implorat. * He gets his | To Begin well, eſpiccy.
preeter cexlos Lolli emm'a fereban-| Living by Begging, Emendicando
Prieyr, P uf As, Well 0 Beſore,
ng bo Begin, ent Te Bepn ib era) ore
vittum colrgit. e haz not 4a 10007 utor, Incepi
bit of B ead but wha: he begs for, 0 - FEY Porn
The Chief B-ginner, Proeufter,
5 pricres ihimus, * I wrote to| cibo mendicato Paſcitur, * He
you before» Prius od te ſeripſs. Begs Pardon, Fanom deprecatur, | A Beginner ( Learner ) Tyre, Ty-
miſtricordi om implorat, runculus.
Pro, As, Before the Camp, Pro ca- :
| ftris, * Before Cafiors Temple, | To Beg the Queſtion, Petere Prin-
Pro de Cajterrs, | c1prum,
| $ub. As, Havinz received ſo great| B gged, Mendicatus R:gatus. * Ler
a Lois Betore their Eyes, tanto ſu5| him be B:gged for 4 Fool, ad og-
oculis arcepto detrimento, * Th nat 5 & genlites deducendus
B ginw ng, Er rſus.
A B-gun ng, Inictium, Principium
Exor4 um, * He fals inthe Bc-
ginn ng, 1 portu impingett, in (i-
mine - Ange Retite t om the
Matter is yet B fore the Judge,
& adbuc ſub Fudice Uns ef.
Supra, As, Which I w.ote of Be-
fore, gue ſupra ſev1P/?,
A Beggar, Mendicus. * Sue a Brg-
ga” and eatch 4 Louſe , Ke e non
tenditur neque accipitri neque mil
vic, * One Beggar bids woe,uno-
ther by the Door thould go, etram
B-ginning, Exirdiwm Nowationi,
im/tiive, #* Atthe B.ginning,,n
tHe, inter mitt ;, prime, * Even
from the B-g nning , Fom inde +
principio. * Art my firſt Begin
| Betore ( before that ) ante, citjus,
potins privi=qu m. As, * Betore
I depa t this Lite, antequam ox
bac wv. ta migro * I ſhall want
Voice Betore I want Names , vox
me citius defecerit qurm munina.
* Help your neighbor Before your
Frother, Vicrgaum citing adfuverts :
quam fratrem, * B-fore you be- | B-egars-buſh ( the place ct their
gen to ( ezk, Prin/quim { qui a= | Rendezvous ) Chuvns A icinus,
p'/ti. * I would nin Quite away A Beggar-woman Mendica,
Before I would come back. Au- | A little or youngBegga”, Mendicu.
fugem potin' quam redeam * Which | us. ;
cauſe was dead Betore you were | To Beggar, Exbovrio, ad egeſtatem
Born, gue Couls ante mirtue off | redigo, od wendicit item detrudo,
udm tu natw efſes. * Brtore the | Beggared, od egeftrtem redetius. |
car was gone about , Non toto | To be Brggared, Exedor, Exbaurior.
vertente anno, * Before a Man | Beggarlinels, Pouperies.
can tell what's this» difto citine. | Beagarly, Ponn ſus, Petitins,
* Before I had done Complain-| A Beggarly Fellow, Irus.
ing, in ſhe comes. N:ndumn que- | Beggariy ( poorly ) Mendics, men-
relom finicrom, quum ila inter ve- | dictter, =
] y, Mendicitas, Egeſtas.
Before all things, imprimis. A ng. Mendicatio,
Before all Men, polam in publico. | An earnett ing, Emendicatio.
The Begging, Fryats, Fratres men-
dicamtes. :
Gotren by Beggin?, Emendicetus.
To Begin, Incrjio, Exordior, Ap-+
gredior, Inchoo. * I ada mund
to Begin with that, ab eo exordisi
velui, * Iamto Begin mee pri-
- * This miſchief
cc mo Inie-
* Before I Begin to
much more uncerrain than I was ak for Murens . en'equam pro
Before, incerticr mullo ſum quam ur end dicere inſtitue, * Charity
dudum. Begins at home, Tunica pobio pro-
0 be Before, Preſum, eſſe. ow. + Seeing how things went
To get Betore, Provirio, ee. Began to TuſpeR, ex ipſs re mibi
4 W__ , —— = - =
mendicus mendico invidet, * A
B-rgars Purſe 1s always empty,
Mendici pera non 1npletur, * Ser
a Beggar on Horſe-back and he
will :14e, &c, aſperins bil eff bu-
mili erim ſurgi im altum. * As
lazy as a Bzpgar O4is torpens,
ning to At it, Cum primes com
agere Capt. * From the Bean
ninz ct my Youth, ab incante ady-
teftrntia. * From the Beg-nning
to the en, « carceribus ad metom,
ob ov? ad mala
A frelh Beginning , R:drntegratio,
appy Bermn ng, euſpicatus,
Of a Can ngs Lids aſh
To Begird, Cingo, O \ſep:o, 05ſides,
He B07, cunt. See er.
To te Begotten, Gi R =_
Begotten, Gen/'us, Editus, Progne-
tus, Satws, Suſceptus.
Firſt Begotten, Promogenitus,
An only Begotten, Unigenttus,
To Begreale, »ngo, tre. |
Begreaſed, wuntls.
To Begrime, Fuligine denigrave.
All to Begrimed, Totes den:;gratus.
A Begr:mer Denigrotor,
A Begriming, igratio, ;
To Beguile, Fraudo, Circumpvento,
aſtutia fallere, Doths deludeve, ju- 7
cum" facere, verba dave, + Be ut 1
tha: I have been B-guiled nths 1
ets b-fo-e _ » Et | ſafe jon 1
ec Spes me rata oft, .
» its F o
c p. y_ tus,
w audator .
\ Beguil-ngs es oe.
3eguines a. Order of Nuns) 1s
— —— ———— gy x ——
Before his E- vivur videnſque,
Before-hand, is A
B fore now of this tinic, antibec.
Before then, antes,
my * -
niales $ £4.
Begun, Cepins, Inceptus, Incbo:»
B*gun aga n, Nevitius, integer.
I have B*gun, Cepi. Sce Begin.
* Go on 4s you have Begun, p#rg*
at cc ep!ſis,
Le al
To Behave, Gero, Pretts, Trafto.
[tance peraſfti te? * Tam reſ
lo to Getre my ſelf; m1br cont#t-
tetum eff 11s gerere, * He Bcha-
ved himſelf well in his Office, be.
ne admuniftyavit provinc! am,
I'l-Behaved, Mais mv at us,
Well. Bchaved, Bene moretus.
Behaviour, Morumn geſtns ,vite,onmm.
Good Behaviour, Merum urbanitas
Unelean B-haviour, Imp arit- 5,
To Brh. ad. Decopito, Decollo, De
trunco, Obtrunco, Precido, Coput
Brheaded, Truncetus. DecoDatus. |
To be BeheaJed, Obtruncor, Copite
multtcy or plettor,
A B«header, Truncoter,
A arg". Dvcollatio, Trurcatio.
_ idt, { lon
A B-h*(t (promiſe) promiſſum.
B: hind Ce befornh Pene,poſt, &e.
as, B:hin4 Caftors Tempic, Peone
ederm Caſtoris, * My wite comes
Beh n1, Pone ſubit conjux, * You
lay \urking b:h.nd4 t (:dge, Tu
oft caretta late%as, * Pl nor come
b hind, poſtericres non ſerom. * He
comes n t behind any. Nemim! ce-
dit. * He ſet upon them beh nd,
aggreſſur oft 4 tergo. * He took
her up Beh nd him, Em ad ferga
recepit, * He ha: eyes b:h'nd too,
In oc pitio quwourt babet oculoes
* 3ehind my back, Me ab/tnte
* He 14 1s5at him behind his back,
Abſenti mls Icquiray, * He will
be the ſame before your fare an1
behin1 your back, praſens abſenſ
que 1dem eerie. * Pil come behind,
3eh nd [remaining] Porro, Reti-
quus, &c, * Is thre any thing
yet behind, Etiamne eft quid py
10? * Is there any more m ſchief
hind, Nunquid » aliud mali veli-
quam ? * He (ays he has one work
yet behind, $15; menryrot num [u-
peveſſe lob-yrem * What is behind
w I] be done within, Intus —_—
getuy ft quid oft quod refat. *
fircus to hear what is behind,
Cupidut ulteriors oudiendi. * He
is behind in paying arrears. Ke-
liquitus off, *% Behini hand im
the world, od _inopiam redattug,
yt »lien oppr: ſus. * I will nor
be behind-hand in courtefie. Of-
fer pefterior nen ero,nom evo impar
od vic! fetudinem rependendam. -
Behold, Ecce, en,
Behold him, Eccum,
Behold them, Ecces.
To Behold, efpicio, Ih 'cio, $retlo,
Inſpetto, Inturor, Conſpicor, nnim-
* B ho'd his coumen-
ance, Contuemini -
| To behols atac off, Pyoſpicio, Spe-
*ho'd earneſtly, Contempt r,
O*turor, Intentis deults Or acerrime
To Behold with compaſſion, Re-
To B-ho'd of:en, Reſpicio, aſpetto.
Behe1d, Spett tus, Viſus,
P!unly to be Beheld, yl rms
Worthy to be Eeheld, Spettobil's. |
Reheld moſt cf all, Spettatiſſmws.
Beheld in all parts, Crrcunſprenur, |
er. .
vived [3B-hoiten, Ye; nn þ Oblieetns ,
3zhold-ng, ntl us, eddittus.
* I wai not beholding to him at
all, o5&/rg otus ei mibil exam,
To make one Beholden, Ovigo,
bh Iden, Oliger, Ob/tri
Oo £<no [ . in-
; behaiden O me
any one, New eft cujus officiis tom
Jum devinttus. * He 18 htholden
to me tor his Lite, Mibi vitem
acceptam vefert, * We ace behol-
den to them for cur livelyhoo4,
I lorum benefici> prnem monduce-
mus. * I am beholden to them,
Bene de me meviti ſunt, * I am lit-
tle behold-nro hm, Nen optims
de me meriius,
A beng Beholden, Obtigatio,
A Behoider, Contemplatty, Spetta-
tor, Specul1ter, Inſpettcy.
A Beholang, Contemp/atio, Conſpe-
Aw ,ofpettes, Inturtus.
A Bcehol ting above, Suſpeftur 4s.
An earneſt Bchol linz, contnitas, 05-
Ix tus,
Behold ingneſs, Otigeti».
To B w Mole oo.
Br: honied, Melle cond'1 ws.
R-hoof, C un, Gratia.
8. hoovable. Oppotunus.
Ir 1s Behoova® le, I"teveft
B:hoovetul, C us, Ublis.
Ic Rehooves, Dec, Expedit, Oper
tet, Over precium eft.
Rehooving Decens.
Bejar {in Spain] Brgerra.
Be Iftein ( 1h Germeny) Bilftinum, |
BEING (f miſying eſſcnce ) is
made by E/en 19, os Ws.
In'a. * Aon infers
nom indicat operatio.
Being (or ſeen? that) C
am, ,--y as * S-ng it is fo,
cum ita fit. * come nvt
mr 4 ney fac con wandy.
'n ec defire it, Qu1ndo'
te vides pe neg * go Ws
can, fay you cang Tu poſſe te dicrto
qurndoquidem potes.
B. 1n2 here, there & by, Preſen:,
preſentia. * Leſt my be ng t-re
ſhould hind:r, Ne mes
uſ, .
* Pray provide' him ome kin1 of
ng, Peto te ut ei de batitati-ne
ercommodes. * He 153 man of no
ſcttied being, Homo incertr lavis eft
Bein? 1s often made by Sum, cx-
preſſ-d or inc'uted m
verhz as, there 1s no being for we
at Rome, wn licet wht efe R me
* I bebeve i w I] be the aft be-
ng for y.,u here, Te bic tut" frme
fre puto, * "Tis wretched being
tor an hone? man 2 Rome, Bono
vir?» Rome efſe miſerrimum *ft.
* For in him ws live, move, and
have our be ng, In ipſ> enim vw?
mus, movemuy ſurmus, * Anto
your b:inz ſurety for Pompey,
quo ſponſor es pro Pompe'o. * You
need not trouble your ſelf at his
be:ng gon*, Quod deceſſerir non eſt
ond comm vearis, * Foo he be ng
Conſul n G «!, ille enim cum efſet
2n2ther | La
King, Dun Saturnus Rex
* Arcadia it felt bemg judge, $:
who 1s 4 man, loves me Bei or great loſs, conſult what todey
Bis mags cum detrien:nte vepulft
Galli quid ogunt conſulunt,
LD Ae2
el. adidatus,
To Boa
A Bel/amming, Fuftt gatio,
Belaty, amens,
B-lay (im Savoy) Belice,
To Belay, prodo, Inſidicr.
cn, Rattita,
Giv-n :0 B:leh-ng, Ruttwoſus,
A 5:14am
11s. :
Belgick / Dutch) Belgicus.
Belgrade ( in Hungary) Abe
Behef, Fides. :
To be of ltle Belief, Diffde, $uÞi-
Fatt Belief, Fidem ſuper ans, Incredi-
KS. .
of Rehet, Increduli-
Pait all B lief, Incredrbilis dicks.
The Belief ( Apoſttes Crred ) Sym
bo lor um.
re or -dbrhere.
any ſuch thin}.
cle mn fit vir!{omale.
bebeve me, Signs fides. * I m
you but believe 24 grotrd ſimu
lavi. * You hall never make me
bel eve this rals, nunouoam mit!
fidem faties tujas frbu'e. I
could not beheve, N n potwr anc-
mum induce'e. * You 4 ea fool ro
believe him» Stultur es qur For
Connut in Galha * $4'wn be ng
credus, * Make me believe it if
D: you
— —
_ ME _- *
you can, perfice ſi potes ut pulem.{ The Belly of a Lute, Concovum te- | A Bencher, Aſeſ
* It is B:lieved on all hands,Paſ-| ftudins, | Reneh in a Ship
ſom _creditur, Beheve a-} A ay 5. Helluo, Gulo%s, Vo- ' A B: Plica.
miſs, erreri fidem adbi vax, Ericurt de gre /e porens. Th- Ben ot a Ship, Literuwes pr
Relievable, Credrbilts. A B:lly tu l, $:tretas, Satios, at's. mamentum,(urvatur 1,
Believed, Creditus Ifer. |
Not to be Believed, Incredibilis, fi-
det obſonus.
A Believer, Credens, fidelis,
A Believing, Fides, :
Belike , Veriteti cenferus y Veriſi-
Bel ike, adv. uf videtur.
Belingen ( in Picardy ) Belingenſe
"ft um
c FL.
B:1 (oe Arabella ] Arfells.
A Bell, Campans, nola
A Intle Bell, Compenula, Compr-
nella, Tintinn1bu/um. :
To bear the Bell away, primas ferre.
A Paſling Bell, C.mpona funebris.
A Samnts Bell, Camporiula Sacre.
A little Clocks B-Il, Tywpenum.
An Alarum-Bell, Tympanum ad f4-
miltam excitondam.
To Curſe one wi h Bell. Book 3nd
Candle. Omnibus diris dev-yere.
A low Bell, Compr nols, Campane
cum lucernd ad eaves capiend 15,
A Childs-Bel! , Archyte crepitacu-
tun, crotalum,
A B:Il-Clapper, N-l.e maleur.
A Beli-Founler, Fuſw compont-
A B-IIl man, Preco noftturnug,
Of a Bell-man, Praconius.
Bell-metal, Compon rum metallum,
A Beltry, Componorium, campanile.
A B:1-weather, Dux gregis, ver-
vex ſelt arius.
\ B2l]-bit, atum companiſerme.
Compenula fiore Co-
Sell-flowers, ruleo,
Karara, :
Relleſms { in Fronce ] Be" iſmum.
Bell-Ifle | by France } ( aloneſwr.
Bellingſgate [in Londen] Bellinus
o Belicw. Mugio.
To Beliow aga n, Remupie,
To Bellow much, Demugio,
To Bellow our, Emugio.
To Bellow to, Admugio.
A Bellowing, Mugitu'!, Demugitus
A pair of Bellow:, bollis,
The Noſe or Pi; ec of the Bellows,
crater folls, atropbyſium.
The B*llows [ a Organ ) Fol-
les pithaulict ;
A Smiths Bellows, Fetl's fabrilis.
elly, venter,uterus,olvus, * The
ly has no Ears, Venter non 6a-
bet ures, venter pracepta non audit.
* My Belly thinks my Throat cut,
om ennum efſurio.
Great Bellied, Ventyicoſus.
Great Bellied { as a Woman with
Child J] Grarids, /—— —_
A Womans Great iys £Equer
A little Belly, Ventriculss.
The lower part of the Belly, Hy-
the? 1108,
hz pa"t of the Belly about the
ſhort , Hypccondr19,
The Belly- ake, Inteftinse Tormins,
Troubled with the Belly-ake, Al-
* A Beily fulPs a Bzily full, ſo-
tis oft uc2 ſoffct, » /
Full B-tied, /atw.
A Han he Be.iy, aqu diculns, ven-
Ti ſus, ventvicoſus.
Belly-rimber, I (;4 ria
Belly-cheer, JED
A B-liy worm, Lumbricus inteſtino-
To Belong, Pertin'o, Competo, ere.
* What does that Belong, to me ?
quid 1/ibuc ad me _attinet? * He
judged it to Belong to them, 14
Ullis adjudicavit.
Bel. nging, ttinens.
B-loved, Dileftus, Amatus, Gratus.
Dearly B:loved, Cherries.
Well Beloved, Perdi/eftus _
BELOW, {when it 15 an a7)<QiveJ
15 mae by inſernus, inferior,
* $0 that we could ſee all above,
Below an1 between, ut owns, ſu-
prea , infera, media Vvideremus.
* Thoſe above are
thoſe Below have Supped. Supert
incena'i ſunt, cenati inferi. * He:
was not Below his Father for
Warkke Praiſe, Bell! lawle non 1n-
ferior furt quim peter. :
Below [being an Adverb] by infr2,
Subter, drorſum, As, * They that
are Bel w, qui _ ſunt. * All
theſe things which are above an41
Below, Omnia bat que ſupre &
ſubter ſunt, * They'll eat up Be-
low whatever is got ready, De-r-
Sum comedent ſigurd coxer int,
Belcw ( 2 prepcliiicn } by «5,
ſubter , infra. ® Below th:ſe
Hills, Ju$ illis montibus, * Ver-
tue bas all things Below it elf, |
Virtus omnia ſubter ſe batet.* There
is nothing Below th: Moon bur
what 1s Mortal, Infra Lanam ni-
bi! eft niſi mortcle,
From Below, Infe-n8, de ſub.
A Belt, Balteus, Baitexm, Cingulus,
A Waſt-Belt, Lumbotwinm.
A Beig. maker, Belteormus.
Beltz [ parting Germony and Sc-n-
dinavra ] Mare Balticum.
Belvedere L in Jonia ] Colophon.
Belvedere { in Peloponneſus ] Elis,
To Bely, Columnicr
To Bely a thing, Ementior,
Belyed, falſe de/atus.
Pele | intÞatrts 5 Bety
n 14 ef>4.
Bomenande os Bhonectndt, Bate-
To Bemare, inquin",
Bemired, mmares.
A Bemuring, inquinetio,
To Bemone, Deplengo, Miſereſce,
Mevore angi, iſer1 14 proſequa.
Bemoned, Deplora'ns,
A Bemoning, Deploratio.
B-n, es Benjamine.
Ben [ an Aromatick Nut ] Bals-
nus myriflice. 5b
Benavente C in Portugal ] Aritinm.
] 9g, tranflra.
To Bend, F:etto, Inclmnrg Intend,
* B:nd all your Waits about this,
Toto onim» id age, totom buic con
wrie mentem, . This 1s all he
Bends his Mind to. Huic wni [fs
det, * He B:nds himſelt wholly
to this, omni fludt: ad boc imoun-
$1 * $-e which way theſe
Bend, Proſpice quo ifta ver-
f£ BenJ1 back, Replico, Reclino, Re
Du Ketorqueo,
0 Bend a Buw, Arun tenderegcur-
vare, /inuwe.
Ts B-n1 like a Bow, Arcuo.
To BenJ his Brows, Caperare fron
To Bend forwards, Inclins.
To Bend from, Keclino, Decline.
0 Ben! inwa-ds, Jncurve.,
To Bend towards, Acctino, Verge.
To Bend unto, A*plico.
To B:nd with a courſe of a River,
Secundum Naturom flumint's pro-
cu mn-bere.
To Bend C Neut. ] P*-go,
To Bend C thrink under a Bur-
den ] Sub pendere nutave
A Ben1 C :n Heraldry } Foſtis,
A B:nJler, Fyſtiol:,
Eafie to Bend, flexilis.
Bcnders { Muſcles ] Muſtuli digi-
torum fie xores, tendiners,
Bending dcwn, Prectinans, Primi-
Bending forwards, FVergens.
Bending tromwa:ds, Dechvis, De-
B nding 25 the Heavens, Convexus,
Bending inwa ds, Acchvis, ventrom
:nding to, inclinons.
Bending or leaning, Inniten's Con-
A Benling or bowing » Curvatio,
Curvy amen, Cw vitura 10, Flexus,
A Ben1ing about, Circumflexio,
A B-nding A:ch-wiſe,S nuetie,
A Bending down, Devexites, De-
clivitas, Deflexus
The Bending down of a thing, ch-
? m7,
A place bending downward, Decli-
A Ben1ing forward, Prcclinatio.
T hs from, Declinatio, De-
A Bending unto, Inclinetio , De-
_ wile, Acclive. ?
Bendings ortu:rnings, Diverticuls.
Bent, fexus.
Bene [| in Fanny Bas
Bznecict ({ 4 Mans Name J Bene-
Beneath, the ſame os Below,
B:enedicMion, Benedittio,
A Benefator, Benefaftor, oris.
A Benefator [ to Learned Men }
Mec anas Patronus
—— w_ in Spain } Beneven-
A Bench, Subſe/lium, Scomnum, Se-
Bench C cf Juſfti Tribunil.
A [ of Jae) Cenſeſſus,
The Kings Bench, Bancas Regers
A little ch, Adaculus,8c llum.
Of a B:nefator, Benefollerius.
A B:nefatture, ito.
A Benefice, Cura Eccleſrafties, mu”
mus Eccle/1-flicum.
B neficed, Pr ofeftus gregi, ad cu-
| ram Eccleſiaſtic-m admiſſus.
B-neflornce, Benepicentia, Liberal
yy R—. BES
— — -
Beneflc 21, commons, « tlie. | To Beray, inquine, cowſorio, conea-
A Beneficiary, beneficrarius. | C0, fardo,
A Benciit, benepcinm , commulum, Berayed, inquinatus, ſedatus.
gr tia. | A Berayery fordator,
To Benefit, proſum, prodeſſe, 'A Beray'ng, —_ eoncacatio,
To Bemen (aca. arms q The Berberry, berberis
To Benefit: under a Miniſter, Feu-| Bereheim [in Jubers
Uium capere ex ejus conciont bus. | Serck { in Germany
B-net (a mans name) benedittus. |
= ( a womans name ) Bene-| ercke! [4 river in Germany ] Ve-
Benevento ( in Nopler ) Brneven- | Berle a: Bard'ey
= PT . hoy Privo, HY polio,
nevoience, ceneveient:s.
yy (in A! iſatia) benefeldi, | Bereft ® Orbatus, priva: 7,
Sengale (in India) Bengals, Genre. | Bereavm-nt Orbetio, privatio, ſpo-
Benges ( a river in Hungary ) $4- | Bereavin lien.
'Ti beyiarum.
IPetera Ca-
baria. ; na [ ariver of Sarmatia] Bo-
Benjamin (a gum) Bengoinum. | ry/tbene
Benjamin 2 mans name] Benjami- B-reczlo Cin Hengory JOtek po
on > or Mons [in Heynaul: ]
Ben gþtdd, o_—_ _ fe
ign " enrgnus r, yrurn amenſe
B- _—_— bontenizes, likeralitag. Ed ns Dec Tubl2, ©
B-mignly, benigne, ſincers, candide, in Ita'y] Ber gomwm.
Benjoin, 1 Kong macs. Beams in Thrace] Pergamum
- —— (blefing benediftia, . The be Dergander [fowl ] wulpanſer,
Bennet d Coryepbyliate, Sana-
DL, P —_— = N ] Ber
Bcnsfoed bridgeCin England) Ven Bergen oÞ Zoom { in Brokent] Bey-
od Zomam,
Bent ( bowed) fexus, tenſw, cxrva- ry { n Scotland] Berigonium.
ar ncbnatus Lf 5 wy, Bergerae £ in Hg ] —_Y
B-n* (re prom wr, pronuy.
A Bet pl ina” ue two of *] Bergues [ n Flanders] Berge $S. Vi-
"have got the Bent of his Ia ego | mect, Vinceiberga,
_— { partof Aſin]) Arabia de-
A Bergh-maſter ( a bailif among
the miners )ſcoptenſule magifter,
The Bergh-mote, curi« flanneria.
Berick (in Clever) Calonis
Berk'ng { n Eſſex] Berechingum.
belts? { in Glouceſter ſhive ] Bey-
Bent blooduly, eds impleceSili ar-
Tot be bloodily bent, ſanguinom /1-
Bene like a bow, ercurtur, tenſkr,
Cruelly bent againſt, incen/as, Ber kſhife, Beycheria, Berſtia.
Ea neitly Ben:, intenſus. Berkſhire adj. Buvehonge, Berucken-
Ben: forward, proclivis. Ot Berkihire
Bent many ways, ſinu4tur, ſinuoſus. | Berkſhire men, Myebetiy,
Bent reſo tely » bprmaetu, deſti- | Berlin {11 Germany ] Berlinum
netus. Bermeo { m Biſcj J Fleviabrige,
Ben: unto or on, eddiftus, Dedi'us, | Amun portus.
*I;: he fo nome on it, itane ebſti- Omency [ in Surry] Bermund!
nite eperam
Ban (i in Switzerland] Berna, Ve-
1-4 bent. fexilis.
wow , Funcuy Scixpue, Bernard [a mans name] Berneydus.
|Bernards Caſtle [in Durbom] Boy-
bent, Inflexibilts.
benchm, (in Woſfipbalia] Bentbe- [nard} Cojtlium.
Pentivogl 0 fin Italy] Bentive« Bernbourg (1m Germany ] Berna»
Bernſtai C in Germany ] Bernardi
To > denumb, Tila, Stupefacio.
Benummed * bacca.
To be mes, _ A httle berry, bacculs.
To be banned wil cold, alge?. A bill berry $ Vac _;
Benumming, Nevce! A black berry —_—
A dennmanngs Tepefatiin, Stupe- | A ſervice » Jorbums.
P.- A white thorn berry, Zara.
deing berummed, Torpor, 'Y ivy berry,
Benzo'n, as B:njoin. A bay berry,bacca lewes.
Fo So gets Comm ngo. A eunny-berry , cuniculorum leti-
Toheq ach (ave by will] Le Ariſe,
ueat ra 7 morum rus q.
EE al Onc-berry - 2 = panes avis.
ar berries, «7,
ed, Legtum Bearing berr:es, ; hong 4
The ET whom at ng is Be- | Having Comets baccatus.
queathed, Legatorins, A Beryl ne ] beryllus
A bequeat > » Legoator. Berth (a >= =; 7 in que-
ai queat "A atie. novis buc illue poteſt.
A bequeſt [ legacy? Legatum, A Berton "ſes ange ] vills,
Of a bequett, Legoirous, Pertram [herb] pyrethruns,
Beraup [ins Bobemia ] Beraune, \ Beriinoro {| in ia Komagns _ Petra
Henor it, Britinerium, oe +
Bertolchgademy (in Germany] Bey-
ſin Germany] Bervaldia.
Berzenche, {11 Ponzonie ] Berbis,
Bertram (a mans name) Bertro-
Beſaly [in Catalonies ] Biſuldy-
Betanſon 16 Burgundy) Biſantio,
lee ( © river in France ] Beſ-
onagl Cone part of the world)
To Beieech, Oro, Obſecro, Obty or,
Pero, Precor, Supplice. 1 B y—
you heartily, Megnopere « te
* Theſcech y.u _—_ arc hokeſt,
Ea dem tuem te ©
To — earneftly, x _ De-
les deleech yy tears Jupiore,
I beleec hee, Amole
Belevtet Implovatu', Oratus. ' See
A deſeecher Kogatcy, Obſeerator,
BefrerdirGs Olfeerans, Supplic 1ns.
+ — Obſecratio, Suppli-
To beleem, Convenio, Deceo,
It beſcems, Decet, Conventt.
Bc ſcem ng,Cenven'en. ,Decens. *No-
thing is more beſceming the ne»
ture of a man, Nv! oft nature b0-
minis accom datins.
A b:ſceming, Decorum
Betes LD in Catalenia) Pe-
To beler pd all ſides, Circumſideo,
oubles and fears beſet me
= þ ſides, Ciream fuſe mibr wie
digue moleſtie & «. * He is
beſet with the multitude, frequen-
t14 popult civewnretitur,
Befde on all ſides, circum/ef us.
a'd beſet, Ad incitas redatins.
Betot with Diamonds, Fiterft nfl us
Fhetuitio , Circumſe
To To Belhitee Concaco, "__
J— Cincocs twr,
A beihitting, Cencacetio,
To beſhrew, Mealedico, ere.
Beſhrew your hearts mate tihi ſit,
abt qud di
Bethr MatediQus,
A beltirewing, Maledittio, dire.
B. fide 3 Cheing an adverb Jis made
Beſides 5 by Forres} prateres. Pre
terquam,od tor, Tum * And Fe
fides my wife would "hone J, it
one way or another, Aique id poyro
eliqua uxey mea reſciſeert. * ! Had!
then befides her
is loſt, Tum titres gue fo ec funds
«i dos exat perrjt. * |
upon them i in good hs =
cor In empere wu X
the Captain k- _—_ _
traducem pouceſ, eterea, * I
»>k you no reward beſides the
Etermal remembrance of this day,
nulluns o wohis prominm
preterquom bujus diti memeriom
Hernaem. * For beſides that
Tekunk you ſhould be moved by
an 'njury, nom Pr aterquom qued ts
Prater bn gs —_— njuria, or
EE} 1 | Cheng Es is
ab,ed, prope, F + Pani
— —
dum, Wc. As, No body thinks io
befide my ſelf, boc nemins proActer
the wallypr.eter ipſy me
the wa eter ipſo ments fiuit.
* Nor was ny of the rel
ee woman,
neque cognatus extra unam anicu-
lam qm/quam aderat.* It w 11 not
be belide the purpoſe, non obs re
ot, »* They are
ihion or buſineſs in hand, « re
difcedunt, aberrant d Janus, extra
eleas ſeruntur, * Beſides his age he
was 2 ſo blind, «4 ſenettutem acce-
debat etiom ut carcus eſſet. * Anni-
bal beſide that village,
« cum vitem Annibal caſtra
Juit. * Two Sons lying befide
Fa her, duo þ if proptey pe-
Lay my bones
trem na. o
's uxts ofa cjus
coll-cate ofſa ms £ He We ous
beſide the (till waters , ſecuncum
beſide the cu- | To bei
Ng, qui oftabant Re-
belide Epbromm, quet
mai ] Amens,
mente cop us, * He 1s beſide h m-
lelf, mente captus eft , delivat.
* They are betiie themſelves
't ſunt, detiv ant,
the mark, « ſcopo a-
levy ave.
To beſiege, edſideo, oppugne, circum
To be
vallo, Proc
\ n', 0b/adione cintius,
A Be » %bſeſſor, circum'eſſor
A befieging, «ſſo, obſitium, obfi-
Beſi-rs Cin Fronce ] Blitters, Bu-
To beſmear, iſ\*no, ob/in», exungo
Beimeared , j'itus , dectbutus, in
A B:i\mearer, inun{tor.
A B:\mear ng. inwnttio,
A Bcſ\moak ng,
To be\mut, fulrgine.
Beſmurred, fult - ine denrgra' wr.
A beſmurting, fuligine denigratio.
A Beſom, cope.
To beſot with drink, inebrio,
l'0 beſot, infatwo.
B:ſorted, inſatu-'ur.
A beſotting, infe'uatio.
Beſought, rmplicrotur, ora'me.
I belou hy, cravi. See Beſcech,
To bz be(oughr, ex rondus.
I B ſpoke e-mpellavi. See Beſpeak
To beipatrer, 1nſpereo, calummicy,
Beſpa'rering, 1nſper 10,
To 4eſ aw], c:n , e.
Be pawied, conſputur, conſtutet us
['o beſpeak 2 man, olloguor, com-
To beſpeak him and eng'ge h m on
our fide, in p-y'es tyatene.
To b-ſpezk waremandere fariendum,
To bel pckly inter firngu-,dr/t ngwo,
B-peckled, diftin" ur. inter ftinfus.
L] Beſperk ng, d411»ttro, /
Be (pewed, conſputatus.
T'o þ tpit, inſpuo.
Ne beau tatus,
e ce, compellavit.
3-(pokens compelatus, precurotus,
30 Betponk.
4 if » v
Beſpritkied, mnJeofur, preſs i
A beſprnkling, mſper/10 , o/P4'g%»
To beſputter, conſpur
Y putteced, conſpurca!n. |
Sſpurrerings conſpurca. is.
$ for Elizabeth. Loy
eftentif quod op't
0 th* beſt we can, omnis adb:ben-
da cure erit. * To the beſt of my
Tx quod queo, pro viril: povte.
take. neſciebent qu'd preftarent
* What had we beſt to do. quid
conſtr) - ? *TIthnkn*
beit for you, Nibrl puts tibi effe n=
til us. * You had even beſt do as
I bd you. Foc tw ut dixi fr ſopis.
ol They dd their baſh, foo fe quiſ-
36 wid faciebat. * He 1s none
of the b-it, bowo non prubatiffimus.
* We firive who ſhall love him
. tt quem certatios omomur, * B-
very man | kes h s own th ngs beſt,
oe cuique re oft char'ſims, * You
timu” _— Pike th ngs
are worſt to come tlio
pulcbra, * The deft muſt hare
their grains of Allowanee, b09mires
Sumus won dij, * They ſtrive who
ihall do Beſt, Afmnlotiine virteti,
To Beltink, - «pplere
To beftir ones ſelf, ommem m
To Berow Yargivr, impert
0 Beitow [g ve Wargivy ror
ernſero. * booty he beſt: wed
u”on the Souldiers, predim mili-
Ly dent. —_— ;
0 Betiow out) expends, im
end», n » cr0go, NO Bofiow
ome ns apon ets conirecnry
on, «liqu'd impertias temporis buic
ccgitatreni. * You b+ftow-d coſt
on her, ſumptus 1n cam fecifti
To B:(tew ( place) loco, eloco, col-
loco. * It 18 the beſt b-ſtowed
mcney I have laid out this good
while, nec quirquom orgent! {cov
j-m du iſquom qu? bene, * How
w |] you beſtow your ſelf, 7 quid
HTuf CT.
To Reftow (lry ud) records.
To Betitrw a deughter, fl om c:lo-
ans Beſpew, cnſpn's, conv m3, ere
ce ve, nupium dove,
B-f wal gen] cUatus.
Beſtowed [19:4 out} inſunptur.
Be '- wed —_ cobatws, * My
tabour w I! be well B:ſtowel1, tene
err opera pojita
A B:fcwitg, coll atio, expenſio, colle=
A d.(orderly Beſtowing, effuſi0, ler-
.ſtraught of ones wits, ments cop»
Con now
0 de, inequite.
\den o incquitatus,
ir:der, equit ator.
Beftnding, equitetio, incquitatio,
wager] pignur 4opono,
| no.hing , nn ouſom
quicgs e fecumn,
A Ber,prgnuy, w#1r,depoſitum,* Name
your bet, i dic mecrun quo pign ve
certer, * Having a min41 to make
ionibus concitatur.
Dojomncel in Golice) foviam Brigen-
Berted, oppignoratur.
A Bectore of gnorator,
m- A Betting, opprencrotio.
To B:take, commutto, dedo, ty:do,
recipio, * He Betakes h m(clf to
the (tady of vertue, «d viriutis ie
dium ſe confe t.
Berak-n , comm ſus.
To bethiak ones oh -*; -
itotimnerepeto, vec e /e.
*\ nk your (elf I pray you of thee
th.ngs, Queſo facito bet 1erum c0-
Fi B*thi king, recol/eſtio, medita'1o.
Bechſemes (in Egypt] Helicpolis.
| Woe B tide you, ve 0151,
[To beride, eccido, conting , evenio,
Betided, qued <ccrdit, contigit.
Betimes, 1 i, man's, * Ir
thoſe eoun'ries winter comes be
times, in is locis metwre ſunt
B-rimes in the morn 'ng,multo mane.
| * B: ng come Betimes in the
beft | morn ng to the b dg, quam dilu-
| tuco veniſſem od poten,
| Berifi, (in Fr once ) Bet(ſrocum,
Berle( baſtard'pepper Jp per adulteri.
To Betoken, ſignifico, portends, in-
dro, ere.
It be okens, ſigni fie rt, ER
A Bexohen ng, ſfignificatio, indica*
| B-rony, Betonico,
Tagen Clymenum, Screphu-
lavia ma j'y
Wil runn ng betony, /er pilum.
W:1d betony growing on height,
1 ook, fyadidi. Ser betake. *1
Bertook may ſelf wholly to the com-
_ me folum rye1publ
to my
earma Cceperent, * They betook
themſelves to flight, in ſugom ſe
To Betray, pr- do, trad.
Betrayed, 17 «itwe, proditurs,
A Betrayer, 1 1d1'op, prodjtey.
A betravin mn red: tie,
To Berro h, 1, deſponſo.
Betrothed. dſp: nfs deſp-nſetns,
A berrothe2 woman ſponſa,
A B-rr*thing, deſÞ»a/atio,
To Berruft, concredo, ppdei aticv ju
commute, fer
A b*tr, fig rus acceſſer inn,
To dy nb deporere ; ſee Bet.
Better, welt v, potiov , preftoniers
ſ1ice, ſwperi ry. * For your beiter
unde (and ng - wt yew fenedtry
reciifee, That I beleive to he the
—_— 1
better way, Credo i/{buc melt us ofſe,
* What am Þ the better for this,
ad tomen boc prodeſts * You
would do a great deai better, Plus
agar. * He loves it better than
h s life, Chorius ii off quam a eft
| decidit
| you the berte
of it, ber5:18 115i do. * Our foul-
diers had far rhe better of them
N-/t-i milites freile ſupe ab nt.
* oy. _ ſide hai eh eririnow
another, Y aricomirie uw «ff.
* He had better ed by have be-
gun Operam & o/eum perdidit.
* B:tter times will come, Grata
Sulerveniet quet non ſper obitur bor.
* Th- better day ihe betrer deed,
Dicenda 5 nd ſunt ben verba die.
[ B»rer, adv. Me'ity, Satis, No-
'B:t er an{ better, Bonum bon? cu-
mulatus. :
; Never the Better, N:bil mlicy,
Somewhat Be ter, Melinſeuiur.
To Berter (make b:tte:) Amplifico,
Provel:o Emendo.
To grow Better, Mehioreſco.
To grow Setter 106 health, Cinve-
leſeo, Pr eveleo, .
To be B:tter, Preffo, * What is
one man betrer than another, Ho-
mo b«mint quid preftat ?
It is Berter, Preftat. * Better be
| ile m_ not w-Il RpInE Fe-
| frat otroſum efſe quem nibil age-
re, ® B-:nter i. happy than wile,
Gutta fortune pre dolte ſapientie
* Better once a miſchief than al
ways an invonvenience, Proſtat ſe-
me! maium quim ſemper incommo-
B:ttered, Emendatur, Am-
Ma'e B:tter, plipcatus, in meli-
us fr veittus,
A PB tering Proveltio in melius.
Berty,4s Elizabeth.
| Betune (1n Artis) Bethunia.
Betw-en?2 is male in Lat n by Joter,
Berw xt 5 Mediur, in medio, &o.
4:cording to th. fe examples ; Let
amici inter nos (mar. * There was
but one river betweeu the iwwo
' Camps, Intex bins coftre nam flu-
men rantum intererat, * There are
huge waſts be: ween, Paſte filitu
dines immterjetts. * So that we
might (ee al. above and between,
T)t omnt 1, ſupera, medi videremus.
* She placed hx felt berwren
them, Se me{iams loc ovit. * What
ſoeve- time 19 between youth and
old Ape, Quicqud eff ifyd inter
/[enem & juvenem medium. * There
was a parcel of ground lef: be-
tween, elrquantum agri in medr;
relittum oft. * The $:nate appo nt-
ed him to be Umpire betw-en
them, orbiter its a Senetxs datus
e/t. * Haz there nothing e fe
be ween you, num quidnmm ompl:
| ws tHhi exon ie fuit, * Betw xt che
' Deviland the ReJ Sea, Inter ſa-
| cram ſaxamgque flo. * Between two
| port Rocks down falls the daſh,
Duvs (epores ſecutus neutrum coptt,
Being Be. ween, 7 ——_—_—
To go Baween, | $ Intercede,
\A coming Be: ween, Interceſſi2.
Ui bs: friends betw:en our felve , | Bewr
Beve/ant (an Ifland of lower Ger-
many) Bevelondia
A B-ver, «a Beaver.
Beverage, Poti0 oc ſucces makerum &
aqua dilute, virnum vifudum of oci-
Beverly (: T bfire) Beveries, Fi
V 'n ;
brite O > "4 a
Beverly, ad
Of B-verly, F Beverlecenſis
Bevis (4 mansname) Bevis, Bogo,
Bel/oneſus. .
(in Picardy) Geſſeriacum.
Beu'hen (in Germony) Benth 1,
B:vy-greaile, (fat of a Roe dear)
odeps cervina, :
A Bevy (as of quails, Wc.) Grez,
To Bewiil, Defles, Deploro: "4
Bow ulale Fkitin, Lamentabilis,
Bewailed, Defletus, Deploratus.
A Bewailing, Fletus, fs, Lomenta-
To Beware, Caves, Proſpicio, om-
ma conſulro experivt,
ware, Cove.
One that Bewares, Cantor, Precau-
To Bewet, Madids.
To Bewitch, Incen'o, Faſcims, Eff-
ew tchei, Incontatus, Faſcinatus.
A Bewi'cher, Incantator, Veneps-
A Bew'rching, Incantatio. ;
To B:wray, (diicloſe} Predo, Dr-
vn'g, Enuncio, Ketego, Reveio, A-
prvio, Patefacio, Res arcanas eff un-
dere, Occulta opud emmes expenerey
arcane in publicum emittere * He
bewrays his own cowarC1.nels, Io:-
belles animes detegit * Your own
Knavery will b:wray you, T1 1p-
ſins nequitia te prode', * I ha-e be»
wiayed my (elf, Meo indicto miſer
t5 Bewray, (defile) 'Fxdo, Con-
Bew ayed (diſcloſed) Proditus,
aved (defilet) Inguinatue
A Bew ayer, (revealcr) Froditor,
Ave 1005 um wah patty
A Bewrayer. (defi er) Concacator,
A Bewraying ( opening ) Prediuto,
Inarc 210. ;
A Bewraying (defilirg) Concacatio,
( part of Geymeny ) Bovs-
BEYOND, Extra, Preter, Supre,
Trans. Vi re, As, * You mult rake
heed you be not expenſive beyond
_— _— Tl 000 oy
wu is 4a. * Lhe AthcKs
are excxen in that k'nd
ot this in © genere prefer
C— cellant, * They Ec 4-
ſtomihed depend meaiure, $
1 dum parc - ———_—_ At t :
* ft tr
| 2 them owed hum rea mal
titudes from 3 s Eofſe-
cut: off eums multe turba 6 regioni-
bus trons Fordanem
nd the rivers of A brepts,
ransfluvialibus partibus FEthiopie.
* Whit ] was wandering with-
out any care beyond my bounds,
D-m ultra teymunnm cewis vogey tx
peditus, * It is lengthened beyond
+ of Berweens Interpaſitur, Inter» |
.* From bes ,
what 18 needful, Ultre quem ſatis
e/t preducitur,
T 0 ym d bo ren
dive. * | all _— un-
(Ve ©
leſs you help me, Circunventer
niſt ſubvenitits, * You cannot go
teyond me, Mts 051r udere
non potes, * They go beyond all
o' hers, Omnes ſuperanty omm bus
if ,
# « /t ont
2 Bezantler, Cornu cervint ramus
To Bezr'e, Perpraecy.
A Bezar-(ton*, Lapis beyrardicus,
B2zmil 292 (11 Spain) Manobe.
B ans (in Spain) Iirgao, Alba.
A Bias, Prependera'to, M mentum,
Inc linatio.
A #ib (ſucking bottle) Alifenuz,
a infanti ſugends.
A B bs Infantis peltorale,
To Bib, Priifſe, ot.
RB, 08 1tus»
A Bibbzr, Brbax, acis, Bibaculur, Te-
mulen us, Vin ſus
as bbing, Bibecitar, Bibeſia, Po-
Ribens (in Piemont) Forum vii,
The Bible, Bib/ia, erum ; Scripture
or pagins ſacre.
Biea's, (in Sicily) Hyccarum.
To Bicker, Concerto, Altercor, C- nfli-
£0. V.liter.
- Bickerer, Altercatey, Concerta-
A Brcharings Altercatio, Concevtati-
To BID, Fubeo, Impero, Mondo, Pre -
ops, | n mandotis doye. fl Mm
them Fi r Fa .
Licet ad # rel Be pery =
boy enquire, puero negotions da ut
querat. * Are you afra'd to do
i when I bid - Num dubites
1d me impe- ante faceve ?
To B14 (invite) Invite, V.ico, Rngo
* He bit him ro ſupper, Rogovit
ut ad cam mn vervret.
To Bi4 batrle or defiance, Hoſ/tem
ov% ave, Liceſſere.
0 Bid the tanes, Malrimeniem
oy an fore:
0 Bid farewe!, Valedico,
To Bid one good mo:row, Seluto,
$aivere jubeo
Toco as he is Bd, Mam gerere
To Bid a Holy-day Ferias indicere.
To Bid Payer, tart ad preca-
Bidaſche (a Caſtle in Fr:nce) Bi-
To Bid money for ware. Liceyi mer-
com precio, precium facere mereir.
* To him that bits moſt, Lrcitents
wimo, * It any body bics more,
i exiftat qui plus liceatur,* To bid
one welcome, Vement: ſalute dice-
re edventum gratulart.
A Bid prayer, Oratio b.rtatoria.
A Bid-ale, 2} Eroms, Cana clla-
A Bid-all, F titio. :
Bidden (commanded) Inperotus,
Bidden (invited) Invitatus, Inve-
datio, juſſus. * At your Biddingy|.
I —— Der Sono enn
as _ —_— —
<nw—_=——__—— Dy _
Biella ſin Piemonte] Gonmellum.
Bielsko [in Polond] Brelco.
Biennial, ot 1wo years, Brennalis,
B: erR's ſin Aquitane] Bearnia,Bera-
m Urbs
= fe the dead, F-retrum, Lo-
_ tle,
A Bie-word, Diverbium, Ser By.
Biervliet {an Ifland an1 Fort on
the coaſts of Flanders] Biervitetwm,
Berefletum .
BIG, Turgidus, * A min1 too big
for his Eſtate, Animus quam pro
| major, * As big again and
etrer, Alterno tanto majiy, * Not
an Acre big, uns nw mayer
Big in bulk, Craſſus, Magnus.
Big in Authority, Amplus, Potens,
Big with child, Grovids, Grevis,
Pregnens. * She grew big-bellicd,
P a ventris iumeſcebant.,
Big with A dp = In bs, Tumidus.
* _—_— ule pane 12
Of ſeſquipedatey Ke. * He looks
big on him, Vultz im inturtur
forws. * He oy 5 el Fren-
1em caperat. © $ 2s big as
bull-beeſitenicun preſea ers
Fert. * I am not ſcared with your
big —_ tuam nm meror more-
poey big, Hordewm tety -ſticbon.
ow big, Tumeo, Turgeo, In-
To row Big, Adoleſcere in partum.
Bigamy, B:gamia,
FIKGeTs + Mayer, Grondiey.
To g« Bigger and Bigger, Ac.
teſco, \ Turgeeo
The Bigger a*m-bon*,
To make B- ger AmplipcoEtens.
B'gly, Tureide
|Bigneſr, Amplituds, Moles, * It is
of the bigneſs of a point, Puntti
4 net.
A Biggin, [:fantis anademn,Calontico.
bo ue on 2 Biggin, Miteba redi-
A "Bight, Cireulus ruden'is in orbem
A Big Bio Got 2 Superflitioſu' PTA
trone, Afia'ur.
Piling Co be Belflente,
Ap itis ideea vulgaris,
Bilboa (ng _ reins
A Bile, T eris 3
Views, eris.
A Venemous Bite, Coccettes, Uiews
© b-eak out into a Bile, Extubero,
The pricking of a Bile, £/fus u/ceris,
A breaking out into Biles, Exulce
Full of Biles, Ulceroſus,
* Bilge, Fundum navis in latitudi-
To Bilge (as a a ſhip] Txpingove ad
ol Xs, Saxts Or od Cantem.
lg-d, ms al.iſiene (or alliſa) rui-
nm og
Bilicry Tr a yp: ver .n Sicily] Hipſa,
A Bidding, [inviting] Invitetio, | A little Bill, Schedu/e,
A Bidding a rice, NY eve, [Ab Bill of _ Chiregrophum, m—_
AF dding, Rogitatio, | have (ent you a bill
Biddy for Be Bridget. er my __ Tibi miſt cant io-
To Bide, Commoror, ſee Abide. _ cbir 4 mei,
A Biding, Commoratte. Bill, for
Bidyn, (a: _ is Jadis] Fad Bills of Buckenga, Teſſere numma-
_ Paleſtine]. Tin
Bills 'of Sale, Tabule oufti:navie.
To ſet a Bill over a door, <edes pro-
Bill (Cat ) Catalog
A Bill (of Ind:tement) [ibellus ac-
A Bill of complaint) Libellus inju-
riarum, atio
A Bill (in arbament) Lex rog anda.
T9 CRIB es —wa— e, Re-
B-ll upon a y Pregramma.
A Bill (er fiquis) Tobula od yes 6-
Fr” as congueerendum,
.Il or ho-k, Falx.
A Bill or Halberd, _— T_ ye-
= a Bill, Koftratus.
berry , Bacca vitis [{ee,
A Billet, Baci'lus, Talea, Truncss.
A li'tle Billet, Toleols.
A Billet [note] Schedu/a,
A Billet of #9 Moſſe eur
Biltards, Luſus de oort Pile e-
nee pulſatio.
To play a: Billiards, Pilam citream
Pulſare, ghobulos eburneas per annu-
lum ſerreum trajicere
A — ball, Pils citrea or ebur-
A ;Biilard-fiok, Clava eburnea or e-
ye preten
To Billingognte it, Arripere male-
dittum ex trrvio.
A L — Flultus ingens or decum1-
Bil. _ for
A Bin or hutch, Ponerium.
Binch [in He 1] Bincbium.
Bincheſter {[ in Dwbom ] Bimo-
Ta Binerum, Vinonium, Vine-
To! BIND. = Guat Oils, Vin-
cio. * Bind h'm hand and foot,
quadrupedem confiringito,
To Log about, Cireumhigo, Circum-
To "Bind the _ Aftringere al-
To Bind back, Re 0, Revmncio.
To Bind _—— - '1go,Proavincio.
To Bind with benefirs, Benefictis
To Bini books. Cempings
To Bind a bargain with IY Ar-
rbo data confirmare.
To Bind with an earneft, Obero.
To Bind faſt, Strings, Conftringo,
To Bind by friendſhip, Demerecr,
Bilk at Cribtagze, Sors caſſa.
' A Bill or f(croll,
Scheda, Syngrapta.
To Bind a garment ,w.h galoom,
ts {a river in Germony] Bil- B
To Bog _ er ey Vader,
To bing himſelf to to make good his
» jo Bindhumil Gifeo to | ay wha* ſhall
ed, Satiſdare, judicatum
ns 3, Pr apedio.
» — o3s
bo Bind, over [to the ſeflions) Ve-
To "Bin4 one Prentice, Hero dare,
Aonies tradere [ad artem ediſcen-
ToB Bind with Ofiers, Vieo.
To B n1 by iſe, Stipuler,
To Bind with ruthes, 5c
To Bind to, Allige, Subnetto.
To Bind together, C.njungo, Con-
To ny underneath, Sublign, Sub-
tofin Brad u Superalli go
To Bind up 2 wound, Þatnus oblis
#3 [Bind cf Eels, Anguillorum men-
A Binder, Liftor, Obligatory.
A Binder of books, Brb/ropeens.
A Bind ng, Ligeture, Ligatio, onis,
A Binding again, þ Religatro,
A Binding ug Þy b28d Obligatio,
A Binding faft, Conſtrifiio.
Ave Binding hard with a cord, Aftri-
A Bin4in by Clio Connexio, Su5-
s = Du-
rans ventiem, Aſtringens alvuun,
Sing-weeds Convolvulus, Smilax,
Bingen [i upper Germany] Bin-
A Binne of skins, Menſure pellium
trigints trium.
A 5.nn, Panarium.
Bipartite [in two parts] Bipartites.
Birchen, & betas,
Birch, Betu/s.
The B:rch-cock, GrygeCus.
Birckhauſen { 1n Bavarro] Bid1ium,
Auguſta Badocum.
A Bird, Avis, Volueris, * Ttis an
ill bid that his own neſt,
Propria vineta cadit. * Abirdin
hand is worth two in the buſh,
Spem pretio non emam. * He kills
two birds w th one fone, Erdem
fidelis duos parietes dealbat. * Birds
of a feather will together,Po-
res cum '— facill me Congregan-
ty. * You br r db Jp © Vows
out your eyes,
1 little Bird, Avic«'s,
A young Bird, Paulus,
A Bird-cage, Cove 7.
A in per, Avium nutriter,
_ — ny $ Auceps, wpir.
A Birdins, Ancupinm.
To go 2 Bird ng, Aucupor, Avidus
ofgtar, facere, aucupio intulgere.
For Birding, Þ Aucupatorivs.
1 Birding-net, Kete oucupatorium:
& BirGing-pince, Tormentum oweup -
To all a Birding [as an ill by
hawk] Ad avicuiarum predem ft
Pp PR ._
[+1 rr poo .
—elDelbtitwibhed. cow a» cnas
Brd-hme, Viſcur, Viſcum
ke Bud-hme,
Groae Mo alites,
A Birds n , R
Birds-nett { herb) $n'cws _
——— herb } Ornitbopodium.
jirds-eys [ herb ] Paralyjss mon-
B rd;-cherry, Padus Therpbrofti.
A Birpander ( Bird ] Chen1/"pex.
Bi-gi { a River in Sicily ] Acitbius,
Buk-nfelat {1m Germany] Brycken-
Bried ({ fiuddel }] Clavatus,
A But ( Fiſh } kys. =
Birth, Ortus, Parins, Nrxus, * Ciri-
zens by Bi th, Cives n tr,
A tirth [| Nativity ] Nutrvites.
A Bth | Parewage ] Nto'es.
onda $Natatis, Ntalitins.
A N-w Bir. h, Regeneratio.
| Ones B r:h-day, Naetalis, Nteliti-
us, Dies Nataity
An untimely Birth, Paytus Aberti
vas, Aber'wus, Us
An After -B8:th Secunda, rum.
AB th-f at, Genetbita, orum.
B rih-r gh, Jus primugenat or pri
B:th-worts Ari/t lectia ſmracenica.
Pirvieſca {in Od Cafte & } LV ire-
Bilargo { an IflanJ of Galice ] Caſs
| Biſery { part of Spoin J. Biſcais ,
| (
L wnta*r1.., , 2
[B [time { 1m Bert {hire i/b 19m,
| Buſſeth SE iow 3 5h
| A Bilhop Epuſcop us, FRO
; An Ar-h-Bilhop, Archreprſcopus,
| AB [hops Crofi-r, Pedum poſter o1e,
A B.1hop» Houſe or See, Epr cop:
um, afxdela.
| B-ihops l-aves [ herb ] Bet. nic-
' A Bi | ops Mitre, Mitra, Inful -.
| Oo! 4 Bithop, Epiſcopalts, P nufics-
' if,
fe'dra. :
A Birlet, Vittz {7 Cow wulicrum.
AB.ſhoprir ky Epi ſcepatus.
one weed, Epiſep
Biſignino ( 1n Calabria ] Beſadie,
| B junnanmn,
AB [ at Racket ] Quzdrons pi-
| lay quindenarit, gu rac arit pria-
| YIMS Quatrans,
;B Sket, Pans biſcoflus or ninticus,
| buccellatum.
Biſmure [ Tin-gla% ] Metall get
| ms ex qu6 ftanmum confit
| Biſnagar (42 Coun.ry 11 India] Bif-
|B fextile [| Leap-year ] Biſextilis
B: *crt ( heb ed] g In
AB t, Fruſtum, Bacces. * Never 4
Bt, ne hin, ne cyy quidem. * A
poyloned B.t, C :udn buetus.
By Birs. © vr,
A Bit and aw iy, Cenis od Nilum
A little Bir, Fr atulums, Succella.
To:err 4 thing ail ;o Bs, Fruft1-
The Bro! B-iel
t£ BO! a B-Ucls alum,
A Bitch, C-1s fa Lo. ”
a bt LB ch, Comcula,
A pane Bees C Conis pruviens,
A Bii-h Fox, Vulpes famine.
The kming of a Buch, Intus.
A Bit», M-rſus. .
To BITe, Mordes, * This Bites
o Bire
. T
Viſceſur, | To vite oft, Demordes, Premerdes.
To Bite to the quick, admerdes.,
To Bite ſhort, U5moerdeo.
To Bite roun1, em/edo.
To Bite privily, Submurgee,
To Bite often, Mor/ito.
To Bite 1n:0 httle pieces , Fruſfts-
tim diſcerpere.
To Bite on the Bits Frenum m1m-
To Bite [ as Pepper, Fcoſt, Wc, ]
Apt to B te, Moy/ilis, :
A Biting Mrſus, us, m. * By Bi-
ting and teratehing Dogs 4nq Cats
come together, Spe ex milo pron”
cipro magns Familiaritas einflata
8 tin”, Mrrdax, Edax, Aſber.
Very Br: ng, Mordaciſſtaus,
Lit Ie Br ing, Maxrdaculus
AB ingo. Stinging, Mordacttor,
Bi .ngly, Mordaciter , Morſicationy
M ydreus, * He taunrs bm Bi-
t ny, aceto il um per fundrt,
Br ich [ in Alſarrs } Broſcum
A Bittakle, Repojatoriam acus n wti-
Btren, Morſus, Demorſus.
Bi.ten by bttle ant little, Carptus,
ir: .n off, Prem rſs,
Bitten round about, Ambeſas,
Bitter. Am rus.
A little Bitter, S$u5omarur,
Very Bitter, Am irulen ws, perowrm
T > grew B:rter, mare 7o,
To mak- Bitter, Acerbo,
B-*r54 lys. Am re.
Brr-rnets, Amaror, amv rited).
Full of Bitterneſs, Amrulentus.
B rrer-{we-t, Amar :dulcrs, ;
A Bitte:-ſw:ec { Apple } Amarti-
Bitter wort { herb ] G-n"#ans.
Brrton a { m Umbria J Vetton ww
A Bittour, erdes fteliavrs,
B81 um-n ( 4 clammy ſubliance J 5i-
1umen, inis-
Birummous. Bitxwrnoſus
Blab { a Dogs Name }] Canicke,
To Bs Effutio.
ab, A
A Blabber, $Fantis, :
A common Blab, Rumigerulus,
Blibbed, De5/ :tevolus
Blabber-l1;p'd, Labeo, ons.
Blabber-hp , L:1bra drm ſ] :,
BLACK, arer, ng*4, furvas, * Black
w 11 rakes no other ne, Nrgre
l1mmwum nu/lum hibunt cLrem.
RIa-k mow he Nriyper cove.
To be Black, N greo. * You can-
not ſay Black is his Eye, car tu nie
bil dicas witli, * Black $ your day,
Ve "151,
To Black, Den'gr", Nigrefa-
To mak- Bla-k $ cio, O5fujco.
T> be mad: Baack. Nrgrepo,
To * w Black, Nigvefco,
Black cn1 blew, Lrvidus,
To ta Black an1bl-w, Sugills.
B-aren Black an | few, Su-illatus,
To be Black and blew, Leo.
The Flack Art, Ars Magics, Necre-
mtr, Mngis.
Thy Black b-rrv-oater, rubetye.
A Black-ber'y, Vncornmum,
A '1-k-berry-tree, Rabus vulgaris,
A B *k-bird, Merule.
The Black-cap ( Bird ] Parus p4-
him, Urit llum,
Black-foot [ 1 Dog J] Melampus.
in KRemordeo.
nck-hovon, Furves,
Black-fryers, Fratres D:minicent,
ack-lead, Subinew Nigrice for
A Bizckmoor , Mourur, FEtbiops,
A Blackmoor Woman, M rwre, FE-
Blackmoor ( in Torkſfpire ] Blaca-
Bli-kney C( in Nvfolb } Nigeria,
Bli-k okre, nigra pe'ra. ;
Tne Uiner of th: Back-rod, 077i-
avius Parli1ment arius or m grit Se»
_ 4s [or with } Soot, Fuligi-
n ſus.
A Bla-k-ſ\mith, Faber ferravins,
A Bla-k-1a1 Cl ]} Melonurus,
Biack vine { herb ] ampelome/gne.
Black-water ver { in Eſſex ] Idu-
manus, Fftu rem Icumanum,
Bia k wheat, Metowpyrom.
Blacked, etyotus. demgrotus.
[o Blacken. Derig-s, Infuſco.
A Blick ner, D
Black-r, ; en'gr ator.
Bl-cking, Afromen am.
A Back op, Demgr 1110, Infuſcatic.
Blackilh, Ferrugineus, Fuſeus, £ub-
n'ger, Nrge\vs,
To be Biacxiſh, Nigrico,
Blackneis, N:gredo, N'gritia.
Blacknels and bl. wnels, Ltv-r.
d2er, Ve; ca
A little Bladder, Ve/iculs,
The Gaul-blad4er, Vejicula felis,
A bladder blown, UV-*15,
A b!adde» nut, Nux veſicarie,
A bl-de of a herb, Foulrwn.
The blade Lot an OarJ Tenſs, pal-
A brother ot the blade, Throſo,bo-
m" —_—_ fever rtat:s.
The blades of a Flower, Capillo-
wentum, ;
A ;air of Yain blades,
Th Ciade of a Sword, Lamin '.
The Shou#er-b!1de, Sp:tule.
A Blade F Gallant ] BeVaus bomns.
Sword ] Enfis.
To bia le it, £14 & incedere.
Bla 'noch [ a River in Scotlend ]
A biaim, Ulcus, evis.
Full of blains, Ulceroſus.
Blinburg ( 2 Moun ain be:ween
Purgundy and Switzer{1nd ] furs,
BLAME, Cuzipa. Crimen, Vitnum,
nora. * Let me bear the blame,
me ſurſore atque im; wiſcre 1d "ottum
drierto, * But Go not ate: wards
la” the blame on me, Verum ne
oft conferas culprm im me. * He
w |! lay the blame on you, Cu/pom
m te tyoanseret.
To hlams, Incuſo, Fr tuyerr, Redar-
£9, Corripin, Cromincy, vette ver-
tere, * They blame his don; of
that, Ii 14 vituperont fallum. * I
cannot blame you for it, non p:ſ-
Jum 1d in te reprebendere. * He
15 to blame, in vine et, accuſrn-
dus eff. * I am notro be blamed
tor this, 4 me bc culpa procul e#.
+ See I pray whar they blame -m
for, Qu» rem witic dent queeſs an'=
madvertite, * He blam-s anothe”
for his own fault, Invidiam facli
in obum transfers.
To blame a —_ Subaccuſe.
© —_—
To blame often, | Increpito.
To free from blame , Exod, Ab
Blameable, $ Cops is, Culpon-
Blame-worthy, F dus , Vituperabi-
lis, ——_ rome dignus,
Biameabieneſs, Noxteias.
Blamed, Culpatxs, Argutus, "Y
Bl: ameleſs, Incu'patu!, Inmxine, Ir-
re weben/ibilis.
Blamelc(sly. Inculp 212, integre.
A dlamer, V:tuper ator, Crimcineter.
A blaming, Culpati?, Criminaitogtn-
cuſatto, Objurgattt, Reprebenſw ,
IV iuperatio.
Blanc-eaſtle { in Monmoutbſbire ]
Blaneum coft wm.
god { 2 Womans Name ] Blon:
Bl:nch a pings Leucen.
Toblanc —> e 160,
To blanch” Almo $, Ampgdatas
To b.anch a place, Pretergredi, de-
«lin», pr eterive inſalutatum
Blanche, Dealhbatur, Excorticatus.
A bianching, Dealbatie.
Santood (in Dorſet ſbire ] Bl »nco-
; langloquy C Fiattery J] Blendile-
To blandiſh [Flatter ] Ad3indice.
& ng, Biendus.
an4ithing, 424
ndihmens F Blonti) le
Blanes [ in Catelonis ] Blends.
Blank { white ] A'bus,
A blank) teſſere pura.
To blank {[ AR, ] Confunds , Cen-
Blank C pale and wan ] Paliidus,
Blank out of Countenan:e J Cen-
A bink c 7 Lottery tery } Sors caſſ s.
Blank Dice ] Faltus ſupinus.
T o grow "blank, Altbeſco, Frigeo.
Blan ih, Abidus,
Clannly, Frigide.
A » Abzlla, Stragu'um, Lone
_ <.
Yo ſin Lerrain ] Blamon-
Blanquefor {im Aquitane ] Blon.
A Blnquer-pear » Pyrum Subalbi-
To blace, Clamuto, Muginov.
Blaſe { a Mans Name ] Bl-/muy
To blaſpheme, Blaſpbery, efanda
g - cenvitia,
A bitiphemer oo i,
AB LAST { of ln, Flabrum,
A Conragious blaſt, Hffotes noxius,
A blaſt, Reflatzs
A blaſt or ſound, Flamen, inis.
To 0 BR -—q Uſtuls, Peruyo,
To v7 [ with Lightning ] deCo-
Hou? not be killed with blactuing, |
— aſe rubrgmem nun ſentiet ſe-
nag) _—_— and
£2 19,
as fire ] Flagyo,
ie he, ] Dronlee, pub
To blaze Arms, Inſignia, or ge-
lob ih pinabegs wor; coli
bus depingere.
20 oe $of Arms, ſeciclis,
Blazed abroad, Valgatur.
A blazer abrvad, Va:gator,
A blazing ab-oad, Vuigatio, Pu3li-
A blazing of Arms, Artificialis in-
nmm ennavratto.
azing-itar, Comete.
A blazon [| Coat of Arms ] Gefts-
men, Scum, In/1gnia.
blizoneth —Depitium, Artificialiter
ex iwratum
Buazonry, Ars feciolium.
ſo bleach { whic.n } Dealboy Can-
def 1ctog Inſ 1s.
Bleached, Dealbotus, Inſ.1:tus,
A bleacher of Cloaths, Cnteorum
inſolat ry.
A bleiching, De albatio, Infol:tre,
2 bleaching place, Inſelatorium,
-2 ak ({ Fill ] Abula, Aibuy-
Blea ak C cold ] Frigidus.
Bleak or pale, Palliduty Lwitns,
fo pr. w bleak, Pal'eſco, ere,
Bleakly, Pallide.
m—_—_— }; Pallor, wris,
Blca:-eyed, Lippus.
To be biea LY. d, Li 'Ppio.
Bl-4'-cyccnelh, Lr!ppiind?,
To bleat, dots,
To out ofcen, balit»,
A bi 2 balatus, tis.
A bleb, I e//iCas
To dierd, _
Noſ; ad bleeds,
A bleeding, Sanguinis fluxur, pro-
fuvium, projuſto.
A blem, Vicur.
A blemiſh, Meculs, Lates, Vitinm.
* There was no blemiſh in his
Corpore ngvus erat.
A blemiſh ot Credit, Calumnio, de-
decus, Tenominia, Infamia.
o blemiſh, Moculo, * He blemi-
ſhed h's Repuiation, Fome notam | B
ry ihe blemiſh, Lobeculs, Nevis
Great blemiſhes, T;
qu | Lomnag Irolotus.
Blemiſhed 1n Reputation, Infamia
Full of blemi iſhes, Moculeſ
u 1 occur io,
To blend { mix } Aumiſceo, Com-
|, Comm xtug.
7 i
= Immixtcy, Compoſitor.
0 Mrxtto, Mins f
To bl ones Reputation, Fome no- To dbicſs. ico,
t inwrere. lefſed,
Bianed, Affatus, Ambuſtus, de Carlo | Bleſt, 3 Þenei0n1, Beats,
tattus, ifin fulmin's percuſſns, Bleſſedly, Feliciter, beate.
» Rubigineſss. Bleſſedneſs, Pillines, beatitudo,
A blaſti ng, Cerbunculatio, Sydevetio. | A Bleffing,benediftio,
A blafting of Con, Rubigo,Erngo, 'I blew, . See blow.
,Carbuncu: mr, Sivioſ 1, * Coin. |
wine fluere, * My ToS pj Blindfolds
ſus mens fluit Jan» | _inducere,
beautiful bedy, Nubus in egregio p
exsy C.
yy will never | ſtain, entigus do-
mo virtute ac fide,
Blew Inde, Indicum.
Bl kelt {$b; ew, Lividus,
Blew | more inckhning to Pur
ALS C pe]
lew ( with an Eye of gray ] Ce-
Pale ow, Sulceruleus
The blew Shark Fi] Glancw
Lb, _ Coarulum red leve.
lone $ Flower, Cyonus,
To bicw any one, Pudefacio, rubs.
rem incutere.
Black and blew, Lividus.
Klewiſh, Sube eruleus.
A —_— Mel!iqo, Rubigo, Ureds.
Blighted { Decayed ] Perditur, cor-
ling, Ceca, Ocults a Lumu-
nibus orbus. bli-d, or
did I not fee? Utewn ecult nub! |
value opportana locutus., *
the Devil's blinds Ad —_ Ca-
Blind-born, Cecigerus,
rk. blind, Tire/10s, Luminibus (+
Blind in one Eye, Moncculus.
UTt- hm,
Almott blind, —_—_ .
Pur- blind, M
Sand-blind, A Ne leps, Luſeiofue.
The blind guc Inteftinum corn.
A blind-worm, Cecitio.
To blind ad {ale p ] Fills.
falſe pretence ] Pre
Velamen coculty
' Blind-mans buf, Myind
To play at blind and duftt, enda-
batorum m've
To be halt Blind, C4 Corutio, ire,
Be Pur-bl
To Be Sand blind, 3 LiPpio
» Cecatus, Occaecatur.
B lindfolde4 . $ Obvelutus oulir,
B 11, adv. 05volutis oculis,or- |
ly, Cects Clauſir octuliy,
lneſs, ett Clowſ ot
neſs of =_ Ha acintis
links Oculos ; 7 ned Crebro |
A blinkard, 2 Cecutur, Petw, Strc-
A blinker bus, Strabo.
To blink-beer, Cerviſiem muſter
tamdin in voſt relinguere donec po-
_ mag idenea & clara redde»
links » Sparſa «d venatore ſerom
ind-gonte ramalia notondis fer
To'hiow down blinks | in the way,
1nalia ſpargere, defigere.
Bhiſs, heats Faieuen atiss
Bliſsfuly Featur, foelix.
Bliſsfully, beate, fellcPer.
Blifsfwlneſs ”
th. Mus, ts.
WS — ' BLO
Bliſi liffalneſs, th, Sabie, inis, * My blood is u
[o bliſſom { tu "= he ewe] com,Inee, Blood 3 mt bt cninrus ovdet Jangues
A buſter, mibi ſervet, cor cumulatur #&.STS
A little fo Pſi a uleuſculum. be whipt till the bloud come,
\ od in the Joop opbtbalm1 2, beribus 2d occipi ut 4 —— #
Hoh yay loud Laore) Cruor
Mgr þ | Bs on yG _ 2
afte "eſt us anies.
\ Plterngs veſicatio, inflammatie. | To To bieuly. Þ 42 FP = y my incidere,
le ep Sangurnem detrabere
ws pats. » "I as let blood without any
| | Towrin up in blooi, cedibus in-
mu vive,
blith, Letit:s efferyi. * Be
Tk on your Sons wedding-day, |
Hilarem fac It in gnati nuptiis.
Blithly, Hiloviter,
Royal,St s regia, * One
X of the bloud Royal! _ ſerype
Bithaels . N orius, vir genmris regii.
Bl thſomneſs 54 i —— Defiled wi «=», OR
A Bioach, puſtule, Varus.
Bloat, toſtus, furno mduratus, ſicca- | Full - "bloud, Plethor1cus.
ou | An n inflammation of blood, Phleg-
0 bloa »torreve, furno indurare. | _
To bloat (ſwell) :nfumeſco. A blood hound, metagen,n'ir Kanis
——W furno induratus, ſumo ſic- |
| A blood-letter, phlebotomater.
A dioeade, wrbir cireuneluſnn, ommi- | oy * A -letting, pblebotumia , vene
um od aycem adituum intercluſto,
A BLOCK, truncus, fipes, * You, A Few of bloud, bemoptyſis.
have thrown a block in my _ br _ that its bloud, Hoemoptyens,
ſerupulam inject ft mibi, Hematites.
Ator {tor 4 hat] forma pikeriny 7? <2] ſucker, Hirudo , Sangui-
Wd rg ſ: aditus pres bloud-fripe Vi'ex, icit
[i ”T ic .
Th ere. eons - | Bloud- buſty, Sangw ws ſttiens,
To block up a place, lum cirewn- | Bloud-ihed,
Cudere, tireunſe ; pg omnes «d Bloud-ſhot [| in the eyes effuſs [8
locum aliguem pr ecluder 8lowg-inon in oculo,
Blocks \ tor ſhip- pes J mala hig-' ———_ cruentat ws, fenguine |
re !y orbicult vo tubiles. F
A block-head, ffupicus, tordus in- | cof bloud, Hemorrbagia.
$enij, car 2 way infulſas. * A A bioud flux, Hemorboig, Sangui-
very bloek-head, /tw/t! Ptul- | nis profluvmm.
'B anguine imbut us.
Ablock —— Munitorium,prepug-
abere. To low K 1 fo © fgnem a
Bloudy , Songuinens , ſanguinol:n- Blunt
A blene-headed lens, ilum fratd
Blo 0:kilds fot wo 1iſulſus, flupics, | A ' dioudy fellow, Jonguinerius, =. — of : L fe
hy infats?. enam merom ſpir an B.unted, retuſus.
Leer wh my yo | Bloudied, conmatesy Sangvine o&- | A Blunt) rbruſs, bebetatio.
Blocki[hneſs, /tupor, torditas. | litws t , ebtus
Bo f: [in France] Bleſe, Bleſenſe | Bloudil p_ Bhuncly (in de haviour ] Simpliciter,
corrun ons.
Blomary ( forge of an Iron mill) | Fall of corned Sanioſuw. Blumnels, be bebetudo.
mackina fſu'erta Wuhout blouds exenguis, Bluntne(s (in behaviour ] rudites,
Moot ſin Patand] Blonicum. ot d'oudied, incruentus, Fo
Blood, ſaugms. Ser Bloud. \Bloud-wort polygons, p lygonum, lur, commaculo,
A bloom Z Flee, Floſeulus berb2 ſanguinay To blur a trumpets raucum ſonere.
A bloſſome Y , A \ place where bloudwort grows, | Blurred, mo
To bloom ; Flareſeo. ſenguine A dlurring, ———
—_ AB OW, ca colaptur, is, plogh, ittus. Jer (aſh) ved
Floridus, * He mi wy, Vires in to blur out 2 word, temers vr bum
Than Vith dloſſomes ver'wm e -%s
lvomed, Flirens. A blow with a elub, fuftuariom. Th blu buſh, Joory rubere perfundi.
A Blot liturs, Macule, A blow on the ear, A/apa. as red as tire, 1a-
A lvtle blot, /abecula. A ſide blow, ittus oh/iguus. —_ ore rekr
To BLOT: To panty | li 'uris conſpey, To | y a blow, idlum dectinare. fy vn
103 reputatic - To _ ray Fo ithus geminare. =_— * Arthe firſt bluſh,
— on vivo I 1datione | To Blvihmg primd fronte; pr 110 @-
labecu/om afpergit. * IBlotred it } To Cows [rene x». * To get a b ulh of a thing,
wv h weepings lacbryme fecere tt- | To = -—_ In a trenſennam ofſPicere.
turas. To blow o make one Pudefacia ,
To blot out, deles, expungo, induce, | re 7 robenbh _ one to the bluth Ruhorem
F\ 6 tibults eraliere, To blow away, di mov re, rb.rem incutere, * He put
A Goteey out, ares To blow againy Reflo, his fiſters t ro the bluſh, Rebefecerat
A dieting mac ulal To b'ow to, « ova ſoror
A blotting out, deletis, edliteratio, FI blow up, "ffs. To bluſter, | frema, foro, Strepo, Tar-
Ra blotting paper, charts bi! n/a, 0 blow (pug) | bas cieve. n AM
z u-
T our. th, the
1,4: " K
colds edemore calm & ſri
dum ec
ad 1nflatom buccinam con-
—_ weed forulum excitat, T
the bellows Mie blow - m7 ho
ones follibus fla'u ignem accende,
To blow the noſe, emungo.
To _—— 423 a flower ,calycem aperives
Ablower ator, eflator.
at: owe of + a2 comic inis,
owing, ſu
A Nowieg On, inſufioti y
A blowing the noie, Emun/in.
The lowing of flowers, calycum 6-
ull eftivwing flatu ſus,
Blown, Flatus, c:nfl:tus, fuſfietur,
_ —_— t have blo
em down at 4 u6s [1 -
eg cecidafſt ent. __ 1 oe |
Jo — Woe, turgidus.
thorow . per flabilis.
B: -udbe (an iniet J] pubms mari-
To " biudber, genas inftar infantum
ed !
Blu. bred infor.
A meer buy, bardus, Stw-
of Blunderbuſs, ſelopus grandior.
To Blundzr, FEOIIOe aligu!d 4-
To w blunt, bebeſco, bebeteſeo.
Dted —_ re-
— -——
1; A Bluſter Ma. G
Bluitering & Temp 'fta', lurbe, arum
Blu'termse, adj. preceJoſur, |
| A Bu'ering noiſe, tome 1, tif,
{ * He makes a bluſter-mg n91 lc and
ſtr, c# wn terramoue mrjert,
A boar, oper, fee Be.
| A board, tabula, ſte boord.
[1 To boaſt, g/orior, Jaits, often'o,
* H- boalts of his exploits, [#*
narrat Facinera.
A boa't 2 yottarin, glniti, * He
oa: © made his b afts ihat he
| dcfoender from Achilles, Ach lie
| ou'tore glorr itus ejt. * (rear boatt
| ſmall roaſt, Brarcus opporet eJe
! cum fit lepus.
A Baaiter, glon1:ſur, jattetor, tbroſo.
Boalt ng words, ompul'e.
Boaſtingly, g/oricſe, jattanter, thra-
A BOAT, cymb:. |
A L tile boat, Linter, ris
| Topo by bout, Nevis.
{T9 hae 4 bout wliour, cymbam ſu>-
Wee» ec,
'A long hout, fe b-,
| yr? 4 boat, n-v:s rettoria, ponto
A File -boat, n11giolwn piſcatin if
A tly-bc at. Myepir.
A B»>zt-bowi, Cymbium.
A boat-man, Remex 1815,
A B-at-pole, tyudes, con'ws
2 Boarmans calling, Nmiculorts.
A Boy -ſwi n, Proetay, ſcopbar ins.
To bb [] Ferio.
To tob [muck] I wdo,
A dry bob, dC mm.
Bob, fer Robert.
A bob ſanna.
Bob-tarl, con's ecud di decurtctus,
A Bobb n colamas textilty,
B »bbed, I'\wſwr.
A Bohing. I'.u 0,
Bob-cherry (a p'av] t1nt-l luſus.
Babjerca [in Ar:g0r:] Voberca.
Bohio {1n Mibe n} Bobrum, Boium.
Bora [a Countrey in Paleſtine JC le-
Bocaſſi + { fine buck-am)] ſubretwn:
a ſu'lkne lintewn, lm fſuncnt)
ſub et ws.
' Boces { (mall fiſhes ] Crucommeri
To bode {[ihew before] Praſ. g12.
Bod am [ 11 Suſſex] B (i num.
; Bocrno {in Lacari:) Volcerum,
{ To Bodg [butch} rmterpelo.
; A bodoex, in'+rpolater.
| Bodenha'! en [in Soxony
A Body of borſe, cou tous,
The Body -t a batis 1, ates.
Every Buly, Unu.quiſque, ſingul:.
* Every body crye«+ ſhame Qu it,
Clamant emnes 1ndio1.i ſims foctum.
* very Bodily knows, N:m1 1gno-
ret, * jt makes every boy mn
loze with 1, Mirchiles amores ex
citat, * Every Boly was fo. him,
Umne tu! t puntiwm.
N » Body, Nemo, Nemo bem Nu” urs
* Here is no Body here bu: we,
b'e ſeli ſumtus. * $:e you let ro
Boſy come into th: houle, cove
quengum int ades mnimemt tr's.
* No Bodv underſtands me, nn
inteliger ulli, * That no Boly go
hur: any B fy, ne ci quis nIce*
at. * No Body thinks fo but I,
bee nemin! preter me widetue. * ]
hai to doth:n wi h oB dy cl(e,
ou run tum wins rem b ibebam.* No
Boay could re!l, in incevr-,
ome Body, al1quis, quidam ' * O-
pen the door qu -kly ſome Body,
aperi'e alrgars atiutum o/tium.
Having two Boies, bic 1p .1y Ons.
Bo Boted $ :
Well-bod ed C:rpulen us.
3 gnels of Body, Cor puientia,
$.cong bodied wane: vin firmiſi-
Womens B49 es 2 Thorox muliebris
A par of Budies F [jitr maricis, ]
B »Ulefſs, mCcorporens.
Toſer Bodily upon a th ng, t«tis
virthus ag gredt.
Bo 1ly, adv. corpoy ob ter.
Boggie-boes man. ugterriculomen-
To Bogple, Heſ"to, titub , Dubito,
Sermone cor. F atidr.
A Bog, Vorags, inis.
Boggy, palu/tcr.
Bohem'a [part of Germany ] Bobe
mis, Immun,
Bohem an, Brbemicus.
Bo:ana La river of Dalmatia] Bur-
T9 boil, Concoquo fer Boyl,
A boila'y of ſait, S1una
8s le cu* [10 Brabant] boſeum
ducts, ſylva dui,
Borſtterous, V7. lentus, tarbidus,
Boiſte-ous wen h:r, Tempe tas.
A boitterou+ wind, Turbo, :nis.
Boi(terouſly, violer ts
Boitteroutreſs, viclentia
[0 4 ke, Nauſeo, cd vomitum ter:do,
' Bold, oudax, impevidus, intrepidus.
;A Bok, calam: ſfirum,ciſcriminale, | * lie 5 a bold fellow, baſet os,
! acus exinhis, atylur
! To prick with a Bodkin, pungo.
, Apr ck [ or hole made with a bod-
! kn] pur/ture,
Bogmen [in Corn-wall} Vliba, V+
Bodvari [in Flintfbire] Varig,
A BODY, c:rpus, or17. * ] was well
iQ body but fick in mind, A morhbo
| valu! of enimo eper.
} Any Body A/tquis. * 1do not fear
«ny finding ct it, non me-
tw ne quiſquam mvenat, * Let
any body be judge, c:40 quemv:s
A little Body, corpuſe u'um,
A dead Body, Cadaver,
The body of a Church, Eccleſice me
! The Body of atrec, Truncus, ftirps.
A body of too" ,p:d/tatur,
plus onimi quam © n/thi brbet.
* [Joon your, promiſe we have
made bold to ipezk. turs prom/ſts
frati linguam veſolvimus. * I. 15
a bold par: of him, facinus ou-
dax incipit. * Who ſo bold as
bln1 Bayard, Inſite conficenti.m
ed, ſaury, Infolens.
A doid bertiice, Mulier improba &
To be bol42 eudeo, * He Was ©
make bold 5told as to ſay, Eft
enim auſur dicere, * We may make
bold ro 191tate the Stocks, oude-
emus imitari Stoices, * How dare
you be ſo bold to do it, qua þ-
dutia id facere audens,
Bold uzon, Frets
Boldly, «udafter, audenter, impavi-
ds, mtrepide
To ſpeak huldly, Libers loguis. nals
lins ſuperci'io probybevi,
Boldrlfs ah v4 29h 1nprobit at, eni-!
mi, rum. ; |
Boldneſs 1n 3:k'ne, procactt 15, |
Boldnefſs in ſcech, 4bertas. |
Boldue {in braban. } Baſcum ducis,|
Sylva ducts, [
Bolef2u (in Bohemia] Bole/lavia, |
Bol na [mn Macedonts] Apolonts, |
le, ee boul.
Bole-armoniack , bolus armenis 0 |
Aboline [ Sea-terme] Cl-1w; #2 navi
A boll of flax, Lin cu mus,
Boll:1,6 :b-ns cu/mumn.
Boll-mc ng, farrogo, ivis, tritium
wie lancum cuw ſecalt,
Boll (part of Ajie the lels] Paph-
mgm a.
Bollen {\welled] Tum efall us.
Bolo:2wa (11 11143] Bomnis.
Bologne ſin Prcardy] Bunonia,|
Gelſ riacum
Bolſ.nzs { n H-trwin] I
A boliter, cervical, pu vine,
Th- hol'er of a faddle, farcimentan
To bolſtrr up, \uffulcio, ſuftento,
A bolt, p ſu
Ab rd-bo it pic ulum , telun cato-
palt1r rum, :
Bnl--ropes, retinacuta, Tavis ba-
To bolt 2 door, Cpp-ſulo.
To ho]+ out, ex'wb-ro,
To bokt meal, farinm cerneve.
To bolt [ fit- our] exrutio, extorguer,
AThunder bol:t, fulnzn
Bolted ſa; a door] coppeſſulitus.
Bolted [a: meal] owibra;us.
A boltel, [ n Arehitetture] fim-
bri: (or warrgo) majort fire ſu-
A bolter [ſieve] reticulum, o:-
hr um pol'tnimium,
A tin: bolter, ſu 'cerriculs,
A boler of mezl, crib, ator,
A bolting gerit ratio.
A bolus of phyii k, Bolus,
Boltcn {1m Lnncaſbire JBulteniz,
A bl-:mg houſe, farinarmm,
Bo'rs { tzrrers ] Cempedes
Bomb>5:n [ a kind of tuif } pans
he moycnas.
Roma.zo [in He/ruri'] Polymarti«
Bombaſt, oſ/umentum g {[vypinum,
* yombet wich cotton, go yas 1n-
Bombaſt --xprefiions, ampule, ver-
ba ſeſquipedaliz.
A bombe igntovia bel's olla igni :11a,
Bommel | in Guildre)] B mwmcina.
The bonage, «r2tes ofſea, cmpoges
ef ar18.
Bon (1m lower Germeny] Brnne,
Bona (a womans name} Bon.
Bonaventure [a mans name] By-
A bond, in/ſtrumentom obligatorium.
A bond of appear ance,vadimmmum.
Toe: ter into b nd for appearance,
vidimenium promittere.
To enter into bond for the per-
tormance of a baigan, ſe new2
To ſue 05 upon a bond, ex yngra-
pba cum aliquo agere,
Bondage, Servitiums, ſorvitus, uti;
To b: in bondage, Servio, in ſervi-
tutem venire, libertatom emittere,
To bring into bondage, mans - £© |
foro, cn ſervitutim dare, juge ſervi-,
tults premeye.. _
— - %
| To delver from bondage, ex vin-
cults | beyore.,
Ot bondage, ſirvilis,
SEPT F Servury marcigien.
The moking a bond man free, ma-
Bondno ['n france ] Bond incoma=
B-ndoviza{bn Greece JScaypbia.
Bonds (ietre's] ceompedes * In
bonds. 1in« wits offyiti;, * He put
him in bonds, 7 'lw crompedibus coo
evity t i vincula mmrecit
BONE, Os, «ffs. He is all
*k'n an4 bones, [ſa oique peliis
tutus e/t, * ] have given him a bone
to $030's mject ſcrupuium bomint.
» They way as (one take a bone
trom a dog, /upo « gnum: er1pere pe-
ſt«l-rt * He made no bones of it,
non /ubit- vit facere,
A little bone. Officalum. _
Ih: back bone, ſptna do1ſe,
1 he cheek- bone > mala, maxille,
!:w-bone mandibuls.
Th: cutle-bone, Te.tuwm.
Th: huckle- bone, cox 1, coxendix
1 he ihare-bone, v7 pus,
The 1.n-bune, titre.
1 _ {pindlc- bone, pay 1ftata, paye-
Bn", adj.
_1 hy d ofſeue.
; Bune by bone officulatim,
A bone h e, fecus triymphati Le-
titie Held, Bhat 3:
| Bones given to dugs, en-le(la,
| To bone
Plu-k out wen. fo.
; The break'ng of bones, ofif6 2gi-
The gathering of bones, efſilegi-
A ga herer of bones, o/file
Boneleſs, excs, (1s, » offlego,
Rony T4
Full of bones F © ©
Bontaiti {nm C:{ahria] Hyels
A btonpraze, wmbroaculum, wmlelli
Borham (a mais name] Benho-
Bonitace [a mans name ] Bunifa-
Bon fae © [in Celabria) Hyels
Ronmon#er {| n Hungry] Bol nie,
Bonne ( in Germony ] Ara Ubio*
Bonne valle {| in France J Bena-
A bonnr, cauſi9, galericulum,
—_— (1m Savey] Bune-
i »
bonny, 5c as |
A great booby, «ſinus antroniury
ar dus, in"ubidur.
A BOOK, /iher, «© dex, wolumen
* To get without book, memer!
mondere * It is-n the latter end
of that Book, eff in extremo ilio /i-
ro. *# I: 181 07 (9 in your books,
alter oft apud te.
Tc book a thing down, aliowsd in
codicem veferye, * 0 e an
end of a book, librum «id umbilicum
A I ttle-took, libellns, codicu/us.
© pnning book, edrerſar;:,
A day book, Driartom, Eptemeris.
Books of Civil-law, pondettee.
A ſchool Books Autor cr fins,
A news book. N we. X
{To mind h s bor k Incamnlere fudiis.
A great reader of books, Librcrum
b-/ 43,
A Book worm, Blatte.
A bock ct remembrance, commen-
| Lavin,
Books of record, tofu pullice.
Statute-bo. Ks, capitularre, orum.
wo ch- book, reciſftrum Baptis-
|A book of accounts, /i*er accepti @
| oxpeny?,
- ih, tibrorum bello libris af-
A book-b nder, ro5ow » ah
| A Fook-ſelier, biblropela, :
|A Bookſellers-{hopytaberna,oficins
| thraria, hibliepolium,
Ot or for books, /15rarius.
'A Brom of a itipy Ma'ss.
A Boom, Cont; longus.
'To Boon, vies kyeme corruptas eftote
| 12Parere, inſlaurore.
[A Boon, peii 29, d.nwn ;
|A,Boon compan on, B ru8 S.ctus,
A Boops [ fil] Beopis, Beeps.
Boor [ in Macedinis] Berrb eo,
A BCOKD, tabuls. aſſet. err:
To Boord, c.ntabuicy, flernere ta-
A lr: le-boord, tatells.
A Cheſs-boord, A/veus, abacus.
A boord (jeſt ] Furus. ;
On ih p-bourd in n*vigno.
T> caſt over-boord, Fitturam fa-
To boord the enemy, beſiem ad-
To boord a ſhiv, nwvem inflive.
To boord [able one} in convice
tun admittere ntubernts & men-
'a beſpitaly excipore :
To beord [te boorded] in con-
viitum admitti, conviuvo, toſpr 0
ex-1p1, Sp
To boord ( jeſt} jecory dilieris ja-
Boorded [wi h hoord-] to{ulctus,
Boorded | tablec) in cnvitiam ad-
A Rooded ficor, Tor! uatum.
A Boorder [ tabler} convicts, beſ-
pes, itts, c. crborius. :
A , co der ()elier] ſeurre, ridi-
culus. 26
A Boording [)eſting ] ſalis attic;
A Boording [with boords] conta-
bulyti 6.0
A Boording [of a ſhip] cccupetio,
A Boo 44 { tab\1ng Jenuvittus.
A Boor {(clowe] ccl.nus, ruſfticus,
Booriſh rufticur, 0, un
OOT, emulumen'um, ce{[oriom.
* What w 1] you give we to boory
| gromem miti acce(ſurium WTIIEE
| bis?
'To much boot, wwlto lucro.
[It Booteth not, non expedit.
What booteth it, quid prodet ?
Boo: ({ an iſland-ot Scotland ] Boe
Bontleſs, incaſſum.
'A Boot, ocyerz.
The Boot ct acoach, rtedaris fo-
| vis, rhedavinms clauſtrum, rhedario
| erica
To boot, ecrers induere or inducere.
Bo "ed, oereatus.
| A Boot-haler, fradeen, proda,
| Boot-hal:ng ( ſtealing] furtum.
A Boot-hoſe, caliga ad ocyeas..
_ - Rnary-golds ] Caltha
& Bomb, deloneruting
"0 h-cl/oa&: hs, velayia, or wwe.
A Booty, preega. ;
To get þ vty, predor.
To play buo y, provericer, c Vudo,
Toplay Bojyrep, Celore fe &f mon
Bopeep, facie velat4 @ mix revela:d
Bo./part [in upper Grymony)] Bode-
A Boracho [ a pitched bottle cf a
Þ g&- 5k] wter coriarens,
A hitle Burarho «iriculu,
Borage [ he b] b:rogo.
Borax { Goldsmiths ſolJer] borax,
eeis 5 chryſecolla.
Borcholm {'n Liefland)] Berebeimia.,
To »2er{ Brodel
A B:cel{ Brothe!] Lupiniy.
The BO&DEK of any ihing, Ora,
he Burder of a country, 9:15, ter
mims * Ihry cannoc agree a-
bou* their border, amligunt de
The borders of a garment, limbus,
A Border [brim] crep:do.
To bo:der upon, <djoces, confermi-
mus Or confints eſe, in oclimmtin
ſe. * Fahhooa burders uj0u
iuth, foalYa veoris firitima ſunt.
To borer together, in confino /i-
The utmoſt horders, «xtreme ccn-
Of the borders, lim: t news,
A Bo-derer, ace: 1:.
Borderinp, confinis, conterminus, þ
nihimus, vidinue,
Bord h:it-peny, Tridutum in f.yo pro
_———_ Praecia reſeruata od vic
A Bore, Aferyri,
A l-+tle bore, aperculur,
A the bore, afer famimng.
Th bore-tree Sombuc us,
A wild bore, opey jin_ ularity or Syl-
A young bore, verres
A bore ſpear, excrpulum, venabulum
bores-neck glen: wn.
Of a bores opr iniut, verrinal,
I Bore (did bear] tw. * I bore
them as well 2s 1 could, wt p tw
tu/; * He bore his age very well,
£etatem bene ferebat,
To bore, terebro, perfero, penetyo
perinnd?, trenſigo. He bores the
por thorow haid by the Hottom,|
ol{:m juxto fundum terebrot.
Bored, perforatus, pryterebra:us
Borable, fer-hilts.
A Zorer, ratoy.
Borgo [in Finland] Borgue.
Borja [1 Aragen ]Be/ſinum.
Borkum { an Tand m the German!
Sea. ] Burchbona. Byrebants,
Bormia [a river of Piement] Bor-
A boring, perferatio, pertuſio, p2r-
To be BORN, noſcer, 61757, exoricry
in vitem «dt, tn lucemagredi, * AL yl
that ever 1 was born, me wiſirus ! |
* They are born under ih s cor,
dition. bcc lege genevet; ſunt,
To be born ag4a10, ren:ſcer,
To be Born of, enaſcor. ;
To.hbe torn ng to, ednvſier, fii.1
—_— 3
” —
Born Letws, Geſius,
To be born before the time, A5:«
Born,Natur,Ortus, Prognetur, Soar, tf A
Editus, Enixus * Born of mean
aren , 0:fcuvis natus porentt-
5. * Born under an ill Zn
Malo oftro or iniquo mereurio natws,
Diis inrmicis & iratis nitur,* lf
was born a mortal creature, Homo
not oF
Sera ter h's fathers death, Poft-
Born ag ain, Renotws
Born atrer us, Poſter.
Baſe born, Notbus, Spurinr,
Born and bred in the fame place,
Born fore the time, Abortiver,
Born im the country, Rurigen 7.
Born of the earth, Ferri gens.
Firſt-born, Primogenitus.
$'ill-born, Natus morinus.
Born of ſuch a fock, 0-tundur.
Born together, Connatus,
Borm , together at one birth, Ge-
Well | Honeſfto | co natus,
To ak born down, Opprimer, Deprt
G—_ down, Oppreſſur, Depre Tur.
To b: born Oppreſſu Fire Fevrvi,
/tatus, * We
have ſeen Maſſie born 11 trump h
— in Triwnpbo Maflilam vier-
Tot bs born uÞ, Fulcior,
Born up, Suftentatus, Fultus.
To be orn with, Indulgey. * He
hath born gouey with me hi-her-
to, Me lent us eft animo uſque
odtuc, * It may be born with, Fe-
rendum aliquo modo eft.
Born w.t hal, Indu/tws.
A Borough, unicipian.
A Head- borouzh, Decurro
Borneo fan If0and of Indie] Bene
Borouzh —— bridge (in i Iſu
Borrage, ini
go rage, ROW, = Mutud ſu-
ws Mutuum accipere.
To borrow upon uſe, Fanerer, Ar-
gentum ſane ſumere. * To bor-
row on uſu'y brings ſudden beg-
gry, Citins wſura currit quam He-
To borrow of one to pay another,
Ver "uram facere.
Borrowa 's B.bemia JE burum.
Borrowed, Mutuus, Mutuetur, U-
tendum acceptus.
A Borrower, Mutu:tor.
A Borrow ng. Mutwatio.
A borrowing of one to pay ano-| A
ther, Verſurs.
A om, Gremiuw, Sinus is.
A boſom of the ſea] Sinus maris
A I:tle doſs, =
A fat bolt, Pu
The boſs of a acY Umbilicus.
The boſs of a Sucker '3 Umbo,
BoſTed, Gih bboſu
Boſſonville 4 in Loyoin ] Boſſonis
Boſſes inthe body, Gib4i, orum.
Boſton { in Linceimſbire ] Boftunwn.,
—— = of herb; ) Botonicus.
Bot argo, Mulli ove ſa'e mwii
A = 1 { \woln uleer] Ulcus.
A botch (carbunc!e) Cor unculur.
A boteh (in the A
mouth] Ap
To make 2a botch, E xul _
Making botches, E xulceratorius.
= teh 5 Change Opus corrumpere,
Eelowr Sartur,Re artus.
A » Interpolater, Sartoy, Ve-
A botchers-(iall, Inteypolateris to-
& _botohing, Inte- Fu Refeftio.
[near Botel 45.
> aJJeQ. ] Am > py eo
Both bes n aSe'b
Cum, E \ hos Tum Fl 5 _
di Gicaſs h my ſelf and others,
Ipſe cum mibi tw eceteris diſphcs
» Myghtily tofſed to and f-0 both
by fea an1 land, Multum &f terris
30h "us & olto.* Famous both for
h's Fathers glory and his own, In-
figns qua paterna glorta gud ſus.
* Bo'hin time of peace and war,
Tum in pace tum in bello. * To at-
ten1 much both upon honour and
upon derger, Multam vel bonoyi
= periculs inſervire,
on 01 h fides, Utringue, Utrinſe-
Both- handed, iter, ;
Jock on both T exter
utoriur, Qu du dit follts.
ork IEA
Borhnie [a province in Sweden]
Borolph (a mans name ) Boto!-
he bot, Aſearis.
The bots in cattel, Verminatio,
The * WARG'ng of the bots, Ver-
To be t-oubled with the bots, V*r-
_ Veyminor.
A bottle, Vier, vis.
A great bottle, 0535s, Lagens,
& little bottle, Pb'ola,
A boutle made Ampulla,
ttle made of a gourd, Cucuy-
a Pickin bottle, Ampula infonti
A Serie of hay, Foeni faſciculus or
A blew Bottle, Cyons.
A bottles mouth, . ——
Ot or like bot les,
The ov - Fundus, ——_—
imum. * In the bottom ct
In imo tartaro, * Better a, -
the brim than the bo:tom, Ser e/t
n funds pw ia
A bo'tom in! IN vis.
The bottom of 3ncarthen pot, C,m
The bottom [dregs] Fex ecis, Hy-
the tor tortom of a ſhip, Carine,
To touch m (in ſwimming)
Fundum trrie's, Nanciſer folum.
To —_—_ Fundo munire, Infire-
a bo.tom (valley) Vallis, Cenvel
| Without bottom Immen/ſus,
TOs very bottom, Fundiths,
A bottom ot thred, Glowus, eris.
A bortom to wind thred on, Gir-
borrowed upon
s» Fundi * expers, Funds
A Bortomleſs pit, A%iſur 7,
[oe Cin the Low-countyies JBow-
A boude, Verwis frument
Coveneey (5 Phot ts B-
m, Bovi um.
A e ([ (well:ng7) Tumor.
as ſ ee] Tome
bouget, Bulge, idulwn,
A lit-le bough, \ Kemuluy, Kamuſeu-
A | dough pluckt with fruit on,
1 _ bough, Komols.
reen bough, Frons, dis.
of boughs, Kamoſur, Ramics-
of a bough, Romalis.
Aw, Fame, y
I dds [did h%T, Exe. *I
this for you, Hoc 115i merratur ſum,
* He would have me let him have
it as 1 dope it it, Tantidem emptum
poftulat (ib1 tradi.
Bou, ht, Suptns, * Bought wit is
the b:it. Duro flogells mens doce-
twy -—
Bought again, Redemptur,
ough t for a low price,
To be bought, Mercelilis. _—
A th ng 2 1 Lo cis.
Bovines [0 N ] Bovini-eum.
a boul | tor play] Clos Sptera
A hcale boul, G lus, $ © via.
© boul Veoluere © globum ,
Throw b 'boul, Jattave globum ,
Bouled, Miſſes.
A doubers Cleborun Jettator, Sphbe-
Bouli Spheromacbia ,
Bouling, at Bouls, $©
tendoyumn certamen.
1 = l .
1 Boul of gre alley 7» $Spberiflerium.
Boullion | in » dhe Low-conntrie Con.
edi 'zBullon'um
=> — (in Fronce] Benonia, Ge
doulſter, Cervical. See bolder,
A boult, Peſſulum, See bolt,
© bounce, Crep». See bownee.
To BOUND, Fino, Termino, De-
fmo, Terminos preſcribere, Intra
yo eotrceve
globorum mit-
A Bound, ) Me's, Termines. Finer,
Bounds, 8" Linn Linutes. * i I wan-
Bounce da Yo my
a ultra g_ va-
ea {border upon] Collimi.
A bound ſtone, L1pis terminals,
A bound- ſerrer, Finiver,
Bounded [ Il mted) Definitus,
Boun 'ed [ bordered ] Cellimita' ns,
The meering of bouncs, Collimi-
Bounding upon, Conterminus.
A boun1ing, Linut tio.
A Doups ng, upon, Coll;mintum,
0 for bounds, Terminalis,
_ of bounds, Terminoſss.
Boun1- |
Boundleſs, Interminatus, Immenſur, & Gb-ous _— ales, | & Oul-S2ts Pyais or theca pulye-
To hound [a3 a ball) Reſi/io,
& Bounds FReſultus,
Bounded, Kepereuſ] #5
To te bound, Terie.r, Devinciory 0b-
"g's O5ftringer, Confftyinger, Ser
to dind.
Boun4, J + mh O*%hge'ur, Vintus.
* He is bound to perform his vow,
Damnatus «ft vati or voto. * He
1s bound with an oath, Furejuran-
do aftyitius oft, * Whether are you
| bound ? Quo nune eff 151 iter ?
Bound betoce, Preligetus, Previn-
RounJ ([beholden] Devinttus.
Bound by ay t, Obligatus,
Bound by duty, Obnexus. +
Bound hard wih cords, Funicu/is
Boun | prentice, Artifici datus vel
traditur [1d artem ediſcendam, ]
Bound to, All: eatus.
Bound together, Coll:g tus.
Bound under, Sudbfrictus.
Bound up wi: h (wall ſpiinters O//s-
15 alligatus.
Bounden, De%itus. * According to
my bounden duty, Pro debrto mes
efacio, ;
To bounce, Obfireps, Reſiltive cum
bated ups Repercuſſus cum clun-
| grace, Benignites Beneficentia,Li-
| beralitas, Munificen'ia,
' Bountiful, 7 pin:
| Bounteous, F nifices, :
Bount'fully, Benigne, Libevalitey.
; Bourbon in France , Bourberrum.
| Bourbourg (in the Low countries]
| Burbargns.
| Bourdeaux [ n Fronce) Burdig 119.
| Bourdon [4 tamily] See Burton.
Bourd, See hoord.
A Bourg, Vicwt. Pe
Bourganeuf {in Aqu/tain] Burgus
| A Bout
| rger, 9
| Bourgeſs, d Civis, Municeps.
Bougges in Fronce, Biturice, Biturix.
' To bourgeon (but) Gerawno.,
| Bourgogn® [a Province of France]
' Barqundia.
Bourgoin (in the Dauphinate) Ber-
A Bourn, Torvens, ſons.
To bouie, Poto.
A boufing, Petatio,
A BOUT, Une vice. * At that bout
was the got with Child, Ex ©
compreſſu grovida fatis eft. * Shall
we have 2 bout at it, Vine ut cer-
tamen ineamus ? * Let us have 2
merry bout of it to day, Hilorem
bune ws diem. |
A boutefeu. Incendiayiur+
Bouronne [2 river in Frenee] Vul.
A BOW, Arcus, * He keeps his
mind bent Iike a bow, Intemtum
N to citins w* lucyique ſagittd fugit,
at ocyoy euro,
A Ran k
6 bow for a viol, Pleftrums.
Bow-le , 1, Pars,
A b w-ntt, N{ 2.
A bowyer,
SLowingly, Preclive.
feena 1:-pravio,
Per foro, Verbe
Bowped, perforatus.
monc ſb
Bowes ( the Family
A bowl [ for drink
A bowl { to waſhin
A bowl | for play ] Sphere. See
A bow-line [ part of the Rigg 'ng ]
Clavns in nevi
To bowlr a Coney , Cuniculum ad
curſumn excitore.
To bownee, Crepo.
To bownee often, Crepito.
A Bow-cale, C:n: tus. | ;
Bow-ericket, > [ inſet J Cicada, 'A hallats bd. X, itula.
Bow hte, Arcu-tim. |
A Bow-man [Archer] Sagittarius. | mento.
A bow-itring, Chords, nervs,
Bow-maker, $ Arcuarins.
Of a bow, Ar/cuaring, 8, um,
To BOW { activ. } Fletto, Curvo,
* I bow my knees, Gerus
Summitto. * He bowed his head
caprte rradidit ſpin
[ neut.
break before it will bow, prixs| Box-wood, 2 5uxus. * He looks
A box-tree, 5 as pale as box, Ore
bow backward, Keclino.
To bow down, Incu vo.
Bowed about, Cirewnflexus,
Bowed hebeSed Bats Recur- | Prickly box, buxus ſprnoſes.
Bowed downward, devexus.
Bowed u; ward, ſubvexus.
Eafily bowed, flexilss.
A bowing, Curvatio, Flexure,
A bowing back, Recuyvitas,
A bowing rou: d about , Circum-
bowel C nnene } Eviſcere,
viſeero, Exentero.
9- welled, Eviſeeratur, Exenteratus.
The bowels, Inte/ftins, Viſk era.
The bowels of the Earth, ebdits
Within the bewe!s, Inteflinus,
By bowels, I/;ſceratimn,
A bowelling, Exenterotio.
bower, Pergula , Umbraculum,
A towging, perſorotio.
Bowes [ upon Stene-more in Rich- | To Boyl much, Percoque,
we ] Levetris, Levaives,
ling Cauldron,
4 ab. lng, Colle _
A Dice-tex, Oveoy
| A box-maker, Serini ins.
| The Poors-box, Gopepbylatium.
| Boxes ,n a Prels, Locellty Lacules
Boxes for Grocers, Nids.
| buxo palidiora o
Dentss buxet.
| Box-thorn,
| Jonny Tm Kent ] Boxleia.
A BOY, puer, * He is pat a toy,
P's" «F,
little boy, Purrulur, Puelus,
Acolutbus, $ xerdotis miniſter,
A School boy, x
Gromm 1ticulus,
Poy-games, Puerilia.
To play the boy, Puerilitey facere.
* He le
Boyn = : Poerilis,
A bower, Anchera od ayeum nvis. Boyiſhly, Pueriliter,
A towering, Arberum concamera- | Boyi = Puerilites, Puevitia.
Bowers ( Muſcles } Muſeuli flex-
ores, l #0 To boyl
A bowge of Court, Congiorium re-| To BOY
is. er
ts bowge a Ship, Penetro, Perfedio,
chor & or anchorat:s,
Ic ] Coomey Elixo.
Choler, Ineftuet bilis preecordii
To _ # "
To boyl away, Decoguo.
To Boyl before, Precoque.
| To Boyl often, Cottito, Crguito,
To Boyl over, , Ef, erreo,
To her, (orc :
Js Boyl toget » Concoguo, Col/ieo.
the Sea ] Undo, /x-
To b:*gin to Boyl, Eferve/to,
bo to Boyl fan xray
led, Cottw, .
led by halt, .
Parboyd,. , 5 fenireie,
Boyled 4 1 , s eYrefallus.
led Kee 1
ponies _—_ moor way
ling up, Ebulii
5 fro.
- | Boyne Kiver \ in brelond ] boands,
Boys ( the Family ] de boſeo.
buxeus. * Teeth
as yellow a3 box,
A box-b 1, ; Bbuxe-
A place where box grows, F tan,
e [ in Bremen ] bextwds.
Virilem t:gom ſumpſit, * Boys
will have Toys, polite fact -
A Souldiers boy, Calo, onis ; lixa,
A boy that ſerves-a Maſ-Prieft,
A petty Grimmar School-boy purr
has left boys plays MNuce:
an Anchor ] Index an-
{ neut. } ul/
* His Heart boy's woe
Boyſt [ a brazen Veſſel) Lecytbus.|
eds turbicus, L Boiſte-
Bozolo [| in Italy } Boyolun.
Bozwchi [ 4 Kives 11 Hungry] ba-
Brabant [ 1n the Low- Countries J
Brabate { in Ardal:uſie } B:lo.
A Brabbie, Rix, bs
= Brabble, Jurge, Altercor, Lites
A Brabbler, _ Altercator, rix-
Brabbling-feiiow, F ator, Vithn-
B*abb.ine, Rixabundur ,
Full of Brabbling, Lirigieſur.
A Brabbling, Altercatio, Lr rgatio.
Bracc.ano [ in Hetywrie ] Brocen-
num, Arconmum.
TB ace { buckle ] Collizo.
A B:ace [ couple } por
A Brace | in the Bu lding] Fils,
A Brice [ Ships gicat Kope ] 1u-
Jens, nts. _
A Brace [ of Dogs ] C-nes bent.
A Bricer, > achiale jacuiato-
Archers brace, F rium.
A Braceiet, Armvila.
A Brarelet-maker, Am Uaring,
A Bracelet ot Pearls, L 1t2 marge»
A Bracelet tor the Righ: hand,cex-
Wearing a Bracelet, Armillatus.
races, brecbrolt 1, rum,
Braper, 2 { 4 kind of Drink ] by-
Brachet, F dromeli, Þr mul/1s,
Brachygraphy (Short-writing] Lra-
coygrapb'ay Slenogroptie,
A Bracks LV. trum.
Brackan, pix, cis,
Bra:ket ({'n Building J Muty-
Brackiſh, Salſus.
Brackiltineſs, Solſugo,
kley [ -n Nortbomptonſbire ]
Brachileg +.
Bra:liw ( in Podolia ] Breclevia.
To BRAG, Gloricr, Fatto, * He
brags of his Exploits, de virturi-
bus ſuis predicat, * He brags at
no Aim, ſe woenifi.e jattas atque
offent ar,
in Portugal ] Bracara, Au-
guſta Br :carum
B aganza ( in Portugal ) Brigantia,
(eb ubriga
A B ag, Gleyintio, Foltatio, * He
Bragz ng, 5 makes grievou. bags,
Intolerant tu ſe jottat.
A Bragger, ) Glorioſas, J:itater,
Bregeard, £ Filtal undus, thra-
Bragpatochio, ) ſo.
Bragoingly, Gloricsd, jattower.
B-aid Albin (; art of Scatl-nd] Al-
The Braid, Annu wy Cinmur, Cirrbus,
To Bail, Comlico.
Brarded, Complicetus,
A Braiding, Crarpuc 1149,
A Brail { pannel of a Hawk ] «c-
«apttvis anus,
The BRAIN, Cerebrum. * Your
B ains are addle, N-n tiki ſanuwn
eſt [mciput,
To Brain, ; Excerebyo
Da i out the Brains, CereSrum
Comm ng).
To take out the Brains, Corefrum
Th-B ain-, an, Crinium, Calvaria,
Teſt 1.
The hinder part of the Brain, Cere-
Brain?d, Cui eerebrum eft il1iſum of
excu /um.
Brain- tick, Cerebroſur , Teme-
Cock-braimn'd, > roriue, Phrenett-
Hurr-brain'd, > cus.
Shurtle-brain*d, Infftabilir. *
Brain-fiekngls, Manis, Pbreneſis.
Braine { 1y'the Low-Countvies) bro-
num. |
A Brainingy Elifto cerebri.
A Break ( for flax } Frongibulum
Bake { Fern] F hx, icis. * Either
a Brake or Bulih, ext avis out ga-
A Brake { Croſs-bow } balifta.
A Brake { horie-bit } Epifom 5.
A Bramble, R«bus,Fepres, PAturus,
A bttle Brambl-, Veprecu's.
A place full of B ambles, Rubetwsn
Senticelum, Vepretum,
Full of Rrambles, > 5p in1ſus.
Lk, _ ©: ntifringilla.
Bramptuu [by Hunt.ngton] Br mp. | A
t |
Brampron ( in Cumberland ] Bre-
menturacum. :
Brampton ({ in Nathomptenſbire }
B-ancatter (in England J Br-n+-
A Branch, R mw.
A littl- Branch, R-muſcu'ur.
A Vine-branth, FPaimes, itis.
A Fruitleſs Branch, Sto:o, ſpade
A branch with the Fru.t on,termer,
The branch of a Pedigree, ffemma,
[h- Branch of a Lamp. Lycbruchss
To Branch germino, pro-
Put forth Branches, f —_
(+) e B-anches, Frondeo,
To begin to have Branches, Fron-
Branch. adj. ; Frendeus ,
Of or like a Branch, F Frondorms.
B arin? Branches, Fr: ndr /er,
A B aneher, Accipiter juni.y ramos
Branched, Frondetus, Roam ſur.
Branehing, Ge minons, Germun Jtu,
a _ hing, Germin 1119,
ran-nys ah
Full of Branches, $F pays
Branches [ of a Deers Hea1 ] cer-
vinorum conum medir arculi , m-
termed rom culr.
4 Branch-vcaſe, Piſom.
Br41chetier [ in Norfolk ] Brann
A B a:d of Fire, Tavis, fax.
A ſmuiky Brandi, Ti:tio ons.
A B-an1 I on, Cihrira, C+ytr pwr.
A Brani (ma k of Diigrace] ftig-
A Brand for Cattel, Choraller, evis
To B -n1 { twgmatize ] Stigma
live, N0*45 ima ere.,
3 and rew, N vurgrecen?,
T., B an Ca.cel, Chorette e infig-
Br:nded,, Stigmetizatus, Stigmoat:-
Brantenburg ( m Pruſſia } Bran-
ew gum
'1n Goymmny] Bron-
3:an iris (in B.bemia] Branluſum,
Branding-Iron, Conterizm,
Sonny » Sui cmatipaetis,
rand:1h .
Tos B8randle » $Vibre,
A Brandittung. Vi*ratio.
dew Worm] trot e
A Brandling
Broney: wine, Vinum crematum or
piſers eſca.
a umn.
To Braugle, Rixor
Brangler, K/xatoy, Allercator.
A Branyrlimng, Altercans, Li igatio
Brank-ucfine { hecb } Sreuce w-
rann, Furfur, wris.
Ot or Ike Brann, Þ Fur furaceus.
Full of Brann Fw ſuroſur,
« h: Brant-gooſe, br nia.
A ::raſier, Fa'e& e190 iu « p
Branl ( part ut America ] Broſalia.
ratil-wood, L:gnum br 111 ten &
Braſlaw { in Litn.mia } Br oti/lovis
Bras tf, ts.
Brdls lone, F Coda MetaLice,
Braſs-leales, 2 0,0 1m ei
B a's cingers,
| A B-afs pot, Abenum, Incottile, |
| B als work, Arringum
m210g torch Bra's, Erifer,
Covered with B-als. Erains,
Full ot Braſs, AEreſus.
Bra'sy a1).
—_— (s, Abeneus, FEntus.
To cover With Braſs, FEre induco.
Braſſuw (mm Tr -nfytvania] Coronay
Preto is Auguna.
To Bra'', Rum?
A Brat, Infans Parentilas viliſimus
eti-m ſemic:ntlhium ex panng” wili-
Bravale, 2 Inſol-ntia , petul.n
Bravado, F to, ferccitas.
Brave, Concinnus, Lutus, Ni'idus,
Scius, Splendi1dus, Elegans, Mo: 1-
Ks amittus ve/ti'us, * A Brave
Young Sould'e”, Arer be i jure
mis. * A Brave Navy to ſee to,
Pr eeliva elafſis in ſpecrim. * As
B ave a Nan as Lives, Splendore
nm-ni ce<it. * It 15 aB ave thing
to be pointed at, Pucbrum ex 41-
gito moniirari.
Brave, ( Sout ) Megnonimur.
A Brave v>cholar, Non Voalgariter
Paſſing Brave, Perornetus.
A Bave ( He&or ) Percuſſor, Si-
carius, Thraſo.
+ — B ave , Keſplendeo , Splen-
ave its Speciors ingredi, Plu-
ex endere, oftentare.
To e one, L1ceſſo, ferociter ap-
fpeteve, oljiem ferocrtis inſultere.
* Being h: B av:s me tot, Qupn-
do eo provocat.
B-a ed, Loceſſitnr, Prov:catur,
Bra-ely, Concirne El:gonter, L ute,
M liter, Nitide, Sore.
B avery, Decir, Ornaur, Spieniey,
* A Woman's Bravery, Mwilus
Mulie)vis, vel orna'uc Muliebris.
A Braving , Inſ«/tetio ferix or pes
| Braunaw [| in Brveria ] Braunedu-
| Braunsfelit ( in Germouy ) Brauſ-
Pe ee ——
—_ .
(in deal) Sroncleige,
Un Canes Bruncpois,
A Brawl - "ol
raw| (danee} Fr fitus Loni-
To > Braw! + Litigo, Jurgo, Rixor, Kix=
as movers, 15 multurs certove.
A 1 om. Atltercaior, Diſceptator,
A yz — we myo ——
Brawl vg, Jur -- a_
grow ogy C "
rw ugna, Loud ts
rawn of the body TPutpe, Co-
Caro muſtultr incluſa
ofſibws, 1 nentum avis.
ot arms, Terust, Lacey-
The brawn of a Capon, Pulps ca-
gl hard #s Brawn, Occalleſeo.
| — Colloſh
To 25 an E.cphant, Barrio.
To ed, {ery qut] Emugio, Fremo,
BY ayed, Contyirur, contuſus,
A Brayer, Contritoy.
A B SITS {pounding ] Contritio,
The B ng of an Aſg,Regitus. Os.
The Bron Xw of an Elephant, Bay-
ritur, is.
A goraying perring. 0 out] Muzits,
The Bro (pinnct” of a hawk)
- L_G
boy þ rh, ſim Bork ſhire] Bibro-
<<, Bi
ance? Bibrax.
m—— Id braſs] Are
Opn. d Abereus, Anna,
Ty Effrons, ati
Wit A Ore dure, Ca
A Breach, Pow foreleg Kurne,
AB L. reach ch (herween two ] S1multas,
v1, Breack of 2 promiſe, Vilatio
A Breach male bv a river, Aggerum
yes Cataclyſmus, Inandatio,
To make a breach in a wall, Muruwm
tormentis labeſattore, p rrtem materi -
nd tormentts profter.ere, Detur-
Toenter the Breach, ingreſſum mu-
ror wind Pugnends moltry.
h between
dread, Ponis nouticus,
B:own-bread, Ponis atey, ciba-
Mentors ound,
Coe ps duleieriue,
bread, Ponis rubidus,
of a red Deer, Cervi
rius, ſecunderi-\ T
Oaten-bread. 5 EVEnaces.
Rye - —y bes is eo ietus,
Sow- bread,
Artarata, Cycleminus,
White hank Penis candidus ot =
gf we Fruments, Far.
The making bread, Pani /icium.
Begadth, latrude, Amplitude.
Of ove breadth, AZoui/atus, erir.
To BREAK, Ts prongs, Co
+ ti
ſomewhat to bee his
bet quod Tour
cn. *] will break this cuſtom
tadoom, +1
fiudying, Ingen wires ſtuden-
7 A
ws — I with ape, Senio confici,
To break the back, Del
To break
To break a faſhion, Recep'um mo-
To break, 8 ut. C Rump-y
0 ut. Cy '”,
To break ab-ut, Creomfrengs
To break aſunder, Diffringe, Di-
To break [be bankrout] Conturbo,
oro Cedmne,
cr neck 2s
aues ſervo 6b-
gnant c ale.
0 break Ez, ; Opera oppugnots-
rie mſtitzere, [
To break forth as water, Seates,Sce-
turio, te,
0 break friendſhip, Amicition
LEES nodum NC
To m_ a jeſt, R//ſum Jees movere.
To break i in, —_ py {rempe,
— of into the
_ rob, AEdes ex-
DU P law, Legens violare, To-
To break a wdns violave,
Ee oi
, rom rom enfrng: al
ones mind, —tarhaty
To Break the neok, Cervicew dif-
(2) 0 neck with a tall, Pre
cak ne,
the belly, Ventrem diſ- K.
To Break
| | To Break open Vl
open a ED
curſes fre-ke,) Gre Greſfind
i ——_
Tn [av»the be 020] E xundd.
out {as the face] Puſtu-
{as emittere, Fruticar1 ſeahie,
To Break priſon, Expugnere cerce-
remy Vincula carcerts yumpe. «, Ef-
atle carceye
0 Break ones reſt or Ueep, Nodtems
Ps Ho- To Break the fides with Laughing,
Kiſu emori.
To freak with ſorrow, Moerore con-
o Break Fidem i=
fromihy, RO
p daetom
To Break
reak of
diluculs, Sucre 1 mane.
Breaking of a horſe, Equi doms-
A Breaking down, Exciſe, Deme-
py -
A Breaking the
perfringere| A'Brea Breaking with 2 noile, Fragor.
A of
A Breaking out into a ſcab, Ulce-
A Breaking out in the head, Siri-
A' Breaking out of waters,
up to morrcw,
nob1is fadncater ferie. * The wea-
ther docaks ups, Redit poft nubile
To Jreak with one, Pattom fidew
[1] Brock 0nes wind, Anbelando de-
i910, v'Y Break wind backwards Pedo,
a Breaks Froftio, Interval
A Breaker of the law, Violater.
Breaker of a Fadifra-
TC | a
d Sp, * By
Prima lace, Cum
rl Lumbiſra-
a tis, Intermi-
out, Eruptio.
G A Break,
, Pe 10. The Breech-pin of a guns Exempti- | Brewed, Coltur, Mifins, * As
Cn or Crmnmrrate. oY; 4
A . .
A Breaking ([v:o'ating] Viet tio.
A Breaking up of groun1, Occato.
Break-neck [ticep] Provuptur, Ar-
A Bream [fiſh] Abramis, idis,
A Sca bream, Abramis morinus.
The BREAST, Petiuy, orir,
A | ttle Breaſt, Pettu/cu/um,
A womans Breaſt, Uber, Momma.
A womans I:ttie Breaſt, 1 mille.
Breaſt, -- I d Momillorir.
Of a Br
Bre a't-2pples, Mats ortbomaſtica,
A Bresft-cloth, Siroptium,m:mallave,
The Breali-bone, Sternon, Scuinm
A Brezſt-rlates Lerica, Peltorale,
Of the B gaft, Peleralis,
Hav'ng a great Breaſt, Peltoreſug.
Narrow-b. caſted, Sthengtherax
Having a Breafi-plate , Tbcricatuy.
BREATH, Helitus, Spry1tus, Flatus
Anima, Anbelitys * He 1s out of
breath, Ex1nimatas eft. * Keep or
hola in your b: cath, Animom come
prime, * 1 amrun out of breath,
Curuyri uſque dum fatiſcit ſpirits,
* To the lait breach, Uſque ad ex-
tremuns ſpiritum, * Like 2 man
out of bceath, Anbelanti /1malis,
A ſhort B eath, _ um, ;
Shortne(s of Breath, Aſibma, Spi-
rand: eifficoltos. anbelitus ——_
A ttmking Brea h» Ove.
A fragrant Breai hy Odor ſurviy,
The vailage of thebreat h,reſÞir omen,
Io Breathe, —_ wo, An-
Take Bicz h, F elo. * Take your
breath, an'm m rec'pe.
To Brea'he [air] Exzcco, ove.
To Breathe b-1ween, Inter ſpire.
To Breathe into, Inſprro.
Io Brea h+ ones Iait, Expire, Ani-
mom agere, Supremum in; emi-
1o Breathe out, Exbe/o,
0 Breathe thorow. Per/piro,
0 Breathe upon, In'uſfs.
reathed. Epiratus,
reathed out - Exp.ratus,
% rn...
\ Breather, Spiy«ter. 5
A B eathing, Hitus, Reſpiretio,
A Breathing with d'ficul:y, Ante-
latio, Dy/p .
A Breath:ng-hole, Sprr oculum.
A Breathing upon, Aftatus. |
Breathing ſwea:, remiſſus.
Brechin {in Scot Brecht. um,
B ecknock [1n Wiles) Brechinia,
red, ry See .
To b+ Bred of, Noſcer Orior. |
RED, Netu;, Generatus, Nutritzs,
Saub/atur, * Thry are well bred,
Bene nati ſunt, * It is tor mens
ſ2kes that beaſts are b:ed Hominum
gratid geneyantuy b tie. * He 1s
a well- man, Hom? eft ingenu-
' To BRBECH [whip JTergum caedere,
Breeches, Brocca, Femeratia.
A clofe pair ot hnnen breeches, Co-
| 113 cauda fiftule ot
Breeched (whipt) Tergo coſus.
' A Breecher ( whipper] Plag ſus. «
'A Brbec ng, Verberatio.
To BREED, Genere, Payio. * Th:y
do not breed aboye four times a
y-a/, Non plus quater in anne port-
unt. * They breed me milchict,
Mitt Creant periculum.
To Breed teeth, Dentro.
To Breed, Alo » Educo,
GiveBreedinz to, Teilo.
r Breed, Genus. * Se thit they be
of 2 good breed, Videndum wi boni
| ſemins ſont.
A Breeder, Generator.
A Femzle-breeder, Ger trix.
A Breeder of cattel, Admiſorixs.
A Breedim 1, Generatis.
| A Breeding of teeth, Denti-t9.
' A breechng-p lice, Pecurium.
Of or for rreeding, Fr u'{ narins,
Goo 1 Breeding, Ecucatio ingenua, In*
titutio liberalts.
Breeding woman, Pragnans,Gre-
v1s, Gravida
The power of Breeding, Fecultas
reef, See brief.
A me0enn, > Aſpbe. Tabanus , Oe+
A Bree, '
A Breeze [pentle gale] Aus.
Bretort (10 Zutpben) Brefu-tum.
rembo [a river in Jt-iy) Brembus.
Bremen {in Saxony] Bremns, Pha-
The Dutchy of Bremen, Bremenſis
Bremarfurde ('n Germany] Breme-
cewgarten [in Switye land] Bro-
Brent, Vſtur.
Breara Ul (in Middleſex) Brent e
V4 aKFs.
Brentwood [in Eſſex] Ceſor0-ma-
Brento (in Kemagn?) Brintwmn,
Breicia {10 Italy} Brixia.
Br<flaw {1m Scbleſceen] Uratiſevie,
Breffica {'n Pol-nd] Breſffica.
The Breit Petius. See breaſt.
Breſt (in Bretagne] Brivates, Vin-
Fo ww
Bret-cock, F LAM] Poſer o/per. |
Bre aigne { n Fronce) Britonmia mi-
nor, Aremor'ca.
Bretenham {in S»felL] Coambretori-
um, (ombreanmw.
Brerciiil {10 Fronce} "qo
Tute bec intriſti,tib1 omne «ft exeden-
dum 3 ut ſtmentem fecerts itd &
an wo Profiater, Cerviſie cofter,
x: Ab <-brewer, Cerviſiee illup ulate
[4 .
A Brew-houſe, Zytbepſarium, Pan-
colftio," 1
A Brew ug. Cervi
A whole Brewing, Potws un/ys cofti.
Brew1s & alipete, Panis dinexi
intindl we, Pe, Fete paged
Juve mt1
Br:2n fo mans name) Brionus.
A BRIBE, Munus, evis, Repetunde,
To Bribe, Corrumpo, Muners lar giey,
muner thus oppugnire,
Bribed, Cor ruptus,
He is Bribed not to ſpeak, Habet
bovem in I1ngue.
A B-iber, Corrupter, :
B 1hery, Corruptio judicat,
Of Bribes, Muneralis,
A Br bing, Corruptio,
A BRICK. L2ter, eris.
A littl- Brick, Latercu lus.
Brick-colour, Gitvu, Figlinss,
A Brick- bat, Teſta.
A Brick-k In, L!*anur, Furnus,
A Brick-layer, Camentorins,
A Briek-n:aker, Laterarius, Laterum
cotier, ;
Brick-mak ng, Argillatio, L1teruwm
Ot Bricks,
Brick-work, Maceria, Mw u1 cotÞlis,
A Bridal, Nuptie, crums Spenſa-
184, uw
The Brick { (weet apple-tree] Me-
A Bride, Sponſa, Nympba, N.vs
Brice-chamber Thal1mws,
A Bri 100M, Sp nſus,
A Sol Apy Brebag
A Brideman, Pronedus.
Bridewell [1n Londen] Fen brigide.
Bridewell pree: act, Praecontiure fon-
A Bridewell, P!/ftr inums, Erg 1/tulumn.
The Maſter of / was Elgottw
A Bridge, Pons, ntis.
A little Bridge, Ponticulus, _
A Draw-bridge Pons verſatilis.
The Bridge 0f an Organ, M-dulon-
tium polmuloyum abacus, modul atv! -
cm 0[ſulorum pint rus, *:
A Wooden: biidge, Pons ſubbcius,
or Lignew
The Bridge of a Lute, Mogadium,
$ L rteritivs,
ws liberalitergue educatus, * That | A Breve, Breve, is, Sce brief, Bridgewater ['n Englind] Ponta»
which is bred in the bone will nor | A Breviary, Epricme. quirumny Brigevatera. ;
our of the tieſh, Naturom ex A Brevime,C im. BOdgemen a far ly] De pontibus,
ford licety, wſque recurret ; uu ſe | To Breviate, Arito, In breve coneln. | A BRIDLE. Franm *» He lets
mel eft rmbuta recens ſervabit” 6do- { do, Cogo, Cenflringo the horſe hav* the bridley loxes ++
rem tfta din, Breviated, Arttatus, In breve conciu- | 90 remnuttit babenes,
tr _— moratur, bo. pe 4 - webne wy |
e r in Stormerie] Bre- | A Breviat) atio, ridle-rei 18, Lov wn.
denberge.. a : Prev rarres Wie The h-ad -(i21 ot a Brioke, Frontele.
Brederode [a fort in Holland] Bre- | Brevity, Brevitas, : o Bridle, Fran, , Fram.
© dereda. To BREW [mingle] Miſceo. pane: :
Breda (in Flonders) Breda, To Brew beer, Cerviſiom » | To Bridle in, Ceerceo, * 1 will bet-
The Brgechs Poder, ( lunes. Broſiere. dle him rm, Jem fronts ont
> 2 vePrimans. Br dled,
BRI b.; _—_
Biidled, Franatus. A br:immer, Cal: x pots ccronatw, To bring one on,hs way, Drdxco +
Not bri Inf: amatus, Effranw,
A bridler, Franator.
A bridlng, Frenetio.
To be b 14led, CoerciVilte,
Bridlington (in Ter»ſbtre] Brillen-
A Brie (Gad-fly] Oeftrum, F
Brie {a Proyince 10 Frence] Bris.
A BRIEF [writ] Breve, 15, Sche-
A bri:f for loſs by fire, &e. Liter
petitorre authoritare pablica mu-
nite. : :
Bref, Brevis, Compendi ſus, Succin-
To be tied to brief diſputing,Di/p«-
taticniBus concafes alligeyt.
A bri: t ſentence, Senten 10/9. :
A __ repetition of things, Kecopi-
To be brief, Compendios? Liqui,Carp-
tim, or l-yiter tranſiwe. :
Toreduce into brief, In compend:-
wn redigere.
Briefly, Breviter,Compendiosd, Com-
preſſe Conct18 Strifti ny Succinitte,
* I w 1! han{le br efly, Is tranjitu
attingeom. * 1 will b1efly cell you
what I would have, Nunc in paves
conferam quid ego te velm, * Ay
briefly as I could, Quam Lreviſſome
Bnefneſs, —_—_ Bs
Bneg [in Germon ego.
IN) (i Hollard) Briets,
A Brier, Rubuy, Senits,
A jg ier, Cyno-batus,
A Br:er-P'or,
A place &* 8riers, 5 nticenn.
Full of Briers, Spinoſus.
A brigade (the thvrd or fourth part
of . company] Legio, Twwma, Ma-
A BriganJine [coat of ma 1) Lorico
A Brigantine [ pinnace] Pb 1ſelus,ce-
(ox, octs,
Brig-caſterton ( in Liacolnſbire) Cau-
ſeri, Ganſerne. : :
Brig bote, Pontrs conſtruli1o, Reftftio.
Keſt awyatio.
BRIGHT, Clarus. Fulgidus, Lucidus,
_ ents, Nitidns, Kiitiius, Spien-
Very bright, Perlucidus, Prefwgi-
dur, Pranitidus.
Somewhat bright, Sublucidus, Splen-
Thorow- bright, Peſlucidia, Perſpi-
cnnr, Tran/ſucidur
To be br gh", Clareo, Colluceo, Ful-
geo, Mico, Nites, Rutiio, Spiendeo.
To bright, Luceſto, Incliveſeo,
co, tre. | |
* It grows bright wea To bring forth fruit, Frultun Facere. | A Br nging together, Collatio,
Attris fre it. — To bring forth vlenreondy, Fando, }A B neg —_ Subjettin.
Bright [a dog's name) Arlo, E ffunds. A "rng1ng unto, Apportatio,
To riphren (make] Etaci- | To bring forth witnees, Teffes ad- | A Bringing u2, Educatio, Enuiritie. |.
Brighrly. C1 %, Fulgide, Lutidh, Ni- To bra 4. Induce, Defero, De» = 7 GOTIEEEL at; -*
| . Clay
tid, ids : w” : - ; pore, = $5 POOLE 4 A brink, Extremitss Ora, Merge
Somewhat brigh:ly, Subtucide. © bring in, Ind«co,Infero, Importo, | Briony, nia, Þ 1118 aths,
Very RO Fhnendd Pretmitide. by , Briony [white vine] Ampelolence,
Brighrne Claritudo, Fulger, Nitor, | To brivy; in place of another, Sub- | vitis a/bo. 9,”
o endor, ito, Brion - (w Id vine} Taminee vitis,
Brignoles (in France] Brinolians, o bring into 2 fools paradiſe, Vo-| Brionia wmigre..
A gn [quarrel] 's, Content, nd ſpe {:ttore. : Brique:es (ro Premonte] Briqueraſ-
The brim of a thing, Margo, inte ; | To bring low, Drjicio, Diduco, Hu-| cum,
os T_—— Cr-prdo., = wen ] Lo wo (in Alſotis)] mons Briſaeus
aving a . © bring low [bring to decay) Lo- or Brijerrus, :
Withour a brinws Acbilus. " befacio, Attenuo, _ Briſgow, (part of Germany] Briſ-
Ot 2 brim; M rgimaliv. Ts brinz miſchief on himſelf, Sw» f0'a a
To brim a4 a Sow, Su5o, Marem ap» _— Jumento acorſire. FY Sis 4 Mrs. Alacey, Latus, Vige-
preee. © br ng to nothing, Peſfundo, + Acer Ws. 4,
drimmed Sow, Sur ſubata. fumnoy In nib1/um redigere. Briskly » Apriter, —_— "Y
——— , e
Brimftore, Sulpt ur, wris,
A maker of briwſt Sulpbur arivs,
A Brimiftone mine, Sulpburarro.
Done with Brim{tone, Sulpburato,
Brimſtony, Sulpbureus.
Brin [ip Morovia) Arſicua, Eburum.
3 .
rs iff im Joly] ==
rine ,
» Muria, Alex, $9 4 Sale
Being, long in brine, Muriaticw.
Brin) , Z þ Salſus,
quickly, Ou
gunt- * See how one thing brings
in another, Ut «liud ex alio incidit,
+ Time will bring it to light, In
ego effettum reddom. * We labour-
e1 hard to bring it «bout, Opere
miximo dabamus operam ut fievet.
* There were two ro. bring
To bring 10 bed [a4 a midwife] 05-
© bring down (lefſen] Imminuo
oy beg down ( weaken] Attenuo,
To bring again, Repeto.
To br ng = Seduco, Seveco.
To br'ng back, Reduco, Keferoy "Re-
1o b-1n2 one to his death, Aliquem
4 _vitsd expellere
To bring to deſtruttion, Profligo.
To bring 4own, Dejicio, Hum: 110,a7e.
To brirg to an end, Ad wnhilicen
were, peyficere.
- ms by torce, Adigo, Attrabo,
#Pic, ere.
To br ng torths Educo, Efero, Pro-
duco, Profero
kl torth young, Paris, Edey
To be ready to bring forth, Parturic,
To bring forth befo e the t'me, A-
10, IE.
To bring torth Flowers, Flores, Fle-
þ. bring over, Traduco, Transfe!%»
0 bring over [cover] 05dvco.
To outs Profero., * Why do
not bring it out, Quin tu id
fers 7 * it Our, 3-doorss
was profer,
To br'ng to remembrance, [n memo-
riam revocare Keducere.
To bring » ce”, Secs
To bring to pals, Effcio, Conficis,
Effettum dave, Ad exitum perducere,
us bring into a ſnare, In fraudem
"y brivg together, Confers, cone
Te bring tiding*, Nuncio, Annuncio. |
To bring under, $ubjicio, Sub1g0,}
Hh pate atem redigere,
To bring up, {% Educa, Nutrie,
Tollo, * He brings up the. Child,
Purrum ſuſcipit * She brought!
her up of a little one, Illom aluit
ervulom. * They pur-ole to
bring it up» Decyeverant tollere.
* As you bring hm
muſt have him, Ut que ſoun
vault 119 ft,
To bring envy upon one, Invidiom
alicut con tare,
To b ing word again, Renuncie.
A Br nger, Poytater.
A Bringer back apa n, Redultor, Re-
for tator. :
A Bringer againit ones will, Per-
A Bringet down, Dejeltor, Humili-
A B:in-er forth in fight, Subjeltor.,
A Bringer from place to place, Tre-
duftor. Trasſletcy,
A Bringer to nought, Peydrtcy.
A Bring«r to pa's or about, E feflory
0094, Effeltrix, icis.
A Bringer ot tid:;ngs, Nuncius.
A Bringer up, Nutricius, Educator,
Bringer on ones way, Deduttor.
A Br nging, Portotus. Advectus.
A e: ing ack, Keduttio.
A forth, Produdtio, Pro-
A Bringing forth of young, Fzture,
Generatio, Par! us.
A Brin mg. from one to another,
Traduttio, Tranſ
lat io.
A Bring ng in, Indu(tio, Wetio, Ime-
rralro, odultio.
A Bringing to paſs, Effeltio, Con-
A Bring'nz down, Diminutio, De-
e:t1o, Humiliatio,
Tr brivket, pelius ceſs animalir.
A lntknbedie, ftuls,
& ſes e -
inſeto, flo —= &d oemakerJ|F
| Horirg briftles Atige borridus.
Pg of b iftdes $/#1aſu4s tiſpidus.
ron he briſtes orveftio ſe-
ing up the
"g £m nlees
Bree 0
Briftow $ P'i/folie, Briftotum.
Briflow Briftclien(is,
Brown nonſuch (herd) tychais | |
Britow-fone, Cryſtellus $. Vir
Brican, britennis, elbien,
> > Britonnicus.
A britan, row brito, enis.
oomane ( herb] Britannica,
Britiſhs britannicus.
Sruthys b Frag. * As brittle 2s ©
of v4 cits vas ſomi-
Brittlely Ty Pept
Bri:tleneſs, p-r+
o—_ [in Germany] Brixine.
trize (gad-bee} ofrlus, tabo-
. bro h broach ph verus obelus.
Ts bogs ſpit meat) cornes veru-
s infi
A-Broach terebratus ad promendum.
Set > bronch þ relines ere, tereby
To b. oach an error, 4licujus erroris
Parens efſe &f crigo. Hereſin primo
propagates diſſemrnare, confloye,
Set a — terebyratur.
A Lttle broach, verucu/um.
BROAD it» _m_ 1 pate
argu tus wr
cioſuy, FH wakes ? was {i'r 01,
ne mmfeſta * You flee
{h = ned "Lap mult wm or feep
Broad ik ,E eat '!
R oad- footed, plancu
qr veteramentaring, trutarins, mengo. | B itam 11016/um.
broad way I plats. A brokers wife, Ck lotrix. Bro —_— 'n ior) Bra-
R broad, latus, lati femur. A brokew-row[.20 ong-lane) fo- ovum, Brovonocis.
broad »Jotifoling. rum inte! 1 BROUGHT, Tali "Fee br1
_ broad, dileto, ampli fice, ot play t hrs, proxencttiom &- 4 - I hed! — to
putobom meo eprre ejje -
row-broad, late ere. © brome aſhi>, navis [| ciem wel a * He hath brou he me in-
\To gre halſpeny, Ps Gifs _— emundave rs grin to > diſgrace, mibi wb
darts Solvendo in mnundinis endo out onrendes * He hath brought 20cm
A he brorg nd t, dilate. Yn {in ighſbire] Brow- upon dimſelt fer irom derivavit.
fan oar, ſcolmws, e we into a great
Br s Bronchorſt (in 7Zwpben) Broncher ol of erondien mo me turd
+#| by” in 04 liber? . & ſobicitutine offecit. * 1 have
Broadneſs. lati; itudo, A br ſtigma, tis, n. dr the matier to this paſs,
B 0a7n:(s in ſpeec ras ob ferro condente inwrere, rew buc deduxi. Old age hath not
rcath, Jus, == Brort ym gooklace] -Jace] monile, yet quire brought me down,
ready & euro & argento| A brooch laches-necks] mu- | non ple mo uit, non offiait
\ _—_y Texts renula, catena collaris, 5. * You have brought your
A brock [ tex, melir, is. Bron(btoo [in E-f-getblond Brenſ- to I, 7 market, tibs od
Brockton Ki Meng A brood, prote ſabes, | Toe broanhe? offorers ded
15 ey- in i, ago, [5 [0] » ©ffer or, deduccy, in
| Sulonice fordfe Pe P he * He 1s brought into danger,
A brogue _ - honed of chickens, puBtics, pull- triculum vecatur, * The matter is
ers [hargaio-makers) parevii, ought to that paſs, edes res
To Is, Turbare aquom A trood- ken, incubotrix. yediji, * Why do you not com-
k _ | man
- _ _—_— =_ —— :
To broid ce hair, criſþo.
Broided, cr calam ftratus.
A broudere er {cmbroiderer} acu-
A'broti turbo, tumultus.
Full of +» [umul! woſur,
To oraile ———_ tunultuor, cieve
A raiſer of broils, ſtditioſus, tur-
Jo broil (meat) torres.
To bro g Ftorreſes, torrefio.
Broiled toftur.
A broiler, toftor,
A brotung, teflio, onis,
Brokage, interp 1112.
oke, fegi. ® Scarce was the
y broke up but 1 founJ,
viz dum jam cetu dimiſſe comper:
* He has e his eredis, mel?| A
vacifievit, * the war broke out
all of Sudden, bellum ſubitd ex-
B » frat
CE I aint
Broken betore, prefroti vs, proevup-( T
Brok*n aſunder, interruf tus, inter-
o "oken before, pre froftus, prerup-
Breken-bicked, detumbir.
— winded, Anbetus, Ilis du-
Brcken-belled, hernioſus, romico
Broken Le, dirutus.
Eafily-bro fragilis.
Broken ; abruins, deſerſſus,
Broken off for a time, intermi([us.
Broken —_ efoet us, refratins.
Broken in pieces, comminu!ns, con-
XY" Chen with ſor:ow, angere conſec-
" — i ſounded, -— crepans,
meligne reſponden
Broken {tamed domitus.
B: oken teeth, dentes matilati,
Broken up, diruptus.
Broken [violated ] vielotur.
Broken out by violence, proruptus.
Broken ware, ſcrats, orum.
A broker {ot bargains) prox-nets,
— rmfti tor ,tranſatte r,mango,
A i broker [of cloaths} int«ypelater,
A brook, — tir rivu'us.
To brook
Brookhme commen] enegellis &
Brooklime Clong-leav'd] anaget-
Us aquatice maſer.
wm brook-lime, cep.ea.
Dis t-b'0g » gent tin
D 00m geniftela 0r7ia.
Myricetum, Spay-
Thorny _ Aſp lathus,
S brootts gems biſpanics,
——— us,
bute broom, ruſcayius,
A broom, ſcope, orum.
B oth, Jus, Juv it. Jueu wm,
Filt- broth, alreu/a, wmwrie,
Stewed 1m H—_ Juſcu/entus.
A Brothel. hcuſe,lponar, ariy ; for-
Ny om brothel-houſes, {uffror,
luxuricy, ſcortoy.
A haurer of Fbrothel- -houſes, genes,
Brothel m_—_ Teortatio, Impudicifia, 06-
BROTHER, froter, vis.
A httle brother, fratercn/ug.
A brother ' by the father, jroter con-
foes worker by the mother, fratty w-
A b. other by father and mother,
#), halfe-brother, « em germane
The hus 44-bro! her, leur, iri.
A Foo—y
A brothers-wife, ſrotria.
A brothers ſon, fr :trinus.
a org children, fr atrueler, pa-
A foſter-brother, col)ott aneus.
Sworn-bio: hers, o__
Twin brothers, x
Brotherhood, Altermitar, ſedaliti-
A drother- killer, fratricide.
= = aa Pad ow .
of or 1 es brother $ #41979
0:herly, adv. fraterne.
Brother love, Selpa_es.
bn t——_—
ther, cur
Jubes 2 * He \
off from ity 4b þ 66 deduct n6w perk
» *1 cones brought to do it,
ut facrom. * See
what | am b-ought to, bem quo re
Toke yr the to bed * Shs
0 0 (#] s pav1io. .
1 Brough: to bed of a Fkpmilon
be Brought into the world, pro-
Tc 0 > be cought to paſs, Eficior,c:n-
To be Brought u2 Ly Alor.
* We w-re brought up together
of little 0n"s, wag 4 pueris paruuli
edueati ſumus,
Brough t Allatur, Addultus, Adve-
Brough back, Keduftus , Reperta»
p ought to goth Enixa.
rought by force, A T7
| —__ forth, Produits, Prolatur,
Broughe forth [ boru] Procreatus,
» Orins
Brought n, Lotus, Indu/tw.
Brongat t 1 anc place, - 2h
B ight to noug
= to paſs, gt ner; peyalhur, of-
__ to poverty, redatius od in-
Brought to ruine, Pro b
Brought to his \kufts, figeter ncites re-
Brought together, collotus.
Brought up under, $u jeftur, domi-
Brought up, Educetu
Brought up 11, Mali inflitatus, il-
hberelitey educatus,
Brought up well, Ingenus or libera-
litey :ducatus.
Sreughe up wamonly, delicatur.
; #8 [in Hant we] Brige or
Brouvertharen (in Zelond ] Brou-
Tol row-dbent, Tor ve tweri,
A brow, Palpebrs , Sugero'om.
* Clear up your brew and look
merrily on it, Froatem exporrige
Of probe te bilayems.
The brow [of a wall} corone, /o-
as pn le \Duree | in the Brow, | Bru
To kn t the Crow Fuperciti vibrave,
tem conty
he knmnng of of the brows, Superci-
l1mumn contyallto
_—_— 05 RP
ht over hi-
pd buc tramsferri} A
brow'd, Polpe
w{ of a ns ] Supereilines,
as hw hs ——_ pullus, ſab-
ER oungies with black anJ
ht | To
0 vrownings Fi -———_
broyl, Twas!
h Terra, See broil.
Buca [a River in Sicily{ Fontegio.
Brucomat [ in Alſatis* ——
Br uel ſin - x Brielinm,
© brue, - ce brew.
es(in Lenders) Bruge, erm.
u {ey cellido, confringo, cnte-
7 V+
neek {11 yoo! ob) Brun:
Brun _ Prunella.
Brunſwick, os Braunſwick.
nary prime f of gm fr,
IE 11 pralij impe-
A tom fo $H,ſcopuls, Muſterium, Vey-
A Ld (ins Fre ore] ſummotio
A briftle- bruſh, ya
A bruſh with a Fox-tail, Penicu-
_ wood, Þ Cremniumn crenhuns.
" wt Converro, Scopis pur-
B- £ded, Virſas, ſtopis munds;us,
A bruſher of dn Irak, Pater vieo or
tw i
brevertJ ] Bruvelle.
, repo, Prep
Bruns br np ir a Vervec i-
& brulhs”
a bout
<a up - d heck _ Ferves,
Bubbling, bullons, bu" as ens.
Bubbling (as Ducks in —_ Bi-
Buchaw fa ſmall in Ger-
Cell Topo. :
ing, © ito
Bucks — ceruus.
A Buek oaks.
on linteos am ſordi-
: Buck
0 Buck obo I:xivio
: Buck-thorn{ final] Rhomaus prima
0. A Bock horn (87 Aſellus minor
A Brun:, ſts Tenpetus, ds, bs, impreſſe 4 Nus
ne Bo, gms Gea-
The wee Budded, Ares germi-
a Buck, lixivio "A
waſher, Latrix . >.
re Bucher, kt Sd arts,
Buck be —_ C herb) Tri foliums paludo-
Buck. horn —_ corn cer vinues
- horn leſſe] coronopur minor
Buek wek-horm Caceprng Tf Crmepes
Buck-thorn [great] Rhomnur folu-
of2 exiccatus
Blokia, uffbuletue,
hooe- » Pula calciaria,
encile, is n,
» porn cetre, pel-
rge Buokler, ſcutwn.
A Buckler-maker, Clypearixs,
wehlery prota ſets
herd] Altium Sytweftre.
onns craſſus, alin,
cfom. biloris, Letus.
Ts Bud before the ©
""Ta- _ » repulſu-
3 Bud out, £
0 roge” congermino.
Bune (1nHung ©] Buds Aquineum.
Bud emmain!
- Lambs furr] pe/lis ognins.
ger minatis,
A Buriding germinati
= Budge, priem clave 4 £1:dum
ovre. ,
OI Saves
_—_— — —_—
© mT
Jo { in Dalmatia ] Butwa.
A Budget» Bulgo, Aſtopers, ſeccur,
Budwetrls [ 1n Bobemis ] Bubjenam.
Buelth {in Brectneck-ſbrre) Buix-| L
un lum.
A þ Bulls $ Bubalws, biſon, tis,
A "Buk-Toat, Tunica coriacea, buba-
tina, nes,
Buff op bubula,
AB or, Cola
To Sabetel
ad , Bordus, PlumVenr,
obtuſe mentis, bebetis ingenii, in-
+» Movologns, Pardſitur y
To "play the Bufoon, Pareſiter ,
—__ like, Scurrilis,
44 q Obiack Maggot
Terviculamentum , for-
Fo > mido, inir.
oo Ca Province in France J
To Dor Paedicor.
A bugperer, Pederaftes.
A crys bn herd | Bag
Bute | Herb ) Bugula.
A bugle ( bezd ) Barra vityea.
beaſt ) B:noſus,
Le A Cornu venatorium.
ot ] Inſettum
Bup1ots « oy
Yellow-bu , Lingus bovrie,
Small Wild bugloſs, Lingus bovis
Wan bugloſs, Lycpfis angli-
cons fi re
Vipers ronth bugloſs, Echium flore
loſs, Lycopiis an
3 a 4 : yep!
, FEdifico, Fabrice, con-
&, co conflru, extruo. * He built a
There did he build
three Cities, Tres #61 urbes
* He Vows to build a Chureh , _
Vovet Templum * I build upon
your Word, Verbis tis nitor,
To build about, (ireomftras,
To build again, R-<drfico,
ne Houſe, Br p ntrIns FEdificevit| A
The Art of Bullding » Architelte-
Fn Architettuy
RY of | Bulting Menſura vigin-
Le Buw ('m 1 (ww the Dolpbinate ) Bu-
7 Buifinch x
a Bulk ( b: vie & Shop ) Appen-
To Bulk out Propeneo.
Th - L—_ Aoler: Maſſa, Magni-
Bulky ( big ) Ingens,
_ ky Eh Corputet ) Craſſur, Pre:
Piky q ® } Oravis.
uy ( e ) Sofidur, denſus.
A Bull, Tawrw, bos, ovis.
A young Bull, Juvenculus,
Like 2 ou, Jexrtſprente,
To Bull ( Cheat ) Prouderegoipuns | B
obtrudere _
To Bull ( a Cow ) Inire, affitrre.
A Bull ( duce of Speech) Stri-
bil go, CT m_ -an
A Bull fly, C
A Bull ( of a a Cow ) ) Initur.
er, Larvae, Terricula-
Bull-weeds ; nigrs,
'Bul wort, Amm
Bulbonaet ( berb ) Viela lunevis.
Bulbous, Bulboſw.
To Bulge ( as a Ship) Tit»bore,
paitings, - =
The Bull Chafec, ; _ v-lons.
A s- p:zzle, Tours, be 1 ſeu ico,
trout, Trutta towing
A Bulhead ( Fiih ) Copito, onis.
A Popes Bil, Bulla Pen ificra, di-
loma p pole,
Bulls 'e, Prunum Sybveftre.
A Bullace-tree, Prunus Syiveſftis
A — Glans plumbea.
Bullet in Mouth, Promptis in ere
Bſhon ( "IM: ney in the Maſs ) Ar-
gen'um non fa(lum or infetium.
A Bullock, Juvencur.
Pr a/idinm, Pr
Of a Bulwark, Valaris, muralis,
| uo __ a burden in a Song, Mm?
3 unched,
3unchy, \$ Gbbefus
Junchi 'e 's, Gi3boſfitas,
\ bundle, Fajcis, faſciculur, meni-
palns, Sorcine, wa.
To bun4le up, C:nſtrcing, convaſe,
in faſcem ___
Bundle-wile, Fyſciatim,
_ _ i, Conſarcmnotug.
O-5tur amen, inis,
A A bung hole, Sprocuhims,
To bun4 up,
$:07 with Tung, $9% —_
Bunged up, Obturatus.
Bun ey (mm N:rfolt ) Arcnr.,
To is ter conficere , in«
concinns formare,
Bungle, Kutter "confeltus,
gre Im vitus, =
> ZTH92Wv*
Funis nontica.
= _— out, Protuber
| y bunt of a Sail, Vit 6 ſna#tio,
2 ts Coliyra, (:bum.
mtr 4 a Tetra terra-
S. a, c
A Buoy of a Ship, Truncas anchor e
To buoy up a Ship, Navem cuppis
—_ poriem ex aquis artel-
Buoquehan ( im Scotland ) Bucbonio,
A \ Gurdor, Holthuria, Muſtels fin-
viatih T8.
A bur, L 1pps. See burr.
Burchain ( in Bovaria ) Buriciens,
SEES DEN , Onus, eriss ſaſaty
To Burden, Oneyo, Sarcine,onus im-
et; neve, onerilus cumulare,
carry 4 burden, Oneri ſuecedere
To lay cown 2
cnere /evare.
A grear burden, Moles.
AN 0 burden, OUnuſculum, Sarti-
bY or for 2 butden, Onerarivs,
yr by bur jene1 » Aggrovery Pre-
Bur Tened, Gr -v1tus, Onerates,
A burd<n2r. Onerator,
| Harm wn Oneroſus.
To burden the Conſc.cnee, Scrupu-
lum myjicere
The burden of a Song, Verſus in-
tercaloris. , Humeres
Buren [in the Low-Countries) Buys,
Bu'neſs or Bolneſs ( in Camberlond) | Burg upon the Sands { in Camber-
To build under, Su5ffruo, Melo Bla um Bulgium. land J C PC flra E xplmratorum.
To build unto, Afruo, —_— Bumbard ( Gun ) Bombard 1, Rurg under S:ancmore, Vertsris.
To build up, Pere: fico, To d. leharge : Bumbard , Bunbey-| A 5-9 { Helmet ] C:f6s bur-
To be Built, FEdrficry Toa a Bumbrd
pour v1 where 8 Temple ſhall be! A ( Tankard ) Contha- TAL. 'Ti in Suche] Bur gewr 1.
uilt, Effari ny Toupl fere fans. gbotr, Immunity « reperen-
Buil FEdificatus, Fabricatur, Bumba? G Digi i Ryluns, dis burgi mury
Built, Conditus, To Bumbatts &: _ A Bu geon Germen, gomn 1.
Bu'lt 2bout, Ciremmfiruttus, BembaBed,Gn applctury = To Burgeon { (prout J} Germoine.
Built before, Preffruttus, A ppl Xie Burgeoned, Gemmetas.
Built hard by, C:<dificatus, A | Burgeoningy Gemmatio, Germi-
E355 TY oy
1 n, Iditus M evi ry
Ny , Aiifi » Ccenditoy , i= po (ola i . 2 mM rg p _—
KI9T, tatew |}
A A Build oy RF _ on ) _ _ / err : 5 wh SN
uildi ipeaum, Str we Gt t at
hve herons all your Build. Bun: LOS. TS reulum, 8 . {zh c _—_— dd» To
_ Omnem FEdipieationem tuom | A bunch ( bundle ) Faſeicuwe, oy ener __
AUS: Building, Edi ficatiunculs. a TERED ie —_ f of . ſs. Cr eps
i i [ 5, vet. #|
A Building up, [I'M = > backed, Gilbyſur, gibber, _— G5 ATI.
gi "7 oppid: conventus, Civiem co-
A "Burgoma®er, Muni it Prefetius.
peos ( in Old Coftile ) Mi urgi,
Eurgty Bravarn
A Blirgravey Urbi ' preſettus.
Bur giteed (in Effex ) Corfarams» |
.1 M8,
Bu gun iy ( a Country in Fraence }
Buy wndla, 4;
Biirgun Yo 5 30). I Buag 1
oy open Te ; ——
Burgon1unss } Burg —
rum, Sepultura.
A Bur al-plaze, C/varie.
3urial-duties, Jufta Funerum,
Bur al So\emnines, Exequ'e,
Of Burials. Funerarius,
Bu'1ab ey Sepelidilis.
Burick ( in Germany ) Burichum.
St, Burien ( in Cornwa't ) Boſe: juwws.
To BURY, Sepelio, C ntwmulo, bu»
mo mendare, twmule d rye, Sepulchro
To Bury befor”, Prefefelio,
To Bury together, Conpetio.
To be Bur ed, Sepelrc r, Iumnuloy.
Buried. Sepul ns, Contumulatur (tr
re mſtratus,
A Burier, Seoultey, tumulator.
A 8 Ss - of -Þ
Urge” , chram.
fo Bu'l « wc the inors out of | A
Cloth ) Ene«do, De
The Burles (cf a Deers 4s Head) Sus
I—_—_ Forceps fulkerves.
Burieſqus, Preſs reps fo 199 tato-
Bur "ley, Cr ſſus, Grondis, Obeſulus.
To BURN, ( ativ. ) Uro, oduwo,
comburs, incendo, * You Fun
Day-light, Luctrnam in ſole ac+
To Burn ( neut. ) Ardeo, Flagro,
xe ftuo.
To Burn in the hand, Siigmetize,
0 Burn a hictle, aber. _
To Burn much, Devwro, peruro.
To Burn ( fear ) Contorire
To Burn thorow, Perardeo.
To Burn _ her, Concrems.
Jes u"ved, Ur.
Burned, 1 Vis combu/ius, rem»
Burnt, ins * The Vi] was
= IYy wih Lightning , = ae
to talts oft. *. A Burnt Child
A Burial, Funus, eris, Exequie, a» |
| Le
n'ng, Arden, Flagrens, FE/tu-
Burgon ( in the Deipainate } Ber- A Burning Co
| A Bu-ning TAY ) "Uithe, Combu-
| < onis, concrematio, incen (io.
Nas Ce tr, Paper
r Surming about, — -
'A burn m; ns 4 - —
A burwng in ſores, Ureds, Urigo,
A burving iron, con'erium.
A burning with a hot iron, couteri-
3 140, reg
Bia ningly, Ardentey
Bu-nt with the pox, Lue venered
Burnt [uD 2s graſs] Arefatus.
ont, defiutum, vinum adu-
Burnt-offeri Heloe 1uftum
To Bu niſh make br IC La
Expolio. *
head, cervus — > ot Gem hs -
To Burniſh grow big grendeſe
Burniuhed Politus, Expolitus. an
Burmined | as a Deers head] Poſitis
exwvris nitidum.
A turniſher, polio, onis.
1 —- expolitio, polituva,
A great Burr, Arfium. Bardong.
The Burr (of the car] Lobus.
burr (knob of a Deers horn) Tu-
Of - fy Lappeceus.
Ne burr X081h;
—— burry pet -ſites.
A burreLne, 19ban OT.
burrow { corporation ] Munici-
[I [ſor Conies] Antrons cn-
To burrow, in cavum_ſubire, ſe pe-
netyare, in cavernam repere.
» tut, qe ventarum
non petiens,
A burrow (covert)
Burrow-mhill [in in Lhcepſhee) Vey-
__ bridge (10 (in T. T:rk-fhive] Pons
ho —_ _— TW
Burſer , burſarius , Theſouravius,
Burfia { 2azt of Aſi Aſa] _
TO BURST, crepo, d:/ramper
To Burſt with laugh
$Þ burit in pe:ces, dr
To Burft out 1:0 laughtee, in fi-
ſum proyumpere,
| Fa "r buſhes
va FE Burn-cow cow $lqrſe
A \Doord ons Once, Ln
The Bates ot a . 77 OY inter-
Burr , Onerofus.
A BUSH, Dumus , Ru$us. * You
have not gone about the Buſh, N-
bt circuiticene wſus es, * Eit
Buſh or a br ut ht, pb
ters, % wine need» no
Buſh, Vino bene non opus oft bederd,
* One Bird in the hand 1s werth
two m the Buſh, ſpew
*mo, Quicquid
The Puth | Ctail] of a fox, caude wat-
Sltver buſh [a ſhrub] J>vis barbs.
a _ of hair, Ceſanes.
$ Dun: "us.
A waſdy | place, Dumet um, Kubetwm,
ule eight Sees? Mod iut.
{ Duſtel{ainge geten
A ot (19 Or ke] yl mrs.
A Buſhel ant halt, Seſp \m6d7 ut.
Two buitels and a h
BUSIE, Occupatus, Impeditus Nogo-
tis pi mat * You are as Buſte
as & agts fonquam mais it
motella. ' When you are Fufl-
a of all, in ſumms cceupetione
x oB ſpe, Oc I ſolicite,
To Buk 7 Kay 4 rrp 1m-
A Bufle 2. Ardelio,curioſut, ali-
=" curans, Omnium negotizs ſt imp-
anifoeny * _ in aliencm meſſem
To be Bulle, fatoges Negotife difti- |
! l s
Bale Co fbf
Bufineſs [troubling] Tumulius, Th-
BUSINESSE, em loyment]Negs-
negotiatio -
ha1 you there, ol iſthic 155 ne-
ph ta neſs, -_ Þ
uſnel af 4 r4-
Bufine(s is
yer 4 * Cometof.
- 6s cſs i ha fi. ram redi
have gt nb en
* A.
_— — 7" —— —
A Burgh dreads the Ittus piſt at Burff, 4 .
Borough, » Municiphem. Jpit Fue, [tus piſt ator ſa- TW * Profitic, * Tears
Burgh ( in T:rk-fbire ) Bracchium, med round about, Anuftus. Burft out preins lacbrymee.
Burgh upon Sande (it Cumeriond) Burned to Aites, Crnefedtas, Fire Burfts out if you ſtrike the
orum coftyo, Burned betore, ſtone, exilit ignis x T opidens lap
Bu þ upon Sravemore ( i Ad Waſte | x os. in the Hand, Stigmaticus, erit. 4 hd
reve, . <a4y to Burfl, Aded inflatus
A'vurg Purgher — pro. |— > D l cr 4 , :
mn a3 . 1
A Burglary Porievum efflſr, effra- | To be B Coy 'y Roaring oſs Burften $Elifus Hornaſus,
ay So bs burnr, _ _ I jd. Diſpt ſus.
Burglary, Perietwmn effoſſio, or per- Burnt-forrel, Þ tum vatifes. begrana, Hernravta,
'E | A Burner, Þeenſey, uftor. n EEG
A Burgmote ( Town-Court ) Bur- Burnet ( herb ) Pumpinelle, Angui-| Burfineſ! #, Romex, icis,1p-
»» ene mamta." .
agens aligquid & moliens, *
ey wane on well for 20. Cons
ereque bcc operrs proce
ulm21s [thir's] Kr fi
Anill —} Facinus
To do Bufine PIE fericas
To mind or "ny Buſineſs, rei 0-
om dere.
0 do Buſieſs tor another, operam
er! E,
To find one Buſineſs, Faceſſere alicui
negot! »
To manage Buſineſs, negotia trafts-
a yes gerere,
maneſer er of bulin:\s, negctiator,
buſineſs, negotiolumy 10-
a x
A buſineſs cloſely carried, dolus,
Wer er z @tts
ull of buſineſs, "eccupatifſimus.
busk, Ggnum peitorate, fulcrum
weſtiarium feemmarum.
A _—_ » Pero, onis, cotburnus,
Buskined > pr onatus, £0-
Wearing buiking thurnatus,
buſs, ſueovrum.
To buſes, ſue tor, baſio.
A buſs hap] Moviatens,
8MWVelo aly] Buxelum.
Buſſed, dbe/1atus.
4 ſling, boſratto
A buliard, 4 onis ; otic,idie.
Buſtian, " _ linews ſubtegminis
Tob MID tum 't wor.
et, atqui, oulemn, c<-
Led wy niſi, Fwd » ſod, ſin, vero,
BUT FOR, «que. ho for exam-
p.e. * But {bem ad looked
well enough to m Mont
eo efſet yells ego mi
thus \ vix ea of
BUT [(fiznify'ng except) is made
Ro orerang [eters ratery am,
No was
ever me but you, ety
wn te mortalrs nemo corpur corpere
it, * Vie truſt the mony with
but himſelfe, , *go mis 1/1
mumenum nemini. * He was
all but one fon-
* No body ſaid
fob bur. —— nemo id di x4 preter-
As fo le,
Cnbarna ruled we, mubi mad
Foros * ge ora a-
— y 7 — in -K. —= FF -.
it us not, nomen ton”
tam virtutis uſurpos, quid ipſa ve-
leat ign-ras.
tcnee, emu eneentſ jog »- | A butchering
nem damnatus
BOT, e e. onh] is made by modo, x rin,
to conte(; ceret vers.
* But -- + £ x x -- _
ly you that you "do ut ?
UT Coker. qu2 minus frat ?
a negative) is made by | A
BUT: niſl, non, quamy Js br
non, wt non, As for exam
do not fear but I ſhall oy you
with letters, neon enim verecy ne non
Seribends te exyleam. * I arm at no-
thng elſe But your ſatety, Ni6i/
labore ni (i ut ſatvus j15. * 1 ſaw no-
th Bu! was commendable, Nil
neon lowia bile vidi, * 1 cannot but
n h:s hap, non poſſum ejus
oganins non dolers, * She doth no-
thng Bus grieve, 9 oliud quom
dotet, * He did But lay himin
irons, Non * _ compedibuy
coercutt, _—_ cannot chooſe But
out, N.n poſſum quin exclamem.
here 1% no doubt but, nn eff
cubrm n ” ay + 1» —_ But
1s a8rra1G Or YOu, Amo & re
nn —_ w * Jt cannot be But
you lay what you do not
likes yt -— Yo potto poteſt ut non
dicas quid mn probes.
Particular Ch:aſ-s. * He came But
yelter , Heri _ venit.
* He us juft no
Nuper e diſceſſir. * But ſþa-
Naper of und roſie * Bir te
wanted But a little Bat ht had
{t-nck him, tontum non percuſſit,
rum abſuit quin percuterety
Pr w wide) eft fatium quem ut
cuteret, * I w but for hurt-
ing him, vellem ni [oY et! domno,
* He is commended
But a oe nen —p id
But while ago ou ths, ritm; won
But oh adi quod,
——_— tamen, atlamen, verunte-
—_ ox 1 cer ferio,
To butt at on
The burcher Chowk) 2 5p
To butcher
& bead } pil
utechecly, J- 0G lanig-
BUT Mar =.
ettinet? * Heh h to do ( BUT ; Brow n Pomeren] Butoria,
about his © — wa bulins nels is eh = y _=_ Rein! Bot t tha Ay Y f Eprrn;)} Butbyotums,
ſuarum wlagit. * Always about wy father, ni emeſnom bo: ter, butywm, * They that have
one Bufineis or another, Jonper —s * But that he was altanied 0 {tore of butter may lay it
The thick on their bread, cxi mul-
nm bo prperis eliam oieribus in-
To buts ter a Cake, plucentom butyro
A butter'd-toaſt Sugmen tofti pom!
arr fs ti
The burter- burr, petaſiter;
A bu'terfly,
The hawk. tte fl adatrix.
Butterfly A- herb +
[ira] Gnecratotuy
Ardea flelaris.
> —— butyri ſerum, 'lac ſere-
"dutter- = pot, tefla butyro condends
Bulter- -wort, ſonicula ——_—
Y —_—_ premptuariom, cella po-
Purring, petu/cus.
g 14 » orietatio,
corn per.
cornuamn itiu ſoucins, ereefſs
A buttock, clunis, is 5 nater, inn,
Great-butrock'd, /umbeſus.
darn » Ccnfibulo, ove ; fi-
A nl in plancs, Gemma, oculus,
Blrchelers oo CherbJ Lycbniz.
A —
+ fibularium,
| Aburfy Cin building]
ans 5 err/ons, of
A 0 ue
A _ x Chird] cope,
—/ nm
To buxom, exulto, bilaritate
ofrfd. 4: 3
Buxton x Derbifire) _—_—
: ALY.
is eft Fei ex ohis Rd
dem Ces, exgto
Eg —- -- o
To o hay meaty 0. nor
$® 7 ny fel, ter Mercor, Nundiny.
$ bay again, ———_—
to buy, emacites
by me, nibi/ t1bi eff d wie prriceu:,
the buyer look to himſeif , coveet | ie prefer Arbellam penetrat od Ti= j lawndatio. * ] got it by heart, me-
empler | grim, , mirie nail . oy hea it by
buyer, emar. os Oh * Methinks I may doit by menoriter , * 1 ſhall
A buying, emptio, mercetus, my pro mes autteritate videoy | tit down by my ſ(clte,ego decumbons
A buyng » Cormplto. poſſe. Folvs, * Now we are here by our
| To be bought, venois. Prope, as, * He (ate down by the | ſelves, ſol; nunc ſwans bre,
| To buz (3s a dee] bombilo, muran- | bank of Anien, prope r1pam Ani-| A by-blow, nottusy pins noturalis,
ro, b. edere. em.s conſedry, A by-pa.h, devines,
| Buzanſors (10 france] Buyanceum, | Propter, * He lies down A by- way, vis devis
To buz in ones cars, inſuſurye, the river fide, propiey aqua rivam | A by-end, finis Siniffer,
A buzardy buteo meculoſns, rubeta- _. bu A Bo @ delle. Þe
fids. . 0 e wo - verbium, adapi |
A bald bunardy — ow his head hard by his ear, vul- | Convitium,c pprobr inm. Ine]
A buzzer, Y : nus accepitin caprte ſacundumn «ou- | Hard by, £e/to, mn Prepingue. |
| A buzz ng, «murmur atio, rem. To ſet by felteem] effiney facto.
| By (according to ſeveral fignifi- Sxb, as * By the towns file, /ub| To let by {ſet aſide] /epono.
| eat:0ns] is anſwered by ſeveral Ipſo oppido _ : By it ſelf L apart] ſoperatiog,
' Latine Prepoſitions, viy. T he prepoſition is ſometimes to be By turn, vic: fm.
A ot A5, 35, You are in no danger * By By chance, forts, caſe fortui/*=
as, means,
nullo modo, Y on are a Ther to
him by nature, I By Counſel, ns-
turd tu illi peter es,confulijs ego,
* Ceſar got glory By giving, Ce-
ſav dando gluriom adeptus «ft. * The
flame increaſes the
torch, mats foce creſcit |
*Who 1s yd > me by the
t pallio?
* He was lain by yalant Achilles,
occidit 4 forti Achille. * They do
not know thac thele th:ngs are
taught by them, beec eſſe 05 bis
precepta neſeiun'. * You may lee
your tried by the way as you go,
- 4 Via ſulute; amicuns
Ad, az * H: hath gardens hard by cloak, gu's me pre *]
Tiber, bobet b-rtos ad Tiverim, *He hold a wolf By the cars, lpum
makes 1hoes by the lait, ad modu- auribus reneo, * I thall perſwade
lem calcraments conficit. *I wil hin by ſome means or other, oli-
get them boch done by night,offec= guo modo exorabo, * I took my
lun boc bodies reddam utrumque ad journy by Ludices, iter Laodicea
ve/perom. # To try pillars By a faciebom, + The towers are higher
plumb line, od ndiculwm c- than the wall by ten ſect, tures de-
lumn # exigere. y weight, ad nis pediins quem moema eltiores
p.ndus, * By moon-bght, a4 b- of
nam. Go
Apud, a1 * By him fate Sulpicinr,
oapudenm Sulpic us edebe?.
Cam, as, * By break of day, cm
et , excontinenti, ox ov, Jjom
tice, mox, protenus, As, *1I w i
be here by and by, Jam bic adt-
tuce ro
Ca * He know! Iam coming By theBy } ebiter,in tranſits, tron-
By the ſcemt, De od-ys adeſſe me By the way ſew-fu, As, * whch
cit. * Reckon you this that what
things 1 had ry the
104 rouc he Att botk. me
authority, ſic babete me de iflins od libro quinto leviter rranſcurſu ot-
te ſentent('4 atque outtoritate ſeri- gevam. * Our men have handled
'e, * They nor war know ſo th ſe things by the way,in ironſ-
muck by themſelves, bec illis de ſ#® curſuee ettiy ere noftyi
B By (adj } acceſſorivs.
nt, BY n—_ 0.) _—_ the
moſt learned of the Greeks, Gre-
i, « By le-light, de Iucerns. corum longe dotlifimus,
, or Ex, as, * He [hall perceive By how much, Q# nts, quo,
nothing by me, 4 me nibil ou By ſo muchy Tons, co.
* Men w.!] judge of your oing By th. way ['® travelling] in vis,
in itinere, pet vi on.
the event, Ju tw: judicinm 1 n By degrees, grodotims,
tom ex con/rlzo two quam tx events By realon of, ob, per, prot, propter
bemices ſunt foltwi. * He fouh it as, by reaſon of the danger he had
by heart, expernt ex _memorts. | botight Lepide into, 06 intents
Jurxta, as, * ſtands
pericula. * indeed
her father, juxte genitorews aft-t could ſhe by reaſon of her age,
vigo, | neque per eftetem etram poterie,
Pr, as, * It i« no matter whether - * By reaſon of jcar, Pre mein * I
you do it your Proctor or can make vs -amp by reaſon of
by your ſet, mwiil intereft *-| the time cf the year, nec c:ffys
trum per precureterem ages an pe propter ann; tempus frcere peſſwn,
opſoms. 5 He will _ oy Bo- By rea'on _ propteres gued, or
ther '$ vitian 7s 1grtien v7 1, Bb, © agreement
ad mm piam rvediget df * If b: male by nes (hat he was not
the Coniuls are e by the Pre- | content, res convenire nulls modo
tors, fi 4 of py con ules crean- poterat 'S plerea qued ifte contentus
tur. e will go by Ticinuw to n ner.
the Berbych province, previnciam By (tealrh, Jn
Sethgacs Jer Ticinum eft petitu- Partic. phaſes, * by this time twelf-
ſus. * I beleech you by the | month, onte enum clapſum. # By
ry of my facher, per te porentis| that time 1 (hall have ended my
memoriom obtefley. * We will do! years cflie-,.gs 1 GTM ATI
the reſt by our ſelvs, relique per | c-nfecero. * By that he had*ended
' 1199 gems, | his ({peech, ſermone viz dum pinto.
Pr ever, as, * day he! * I have by me the commendati-
y and Bv,cenfſeſtim, c:ntinue, 4 ve/Þ>
could| Cabbiſh {bruſt-wood] creminm,
A by-place, latebra, rece/us.
By fome place, «ltqus,
By what place, qu. ;
By ſome means, cliquatenus, oli-
By what means, quimedo, quo p-Ho,
A Byas, prapoenderatio , momentum
im partem drverſom.
To byas, tranſrer ſum agere.
Byaſſed,_tronſver/im 4ttws.
Byag-wiſe, tron ver/ m, obliqus,
Bychow (1D Pleni :} Byckowrs,
By-laws, Lages ruſftic.rum,
Tile cabal of the Jeves, cobals, <,
A Cabal ( private confederacy] con-
To Cabal, conciliabulum inive,
A C:balift, Caboli/ts.
Cabaiiſtical, cob! flicus.
Cabarick, 4,
he c © WO. ues brofſice+
The eabbage of # deers- head, ma-
trix cervim corn.
broſſice copitata.
To n coput cog
head like a cabbage F leſeere.
Cabb gd capitotus.
A Ca Cin a flup] tobulatum in
A little cabin, curguftulun.
A cabbin to fleep in, tugwrinum,
A ; met, c1/tuls » cap, ula, ſeri»
Mum. drawers, /ecelli in ſerini 3,
A cabinet-war, belum penety ale.
A cabinet
- » $ '
SN crimarins, caps
A cable, rdens, ntis,
A ſheet-cable, junis anchors ſa-
Cabolhed, Cepite truncatus,
To cack, coco.
A cacka:e; filh, mana, menis, dis;
The white exten Smaris.
*4 eackere!, Boops,
Tvexchle, ghecite, Þ
The eackling of a hen, go/line g'o-
The fourth
wen: by Arbella to Tigris, quarto| on of the man, «f 1m menibus viri
Cydnae [in France] Cadenecumy
By my fa, caſtor, mecaſt.y, mibercie
Gn of : fe , *
. Cow { firaw worm ] Fbrygo-
A Cadow (Iriſh man'le] G uſope,
*s Os 2 rum, gauſcpina pe-
_ (in N rmandy] Cadowur.
Caer-hean (in Wa $] C:n0vinm,
yy = ma ({n Scotland] Cer-
Cacr-leon l in Wales] Iſcalegio Au-
7” - NA C in Wakes ] Carmar-
thinta, Movi
Crorganhentihios » Ager Maridu-
Oirrnarvon (in Wales} Carnar-
Crnnnrventhire, A
Conwene CS Wale I 1 V-nta $ilu-
Cefar [a Mans Name] Ceſargerts.
A Cag of Sturgeon, $'uricnis tefte.
A Cage tor Birds Caves,
A Cage for Birds to <6. 4. about in,
—_— Ormibot
e C tor Malefators ] Carcer
_ ratus.
Caianie [ part of Swced/and ] Cai-
A Caim*n, CreeedtIus.
To Cajole, In froudew illicere.
Cace {in Xgzy:t ] Babylon, Mem-
Ciith 4 ſin Hortſordſb re]
Cult 7 [efaring, Pagitieſus, impings,
AC Gait v; {hve ) Co
Caitifir, F gitioz8, impr
A Cake, Placenta, fray '* Your
Cans | is dough, Ad r:flores ves ve-
Alle Cake, Placentuls,
A Bean-C:ke, Fobacea.
An Oat-Cake, Avenaces.
A Spice C:kn, Pani, dulcievine.
A broad thin Cake, Colyra.
A ſeller of Cak:s, Plorentarines,
A wrea.h-d Cakc, Scriblits,
A B ide Coke, Placenta Nuptialis,
Ca'ais { in France J Caletum, Ice
fans ry {Fiſh
p1s calamina-
\olomimiba ſylve-
.. I" [ h-rb
7 »
1 .
= —_— Calamint, Celamin-
on G ale nes
To Calonate,
Calc nated. In —_— redeftus.
A Cale nating. 3 Calcinztio,
—_ In cinerem redige-
'A Calc nation,
A Calemitory, Catinus ſuſorius,vas
To Calculate, Calculis com
To Caiculate (a Nativity Ex ah
Caleb ( a Mans Name ) Caleb, is.
Cons i ( in India ) Cantbopir, Ca
LESS ) Piperitis,
» Cole
A Caleever, Sclopet: welitaris.
To Calender Cloth, Veſtem levi-
Calendred, Levige'ur.
a Calender [Almanack) Crlenda-
A Calender [Day-book] Dierizm,
A _ Levi
The Rs Et Caeade.
#* Art the Greek Calends {never}
Ad Greecas calendas
Of the Calends, Colndorine.
A Calen:ure, Meorbus Sol/hiialir.
A Calf, Vitulus.
a:1s Malis [| in Spain J Gades,
T5 Cal: a Ship, Navem ob( inere, pi
pelo, Compe'loyucco.
* Call D 10#s out "hi her, Vccate
buc Dawn. * He will Call you
to an Account, Reticnem de te re-
eter, * They Call to be gone,
aſa eontlomant. * So they Cal-
her, 106 id erat namen. * They | 2
Called her by another Name when
httle, Fuit alind twic
* The Pot Calls the Kettle burnt-
Þ Avocn, | Seveeo.
Ir; Can tack, Kevoco, Recl:wno, re-
to "Cal back ones word] Kecan-
to, Retratto,
To on for, areeſs.
To 2M out, F990
To Call til} one be hoarſe, V/que
ravim p ſcere.
To Call in m, Introveceo
To Call in { a Dog } Inclamn, In -
ToCalli in [ at a place ] Salutare
To Call for athing, Fati.
£0. * To anſtancly or Bat-
op xt mortem.
To Call ro Mind, Recordoy, vecolo,
* Can you Call it to Mind } Nun-
aid —_ 4 * Call to Mind,
on da. * Now I
Call% to M nd, yom rediit in me-
moriom, * i Call your Counte-
nance to Mind, Vent mibi in men-
tem tut oris,
To Call one all to nought , Convi- I
ToC Call by Name, Indigite.
ba ay I often unto, Advccite, Ac-
To Call apo Cie),
To Call as a Parcridge, Corabe,
To Call upon, Inveo,
To Call up»n for h:lp, Implers,
* They Called upon us tor he!p,
oy & euxiliun nofty um flagita=
To C Cal upon often , Inclemite ,
To Call upon for Witneſs, Appelle.
Ts Call 0 0 Witneſs, Teſter Conte.
_ Do or "ths = CEC WER
o Ca
Solutore Ss 2 ns PR
AG Or God,
vcatio King .
| beat a Call, TT papent ſigna con-
Vecave, conciere.
At a Call Ai nutwn.
To b: Cal.ed, Vocer , advorer, oc
_. * Thcy are Called t
Roms Coe Crs ad Arma. * He
pallbe nepos
To be Called a _ Repet
Not to be Called WU b Bros
Calied often, Vcitotus.
Canes _ "Evecotuy,
bo oe ups oy hy
upon, Invecatur, Imployatur.
A Caller: 4; Veeutor.
jeocloth, Ponnes Callicutions!.
aphy [ fair ] Cobi-
Fer Calling, moths. ni Vecatio,
n ti -
1 Canes ling again, Kepe
back, Rewecs
A Calling ſors Accerſit wh Aceitus,
A Calling forth, Evec tio.
A Calling from, Av-cotio.
A Cn by Name, Compeletio.
A 4 ing to remembrance, Recog-
F. io,
Call: her. Convecatio.
A A Calling - Advecatio, Inclo-
A'Gs Call;
of or for C: ing, tpeietivn V+
A Calling { Profeffion ] Ars, Ve
Callidity, |
Call od ency's Grand- ſon, |
Cadence, prriedw, clayſura, Nume-| Cujus bovoſcopo que ſunt eventura | To Call by ſome Name , N min,
roſe period! clanj ur | preedicere Nuncs -
A Cadet (younger brother) Froter & Glculang —— —_—_— To Call by a Nick-n 1n9,
LY _— p K ac gg fer , $* Call off, Corrigo,
( ormy 0 6qua- culated u(tws, otten, Appel/ito
tica phryganien, — A Calculator, Catculator, logifhs. To Call out, —_
Cadiz (in $p-in Calculatory, Cokalato ins. 0 Call out of Bed, 8uſcito,
Cadmia (a (tone > Ho lopis ca- Caider { a River in Torbſbire] Cal- To Call one on, Adberter tor,
callidi:y { Craftineſs)) Collidites,
Callimaneo EC ns
Callofity { brawninels } Calleſiter
awny ] Calio/us,
cundus, ſedains, ſerenus, tranquil-
A Calm at Sea, Malacia.
Calm Weather, Serenizas, Trenquil-
lum, Tempeſtas ſerena,
In 4 Calm Seaſon, Tranguille,
T2 Cal Pace, _— c.mpino
Mike Ca whe.
Camin {| in Pomeren ] Conus,
A Camilado, Excurſus milites in
To give 2 ky ---7 Antelncan 198
Calms Plocatus, plecidus, lenisy fe- Cammock, Avrefta bovis.
To be Calm / ts dhe
9 [i
Sep [1b 8 th Gatband fr,
ike Caltrops Afericofur
T0 x 4 Cal:rops yo ] Tribu/ur
Water Cale aquoticus
Lind Caitrops, Tritutus teryeſtris.
i 0 Calve, tu wy porere,
Cuved, In lucem editus,
Full of Cawes, Yriuloſus,
ng { her hd Boers
Culves-ſmout herb} Antirrbinum
| To Calumniate { Dander ] Colm
Calum niated, F:lsd delatus,
5 £ wm :0ur, Colummatyy Jeo-
| F -—— Rs,
Caluamouſly _
: Calumny, Calummy
; Cunbiay £ 1m H- inoult ] Cannes (5
| (umn, Sa marocrinn.
| Cambricge, Cantabrigie y Grants,
| Pony Grontar us,
| Cambs 16ge adj. a-vc mntabrigienſis.
| Camber cky —— cameracenſe te-
rn [num
tas, * It came
I 19 cecidir.
mus 7
eſt fattum tibi 7 * How Came thar
lulpiczon in your head F Qui ift-
bee Hitt incidit ſuſpicro? ® 1s
evil came of you, Hee d te oriues
4 malum, * w cnns 9 this
ileaſe upon you 7 Unde
(leg morbum ? * Diſeaſes "Came
ddenly « Ld. the Count.y- men,
ogreſtes 1 wit mordi, » Nighr
ame On 1 om Fig: ngs Intorve-
nitnox ts prelientibus, * Mar-
cellus Came _ them as they
were waking t Fortifications,
FR—_— Seprrventt Mareelius
Fo adj
ameis, 4C).
Of le 32).dComeia
Camels- hair, Pilus comolinus.
A Keeper cf C Camelavins,
The eping ot Camels, . —w—_
Camel: herb ] Came
Comes [in Sec ] yy
4 Damonierum,
Cimelopard { 2 Beaft J Comelopay-
A x —_ Contubernalis.
mel, -" = 1C
Cumels By [ { herd] Schanentbum,
duſia ſuper arms bebentions.
Camomil, Chomalium, Anthemir ,
raiſed We out h his
Operibus caftys munivit,
was ſet upon, At/alcetum «jt £a-
\ C:ſirame'or, + -d
marus coeſtre | Ca
6 ra: Ge a Camp, 4 movere.
a Fon ng Cn fre temwpoys-
a funding Camy, Stetive, own.
Camp-maiter , Coflforam pra-
oo (Pitching of a Camp, Coffre-
The pcher of a Camp, Caſtreme-
Cm ad).
of up, ad) d Coſtrenſur,
One Lo erves the Camp, Lixe,
A \ Cxmpain, Planities, locus came
ale ampa ne (tak ng the Field
ſr morn )
aupegne, ad % !' $Cantrenſur,
yt + outs Epirogium loans,
4 Campanel, C
Campen ( in Ovzer- Vil) Compi,
Camph re, Compbcre
Camphie.tree, Cam
Ones — Agqus "comphire
ons gun * I will
ee ri w1
LF ox 7
* Do what
e you Can,
«num poteris feftins., * Do
what you no get it done, 0-4
rom ut ds * Can you be
quiet? Potin ut de/ſinar? * This
is all thar I can iſe, T 1/1"
babeo phrceri, * (They Can ill a
Can find my Brother no wh re,
quam invento gen ium
+ * It's more than
you Can tell, Neſcizs, * H w
* No
you, Tit es 0p inns teftir,
NNOT, Nequeo , - SEM
Necil whoed way it will go, N 1 in-
way with it, Groviter (erunt * I | Of
CAN _ |
(Comoriey anavivs.
Canary- graſs, Phaloris
-wine , Fine Canmicum ,
te | A Ca A Cincelir Conceliater, Exautte-
A Cana ancelling, Cancellatio, Induftio,
A rae [ Crab J Cancer, ri.
a ———_— { iwellag ] Ca cinmaey j
= 504 the Iflind } Crete.
uy the City there J Mitium,
PoE —_—_
anelles, Exper —_
cms - -—
A Candidate,
A CAN 141. Cande's, Lucerns.
* His Canqle burns -T5- the
Of a Cundle, em
To work by Candle-light, Lucu/ro.
A Can4le-maker, Condelavius.
A Ar noo -ltick, Alon wn Lucer-
A Braneh-C andlefick, L
A Hanging-Candleſtick —_
A Pare Canleſtich, Candelebrum
A Cinile-ſuffer, Emuntt:yium.
Condamerday » Lychnccaia, purtfi-
CanJour, Candor, eris,
A Cane, Conn, cons Indica, cala-
mus, erundo,
1 httle Cane, Connutum, conneVum.
A Sugar-Cane, Canna Sacchorate.
lo Cane, Connd cedere.
C_ [Tree or Spice] Cinnamun,
A Cane Te pigats
an LFLEL ro.
Hollow 6 a Cane, Fiftulatus
A place where Canes grow, Arun-
dinetum. y
OC — > terit.
I Cannot tel', Ne tio. * He Cannot
your ternere. * Cannot you hold
onguet Etiam taces * Thee
A Canne, Peculum lignews.
TBs — wp ies, Conerie, Inſule ſor-
tell ey is wh-eh, Uier ju wn |
\A'Gu Canary-bird » Chioris ab Inſulis |
A lick. Cann: 1, Caneb «ur, 1 irubus.
Th Cin [cl tune of the Throat,
(Clavicula, jugn a TPEk
C. nn:ons {ct B ee h*+] Per 7.
L Beo]Mn —_—
oreat Gun] Tormentue.
of a Cancn, Os t:r-
men's bel
.H To
he —
To ſhoot off a Canon, Tormentum
wKrale exonrrove.
A Canon (perrier) Petrobolum.
A ns Regul, |
A Canon (law) Conon, onir.
A Canon (:n 4 Carhedrai Chureh)
Canon cus,
A Canon bit. Luprtum.
A Can-neer, B-mbord :r14s.
C anon 21, coronicus
Canon cally, ("rune
A Cancr'ft, can:mfta,
a es = conmicatus,
To Can0:ze, cancnize, In dives ve-
Canomization pc :noniqatio, Apo=
A Canon'z'ng, S theoſrs, In nume-
rum ſanticrum velsiio,
Canon zed, Jo Div r relatus,
A Canoyy, conopeum,
Canorous, conprur. :
Canſ(tat [i the Dutchy of Wirtew-
berg] Can/tatum.
Cant, Validus, Vividus, Vegeius.
bt » pom? cenvaleſco, ſa»
neſco (po rperium.
To Cant, Sel mote flirt: at ex com-
antingy Sermonem filtitium uſur-
Cancing, Sermrnis lit wſurpatio,
Canterbury Cant 1112. Dayvernum,
Darovernum, Dor beynia.
enmenns ho = F > Can! uavienſis,
Contm:bury bells ( harb } Comps-
A Cintcle, conticum
Camtharides, (Spenyſb flies) cantba-
A Cantle, Fruſtum, Seementum.
A Can'le ( heap) Moſſo, Mries.
o Cantle out, In fruſta ſecore.
Cantlow (th- tamly) de Cantelups,
A Canto, Contieum,
A Camon, Tribus, ernventus juri-
To Canton :
Canton ze Fre
Cam onized :
A Camnt-p:eee. Emblema, otis.
A Cantred (hunired) ceniuria.
ng _ 161m,
anvar, adj
Of Canvas. dconnabinus. ;
Culhion-canvas, carb :/ina weflis te
To Canvas (bandy tor Preferment )
AmSbio, Prebenſo .
To Canvas (fitt a bufineſs) Diſcutio,
Event ile,
Canvaſed, Prebenſatus.
A Canvaſer, H mo comrtia'tes,
Canvaſed (much talked of) Agite-
tus, Foltatus.
A Canvaſing, Ambitus, fis.
There is a great Canvauing, Labe-
Canoey Iſle (in Eſſex] C-uns, Cour
nes, Convennos. _ :
A CAP, Piles, Pileum. % Off with
r eap Boy, Aperi caput pur,
23 will hs you, Galerum
* Does he
Diviſus , In parties
| tor this, N.bis bec piles donont.
* They £010 market with ca,s on
their heads, Pilecti wenum exnt.
* His cap's L.a'd with a logger-
ead, Bardus eft, Inſu'ſus audit, Ni-
bi ſapit. 200 _
A hi tle Cap, Pilrolus, Pileolum,
To Cap a perion, roram aligue £a-
put operire, nuda-e
A I'tre Cap worn under th: hat,
A flat Cav, Petaſus
A_tu'»capy cudo ferinus, * They
ſave their heals by putting on
furred caps, caput bir cudene ferino
#7 cau'um.
leather rap, cud", onis,
A night cap, Capriium notturnum,
A ſquare-cap, Fri/eum quadratwm,
A three-corner'd Cap, Prirum tri-
Cap-maker, P:/-o,
Cap-a-pe, 4 capite ad calcem.
To Cap verſes, Alternis wer ſ16u1 com-
2 ©, CoPax.
Ce lenels, Copacitas,
Capanty, Captus, is. :
of goo? Capacity, Solers, Bone in-
A Capariſon, Lerica
To Capa-1iſ n, Lericd munive,
Capariſoned, ce'op*ratins
A Cap-caſe, Pulec' beer. :
A Cave (ar Sea) Novium ftatio,Pro-
montor rum.
To double a Care, Promwnt rizm
flefters, Pretervehi, Superave,
1 he Cape (ct a garment) Veftrs ca-
a, collare, 's,
Spaniſh Cape (ſhort clcak) CH-
mis Hiſpomica.
ry (the __ ly) eat
aper [in Gancirg, 11: pcm.
To he , Tripudie are.
AC caper, £ u*ſulr: tio,
A Caper {tree or f uit) cappayis, is.
A Caper { privatee: ) Altuerimum pr;
voatum. Fir ate.
The Capillary ve ns, Ven copilia-
A Capirotade (m need meat) 2Mi-
nat a.
Capr al, capitalis. e.
A Capital ierter, Litero wncralie,
A Cpital offence, crmen coprtale,
A Capital city, M-tr:pclrs,
Capital ſhiv, Novis inſignier.
A Capital in building, coputnlwn.
Capitallv, Caprtclirey.
The Capirol (10 Kome)
Capitcn (courſe $-1k )
Capitular, coprtularis
To Capitulare, c :prinlo, De conditi-
onibus paris agere. :
Capitulared, Patto conflitutus,
Cap! « Paciſcens.
A Capitulation, Factio.
A Capitulater, Stipulatoy.
A Caple (horle) CobrHus.
Cayons-tail, (herb) Valrimne mo.
A Capon-fone, AleBtori us,
A Capon, Cope.
Tocuta Capon, 7.
C apo pulling, Co-
Young Capon, 5 punculns.
Capet (at p:cket) Duplex vitteria.
Carouch, Cucul/us.
Ca--paper, Charta Emporetica.
A Capping» Capi'ts apertne, pilei dt-
Full of Capping (crouching) e-
The Capnealze (fowl) Copricalcs,
ongulum. |
The Cap cf a man's yard, Glans
A Capricio ( fanraſtical humour /)
Mes off eft tus.
Capri'c ous, Moroſus.
; Capr.c:ouſly, Mcrose.
ay*c:ou n:G, M x ſit1s,
| (one of ih: figns) Copri-
| cCownui
| The Caprial fault of a horſe, Equi
{ b/ultaine,
he Cay. ain of a ſhi", Ergate.
A Capta n, Dex, wcir.
' A li:tle Copra'n, Ducilles
| The ch et Cavtain Imperatey ,
| The Captain General, F Stirategus.
A Captain of hore, H ppoy<bus.
| A Capra of fifty, Pentacontar-
A Capta'n of a hundre1, Cen'wris.
A Capta n cf a thouſand, Chiliar-
thus, Triburns milttum,
The Capta n uf a Caſtle, Arcis pre-
fel us.
A Captein of the Guard, Preafettas
The Captain in a Galley that com-
mands the Slaves, Remgun pre-
et! us,
A Captainſhip, Prefefturo, Dutt
cgmints, cntury us,
Captious, Ceptioſass, Argutulus, $0-
C—_ (cen or.ous) Moroſus, Dif-
Very Ca tious, Peyorgutus.
A Ca,tiou fellow, Argutotor, C2.
villatry, Sophiſts
Caxt10uſly, frquees C* tioſe
| Capriouſrels, Coptro, Aucuprum.
To Captiva'ey C iptivam Facere,
Caprivated, Coptrvws ſalts
A Cap ve Cop rows Moncprum.
Caprtivi'y, C44 trviies. :
One returned from Captivity, Re-
dux, vCt's.
' A Cazurh (Monks hood) Cucal"us.
\A Capuch.n Fry<r, Frater franaſta-
Car (a r ver in Doy/et} Coryur.
A Cxragny4 (beaft) Semivulpes,
A Carack
|Car cl > N wvis enereria grandier.
j Caravel
; Caralec (a ran? name) Coratacus.
|A Carat (the eighteenth cf an
ounce) Ceretiong u £ & triens.
Caraways, Corun, orum,
A Carbine, Sci-peta velitarig,
A Carbine (the an) Veles, i'is,
A Ca!bonado, Caro 11 pruinas tofte,
A Carbunele(ſore) Corbuniulus
A Carbuncle (ſtone) Carbunculu,
A Carbuocle (in the ey2) Oculi vi-
| rium,
{A CARD, Chovta pifta,
[A pack of Cards, Foliorum faſcicu
; tus, * Here are two whole packs
| of cards for you, Ecce v.bis faſcicu-
i bs ducts fohwum integros,
[To Good! the Cards, chertas or folis
bl re.
To ihuffle the Cards, chortas wi-
To pack th* Cards, chortar compo-
nere, * You can park the Cards,
Artem tenes © | foltz wil dibi
Ty play at Cards, chortis piflis tu-
| To cut the Cards, chortas dſt indere,
Cards, charte luſorie.
a Cota, chorta IR]
238 rnas $Card, charta index.
A fingle Card, chorta ſimplex
A ſur of Cards, Familia, Grnug,
Card-planing, chartorwn nl,
L A Sea-card, <b:irta maying.
A Cara for wooll, Feften {anaris.
To Caid wool, cormino, Lanen car
the Card-ſcate, cevir ia ſpinoſs.
Cardamum, cor Jam omum,
Card-:d, carmin :tws IDE
Cardigan (1n Waxs] Cardigenis.
Cariigan-thire Cereirce. l
A Carver , carminuw , carmina-
A Carding, carminatio,
Card ng and i; nn'ng Leng oc tels.
| A Card-maker, cb:rtarns,
| A Cardinal, cardrnalis,
' Cardinal (prizc.pal)
Pr acipuns.
Cota a cardinalitius.
A Cardivalitup, cardinetatus, £4.
Cardoons, canes canoree,
Care (regard) cure, Ratio,
Care (di -genre) Drligtatia, Sedult-
145, * We have no caves tO trou-
ble uw, Sum curis varw, *
wall commur it to your Care, com-
wiito & mando bec (ne fidet.
Care (trouble) Onus,
Ca'k ng-care, Anxietas, Solteitus
* C-ft away care, Memort 113 dolor
cardinalis ,
ris abjice, *® Care will kill a Cat,
| cure facit cans. :
jTo Care euro. Sl citum eſſe,
Take Care F * What care 1, quid
| med reſert? * He rook care for
none but himſelf, $155 vixtt Sump
tm fecrt, ® There 1s ſufhcr-nt
cire tak *n,$4'11 provijum eff.*T ake
you no ca'e tor that, De 1/thac ve
' mm eculum worumvis conquiecito, ego
vides, me vide ® He cakes care tor
the furure, Alter: ſeculs profpict:,
* | take no great care tor theſe
things, D- b1s 1» 11 ita valde /aboro.
* He takes care for no: -ng, Of10-
ſur eff ab an'mo, * You mut take
care tor them, Iis conſulendum L -
* [ cave not ſo I but have her Mea
nib11 veſert dum potiar modo.
To Care for, Penſs bakers * TI care
no* to- your latety, Salu'em umm
; mib1/ moyer, * 7 perceive ihe cares
; Not to* you, Ejus altenum a te effe
animum cenſto.
To Cie for diligently, Stde2, I1n-
vigrlo. Accuro,
To hwe 2 Care, caveo. * I] have a
care, Eft mihi cure. * I mutt
have a care, Mibi cantioeft, widen-
cum oft. * We will have a care of
it, curabitur, * We mult heve a
care Of our health, Habenda «ff
ratro valetudinis. * Nor have you
ny care of your ſelf, Nec te ve-
; To put away Cares, Bono an'mo offe,
| Arimum velevare, Anxictatem arm:
; eficere,
'To be much diſquieted w th Care,
Sol. cit udine cructarigany imum acerbi-
tate frongr.
Care taking, curetio,
,A Cxeer (full ipeed) curſus equi
| edmiſſugs, teler, Jacito'rus.
AC (thort turn) Anfroltus,
| £yr%r.
| Careſul, Diligens, Induftrius, Soli i-
{ Nuts * To be caretnl in a friends
—O—— — — ——
—C— —— -
buſineſs, Sunmem in amici rebus
= adtjbere.
Ve.y Careful, Perfludiaſus,
To make Ca bag mn
To b: Carcful (auch coneerned )
Anger, Salago.
Very Careful ( much concerned )
MNego'i ſw, *atagens.
Careful ( penfive ) Anxtur, Solici-
Cſuny (penſively ) Anxis, Soli-
4 8.
Coveſu®y (Ciligenrly) Accurais, In-
u/trie, S+ix 0. Studrore,
Carefuln: is (4.1 ge"ce) /erur tio,
Carefulnc{. ( penlivenels } Anxie-
Careleſs, Inconſideratus.
Carcleſs ( at eaſe) Secorur,
Careleſs of himſelf, Sui neg/igens,
A Careleſ; pe s Impr vides.
To be Careleſs, Negii,o, Omni« ſuſ-
Carcleſneſ., Negligentit, Ofcitatio, |
Caresbrook Caftle (in the Iſle of
To Care\s, Inda/geo,comiter exciperty
A ih#landivi.
Careſy'd, comiter ac benevol? exrep-
—_ Qun1drivinm.
Carpaſon, $ N avis onus.
The Carine (bottom of a ſhip) Ca-
To Carine, corinim reficere, recon-
A Carkanet, collore, Mconile, ir.
A Carkasſ(s, cadover.
Th- Carka's of a Fowl, c wins evi-
To Cark, S-lrcits or Awxie curare,
Carking, Anxretas.
A Cwie, inbumans.
An old Carie, Stheernumn.
Carhfle {10 ny Carleotumn,
Caoturait.niums Leucopitia, Lu gu-
A Carle cat, Felis mas.
The Carl ne thiftle, chomeleo aff us,
Carling, Corlonina
A Carmehrte tryer, Froter cormelita.
Carr ape, Laniena, cades.
Carnal, carna'rs.
Carnally, c:rnahiter.
To have Carnally to do, creo,
cogno ſco. :
Carnalhty Carn1lite,voluptat'um
Carnalnels, F carn1lium appetiius,
A Carna'10n, coryepbylion.
Car-at on colour, Corneolus,
A Carrel ('irtle ihip) Navicsla,
Ca-n:ol (lage aquatick) Aceſts.
Carnofitys Carneſuas, Pulpa.
Carncfi y, (fleitiy excreſcence) Co-
runcula, Tuberey
The Carob (herb) $ligue, cru.
A Carol, Hymnus in «brijti n«tivite-
A Carouſe of drink, Amyſtis, idis.
To Carouſe, Pergretcor, Graco mire
vrveve, I ntemperanti/is put-re, Plenas
omplores inqurgitane.
A Carp. C _
The pgnickiy Carp, Pigus.
A $:a-CarD, Corpio marinus,
A young Carp ,( eypio parvuus,
= ms
deque babere. |
Carcleſlys Neg /ef12, Oſcitenter, In-' A Ca'p
conjuderats, Securs. | Carm-
The Carl-ngs (of a ſhip) Forulorum | T
A 1
An unshulful Cergeneer, F.bey ſeio-
' A Maſter Ca , Architeftus.
' A Carpen.ers line, Lints, L1bva, A-
' A Ca rers rule, Norms, Reeula.
A Coen nn ax, Dolabra. tht
A Carzen:ers ſhop, Fabriee.
Aa Carpenters work ,. Fo-
! O: a Carpenter, Febricus, Fabrilis,
; Carpenters hcrb, Pranell2,
> —_— ('n Ven:iffen] Carpento-
Carpem T7
C —- od dars fabrilis,
A Carpe'yT per, ents 5 Ampbima/tum.
A Ca pet-Knight, Bellus bomo.
A Turkey-Ca:pet, Gauſopa, orum.
3rm Yo, F Carpenine,
Made of Carpy, carpineus.
A place where Carpy grows, Car-
A Carrack, Navis eperaia.
A Carrat,ceratium,$:1:qua, 4 gran.
Car-aways: corum.
A Carr, Crus,
A Currman, carrucarius, Vebicula-
A Carre L1euse.
A Caree', Hipgpndronus, Gyrur,
eurſus conci' 11 ems,
Carnage { b-haricu. ) Geftus,
Good ca riages Urbonitas.
Ill Carna'e, [ urbenitas,
good Carnage, Urbonus,
Carriage [ of a burden) Ba«'atio,
Carria e (carrape) Vettura.
A Carriage (cart) Vebhiculam, Cur-
Carringe (mony) Veftive, Nrmulum.
Carnage (on horſeback ) Hippe-
FT wn. ;
Of or for Cerriages VeQorius, One-
A3esſt of Carriage, Twmnentum,
Ca-n1age ([ tor At N-ry] Ketee,
The Cari1age of an Ordnance,Su5-
Carri& [in Scothnd] Corritte,
he Carnages of an Army, Impec:-
A Carrier, Pertiter, Geftat.r, Raju»
A Carrier of Letters,
A Lette: Carrier, Þ Taborins.
A Carner by Cart, Auriee,
A Carrier of tals, Renrigerabur,
TO CARKY, Gero, Gefto, Fero, Por.
to. * They ihall not carry it fo,
Inul umn 14 wem ouerent. *
he carries himſelf, Sic ſe adbibet.
* He did not ca ry h mſelf over
galantly, Parum ſe ſp!endide gefſit.
Have you carned your felt {o, I
tone pavafti te} * Corncarr'es a
price, Anne core oft, # They
are carrie4 with full Tails, Poſs
velis pervebuntuy, * He cares
fire in one hand 2n1 wer in th-
others Altera mnu fert lapidem,
olterd tanem, * They carry two
ſaces under ones hood, Utyſous
porietes linurt, * Hew:ll carry hi
ma'k to the grave, Qu»m din via
er1t bobebir fliymam nec illom niſ;
erews delebit. * Tocarry coals to
New-caltle, Alcinoa pema dare..
bi To!
Nr e_—_—
To Coop about, Circumfers, Cir-
To Carry about often, Circumvelto,
To C about with him, Circum-
To Ca:
To Carry away the Gen. Palmom
report aye.
To Carry captive, Abftrabere in ſty-
To Can'y a cauſe, Obtinere coauſom.
To Cany by cart, Vebo.
To Cary cloſely, Su/vebo, Occult?
0 Carry from, Aſpoyto. * What
anſwer hall I ea'ry from you,
Quid nunc renunciem ab; te refhon-
To Ca ry from place to place, Tronſ-
o Carry forth, Vebo, Exporto,
To Ca ry in,Importo Ingero,Invette,
To Carry news, Nunc.
To Carry news back, Kenuneio,
Tv Carry ofteny Veti ito, Portito,
To Carry on, Premove?
* He 1s carried on by
fire, Sud cupidit-re 1
To Carry out, Educo,
To Cary over, Transfers, Tranſ-
to Carry as 2 er, Bajulo,
To Carry to > plcoes Advebo, De-
© Carry together, C:mperto, Con-
, cc 0,
o Carry water, Lixor.
To Carry wood. Ligner.
To be Carried, Feror, Vebcr.
To be Carr:ed about, Circumferer.
T '0 be Carrie away, Abripior, Ab-
Carried. Latur, Geftatur, Vellus,
Carried about, Circumvell us.
Carried aloft, Subvetius.
Carried apart, Seduttus,
Carried away, Abduttus, Ablatus, Al-
Corned before, Preveftius, *
Carried beyond, PrAeterlatus,
Carried down, Devet! us.
Carried in, [mportatus.
Carried Out, Exportotur.
Carried from place to plane, Trenſ-
Carried thorow, Pervel us,
Carried to, KI. "
Carnel up and down, Uliro citreg;
att atur,
Carrying, Geftatio, Poytotio.
A Ce - bg away, Aſportatio, Ex-
A Carrying beyond, Pr etervettio,
A Carrying by ca'ty Conveltio,
A COeg over, Trajeftio, Tranſ-
port 10,
Carrying to a place, Adveliio,
A end og Yedda corbita,
A {mall ſtrong Carrick, Acetiun,
Carrion, cadaver, caro morticina.
Carrnon-lean, apt. de
Full of Carrion, cadavereſur.
eeding on Carr10n, carnivoruy,
A Carroche, Rbeds, corrus.
A Carrot-roort, Poftinace ſativa,
A Garden Carrot, Poſftinaca,
A wild Carrot
White Carrot
A Carty Carrus, carrucdy currus, Ve-
bicu/lum. :
A hitcze Cart, carrienlum,curriculom
To drive a Cart, Awigo, Auriger,
The driving of a Cart, Aurigatio,
A Dung cart, Berna, Coentvectoriven.
A Ch ids cart, Plofteilums.
A covered Ca t, capſus,
A Dray-cart, Trabes.
A little Vinegar-cart, Feretruns,Sar-
The Cart before the horſe, currus
borer trabit.
A Cart-houle, Teliwm que ſubdurun-
tur plauſtra
A Cart-horſe, fwmnentunm plouſty a-
The Body of a Cart, Playſtrum ro-
tis e remprum.
Sie 4 $ Plauftrorius,
A Cat Vebes, Vebis,
A Cart-rout, Orbite.
A Cart-ſaddle, D«orſuole,
A Cartel ( challenge) Schedule pro-
wCcaterrs. :
A Carter, Aurige. _
Of a Carter, Aw! govine.
A Carthutian fryer, Frater Corthu-
[us or Corttuſtanus
A Cart-r.dge, 2 copſella continens o-
Cartoole, 5 nu torment.”
A Cartouſe (in the eoruuh of 2 pii-
lar) Denticu!u!.
A Cartridge (in building) Matt,
A Ca wright, corpentorins,
To Ca:ve, Cel, Sculps, Exculpo,Ir-
To hve often, Fculp'ito,
To Carve mea:, c-rpo, ere. Reſeco,
Ex 1riu0»
Jo Carve (grow ſour) coaceſeo.
arved, celotus Exculptur Inciciſus.
Carved (as meat) Exarimatus.
A Carving, <<(atro, Sculptro,
A Carving inſtrum: ne, alum. |
1 he ſcience of Carv ng, Aneglyptice
To be Carved, Sculprilre.
A Carver, c#lator, Sculptor.
A Carver of meat, c .rptor.
Antick Carving, Arctetype cels-
A Ca'ving-knife, Culter firuftorins.
To Carve ( as capons) caftro.
Carved, caftra'us. :
A Carvel (ſw ft itup) colox, ces.
Caſon [ part of Mu/covy] c:ſmum,
Caſchaw [in Hungary] Coſſevie.
A Caſe in law, cauſe.
A Bok caſe, Prejudicium.
A CASE, (matter ) Rer, couſo.* The
caſe is altereJ quoth
not the ſame, lis yatio eft,
»* Av if it were TA.
dſt ſus res agatur, thoug ht
f. of very herd Caſa, Durum admo-
dum mii widebatuy, * Toit all a
ca'e ? N:bil ne igitwr intereſt?
A Caſe (to put any thing in) Teece,
cop ſa.
A fa caſe,ocicularinum, Spinularinm.
A needle cale, Acruariun.
| A Comb-caſe, Peftinarium.
, Daurus, A
(Skirwort) Siſarum.
A CASE, [xe] condaio, Status,
* It it were my caſe, $i ego in if-
boe /1m loco, * Were my cale
yours, tu {# bic (is, * It 1410 very
zo00d cale Perbono keo res eff.* You
are every whit in 2s bad caſe, In
eadem es nave.
To Argue the Caſe pro and congMa-
num C0 4ſerere,
Pur the Caſe, Puts, * Put the caſe
it be (o, Fone /it ita, Eflo verum,
Verum ut ita ſit, Fac ita eſſe * Put
the caſe there be Atom», Ut «f-
fent atorsi, * Put the caſe my (on
were worthily puniſhed , Tulerit
ſane filius neſter meritd panar.
nn no Caſe, H .
In good Caſe for fleit, Pinguis gni-
Hidus. Bene curata ewe,
To be in good Caſe, Belle ſo bo-
To Caſe-harden, Ferrum (mixture
Pulveris ungule vaccine, Salis nigrt
Oo acet;) indurare,
A Caſe-mate, Feneftre in muro unde
exeruntuy formenta, F
A Caſemate, (the hollow in a pil-
lar) Sims.
A Ca\ement, Feneftra, Tranſenna.
A Me. chants Calli, C:nſus mercato-
A Caſhier, Servus cut cenſus
Cill-keeper, 5 creditur. ak
Te Cattiier. Exaudtero, Expungo.
Caſhicred, Exas:ya' ur, punt] us.
Caſings, Stercus jumentorum ſiccum.
A Cask, Del um. .
The head of a Caik, Afr doli.
To h:-ad a Cask, Dolio fundum ad-
ap .
Taling of the Ca-k, Teftom olens,
A Cask ( h:ad-picce ) Ga/es
A Ca ket, = lay Or/inl 1, Serinium,
A lute Caxket, ciflelluls, Scrinie-
Caſſander (a mans name) Cafon-
'”, drti.
Caaudrca (2 womans name) Coſſan-
A C ket-bearer, «rftr .
CaTaware (bird) ger
Caſſaron, Abrog 1446,
To af, "£0.
A Call, Abre
Catie: (11 He
aſſis, caſte,
unica tngier.
iNfock, Sagn/nm.
A looſe Caflock, Pallium,
A Caſt, Jaitwr, Mus fs,
To CAST, #ac:o, F :tto, Conficie, * I
have caſt a b!-ck in his way, I"-
fect ſerupulum bowinit, * I 15 not
long finee he caſt his teeth, 147
bud din x cum den'es ex0d erunt,
* We will caſt a miſt before his
eyes,g'aucremam 05 ocules objicrenau.
To Cal all about, Circumficio.
— — 7 5 *
To Caft all abroad , Spargo, Di- Toute len recs analley. |S Lo of the books, peftes emuti cor
compu? , Rotiones | To Calt out Caſt over ajelbs.
ns colkigers. L + to ” = ob- Cates © Leoveng) beultnguofſu-
To in, refic2o.
b 5 —_ vExcutere Seſſor Cai out, e ojetus,
TE ca - aga -- 7. \ ly To caſt = 2 wt] vinco, * To Caſt a 24 en ] projeltitine,
To ca(t anchor, anchor om jacore. eaſt, I1te or cauſa cadere.
000, Gominas non 2des
"I cat away, "bjiciogrejicio, * Why
ou about to catt
57d * te is perdilum 7 © le wit
fully ca('s awa wmſelf ſerens,
faly 's tay perijt. "* Caſt
Mem.rrom dolorts
To cat outys » b11gu2,
To caſt back, rejicio, regevo.
To caſt back ones ey<8, refletto, re-
0 caft before, objicio.
To cali behind the back, & tergo
ye ficere,
To cat between in'erjicio.
To caſt at wi, mittere gl
To caſt the coat or »ki'n Ko
To caſt {ecndemnJ]'ee
To caſt darts, jaculr,
To =_ in ones diſh, exprobro
to caſt { deviſe a project 3 ccn-
to cat down, dejicis, disficia, dir-
#2, * If we do but cat our eyes
never 10 little down, ſi toes
oculas dejecer imus,
Ts calt down from, detuybo.
Tocaſt down headlong, precipitey
rY&cPitem dare.
0 ealt down into, canto, ore,
To caſt d«wn ofren, =
To ealt down viclently,
To caft down under tors Peſſunde.
To caſt down upon, i®
To caſt the tault upon, culpow
To caſt forth, emwtto,
To caft a figure, Vaticiner,
To caſt forth a brea.h, cat o5W an-
= caſt { us 2 haw
To caſt torih 1 ==
To caſt in, injicioy infor, ingero,
To caſt in (by force] int«rques,
To caſt [in ones mind) cogite, re-
& boy repetes verſo, * T have caſt my (elf all my c{{commodi-
ties, meditata ſunt mibr cmmia mea
INCommed a.
Toecaſtin often, injello,
$0 caſt lots, ſorti.r.
To cait metals, met: 1/7 conflore.
To calt a miſt over, caliginem in-
To calt a nativity, ex beminis geneſs | ©
conſequentes eventus divinare, conjt-
To caſ off [a garment) ex«o, pro-
To caſt of [renounce] rejicio, re-
Padio, aſperncr. * He may chanoe
LO calt us _ my open rejiciat,
* He has ca{t of a 20dneſs, vir-
Init nuncinm Yemu! fir
To caft over chr ]rajicie.
To caſt wy [upon] Supermujicio.
ofigeni ngero p ws!
0 ca't our, ejicio, cio, * T
uld not be. Jad
Fe co tl net _ caft out of the
own, ut ex © 4
To caſt out rely ras. poſit.
To caſt out foam, ex
4 «an =_ a + - *-_ A ſepie.
—_ one, tranſ-
veria tuers.
Circque jatlare.
To galt up a reckon "to Computo,
Lb tre ſummans.
To call Up av
» conjicio,
Tocaſt viotently, inflige.
To caſt vomit
To ca't up ( as the
* The 7 <d boy br al
aJeg £90, excpwo
the BED
To eaſt upon, conger
To an water, ex cx qgreth betio con-
0 caſt water about, re/pergo.
To hy er uz 0n, ſuffundo, frigi-
Tok water into the Thames, foli
lumen mutware, aotiurs Athenis
Toe ho the _ abertio, abortus
F= nk cf ones offiee, tentamen, Spe-
Cx a't, it, Jafiue, confeliug,
oo \ call, watſÞ ti ",
y— =
For - + mm pe
oy alunder, XK, us, __,
us, cc
Galt ph, S*a, g_—
A caſt aw 9
Caſt-elo wt wy _— IVeteromenta,
One that has a caſt with ns wi
Caſt back, reje ! us.
Caſt befo
Caſt downn miſery, offiiſltus, cals-
Caft down from, demiſſu1, detyu-
ui tor down to the grounJ, di/jeQvs,
Cal bt hirher an1 th'ther, jototur.
Caſt in a heap (cone conell us.
'C » Jury)
(Gat 08 1's ' thor rh
(da aſt off --x oy emotus, *T he gates
can in, mnfetius.
-- x
0's, rt-
1c _d violence, vibrate,
a ups O14 uy gs
a'n, re wu,
A 7 4 op
A eaiter [eruncer)] Colew'ux.
Caltee ( Cin Nrfolt] Venta Leno-
[7s jadetus, conjelu, pro-
The ealti nag on ulati
The my f a m_—_—_—
A caſting in ones duth or teeths ex-
Po down, de ”, det bati
A citing down pen vp, precciph-
The caſting of a hawk, purgamen-
A horſes caſting his rider, excuffo
rin, injetio,
4 he np by the Jury, domnatio,
cg iQ the the mind, ments dgi-
A "eating of nativities , calculati
A g-net, ſunds.
A cans off, «bjeftio,
A coſting out, ejettio, emiſſin, ege-
ren, us.
A cotng over over (beyond) tro jellus.
under, ſuje
— ouelila, ue.
The roug rough: —_— of walls, Opus
Caft gat'o —_—_
Collinettonny re any * parves crepi-
A cole cara, are.
Caſtle, coftellunn.
Caſtle by Caſtle, caſte 'latrm.
"Legrtim (in Torbſbire] Lagecium,
Caſte ati Fidefm —_— caftello.
ring- _ Jtinnun-
LY woe fortuitur, caſu- |
Colany, contingenter, fortuitd,
Caſualty, caſus, fir.
A caſu:(t, coſumm qftiti trofta-
Car filrer [mineral
A muk-eat, c —_ naſe,
A poll-cat,
and t the tudus buxi
Sf [rap [ e play]
A Cat
—_ hat
Ce. it
A Cat in Pan, preevaricator, Tranſ-
29, ;
0 turn cat in pan, Prevaricer,
iron 0. ;
Catails Fehattall,) Catella,
Acatalogue, —_
A lrtle x bellvs. ;
A Catamite, Cinedus, pury merite-
Acataplaſm [ pultis] cataplyſma.
A RG of Bn & a dif-
eaſe in the eye>] cataratia, _
A Cx arrh {iheum] rbruma, dijtit-
Latto, catory i us. :
Full of Catarrhs, rheumoticur.
Troubled with a catairh, caetorybo
A Cataitrophe, cataffrophe, es, _
A (ad cata-tro;he, Colamuteſus Exin
a catch [ſong] contilens alierne-
A CATCH, (hawks Jure] paipumn,
Catch [a dops n-me] borpa gs,
A catch-bit, por ſitus, 4
To catch, erripi . * Catch me in
a ly and. hang mt, | quidgueam
meatitum invents cadre,
* Catch as catch can, vive ur ex
| To catch [take}
To eatch a diſcaſe, contrabere mor -
To catch at, afpets, copte. bo
To catch before anoth:r, preeripis.
To _ on, Contrpere Poms ,
Toeatc ily, copto, coptito.
To eatth x5; . apprebe ndo.
To catch with a hook, rnwncs.
To ca:china net, int! i, iLagueo,
To catch often, prebenſo. ;
To catchin purſuitginſepsr.*Night
| Catched him, nox ont: * tho
k Is all he catches, ques depreben-
dit interficit,
Catched before han1i, prerepts.
Catched[ Snatched JRaprus. ;
Catched in a net, itaquee; ws , irre
Catched (overtaken) depreben ſus.
* Catched w.;h a ſudden ſhower,
ſubrto 1mbre oppreſſus,
A catch-r, coptarcy
A catcher by violence, r-ptor.
Cateh-fly [herb ] muſcrpuls-
A catch On. You have got
CatchngS a preat catch of ut,
ſpdia ample refer: 1s,
A eatching hoid of, apprebenſr2.
Catching, captebundus. _
king ({wte4.0u5] vitioſss,
A catch- , ll » litior.
To eatechize, catechiyo, art»
A Catechiz ng, cotecbeis.
A Catech (m, catec! iſmius.
A ce Nners cate-biſta,
Cetegorical, cotegorions,
Categorically , categerice,
A category, categorts,
TO CATER, opſcm, ©
They are not Cacr
inter (05 rnte- ceffit.
A Caterer, Opſcnat v.
A Catering, Op/ſona'1o,
cuſius, 117
jAca way vo/vor.
ar [herb] ſerrprides.
e cater 1 © nt, quaterna.
A ca'* -wilhng, Felan rug!
C3 h-ral, Car tedrolis
' A Cuihed al
2 Ertieſia cathe-
Ca hecral ( hur bh $ drazrs,
Caihneſs( n $] Carbanis,
Catholiek nerel] catbelicus,
A Catholck (fo called) pepi/te.
A Catholicon, catbolicen, panacea,
Cat-m:int, Mentba cataria.
Cats foot, per catti.
Cats-head {apple pomum decuma-
To turn Catipan, deficere, trans ſu-
Cats-tail, Typbe.
Cuo-yetd (red plum] poviculns, pa-
Cattel (ſmall) pecur, wdir.
Cattle {great } pecus, ors,
A Ca houl ec, flabulum.
A ttealer of Cattle , ebigenys, 0ba-
Labouring Cattle, juments.
Of Cattle, pecorarins.
Full of Cattle, peecroſur.
mg in Cactle, res ages yore: om
acz nelebogen a2CToumy in o-
of We'eraw) Cotti Melitect,
Caud river { n Cumberlind ] Couda.
Caudebre [1n France) Catido/ecum.
A caudie. c:{dalayſorbil un,
A Cavalier, Eques.
A Cavaber [regal {t] Ceſarionus.
Cornetion Cin Venat}.n] Cobelliogca-
A Caval-ale, Pompe equeſtris.
= Cave, caverna, antrum ſpelunca,
A litrle Cave, c-veraula.
A Cave to: wild beatts, luflrum.
To lurk 'n Caves, La 10,
Of a Cave, Cavaticur.
Full of Caves, ec :sernſus.
Caved [hollowed] concavns.
A Caveat [warring] cont's,
Cavers, = ſeaptenſulares.
A Caviſon for a horſcs noſe, <o-
ft: um.
4 acre, Acipenſerum cvs ſale con-
A Caviſon { falſe rein] 6obene ln,
aught oppre' enſus, See Catched.
* Caught w*h a ſudden ſhowr,
ſubitc imbre »ppreſſus.
To be caught'in a ſnare, in ſoveom
A Cavil, ſopbi/ma, atis.
A captious cavil, coptiuncu's.
To cavil, cevilley, calummior, rixor.
Cav Nat on, eeviloti»,
A Caviller, covillater, vitih'igetor.
A Cavil 2 cavills, jurg um , tis,
Cavilling F coptio.
Caviſl-ng, rix«cfus, perſubtilis.
Ca»v1 1 nply,tittgis7,
cry {hollowneſs ] cencavites.
The Caul or kell, cmentum _
A Cavl tor womens h:ads, crinale,
A cauldron, Aberum, Caldarium, Le+
A little Cauldron,c a/4:yiolum.
To caulk a ſhip, ftipe,
A cau!k-r, ftiprtcy,
A cau!king ft p1'io,
Cau'm, tr :nqwlIns ; ſee Calm,
A CAUSE, Caxsd. *1 fee no ſuch
cauſ- why yu ſhoult commend |
m- ſo «go nibil reperio quem 0h rem
tant pere Hrudey, * 1 have no cauſe
to be anzry nitil eff ou:d ſurcen-
ſeam, * What cauſe hive you 10
deſpair? quid eft ow re deſperes 7
* I w || gave you Cuule to remem-
b r ms, facizm «' mei memineris
* They w I! have cau'e to rezoyce
#frerwards, fiet ut pojtmode goude-
ont, * And rot w.ithout cauſe,
nec auyr'd, * Ir is not without
Czu'e, Non temers e/t. * You hall
fin you did blame me without a
Cauſe, me abs 1e immerito ee ac-
evſrtum reſtiſces.
A cauſe { occaſion] Gratis, Occoſie.
AC ti
The Care fide
# went on our
Noftr a omnis dc. * He has loft
tvs Cauſe, Cau'd cecidit.
A ſmall exuſe, couſuls. * For (©
ſmell a Cauſe, Tontuldne conrd ?
To Cauſe { make ] Focio, Efficio,
Te Cauſe [procure] Concite, Payo,
Yo Cauſe [ provoke ] Impello, [n-
To Cauſe ſorrow, dolorem inferre.
To detend ones Cauſe, alicujus fe
trecernuam accifere,
For what Cauſe, Quewebrem, qu
Far this cauſe, eo nomine.
For that cauſe, Idrryco.
For another Cauſe than, Preter-
A ſhewing a cauſe atio.
A ——_— Ja M
For many Cauſes, Multis nomind-
A Cauſ'y, ſemita, tromes, itix, via
auftick, Conſticus,
A eauſtick, canfticum.
Caurelous, coutus, ſubdelus,
Caute s Cont $:
Caurelouſneſs, coutels,
A Coutere [ ſearing iron ] coute-
A eauterization .
A cauteris > Conter'potia,
To Cauterize, Couteriqe,
Cauterized, centerr7 agus,
- Comin (rats
aution [ warning] premenitis.
Couticth a1), 3 Contrenatir,
Of Cau'1on
Caution mony , pecunia flipulate-
Cautionary, cauti nivius.
Cautiouſly, con'e, provide,
Cautious, con!ns,
Cautiouſneſs, con'els,
A Caymaen,crocedi lus,
co—ene = T.rbſbire] Cavede,
Oo ceſs ino x e-
dea, rem't:o. ro Wy pa
To Ceaſe for a time, Intermit!o.
* The work was fain to ceaſe for
at me, opus neceſſoris intermitte-
To Ceaſe [be at reſt] queſts, reſi.
0, Fit .
To Ceaſe from, Deſifto, Parco,
To ecaſe f-om (Ao wg Ded-leo,
To ceaſe weeping, Lomentis
© ocaſe from work, ſericy, avi,
Ceaſed, Depas Ce atus, remt]us,
A ce , Ceſſatrs.
A ceaſing for a time, interm\ſſio,
A ceaſing tom labour , Q-7es, re-
Without & aſing, inde/ſinenter.
The cedar-t _- & 1
The grea cedar, cedrns majer,
The prickly cedar, crdrus phernicia.
The juice of cedar, cedyiums,
C '4nr, aJ) . .
Of Cedar 5 Cedrinus,
A C-dule, Schedule,
Celandin* [ herb Þ Chelidonium,
To Celcbratey Ce evo, concelebro,
A Celebration
Celebrating F Cele!ratio,
== CO _.. Oui =cy
A cellar win ow, ” Donn
Ace ceſiari(t, c
n_— Chighneſs)] cit.
Cement I
To eement 2, >
A cenchris [a green OM cen-
cbrio, 18.
A cenoraph [empty tomb] cene-
To conld { perfume J Thure wopc=
Acenſer, Thuribu'um.
A centor © Confer.
A Cenſors office, «
Cenſor-I ke, cenſorie.
Of a oenſor 3 Cenſorins,
A cenſwe, cenſure.
To _—— w to, ſuperciliam in ali-
acntour (halt —_—_ ha'f horſe ]
nſur, «ſip e,
a Celſer, cenſor, deſcriptor,
A Celderg-eock, .
bad = R
O CHAC ſaſoquer. 7 a
Ts chate [a] calefocio ferve=
| facis, iratum reddere, bilem aticui
To fo chafe [neut) fomechey -
ſer A 4 * He pe ts |AC
chate, ©, cit r —
Ina chafe! 194 <ftuons, 7 le is in
» grene hate ten erdet Trocundis,
To Go. agiin, recandea.
hafe much, excendeſe
To chafe w.thin _
To chafe with the hand, frico,
» tero, Chaſe it day
and it will 1h diſperſe, «ffidud frica-
Thech —y
Cheated Crumes) Fe foltus, fer-
Cheated [vexed] incenſiur, commu-
It 1s certain, c:nfet, liquet,
To T5
Of or Tr oo * Do
you it for 2 certain, cer-
ral dle certitudo,
——= Jr wnarts, c ed
ceenron [ parch ] cents. un hallenged, proverai
Cuntary oh eh centorium, cen- $ cht't (bone [with the | &, —_ A ohallenger; provce q
tawia al —y Otorfore Hengng, prev cotorius
Centa'y the greater , centawrinm [A A challenging to 0.ies ſelf,
4 <p, - my & or green > 1 _— arbo- -—_ mans
9 leſſer, libadixm, Challenging i field, pro-
neflons { terre. A 4 «hafing chafing (warmic ], Concoldfollie. vocatio ad pugnom..
1 { ecxar, exenbiar agere. Chung -'L g__- Ac nh ot Witneſſes, tefinnm
ating efferveſe exar evatio odje(tione.
A cen: ury (hundred) centurie, xeandeſcens, "*9'® | Chatons {in Frence) Cotaleunune:
A | erncurIOn chan ] centurio, Che [ xing) indignabundus, | ACH © R,cudb!cu/um,tertorium.
A Chafer” 1 1gnitet fecu- | A bed-chamber, dormitorium, cubi-
Cer ial, z Fitualis, Chatng-diſh F tus arins. culum, cubile.
C » Ceremmontis us. Chaff, poles, arur, eris. A bride-chamber,
oy — "ries, p \- vGach, fringillo. A 1 —— c<& natia, tricli-
CI gn » ace =
A Cer es, ritus. A chaff- houſe, porlearium ue A \wihdruving-chamber, "OY
Cane þ Chatf-weed,
acer atu wad
A Cer "gn ceratum - 1* b , Re IE of preſc
= certus. ” One that M1 Ful of chad, cw * RrE A large ou' ward Fa chamber $ do
0 chaffer
M n 21d ng place, e hes - » Mercer, permuto, nege= & Gondls bed chamber, ompt: be.
certi laevis, ® certain diſtan- To cheer [beat the price] Licitoy, Them mens chamber, onron
Fenn Non — Sia Chaſer [mere merchandize] mercms | The womuns - Fg (nurſery )|
tain chanee fell out tha* hindred | Good c merces [\ ſec. et et chamber, ſells.
me, ſus quidamy ne focerem im | A goar-chaffer, [ ſin 2 capricorn The $ ar-chamber, comers flellats.
Jon, C hs —— of London, &ec. A&ra-
A chaffern fro he -x- wate. ] abe-
naw, ca/day! un
Chagrin {4iſooncent} Acadia,
for Ae AIN, catens.
« |A cha
By catennls,
in of Gold, torquis.
little cham of torguillus,
car By, forgud'us
For 2 certaing explorats, To chain, catens, cotend ligeye,
Ch Ne Ceounets] celebritas, A Certificate 3 n_ _ certificates | To chain? together, concatens,
Celerity [ (wittne(s] coleyiias, | Certification Chamed, cotenotus.
Celibate þ iingle life } Celi | To Cerrifie, cericrem fry A chaiming, catenatio.
Celeitial (heavenly Corloftis. | ernified, cerfivy fattus. A chair, corbedre,
A cell, cells. b— -— euttor, A chair» of (tare, thronus.
The cell of a Hermite, Mondra, | A cery © [ok indicatie. A folding chair, Ni'sa pireat lis,
A Cellar, cellariumy celba potoriay by- | cus AF e org joe y - — ro cafry one jus letiica g*-
c or!
aiftie « cellar, cellu/a, ſpelown, 2 mans name Ceſar, avis. A chair WM th elbows, ſol wn
a ns cellar, Vinaris, vini ape FO CESS, {to r3x ] cen/eo, toxo, A hair with a cloſe itoo;, ſells Fe-
| {s { fine am diceve. ns i
Cellar, 22). $0: ltaris by Cog ot a cha'r, cotbedralir.
f a Cell n ro f armes, inducie. Chalcedony [2 fone ] Cholcrdeini
o Cellar ie , cellarines. 0 wh conſien A calves TD B Loy 24
> —— ot coals, modi; trigints
&,chalie, c calix, icis x ſimpuſum. |
To chalk eretd not are.
& chaik- -Pitz creterings,_ crete fe-
Chalk, wa d exetocens.
Chalked, cretatus.
eretaceus, cretc-
chalk fas.
A CHALLENGE, vindici.e, aun,
.catio. bo, * eaves h:m 2 chal-
ovecat, * He
2s Nene þ hma challenge, earic-
al Ange" ter of challenge, liter e frove-
A challenge [matte of exceptian]
T, .
Ce ena, ns
«oi challenge ſto fight) J prom. es
he] wen ny to it, quendo
T 7 lt ac
at ti Yourecavre
phones 4 uo (199 no N
A "chamber for ſervan's to lye in,
F_ procetinm.
The groom _— the chamber, cubic u-
Llarins, admiſſ:onaly ; a enhicule.
A chamber-{cllow, contubernalis,
mber- full
A cha
Company lying —
A chamberlain «
cal ry is.
oi Lord Chamberlin , _
Im wn.
a { hamber.2ins Office, u<ſfture.
of 2 Se yp "goon? =
amdermal Arcilazpedr
handerm Ancalls.
Chamdering riot ” Come [alio.
ki aperds r-0bili.
Ch:mb -y Lin Save] C:merinum,
Chamblet, Porines ex filo caprin).
A Chame:con, Cromeleon mis.
The t lack Chameleon-thiiile , Cha-
met unger.
To Chanter { mak: Gutters in a
Pillar ] Strio, are.
Chamf red, Str ialxs.
A Chamtcring, Stri-tura.
Es, [ Cope the edge of 3
Chamict, Ak cymatilis,
Wat _ Chamlet, Voſtis undulats.
Chamlet unwatered,Fcatuleta reftis,
Waved like Chamler, cymatidis,
A ChamSiſc, coprer.
A Ce IPo\gns Countrey, Plonicies
To Champ, Meſtico,
To Champ upon the Bit, Frans
G meydere.
-hampicr-gr. und,Plameies aperta.
ras i cronad,com e/tris.
A CHANCE, Acridens.ce - .* You
kn:w not what Chance has hap-
' per'd to me, Neſcis quid mibi cb»
A Chance at Dice, Scrs, tis. * We
mud take our Chance, Jatta eft
rt Chance, Forftunium,
C hance, Infortunium, j:0us
= medley, Femicidiums, or ce-
x Chance { Oppor
ance run:
bd Chance, Feta, fort be:
It wv
hr ſeem not a thing that
Chance, ay bx
=_ vide erur.
To Chance [happen] Accido,codo,
contingo, * If any Man Chince
to ask, $i firts aiqnis requiret.
| To Chance { light upon ] Incico,
© get by Chance or Lot, Sortioy,
o try the Chance of War, Mertis
Le oleam.
jHapven ng by Chance, Fortuitur,
1: Chanc. crdn, Centingit, Eve-
nit. * It Chances in Kr our nat
$n'tin ſeven Years, Flus
q Seb ooa bor 1 benigniy
3 Venert: e:mmendet epi Putole Mei
{LA Chance), Adytum, coeninn.”
[A Chancelliour, Conce liyings.
A Biſhops Ch:ncellour, Offciolis,
A Chzncellourihip, C-neeti:11atus.
The Chancery, Cancellaria.
» 4 ie Chan-ery,
Chancery-man [drower of writs)
ty day yr
A Chartler, candelarius, condela-
rum toy.
"A Chanel, conali;, See Cannel,
þ ,
vewan # bs Cha
y aps a, }
A CLANGE. Mut alto, (omute-
tio, V ariet
gan to Change, Fortuns ſe incline-
* I muſt C
To be. Muto. * Fortune be- Ga
verat, © my note,
Orati» alid mibi demutonda eff mea.
To Change a Child, Subdere —
oC a cuitom, Deſieefco
his minJ, De mentis ftots
To ; Change ones mini [a2.) c:le-
Ts Chang: M-ney, commute, eem-
To Change as the Moon, Renwv vi.
(To Change from Place to place,
Changead® e, Mutabilis.
og” * 0 m— ] Inc:n-
dus, mixtns, verjicoler
A Garment of Changeable Silk,
__ foriculata,
Changeableneld, Mut abilitas, incen-
|12be be Chngel, Mutor,
Lbebong > So Tranſ*e. h
dan wt -:tus Ks, verſus,
C Chan Ts = Val aig,
A Changer { Ba. k xr] Nummula-
A-Changeling, Puer ſubditus, or
Fr4s el imgciing [Fool] Ineptus, flul-
hazs, s.
A | Chope [the Lis po'nt of the
s| Scabbard nee ferr amentunm,
To. Change ones Name, Tron/m-
> |
To ( hange ones Opinion, Judicion
eftere. A
0 Change ones purpolcy cedere de 4
A Changeable colour, color tyani- os
In, It
Cha ng, Moti, commutatt»,
vartatto, * I love no Changing,
An'iquum vole. * Without Chang-
ing C.untenance, NJ oris quider
cofwe mult ato,
Chonging by Courſ-, Viciſſited+,
A Changing one thing tor an. ther,
A Changing f:om place to place,
A Changing of of Purpoſe, Digreſſo. | A
A Chanel, c
| — — NY
The Chanel of a River, Alvear, Ri-
The Chanel-bone, Trackee.
Th: Chanel of f a Wine-preſs, Tor-| |
St. George's Chanel, Fretum Bri-
Pormicumy monica —_—
A Chanel in ſtone, Strix, ig1s.
To Chanel ſtone, Stio, are.
d, St1a'w, L1quentus.
A Chan-lling, Striaturo.
A Chanon, Tire See Canon.
[ in Roſſe J Chonmicum.
To Chant, Cents.
A Chancartecr » Gallus, Phaheing
A Chnter { Chief Singer ] Pre-
A ——— Chaos, rudis indigeflague
mc es.
A Cha> » DR, ] Kin,
A lit: mula,
2 ; Chap of (the Ground, Hiatus |
, —__
Chapsta rhe the pens
Full of
By C
, Rhags 1485,
oucer, 1m.
roftr um, Ra, Wucyo.
The ie Chapiter of a Pillar, Epijty.
a Chaolein, Sacrilonus, Capt" enus.
A Chaplaw'h hi, Co C_
Chaplet, Caro-a, ſtrivm.
A Charm 27, Mercator.
£- ' Cater tus,
Emporeama, Ars in-
F -—- ter by Chapter, copituletio
hapter in a Cxthedrel Church,
"Copircm, , conſeſſus ſacerdetus.
» Copitnlaris.
Wi: h ae of CSefe agent ea-
a "Chapter houſe, Exedria, Exe-
F Srafiee, Geackes, ate. *
A Character { Deſcription ] Ek
Grarnte: 's of Short-writino Nete.
A wrrert in CharaRters, Nctaviar,
To Cha atterize, Ad vivum de/eri-
Chatattarined, AM! vivum deſcriy-
A Charatterix » Viv
To give © ond a 250d Cher, . headers
to g o give c one an ill Charger, C:-
Charcoal, Carbo lign wins.
h- Cnard of an Artichoke,
# radicihus veterum cynayarum wi
Fe Co ſin TOE ] Cerdici
Opera, penſum.]
Repells, © :
In Chapte
1 Chae roman,
Horſe, Egutam vim
GHAKGE, (© tc I » a7,
he rr at
= ee unguentuen de wars.
* He hves at greac Charges, Prc-
fs Is Ly vivit. * It is leſs
an Aſs thana
A = ot "heh Cheek, Bucea.
””_ — Suatus.. co cc. ues ao T5. em = » ama. =o. Þ. oc os a> Mw .
= oi. 9 OA Yo. os en AMNAMAMYS © X 5X Oo. wed
5 i]
as Toy wage 7 oye
CHA _—_—— CHE |
—_— em very Etdrem bg yr of | ha Chaney, Chants « Chari de -haſtenu Thierry (in Chompenin)
rape ts 0m yo mhole| gins at hows, Prexizms ſu= ego- | Chaltedu Poreien (in Chompegnie]|
Change cots 2 = "Ad te fines 7 = G_ molrns eſſe Ca Percieni. |
fem 1 grer Charge, Bo Doren A Charkitan { Quack ] Cireubater, | regnaalt { in Bervy ] Co
Sarge *
burden Onus, pr
; * Lo LU.
Leve re bc inere, * haſtly, cafe, contimeantey Ke,
Charge you will upon me, 2d Charles 2 2 Mm's Name —— To CM $a » pu
F lauh em, ,
A Charge C n4remem } Accuſe- Cha ha evi 1a France) Caralapotis, Chaſtiſed, cafipetas.
HARE, [Command] men — fr, coPipeve,
Fo _ iam. "aa
T0 preeci = jubeo, * He To tum; corm _—_ Chattiſemens aftigatio.
Charged (nd give his Anfwer| C » Incantetus. Chaltity, ca caftlimonis, con-
before, Juſt prixs reſpendere. * I] Charmes [ in Lorain ] Charm. "Chaſthie fa Þ
Charged hym to wateh a time,proe-| A Charmer, Incentater, aricy w. In- | A Chaſu Priefts Cope at
cepi e1 ud tempus 0h, * Did] c natrix, icis, F. Maſs }
not I Char py ? Edixin tibr +| Charmings Incontaterins. Chat, F os Foabuls, nuze,
* Did no: x not we A Charnpog, Inconta#fo To Chat, Garrio, Fabu'er, Blatero,
it? db y» To Char rogether, confabuler,
* * They are Cha"ged KI A_ A Chunel-houſe, Off "”. Chat-waod, Cremium,
tur, 3 c- by Fiſh ] Corp Chacted, Gerritus.
T9 0 Crake, [ Aſaule J Atdo- Foes bo orbone re- | Chatting, Garru/us.
vos r, oggredior, imprefſomem ſacere. Is Chark? weere, Fi a C Chatng Goffip, Lingulce.
e Charges in'o che thickeſt — ti _ & vol hows Cl etulentia lingue
his Enemies " Ih con erties » | Save Charing, Lan1is] Kes ie,
boftes incurrit. a Chanel c Challenge] Charts pre- o—_ realia, non beveditari 1.
the pre lefe Wing, le —
corns boftinm tnvelte *T
Ces "x up-hill with their
drawn, Mintem diftrictis
Foot eſeenderunt.
have Charge cf, curo, prove
To have Charge of anothers
n*\s, Procuro 4 we
To take arge of Iu
To [— ones C
LL, a,
To Ghane cy —_
The Affignment of * Charge, De-
Commetred to ones Com-
Charge ,
AC 3 OSrmprnſw fon for
Cha'g [ burdenſome ]- One.
GO &d by Command , I
TEE y Ronen
Chanok ; { herb } copiftram.
aniot, þ ,» cnrV us.
A lee le Chariot,” covinus, carricu
A French Chariot, Petoritums.
2» rive a Chariot, Aurigo.
Chantable, Miſericors.
hey | A Charter,
. Chiſed ed place, Ar
> cmont im the Low-ecantries]
7 odommorot
| Charlero Lin the Low-Countnes)
Diplem 1 vegium,
— ——_ Cortbuſrmorem Mo-
Charter-lend, Terys per Chartews.
A Chaner-party, Chirta pertita,
Ouees = —__ conty2þen' inn
Chnres "(in in France ] Cornutemn,
Fly or & Cherel IC herb J] crre-
Ch chevep
FE Fringills,
A $50 rvarium.
A Chaſe at Tounlt, Meta, terminus, | A
Coheed he Chal Chaſe , » Vincere inflitio
Im e.
is Chaſed up
the” Chat? 100 |
erty, ky fudio temer# ſecuti
b, & om c- andy po
he G: :ele from __ Corn, De fru-
% hto anſteves abr
[ores Clare)” Argento obdu-
To Chas forward, Propello, Pro-
and down, coneit concitats
* They followed
eable, Agitebilis.
Cate. Agitatus.
Chaſed away, Fugetur, Propulfes.
gentums ar gento «b-
& Com Cher, -—
A Chana Gd Propu}atio
—— ma { wide gaping ] chaſos,
Chaſt, _ Coflurs continens, d wveneve
Chat-wood { herb ] cotenis, ceto-
al; en
Chaſt, Good h
EK _—_ Agnus caftus, Vi- RY
ron [in Poiften ] Ce.
ain France }) Durum,
Chatrels perſonal C a5 Beats ] res
ſon 14es, preediates.
0 Chatter, Garyrio, Obgaryio, cre-
git Chatrer £9 a Magpye ] K'tto-
bigo, are. Picor.
To Chatter the Teeth for cold,
Dengions £ boryore crepitave, fren-
AC Cha-terer, crepitator.
Charterings 'Garrilus, crepitens.
erepitatio, horror.
The Chantering of Birds, Garritus,
Charer-oyes Pica _
Calves ehauigron
Chaumont (in France] Celvus mons,
ChmmEnt the Famuly ] De Cal-
Py: ——M iſhJC ovpito.
Ch tas. 8 Chanor
Chauny Tap = £WE- Cal- 4
o Chaw, Mantlo, ere.
Cheworth[ the Fam: De Codertls
CHEAP, Fils. * It 1s 2 at
pounds, Vite eff vigmnti
mins, * Corn 1s Ra
= tiem non bo * Farms
pretie e_
beter Ch wvitier, pretii min-
heaper then orhers vis, * oy ſells
DE agert it mi-
ne/ts quors
To be $004 - Wile, Vili pro-
0 0
row Cheap, Vileſto, Evileſts.
Cheavhy, Wilizev.
o Cheapen, Liceor, Licitoy. |
A Cheapner. Lictteter,
CHnPwE, I:'rtes.
A Chea; , Licitetio.
CHEA "c oun "enwnce ]
un val us. * B: of good
Bon? an-mo fac fits.
Chear { Proviſion ] Apperetus.
3 av atns lautus, 4a-
aticus, * We 24 T ne Chear,
10 8 atu accept: /uwnur.
Sma Cider, Pete offc wr.
Gres: Ohear, cans refs, dub'g,
I'z Da atv
Dainty ( Chear, Seli res dopes.
S'\en1-r (C hea”, cens i » oF
To Ch:ar, Letificos, Exbilaro.
To Chear up, conſoler.
uy _ Chae up [neut.] Pults bilari
[To make one good Chear, Leuto op-
payatu aliguem exc —-— - Tenui ap-
To make on?
Hons >
© make p00 | Chear, Congrecor,
Cold Chear, Excep'ro r40/1gn.
Heavy Chear, Triftitia, Mzſtitr.
Cheartul, Al:cer, Hileris Le'us
Chearhully » Alacriter, Hilaviter,
To look Chewfully, Explicare ſhow
tem, Valty hilar; eſſe, * He does
not look chea tully, Excidit ili
C hearfulneſs, Alaeyitas, H:Iwitas
A Chearing ( encouraging ) Her-
To CHEAT, Decigio, Alicui impo-
's I Planner, Imp» ftor.
Deceptio , onis.
'. ——— J94 IK * One chea:-
ing trick begets another, Falacta
oh a alam 'y»dit
Chexted, Deceptus. * You are even
fairly che2'e4, Tibi os eſt ſublinum
plans to pre.
A Chca'ing, Imp:ffurs
To CI!ECK, Rep endo, Redarguo,
Corvrpro, Incre
To Check (refrain) Cobibeo, Come
to Ch Check ivide, Submonec, Sum-
A Check, R ebenſ1o.
;A Check ar Cheſs, Seacrum.
Check: mate, Inc'e, Kex concluſus,
To Ch:ck-mante, Ad imcitas redigere,
Checked, Reprebenſus. Perſtyittus,
Checked at Chel:, Petitas 11: ludo
A Checker, Monitor.
Th: Checker, Fiſcus regius.
Checker-board, 2 Alveotus teſſella-
cr wor "he
C ins
Chccker-wcC ork, Opus fe
Te o make Ch.cke.-wor
Checkered i in b!azon, TeſſeVatur,
p* —_— (in falconry] Ludifi-
A Cheocki + Repre 1, Increpe:tio.
C Gy Prebenſ'y Þ P
: Ma xila.
Pu cheek'd, ? & Buccoy oniy,
1h: Cheeks, Fouces, 1191.
To Cheep [28 birds] Fi
Chee: , rey See
j& little Chet % "Ca fealur,
Soft Cheeſe, caſeus recens, Lac preſ-
Mouldy Cheeſe, caſenr mucidus or
= 4 caſes viridis.
, Papaver, eris.
ſe-cake, Placenta Galallitia.
4 Cairys 4. my Is 5 Latta-
io, ire,
e-vats Forms caderis, Fif-
A Chzeſe-man, ;
Cheeſe monees, $faſcarinr . |
A Cheeſe-preſs, Prelun caſt rvinm.
Chzeſc-rennet, Coor»inum
Cheeſe-renn=t, 2 ( herb Galium, |
A Cheefl: Feet Afeltur,
c ſe rrius,
Ho le Cheſs nut, coftonus cobaliins.
The great Che}-nut, coſtanum.
The Great Chelt-nut-tree, coftanus
The water GChelt-nut, Tyibulut aqui»
The w! d Cheſt-mut,coffanus ſeeming,
hee Chelit nur grove, c1ſtonetum.
Chebley [4 To Mid ſic] Chelſega. ok , adjoSive. Coftene-
' mgra ] Chelma. Made 0 Cheſt nut-tree,
_ ys | en {in Eſex)| Chctt-mur colour, coflancus, y ry
Chemnis tu Miſery Clenmetium, | The rough ſhell» of Cheſi-a
emni:z {1 Meiſſen emmitium, | The r Ns 0
C emily) De Cnete, De | chini, Echinet: cahces. wy
Coſineto De urce Cheveril, caper ſ1lv+ftey.
Chepitow [in FL ommath Sire] Stri- Cheve-il Leather, Pe 14 erpring,
A Cheveron
the © Checquer, Fiſeus rega'ts. See A Chev on, FTignum,
ECKCr. n (ohub] c OY Rue [pms
C herdourgh{. Normondy] Carobur- |
A Ch-vin
Chevi'ance (an
gus i —_ AY
To Cheriſh, Feveo, Fecillo, Indulge. | T
Cheruhed, Forur, Focillatus,
A Ch:riſher, Netyicius.
M ——_— L
To Chew oben Foew =
bo ——_— fowiy, D —"M monly.
To Chew the cud, Rumino.
Chewed, — Kafticatur.
Chewel meat Ch Lircn, ak
emanſur, |
Chewes, Maftica'or, Mnf v.
| A Chew ng M:ndecatio, _ tic »tis.
* Chewing ot meat' 1s ed by
the Tongue, Eſcarwn = the 6
lingu1 adjuv 'tur,
A Chewing th- Cud, Ruminatio.
Ons alw»yes Chewing, Mondo.
yn [a rown ot the Graiſens]
_ wart Cherry-tree, chomece- | A Ch bbol, cepulo,ceputs.
Fi us, The b'ade of 2 Chibbol, T-lis.
ſm:}1 bitter Cherry, ceraſum | Chicaneries capt), callida fraucu/en-
rangwlat rium | a litig anci r 1110,
he ſnuall b:rrer Cherry-tree, cer as | hich--peaſe, cicey, eris,
ſur ftrangulatoria Chi 'hefter IT" Suſſex] Ciceſhia.
Cher ſey [1 -Sn n Surrej] Certeſia, Ceroti | A Chuck Pullus gollinacens. f, You
F- ickens
or Cervi en =_
bet ore t Ante vilte-
Chervil, cheveſhtions
+" charefolium mag» | viom cans ITS rncerta pro
certis deputas.
W. 1d-chervil, cherefolium ſytveſtire, | A bttle Ch ck, Pullu/us.
Chereiaiver (in Oxfordſbire] Cher | A Chicken n:wly hatched, Pull
vel. recens excluſus,
= Cherwit, Cacabo, To ha-ch Chickens, Pullos exc ludere,
A Cheſil, ce wn. celtis..
A broot of Chick C
A Cheſlip, Porcellio. 0 1ckens,Pullities
Of Chickens, Pullinus,
Cheſs, Ludus latrunculorum. Chick- weed, Alſine,
Aches goods ; 1p _ ( p— Ln ck-week, Aljine ſpuria.
[1 s-men, Litruncul;,coleult. . ou-
To play at Chels, Lotrunculis cer- | ro __ OE
tor Is y-chio
a Cheſt, —_ py roci _ 5 OW Ga
great Chickl f
A Iittle Chzit, A cue, ciftulag”y- Chickling [ | of Cabs
Cheſt of drawers,cifule tro(tiler,
A Chelt tor cloaths. Vejti rium.
A -—_ of precious things, * crini-
A i Cheſt-maker, Arculavius.
At Cheſt-keepzr, Theſaurarius,
Put in aCheſt Þ Arcs condere,
The Chet { breaſt] Peltus.
Hollow Chelſted, Petty ſus.
Cheſter [in Chefdire] Ceftria, Deva,
Cheiter on the ſtreet [mn Duwrbom?
Chatter inthe wall [ 2 Northbumber-
ef (the
ter (the fami'y] de Coffria,
heſlin,- Nux coftanes,
heſt-nut-tree, coftonea,
A Cherry, tf
The agriot-cherry , ceraſum aci- |
A Cher:y-ga:rden, ceraſetun, |
A Cherry-;;one, Acinus.
A Ch: rry-tree, (ere KI,
Cherry-wine cera/1es, is.
Ch:r;y-coiour, Ku5 cundur.
W1nter-cherric- {night-ihade ber-
ries] Altnbrnei,
nf lem
To Chide [ ſcol ET Fr 6-y k
To Chide carne\ Is » Deiitige
TS — —
* He gives h m the chief place,
p fe 7 defert, * He holds the
ehief place, Primaes tener, * When
he was
aſſet cum 1mperr0.
$ comme -ded in
- In 4
iſpant @
The© Chiet men of a C: ——_
A Clvet heir, Heves
Ch ef rule, Primatu'”
Chi «FHom. Princip a beak
Ch ef it, Supremus, Summus.
Chcly Drocts ud, Summd, Maxime ,
Poli |onamn, _—_
A Chit ain, Dux, Princeps.
Chi-mpſee [in Bryaria)] Chiemium
To Chieve, Succeds, * Fair chieve
you, Upus rum fortune! Deus, aſpi-
yet lab vi 110,
A Chiiblain, Pernio, onto.
A I»tl» Ch Ibla n, Perrmncu/ur.
A CHILD, Inf-ns, L—— / when
P —c_ JO 'd, Paco.
A Child 'n: h: womb, Embris.
ACh be dove debe's io Us, Pury
A'Child cw b>-n, ner perinm,
A CR _ md his taihers
A \ faheriels Eh, On 1d, Orpbonus,Orbus,
A fIrer Child, Pauer collaFtencur,
Wy h Child,
conan Preg-
Grear with Child, + Lam
from your houſe big with Cl-Id
Abdutt + a vobis pregnans fuer at fi-
hz *® You have gotren the maid
with ch-1d, Virginem vit1d fi, gra-
—_ fecifti
4. being Sid Child, Preznatio, }A
To brag for h » Child, P
© bring forth 2 arturio.
Chi'd berchs Partne, *
A Ch li-bearing woman, Fiemina
& 'vido,
A Woman in Child-bed. Puerpeys,
A Womans being in Child-bed,
| Purrperium.
| Child-bed hnnens Lines veſtimenta
purrper oe accommodea,
| A Woman cf her fiſt child, Primo
F.- — Don
aring, Nixus, 's
| Chil+bearing, Perere bee yer an-
no nnpe 4
; Of 2 Child, Pueritis, Inf r1ntilis.
The Childs ſhirt in the Womb, Se-
Ch idermas- Gary # S.S. Innecentium
des, Infonticidi
Childhood, Puentic, Infentia, AX
ts tenella.
From his Child hood, A pueritia, a
Co #d incunzbalis 4 teneris
won cul
Chvid: iſh, Paerilis, Todicer
Child fh 7 attimes i 1, nucss,
: Coe !h LL, Folium ps er1/e,
Chudi wicks. Pueriliter
Childilhly, Preriliter.
in chief, cum
Childiſhneſs, P erilites. To Chip bread Cruſt is difirin”
Childlels, bmproticy 1 1heris. _ RENIEEES
Ch-ldren, Liberty Fvily Pignere. | A Chipping, Diſtrittie.
laren and Fools Ive mer.y h ppings of bread, Diftriiticnes,
hves, I nhl opiende Jucuns:fſum? Chips to CY omen, itis.,
vits. will do ſow? Chi:cman [part Aſta] Crrmania.
children, = fact wt porun- | Chick Cm Deng inhgo Þ e -» 4
Three Children at a birth, Terge- The Chara wh ”
bi + un,
; Ch romanoy { fortune-telling] Chi-
a Chvilad [thouſand] chilies, Mil-
A Ch lint, (mill-nary} cbili -fto,
Eh I ly, Fed Alſ1oſus.
l, Algorem incutere.
To Be —_ Algeo,
Shy Fepens
iIly, M1 Brigade.
h. inef; &' oris.
Chinay't n Hojnad? Chym cnn.
lls, companas numerose
Ch me, 7” tintinn 1-
| =—_ us porn t w- t Ch ming,
U ejp
Loptdi; ch Woes re qui z exce// N Chin”, compenanus pulſater ad
4 Infiminles, P nemeres
To Ch. "he rh Pagrafts Rn The C bimes, Nameri ad quv5 compa»
To grow 2 Chil | agun, waſer. os Jags.
To play th: Chil4, Puerilrier agere | A Chime y7 a Nolarum cur ter. a very Chili, 3a inde 4 A Chimera (fe gned monſter] c6-
AC Chaney, caminus. Fornax, Fo-
& C Chimney w.ih fircin it, Focus
Th: anne! of 2 Chmney, Fumari-
wa, Spir ementum, Tu 4s fun.
Ot a a 'C DDey, Cam 1arus,
A Chimney-back, L1pis comin, La-
ns ftructura or ferrea lamina
Y 'h mney-money, Exattio in comi -
A | Chimney-pieces Opus frenti cami-
ni inſculptem ve! appenſum.
Compey- weeps Verro caminum !
A Chime ey-ſweeper , caminorim
—— » Scoperins infurbulo-
A Chin, Mentus. |
The Chin- eough,Pertuſſs.
A Chin-c!oth, F.cak
To Chok.
Ch nk
To flop Chin
The Chap Cor: a nA Burg.
Ch —_—_ ot 3 Helmet,
20 * » Snarum regis.
102, a9).
Ot C & Srmenſl s.
The 5 neſes, Sine, Sinenſes.
A Chinch, cimex.
SD Ch nn, Ment
The Ch-ne, Vertebre by n1 doyſi.
The Chine ct a tiſh, "Spins piers.
AChne of beef, Prrpetur tirgumn
To Chine. Exdorſuo.
A CHINK [chap] Kims.
mas agere,
mon'7] Prcunia. * So we
have the Ch-ok, we w'll away with
0 Chih, Crepito, Tinnio,
» Kimoſus.
8 0:fipe.
s, Oflipater,
tzw. * Achipc
Po:ris eft plus,
A Chir-ax, =>
To Cho, Diſtring
T. Chip wnh an yo Aſeia, Dedvlo.
To Chir rp [ava bird Joiehtnds
To Ch rp, [ %» a cri $trr4eq,
To -hirp [a+ a Spa 70G Strutbiſo,.
AT Chieper, Pipiliter.
Ch rpg, Pi; ilene.
Th th of bir's, Minwitit
Sanige 10.
ft ere,
»* P ul v
Chictsface, by my py
1 Ch e — Hills.
A mel) Chitrer!-ng, HiPuls,
"Ch valry [orow-(s] Frticuds,
Choe diver
To make Choice, Agere or batere
Of ones own Choice, Sponte,
Moſt Choicely, Lafi:
To Choke, Suffeco, aſl co, Stran.
the (i $ ls Laucri bonus eſt oder ex ve | A
Choler, c aleva,
Cholerr-k, TS Iracundus, Inge-
A i cle ho Sc -tpe” C "Scoltulum,
Joiner. i e gh» _ hiſel, Sc: {prum.
To cut with a ooh ſel, carlo,
Chit-peaſe, Lenticulg,
A ta if ons.
t [Feckle] Lenties.
F Pu of Chirs, Lie
To Chit, Radiceſco, Radiculrs =
Chiralry, (Ko gh: s-{<rvice) Servi-
= mr _ 6 a n
ve y Yieman-ilt '$4-
tes, Mr ho equeſts is. ph
Chive',c ty cru
Chizico [n My] Cyricus,
ac on Sc :/prum.
h-ak, =D Wwe. See choke,
Ac 'k under the chin, Ment at-
Chocola: 1 2 tree) cares,
Chooola: [the drink] Apoyema As
A Choree, Eleflio, * Taks your
choic*, Optio ft tua. * We may
at ou” choice, In n:ftrs af2
eff. * Iicall not Le long in choice
or G's, h, 2 necis cleft parua ſw
, Wavietas.
Choe _ Egrage:
iy Exenijita 5 h ngs deb vered
in choice -— Res e. tio difia-
te verbis. * The choiceſt men 0
the Cry Elli; fſomi vini crvitatis.
deleti wm.
hoki'p ; SuFractid, Strangula tre,
nit anni? ahilss
The Choled, | Deldoy cb4 lit us, Flotvs
oy Chalm- \
Ws —
Cholekil [+ ſeoteh Hand] inſule
Nibil agere animw 11
To choole [appoite] "conflitin fab-
0 let on= chooſe, 0
To chooſe out, eximo,
ptionem focere
To chooſe rather — A 3
oc o
A hens elettor.
A chooſing, «lettio,
A enoofing on”, feleftio.
CHOP, &rviſure.
H chop, conſernde oncido.
TS hb fone Cofomrere works
0 c
Tochop at a th co
be Zo in, A impro-
ho puer is
ell iovers,
] A chopping-block, truncas corns-
A choping-emiſe, Anſorium, culter
A cho ing- knife, clunabulum, clu-
With chopping celim,
A chorifter, eherifts o
> h ,
{ The eboras in a 2 play, chorus.
bord a » funir,
, Cooptatue,
A Chough, Monedulz,
A corniſt-chough, gracules.
| To chat like a chough, cornicer.
eldouta 1p 6. A He
A Chouſe, s, fatuur
A Chriſmatory | [little veſſel] cbriſ-
mr umn,
chi ou $ Chriſeo, ati.
| Ee eh Tin Heme hy
by ad
[To C "Pliyo.
Chritience? b-p' i7orus.
Owen Chr!
tt nm ſwur.
A Chriſtian, Chriftienus.
$224 ihr Chriſtianitas.
To "hoop Oli
* CR comer dy, Jv tes
lurt iſcitur. ri
mind Eh ehooſe hue be doing, c
Chriftianftad [in Biebing ] Cbriffton-To maſs
but |
chriſtiermborg (in Bleking) Chriſti
Chriftmas all Chit» They ©
chrifti ye
Anh vitatem. 195 omen
» P alinrus.
T Herbs =
| het, Chri
Chromele,chremeen, onnales,ium,
» 07 um.
-_ » Cbrenecus, chromo gy 6-
Chronography, cbron-grophia.
CO nologys tron" 5 tomepcr is
C fſanthem
oh non [hed] teliacbryſes.
ryſolit folithar.
from [a mansname) Chryſo-
f Aſos] & Ar an
vn) rufftcus , colonus,
kle, in cochinnum erum-
A 2 y (4,
Ghur (a town of the Griſens J
a Chuff Celown] ruſtiens, agreſtis,
Chat, ineberss. ll Wo.
c l
des ſatya. n OY PREY
The Church { Affembly of Chrifti-
=) Cotws pdelrum
Church-man elericus, «crievla
of Church-men, Sacerda alis.
hm ———m_ warden, bieropbylax, dia-
| Church -warden-ſhip, dioconotus,
A Church yard, comiterixm, epul-
chretwm, —_
Je '
Ti a10gs name}
_—_ urhilh in >. Fawany —_ in-
Chu” 1h Rn, fetricus,
Somewha Chu-lith, Agreftis.
Churliſhly (clown ro fhly ] ruftics, -
churlintbigo woke nctementey,
Ghiriimel Fcomnetance Je
« Ioflis
Churn Kiver {by Circe " ] Cori
Churner ver Cin Stefferdſbire] z
- | 4 Chara, bacillus quo ogitatur
Churned, Agit tus.
1 Chuminge _ he.
0. Sor Chooſe.
The ©
b: At
trr21Dgs epules
cory, Hetrotrepiuws.
The common c10. y, embubia, am-
To ronenne (tame) cfrurs,
| Cinders,
lum, cyet
Agl yer on the Combat, eyomba-
A+ old oincater, qu/ngu genarive,
ers cineres, reliqute Ccarbonts
c nnabar, tinnaboris, miniues.
Mnamony Cinnomomun.
Ft adj. > Cinnom minus.
© Cnque pornt , .
by mie e-foyh, put , jenden, adis
The yr W; 7 'f cnpepet
| 2h ar en of the Cinque
A C.on(praff
1 Conlera rele, fion,
A \ Cepher (nothing) cireubur, nibil,
To G | account] e-
To take Ne n ence”
Ya C fins knnen J Byſſws eriſ-
A Cipre
A litfle C rcle, ciyeellus.
Ha'f a Circle, femicirculus,
To make a Circle, 0-bem ducere
A A about the Moon, tabs, £0
Of a Circle, circularis.
G wits » Cireutotim , erbiculs-
A Cuelerſa roll for a diſh at table)
AEurun, eieuitus,
o Cireut
A Cirewt ot, ambity 8
The Circuir of a
To 0g0 the Circuit _ 2 Fade? Iti-
AC Cireuition, errexitio,
Creular, circuleyis,
Circular monon, circuleti »,
Cireutarly, cirenlavicer.
routa-ory, circulator ing,
To Circumeiſe, circuncide, preps-
tium omputaye
Circumeilcd, cireumciſas.
CT — FT 7 - ——— —— | A ———
ne Ciroumeiſer Apet/a. naw cuts ſum. To on the back, alicui tor
_— creſt. "I - n _ ad 'Y Jew —_—
A Curcumference, cirmwmnſerentta, » metropolbtenus, o , deficio.
A (Cucumiex {accent } circamlex- } The <- ---——— —_—_— v8 [] F ere,
C1VEs, ceping, +$=-44} 575 pornum «ſue
cireumlocution, peviphraſis, Civet, 2. fabem fe: —_——_ ſtevens, | Loclip in ] lmmitts.
To Circumienbe, crc umſeribs, A Civet-cat, fel 0 elap in 11190.
Circumlarthed circumſeriptus. Perfumed us ive. gibethum «- | Ioclipupa bargain, podlum- con-
A Circum enBuB d circumſeri tio. mmare,
Cireumſer P C-vil (of a C'ty) civil ,, tiviews. TH » chap uP is in Priſon, Compingere
Greumſpeccn coutus, proſpiciens,pre- | C'
To be Circumſpe#, eaves, pref io,
Very eircumd; Perc je
Cucumſpettion, centio, y—
Curcumſpetly, cau's, fronted.
A Crcumſtance, cre
A Cireumt.ance of words, embege!
Circumlianced I ciremmſontis
ieumll «< tjs
In Circumſlances F veffitus.
Wuh u h Circumſtances, relws fic
aN'1" My, cirrumfton jolis.
Ci cums {taotially z Ccoeumftanti alt»
To Circumſt: 4ntiate, ciromflonti ys
19/ we.
C rcunv2l' ion, foſſee arcundultio.
To Crcumventy crc um ento,
C, NEITINES Uromventns.
i'CUMVERntiOn & 5 umyenti
A Care — ow
A Creumvolution, crompriutio
Cire ce Seed 'f Glucefter-firs
Circeſter Cir: nee/trrayCormumy
Dureccyncvi wm
Ci-1] [a mans name) Cyril/us,
A pwr ot Ciſers, forfſex. See Cizars,
A Ciflern, cfterna.
A li:tle-ciſtern, ciflernula,
A C tern to waſh plaſſes, eguimi-
nx ium, naſiterna, trichilum.
A ce. n-cock, w fins.
Ot a ciftern, c: Toad my
Cittercn [10 Provence} Siftarica,
Seger fltr or umn we,
Cii:us (herb) ciftus.
A citadel, arx, c18.
ſ0 cite [ſummen) cite.
[0 eite{ quote?) crto, lawudo,
Cued eftoius,
A citin
Ci cation 3 citotio,
A crtizery (Vis, Wuniceps.
To wake a Citizen, civatete of cvi-
vil ( courteous — —
A 7 leluw inter,
Civility, bumeritas, -— ——_
To civilize, manſve
Cvlilzed, menſue attur, em-llitus.
Fa Cipkninge ſatiio.
villy, bum-ntter, urhend.
A acle lurk pat of Cizars, ferpuuley fer-
0 _ with ocizars, preecido, eve.
1 Clack,crepit-cu/um
A Clack [long- tengue) hoguacule, | T
tir gua g ovrula.
To cls i crepite, clangito
Te Chuck weoll, picis inoprefſionem
Elick-g6 -eeſe, onfives ſeetici,
J| Clack ne wit 'he tongue, Cliſmus,| C
A clacking, crepitaito,
Clad, omit; us, veſtitus.
Claie, /(winm argile, ſee elay.
A claim, catio, ofertts.
To claim, veadico, po'to, «ſſero.
Toclaum to cnes lelf, arr. £0, FlE
0 o olg: m nn, repr ſeo.
Clumabley rence (18,
med, vendicatus.
= cla mer, wendicetor,
a Claimer again, »epetitors
IV __ = ——__
To 0 diem { 0 _ cnet] jane
A "clembesi + ſtars.
—. /erdue, viſtoſus,
bo clamwy, per, ——_
anneſs, v'ſic
Clamowr, clones -—y
T0 Gra with the tongue, erepo, | hum
To ciep o together coll
To &e. rap _ os concudeve,
* He ihot the
Cop rg her a, "4 alis plouden-
D es for cavks, muteria cado
ng ny Pine, br nets
of conies, vivarium,
= Fes ogger cuniculoum
ulyis KI.
he olappei
ct a doors, oftii wer»
The he elapper of 2 milly crepitacu-
yp \ jollatus.
A ela np the hands, plowſ'o,
= OI (n » 4 wo
are, {the he family} Cleranur, De
arc (3 won womans nome] Clays.
wm Ac Anu'aclev
» deſpum
C arityed, clari — FD r—_
AClanfying, clarificott
A elarion, tu5e argutnle,
A = 8 Love] clericus, ſecerdos,
{'s pani-clark (hou. 2. * T9
lar ___ ever
_ b nores mutont # an
A yiigag, Creek, $cn158.
_fatem donare. o clamour, clamo, megnd cnaden-| & Cinl of the Exchequer, Scr
Cr2e0-hke, cviliter, whanice. ; 4. clamare, plenis faxcitus eju-
The company or State of Citizens, | lore. A*Clark of the Ritchin, —_
' Civitas. Clamorous, « lemeſus, ge ertunns. A Ea T, Be Market, 1115, Li-
Of --r12ens, civalis Clamps, Trobes navale
C r1zenſhip, jus civitetis. A Clan, Clientels, tribus, Fomulitivm. Claes of oo Rolls, Scrinierii.
Citron [4 {ap Jo molum citieum, me- | C [{eerer }| clondeftinvs, AG — » Scriba, Noto- |
cums, c yt yz Clanculay
A Citron! rev, © cittzs, mains 0 A CLAP, erepitus , colaphus, ifins;| A Clark, Leguleixs,
citrea mectce. : fare, up * Thy gt erheeon|0 ofa Cl k, clic
& tro the ec crepite arkibip, clericatus
or Lk+ ko trop $eitents etrinus, vnlnere mate, T gave To lai, Di/crepe, Difſideo,Clonge.
olds 2 (herbJeqyzanas citrenss. A qo ores crepuerunt clars | A Cla\p, Anſulo, Spinther.
Citron-colous, colgr cr1riou * He yy rpg ny tue vwenered | A little C & niberu/um.
A eitron-cuc » cans citrea. y op The hook aſp, Tecina/xc.
Citul ( herb] citra! ue, Aclapo thander, freger tenityn. [To Cialp together: Fibulo, Conf-
A C'ttern, «@1bory fi Arone claP» uno it!
p CINT, —_— #743. * Not very | To collido, ec colephum Anfte [Td To (Claſp beneath, On. FR
art om t itY, ron ita Drocxl ere. went about to e my|C Anſuls nexxs ve infire
+6 urte, * He 1» made CHEM Eikes: ty Þ > dt "oy c ted him about the neck,
of th: eity,urb! preeficitur, * The | con'hov poſters * Clap up | cello implicuit reechia,
clly 1$ U/ 1 ArMe$gCiviies norms 5 dangle pelo for the Þ - Ce ing. Nexilis.
eff. * It 18 free for a y man in Apetlh confice de coke ping ng abovt, O04.
- city emmibus cxvit us potes, * He capped to his —_ & Claſ-ing, Inndaiio.
Achef city, IE. equo colray addidit, equam calcayi- A Claſs Corcer) claſſic,
A = Cuy wrbhecul bur eancitovit. $ Claſſicus
þ $ arhens, "eivils, + T ive th clap (at a a play] clarumns ſigmun: | Catiel, ;
of, a & a City life, vitom ur$-- | or playſum To Clatrer, Strepo, oye. ol
1AC Rs.
To Clerer prattle) Gerrro.
To Clacter [jar] Altercor, Litigo.
0 Clatter and break things,
Sy {yr omg
Periudusy wm
A Claw is, Un
TO CLAW, Scob. "es cw
as, * Claw me and The Claw!
thote Da mibi mutuum teftime-
To Ck 0 Claw [flatter] Blondior, Demul-
To: Claw gen'l »Fadico, Scal,
A Claw-baak, Po 4
W- g Ons,
Clawed, Unguibus {:ceratus.
A Clawer, Vaguibus lanions. |
i or ne
aw enretro s fa
The Claws 6 of a fiſh, Ace:tabula,Fla-| C
one ano: her, Tradunt eporge mutu- |
Chow: ennEy. rote and
—_— _—
0 cl
Io cleanſe gue
ican inked
E _
aſd WY are, epions
otws, de-
A -leanſer, emundator, purgator,
A 7 —— purificatiog purgatio,
b- afing []
LEAR J { bs - orus.
oa Sr Eht } incrths.,
Clear wy Fer: condidus. * Tt
1540 _ J/ calm ſerenum eff.
felt] mon teftu
-— hy gang —_—
, hols 1o- T
Clearneſs C; 2 -u ſound? cleriter
TO Cle vt, cindo.
To cleave Foy : .
F, debifto,
To cleave thorow, per findo.
Ts —__ together, copeereo, c02-
To eleave under, ſuſinds.
To elcave unto, pA
cleaves to the rocks, ad ſaxa
bereftit. * They cleave as to a
mot her, ficut - 37 00 * =
vy cleaves cloſe to the __
—_— Y. 's [tho m
this tin el-ave to this m
bee clego0 08 ni, pee
C car [mam 5, con
Jprenns, * It 18 3 clear caſe, ps
_ eft, moniſeſi? patet. As clear pi
he Cay, tuce clariors., *
ho pute,ber its ſunt in ——_—
ut res #1 ſputotione mn egedt
Clear [pure] Gquidus, limpulus,
clew | fl
Clear fy mixture] merus,
Clear Tear Cout of d debt] re aliens ſo
Clexr of fight) =. cwB
Clear [calm] wnperiurba
C car [:0 be ſeen threw] periuci-
us, tr anſ/ucidus.
Clear [1nnocen: ] innocens, immuniy.
Clear weaih:r, tempus ſudum, tem-
P -. ny {orens: fas. #1
ear {quite ws. am clexr
of eater ; finiom, longe mitt ala
am clear out of
fore? m1bi t tus diſplices.
ainſt it, one!
at I reckon ne
n, owne id ef] - e 'n lucro
are ſo clear there is no need | Cleaving, F;
in ſound] clays, conorns. 'Cle I {bay bipdus.
wi:hout infe&ion] integer. [To be olef:
os [Of che
A cleaver of s
A Butchers C_ bent.
Cleaver (herd (herb nba parine,
leaving, F,
Cl-gving to, wa
I Oils Be, —_—_—
" Fi
A Cleft, rim, ſure.
he cleft of a pen, crene,
Full of clefts, rimojus
Havi ny — multi Jus,
—_ om fo lementi .
lemeney, c is.
Clkment C mild] cleme"s.
Clement [a mans name] _—_
Jo clench, contrabo 3 fe
Ths .Clergys clerws, ordo ſacey =
Cle: as. Sacerdotalis, Mini-
=D J. -y 9,
TH clear $ fo Periph Cha col-
Make clear
Tooelear (acqui: ebfon, cxpoes.
dilwo, ex (mine ei
your {If of chis blane, te A. =
mine expedj, * Let meclexr my|C
ſef, fine me expurgem. * He
i himſelt very much, purgat
Claws, Unguibus or chelis in-
oy great Claws, Unguibu pre -
law footed, Multi fidus,
Black Clay: To Terra hs
we C P, Terra
F y, Terra ; ="
Porters-clay; Argilla, Creta figula-
hite Clay, Leucay,
White-elay for c A ſtates] 6
To Clay Deluto, ore 3 05+
Coverw thCay,y lino,
To hoodie Cp, L Luteſeo.
aG ground, figulari
-lay-pits Argilletun, A aillife-
* of Clay, Argillſus.
_ þ 8dl. Lut
Made of Clay, —_
lay. $ over, O5litus,
Clay thy > 4 eilocens, Argill
Clayie, " rgillacens, Argillofur.
1Tocleam, «eghutiny, congtutino,
Cleam'd, fame enettus.
CLEAN, ——_—_ eas, * We'
1 ſhall givethem {h2 cleanelt water
at can be, quam pur. ſrmanm pro -
For * As cl-an & a,
yY, mil videtur mundiug-
os Larne} p litnr, nitidus, Ec
Cen mn ſquite] prorſus, omn'se.
y 'ecome clean otherwiſe,
font ecn'raria * Moſt men do
cl: an contra Y, quod 4 pler:ſque
contya fit. * 1] am of a clean
ecn*:-ary Opin. 4 ego long ſe: us
Very clean, permur:dus.
Qu te an4clcan, funiitits, radici-
| To c_ emundo, emaculo, pur-
To an ihe noſe, nores mungere,
To clean Cpoliſh] el'mo, nitido,
be clean enieo, niteſco.
leans, mariientur, gracilis,
clean, wm:unloius, p« gatuty
algerfus emun ut.
Cleanly, a4. unde, aſtidus.
| A cl ar og, illuftratic, clavigatio,
Clevrly, C (plainly) clays, perſpicus,
ſe multum A clewearnet proper
To To clear fro from, Libero, Expedie, Eri- vel allte fur, þ JARS gu Fog
15 de be elea, cores, nite. T am Thee of thred, gh, etabuls,
Clear oft th: « foule, & we betc culpa | flagell yu _ my
procul 0 Click, crepito, tinnio.
It js he 2's Ackerng cornix
To 9 8 w LR
rows —
Cirarel (mag de br ght] col. earns |
Cickrea (male man —_ potefater | A
Cl-ared (2cquitred] abſoluins, ye-
purge us,
Cl-areJ ft om, expeditus,
A clearing [acquitt'ng] ab/ſotio.
yy b A —_ trom, purgatio, a
1 oli fy ri Penta.
Tone ſtands, --. I)
Clermont c © France] Clarcmin-
Give ?Cin Germany] Clivis,
Cheven Fee
, dextys,
The clew of a ty hee veli, ex-
Iremus veli ongu'as.
( 7or $, clientele.
ac ft rime oleft..
mare? [parroſ of —_ worldJeli-
To el:
So dprbbrn® vet Z : £5 0
an taken, fotd erras To b: climbed, enſitis, ,
Ecanch (dr tteneb] Ninte. |; Clder cer
Clcaur ets lainnels erſpicuitas. "Y-" = Cnferſu
Clcarneſs fy] Pm. as, EY TY Cy AD. g
= _— Clematider.
Clnbers of Vi Virginie, Hedeya quin”
gens Cancdenſis,
clinch, contrabe, * Clinch your | C
tilt, con'rabe pugnum.
To elinch a infleflo, repangs,
retundo mucronem Clovis
A cl.ncher, domo "Oo
Clinched as a ——
[ſo chnch together
Cl-nches I wy lapngs) Fe fautie.
altus, retw urs
clinks crepito,
EE tamily — "Þe clintens.
TO CLIP, tendeodetondeo, artondes.
Top onde wings, gennas dlicui
To clip about, cir eo;
To elip at out the neck, omplettcy,
complettory collo brachia circurd 17+,
Tochp money, nummes (1rcumcide-
ye, arc ideve ns
To clip often, ton
To «lp all over, pertondes,
To clip ſhorty pr ecido.
Clipped, lonſus, __
ay > int.nſus.
pos ten/ilis.
A elipper, tn
A ch ton/10, tonſura,
> Colne) amplexus,
Nom wy ſhort, preeciſio,
A 10
of or or ol - OG onfornns.
C4 egmind, num,
A ket” c ters -
Chver [goo e-rals] arine.
A Cn tor bute is
To cloa. pin fe ci amicioy "veſlew i in-
Clouhed, veftitus.
jll-cloathed, panneſur,
Cloa:h i I a.
ns as clean a9 \\ py
we mmndins, *It is a _—
= byihe clock, in borotogio ai [EE
bas -—_— boram pouls plus quin-
The clock boroe, * Whit
$1 — ques of ber a} * What
a clock doft *hou think 1t is now,
qu:m boram cenſer nunc eſſe? * See
what a clock. "tis Tip - o 4 --
' ta ſit bers,
prima, * _ FT a yo
«(tryvam vir citey borem.
A clock keeper, nol curator.
A clock-maker, Jos borologioving
or cut metovin
vhs ot ot clock- making, n!o-
A clock {beetle ſearabens.
Tockekss 2 » &locio , giccito.
The Clocking of a hep, ghkcratio,
yt Cncag -nen, £9lina inc
{=1,7- OR
To break elods, 0:0, roftris glebas
o Ticd
G ay $Lmſts coaguler.
C % coneretus, grumeſcens, den-
Full of } Clods Fg.
= yoni ng 'T; 19,
0 i
” pr epeatuytnc oneratus,
To Cloiey ſato, are 3 ſaturo
Clarcd, ſatietur, aiuratur.
being cloi atiar, ſatittes.
y Cloiſt = , —_— iftillum.
To To Cloilter up » uoeſlerie incla-
A i Cloiter -Þ fines
One cloiſtred u oF
itterer, « ©
A CLOKE, nw. *
1s neacer than my EL he
& Ms ckcke, pollichum.
Ju 14.
nGding-cloke, i
A Cloke with a hoidy cappa, capi-
eloke wah Qeeve, cot
A long
Ic lare manicatum
A woman's ſhort cloke, b pollute.
A | beggars patched , pt Parran-
A "thread-bare Cloke, ——_ Irits.
A Cloke bags brppo
A cloke({ colour for a faule) 7 2
texts, int+gumentum, obtent
To cloke { kude or diſſemble] W712
mule, contego, nels, colorem qo
re. * He clokes his faule wit
Put on 2 oloke
A Roa di ſrenulatio , ecleris in-
loowell ws Cohn (in Ireland}
Fe = C es occultus,
+» Mutus.
y the lake there 15
ipſum lacum ft
p'friba. * He puched his tent
To cloſe about, circumvenio,
To 0 cloſe in, proecingo, includo.
0 ir + cloſe, _ Cam —_
cloſe =J 7 Facit - +-5
o tacito eff opus
To keep oloſe C his Tau of op
regen F in, coerces.
To ly iy cloſe to the ground, bums
oloſe [in fenei edi
fertr S_ — cell
; Lying ole to the grounl, bunw
Jo Cloſe h in] Inter
0 cloſt i 4 re -
To a up a letter, epifiolam c me
(+ > eloke 92 we wound, vuneri cica*
To ens cloſe up as 2 wound, ſolideſco,
«s. | A clot-head,
loſe ty the = juxta murm | L
To eloſe (eonolude ) conclude,
A clole oo Conclu(10, finis,
Cloſe together, ad}. deny con-
clo tequther adv, conjun{s,
relatus, veſervarus.
a ng "cloſe, celatio.
Aelo lace, Vinltus, Incar-
Cincloſure} clouſura, ſep-
a- * Heihewed him a certain
C_ & que dome conſeptum agrum
A loſe. fool, = po ſells fami-
laris, or pert
To 7p" onmhons Adfelb,
L; cliuſus
ed about,crreommunenitus, fp at us,
cold in, crcumve uns, 05ſefſ us,
Cloſed in round about, «ircum-
eluſus, precintius, wadique ſcptus.
Cloſeq together, compre/[ſus
Cloſed up, opert ur, chſienatus.
C'oſed ups fas a wound] cicdyice
Ac ſer, conſelida
- . obfewrd, ——_— Oy tells,
Clony xe monoged] clanculum,
A Cloſet, conclove, it.
A little armar 19/um.
A cloſet hanging over a wall, :x+
Ati [of earth] glebs. See Clod
Cloter coogulo, conc reſeo,
AG olot of on Qure foiri
mo 19,
1d, Brew, b:bes.
+ burdens.
C H ponmes,
and cloth ; Vidu &
veſtitus, * To be toun with meat
drink and cloath, #5 alique ali &
Fine clot cular.
Cloth of Arras, tapes, etis; tapetion,
Cloth of needie-work, veftity ocu-
a h of gold, pannus euro intey=
Cloth of Tiſue,ve/tis A'tolice.
Cloth with 2 nap, pornus villoſus.
—__ - pannus levidenſis,
A hath, ve/ths feralis cada-
ver! rata,
Home-ſpun aloth, tela domeſtica.
Hair-eloth, chic
A Cere cloth -————o
A Table- loch,
To lay the cloth, nſb were menſat.
A Horſe-
”- —
DD —
| Horle-eloth, Inſtr otum, dorſucle.
Cloth for Booths, Velarium.
A Cloth - Penntenſor, pan=
* Clothe the Naked _ thy Ap-
parel, Indue de In2 veſtiin nudos.
To Cloth: apain, rereftto.
To Clothe round about, Circumve-
ivthed, Amiltus, Indutus, veſtitas.
].l-clothed, P »mnoſus
Clotheq in Linn:n, Lintectus.
Clathei wich G 14, Segmentatus,
Clathed in Monenings ullatu!,
C:othed in Purple, Purpuratus.
Clo.h:4 in a Robe of State, Pree-
text rt ms,
Clothed in Silk, Sericatur.
Clothed in white, Candrdatus.
Clothed in Wocll, Lonotus.
Clothes, Veftis is.
Bed-cl.thes, Stregu'um, Sircta, to-
rale, is,
Clothing, Veftttus. fs,
Making of Cloth, Þ Lonificium.
A Clo'hier, Ponmficus,
Clotte1, concretus,
To ..
Clovered with blood,Sanguine con-
-———_ Concreſeo, Grumeſeco,
Clery Grumnſus.
txy, Geo Nubes, Is.)
y little Cloud, Nubecula, Nebula.
To be under a Cioud, Eſfſe in of-
vo Eieud
9 cuds
Make Cioudy, d 0bmhile.
Bringin ! Clonds, Near,
Clouge [in painting] Nubilryorum,
*21l or Clouds, $ Nubiloſus,
Wea her, Crlun nubilum,
- Cloudy avonings rurn to clear
Evenings,Nen j: male nunc & elim
ic ett,
Somewha: Cloudy, Eu nabilus,
voy Cloudy, Pr embilus,
loudly, cie nub114,
Cloudinels, Te
A Uore of ay Allii nucleus,
Ciiven, Fiſfer. See Cleave,
Ooven- foocec lb - Biſulcus,
A Cloug
A Clous, __ Peniculus.
A linnen Clout, Lin'eolum.
A Ditih-elout, 7 "4 » Penicil-
A 7 = "_—_
Set on 4 tend, } Sercio.
Tp Cod Clout an Axletree, Axi auras
trees, Avre, orwm.
A Clouted ihoon, Vir = bes.
A Clcuterly Fe low, Magnus & in-
tabiliy, in opts ſtupidus.
Clouterly, Rud15, Invenyftus.
CTlouterly, adv. Infcite.
A Clown, Agrefiis, Kufticus, Cory-
' don, frutex.
To play the Clown, Inuwbant fe
Clowns-treacte, Allium.
Clours of Iron at the end of Axles! &
A Company of C lowns, Ri Ruſtico: 9:
l —_ Rufticus.
Somewhat C,ownilh, Su'ruſticus,
Clcwniuthly, Kaur,
COn__ bineſs, Inwhanitas, Ruffici-
To ©loy, Saturo , ad nouſtam im-
oye Cloy with words, IV*rb15 one-
oe: Sa'w, Saturatur.
Lying, Saiuretre.
4-1» Clauſtrum. See Cloifter.
» Clava, Fuftts, Baculus
a lircle Club, Claviculs,
A Club at Cards, Trifolium.
A Cs {meeting} Compotatto, ſym-
Ciub-taw, Jus ſymbolaye, or inter
Club-low | { for Fighting ] Fuftus-
To Club, ſors Symbe-
Pay ones Club am.
Bearing a Club, Claviger,
b-t.oced, Loripes, edis,
Ulis Incemis.
| billy, Incemitey, erafss,
iiLneſs, Towwvtas, divitar,
uck as 4 Hen,Gheite. $:e Clock,
lue of Thread, G/imes,
Chud River [in Denbighſbire] Clu.
A Clumperton C Clown } Agre-
exteritatis ex-
Clum s, Ignavus, in
Clumſy, Inbeb:lrr,
hays Meacie conſetl us.
Ciunz to, Adbe/:. See Cling,
o Clung [as Wood ater it 1s cut]
Aveſco, Avep
& Cone [ or Grapes, Wc. ] Ks-
A litle Cluſter, Kacemulus,
A Clufer of Figs, Palathe.
Cluſter-g1:hering, Kecematio,
Full of lutters, Kacemoſus.
To A the fiſt, Pugnuam contra-
To o Clutch a thing, Arle cempledi.
The Clutches, Ungues.
To Chutter together, cencreſes,
A Clutrer, Fuel tumultws.
To keep a C Ommia turbare ,
To make 4 5 mr Calum tnre
Clayackiale { part of Scetland J
A Cl viter, "Clyſter, evi
To > gave a Clyter, Cferem eppli-
Tot Coacervate [heap up) coocerve.
A nf corceyvatio,
A Coach, Kbedo, cur rus,
A Coach-box, Rbedee capſug,
a CT Aurtga.
Of 2a Condk, FReederius,
A Coach-Horſe, Equus: eſſedaviury
oach-houle, Stebulum quo ſub-
Vine [ Flop a Coach to paſs therow,
A Coadjuvor ai RIES coed.
Coad nation [ bri -
thee J © - m_— ——_——
To Coagulate
_—_— |
A Coagulating, F< 00gulatus, coogn”
Coagulariens ati
ww Adblandicr,
| K Do feſſutes,
A lai] Coal, carbunculus,
Cone b:ack { a Dogs Name { Abbe
Ccal by black, adj. Antbrocinus, we-
A Cor ul fire, Antbr ia
The C-al fiſh, Aſe! us nig I.
A Coal-houle , Corbenden repoſit:-
A Coal-Merchant, Corbonar ins,
A Coal-mouſe, Parus major,carbena-
AG 10%
a ,
Co: amine, I Comte ris.
A Coal-rake, Rutabu'um.
Cootitien { cloſing together ] coo-
A c. ave [ long Robe ] Pallium.
A Prieſt's C oape >
To Coape w. "7 ecngredicy, di,
Coarctarion [ ngre together ]
A Coaſt, Ore, troftus,
A Coaſt { Quarter ] Terminus,
A Coalt of Mutton , Cofte wile,
cervix cum pettore,
Shs 0 Se-eot Littus , Maritima,
To "Coal along, Orom legere,
Coaſted, Crreuntnovgatus,
A Coat { Cottage ] Coaſatugwium.
Sheep-coat, Ovile, 1s, -
A COAT, Tunica. * My Coxt
muſt pay | for that Iſ in me Ow»
A ſleeveleſs Coat, celobinom, chlz»
A y fide Coat, { Cafſock } Pal-
la four &.
A Child's Coats, Alix.
A Begga s paich'd Coat, Panneie,
A Cozt of Shee;s-$kins, Dipttbere.
A Watte-coat. Interuls,
The Com-ſeathers of a Bird, Penne
"Com of Mail, Lorice.
'y httle Coat of Mail, Lericul:.
A Herald's Coat, P
a Free? $ Coat-armcurs
Wewing a Coat of Armour, Pelu-
A \ Henk 4 of the firſt Coat, Accipi-
The Horſes Coat or Hairs Sits
To Coat,
Put on a Coat,
Coated, Tunicetus,
To Coath { ſwoon away } Anims
lingui, deficere,
Sea- Cob, ſony, |
A Herring
Coberley | {in CE keeeſ Fhire ] Gur
A ied Tob { Miſer] Homo | cu»
#8. Cob- loat [ bunn Collyre.
A Cob iron, boned Non
Hs Tunicom
ihooes, Calctaments rt
ce qa»
' Cobled, Reſartur,
' A Cobler, cerdo. *_
Cobler go beycnd his Laſt, Ne ſu.
toy ultra crepidam.
A Cobler ( Botcher ] V*teramen-
codlent [ in Germany ] C:nfluen=
A Cobnut, Nux primavia, baſilica,
Cobs for Cramming, Globult, Tu-
Coburg [in Franhenlond)} Cobur-
A Cob-web, Arante, Arne tele.
Cob web-lawn, Lines nebuls, togs
vitres, ventus tex'ilis.
Wrought like a Cob-web, Scutu-
Full of Cob-webs, Aroneoſus.
Cocheneal to dyc Skarlet, Gronum
You were Cock-ſure , Ras pa
' yew flatim Putoſh. * It is -
id, bR_
'A Cack-pity caves, golli pugnato-
Cork-tighting, Gollkyum certomen
To ſet Cooks on fighting, Galles
A Cock Mater, G:llerum lanifta.
A Heath cock, Tetros.
A $:2-cock ( Inſe& ] Concey bero-
A Turkey-eock, Gallur mumidicus.
Con roches [ InſeR ] Blatt non
| elite.
A wing:d Coek-roche, Blatts alto.
A Cock of Hay. Fzni mete.
A little Cock of Hay, Fen'le.
To Cock Hay, In cumulos femm
ftruire ;
[The Cock of a Ciſtern, &e. - Epi-
| flemwiwm, Sipben.
A lvtle Co-k of a Ciftern, Papills,
Cocks heat [ 2 herb ] Coput gath-
| naceum, On.brycbis.
' A little Cock-boar, Sc:ptule.
| The Cock of an Arrow, Crens ſe*
* Let not the |
| Cock-apjarel, Magna pompe, or fa-
; A Coe
5 08 "grus 1n v
Cockered, Molliter enutyitur.
Cockering, I:4u/gens, adMandiens,
A Coe Ia«/gentia.
A Cockerel, Golli pullus.
A Coe nt Schedula mevcatoria te-
F. igel p-rſelutum.
ocket-bread, Ponis ſecundayius,
Cocket, Melinſcule ſe babers.
Gockiſh, Selox. -<
Cockle. Zizenie, blium.
A Corkle Fiſh ] cencha, pefiun-
A Cockle-ſhell, Tefte.
To Cockle [ as Cloth
Cockley ( in Nor
land ] Coc-
tine filius olbe, vir vel puer urba-
us, rerum 1rfticaram prorſur ig-
A Cockſwain, cymbe prefettus.
A Cod C husk J Siliela, elliculys.
The Coq of a Man, &c, Teftis, te-
he cu:ward skin of the Codsyſere-
pr eciniius, .
To unty the Cod- piece point, Fit«-
Comdd ( binky ) 8
usky ] Siliquetur.
AC 5, nr 4 Rog wm
Codiniack, Cydenites,is, cotoneotum.
A Codiniack of Grapes, conditum
exaſſins ſucei warum.
To codle, coftillo.
Codware, Semen or Gronum in ſili-
quis Lotens, ſuiquatum.
A cod-worm, Vermis treft< efſaa.
Coeln, or Colen [ in Germany] Co-
kms Agrippins.
Coequal, coequalis,
Coercion [| reſtraint ] coercio,
Coercive, corrcivus,
Coeſſ-ntial, cceſenti olie,
Coetaneous, coetoricus.
Coeternal, coe/ernus.
Coevorden (in Overiſſe!] Coverdia
Baduberne luc us,
Coexiltent, Coexi tens.
offee, Choove, frultus Entnymi ZE
7 .
A Coffee- houſe, Kupbipeliom. L.
The Coffee-tree, Buns arber,
A Coffer, Area, copſa.
A little Coffer, capſule.
A Cofferer, Diſpenſater, aycavins.
A Coiferer to the King, Queſter
A Coffin
| ToC i 54 , 4
| - --p in Arrow, S«gittom arcui A Cotfin.maker, Faber lecularins,or | Frigidior byeme G liiea, * In cold
A Cock-all, talss. ndevileryes, Blood, Anime trangquille, bene con =
| Coffin of Paper, cucullns, . * a Cold. |
- + <D——
Cock-3ll ſthe Play] Ladus talavis,
e porey.
katrice , Bſuliſeus, Sergens
t .
A Cobler's Shop, Sulrina, Sutri- | To Cocker, Indulgeo, colludo, Ad-
A Cockney, Mommotbreptus , gat-| A
A codlin, Pomum precox acidum, | A
A Co-founder, coodjuter in furdan-
A COG, Fiftie.
To cog, Blandior.
To cog a Dye, Al-1n comprnere.
Tho MK of a wheel, Dens, ſcario-
Cogged Lo a wheel ] Dentotur.
A cog wheel, Keto denticulets.
A coggery, Adulator, Palp 1toy.
CORBINEs Azul rtio, Palp tio.
Full of eopging, Ac :torius,
S Cogitation [| thought J] Cogita-
A cogle-ſtone, Lipil/ns.
: [m9 Aſie the lels ] Jronizes,
x On gee
nee [ of 2 'cgnitio,
To take Coguiſance , 7 0 Per-
0 Cohabit C dw:ll
T5 Cot C dwcll zogether J C:
A Coheir, cobeerer.
To Cohere, cobeves,
, cober nia.
Coh:rent, comgruss.
A cohobation, Ex f.ecibur ſubjetio
Ione vepet-ta liquars expreſſio or
Co'e, Faftidieſus. See Coy.
A Co'f, Fer) ook is 3 Anadema, etis.
A Net-work co. ft, Keticulum.
Coifed, Redimitg caput mitel/d,
A coils Strepitus, tamultus,
To keep a coil, Twnaltuor, turbos
To coil 8 Rope y Funem g lemerere,
m om centorquere,
Coi {in Portugal] Cenimirica.
C oh, Mc neta,nummus.
| —»— . dMoneta edulterins.
ro con Money, Nummum cucere,
1o coin falſe Money, Num'iſma
adulierinum ſignave.
To clip the
ings coin, Nammos
cog accideye.
0 coin again, Recudo,
To evin defors, Precudo,
To coin more, Accuds,
To _ ſtories, Fingo, efingo,Com-
Coined, cuſur, Sign tus,
Coiner, Nemmr cuſor.
A Coiner ot talle Money, Nunmi
adulterat.y. :
A coining of Money, Numi/matis
[4 ® "
he coin or (iamp, Firma.
A little piece of coin. Nunmmu lus.
Coins in Building, Ancines g Pro»
c0i'.c: dence, cancurſus, concurſio,
A Corſtrel { Young Lad J Adee-
ſent Q
A coit, Diſcus.
_ carbs foſſitis od mecum ligni
A coker, Operavine.
Cokers, Ocree magne, ruticorum,
To eokes, Adblandior,
A , colum.
Co { in Germany ] Collerga,
{ 18 Eon ] Colceftria,
LD, Frigidur. * Hy heart is
y- ”old © Gelido frigere pettus
aftritium eff, * As cold as Ice,
ww | COL COL :
Ccid, ſubit. jrigns, oris, A COLLAR, copiſirum. COLuUr COMes and geesy
Cold) hilly) Migidus 1 \—ooliar, m1 wm. . Fs o cody. 8 =
e0, avedo, im. CONaF-maKer trum 9 or coun
A cold _ hy linter. tektarius Stor. __ —_ A colour [peetence) profentieg
Cold of conſtitution, Alſioſus, A Horſe-collar, bek tum. cies, wynbra, titalus, * Under co-
ing for cold, querquerss, An Iron collar for offenders, co[li- | Jour of a peace, ſub ſpecie pacis
To cateh cold, frigus contrabere, ex igium, Cclumbar, nervus, numella, | * Under colour of old ciewallinp,
fteme mals offici.
avirg caughc cold ,ex frigore mal?
To be Col1, Frigeo, Frigeſco. * His
love 1s not coid, Amor thi nun re-
0 make cold, Frigefacio, Infrigids.
To grow cold, ie-fe £0. * Th
od grows cold for f ar, ſanguts
glidus formidine diriguit, * With
detaying the matter grows cold,
on o rey ol
very cold, perſnigeſes, al-
To ow cold or patient, defſerveo,
pd nb
To grow eold [as weather] 5r«-
14, + A/gor,
Ee cold, Yefrigeratuy.
I 15 coll, fr: Tneeſclt.
Ir grow cold, hrumeſcrt, _ .
Yay cold, fe frigidus, olgidus, ri-
| Full of emream cold, ri geroſus.
Half ccld, ſuffr g:dus.
Ne1nher hoc nur cold, egelidas, te-
Soon cold Algeſus. Xl
on 0.14, frigerificur, Algi fans,
w .
cole, broſica
dge cole,
Cabb dg*
Red ca
ce pitats,
braſſica rubr a
Colw nies.
Coles- hall Fn Flintſhire] colis car-
| Cohberts, Liberti.
he colick, co/1ca, dolor colicug,
ject to the colick, colicus,
[Troubled with the eolick , colics
The Stone-colicf, caleulus, lithiaſis.
The wind Colick, flatus bypecton-
To nol, empleticr, ti.
d, emp! xu except,
A coiling, am
Collapled {decayed} Collep/u.
the eollar of a garwent, collare,
A collar ot Eſſes, torques,
To collate (beſtow aliving) Confer-
re beneficiums.
Collateral, collaterolis,
A eollation, collatio, merends,
A ſhort collation, cxnula
2 Ty collaud [commend one] Coll 1w-
A collergue, collegs,
llect, ſhort prayer. colletis.
] colligo.
Colleted Ss.
A colle&1n 2, colletius, fs.
6 colle3ion, coef 19.
A collectour, cotletter. :
A colle*tour of tribute, felonorius.
A collec&our ct taxes, &c, pubit-
A college, colleg'um, gymneſium.
A bore rg Eccie/1@ colle-
£1a1a or Collegialis, E
A fellow collegin1te, Eju/dem collegit
Ins or $i 19s.
coller, cap! ftrum. ;
Collerfcrd, or Collerton [11 Nor-
thumberlond] Cilu. num, Cilurinum.
A collect of a ring, ennul! pla,
iery Corbonowins. :
She collieth (of a Hawk) anmit,
A collifiow:r, for braffice.
A Coliition, ccl/i/10.
A Coullo-k, bouftellum. ;
Hogue, a9 or, adblandicr,
coKoguer, edul-tor. n_
A colloguing. adulatio, len 171m.
A ecHop, tefſello, off wia, buccea.
Collops, lardum tr[evatin conci-
Jum Q fri
Colluding, collyſorins.
Collution, colluſor'8.
er by ecllulivn, colluſer,
0 Cclly, denigvo,
A colly-ficw-r, Braffica florida,
A collying, denigy .t'0.
. | Colmar {1n Alſatio] columbariay cel
Coln {1n Germany] Colknis Br-nde
Co ne ſin Eſſex] C«lonis.
£0 Ns wake
0 in avy ] Totocrs,
Cologne i Colonia
xEilver {Greek-prieſt) $« crdos.
-olombines, equilegis, <.
Colomey [ n] Coloma.
vets amicitiee pretexiu, * Unger
colour cf anger, fimulatione ire
ceſpett, pr þ+
ours, /igna militarie.
ran from h / clowns, Igns
reliquit, er fenis diſceſſit. * {po
ran to theit colous, ſe ad ſigno
legi mum vecepernn',* He advinced
the cojours and ohirged, in bo/t om
War imtulrt,
ved colours diſplay'd, paſſis vex-
To colour, ting *, coloro
To eolour { bluit] erubeſes,
To colou- [counterteit } futoy in
ſaco, obtendo, furum obducere.
A perfect colour, coley plenus or
0 fear no colours, intrepide obire
wan or w2ak colour, olcr di
luridus, remuſſus OR
A deep, laiting, 1 ve'y colour, col:r
Peridus, tur, ſuawvs, vegetiy, v1
A decayed faded colours, cclor ob-
elitus, evonidus, fugax.
m. what deeayed 1n colour, e-
p21n-ers colours pigments,
A flea-bitte n-colour, color wariws,
M. _. Ms
olour 1n grain, di3zpbus.
bl-w or watches colour, coler
A brighe s&y-colour, color cory-
A carnation-colour, color ecccinew,
A dark erimſon or murcy colour,
color pur purens, pul ns.
A lleze-colour, ector flammen', 1u-
A houſew've*s gay colour, color
Jos, beticus
ground colou , ſublirio,
A monle-cun-colour, wor mwuri-
A very h gh red colour, cor or-
A Sea-green colour, color byalinsr,
A nocd dark colour, coloy fuſens,
A raw colou”, color mel nur.
A Turk:y or Ven ce blew colour,
color venetus, thalofinss
color, biccloy, tricolor.
colaurs, diſcoler,
Chang-ng colour, ver;icelvr
Having oft colour,
A Colon, 1,
The colon { Arſe-gut] Longanum, | A loſing colour, decolcyotio,
inteflinum relluw. Coloured. coleratis, rintfius,
A Colonel], chiliarcho, tribunus. Coloured [counter feired ] fucatus,
Acolony,Colonia, | infucatus.
Coloquintida {a wild gourd] cole- | Wan or dead coloured?) luridus.
cynthis, idrs, To grow dead coloured, p-Uleſeo.
A OL ear Vntters ®' He & borſSeole, «rnntes
, KI, » 09 .
yo that colour, cw | A
ns frentong > Ho
mare-colt, equu/s,
The colt of 2 w:1d- aſs, latiſeo,
"FEE A. 4 —_ ———
_> Wn _
Ld _
Coluga {18 Muſeovy] Colng.
»| nds, . $
A colambine, 4gui{egrs.
A Column, columne.
Pull of Column, c0hmneſur,
es, coluyt, or.
A {in Theſſaly] Heracl:a,
A COMB, petten, ins.
Ladies dr - ] pelten venerts.
0 » Como, 0, eye. mo.
* They are a y-ar a combing of
th:mſclves, dum comuniur annus
To comb again, repetto,
To comb down, propecto,
To comb of en, pexe, petite,
A flax-comb, bonins ferrous,
A comb- maker, pettinerins.
Like Comb-ceeth, peftinarim.
A comb-bruſh, ſetoceum, pettinis
verriculums. <p
A cemb caſe, peftinis thecs,
A corki-comb, get criſta,
Tocut cnes comb ,
A coxcomb [ fool] Stipes , fotunyy
A combatant, pugnetor, pugil,
A combate, pugno, prehium.
& e combate, duellam , mono»
machia, rertomen uheye,
To Combate, pretior, art. |
Combated, cerramine or preelio ex-
A eombater, certetor.
A combari'ng, pagne, certamen,
Comba ing, pugnox,
Combed, poxus.
Combel again, repexus.
ere criſ-
(Greoks, non multum cut not! ( wmae-
no Greeis cederetur, * Old age
creeping 08, ſenſes june ſen-
you can
ipſe coram
or time to
ſces things to i pre-
—_ ——
in ſermone, *
tail, True uſve, * Come on
it what will, fatto eff alez, * You
Come a day afcer the fair, poſt
w. um vents.
0 come away trom a place, di/-
To come + - / agen
To Come atcer, ſequ2y.
To come ab :0ad, prodes,
To come again, redeo, yevertor.
To come to hanſelt again, re/1piſeo,
ad ſe redive.
To come againſt one, invedo, ade-
To come along, procedo, * Come
along, Ja, age 1 :
To at, overtake, afſequi,
To come at [ obtain] obtineo,
To come
To come before, proevenio y ante-
To come before a judge, embulare
in jus.
To come behind, ſequor, * He
comes behind none tor bravery,
endove nemini cedit, * I will not
eome behind, pefteriores p ries
non feram 4
To come { #» butter] denſari in bu-
tyrum, mut 11 in lac xyſtin
To cume ({ as chcele } coogul ri,
concreſe ere.
To com” down, Deſcerdo, * His
Comb:d down, pr: peauy.
Combed finelv, comps.
A comber, peft-ns, ntis. — _
Tz combe , impediv, inepucty 1n-
tertuy bo, vex0g OD
Combered, impeditus, implicatur,
A comberance, negetium, 1mpect-
menium. Es
A conbering, impeditio, diftrittio,
Compeyes © impediens, wo'eftus,
Conberſomely, permole/t2.
To combine { att. ] conjungo,
To combine ([neut.] conſpioc, com-
Combined,conjund ug.
2 mining} Combin tio,
A (a tious combination, coajuratia
C:mbuſtible, combuſtibi/is.
A Combuſtion, ecmbuſtis.
tus, ſacitio,
To make a Combuſtion, twwltue
Come, Synes fir, fol mente.
TO COME, Venis, * I hadill
luck to come hither, boud auſpica-
16 buc me 5.* It comes by too
much eaſe. yt ex nimio o1i0.* How
ſhould I come to know, qud re-
Seiſterem? * He will come pre- |
— jom bic adevit, - Come
ave your gneving , mite ver
triflitiom, % Come be of good
chear, quin tw anime bono «1. * That
A combuſtion, hurly-burly, tumul- _
$tomac h is come down, jones mulrs
To come forth, prodeo vero,
To come | —y_} oy >
To come and go, comme,
To come in, intro, in gredi-r,
To come in ot another, ſu-
beo, ſuccedo, * Let frei ones
come in the room of thole that
he weary, integri defeſſis ſucce-
To come in the interimy infervenio,
To come in danger cf his fe, dire
D yy caps,
0 come in- { ſubmit } dedere ſe,
dere in partes. . ;
To ecme Over One, CIcuwmvenio, de-
To come out, exeo, emerge, * All
js eome out, reſcivit emnem rem.
vill tay or you here 1) you come
Wi e come
out, ego bee tondifher fy exis te
ply COM COM COM ne
4 [= miſchiet 1 14 mibi ria”. * What come ut
Ea Da woes ey EE EEE | rg ens
Moumt ain colts- foot. cacalin. little or nothing ſhort of the | To. come in ure, occurre, w/c vent«
re.* If it come in my way, {+ quid
«ſus venerit.
To come to the knowledge ct, in-
maſeey enote ſeo,
To Come to mind, ſubeo, obverſor,
eccurro, * This comes to my mind,
T an19m0 _— ; ons
15 able > Sh ham, erti-
fex citre emuhon *® He
Goes y at eomes To
cit qu 4 im eſt, * Come nc:
and ng 8 not
_ the text, extre ec pum va-
to come forth as 2 book, edi, in
To come our lacem emiti, ty-
1 wulg ori, :
F come 10 requeſt again,e contemp-
To come to paſs, events, accido, con-
To be come to paſs, fo, fere.
To come tor? wy —_—
TO COME TO, adeo, advent y 4c-
cedo, aggredicy, evado, * Come to
that po nt, in eww /ocums progredeve.
* Ic comes all to a thing or cale,
eddem recidit. * By ſome means-
or other it will eome to my Fathers
car, 4 ad patrem boc permana»
bit. * 1 never thought it woutd
haye come to that, nunguom put avi
fore * Letme come to ny ſelf
a little, S:1ns poulu/um ad me ut ve-
deam. * He 18 come to the crown,
regnum adeptus off. * He wil
come $0 no ©: ouble by telling, the
n1bil pevicli ox indicio feret, If it
ſhouid ever come to that, {i uſvs
venirt, * Come to the queſtion,
wntre quod ſe t2 die quod rego.* What
Comes all to ! quants iftbec ſum.
me ? It comes all co nothing, mi
nas nibiloeft. * When all-comes
to all, ad extremum tandem.
Jo come to —_ conflo,
© come to ot a t 0-
per? Anceb. , a
0 come to good (of a perſon] in
Jn virum evadeye.
ſoon as ever w2 came to land, «-
by little and 1 trle, pro-
labiy, * Her wiitulneſs cams ts
this, prolepſa eft tuc libido,
To-come to often, edventite.
To come into, intrces,
To come to hand, ceruyro,
Ts come to light, «pprreo, meni-
Wo þ
0 eome ſhort, deficio,
To come ſhort of one, {age inferi-
oremn eſſe, ;
To come av a woman with child,
o come toge' hr, ceo.
To come up,
To come vw Jupervenio. |
To come nly upen, ingreo,
bo. come up young, pralinls, pulln.
She cometh (of a hawk) advolet.
* She cometh well, os nutwn re-
Come hither, Adefto, adeſdun , ebe»
dum od me,
To come with one, liquors com:-
K 3 _Com- 1"
TI Em = _ _
Mb res
good family, femilis nebili cre-| A C
Commanded to come, accitus.
qui venit, * The fit is al-
zoit come, inftet fe:ris.
10, Feduix, ers,
own, delapſus,
propinquus fatius,
= [ us.
"pw us,
- events, * See
» ortur.
A come of, ſucce[ſur,
Come up, elatus.
C008 up! ou .
ome upon, "
Come in the way, obviur fottur.
Not to be come unto, inaccey ui
Hard to come at Aditu difher-
Hard to become 3t 5 ir.
A comedy, comedi a. :
A comediany cameduw, otter ſceni-
A writer of ComeJies, comicur.
Like a comedy, comice, ſcene.
Comely Fas « mg) form ſus.
Come!y [ as a habit ] decens, decor us.
To make comely decoro, 07112,
Very comely, perdecorus.
Comely adv., decentcr,
Very comely, condecenter, conde-
It 1s comely, decet, |
Comel.neſs, decxr, oris 5 decor, oris.
\ comfit-maker, piffor dulciaring.
COMFORT, con/ol tio, ſol:men.
* You w.ll give her ſome co.u-
Cty lf animum releu this. * Its
ſome comfort to mes n anitil me
e-nſolatur, * I want ſomes com-
tort, ea me ſol:tia deficrunt.
A little comfort, ſo/a relum.
To comfort, conſole, refocillo, refi-
co 3 lutlum removere dolorem mi
nuere. * Comfore y.ur ſelf, /is
m anime, * Comfort he: 2ll
y-u can, 'ftem quam potes fac Cn
felere, ;
To comfort again, refoveo, relevs.
Comfo table. conſlans, ſotutarir.
Comfortable [pleaſant} Amenus,
Fu nndus
Comforc'ed, exbilay tus,
No-to be comforted, incenſola-
A Comforter, ecn/vlator, refecils-
Th: comferter [ Holy-Gho1] Pa-
Ir comforts, juvzr.
Comſoccings cenſulat;rius, conf. li-
A comforting, conſel-tio, refacitla-
Confortleſs, deſo/atorius, ſo!atiy ex-
pert conſul ti nevirung,
Co.nfrev, conſclida.
(35eat Comfrey, conſolidamajor,
M 1dle Con trey, conſolida media.
Comal, comes,
) Comical [merry] Unbonus, feſ-
a -—— ——
A Comical Poet, cometiograpbus,
Cones comice. ;
Comidia [1m Bitbynia)] Nicomed o.
Coming, veniens. * I ihall be twenty
years coming, Vice/omo anne perv?-
Coming and going, commeans, Re-
_ :
omi in .
Coming > F Redions .
Coming f:om beyond Sea, Tronſma-
A Coming about, circuitio,
Coming in the way, O5wus. _
A Commg, Acceſs, Adventur, ts.
A Coming away, Diſceſſ«s.
oming atcer.
e us.
'ng ſhort, ttio.
A Coming forward, pregreſſo.
A Comng out of the Ea th, Ex-
A Coming to, Acceſſus, Alitus, Ad-
A Coming nigh unto, Appropingue-
A Coming up, A/cenſio.
A Comung MP ideaty, Super-
A Coming in the way, Occurſus,
Comminges {in Aquitain] Conveng-
rum Regis. :
The Comings in « ſhip, Trabes due
per qu1s demittitur ſcapha.
Com ty ([courtefie] comitas.
omma, como, atts,
TO COMMAND, Fubeo, Impero,
M -ndo, pr ecipio. * Ottavius com-
manded the fleet» Oavius clof
preerat. * As often as it is com-
man ledyToties quotes provipitur,
T> Comman 1 ( ap>oint) Indico
To Comman1 w::h Authority,edico.
Commanded, Imperatus, Indiftus ,
Mindatus, pracepins.
Commani4ed to appear, Evocatur.
A Commanjer {rammer) Fifiuca,
A Commander, Mandat:r, orit, m.
Mindetrix, icis. f.
A Commander in chief, Imperat-r.
A Commander [officer] prefettns
militum, Dux.
Commanding, M mdans, Imperens,
A Comman1: » Fuſſi' Faſſus,
A Command {| place of command}
efetlur 1.
o bein Command, Eſſe cum im-
Po —— M 'ndrtum, pre
Commaniment, 5 ceptun. * The
command was obeyet, Obedrium
erat imeperio, * He does wha: he
has in command, M mdite focit,
ex'quitusr, * He was not able to
be out of command, Imperie corey:
mn patuit. * He had the command
of a province, provinciom t:ne-
A little Commandment, Mandatu.
To give CommanIdment, precipio.
To he at on*; Commend, Alice!
ſubſervire, Se totum dedere, que
quts imperavit facere,
To bo im chick Command » Rerum
0 hiſt ones ſelf under ones Com-
mon Apud aliquem ſacramentum
A tollowing ones ommand, 04
wo _
The Ten Commaniments, Decelo-
Wichout Commandmen', Injuſſ«,
To Commemorate, commener eve.
A Commemoration, commemoretilo,
6 yoery Commemoration, Armver-
! .
ion, Affienem
bo. Commence (take degrees] Ini-
To Commence or proceed Do&or
of Dry, Thoeologie lauren do-
nari, mm tl, ema f
carond p a ed —
Commenced, Inceptus,
_ has newly Commeneed [n-
The Commencement [ A&] Compitia
TO COMMEND, Commendo, Pre .
dico, Lnoudoz, Omnia b:na diceye.
* You commended him to the
Skies, Quem tu verbis od cum ex-
tu/iſti, * He commend im but
flender!ly, Payc# de burns laude dixit.
To Commend [commit unto] Come-
mendo, * I commend it to your
care and truſt, Hex committo of
mondo tne fider,
is h'm_ very kindly ro
you, Plurim4 te ſalute iwpertit, Tibi
ſalutem plur imam dicit.
Commengable, L »dahi1is,
Commengably, Lud 16iltter,
A Commendation, L1us.
Commendation), Salutaticnes.
To ſend C ons, Saluto,
To do Com 1008, $./utem an-
nunciave, diceye.
Letters of Commendations, Litere
commend atitie.
Commendatory, Comme ndatitivs.
oy Commendam, Eccleſia commuen-
Commenled, Loudatur.
Highly Commended, Celeber, Loud a
A ommender, L1udator, [0175 m.
Ludatrix, icis f.
Commenſurate, Ai«quetu,Commen=-
A Comment, 2 Comment arius, com-
mentariun, Scho-
To Comment,
Write Comments, Commenter,
7 © phogoi commentator, Scb0-
Commented on, Notis or commen-
tayiie illuſtratur,
Commerce, commercium.
To have Commerce with, conſneſeo.
A Comminaticn (threarning ] com-
Comminatory, commnatorius. |
To Commiſerate, commuſercy, Miſe-
Comm ſerated, Cujus miſertum «ft.
Commouſeratiou, commiler at1o,
A Commu(ſacy, commu arius, Fudex
- ts, 7 ON
Commullary { Ecclefiatical offi-
cer] Officralis for onens.
A Commiſſvy (Muter-maſtter] Re-
mnifGon, Meondetuw, Dele-
o Commiſſion, 2 Demande, De -
G ve Commiſſion, 5 lego, Potefts-
tem ur IM
Comm fſLonedy
Commiſion ated, Þ Delegetus,
A Commiſlioner, Delegat«s,
A Commiſſioner ( ap2o'nted be-
iween two parties] Arbiter ben.-
A Commiſſioner [ choſe between
wo] Arbiter ex compromt] ».
A Commiflioner {to rrea: with fy-
reign Princes] - |
A Commullure [ ſeam] commiſſura,
Suture, :
TO coMurT, Committo, Admitto,
P:tro, Perpetro. F
To Comm t a fault, Delinque.
To Commit Adultery, Acuiterer,
Mmcbor, A'terius Cubile in're,
To Commir murther, Occido.
To Commit murther unon murther,
Accumulare cadem Coe,
To Commit to memory, Memerie
mind are.
To ecmm:t ones ſelf to unes friend-
ſhip and tuition, In alicujus amici-
hom W fidews ſe conf.vve.
To Commit an office to o8e, Munus
alicui deſerve,
To Comm.t treaſon, Mrjeftlotem le-
To Comm't unto, Trads, Delego,
Manda, creds, * I will commit
this butin:fs to Devar, Dave ift-
buc dedam jam negotit, * The care
is committed to thee, cure 1151 de-
Committed unto, Commiſſus, credi-
tur, Concredi! ur, Mindetw,
A Committee, Arbitror uns conſeſſus.
A Committing , ecmm:ſſ10,
A Committing to trult, Depoſitio.
A Commixtion {minghng] con
mm /719,
Commodious, cammedus.
Commochouſly, commoede.
Comm iy, commod!t as ,commodum,
Commodities (wares) Merces, inw.
COMMON, communis, Pu*licur, Po-
Pulavir, Quotidianus, Valgariz/ul-
gains, Uſuatus, Tritns. * It is a
common ſaying, Yugo dici ſ lex.
* It 1s the common
verb, Faltum eft jam tritum ſer-
po proverbiung. * op de
mmon good, «c te in medi-
us, * Do what thall de for the
—— good, In commune conſu-
Tho. Common people , Valgus »
hs Common -pleas, communis ple-
A Gommon Souldier, Miles grega-
A Common whore, Proftroulum.
The Common-weal'h , Keſpu'blice,
Commune, is. * He 1s an excel-
lent Common-wealths-min, borh
in peace and war, Civ's tom in toga
T ms 19 erm inſignis.
dem & erimum [ingularem baebere
in rg
To 10b the Commonwealth, p«b/i
cam picuniom dilapidare, Ke ipubli
Cat vſceribus evipere
A Common, Ager compaſcuns, paſeu-
wn publicen.
To ommon, Compeſeo.
To mak»? Common, Droulgo, in me-
dium offerve,
A S-holars Commons, Demenſun.
A tavourer of the Common , plebi-
Of the Common ſort,Gregorius,ple-
Common to many, promi/cuus,
Ic is very cOmmBEn, perva/gatum
v ith Common conſent, communi-
The Commonalty, plebs, e5is,
One of the Commonalty, pleberus,
A Commoaer, plebeiur,
Commor:neſs, commuritas, Frequen-=
tia, Familiavitas.
The houſe of Commons, Demus
communium, Senatus, Senaculumn
infer. us.
Common'y, Fulgo, Vulgariter, ple-
yquPs Magna ex parte.
A Commotion, commeotio, Tumultus,
Seditio, Motus.
To Commune [talk toge her] com-
munico, colloguor, £e nfabuloy, Ser-
m:nd:taeft. mones codere.
To Commut in truſt, Depons. Communicable, commnicatilis.
To Commit h mfelf to, Commendo. | To Communrcate [impart unto]
To Commit to priſon, In cuſftodiom oeenoenrn Impertio.
conzreeve ommunicating, 2 ads
ro Commit to anothzr what was Communieation! $communicetio.
committed to ut, Sur; ogo, Subde- | Communication {diſcourſe} cclle-
lego qutum, Sermo, Sermocinetio,
Committed, F.Q ur, Patratus. \CtiVe pt:
Commumeants, Eucberiſtie parti-
The Communion, Eucbar: ſtia, Cena
domin'c 9, :
To receive the Communion, Di-
vine ſacramenta ſuſceipers, Divine
pane recreare, (@leſti pabulo veficere
Communion, 2 communio, communi-
Community, F tas, conſortium.
Commu tation [change] commuta-
Commutative. commutativus.
To Commute {buy of punihment]
1mers culpom.
Como [in the Dukedom of Mibain)]
F_ Or
ompact nt -
Pe, OSU, th
patt, Ex cmpetts.
o Compat Caen together Jcom-
. Com wade Ceole 0,
conflor, = f 2 _
it 18 compacted and made, Quibus
ex yebus conflatur & efficitur.
Compat {made} Conflatur, concre>
Com pref. her] compo-
Oancemproſs yen penn
tion, otio preſſa.
Love the: Commonwealth. Fi-| A
ell compatteds Elaberatus, ane-|
in Order) concinnn” 3
A well compacted tile, concinnites |
tatio, conſt
Comjatly, c-mpreſss, ratund?. |
Com atly 6 neatly } ecr.cinne.
ly ( itrongly ] tinme,tle-
Com; at
A compatour, compatter.
A compatiture? condagen comp -g 0%
in Qin
- Y i", coagmen-
0%, we [
A COMPANY, Turbe, conventus,
grexy carne.
* We were a great
company of us, Frequentes futmus.
* We ae thionged wi h Compa-
Hcominum multitudine —_—
undimur, *
company, lum ex bomnrun:|
A_ tollrt.
great company, Exomen, * He
came to meet h m with a good
company ct
cum bene magna: caierve ſue wes
T0 keep Com
tor, He
all my Travel, Omniuem itineram
meer ms ſocrins fuilt, * To lurp
for a Friends
fentis ſiudio
tum or dent
To be much 1n Company with, con-
Not to care for Company, Sowuns
Not to come into Company, H mi-
num conventus fugere.
To Company carnally » C:gn9{co,
To break Company, Diſceio, coo
0 break Com » Diſſ<cio, cotu
ut ciſecdere, Siti /
0 to © i*1 ſocics
edifice, OD
A Compan
of mpany LCoe
þ- take one = wy —_
ompany, in celrgrum e.
A Ds oft ws
viesz c
AC of Souldiers, coborgs,
Ann gs nl lobus, ” He had
fix Compames there in Garilon,
Sex cobortes
A Company of Horſe, Equitotus,
divide into Companies, Decuria.
one Com
By Companies catervetin grege-
tim, ogminotim.
A dreating ©
tia f.
To De 'ohe n Company, Societatem
A Companion, comers, fecivs, ».ſo-
He takes him away
his own , O5viom
any together, comi-
ie me Company N
Company, Amici a+-
grate, amici odycn-
e exoptare.
Corporation ]} Car-
be Member of a
Perſons, collu-
i61 in preſidio babue.
Company, Diſſ«ci»
LO ——_——
A Cc , Collatto.
B of compariſo 2 (om 0-
LS ns 67M
In SECT of, he. * He thinks
of bi b melt, Thee v5 pre ſe ſe agreftes pr pu-
tef.” * In compari ſon
wiſdom he is s mere trifler, Ad fo-
pien:iam bujus 1le _—_— ob = nnd
eff, * You will ſay the other was
but a (port in compariſon of what
*his Madneſs will produce, Ludum
dices fuiſſe alterum pr aut bujus 10-
'bres que dabit.
The he comps of the World,meenia
A” Maiazrs Compaſs, Pyxis new-
tice, — 22h index nauticus,
1 pa:r of Com ſes, 5 Eircinns.
htrle pair © Com, aſſes, circi-
The compa's { I'mits ] Limites.
A compaſs { winding ] Ambages.
To » 2p with:n compals, um
To » compaſt, Ambio. circumeo, obeo,
To compals if a Aſſequor,
* He will eaſily be 2ble to eom-
pals that, I4 autem facils conſequi
pofeyit. * By what means ſhall we
be able to compa's the good will |
> ——— { brief J Brevir, ſuc
concinnt, ſummatim , perſtiflim,
end jouſneſs, Brevitas.
A compendium, Brevierum,brevia-
ture, ſummarium, epitome, es,
| » com
of}. - -- up »d ecmpenſetio
A cumpere [ Companion ] Comes,
To comperendinate (put cf J com-
Competence, +4 5 —Imx come -
x == =
A — -_— ag "iq rivalis,
. | Compiegne Ah in'Vakis] compendi-
um, Cor
To 0 compile, ccmpono c
No fe Aon go
ers coltetio,
iba oo! Queror, c:nque-
ror. Lis comple to pe bylA
Letters, Queritur & me 1-
teras. ry Geir opus to your
cep- I/tbec -x— cam
querere. * He compla ned to me
with tears m hs E s, Lachbry-
mans mecun queſtus e
To Complain *; Accuſo, deſerogeri-
minor, poftulso, * I will complan
of you to the three ——_ tres vi-
vos ego
To ' complain Geatly, Nei Nunttor, Cla-
To © compla n grievouſly, Lwentoy,
To comp!:a1n Pty, on "
Complainant, Altor, oris,
Comp:ained of, Delatus.
A G_ ner, Atuſat ry, P-flula-
A falle complainzr yr
A leccet complainer, Det
A Compan:on in Office, collega. of Men? bu [4 - » -_
$ ON Table, — witer, | | Num Judlg fon ee oa _ mac w—_— » Fueru
200) Compamon . To compaſs ntre a9 — Queprel b
A Merry "Compan-0n, co congerro. JEL i Exore po* ITN 6 —__—
A mean [ caput hy. |; FE ng. Quiritatio, queſtug,
vile, py 3-4 geruncii or nibilt, _ To s round about, Ampleor, | A complarnc, Q-7 19noni
A Companios in Arms, lito, comp! ::nt #gaat one , Delatio,
A Compenen in berviee, conſervss,| To IN [ go about ]J Zufro, | Inreſotro,
mm, conſery 1» zn3ke ones d completed
A aneps. on " partaker) conſors, ſs with a Trench, Obvalo. TA Ul 2. mak © no com as
O COMPARE, compero,conſero, Compal ul brought to paſy A "ale Tom nt, Sycopbontie,
*% I uled to c.mpare great things - ] w » \ Bill of Fans :Htog delatio,
with ſmall, Parvis componere as, Compaſſed [ gone about J Laftri- | Hhetlus accu/atoriu
ne * He thinks there is Full of com-lainty Qugratue.
none to compare with him Homi-| C Compaſſed with a trench, 05v211:-| Compluſznce, comtar, urbenitas.
new pree ſe neminem putat, * But| tur, Complaiſance [ debght in aching}
the —t not to compare with this of | A Compaſſing, Amiitur, —_—— complacentia,
_ At nibil ad n firam banc. | A ng [ going, about J Lu | Complaiſant, comir, bilevis.
where. lay Ned beets bo P—_ C 2tt — — | cy
= Ly NL, . ns fon, _ vs " ng ] conſecu- Joatnetus, (bus is ebſebe-
may compare omen | Compatiton, M:/ſericerdi To pleat, uni
Gentleman fr en Splendore | To take com! n of, "Miſere Fe "000 _ the-66 pet ”
nemini Romano equitt cedit. ompaſlionate, Mrſerrcers. Complently, Perfef14, Exatt 8,
To compare { make equal } Compaltionacely, Miſericord:ter, Complearne(s, erfeltro,
-— e&quiparo, rem cum re cun- | Compatible, c.n/iftens, ntig. Complement, BJ ndimentum, fu-
yond compa'e Inc 'mpara- A eo pL _— A [ lement C filli
ar, avis.
ond compa: ion, bilts, nibil | To com L compels cogo. — TOMS EPI Op
upra. Compe Dy compellatio, Complement with. Adblandicy,
om comperatus, collatus. Com "TA Blendis & benignis verbus &f geſti-
Coon b y c lots. I compeller, coo Jn rod bur excipere.
4.4 Y, comparabliter. Mm Complemen'sl, Blandus, 0
Comparative, poor tran 2 COS eds, compulſro, Comp —_ 1 rad gg ber
eas exe yr
Compendiouly, Breviters ſuccinfts,| A
ompletion completio,
A complexion , ag) vr
odraeria "I
Complaner, en Aſenſus, Oifoguiam,
Complicated, catus.
lication, complicatio
A eomplice, conjuratus, porticepry
mc » Popularis c.njurationi
em confjuratione faeratus.
Thecompline, Ve aun.
> bm c.njw atio,
By comvlot, ex compatto,
o complot, conſprye, conjure.
Complorred, conflitutng, Ks.
Complotr:ng, M &binabun-
Full of complots, F us.
A 2 m——— Machin :t10, confu-
bg — A/ſJentoy, Aſ] entio, elie-
ng | tn. aliens
pt wvivere.
F4- A Morigerer, ſe gerere,
COMPO nt, er «tio,
*6 C dw—_ compeno, contexo,
To Compoſe Verſe, Pon
To Compoſe as Printers, Types nom -
To Compoſe { mike Agreement J
compono, concindo,
To Compoſe [ quiet ones Spirit J
Sedare, Lenive, Pacavre
Compoſed, tompoſitu'y conditus,con-
FOE ec flora conflitutes, |
] Sedatur tron-
AC om boy U or,
1 EO of 2 Muſureur.
& cnmperh 0N, comp2ſitio, compoſi-
ture, uttro.
A compo! 10 [ ag cement ] com-
A Com-
D —_—
A Compolitour, C:mpoſitar, Typo»
A Compoſſeſſour (10:nt poſſefſor}
Predn jorus " Spain] Compaſtet-
1. Compound with oreditors, Cum
aded, compo /11us,
ns Me beafos,
C .
Compounded with, cum quo deciſum
i c tio.
A Cngenrn, heL i/to.
T |, Ccmprebendo.
To Comprehenc Y _ Mente
Gs ed. exprebenſie. ©
Comprehen c .
Not Comprehenieds Incomprehen-
A comprehending, comprebenſio,
comBrehentble comprebenſibil;s
» te
A Comprehenſion, compre enſt9.
To Comprize, comprebendo, con-
t1me0. k
A Compromize, compromiſſum.
To Compromiſe, _ 2 compromit.
Put into Compromiſe,
trizm ſumere» arbity's rem per Ite=
re, compromi ſum de aliqua re fa-
cere. -
He to whom # controverſic 1s com-
promitted, Arbiter.
To Compty, compute, See count.
A Congeretans Obſervator. See con-
tr . £
Computfion , cempul(i0, coattio,
Compunct:on, compundtio,
A Com u'9a, f .
Computiſt, $L"gif _
A Comra*e, contubernalis.
To Concatenate, concatens.
To Con (get without bock] Meme-
ris Mindare. ;
To Con it over, Memerid repeto.
Coneatenaed, concatenatus.
A Concatenition, concetenatio, $e-
Concave [hollow] cencrovas,
Made Concave, Excavatus,
A Conczvity, covus, 7,
To Conceal, cel», Occulto,Reticeo,
Convealed, Occu/tusy Occluſus, Sup-
A Concealer, Occu/tefor, m. and oc
Concealers, -yo= c_—_ oft
ur profpict ant nt 0 em per-
rel hu nter detineetuy,
ang, ? 0ccultetio.
witty Conceit orig.
Conceits. Soles, ine 3 ' Face»
A fantaſtical Conceit, Ineptie, «-
Full of Pleaſant Conetits, Lepi-
Out of Conceit with, A%ohentur
To bring one out of Conceit with,
A pleaſant Conecit, Jocus,
[Coneented, Cerebroſur, Vocors, Ve-
ol be _ Conceited of binſalf,
uw ſapere, pins £qu2 [15 tribuere
mm! um [151 mg ur —
$, Vecordis,
To Conceive, Prycipio, comple/tor,
— capio, Teneo, Mente
To Conceive [a oh'1d or young]
As 1 conceive, Ut opiney,
y = ceived, Parcep ut, Compreten-
Not to be Conee-ved, Imperceptus.
Conceived as a child, conceptase
A Concerving, conceptte.
A Concent, concen!us.
To Concent, concins.
Concentrick, concentric, Eo dm
A Concep! acle, conceptaculun.
A CONCERN, repre. Rey,xTH
gor” s, at
he ſhould have ſv bttle care in {v
great a concerns Tontomne yon
tam (genter ageret. * They
are 3 little carcieſs about thur
A5 1+ ſunt omiſi-
vnce'n, Spells, * It concerns
14 id maxin 3 att 4.
much eonce ng us, Premagru no/He
imeveſ/t, * Thee 5 "—_ \ Yr
that more +1-arly my
Hobet olind megis ex jtft & ma-
Coneerned, em or Al qu m ſpec-
tat, *} fo em no' diclGelf com |
cerned 'n it, 4 ſo alrenum puct,
* Avif ] were not 4s much con-
cerned as you, Quay iſtbic munus |
mea res agetnr quam Int, *1 am
not concerned at all, zt concerns
me not, it « non of my conerns,
Nibil ad me attinet, Mihi nec obeft
ner predeſt, Mibi ijtic nec ſerituy nec
Coneerning, De, Qued ad. * $o for
a1 d the 0.d man's mind
concerning the weddings Qummtum
intellexi Penis fenrenti-m ce nup-
tr, * Ccnrern Þ "I |
+ have i wd od
am blamele's, Nom quod we
accuſat nune vir ſum extra nox-
Of great Concernment, Magni mo-
ments, .
To Coneert, De re aliqus delibeya-
re, quomeds ef.cratur provicere.
Coneerted, Ke perpenſa, Deliberati-
one bebit 2, 6
a Conceeth ings Deliberatio, conſul-
By Concert, C.mpelto, Ex compatio,
Ex condigns.
A Concetion, conceſſo,
To Concinnate, eorcrnns.
Concimnity ( fitneſ; innitos.
Conciſe, Ms a | by compen- A
A Conelave, Conclove. is.
TO CONCLUDE, Cencludo, colligo,
Infer 0, ln
To Conelude [determine] Adjudico,
Dec Decrdo.,
To Conelude (end , con-
þcio,Expedio, * I cuncluded,
conſtitutum «ft, certuns £
Statwo, [1 1140,
Targus Quod # 7 fn
wpereft, Qu b
The Water 1s hel Tronſ-
c um e/t. ;
-- ——_ cnc 'uſur, cenfefins, De-
A Coat . c ;
hgus, Sum. th aid
A Conclulion (inference} Conſe-
Ihe Ccheluſion of
Lne:unon 4
Determinetio, Seciſhs, ———
The Conciulion ion of an Oration,Per-
_ eunclufion, Denique, In ſurmme,
To Concott, Ceneo Dagero.
= cog ed, |
10 p
Concotting? Concoc}io,
Conec m'2ancy, Comitatus, tr,
A Conromuant Comes,
' Concord, Concorw ay conſenſus, con»
Py Unanmitas.
© be at Concord, conterdo, conſen-
t .
a Concord [n Mufick, Hymonia,
A thieviſh Concordance, Conjuye-
A Concordance [book] Iodex.
Conrordint, concerdans,
To Conc te, concor pare,
A Concourſe of people, Concurſus,
Frequenti#, 61s.
Concr*«te, (oncreturs.
A Concubine , Cinculins, Peliex,
A hetle Concubine, Concubinuls,Me-
Of a Concubine, Concubinatis,concu-
Concub.nage, concubinetur, Gr.
To C neulc ate, c.nculco, Protero.
Conners cneulcatus,
att |
Conculcaron, © 3 Conculcat =
Cononiutanct, concupiſcentia, Libt-
Coneupaſcibile, concupiſcibilio,
As | To Coneur, can/entio, comvenis.
in, qu cnventun
A Comcurrence, conſenſus, is,
> concurrens, ntis,
A Concurrent [rival] Competitor,
A Concuflicn, coneuſſiog emis,
To Cond, Gubernator em decere quo-
moJo temonem dirigat.
Conde fi Nor y] Condoun.
Conde [ 1D Hoinault ] Cond. tum.
To CONDEMN, Demno, Cor
no, M rti addicere, Tudicium in alt=
quem dove,
o Condemn before. Prelomne,
0 Condemn {m f11ke) [mprebe.
Condemna.uun, Domnejny,
Condemnatory, condewn-torins,
To be Condemned, Dewnr,
PA EY mm Condemna-
To conclude { reſolye — himſelt J
Concluded in few words, Breviter
PT '
———— ——
.1 To contet [
Oi ——
Concented, cudenſatus.
A Co
Condenſation, ze ndenſetio.
Conders, Specula10res balecum.
To Condeicend, Concedo, Accedo,De-
wW condemned, Dam- Confeted, conditus.
—_— | 5507) 7 = -— _
eond-mner, condemnator. A Conte&ing, Cenditio , conditus ,
Condenſ: (:6vek] condenſus. Conf L—_ condiinra , confe-
ToconJden'ie, condenſo.
A confeRioner, Piflor dulciarivs.
A Contedcracy, Fiadus,orin conjur a-
£10, coittoy compattum.
A conterierat-, Socius, Payiiceps,
To confelerate, (ceo, conjuro.
. Corvfederated, Frderatur, Socioius,
Condekended unto, Cui conceſſun rotor FeLere junttus
Condeſcenſion, Sui Semiſſo,
Condigne, Dignur, cond: gn.
Contents, Cdiend, mw
To Conilite [conſe ve] condo,
con a E$, 5c tietis,
confederation, confederatio.
Condet [1m Haynault ] oy $ea- Fo pn confere, erve.
(+) _—_— fogethers COmmercium
mtey ſe bo
To confer = colloguor, Sermoriem
Condited, conditug. Te Confer 2 favour, Dono.
Cond tine, condituy To eonfer honour on one, Accumu-
A CONDITION, (fire) Conditio. | love alicui tonorem
Furtuns, Status. u 1n A Confere-ce, collec rum,
my contiticn, Tu ſi breefſer, * He A pleaſant conference, F.cttie.
a'waes live :n a happy conditione' & A con
Perpetud fe'icitate uſus eft.* W
things were in — nd:tion,
Ke integra,
* He 1s in a pcor Conteſſed
, Collatoy.
TO CONFESSE, Agneſeo, Fe-
p—_— — Poupertatem per fert gra- Coy diy 4 51 confeſſs.
AC Cond'tion [covenant] Conditio, A on "_ > Conſuſſse
Lex, Pativm
Hot On LED cond!
on, F2 lege, *
wi” h this ee +1 Hic
nerati Jo,
"ty Auricula
m' culayis.
ar conf<flion, confeſſio euri-
ege-' A Confſeſſour, c
* Slaviſh conditions , A Conteſſour [ Ps” confe[arius,
were wpo ſed, Leges ſervitutis im», 4 confe
|; To Con __ conflde.
oat [diſpoſition] Mog.* Tis! Confidence, confidentis, Fiducia.
=o condition of the man, Sic eft
A "Condition [rank] Ordo, Locgs,
An evi] condition, Caccetbes,
= Con - 2 Paciſcer.
Of | 4 *
Conditiona: y C: Cenditicnetis.
Conditioral Y, £ub conditione,
Conditioned Mor !t«#s. * What 2
kind of ecnditioned man is he!
Qui*ns moratus eff moril/us, * He
was a ſweer-conitione1 old man,
Erat in illo viro eomitete condite
A conditioning, Peltic,
To condole, e«n4e/eo.
Convom [in Gaſceny] Cendrmumn.
y———_ {part of Moſcovy] Con-
Condgucive, d rite,
To eonduee, conduco
TO CON DUCT, Duco, D:4uco, Gu-
berno. * Ccniut me to her, Duc| T
me ad eam.
| Coniuet, Dullus, fr, Auſpicium
* He follows n2' ues concuttsNe-
turom dueem ſequtuy,
Sat: Co. duct, Fider publics, Com-
med! wr
a <cnduRting, Deduttioc, Guberna-
A con? *uQtour,Dux, Dedultor ,oris,m.
fix, Mis,
A conduits Aquedulivs, fir, Cona-
bag Emiſſarium, Meatus, Iter a-
a 'Conduitpipe, Sipben, enis 3 Tu-
TR conduit of a water-mill, O/ti-
wm molendin! aquat ici.
Ccn-ut-heads, coftelia, orum.
A Cone, Conss
To ro nn oi] eonſal uler,
A Ccntabulati Fe Conf-bulatie.
reſerve} condiv.
To have or put confidence 1n, Con-
», committo, Nitor.
To put ſmall confidence in, Mal?
confidence in, Fre! us, eenfi-
Confidence [boleneſs) Audacia,
Confident, Confident, Audax, cer-
4. confidenter, Au
With C VE * pry bo
To A Affirm confidently, Pro certo af-
A Configuration of Stars, Con/tel-
tho, Aſteriſmu
To ) Gcns [keep in] Coerceo, c0-
-onfine (3 gen ———a Kel-
Confined, K lega , 4.
10ey, Cen =_—_
Confined [ bordering) c confinio.
A Con®imng-? Repgoto, ”
ee me}
wr] Stalilie, con-
"ſin, Ke Katum bo
confirm T', hn Roborare in
FS cbrifti
A confirming (by the B:ſhop] con-
feonkr in fide Cbri/tiana.
h_ — _—_ tabi-
_—_/ Fl my tabili-
_ ipaletio
Contirmed, x pou ur, Corrobore-
Confirmed by Law, Sonci' us.
A confirmer, cenfirm. tir, Adflipu-
To Confiſcate, Cenfifto In erarium
redigere, TORO
icum addicere, bend
nk ſeated Confiſcatus, In publicum
redatius, Publicatus
A Confiſcations Publicatt confiſ-
catio, commi _
Confits, Tro
ery of, Trogemategole,
A Confit-
A Conflagration, eenflogratio.
vio on » uw,
To Conflict, ecnf'
A Confiuence, con
To Conform, Confer Acrommods,
To Conform to anothers will, Mc-
rigerory, Morem gee e.
Contormable, conforms,
Contormably, c:nfcymiter,
Conformed, c:nformatur.
A Conformar, Conformatoy,
A Conforming, Conjermitas,
Conformation. Confermiter,
To Confound Lanny) Pey funds.
To Confound
comm. eo, cont
To Confound by arguments, Vince,
To Confound [ put cut o counter.
ance] Pudcre perceſlo,
To d be Confounded, Confundor, Ja-
Confounded, conſuſus,
7 Confaunge”, Vittor,
onfounding, confuſic.
To Contront, Adverſum mie flere, con-
ferre, comparere, commilt
Conmengeny Coram addulius.
A Conf ronting, Cor:m atverſes ſi-
ONFUSED [mixt together]
4%; Ind#indus. Prom ſe uus.
four of order] Rudis, In-
Not Conte? neenſuſur,
cry, Clamor difſenus.
| herwp, Coacus crrrvits
A Confuſed piece of work, Negoti-
on , Con cen mx-
tim, conſend28 fu, parſe, ſuſom,
Contution, con wit.
Cong {detrution] Pernicies,
B- to Confuſion, F.
A Confutaticn, 2 C ſwan, "Kefu-
A Confuting, tary
To Confute, Confu'o, Reſuto, Refel.
rt 8s Coarguo, Infirmo, La-
To.Co Confute an obje&ion, Amo/iery
To Confute a Cander, Contundere
Confu” ed, ( Confutatus, L:befaltetus,
_ 'Congeal, Congelo, Adftringo, coa-
To __ ng ) conere; ſeo, Rigeo,
Congea'ed, congelatus, concyetus,
Congealadle , Gelabili F.
AC 1g, c nge/atio,
2 Congealing, a ( nent. ) Conere-
Co edeſlire, Venta eligerdi.
en Pans Mart, be
er [fiſh] conger, ri,
To Co 2tulate, c &... * I
congraniae OU 2 Ie retu:n,Sel-
wu te ny Hpv7 2 Une
A ; - — Sk eengratulatio.
— an conſundo, |
To Congregate, congy The Biſhoprick of Conner, Epiſce-, A f
| , Comgr ag anus patuw Comnmere ſis. : A conſerver, Salgamarins.
A *Conpregation, ('engregatuns, con-| To Conquer, 0, ſub1ge, expugmne, | Aconſervator [ Juitice) of Pexcey i-
ci, caxtwry Syneday. 0, : renarcha, conjervater & cuſtos pe-
A Congregarion-houſe, co comitium. | Conquersble, ſuperabilis. Fe
A Congreſs { meer:ng] Congreſſw. » vittus, A conſervatour. + 4ap—_ oris,m. |
Con.nuente dn comorans, mitus, ſubaltus, ſubjugatus. conſervatrix, 6, feicg
Congruous, 5 <9 874ens, congy A Conquering, expugnatio. Conſerved,
Cungruen2e, Coane congrui= | A Cong expugnator —— ut Roſes, conſerve roſa-
Congru ty, tas, convenient. | A Conqueſt, victoria. "eve, intrite r:ſaces, ſaccharum ro-
A Congy, Venerabunds cerperis in-|To get the Conqueſt , trixmps'y :
N 4- nelinatio. c ani Fl. > Cie Bretagne? f 5 CONSIDER, conſulero, eniened> |
0 Conz or pus in u in Brets conqueſts, | verro, vides, conſul, co
Make 2 Coney, tom flattere, on -w gito, pets. rews ammo _—_ a-
Comical, conicus,
A Conie
A Cony, "F Cunic' PTR
A Doe-cone, Cuniculus ſeemina.
A Conie-catcher ( cheat] Deceptor,
a Oinnee, IVirvarium cunicule-
ony-warren, rin.
A Cony-hole
C ony-burrow, > Antrum cunicult,
Full of Contes, Cuniculoſus.
x. terous, Cri fer, ceniferns,
A CON]J-CTURE, conjettura,con-
Fay confettio, Pr eſag um
0 Conje Yure, conficrio, Aviel:y Au-
=" 0 Suſpicor, conjetin-
Men Conjecture by th's, Ex bac re
cenjetture duciiur.
Conjectural, cenjetlur «lis,
Conjexurally, Ex conjelin's,
Cunjetured, Divinatury conjettus,
A Conjotmer, Divinatcy, Conje-
A Crajetiny ng, conjeltatio, cenje.
fo, Auguraito.
To Conjeyn, co
Conjoyne1, _ "I
A Conjoyning, _ tio.
Conjugal, conjugelis
u bag 2jugate a Verb, C:njugo, in-
-. AR conjug tio
The Con;uncion of lun aud mocn,
Conjunttive, conjunttivas
A Conjunture, Conjuatturs
Conjunture (fare of f affairs) tem-
pores ratio, rerumn flats.
A Conjuration (conſpiring) conju-
A Conjuration [in Magick] incon-
tolto, ma. gy venefpci ons, nt
cantomen! um, avs magic.
To Conjure conſpue) comjuro,
To Conjure { adjure} edjuro.
0 Conjure { 25 Magicians
rit« mogice luſtro.
A Con Jucery [:cantator, mogus, ve-
nefics, * I 2m no conjurer, nec
ugurig nou; nec matbematicorum
a enrare ſole,
Comaght OT Pr Incontati
Connaght Province yu Ireland)
comnact 1,connalt 6
Connx urel, ——— -— Fl
d Cone, iſto, memarie men-
To Conne one thanks, gratiom ve-
0 > Conn one, contrattis pugnis vel
drgins per cniore,
Conned, Memorie mandetus.
A Connexion, connexio, nexusy Us;
ſeries, ti,
A Counie, cuniculus, ſee C
To Connive, conniveo, d:
Commved at, di _—_
A Connivenre d!;
Comquiſire itus.
Comade Mp, name) convadur,
Com A0QunitYs conſanguinitasy cog -
THE co QFcIENCE, mnt 5
& /eruple © Conſi 18.
fr religioſus.
onſcience [ ſear and regard of) re»
Yo” io.
A ig G_—_— Greca fides.
To +7 large e Con'vience,
jf4.0 nefas for peri oco babere.
© be tr in Conſcicace, cow-
cientid —_
0 make Conſcience of, religioni
—_. conſaentiee diltamen ſequi
To y pod his Conltionee, religi-
one ſe
Searedneſs of of "un conſci-
ent1o cauteriyata.
Conſetentious, religioſus.
Conſcionable, cquw-
Conſcionable, religr1ſw.
Conſc:onably, <que juſts,
Conſ&onab.y, religioſe*
Conſcious, conſeius.
To Conſecrate, conſecro, dice, de-
dico, _ wovere, caltui divine de-
tbr be conſcerned, inouguror.
To be Conſecrated in another's
room, in locwn alteyius inougarart.
Y ——_— conſecratus, dedicatus,
A Conſecrater, ſ«crator
A Cor ſ-erating conſtr dſo, dedi-
A Conſecration F catio,
A Conſe&ary, conſeftariums.
Contoqutive, conſequutions,
A Conſt Eo us, conſenſio.
To Conſert [agree] | conſentio, con
in-\To Ct? 4 "2 aſſentice, Suffra-
Give his Conſent F gor
To Conſent unto one, «ſſentjo, ac-
Incanto, | To Conſent to « requeſt, Indu/geo,
Conſentaneous, cinſentaneus, con-
me conſent, nnoulmider.
enters to, «Jentio, ofſentatio.
—— dent of conſe-
— —— wti';-
Row em Jument
Of great conlequence, magni mo-
Con ſequen* conſequens.
Conſequently, conſequenter deinceps,
Conſerrano Cin Naples] conſerva-
To To conſerve » conſerve, ſarcharo
A conſerve, conſerve, intritum.
iy {in Ireland) comnaricy con-
A conlervation, conſervetio.
e muy have .,onger to
: : =
deſideravit, * Conſider whetherf
yo think we have done our duty,
Spice num per att as pates partes mo-
ftras. * He hath conſidered right-,
ly of it, E-m ſecum ro ret ve
* It is a thing
_ contdered' of, In Ls DIRng
— cad
To eonfder before- hand, pr emedi-
To conſider often, retraffo, retve-
To conifer deeply, med
To conſider [r-member a ae) In
momor:s babere.
To confider [requite one] remune-f
ror, gratias ve
To conſider [regard one] raticnem}
ahcuins babere.
Conſiderable, alicujus mementi, band
aſpernindu,notatu d'gnus,
* — perſon, vir eximi-.
A "conſiderable Eſtate, oper am»
Confiderably, beud ——— es —_—
non 4 nendo modo
Confltraet, conſultws, prudens, pro-
onſtderately conſider :ts, ca-
With _y wc} gitats, cogi-
tato, 1 ulotim.
Contleratenels » __ $s Cau-
mnia mente revelvere, mibr{ incon-
Jults facere,
A confideration, animadverſn, cogi.
To have hows confileration of a thing,
Contderat on [requires] Yemuney a=
2, compenſals2.
Contidermion [regard] ratio, reſde-
} VERN [meaſure] modus.
Upon what ecnideratien, Qu5 no
wrme, our egratie.
Upon "this confideration z e« 4+-
Dllgent conſideration , penſitatio,}
A deep on confders jon, medit-tio,
For m_y conſiderations, muliis 09-
Waborr conſideration C[ raſtily J
Without Confideration [ order }
nin, Conſideratus, Perpen ſus, |
e208 Ks. pethetus, eforchand, Previ 7"
Conſidered of.en, Penſit :tus,
A 3 Da C:njiderator, Animad-
Corhd ring, Cogitons, Meditans,
Penſitans,* Conifer ng wha: fer-
vants are, Ut captus eft ſervorwn.
Conſidering , (tuil of thoughts)
To put on his Conſilering-cap, A-
nim revolvere, Animun ecpplicare,
—_ int-nderc 36, Ou
onſidering, endo, Qumn-
Confidering that, ; a , Ut-
ac Confidering, Conſideratio, Cogite-
Contignation Conſignatio.
To Conlign, Con 1gno.
Configned, Conſtgnetus.
A Con —_—_—_—
c this ) Cancrti, Coogulatio.
are not c ent, Male con-
Ret Conflons, Poſitus
on on/Tans, tus
+ contory (Counal- houſe) C:n-
To onlociate, Conſocio.
Conlodoateds'Conſdci 11s.
A Conſociating, Conſeciatio,
To Conlolate, Confeler,
Conlolar on, Conſlatio.
'Conlolatory, Conſolatorius,
A Conldblatour, Conſcictor.
Conſolida,e, Solido, conſolide,
dated, C-nſolidetus.
ng. d Cenſolidatio.
folidaron of Pariſhes, Vnio,
: Combrnatio Eccleſieyum.
Conſonance, Cinſcnentia.
Conſonant, Conſenans
A Conlonant, Confer, conſonons,
To be erm enny Conſono
To t Conlonang to hum(e1F, $141
Conſoramn, 2 country an4 city in
Goſc ogne], 'onſorom .
A onſo' in Mulick, Concentur,
A Conſort [companion] Conſors,
A Conſort wiſe, Conjux, conſors
The Ro Centre, Regins, Conjux
To Conſort with, Congregor
Confcund [herb] Cunſolida.
Comfooy-coefounts oF 919-
z5-conſounds Cenſolide regia.
le-couſound, Conſolraa media,
$, Conſpievaus,
A CEURracys + anſprratio, econju-
Conſpirimgs, rolio
A \ Conſpirazonr, Conſpireter, conju-
To 'Conſpi re, Conſpivo, Conjuro.
To Confpire againſt ones hfe, In 4-
licuyns exitingn cCon;ureres Sanguini
Shpwing inf dior,
onipired, Con/piretu
AC G onſtable, enercdo, Etbnar-
A Conſtable of France, Megifter equi-
A \ Conltable of the Tower, Coftelle-
Conſtance [in Norman] Coftra A Conſuls juridiRion, jwiſdiftio
en/t-ntia, conſe. dia.
Con tan:e [a womans name] Con-
onſtancy,, Conftentia, Stahilitas.
Conliancy in ſufferings, Patrentic,
Conſtancy in Atting, Perſeverentia,
Conſtant ,ftedfaſt, Conftans, Stabil's,
Firms, Fix, * A Conlitant
mind, Ment fotide.
Conitant in "gy £ Perpetuur, * A
conſtant Fa th, Files per petua.
a — report, Fama conſenti-
Cenitan againſt, Contumarx, Perti»
Contiantine (a mans name) Conftan-
A Cntiar on, + Sydus,
To: Confter, Expono, See Conſtruc.
Contiternation, Cor frernatio,
Conſt1pated, Conftipatus.
To Conltitute, Conjirtuo,
Gonfti ting Conftitu' us,
Conſtitutive, we, Confltativas
The Conſticution ofthe Body, Cre-
Conſt Tating, > Conflitutio,
A Contltiturion,
A co turour,c
To confirain, conftringo, compel,
cogo, wee, necefutatem olicu; 191
. 8 | Neveſficy con!tra!ns us
bee neceſſitas, * =_
con'tra) them to yeud,
lit eos ad deditionem. * He ond
fira ned the people to give their
_ extorſur pex "oi ſufrogie Þ*-
0 be con{Vained, conftringer, co -
£0Yr, wrge'rs
Conſtrain :c'y confiriius, c:mPul ſus,
cooltus, abathus. * H v voice was
Conframets vix illius extorta
Nor conſtrained, incoattus,
A con(traizer, coatter, compu'ſer.
A Conttraining, campul/.
\— =-pp5 coattio, eduttia,
Aont conſtraint [keeping inJCeercitio,
oy con _ vi, mmvitue.
ithout con(traint;, ul'r70, ſus
A'Contrudtion [in building] c:n-
CenfiruRion [conſtraing) Inter-
OT make ke itio, Explicatio
e beſt con(truRtion of
—_— Ariem accipere ,
he cen
To Con(true conftrucy expong, inter -
A conſtruing. exp:/
To COS (deflywer) c:nftu-
ub anti alis.
ex fitus
C Coop aſabtanzol en <
A con . lis.
A Ce ew, #1.
'A High Conſtable, Cenſor
A High Contable, Cent _ns
Het thac hath been Conſul, vir con-
Sularir, exconſul.
Conlul-ltke, con/ulrriter.
Con! ular, cenſul 15.
To Conſult [a»k advice] conſulto,
conſulo, *Contale with ug pu-
low, n»tiu urgenda cenjilia
To < conſul: ones elf, deli-
A Conſuleation, Con/ultatio, ogita-
ties deliberatio,
Conſulted ct, deliberatus.
A Conſulter, conſaltor, deliberatey.
TO CONSUME ( aStiv.] conſume,
obſumo, inſum», He conſumes his
ſtock, patrim niwm totwn Ci 2»
Hidat, Poſſeſfſiones difſipat, * Griefs
—_— men, <gritudines excdunt
To Conſume (neut? tobeo, ext e-
beſco, marceſco, deliqueſco, * He
Conſumes wi h_idlene(s, otfo ta-
beſtit & torpe tit * By diſcord
great th.ngs conſume, d1/c.1d14 res
mogne Gi/lghuntur
To Coalume (devou- ] deglutio, de-
Toe. + = {dimniſh] imminuo,
To conſume [as metal in refining]
To 'o conſume [ſpoil] lacere, prgn-
To conſ ume time, fempus terere, con-
To be Conſumed, conſumor, define.
di laboy, pereo.
Conſumed, conſump'us, devoratue,
extfur, exbru/tus
Conſamed away, liguefaltus., * He
: conſumed away, lents tabe ti-
Contumed [worn out] ettritus,
A'contumer, conſumptor, profliga-
A Jy [devourer] exeſor,
A Conſuming, ermſumptie.
Conſuming 2w2y, tebidus.
onſamm ate, conſurm mo.
Con — con wnmarus,
conlammat: ,
Con\ummar: —p F pt
A Conſumption, c:m ſump?
"photons. of the tor body, atro-
I a Conſumption, etropbus, befii-
A "Conſamption of the Lungs,
In 2 conſumption of the Lungs,
111 a Conſumption, tbificur.
A pow, [touch} oy ipcs
Co contagion, contagie, c:ntageryton-
Comtagious contegioſus , eras,
ers ber ot bif pf
To = centineo, cafeg com-
15 Doma'n [keep chaſte] frenre
1 C:nnot Contain my ſelf, Negueo
mibi lemperare.
To contain (keep in] cobaber,
Contained, contentus, comprebenſws.
= to eontailh, cp
ton contaminate {defile) contominn,
A Comtainunge comprebenſis com- |
Con -
le hd Dn AA Ad —_— —_>— —
| Contaminnted, contaminatus.
A contaminating, contaminat?o,
> — contemne, ſperne, neg»
\7s conemn, diſda'nfully, concul-
| A comemn
co, frocu c0 contorngins, Goem.
. ym te |
T n:emoviate, conf
(Contem, lated, Joluctte en/rexe>
A "contemplating contemplatico ſpe
Contemplution. 5 rulatro,
Comem lation — practice,
| theeviag theoretic
| Contemp ave, ccntemplativus, Jp*-
culativus, meditebungus, tacitus,
| Covemp'atively, meditabunde.
A Contemplatour, contemplater.
Contemporaryy confemperanens, (0-
| CONTS MPT, contemptus, deſpe-
| (us, deſpicatus, foftidrum.
| Contem;x to a cout, Vadim nium
Tc br. one into contempt, oli-
quem 1n od um popult pertrabere.
'Togrow imo con-empt, 1gnomi-
| niam contrebere, invi-1c ſuſtepere,
eretis p pult excidere,
To make 4 contempt, vedimonium
Had -n contempt, deriſus.
A having in contempt, deriſus. is,
Comngeible, contemptibilis. deſ-
ontemot contemptiilitey,
== contemptagite, ; foſti-
Contemptuouſly, centemptueſs, ccn-
enplin, cont wmeli05%, negletiim.
nd _— pug:
Sſeripta two mobi plurimum tribunt
Comtent{ adj. ] ſotiſfof us.
I meontent, eſto, placet, ”e
wy oge, fiat ego uno tubens, ſat |
1 am well contents facile pativr,
Fold you T3 efte.
To cotent, "Fatirfete Sufficto, a
may exflere ® Content
ſelf with what you have, eee! '
Ins contentus abi, * We mult en-
aver to con'ent 211 perſons, d:n-
<a = eft ut count gener! man
dilimo, mulceo,
To Content ohe for his pairs, &c. tap —_— gnderet in evan. + He preter 6 _
— pretium, Compenſare, CCnLinues ip his purpoſe, ancepto' Sonar - freice, 600m
mis 4.
1c content [pacific one) Placy. |
Wih h Con:empt, Contenytiens Neg- c
he content [compaſs of a
.apacitas, Ambitus
To givecontent to, plec
dd I 4 * I am con'en-
ted with an 8. _ quidvy
Jot eft. niented
with I falls, =_ 7 Tor fort Fe-
Vomus quo 87 m0.
Contented, ententus. * A Conten-
red wind is a continual t-a(t.
yr murs abenexs efto, nil _—
= well contented.
Ot a contented min 47 —
Conten-edne(s 3 mite.
oneentedly, £ -- > av meds,
Concentful, plec abr
Contenttully, Cocabiiter, condice.
A contenting, F:tirfattio.
C_—_ animiprotubrum.
ond conents, ergumentum, peri”
A. on :ention, content10, diſſextatio,
Contents our, contentio/us, :tigigſus.
A contentious perſon, vitilitigeter.
Contentiouſly, =
£0 conteſt, conteſtor Creep 0,
To conteſt with, _ _
A Conteſt, 1s, it15.
Comtexrure, contexturs.
"Contreras, (Laying raf:ers)
Con Guiry {Neern:ſs] Cont guites.
Cont:guous, Conti gu«s.
Cont.nence 2 centinentio, coflime-
Contineney $5 119
Continent, contintns, caftus
The continent {main land] conti-
nens, nts.
Continently, eentinenter, eafts.
Cont-ngent, contingens.
G MM - "ie _—_ J vhs
rum bominum. * c0..tend
for the whole eftate of the Com. P=4 ingenrly, Con
monwealth, de emmibus reipublice CON , foprienn þ: procanit
riwnis dimmcat uy | affduns, jugs,
4 —_ againſt, 0/ultor, ny > 1 ity pocis dinturmter _-
A contender —_—_— Cont:nual [uninterrupted] contj -
A cowenting, contentio, nes,
CONTENT, be tiffattte, | Cenrimialy, ring ud, per peremnd,
uil content Ea rey, K71 e:
Grrneantent Þ onjms fathom weluje. 14 continually EK , me, «fſiduus
* I took great contens in your frat mecum,
| Letters, plurimum fjucunditatis Coattgualiyh{ without ceafing ] con-
ex literis tuis capicham. * Your finut, Indefinert
writings give me great conten , Contiauance, perpetuitesy i107 =
witas, druturmites. * If the
caſe be of any eontinuance, fi
Jam inveterauit morbus, * Con-
t:nuznce makes men perfect, focit
IEEE —_—
ſpace] ſpecrum, lon-
CH continuance in a thing,
{fs continuance of a writ, proro,
continuation. cntinuatio,
TO CONTIN continuo.,
To og cenſto, perfto,
| fetnng prrſevero, * It continues
ging non intermiHit pluere.
continues long, pr-6i-
permonet, * While that (l.all conei”
dum id extabit.
To comtinee for ever,
= lawd
ever, lawdem propagat in ter-
nom mem arp wh 7 Jngs
name tO comms tor ever, oad&-
quat —_—— nomen «jus cum
comm poſteritote
To continue ( ” a cuſtom) Irvete-
raſeo, Lorrotor
To continue e (g0 on] pergo, preſe-
qr, exequoy
To contigs in or Upon, moror, ins-
To. contiruel prolong Jprecuce, pro-
hich = not con: inue, fugiens,
2 ao d$£ ' wo , |
fe bed
tinues, i Eh
I continued, contirurlem, * 1 have
conti mywork unto your days,
decuxi cpus in tus imche .* He com.
tinued ta'k late in © Sight, fir
monem in mul om n(! > any
* The diſeaſc ha horn in ES
fourteen dayes, morbus In quan n-
decinm dies exc, * Whoſe wiſdom
co to the laſt hour of ts
provelta eff prudenti :,
A continuing, pereonſio,
Continuing, Carons.
— . longs dinturnus.
A eontorſion, 5 contrſ 0.
Con ed, proba! itus.
a — 4! (um, onpeny
— 0M berrothal] deſpon/atis,
Hm redigere —— 1 nao wt
Ts cnm__ _ harga' p >
reve bob
To contraths centrabe, Complico.
To contract marriage, /
A contracting, = — s. "p_
A contracting
marriage, coſpia-
ings con'radicens.
i41ng, contraditiio.
Avtemgrale, Agger,
CONTRARY, controrius, adverſa»
_ ns = oÞ ae » ey is nt
n oratione ſecum
pugnat.” # He that is cf tho _—_
uy of T3 2 qu7 fe ex LE _—_ cppo-
Feccieves it (a
went 2 contrary Way, £rat
are in
velis ndi, wn- |
Contry to ef po
_ expaſtonons 4
makes renown to aontinue for
« makes his
To fo continue on his race, cur ſun t> |
life, cujur od extrenm Spiritonn |
out quite contr> |
ry liner everive multo A :
iter diverſum, * Let us now-try |,
the contrary courſe, jom __—
1 The
— —
| ——
nit, * Contrary to Law and Right, Ic is comroverted, xd, embigitur, in 2 convey in priv-ly, ſalmitte,
preter lege, contre gt
vim —
promaied, con're.
To contrary
con!rary to
contra:y me, nei yup he,
* They are cowrary to all men.
bomir.ibus adverſanins.
h r= ON to one
ther, bcc inter ſe «<
There 19 a contr pr [4
_—_ oafnges.
rm” ho ;ntravid, JUny
Compares ex oppoſitd, & contray
F, con onrralt (little quarrel] diſcep-
Contrectation, Contre(t tio.
To —_— ecn'ribuo, confero,
Contr ipendi arius.
Contributed, cont: —_— collatus.
A eontributer, collator
A contributing & —_—_ butio,
Contrite, contri'ns. peeni tens.
Contrition, contretes, | neg
A contrivance, machinaito, agendi
via, ratio.
To mon OED excogitog I
ole conce-+
on ed, eXC0
An IN| coatrive boy ee
A wel} contrived Oe EROE
_ F-bricata, mogmifice infrec-
A con'r ver, anther, princes.
A contriv ng 'excegrtatio,
To eontroul, {d:ſprove,] redarguo,
To controul [28 2 controller] o5-
Jos examine, od calculum ve-
A \ eceitrolier, inſpelter, obſervator , A convention,
<poſitor, caſts, rationerins.
Pen th ot manners, Cenſor, re- | {i1bulum
: controller or Pipe in the
Oule regiee cenſe
controuler (
mily] erchityic/inus,
Tho, _ contiOuleritip
A \ con'roulment, » Imperium, inpeftia, {eo
contentro, cltercatis, diſceptatis.
* The matter is in contr
in ctſerimine ves eſt, * The eon-
1d cnet is of divers writ!
tur aliquid ex _—
4 rad ho aq - t the
0099071 1 egttur gloria ul
R TY, egriur g Pop
A cont. overſie in law, couſa, Ih,
y— -—_ de re ambigere, diſ-
[4 ar
on- ep oe
an0- Comunecions, contumax.
its ſunt. | Contumac:ouſly, contu mar iter,
f hm, Cont
4 The on nes ex of th: "Rigs houſ- ye _ converſation, prove vivendi
howard of a ſa- Baſle of converſations offatilis, co-
s mMunus co To converſe werſor, ufoy,
controverſi a, -
ow” in Coon.crmly, ager liiigis-
It 15 out of controverſy, conflet, li-
j Ole of controverſie, extre contro»
le cleam poſuus.
| Wit out controvertie, proculdut io,
To have a , controverly one,
d1ſcepto, ti
A concovor x (10 torger of falſe news]
C onumacy [{tubbo. nneſs] contu-
umely, { reproach} centumelie,
Contumelious, cont
v<nable [ Agreeable] Cingruns,
To convene {come together] con-
venio, congregor.
= convene [ at] Conveco, cito,
A ?Conreniency commeodilas,
convenience Without its 1n-
conven'-nce, omms commuditas
Pn fort i: commeds ſecum
onvenie ace { ſuitableneſs] congru-
entia, c.ngru tas,
Conveni: noe { opportunity] oppor-
1.4 8's
Co .renient, commeder, oppertu' ug,
qe, 1empe/tivus,
E oCcnvenicnty competoy con-
g 1s Convenient, convenit, aguum
te 's not convenient, dedecet, diſcon-
Very convenient, peridonexs, prrop-
:r tun
Fo ently, commodd, its,
opie, congruenter, vit d. "Ho
Conveniently Lin due time) tom-
ftrve, opportun?
convent, conventss, combiun,
To convear [before a Judge) or-
ceſſs, cito, in jus wecare.
on |, occitus, arceſſitur.
A conventicie, conventiculum, c:nci-
onver(mt, verſa tus.
he | Co , conver ſatio, conſuety-
40, commercium.
To converſe tcgether, converſor con.
To convert from _ 4 witiis re-
vocare, redutere,
Con converſus, revocatus,
A converting, converfio,
y_ Convexus.
ny Convexita
TOO \ doperts, d-duco, co-
miley, e's
To convey away, ofporto.
0 convey over, Eyect? dronſevke,
y otoons hn exp 110,
eyance gdedu({ta,
leriewes paytes. * w
the wort ſocver the beceny _
qu f— eſt gent
Conveyed, deportatus, dedulius ug ſub-
x Convey:ng in, induttio,
conveying Out, ex porta i2,
A Coaveying over, in tranſ-
0 convitt, ccnvinco, evince, core
£o convict « guilty perſon, Rewn
0 3 convicted, coor guer, Joes,
Convicted convillus, evidtus,
Conn: .cted a lyar, manifeſtus men-
A conviction, convictio,
To comvinee, conv!
men intentatum probare, * He
cunvinves him with a weak +
— » Jugulat eum gladio phono,
, comrittus, evifius,
ne convincing, convictio,
A convocation, convecatio, ſynedyy,
A convocar. ou- houſe, exedra, co-
miticyuen eccleſtaſticorum ſtnatus,
A =— pr eſidrums tulela, com-
in ws comitar
Convultion, cenvul{10, ſpe
Comy (in Wales] Conovium, Ti-
| .Mf river Conovius
T, of. wr » » News,
A cony, "euricutus,
LY con "mr __
ofer, per inarins. -— dts
— popincr, exhnor,
A ircle. Cook, y EI
28 maſter-cook, orchimnegirus,
A Comen-cnck: p<pineria.
A cook-ma'd, culmeris.
A cook ma idip, forarins,
00 ook-room, culins,
ChohetÞs eoquineriey as culina ris.
t Cookery,
A Book of Ebay Ys " pbityſiphic es
& cookold, curred,
To cool, frigef<cio,
To cool [neutIfrigeſco.
Cool,fr gidusy paces,
To convey away » TipiN,
A eo, ler, refrigeratce,
To convoy, _ tutela decuceye,|
Cons vee{ Cogniſanee) Cognitio, |
ou ew wy IT oy om wc ew raw mm *_ I © [|
— =. —_— «a.»
*. 24, «.. #9 4% »@ *% © «©. 2% Ut A... A © 4, 5 a _—
I A a A...
A Cooler c Veſſel to cool Glaſſes ]
ing il Fnſreſhing ] Refrige-
EI pn
e 2(s, Vee » Oris
Coomy Corn Jnſns ſru-
A C $ menti, 4
A \ Coofe Gallinerions,. == £075,
To Coop, Cov { n le wy J —_
.ctor, Deliaring
Comenge Ee, Coordindtus.
To Coolen, Illudo. See Cortn.
A Coot, Fulics,
A Sea-co0*, Fulica Ts
A Cop, x, Ca
A Cop of Hay wn mets.
A Copartner, Socius, partice)s.
7 neritip, Secieras,
pe, Cappa, ependytes, ng
Under the «of of Heaven » Sub
tegmine or Cavs Coli.
To Co2e together, Collufter, erngre-
dior, dextvas conſtrere , contender ty
e-mm tee,
To > Cope,changs on? thing for ano-
ther, Comb
To Cope [ juz of lean out ] Pro-
, Conſeirtus
Cope together C1 in Denmark] Code»
ma, Haptn1 1.
Coperole, Vitriclum.
Mingled with Coperoſe, Vitriols-
A "Coreſma' ©, Socius.
A Cophin, Lec
opioſus, affiuens, redun-
0 ouſ , Copicss.
op dil} 44A - Coy ouſly and
cog Ous ,
ls gy, Diſput are aliquid uherifis
Copictinelſs, Affurntis, copia.
Copp, Cacumen , crifle, arbuſtuls
b grow Copped, In _ waleſ-
A \ Goldſii: hs Coppel, Aurificis ca-
Corger, Cupram, orichalcum, <1 cy-
e yo -worm, Teredo de
The Copper dnan-e , Ao ompe-
—_ caldarium,
Yokhers 27 ;ahen Cuprens, Fne-
, $ wi, FErarin,
Of or FI Co pers) Cyprins.
A Copper Nole | gemmitus,
A bÞ pper-ſm th, ) Fobe er #ntive.
C_— Vitriclem, colcantbum.
with Copperas, Vitrioletus.
7 Covſe, Sylva, nemus, SHtva Cae-
aiate Cople, "Sylvale, nemuſc u-
x Co bu , Coputd.
Carnal Coputarfonetey Ciitio,
Copulative, Cepulativus,
jor ©
A COPY, , rf
The Copy of any writing, Apogre-
the Bet ©) +]
delivered my firſt C —_—
OU ane , Arctetypuns i
tredidi opud me
Copy of the Authors own hand,
To A. © a Copy, Literas alicui
- —
en ; peracong gg ,
| Of
Cork, ad).
] Negnate.
Standing Comn, Sexes, itis,
A Corn Field.
-hold Agitwr yer tna, |
The? oqueluchoe { a Fever with The beard of Corn, Arifte.
a Cough ] Morbur curulins. An Ear of Corn, Spice.
Coquet Iſland by Ser land, Meſlin con, Farr 1go.
Coqueda. St. Peters Corn, Ponicum heulage.
Coquet River jo Werthandertend, Mareh-Corn, Triticum trimefire, ſe-
ne - Search. C
oral, Cor orn
Coral, ojeR. uh, Corali Amel. Co m2 3 Amyln,
Of ©” like mm. Turky-co'n , Miliam indicwm, or
Ki Turcicum,triticom ſoracemcum.
Coral- moſs, "Fang marines. Corn, ad). 2 T.:ticens,
A Coran'o { Dance } Tripudimm | Of Corn, 5*"
cur ſorium. C orn-ripe, Seger
A Corams { News-bcok J] Novel- | To gather Corn, Frumentor, fruges
cl e.
Corbach [ in Germ1ny ] Corbacum Colm » Frugik gue.
A Corban { Alms-box } Gazopby- A Corn- Gronavium, Horve-
lacium = A Corn houſe, Ts.
A Corbel in » Mutulur, orn g«
Cothie (i in Picerdy ] Corbro. nm RD DER melentbium.
We in the Ile of Fronce] Cor-
Cord, Funis, cborda .
1, al
0 Toriu ? wee
Mai Cords, 2008 le
F, Cord of wood, firues lignorum.
To into Cords, Reftes contor-
A \Cord-maker, Reftie, enis.
Cordage, Fune
Small Cordage A a © Ship, Funicali,
or »11,
A Cordelier, Franciſtons,
Cooghes Cordialis, cn
— emis & ry
4 Cordial, Pharmocum cardi acum.
Ex enim, ex imo petiore,
of, Sinceritas.
or Sings of a Trum-
Fo [in Andoluſss ] Cordube.
Corcoven lea. her, Corium corduben.
fe, corrum coprimemn.
iner,Sator, cclcearius.
Ie 2 Care of Fruit, Cicw, awe
The Cor of a Bile, Ulteris me-
Core in Nertbumberlond, Qo-
rie, Gor nite, Curia Cttoding-
Corels [ in Muſcovy ] Corele.
Cornndzr, Corenter,
orn: hin,
Conm hCin etpernaſur ] Corin-
Cork City [ in Irelend >
he Kt
ork City, —
ork, Suber, &
Cork-tree, Saber ( arbor. )
Corn-fi $
Corn-(, 7”
Co n ſala1, L1ftuce agnins.
A Corn of Sale, Mica or gramim
To Corn with Salt, Sole condire.
Corned, conditus.
a Com on the Toes, Collus,callum,
To 0 cur ornes, (Taves pedumna ſuper =
Co nage, Corneg um
' A Cornel-tree Cornus.
A little {-rree, (orneotur.
A Cornelian- fone, Sorde lepir.
— —— { a Man's Name } Ciy-
A CORNER, I, ”» I will
cp anne ſome Corner, In engu-
A Corner Chrking bok bole] Lotedree,
ht. £4 _
= I —
Cn ny Tot cn or TS oe
i vaſt COR
-Corpulent, corpulentus
A Corracle { © little round Skiff
The Co.
A litttle Cornet, Litzws.
To found a Cornet , Buccinim im-
flare, :
A Cornet of Horſe, Vexilifer,equi-
tum [1gnifey,
A coinet of Paper, Cuculus char-
kaceus, . +
A Cornet C Fiſh } Buccinwm piſers.
Corneto [ un St. Peters Pacrimony }
Cornuetwn. |
The co'n ih { brew of a Pillar or
1] Cerons, Prejettura,
A Cornulh-chough, Coracias, pyribo-
Corniſh ,
Of Cornwal, 3 Cornabienſie.
Cornwal, Cornwalliay, Cornubias Co-
Cornwal [ the Family J De Cornu-
To cornub, Condylis pulſare, tun-
To Co:nute { Cuckold one J Cor-
nu cpitt inſerert, altenwm
4emer .44
Cornuted, Cornutws.
A Corollaty, Ceorollarium.
mi corenalis. :
The Coronation of a King, Corene-
110, dnouguratio.
A Coonel, Pre ſeltus, Chiliarcha.
A Coroner { C:owner ] Coronater,
Caedis queſitor.
A Coronet, Corolla, ſertumn, :
A Corporal, Mmipulorins, decurio,
The Corporal { fine L'nnen in which
the Sacrament 1s put ] Sacroſan-
Gum pulviny
To take his Corporal Oath, Liquido
_ Corporalit, corpereue.
A Corps, Cad aver.
ney, corpulentia.
of Ofi:rs coveted raw hides ]
Arca vimineg.
A Corrant, Tripudium currents, cur-
O CORRECT, Crtge, Elim
ad imm rev-care. * To Corres
Verſes ill made, Male trynarcy in
edi reddere werſus. * To Correct
the Magnificat , N.dum in ſcirpo
To Corett anew, Recorrigo, Reco-
To Corret Count) ye nio.
reprove] Keprebendo.
Lorretius , coftigatus,
; Emendatus, Retralts:
AcCorretor of Manners, Cenſcr.
Correcting, 2 Correttto, # My wri-
Correction, 3 ting wanted 1
ſuture, Comm ſſure cr =
Correction of Manners, m_
Be Correſyonden:, $ Cerreſpondes,
Correſpondency, Commerc rum.
Correſpon 3ency ( Agreement] Con-
Foyy C-nvenentia. -
© hol1 Correſpondeney, Litera;
ultrs ci.r0gue tranſmittere.
Correſpondent! ( ſui-tble 5 ©
orretpondent ( ſui: K -
Kr, Ms, gta
A Correſpondent ( Boſom Friend]
In'mus , Fomilieris, Con/tiorum
«cms Wf paritceps, :
Corrider ( Curtain in Fortifi-
cation } Lorice, Cortina,
Corrig1bie, C:rrigibitis.
A Corrival, Kivalis,
0 Corroborate, Coryobeoro,
To Corrode, cerrodo,
Cornoges e.rroſus,
2 O36 ea
Corrol =4 F* _
Corrotivenels, Vis or fatultas corye-
0 Corrugate
es. LE 7
0 pu refacio, vitio, t4 6, * To
Couupt T:uth wth Falſhood ,
eto veritatem ernteminare,
* To Corrupt Truth by Bribery,
Fidem precio labefothove, % 7;
endeavour to Corrupt ones Hone-
liy, Fridem alicui attentove.
To Corrupe { detiroy ] Perdo, dif-
to Corrupt [ decay ] Labefalto,
"3. [ ſpoil ] D
0 Ol "ave,
To Corrupt { Infe& } IiSciecen-
tagiore affiere.
To Co Tupt with evil Manners,,ma-
lis mr mibus inpeeve,
To Cormpt the Jayler, Cuſtodem
To Corrupt [ neut. ] 2 Putreſeo ,
To grow Corrupted, mar ceſ-
co, tabeſco.
Cor:upt [ noiſome J Inſalubris ,
1997610 we.
Corrupt { naughty ] Pravur, inſin-
> Yol [ faulty ] Mendoſus, vitie-
Corrupt Blood, Pur, purulentia, ta-
bum. * A Flux ot Corrupt blood,
Senguins tetri proflurium.
» contominatus, vitiatus,
wielaius, odulteratus, commaculatu',
* He hh 4 Corrupted Conſe-
ence, Labes conſtienti@ in anime
Corrupted [Bribed] Denis empty:
Merenan, oe 5 yo ,
_— { purned) _
Not Corrupted, Incorruptus
Corrupter, corruptor, contomina-
toy, violator, vittator.
Corruptible, corruptibilis, caducus,
C ed, ugt'ns,
;\TO CORRUPT, C a&. ] corrum- | C
Corruptive Tobificus z Corrupti.
Com UPS» Þ Corruptio.
Corruption [ Somemes ] Putreds,
ruption corrup
"labeyvinam = —_ __
">= apa
Corruption [, in the Body J Eny-
Corruptly, corrupts, mendess, vitt-
Corrupt!'y C filthily ] Parents,
ord 48
yp Pirats.
A Corſe, Cadaver
A Corſlet, Lovice , Paludamentun,)
thorox, : =
A Pike-man wearing a CorCet,Mi-
les baſftatur, Livicatss.
Corte ( in Corfica ] Caris.
Cortona ( in Tuſcany } Cort ne,
Cortrizck { in Flanders } Corteria-|
Corve River ( in Sbrepbire ] Cor
Co uſcant \ gliſtering ] cornſeus, |
Co uſcation, cornſcatro,
The Colacks { a People Inhabiting
the Vhrein ] Co,act.
oy conſungeineus,
A Coſen by Marnage, Afnis.
A Coſen German Pairuelrs,
A Colen by the Mother
conf. by
To Coſen Decip:0, fee. See Coren.
Coſenz3 Lin Calabria ] Cinſentia,
oezcenage, Fr.
COST, impenſa, fumftns, * He
w.ll do it to ycur Colt, Facet ne-
p fone two magne male, * He hab
{t both Labour anJ Coſt, Ope-
» Matywelis,|
rom & oleumn erdidit, * I have
learnt it to my Folt, Experius >
levi docurnento.
To Colt, ronflo. * The Vitor
oluntur, * It Colts me more, m-
hb: coriuc cenftat, * 1t Colt leis by
ole Mineri: conftat 4: midi).
A ta d-trces Que! orivs.
ow iacd, Querminm
Colta-d-monger,” Pem 1 ing, infti-
ter pomaying,
Coluve, Durus, conftipatus, alvo ad-
e Cofti ,
0 make Collive, Aftringo, elm
Making Coftive, Stypticus.
t C in Herald y ] Foſciols, :
Coſtiveneſs, Aftriftio alvi. / Coventry-bells herb] Viole mori- | The chin cough, Tuſſ ſpins 'i
olt, tu:ſus, ſplendidusr,mige | ane. | A cough = 74
Coy, / = "is a ; A COVER, Operculum, teemen. mie. amok. ab
Coitly _ carus. , | The cover of a Book, Sittybus. A cougher, Tuſſitor.
Coltly ade. Sumptuose, w1gni-| The exveres a Pot y_— A corie, F, =
ficenter, laute. e Cover of a Well, Patel. covie of Patridges, Perdicum pul
Coltlinz(s, Sumpturſites, carites. | To cover, Tego, velo, operio. # He | ities,
Coltline 410 A aro V/Iidus mallis.| oovers hs Hair with his Helmet, Covin, co[nſic.
Coſts, Sumpluarius.
hepherds Cortage, Gwrgu/tium,
A Cottager, Tugarionss, Ingurit ins
of .
| Cottelwold = Glouceſterſhire] Cot-
t:ſwoldia, i, :
C _ Xylam, goſſipinm, bums a-
Whate Cotjone Lexconiomn,
Ce Cotton )* $Xylinus, geſſipins
Cote cloth, Veftis xylina, pennus
Fuil of Cotton, Lanuginoſus.
To (tu with Cotton, Xyls ſufful-
em, R
$.uted with Cotton , V*/te xylina
Conen-graſss Gramen tomentoſum.
| Cottor-thultle, Acacte, ecantbium.
| Cotton weed, Tomenticta, centuncu-
| hom Cetonaria, gnatbatinm.
'To Cotton { agree] conſentio,cin-
} gruo, concords.,
; Cotbus, { in Luſace } Cothu-
Cotwiizs 5 from.
A Couch, Grabbatus y Grabbatum,
A Couch frame, P.
5 Ce { as a Dog ] Cubo, de-
[To Couth | in writing J Scripte
comprize] compreber-
do, complettor.
To Couch an Eye, Lancome detye-
bere, evolvere.
To Couch [ joyn together ] com-
ourkant? cntangy Jocens,
_— ice! umdr acl
Coue * $ubt S. LES Covert "Sub butels & poteſta-
' A Coucher in, Scribe, te viri,
AC . { terrier ] <bort| Covertly, Te72, tacits,
territor: perrmetrum deſeribers. Covertneſs, Arconum.
Conch: raſs, Gr ann caninum. A Fry _
enbatio, appeto, i
A Couching of things together ,co- E JENS : L "
og mentum, compages. . | To covet e eoncupio, diſcu.
Covenable { Agreeable ] convent-| gjo, pereupio, ted
1:8, accommodus. To begin to covet, cncupiſeo.
A COVENANT, conventum,petlwn, | Covered, cupitus, concupilusy deſide=
ſponſio, fadus. ; ratus.
Covenant-breaker, Fedifragws. | Covering, concupiſe-ns.
To take the C Fidems reg? | a coveting, concupiſentis,
& Eccleſia debitom ejurare. Covetous, Avarus, avidus, cupidus.
To fhek to his Covenant Stare con- | A little covetous, Avidulur, ſordi-
vents, .
To Covenant, Peciſcor , Stipuler ,
eom/11tuo, ; th 0.
H Famed Palins » d&-| rum iti flogrot. ;
. Covetouſly, Avare, avids, eupics,
ovenanted, Potto conflitu!us. Covetoulneſs, Averitia , eviditas,
A Covenamting, Patio, cupiditas
A Covent , un , conventus & cvngy 7 f.
monachorum. To cough,
Coventry { in Warwickſhire } Co | To cough out, Extuſſio,
ventria, Pratorium, 0 » Pertuſſio,
Ineo, Scando, Eu m affilive.
Tu og
0 cover over and over , Super-
Corereds Nkas inteftus, obteflus,
opertus, edepert ys, coopertus, involu-
fo, veletmer wefitus. * Be cove-
red, Opers caput.
C about, circum 'etus.
Covered with Armour, Catapbra-
Cavened before, Pretefing, prove-
Covered with Ea*th, Defeſſus.
Covered with Feathers, * Plum its.
Corere over, Obduttus.
Corered over and over, Merſus.
A covering, Tegmen,Velomen, tegu-
A covering of Arras. Prrifirens
covering 0 as, Peri b
Tis covering of 2 Bed, Stragu-
A covering C olothi Amittas.
A covering ( hiding y Pr atextus,
The covering of 2 Houſe, Teftum.
covering of a Houſe,
The Covering of 2 Mare, Initur,
m «I.
The covering of a Tent, Peripetaſ-
may etts.
A ——_aks S$tragulam, Abolla, in-
coarſe goverlet , Teges, pallio-
overty Teitus.
A covert for Beaſts, Litibulum, {u-
ACoul, cuculus. See Cowl.
Could, Frigidus See Cold.
I could, Pofſem, patui.
could, mm mibi licitem et.
* As far as one » 282
viſus erat. * I ran away as fat
as I could, Ego me in pedes quan-
«. * It ha as
1 be, Melins peri baud
potut qurm —_ eff. *» You
btuliſti mibi
* You brought them up as well as
you could, Illos pro ye tolerabas
ud »* Whilſt I could ſee, Dum
- as mibi fuit widendi.
lped the I could, Pro mes
p wie adjuvi, he
way, Srqus facultas ſuiſſet.
was as buſie 43 could be about it,
Hee mrgn) ſtudio agitabat,
A Coul's, Jus gabinacoum.
The coulter of a Plough, F” mer,
cultey ayaiyti
A COUNCIL , Concilium, Cetus,
Senatur, $Syr:dus, * It 18 debated
in Counerl,cencidio pay He
15 One he Council, Intimes «ft
corum concitiis, »* When he had
oalled a Council, Senatu cootte.
General Council , concilium @-
To hold a Council, Senatum babere,
The Nicene Council, Cincilinm Ni-
The Council at Anti:cb, Cencilium
The Cou-cil at Carthage, Concilium
Laterane Council, conciliun Laters-
n [5
ohs Council at Lions, conciliues
ThE Conteil of Trent , concilizes
le moneo
wy ot Fe) Suadet
A Common Counſcl-man, cunjilia-y
To give ill Counſel, Mats conſiliish
abqucere. ;
The Kin3's Privy-Counſel, enſoli-
un Keg! _ To
_ III OI _—_
; T1 OR Ro—_—n. *As pretty ya
A Counlelling to - DM :xary, ciſ-
A - vn**llour , ecnſulter, ſuaſery
” "con;j:
A Counſelour to the contrary, di/-
A 'c: unſelloue at Law, Patrenus.
A \ Privy-Counſcllour » &@ conſiluis
At c —_ r Ear!
A COUNT, [ cchening ] £:098-
0 Count, cemputo, numero, * If
you Count th: Charge of the
Fork, Si computetrur impendium
opere. * You Count right, retle
ralionem tenes,
To Coun: over, Pernmero.
To Count po another, Dinumero,
Keputo, Re
To Coun: { Etteem ] Duco,repens.
- * He Counts nothing good but
Vertue, Nibil d-cit in bens preeier
viriutem. * He Coun's it all
gained, Omne id deputor in lucro.
He Counrs him 0; e of the
Eloquent , Reponit in numero elo-
oweniiym, * I Count my felt ſure,
Pro cer to bobeo, * He Coun's him-
ſelf L ny of it, Rem futurom proe-
[ Not Countable, Inc: mputabilis,
To be Counted, Hobe.y. * She was
' always Counted his Sifter, Semper
bee ditta & bobits oft ſeror ejus,
* He is Counted raſh, Fomm te-
meritatis ſubit.
Tay ſdeltus, geſt geftus, * Never chang-
It, Ne or is qu'-
þom core ——__ * A Letter will
keep its Countenanee, Eprftol 1 non
has,” A * He lets his Counte-
F nance, Vultum /ibi compenit, * His
Coun” enance comes and goes, Non
cenftat ef nec coloy nee waltus.
A 4 Countenance, Vulticulus.
| +» Vultu venu-
oman as on* {ſtall ſee,
Mulier vults ades wenuſte wt nibil
ON of of >" apa s Confu-
Put out of
[ delieve you are now a little out of
'To 'Countenavee [incourage)} bory-
for, on:9105 addo,
rp ©: un:enance { credit ]J 0Orm,
[To be our of Eountenancey Erubeſ-
0, Pudefio
To put out of Gountenanee .
CO iced, Sudlevatus,
zunters, Lupini, obaci.
Counters { Adj. ] centrerivs, oppo-
Fo ater nas.
cunrer, { Adv.) Centra, 6 contra,
Ex «<pprfato.
contropen-| A
To 5 ounterballance ,
A Count**ballan-e, # quiprndium.
AC — rn {tor Shop-windows J
C: _—_ dended, Probrb'tur.
A Counter-battry, Strtute adver-
Sus machinas be icas alie machine,
tormenta toymentis adverſa
nd » Kei chligatio ad
4 Yd lui rem.
hange, Permuto.
. — Recr rm natio,
To Countereharge, congredtor.
A Countercheck, Reawio.
To Coun:tercheek, Retoxo.
A Coumtercypher, Ntarum el-vis.
Counterſeits Simulatus, adulterinus,
A Co unanoie,
tA m—— > Pſeudogra-
Counterfe' t colou”, Fucur,
A Counterfeit Souldier, Mie imm-
x - + _NM [ ceſemblenoe)he
To Counterfeit, Simulo, No”
To Counterfeit mon :y,
To! Coumvrte [ forge ]} ccmmen-
To Counterfeit { reſemble] Aduwn-
0, imagrnem veferye, ſermon alte-
nm _
Counterf-1ted, 2 'Tur, fucotus,
Counterfeited (f
rteited [ reſembled ]} Ad-
Having Counterfeited, Ementitus,
Not & to be Counterfeited, Inmite-
AC ſeiter, Fiftor,
A Countertcter [ refendienT By.
A Counrrfeirer of Devotion, Hype-
A'Counteriter of Mens Actions,
A Counpeeiter of Money, Pecuni.e
A" Counterkciter of Wills, Tefla-
mentor uw f1 or.
A Counterſciting, Simuletio, difſ-
7 yq RET
| Tmtete, * am}
nie edulteratio
Counter feitly, Simulet 8.
orged ] Fiftus , | Our Country,
a Toumertting of Devotion Hy- | Ones own
ff Soumwieitiog of Money, Pecy- | C
+ Moindatum inhibi |
A Counrerpoiſe, Equilibrium, ſe-
LL 5 Counterpoiſe, Contrapondero.
y—_—_— » Contre ature,
iling » Repatgendre-
Coumerpoion s Antidotus, Alexi-
Po Counterrail, An'icomyago, An
A Courerſearps Muralis ff [>
_ _ exterior #4 7
cunte-'eeunity, 198 terns,
To g:ve Concer » Alterno
ies —_ he p hifer Antiſophiſt
ounterio -.
The Counterteno n Mulick, c
_—_ Countervail, Cempenſe, FEqui FEqui-
Ir Countervailsthe charge, E/? ope-e
dou n:ervailed, Cempenſatus.
y— - C:mpenſatrous,
A Counterva ling, C:onpenſalio,
A Countels, Comnuniſſ a,
Countings computons.
A Countrng, «c y_
A Count . hou.
Affettion for ou Om
* To WT or
the Country, pro avis &
Fey cer tare.
teh folum.
Ones Coun*ry, ad
5 Country, + Patrins,
The Country, Rus.
To dwell im the Corntry, R«fficor,
A -—— 1n the Country,
To run ones Conntrye 8 patrio fu
ere, patriom
0 make one OD bo "20s Swuis
gamer, Ravi
ply ad). Jem: otic.
— Y ads 3 Aofres. os
©. wn Country words, mibi
verba deſunt n:/tr
Ty, 2 efly 08,
your Cou
own Country, adj, —_—
Of ones own Coney
ens, Kuye-
Of the Cou 1 [1
fe - utrys | | hs, þ Ares |
; $6 -man{c\; e fave Cour”
ow) Compotrious, populayisconter-
A plan Ike,
coll cou cou =
confuler, © | A Counter | wny—r * Counters ( To Countermine, caniculos cuniculis
To keep Counſel, 5 te. —_ os r Gold, Pro _ corbones. Fav ay108 age, br ſo cumculs\
Hooper in n- recxoner Cc: mputater. mm ene wowill fine,
a ny er Connhy _ 3-14 A Counter bone 15h 2 2 To _ » Muruns contys
_ keep Coun ” ounter of 2 511 eria, N__ e
One: _— run, pluteh 5 epod ny A Connterpane, Gutefecks, Schedule |
Counted Sergrw at The © Wann q a Friſon ] Debits- \eIgre PR FS WP
, ' Ll _ ,
= + cen To hunt Counter, Retro legere ve-} A Counter-plea, Kecriminatio
A Counſelling, S«1 gia. A Coun” Faye: nt, Codurcym con'ye-
FT"TYTY*Y"".: ” Er" Y
Lats. Mit, bod
-, Ho ws
Tow |
Coupes (la pred} es: ap
Coupley 1 Bini, P Fog Nacon q ol
melts cum n—__ Baccbivs
C 0 fungere.
Ro ra
ot » concunns-
uple (carn
ACou ip, Cope Yon Jange, connelle
Coupled, Cpulats! rones people.
A Coupling, Cepulatio, Combinetis.
ou! ne.
"v. — Cepulativns,
| A Chuphng to, Adjundtio,
COURAG Fortitudo, Animur
Magnanimitus, Mentis Rnd
PiriusPetins, *
man of cuurage you re Vident in
4 te quintum fit enimi.* Their cou-
rages were "— Ceciderunt ani-
my bake
ole oni-
eF 1 Econ 3 mo ofto, 5c-
Cre © CouraJe, | ——— | mn > oc
boſe Cour oneuece, De
{© Comrgey Lrntah ===
Davies . ;
Lhck: ack'ng Courage, Imbellis, Puſiba-
L Ti 3ck of Courage,
Wahour . con ourtges je, br Frigit,
& E
C . Fortis, M: }
ou ortis a
we. cx Infrattus, Mogrem
CERES Animi magnitudo,
A — Navrratio, Nuncius ſeri p-
To Coure <p Genibus inflexis
ub/1d ny
By fol Altern#, Alternatim, In- |
vicew, Alternis vicrbus, *
fleep by Courſes, Alternis der-
A Courſe (way) Vias A! -
courſe, Vie refta, * We will
2s «Piam } * I know not what
to take, Preirſus eges con.
Nitis * What courſe ſhall we
rake ? Que ratio
com: ſe, Id tu t1 ſimu «
thor he it there belt PS
mum faltu duxerynt. * Phe
my courſe, Ego nem fur
79 rake a Courſe with one, Anim»
A —_—
edvertore in aliqumnts td examen Ve-
To take a Courſe with one by law,
In jus trabere, Litem intentave, yure &
Mibi 4 *1
Mb op pA bx"
Abo, (rn One. VT
ui, ic
the courſe of _
po ax »
Nor Wd: tute 5
rate, beets mn
of I fe, Alios more mibi vivendun
eff, * Take
courſers I» fla
courſes, In tia ſe ingw gitar.
* You tollow The fm courle
ſti, Eandem illom entiquem ratio-
nem obtines, * He takes 2 thie-
vith eourſe, Vivit f ———2.4 ritu
* Let him take his courſe, Focie!
quod lubet, Srme ut animum expleat
To Courſe { a Hare -z] ;>—— cane
co inſe{teri.
0 DEAIIESS an1 down, Ultro ci.
To tollow the Gerd of the times,
_ » py ſe acc » Fluvo
Garke, — Levidenſis, * A
garment Courſe Cloth, Veft,
villo cy
Courle-biead, Panis atey or ſtcune
Courſe fare, Cibus vulgovis.
Courſe wooll, Long Fedida,
A Courſe nvitiun
A Gout, Veredus, Curforins, So-
A "Horſe-eourſer, Equerum mango.
Womens Courſes, Fluxus mulieds is,
A Court ( q) _
a Court of ney Chore, tis.
A Prince's Court, Regia, Aus, Ba-
fitice, Polotium.* Far from Court,
far from fear, Procul a Fove atque
a __— Court [train] Comitatue,
ourt, ad!
Of the Court, Þ Auticus,
Court ho'y-water, Promiſſe rei ex-
| {Cont fumes aulicus,
Courr- Lady, Domins ex famulitic
A Court of Law, Cari.
A litrle Courr, Cuviola.
The c hiefeſt Courts, Curie ſupreme.
In the hearing of the w
Pro curia,
To put » court of guard, LIcun pree-
dro menive.
durc-Baron Curie Bavonis.
love, Amoris iter in- | C
have iſhed
Courts To
Court-lecet, Curia vicons,
A Archivam.
noſcers eff bhumanitatis twe, * 10
hold f
upon Courteſie, Precario poſ-
{idere, * Ple not be behind hand
wich you in eonntelies Officto pefte -
A Counele, | Beneficium, _
fie, IRE br _— * You
eannot do me 4 greater Conn
I! mibi fic evit gratum ut nulla
res gratier eſſe ox 7 * You! have
dcne me many very
tefies, Tus int wit maxima bepci =
extiterunt. * I would be
do you any Courteſic, T: ye
yn Conneſie, BeneSciuns in |
vo fees > repay a 72 Countelie, Gratiom ve-|
o make Courtel; I P:
A fledtere, rntdey em F
ouſin-german, For
Coutances (in Normandy] Cinflan-
tia Co
A Cow tha: has calved. Bos fete.
A Cow defiring the Bull, Vaces ru-
of >a Bovinus, Bu
Ot Cow,
A Cow-he:d, Bubulows, Armenta-
Cow- kept ry
7 Co. houie, Stobulum,
ow rurd, 2 Letomen, inis 3 Fi-
> ws bovis,
Cow wheat, M:lompyrum
A Coward, {mbellis , I gnowus, Meti- |
"eunfury but I been 2 Cowards Si
_ eſſem.
Make 2 So Oonend, Þ Intiomice.
To Play the Cownrr, Timids rene.
Cownd y, Ting, Ignave, Mulicu
loze, Pujulanimit.y.
M3 ©Co-
CH nn
lineſs, F mites, Socordia.
—_ Fhmbellicy Timidus.
Cowbridge [11 G'omorganſbive] Bun»
num, Bmum.
A Cowcumber, Cucumis.
A bed of Coweumbers, Curumera-
A Monks Cowl, Menacht cucullus.
A Cowl (tub) Tims.
A Cowl-ttaff, Vettis, Palong *.
To Cowr down, Infiexts genibus ſub5-
idere, in t:les decidere,
owring, Su//idens, :
\She Cowres (of a Hawk) Ioforgit:
A Cowſlip, Herbs paralyſis, Verbaſ-
ex/um edowarum
Our Lady's Cowſlip, Bulb ſylve-
0 a Cow's thuwb, Ad amuſſim. |
The Cowt (fowl) Graculus palmi-
oc ock*g-combyCrifte gali,Mulo in-
Coy ( frow
Coy Dame, Cont trix, icis,
To be Coy Superbia.?
Coyly, Faftidroſe.
Coyneſs, Fofius, Faftidium, contem-
al, P
Coyf, calantica, copillare.
Coyn, Numiſme, Pecunia, See Coin.
A Coyr, Diſcus See Quoit.
TO COZEN, Decipio, Fallo, * Co-
zen me it you can, Mibi obtrudere
mn potes pelpum, * He Cozens
him before hu face, Ferftringit ii
1Cozenage.Freus, dis.
JCozened, Deceptus, Falſus.
A Cozener, Impoftor.
Av old Cozener, Veterator.
A \ Cozencr to ones face, Preftigis-
A Cozening, Fraudat'o.
A Cozening trick, Dots.
b Cfvit] Arbutumy Mrlum
FY Cee, Arbutus, Malus Syl-
A Crab-fiſh, Concer, vi.
A Crab-louſe, Pedrculus Inguinelir.
A Crabbat, fudarium linteam com-
Plicatum, collare deciduum Or 4t-
cerbus, Aufterus, Moyoſus,
Ti erour, Tetricu, *
i d fellow, $1napi vittitas.
hat Cra * Submoroſus,
T bbed ( obſcure] Difpcitis, Spine-
{Crabbedneſs, Aufteritas, Severitas,
A_ CRACK, (flaw) Rima. * It
ſoun1s as if it had a Crack init,
Sonat vitium. * He got @ lcurvy
erack, Mal vacillovit.
A CRACK, (noiſe) Crepitus, _
'To Crack, (at.) Frango, collide,
Rumpo, * Ple crack your crown,
Dimmuan 116i cerebrum. * He
eracked his credit, M42 vacillavit.
;w He muſt crack the Nut that will
eat the kernel, Qui naciewm eſſe
vault at .
To Ga (neut. Crepo, Crepite,
1ZCs Trmiditas,Puſullant=(|
| de
A Crack-rope, Farcifer, Lagueum
| C
Fatiſco, Rimas agere. * The earth
cracks, Tellus rimas agit,
To Crack [boaſt] Glerror, ovi. Foto,
* 1 am not given temacking, N.n
Jum de glorious, * He eracks of
his kindred, Genus crepot, * Do
you think to crack me out ? Quid
tu ſperas ſerocibus tir werbrs me
Protelare? * It is an ugly thing to
erack of 2 mans ſelt, Deferme eſt
t1pſo predicave.
The Cracker [ fowl ] Anas couds-
Crack-berry [ herb ] Erice bacci-
rack-brain'd, Veſonus. * You are
a3h-raid' Gs Nee tibs ſonum eft
(mn Vitiofus, Pertuſus,
A —_— > [hoaſter} Glerioſur.
A Cracker [of Gun-powder J] Sclep-
Pu ®
A Nut-eracker, Nuti-frongibulum.
A Cracking, Crepitetio,
A Cracking in pieces, Comminutio.
A Cracking ( boaſting] Gliriatio,
To Crack,2, t
Crackle, ; oy
A Cractkbng noiſe, crepitus.
A C ackling, $Opires cruſtulumyec t-
racknel, yro.
Cracow [in Rane] Canada, Carvo-
dunum, Groce [8
A Cradle, Cune, cunobula, own 3
Incunabuls, .
A Cravle (1n mowing) Machina [i g-
nea falct cffixa ( ut ſoges demeſſa
melius componatur
To rock the Cradle, cunas agitave.
The C ale of a Lobſter, Licufte
runcus, Ventyiculus.
A Cradle-band, In/tite.
Craft, Aftuti a, Solertia.
By Craft, Aftu, Ex inſidits.
A Craft, (trade) Ars, tis, Artifi-
c .
A Craft ( trick ) Techns, Fella»
A Handieraft, Ars mechonics.
A Cratcſman, Artifex, Mecon'eur
Cratty, Aftutus, Collidur, Coutus, Do»
loſus, Inſidioſus, Subdelus, Vofer,
Make _ tet
rat: y Knaves, Tenebriones,
A Crafcy fellow, Verſipellis.
L , Iey-
Crag [rock] Petro, Rupes Proe-
A Trag [veſſel] Dolio/um.
The Crag [neck] Cervix, Collum.
Crolacd, > Frageſur, Petroſur,
To i ones ſelf, Ingurgitare
[0 Cram together, Sgpo.
To Crams —-— yy — HY Sa-
The pellets wherewith they Cram
02pont, Turund ls. :
Crambe, crambe repetits, Tout olo-
wr rbytbmicus,
aginatus, Faris.
mg, Saginatio.
Fatted by Cramming, Altilir.
The Art cf Cramming, Fariure.
The Cramp, Speſmnr, Nervernm
Þ,Convelley contor juro,
To be taken with the Cramp, eon-
Troubled with the j-
us, Spaſms > — eas
Cramp-breeding, $poſticus,
A Cramp in the mouth, Conrulſio
Full of
of th J
— - e Cramp, Spaſmo diften-
>-fiſh, Torpedo.
ls Fidicula digito pedis
gata diſt ortus,
-110N, Subſcns or enſa ſey-
AC -amp-ring, Armnulus contra ſpaſ+
Cranage crmmgium,tributum 0þ ſum
Crane [bird] Grus, is,
A young Crane, Gr«s pullus.
To Crame up things, Tolere in al-
tum, Evebo.
A Crane {\nſtrument] Suruls, Tol-
len), Grus irathoris.
TheBarrel or Axle-tree of a Crane,
ne edo cum
e great wheel of a
= I, G þ 2w>
cane &. Gruings.
Of, for or like a crne, F * WR
ur, Coler grumss.
Crane-bill [herb] Geranium.
A Cranes bill (turgeo::s inſtrument )
_Gruig ro
Crane [t famUp7 & Grue.
y — — [in ſet ſbire] Cran-
ns ey ning
rank, (Lut onus, Integer,
To be Cry Exulto. by
To be Crank (after fickneſs) Con-
The Crank of a Well, Sucyls.
To Crankle hike a Crane, Grm,
To Craſh with the teeth, Infrendeo,
Dentibus firidere,
Crates 1n pieces, Colliſus, commurn-
A Craſhing in pieces, Collzſ#0,
A Craſhing noiſe, 2 Strider, Strepi-
A Craſh, * S tus, Froger.
A Craſh Ceonteſt] Litigium.
Craſhing, Stridulw,
Craſed, Qu: otus, Veſanus, cui ſin-
cput neon Joanum <3.
Crafie, Fragilis, Infirmus, Valetudi.
BIT. :
Craſily, Frogiliter. :
—— rogilites, Valetudo in-
Craflitede [thickneſs] Croffitado.
A Cratch (tor horſes] Proaeſepe, is.
Cratches in the horſes legs, Scabrer
TO GRAVE, Regn, Poſtets, O-
0, Poftu1>, Oro.
n iy, Eflagito,
lorat us, Effla-
gitatus. ;
Craven (in Tir bfpive] Crauvena,
A Craven, Pu/ibonimus.
A Craver, Hagitctor, Regadere.
ET _— —_—
O—_ Oo — CEE oo Lien on om nn
FY nw 4, 4.4, 44, Oat OCDOsco,.SSzr eco OOO), ©. ONO } Oz
_CRE CRE _- -
Cravings yn tunuL poke x, Totake = credit, fide ſus emp-| A Creſſer-light,pbores, iralla ferre,
tio, regatug, bs, tw A Creilet to ({bytro
a _—_— 6 Avon bias bs Touched in eredit infomis note- l _ T eve - pads
ventriculus, in- in France
jo dot bb qutdurie, ; Toi grow in eredityinneteſer, famam wel ] Geffuran, Co-
The Craw-bone, ſurcule. acquirere reſt { {in the Delpbimate] Crefladi-
To crawl, ſerps, reps. To pawn ones Credit upon 2 thing, | wn, Creftun.
To Crawl (on all our] manibus pe- * ſua aliquid offirmare, nemints | A Creſt, cr ons,
dihuſque incedere. ericulo rm The Creſt of the hair, <quamentum,
To Crawl! with Lice, Wc, vermicu” - ts pms bomo nulling pre- ornne newes cxpBenns,
tory wer lmet, conus, pinne,
« lis not ited, bome levi To. TT up his erect, c
Q roving, rep - ny - aejette or Take yy 1s Þ » riftes attol-
= ye p... Bf
= ks ] 11076uT acer A A Credit ei evliviy fee _—_ The 3 _ F aries,
- r ridia. mane
& Crop-fiſds cancer, fy oftacus flu- CORD adj p rd Genh _ = A-4 a ] Cop.
To Crazey eu*ſſo, Of Credit The * Creſt of 2 coat of
C ary, fragtlrs. Cn. ME . 4 nium gent'lium «pex goleatus,
Crazed, confraitur. Cragutoulnels eredulites. "Ii, frl lf. Jacens,
Crazed ( Crack-brained] Moles ſa- Credulity
Cranines frogilitas,
A —_— ſ1nns, iter Bris
0 Crea repito, fly ies.
Creakings Fs us
A Creaking, ftrider, crepitus.
Creamy cremor.
The Cream of Milk, flos Lflie.
uy of the hy, We. medulls,
3 Crea
Gather into Cream > flare co: periey,
[6 A _ linea cyetd PX;
CreaſeJ, lined notatus.
| To Create, creo, procreo.
{ Created, ereatus, procreatus, -
) Nor Created, increatus.
'A Creating Fere tie.
( Creat on
'A Creator, Creator,
{A Creature, creature.
A little Creature, oanimalculum.
A living Creature, animal.
$ Creature, bumilis amicus.
To Creaturize, devincio.
A itrange C
og ve C:edence to a Thi eredo
| v4 bobeo, _ X
rr of Credence, liter creden-
Credible, credibilis.
5A credibiliter, eert6.
ama, exiſtimatio, au-
theritos, * 7, * Take you the
credit of that, gloriam tu gw; 6b. 1A
tine, * It wn for h
erit ili ille res bomri. ry It h =—_
wen to th's plea,
nen baberetur.
AR only not ts wrong his
cavit ne ungquom infa-
KI 54 eſſet, _
table ſe $ culemtur,
To eraok his Credit, conturbo, mol}
det Grip anoegi,
o Creek, crepo.
To Creek 21 a Crieket, Grillo,
A Creek of the Sea, vorago incur-
Vs, cye 1d), _ k
nt nou aſmus or
tetanus levies cer cery » {þ
"Greclat Cin Wllore Crecolada,
os _—
þ- ouch <nes Credit, fomam alicu-
Creſt-marines crithmun,
The Creſt "Lin France] Creftidinms,
Crifta Arno
Crevecure = oy family) de crepito
1 cy ren | [oray- dew Concer.
reeneles, funicul in novi. Crewel, Glomus filt,
TO CREE yg * He creeps | A Crew, ſodalitizen,
eainal, incedit ut te c0- | A Crewet, guttu.
þ terditate vincit, "* They | A » lemniſcus accipitvie.
lay it @ cps upon. them ſooner | A Crib, preſepe,
than thay though*, obrepere oiunt | A Ct. © [fieve] eribrum.
citius quam putoſſent. * Old age A Criek, ſinus, fs,
comes creeping Ly by ſme ſen« | A Crick in the meek, opiſtbotonur,
{ [tas ſeneſcit levior cervicis JSp1/mus or tetanus.
© Creep again(t, obrepo, obſerps, | A Crickets Erillus, cicads fecaria.
4-3J- ll»;
» Pro eric idus erro.
To Creep rward, Prorepo. A = 4 full of Crick mr
To Creep mto, irrepo, * 1 will | A Cricket C(little-fool] {+ -
ercep into ſome corner, in angu= | ior, ſcomnulum.
lum aliquo abiho, To chirp like a mm
To dCreep into favours inſinus, gro- ) To icket, clavs faltets
Lt - Cn Ang? inire, ayyepto, FS torquere.
0 Cricketing apple, Poomare puny-
01 om hn) ber T -- -—4 errepto, | _ tum.
To Creep up, nitor. To Crie, elomo, See cry,
3© Creep anawares, ſurrepo. A Crier,
A Creeper, » ſepens: A yg CrImeny Ou
3s Creeper [ ied] Pieus muroring, Criminal, eriminalis,
A Creeper bo niten A Criminal action, ww,
Concpers [ ron] | ſubjices fecarii. Criminal adion at -» de
A Creep th Sy reli, Crimſon, exe - —— —
in, ſubreptic, To ,, demuſſe ce e ſeyvili-
A Creep = 7 'Cringe veneer _ - lati
» gen! ns 0,
Faſly orept pt fn, Surrep titiug, AIR, rin Veatch us,
Crema [in Venice JCrema. Ts Crinkle, c
Coums in lower Auflria] Cremſa, "ll of Crinkles, Sietwaſes tos huo-
Crem Storm via] Crempa, le, c_
Crenell> [ in beraldry] Crenatus. ei flicernium,
—— in Lamberdy Cremons. Co Aetceturey Tigna|
Creſcens {2 mans name, } Creſtens. Ol J Gifs,
A Creſvent [hait-moon = fob | A Cri infans arte beptiſmum
cars mortuus
ies, wn. Criſp { brittle) fra iis, friabilis.
Gartien-crefſſes, no/turtium bortinſe. | To Cr pt Criſp, IE >
Winter-er Borbaris, uftule,
|Bank cud 2 7 Io eriſpury tortw,
york yp ann ſylve A Clped loek
, no/iurtiuns 0. ri ) Cincinnus,
——_ a wy x y oc Ig: cn—_—_—_
nes-ereſſes, cor-noeps Ruel]; Criſpulns,
———_— Naſtus trum 4 eriſhus.
A Cniping, criſpatio, A Crit
A Criſping-pi -pin trum.
To Erie Betis Se
A Critick, criticus, cenſer.
To Crtiere Aa cenſorem
Play the Critiok + — exbi "
'riticiſenus s.
Es the goes) mr MC
oar: a [part of Germany] Croatia.
The Cronts, « _—
a een Ting
h river fin br Cenratend] vidua.
t (e] agelins.
FEcae N"S=peditio five militis
roiles [pilgrims] Peregrini Cruce
es [haights of Jeruſalem] E-
quites ye
, Clo {+ y 7 age) Croſtl: acum.
, of-
Cromarty [in Ros) Cromartium.
A Ny a cum plane extre-
Cronenburge [1 [a Caſtle in
Croneabu'ghl n Chevelend) Cre-
Conte tis T TL, nytvonis)] Coren:,
A CoonPe vetus 0090 1c 1,
To {Crook «F [a5 a dove] gem.
AC harpage, inis, bamas,
odcph qa—- per Fas ant
:ſhoakler'd $iÞbeſur
Crool d,voleus, .
—— > oy oy
ked, exrwvatus, curvss, falcatus,
__ contortus.
& Crooked picee of timber, trebs
Crooked rafcer, tignum repan-
Crooked horn, gy
'n writing, litera
, Gyipes, curvipes.
4 A C:ooked Cen Jens Ls
/ wy.
» *blique
i - wie over, aduncitas,
inte, t
A Crookings Jſrnnotio, flexure, cur-
Fe Gnu ayes] gow
0. | A little Croſs, cruc
Coop.enrs euribus mutilatus.
Cr , tn5, morſusy tenſu.
A" Crofier Biſhops ſtaff] prdum.
A CROSS. crux —
Crolfappoin anced, ſruftratus.
Unacquainted with Va, C.oſs, on-
nis adverptetis inſolens,
To Croſs [ſign with a eros] cru-
com appingere, crucis ſignaculo mu.
To Croſs one Jon . * I can-
Be Croſs unto ide to Crol
my childrea, non p+ſſJum edverſor
To 'o Croſs [dilappoint) fruftrory, de-
Crofi ED EO
in, fo as tr veyſas "1s
pendarie * Crols-keys, Clave:
. y ols [ peeviſh] Moreſus, protervus,
A Croſs « (diſappo; ntment) Inforts-
Fu 1
: ; ſe ; trenſverſim, dicuſſatim
A Croſs {coin} Nummus.
C ofs or Pile, ' vel copia vel navim
* He has never a croſs to bleſ.
mo m mat ad ſi 4 py
0 play at croſs or pile, reflive «-
bo ſrve nummi altem ſortiri, exer-
To Croſs Ty * T rol.
—w "1 A _— | _—_
To Fo Crofs out, olliters, e
To croſs the legs i®coxo, coim
6 fi: Gold lerng Sedere, decuſ
Croſs "'d, divericetis cruribus
TheC om ob of a window, wolti,
Crols burred, velle tronſverſo mu
Fon of a ſword, ferrus
bill Chird J h
dlow, ifs wpoftorius,
$ Ros Adverſe.
A Croſe-bow, —_
Crols-bow maker, Fabey Balifta-
Croſs-tow man, Baliſtarius
To fer a Croſs-bow in the ftock,
Balifte brockium chalybewn manu
brio 1nſerere.
7 grain'd, perverſus, moreſus.
Is dfrontate, i 1s zplagul-
A -— WIR tranflilum.
The Chrift-e:
A Crop of corn, meſſis.
74 A latter orop, meſs; ſerctins.
The hs © opt a birg, ventricxlus, n=
o Oro
by 0 Crop, Preecidoy ton-
——_— ofs-10w, alpbobe' uw,
A learner of ofthe eroſs.row, olpba-
ain, 1M
A Cro\s-way, quads tviems.
x” CODES of crols- ways, com-
Com; erutiita,
Ck rt befterns potu lan-
A Croffi'g, itio.
A Crofling over, Trajefio,
Acco ofling out, Obliteratio, Diſpm.
Croſlings, Seltic + —
To uſe many
Croſly » Perver/7, In
Crody ene y Infeticite,
HUN enel's — Perverſitas,
A Croteher (in muſick) Simple, $+
a—_— Minuritio, c:ncifto we
Crotchets, Phonteſmats, Ineptic,
Chimerre, * His bead is full o
Crotchets, Tribus nticyris caput
inſanob: le geftat.
[as :otchert [trick] Techne, Strs
Crotells (dung) of a bare, L
rinus fimur,
to Crouch ( fawn) Adulor.
Cronched Friars, Fratres cruce ſq.
To "Grad, $uccum5bo, Incurveſes,
With Crouching and creeping, Sub
m xs #, Supplici'er
urha conferta.
himſelt withall, non bobet quo re- | A
as a cock) Cam, conte,
To Crow )
8s 2 Cocc cy. '
ook crow
Crow - foot Toor (herb) Retrochalihe, h, in,
Double Ab oOtyRenunculus
Crow -
Wvck OYEN Aim $
Crow toes, Hiacinthi
Crow {in Linco wy Crow
landia, Crulandia.
Crowland, ad ad). *& Crulondenſs
AC _— Diademea,
A rake Crown, Corelle.
A Crown-imgoriel (flower) C:119
Pricts Crown-tiſtle Carduus t
ih Gon of the head Vertss|
* From the C of the h-al1 &}
the ſole of th: foot, vertice &|
= WS 0
_ £5 | SV
o» QQO >>
Ee SRL ARnotur na, ai. nid. ela >>. CO H,. 0c>>
7 «. © a * #«. PR 7
A Crown of money, Corenatus, i 4
$c viam, aureus.
To Crown, Corome.
Crowned, Coronetur,
A Crowner (putting on the crown)
Crowner (an officer) cedis or
Homacidti queeſitor , parricidii quet-
A —_— Vas faſorium, Ola pti-
To Coeifiey Cracifigey Cruci ffigo.
In orucem
Curnified, Crhcifieus.
A Crucifix, Crucifixus, i.
A Crucitying, Crocifixio,
yo C u4 (curd) Coagul.y,
rude (raw ) Cy us,
ond TY, Crudtt an,
A Crue, $.d litrum.
A baſe Crue, Grex f! gitioſus.
Cruel (yarn) Licium, Frlum.
Cruel, (rudelisy Ferox, Dirus, S<
vr, Immunis, Atrex, Truculen-
A Cruel war, Be 4, -- ag
A Cruel ey pe} + ranns”
0 be C_ vel, Sov, ferocto.
Cruelly, (þ liter , coor Trucu-
- * C.nelly uitd \ Trottatus
"y— Rage Cielly, Duſ.evier, De-
groſſr. : F
Cruclty, Crude itas, Atvecitas, $avi-
11a, "ucukentts.
A C:uet, Awipulls,
A Cruet for oul, Lecythug.
A C:um, Mica.
A Crum of bread. —_—_—_—
The Crum of bread,
To Cam (break (mall) Frio, Per-
Ts Crum in, Intero
To Crum pottage, "Frufte panis juri
To Cunble, Friog
ruere, rwnam ſacere.
Cruwbled, Frratus.
AC: umbling, F -——
C-ummed, Pertyi
_ Mw us,
A Crumming, Tritwws.
A \ Crumming of pottage, Fraflorum
1 0
oydon ſin Surrey] Neomagur,No- | T
7 Crumble > ag "Perticulotio Crſaent
The hard Cuuſts about the A ittal,
i - cabbage | ſes wittal, vir ſui dedeceri®
TY mft., Uo wo : OY adulter, flupre-
0 Crult, mcy u #2 for
ag< cat Coup "1 bread,penit tucces. Cue Eng: go >
. eruflul ue mbelt proby -
6 -u' th ent. ue cold. ike F ens. _
"uſty piece of a loaf, cruſ- Cuchow-flownr, cer mu,
Cru [erabbed] tetrieus, To fing hike 2 A enckows E andems cam
Crutehes, gral a, pocium.
A reg Crutch:s, greUeter. Cuckow-liflower, Arnoracia ſyl-
——= rome -S.... Th Cuck wmone/
me on'r, c omnes 1n- ows tune. "gi
dignifin follum. * They eryed | Cuckow bread hge Os
SI rx As
Ls E -
ly. clomabant mnt rells, gronde ſop Sopbes! -queam, mulice vireſs, peb
To o Cry after the dam, deſiderar e ma- The cuckow-filh, Paw Salvioni.,
ery aloud, exclomo, ejulo, The wild rune, oxcetum, EC
Town ery ;n the me ket, pu%ico au 6
To open, oenſtny. *1] did al- -. p—_ CUCUmer av -
mave g+ him he Cud, rum 1, rumen
FN cries ſo, id auzc clamot ſcilicet. To chew the Cud, rumine.
Tocymac woes. ow a thought | A Heats that the OW cen.
"2,v Beaſts that chew
1 beard the C il ery,eudiſſe vecem min. le , » eſte ron
JR viſue _ vagient!s, Cud-weed :
ings [as women] clamito. | Cud wort low
Th Ci _—_ up, depred:co, laudibus
7 Cuddy,
Cudgel, ; >» x — = Faſtis
16 cry one down, diffemo, Infemno. tanFets toe? bacil ws
Jo ery our ahem, 6 : 0, Cudie-rroe of etipail.
To Cry (weep) ts Conclemms. <1 Arcuum,|
Cry, clamey. ſet up 2 to 0 Codele, Eefigo, Fufte cadere.
Ke Nm ow ſau = ol To te Fe mttrs endgeſied, imbre
Hue an IC + libelli ingquiſitori} ad Ae obrui.
retre eg, , Futig tio.
The ie yall Chara) Gargetts Italo- | 4 Cue halt a tacth ng] mirutuer.
; nouos t
cryed, a.m peak) #5 ls ke 6
Crye1 in the market, public publicatus, 4 in "cuerpo, ſine pollio ince-
u xclamatss.
A Cryer, — g Cuff [of . fore] manica.
| 2 = op, IA A mm Pn Inns þ —
. acres ia Py
A Cihed oice $ Preconinm, foie Wa
The Cryer ({kwkT circus. pair of Cuſs, Monice pres.
AC , Clamatio, otio, A cuff on the ear, «c s, * You
A Crjing aga'nf -% x ae to hard for me ar cut, 78-
crying of gitus. tes.
Crump, Infexuy, _ A exclamatio, clangor, | A on the chaps, «
Cn pleratns _ * . To colaphiye, cola»
Crums. ſhouldered, FGibber, Gi33o- cr ſecret] Crypticws. Gio one a Cuff us © frees
ur, co Y 2
Cramp 4. C z a9)ea, c pagmnny fa 69 impingom tibi.
To Crampie, corrugo., Fla, 15 Calle
, rugs, tortilis, Of or like Cryſial, Fight at Cuffs F tends
Crumpling apple, Pomum nonuw. | A Cub, Catulns onlaphle cf
A Fm 7 5 corrugaetio, The Cub of a Bear, Cotulus wrſinus. A enffn Cura, Tarts, Cubitetis,
To 85 2 Crane, gruo. The Cub of a Fox, Catuhus valpinus, — Ly
4 Crupper (rumpJ Tropygium. Thecals. ny
Ku - tor 2 lines Rulers, Aras Po ny dech Lin enlond] Cu-
, ue 0. - Abacus. lemebochiuon.
A eruſe, po iluns, = A b Culemberg [3 mountain in Gerwa-
brtle” Cruſe, oo Cubebs, Cukebs, orum. ”y ,
0 Cruſe up and down. the S*2, ,exl,Cubicxs. ul [fid] Gobio capitatur.
carſhes oebliquare, bus illuc diſcuns- A Cubi, oe mmm Cul £0-00-700 ſa 1] View
0 > Cruſe tor booty] preder, Ex- 2 Cubit, 5 <xditalis, 'C an herb] perſicoria,
C wa two Cubnts, Bicubitolis, | To cull, er Rigs”
Chu Of three C r= Tricubitelis, At .
CV —_—
The Cull.ons, —
A Cullis, Jus gollinace-m.
A Cullis { Cu ] column,
A Cully, Stwlixs.
To Cully one, Aliquens tudes facere,
alieui imp nerve, aliqguem fruſtrart,
Culm C in Poland ] Culmia.
Iminant, Inc _ conſtitukus,
ſable, c
Culter, of Plough, Vemer, eris.
ultiwate ( manure ) Excolo,
A Wood: Culver, Palumbes.
A LCUpep aces » Loculamentum Cc0-
A Culver-tail ( in Building ) com-
- «ra, arthior junttura,
ulvering colleurina.
A A Demv-eulrerm, SemicoLeurina,
0, enero.
Cun k _ Hlandia z Cum
Cunprpenyect yo"
A Cumberi ing, - _
G ummin { He - S:ed ) Cumi-
Wild-Cummin, cuminum ſylvefire.
A Cunner ( Fiſh yo
CUNNING (fab. ) cientiay @11,
y = oftutia, ſolertia.
A Cunning-man ( Wuard ) Mz»
Gnni adj. Peritus, expertur, ſo-
ters, p =p », ertificioſus., * As
cond Pig, Tom aps
Lawyer, Juriſperitus.
A _ wick Deine, _
cn ly " Perite.
To v3 ji thing Cunningly, Man
+ > atiguid Jane agueert opere 2
pci tore.
- (The Cup ot a Roſes, Reſee calyx.
As = & glaſſes
Capped -- ng Le oem admcta eſt,
lais, Cucurbita,
a Eiping _ ,
ner1s natus
Curable, Sanabilts
A Cura % Lovica.
A Curaſlicr, Cotapbrafius,
A Curate, Ds, Curio,
A —— —_— Curimnatus,
The Curb, Lupoto a Well, Sucu/s.
cs 9 $ Coogulum, lac preſſum.
Fo _ d, 3 Con
Curale 'gulo, concreſco,
Curdied $ Cealdus, Coogulatus,
ng, > Coollio, Coagulatio.
+ Medela,
A Curding,
dia pati poſſ umus,
ch, Plus He tones Li
his Cup to you, Hanc c
} tervenmnt.
To take off his Cups, Evaruare ſey-
1 Uike a | ehirping Cup, Bibere ad
61 is Cur fas
1s Cu ey peenila,
oy Pccu lum charitatis,
To Cure,
will Cure Love, Nullis amor «
Medicebili; bertis. * If it
not Cure it, S: minus 'T'l pt«-|A
iſſet. * What cannot
uring, Feanatus.
| os, pot tas.
h, AfffeBetio.
Curious, Delicotus,
Curious, Putidulus.
erna, pecilletor, | captioſs.
4 Abacus, Delpbiea,
19m eand of Pls :— Sal
| The Cup of an qo = Cupuls glan-
d1s colyz.
Curiouſly, C
Curiouſly F fnel
Curiouſly AccuraPP, ad
Curiouſneſs, Curioſites.
ws \ Curt, Sericum lenui
cur =_— intortus.
| look, Crncinnys.
'y rmory onnv 18 deusve-
A Cupolka, \ Twrris — fornicato,
To Curbs Cobiteo, refraenc, com-
* We are not
able to SF, our Cures, Nec reme-
* One Cure
for all Diſciles, Eodem coliyrio me-
deri omnibus.
A Cure [ Lonargs of Souls ] Cars
A "Cure | ( Benefice ] Beneficium
$ano, medeoy. * No he:b
entia jy ar Corrigere & T3
Cured, $ s F/t ne
Cunmmgham ( in Scotland ) Cun- The
Curiofi: Pond,
M0 'Y di y pleaſe J
Cetic ity [ Neatneſs ] Elegantiee
Curtous {be : =_ to pleaſe] Mcroſur,
— Curious, Simplex , in«fefia-
Corbes [ exat ] Aceuratus, ex»
Curious [| neat } Elgens, Nitidus,
Curious [| too caretul J Anxius ,
To Curious a mas Queftio
—_ 0 feltat2, delicats,
] RR dg.
A Curtews Arquata, Falcinttss,ny
AG Curli Cy! atro.
AC Curling, Cr
four Builels bl Al
A Curr Ceniculs Canis d
C "Curr, UVve I won - wy
The Currants-eree, Rides,
oy Produs.
urran!'o, Chores cur
A Curranto (of Ay
nwor un ifs
A Current, Flumen, rivus,
To Curry [2 Horſe ] Equum 4
firingere, * He Th Curie
your Colts Tergum ſftrixit acer.
To Curry favour, Blendioe
nw, from inmve gretian. o__
A Curri-comb ST ies ot ape
A Currier (6
_ ALS = —+ Kone
a ( -urrier { of Horſes J Dijtrigi-
xy. 6 [ runner to and fro)
Curſor, veredar ins,
A iſ { of Leather] $«-
Aforn Lot nos] vj
= Maledico, mal: tre
YTo eng umprc ro the Pit of Hell, D
= dits inſerts devovere, dries pro
Curſe, Melediftio, I
A \ Solemn Curle of the Church,
Cure » Dire.
Curſs » MalediEius, Devetus,
[ abomain Execyati-
1 Execrondus, Nefarius, Scels
ani, Scelerats, Sceleſt?, Ne-
ar | cunnee ] Curſator,
Curing, aledicens, Maledicus,
» Maledifio,
A Solemn Curfing, Anatbemeti>e-
A Curſitor, Clericus de curſu,
Curlority, Leviter, raptim, extem-
clitcry, Levis, Perfunftorius , tx
anews, Incurioſus:
+ Ferox, atrox, Savury tpn»
Curithy, Aty
ocitas tt
A Curſy, m_
ot P'plitem,
orting, ule wn, vele-
Al ticede Curtain, Velum.
LA. a Curtain betore, Yelan
Curtain-rod, Virge cortinatic,'
unde os corting,
[ſhorten] Cirto,decurto. |
A \Cunath 3 Curtatio.
hs nd
_— Lad te Mt tt H _—— ” _
m—_—__——_— oo _© £m
10) Gy
' A Cutclifs, Sica, enjir_brewiee.
Curteous, Homanas. Cuurte-
Curteſie, Humarit as. :
| The Curtefie of England, Jus curi-
el tatis Anghe.
A Cucrczin, Mpretvis.
Curru23tcs Curtrleginm,
' To Curvety $21.1 oy per ſulto,
A Curv&t, Saitus, p*-/ul otio _
[The Curvetring of lu'ty Hories,ex-
| w{t:109.
' A Cuſlicn, P»lvinus, pu'v nergpul-
| vinarium as To of b: ide the
Cuatuon, Scum nn ettingere, 6
; ſep? ecberr ve. ;
Cuſtion- canvas, Carbaſum.
A Liyy's Cultuon cloch, Stratum
A Cuitionet, L
| Little Cuſtion, $ Putvrllns
' A Cucking Cr pbhrum.
'ACuſp { point ] Cuſpts mucro,
A Cuffardy Oogala, tis, ortogala ve-
| ſaſum.
' Cuſtody, Cuftedia, tutels.
T0 our in , porn Incarceravre,
m carcevem compnge.
CUSTOM, Con/ue do, mos, uſes.
* They have trough: themſelves
to ſuch 4 Cuſtom, In com Fe cun-
ſurtalrnem adduxerunt. * It grew
| to bz 4 Cultom, Res in conſue wd'- |
rom verit, * Itd from the |
Cuitom of this plazey 4b bujur 1c-
«qt mire abburyet. * Cuſtom 15 2
| lecond Na ure, Al.era nature wſts
Au evil Cuſtom, Crccethes,
{A Cuſtom g9cten, Heobitur,
{Lack of Cuitomy -
|For.g ing 4 Com, Fo —_—
'(3-own in ule by Cultom, Invetera-
iTo bring into Cuſtom, Aſſuefacio.
!To chanze Cultomy Diſſueſco.
| The Cuſtom is, Selet, ojſclet. * As
| his Cuſfom 194 Ut ſoſer ſuo more,
| Apainit Cult: m, Inu/ita's, «luſne.
'2v lay aſide ol1 Cuſtoms, Vetera
; mtitute antliquare
To bring up new Cuſtoms , I1no-
| Cutomable, Uſitatw.
' Cuſtomubiy, de, ex or pro wire, 1n
| es mil F fi ;
uRtomary ſrcuns r wnlterins.
| * 'Tis Cuitomary, an eft.
Cuttomary Tenant, Tenens per
conſut tudinem.
t=mngy@. A} .dus.
Catom { Teibuce ] Tributum, ve-
[To pay Cuſtom, Veftigel pendere,
'The Cattom houſe, Towns,
'A levier of Cuſiom, Publicenus.
'A levying of Cuſtom, Veftigelinum
A Cuſtomer, þPieatiow re-
A Cultom-buyer, 3 demptcy, man-
F, regis.
ultcner at a Shop, Emptcr offi-
dunss, ordin :rius.
To draw Cuttomers to ones Shop,
Empiores ad = tabeyn.m ollices e
conciitare fihi ementium ſrequen,i- |Cu
A Cuſtos [ in Schools ] Cuft-s.
A Cultrel ( bearing his Maſter's
Buckler } $:4 i'r, tutigern(us.
A Cultrel { to cacry Wine in} Oe-
n poorum -
Cuitrn ( 'n Gem ny ] Cuſtrinem
10 CUT), <ecs, ſernd., * It Cut
me to the heart, Percuſſit illico ant-
mum, * He Curs large Th ngs
of ano:her M:ns Lea her, De 2he-
no cort» (udit. * Cut your Cloak
according. to your Clo h, &1n n
Cute in Reſeiſſns,
Curt 4 acer. Dif <4 (ef ws,
Cutt crols-wi os Ja.
tt gelded ] Caoftratus.
Cutrt { graven } Sculptus.
Cut off, A5/e: ys 7 proſe ifs.
freng eltrins, caZuns.
Cutt ſhort, Preciſus, truncus.
Curr ( {mooth ] Dulatur, Þ litus.
Cutt 19:0, Drſe:ſu:, perferdus.
Fatily Cutr, Scrgptes,
In-cutts, Inc'/:us,
A Curter, Serie,
A Cutter { Curver } roy.
a Cutter { Robber ] Gladiaturyla-
"{ſis qued velrs, welis gu d peſſis.
ow aſun jer, Keſunda, 4; A
” Cut away, Exztco, Amputo, Ke-
To Cut with an Ax, Aſtin, dots de-
d:ilo, * I have Cut my Leg wih
my own Ax, Ipſe mibt aſeiom in A Cutting in pieces, Coneiſin, cem-
©r us imPpegt.
To Cut b«fore, Precvido,
To cut Capers, Tripudr, Exulto.
To Cut down, Dejeco,
indigno 't re,
To Cur [ geld ] Coftro.
To Cut [ grave ] Cab ſeulyo,ere.
To Cur { hack J] Coneco.
To Cut in, Incido, Inſculps,
To Cut off, A5ſcindo, proecide, cm-
preecid m cmmibus.
10 Cut oft the frogglers of an
Amy, Agmen Carypere.
w*1pey [A
To Cut off the Head, Detrunco,ca-
ite Iruncove,
0 Cut out, Exſcinds, execo,
To Cut round, Circumſcindo, Cir-
To Cut the Seas, Maris ſulcare.
To Cut tho't, Alas preerdere,
To Cut ſhorter, Deqranco. |
To Cur ſmall, Cencido, (mm nu.
10 Cut a5 4 Tally, Incide.
To Cut ones T hroat, F«gulo. * He
Curs the Childrens th oats before
their Fathers : aces, [n ora porentam
Wy Jugulat. »
© Cut 1n two, Diſtindo, diſſeco.
A Cut, Sciſura, ceſure, iiciſura,
The Cuſtoms levied in Fairs or |
| Markets, Tox tio, cenſus.
'CUSTOM, [ Trade ] N:egotium.
[To Cultom a $hn Frequen-
Get Cuſtom to a Shops Ftiew emp-.
' torum conciliave. |
To deprive of Cuſtom, Emptores |
j evertere.
| Without Cuſtom, Emptoribus orbus 4
(Cultomed [8 Merchandize] Mer.
LO 3 Shop ] Emptoribus
| Py: >——g
| Cuſtom-taker, F Publiconas,
| C21 ad teloniwm deſcripte & portorio'
Þſſus. * ilvs 1s the ſhorter Cut,
ac ibitis brevitis , malid propins.
* There was the ihortelt cur into--
Inde erat Grevifimus tronsjebing
m --
A Cut in a Tally, Inciſio,
A deep Cut, LVu/rus airox.
A down-nght Cat, Kits clarus,
A Cut over the Face, Vat ſar
A Cut ( Lot ] Sor, tis.
To draw Cuts, Sortes legere, ſor-
A drawing of Cuts, Sortilegiun.
A Cut-purſe, Cruminiſees , minti-
Culoyin', Zon'y wy,
[A Cut-purie-knite, Sic.
A Cut-throat, S:ic-rins, g/adictor,
'A Cutting away,
Cado, De- The of a Purſe, Mentics-
4 /
To Cut over the Face, Os vuirrre A Cutting ſhort, Decurtatio, detrun«
* 1] will Cu* of all Occa” AC
tions trom ev-ry cne Omnes cauſes | Irar us,
(A Sword-Curler, M:clwropeevs,
To Cur oft cne Specch » Sermonem | Irie,
To Cut wn pieces » Fruſtatim come
A Cutting, Seftio, ſeifſio, conſelio,
Am? atatie.
Cutting [ Ca ving ] Cel:tio. 9
A Cutung otf, A5/cryfio deſeitio, ce-
A Cu'ting [ loppin Frand tio,
A Curr; ho , tn Þy ;
A Cutting in the midile, Interſe-
cetio, drvijio,
Cuttings, S:zgmenta, ſecromente.
Cuttert [2 Man's Name ] Cutbertur,
The Cur1-l-'{ou'moit sk1n] cuticle
A Cuttle fiſh, Serie,
A little Curtle, Loigo.
utler, Falter cul el.arius or cul-
A Cutler" Sh3p,
A Cutler's Work houſe,
old Cyphers, Nos cryplo-
graphicas re diver,
Cyp.els wood, cupre ſus, cyperiſſus.
C er1/pa
Iv .
The Candian Cyprets,Cofreſſus Gre-
Garden-Cypreſs, Cupreſſus bcrtenſis.
C . I -
Bean preſs, C b
A Fd rove, Ces tum.
Cypnan " ns Name } Cyprionss.
Cyprus (a Syri-n Ifand ] C =
Cyril ( a Man's Name } Cyrilus.
Cza" grade ( in Torece ] Confton-
Craſlaw [in Bokemis] Cyoſlevie.
Czeben [in Trenſiutvonia ] Cibinium.
Cze:nikuow {1 Pol-nd] Cyernihcvia.
Czernobel {in the Lower Vobinia)]
Coern bela.
Czersko [ 12 Pelind } Cyerſchia ,
on tum ;
Crvagrad (2 Province of Hungary}
Comttatss Uredien(is
Czyrkat ( uu P.lend } Coyrenſſua,!
Liyenfſinen. 4
- D. 4.*
Cf dirt) «fperſio,Lebecula.
I he Dab ch:ck, Og:
The Dab [fiſh] Crtborus,
To dab, inſpergo, incu'10,
T- give one a dab (bluw)] Al:pom
To dabdvie, Aqu'm many commovere,
Jug monus crebro rmme- gere.
To dabble in the dirt, Cano voluta-
re, in luto werſari.
0 dabblz one's cloaths, Veſtes col-
lutulave, nw ae.
Dabblzd in, Manx commotur.
A Dabbl ng, Inqu-natio.
A Dab-chick, Columbus 1m1for.
A Dabule, Sceptrum mogine Turca-
rum Imperatori prelatum.
A Dace 1, cocites,
To dacker, VactLo, nfo.
A Da2yl C2 tot in a verſc JDatiylu.
Day $P4ppr, tata,
To call Da4. P-ppo. x
addock, L1grum caricſum, ignim
facils conciprenis.
Da, Ignovw, prſtionmu.
ry Serd1\uls,
21 X
Daſfda. FNarciſw.
The yellow Daffodil, novriſſw lute.
& Se 4.3. Antbericus,
HrOGH, 4%). 4
Of a Daffodil Fa9Fidinw.
Daft, Siupicus, barcus,
T 0 dag ihcep, Veliu extremum de-
A Dag,P l li
onnw | 'cerus, or fenſilis.
A Dag Chan !-gun] Slopeian ma-
The Dagger- ſh. Dyaco obl:ngw.
A Dagger, Pagio, /ica. -
A littic Dagger, Pagiunculur,
A Po:ket-cagger, $:culo,
A Scotch Dgger Pugio Scoti-
rn het: Dagger $ cus.
T hey are at D*ggers drawing, Ire
_— precedunr,
To daggi- 2 cellutulo, irroro, per r6-
roo, 3
Dagele-tail'd d colutulatus,
- Ing, _—_
igghngs, 857947 veRtis irrerat um.
Dagho ſan Ie .n the Baltict)
1454 8-10C 6 L ina
fon fl
rem tyabere.
ob extremitate veflis
A Dag-ſwa'n, G:uſapum, genſapa,
£*% — |
o daign, Digny. See Deigny
Daly, wo!idranus, See Day
AINT Y, delicatur. * The dainty
th ng would hare a dainty bit, /--
Fus es &f Pu/pamentum guetr71s.
| Dainty dIlLes 2 cupediee, deliciae, epu-
{ Canty mea $y /&, lautitte.
La n'y (Brave) lntns, exquiſitug, e- | A
| legons, :
Da.n'y (Colly) Fump!iuſus, opipa-
; Dainty [Excellent] eximine.
{ Dainty [S$queamiſh] foſtidroſus.
9 Dainty meats cupedmorius.
aintily, delic 14, lawts, opip ire.
To fare Dantly, laute ſe pabere, da-
16us ones veſii,
Dantine(s, arregentia, fo/lidinm.
| Daintineſs of feedings 1 niiti 7, cibe-
rm exgui/itoram deietius.
— , N
(Ommage —__ om rum, | rexeft jon in woa9. Jam Ts
tia jumenta,
D:mmageable, damnificur, demne-
ry Xie,
Dunm*e-boy, Sacrum &f divis de-
virem caput, "=
D1mnavble, dimnbilie,
damn -t10.
a _ Tlafteriun, ca/eale.
Da'ry-man, lattarins,
A Dxr-maid ,
Dairy-woman {:iflaria, |
Daiſy, be is ils. .
The imall red Da ſy, 5ellis minar ru- Demaatony
4. » damn, damn, condem=0,
The gent whteDaſy, bells maj-r
Damned, d 1mm 11us, condemnatw,
e ol5o. | Lamne1, adj, Rr produs,
he I ttle white wild Daiſy, *ell:s
mm.r vulgaris.
| To dammtie, d mmm inferre,
The prea: :rrip2d
( Damnitied, d1mno lat | leſus.
Daiſy, bellis mrj r | Damn ty:ng, d mmoſius, =
A Damp, vopy, exbalatio terrs tt-
A Da'z {Cano2y of S'ate] con prom |
regium, ww 1a penjtts.
A Daker-hen, cyex, ects,
tra neportis.
o dam » one, ſuffoco, / \ wy
A Dale, valtrs, is.
2 Da'e, villret
Dmpiſh, bunidas, mucidus,
A Dawſel ; puclia, adleſcentuls ,
Dalecarlie (pa-t of Sw:detmmdJDale-
Dalie [part of Welt Gatb-land] D«-
A Damoſel F virgo.
A Damfin dprumum d -maſtenum,
ro Dally, laſcivie, nuger, ludo, de-
Dalliance, tuſur, deluſo
A Damſin-r ee, prunus d 191nſceng.
Damvillers [1n Laxemburg] Dam-
Wanton Dalltance, {Uſcivis, preea-
Citas, protervitas,
v1 lerium.
I CinT rþ-ſdire] danum,
Full of Daluance, precex, petulens,
Dallier, nuzatey, palpator.
ance in armour, Pyrrich:,
A Danze, chorea, tripudium.
A Dallop, locus in jegete acxiarum
berbayun plenus.
The Morrice dance, cbiron:miz, ſul- b1andus.
fati> Chironomica.
A D-lly:ng, nugatio,
To dance, /alio, alto,
Te dance} ghety? tripudie,
A wan on daily r ttulartio.
A Dilmatick, > I wy di:cant tu
To dance through a etouri-
as. & c Fhittrem ages, I rs ſe
inc put.
To dance a ch.1d in on-'s "ms, m-
ito, uinty complexum fatto, agito.
Dam (in HoUard] daomum.
A Dam {mother} mater.
A Dam (bank] og ger, moles.
A Dam ot plar.ks ro break the force
of water, p1/#, ar um
To dance often, / /tr1o.
A Mill-dam, catoratle, elauſtrum.
To lea4i a Dance, Proſulto,
The leader of a dance, ehoragus,
A Pool-dam, emiſſorium.
To dam ; ofpilo.
p <ſultoy, preſulirix.
A Dncer, ſiltat.r, m. ſaltatrix, f,
Make a Dam
To dam up ht, lucem obfiruere.
Danzers, ſcale,
A common Dancer, ludius, ludio.
Damala (10 Peliponneſw] Trezen.
A Damalcene, Prumm Damaſce-
A company cf Dancers, c6<7w.
A Dancer on the ropes, fun-mbulus,
Oyl Damaſcene , Olenun Damaſee-
A Daneing, Saltatio, ſalt atus, trizu-
ret :9
A Dancing Matter, eborrdidaſcatus.
A Dano:ng Room, 0 cb:ftra.
A Dano1ng School, Ludus ſol: ateriw,
A Dincing Wench, Saltatricula, ge-
1ncing, 21).
f Dancy
Damaſco [in Syri2)] Dameſcus. R
Damack, tk _ alm 1hcum, Saltatorius.
A Damask garment, ve/tis damoſce- | Full of Dane ng, S:ttabundu.
na, or ſcutalrta, Dandelion [herb] Dens Leon's, core-
A Damagk role , roſu damaſcena, | nopu, Twax:cum.
moſchata. ndeprat, Pumilio, nanus, perpu-
Damask prunts, prone brabyla, lus, brutiper. :
Damaik water, 4qu1 ex reſis damaſ- |To dandle, Indulge), manibus ge-
cen's extratta. are, ſuper gembus agitare,
veſlir ſew'nl1ta, di- | Handled, Agrtatus.
> inclio veſtium m\ A Dandler, Infontis Agitetey.
guras, A Dandling, Infentis agitatio.
0 damaik wine, calfacio, A Dandling child, Alumnus molltter
To dawmagk figuvris diſtin. | nutyiiue. eee
Work Damask-work F guerre. (Dandruff, Furfures,rams porrige, mms.
DamaskeJ ris di- |Full of
F. Dandruff, Furfuracous, por-
by = Ike Damak F Benfins, he
ember, verbero, Dane {in Lince/n-ſhire] Danw.
A Dame, d'mwns.
A Dane, Danw, [# .
Dames V:olet, beſperis, wiels ma- |Danebe.g (in the DukeJom of Ls-
ne e) Danevergs. _
Dammage, domnwn, jeftura, detyi- | Dan*-gelt, Tributum Duicum.
mentum, di perndrum,
anemark, Dmmia.
Dama.age [kurt] nccumentum, n0- Develend(in Hertford ſpire JDanomum
; clades
*X. b
A little Dammage, domnulum. Danewort [dwarf-elder] E5u/us.
With Dammage, domnoſe. DANGER , Diſcrimen, ferent:
Todam damrum * There is no danger, Nibi/ periculi
To bring * The er is over, Unmnis
Damask work
eft depulſum. * He puts his
fea commun. inforen
- th. & it. am—_
_ » ——_—
1 de-
per, Agih 1, ſuccinft
a»per flow, H- mes 'us ogilis
Fl onm ſus.
A low Dapperl'ng, Paumi
DayDl--gray, oe y"
Di#. filh, Leweiſens,
Va-by Town D whia, Derbia.
Darby! ne, \mitatus Dabieaſis ,
Darcan ie Che Hellefyent] D
arcan: No elleſpont ar
nia, D »dani [by _
TO DARE, Andes, * I dare not
lay it, Rehgio eft diceye, * 1 will
lay you what you dare on ity, Ve-
Fram quorungue woearls, * You
dare as well take a Bear by the
ye Þ, Cititts clavam Herculi ex'or-
5 y ſafttive] Lnceſſo, proveieo.
* Being he ea 25 me ee Fumde
A are [fiih] Aput, cobitery Huciſ-
Dared, Loceſſitus, proviectus.,
Dar a ng, _—_— | 64
A Daring one, Provcat
A Daring Glaſs, mw —_—_—
ny quo copt onhur alaud
Dare River Fin Kent) Drvvntns,
DARK, pebouſds, tenebricus, cali-
eincſury obſcury
A dark brown on colour, Beticus, ſuſ- |
ur, Pullus,
Dark (intriexte) Znigmeticus,
71 Dart thrown, Mrfſie, is.
A ſtringed Dart. Hajto ementate,
corny Darts, Telifer.
A Darter, 7-cu{:tor, m. J:culatrix,
a Dart ng, Jaculatio,
arting, 2").
Of > Ja F yaculoterive,
Darwent — <a Dorventa,
a Daſe { Filh 7 4 Apua, Cobites,
A Dat {blow J/Flue, » He
& dn ine effendit. * hers he 2
Daſh on the Teeth, Pugnum in 65
A Dan | mingling ] Mixture.
A 6 Bats { wing u5.* He learns
the Daſhes of t » Litera-
rom dull us diſtrt.
To Daſh, Centundo. * They daſhed
the Enemies Defign, Conztum ad-
ver(ariorumn infreerent..
To Doth agarnff, A irdo fie, iDide, A Daw
impingo, incutio. * The Ship dath-
ed againſt a Rock, Puppis offendit
in ſcopulis
To Daih ( as with water or dirt J
Thee ere 3 ccnſpergo
Dait {| Winz with EW ater) Vi-
_— aqui Glue.
To Dzih { mngle J C mmwſceo
ruine /wdir.; A dark ſentence, AEnigme, «tis,/ To Daſh out, Excutic.
gs ? dorhin the i ſame dan- ok ce y [Toda out the Brains, Excerebre.
ger, Anbe to cadem ſunt naviy in Feurhen Tempeftas caliginoſs, | To < ry Cou _ -
11ſdem novigoent. Funde, * He was not to
yn NR eoier, 6 in pevi- vey dark, Persbſcurns, tenthricoſus. | what he intended, he was ſo daſh-
Fall into danger F euhwm venive. * I | To grow dark, Cnebreſees contene= | ed out of Countenance, Nm po-
am 1n er of my life, In dubis breſco. mt by gi proligur ns cum 19
vita eff, * You are in no moref Itis darks NoBefeit, t1idums obſiupe ſertt
dang=r than--, Nibil in majore es Ie Tong: dark, ſci To Daſh out {with 2 Pen ] Obti-
diſermine quam=-, * Con t Dark, 26 Contenebro, obſcure, | teyo, Ex
danger you are in, Habe rationem ken, — - — 0b - Fo Daſh in piers, _ diſcutio.
penculi _ - es COm was in "frees from pe To Dated roger er, Collide,
anger to en 1 copi im» | To en we, 1 "nt »
_ t. taza To Darken Fu el Cotgr ebnubils. "caſe er, pats : Lig, ,
To run imo 0 dangers extyemum peri- Durnened, © ſceuratns. - þ-— our, Interlitss, diſpunilus.
culms Darkener, O*ſcurotor. Daſhed wi:h water, Conſperſus, pey-
To deter out of danger, ex ſouci- A Darken ng, 05/cxratio.
bus ſati eripere. Darkiſh, 4 Subebſcur us. l i C 2s Wine ] Dilw'vr,
Full of danger, Prrieuleſus. * Out | Lackſome, Dotted out [of Countenanee) Cn
of danger, Secuns, 1n tron _ Darkly, OSfeurs, tenebress.
* I will keep out of danger. Derknels, Obfſeuritss, Tenelreey noxs alher, Tlifor.
ND ERY i Darkneſs of Weather, Coligo. [A Daltnn® (banetng 7 ww. &.,
ec om « N1v1z0g ivts ar $ © Net, £477, in arteri onfliiins
Fm tat fm: " = PRs Opened we mn ng » Adum- Fs Go 5 _— 2 Cy
= danger of Law I ms at1o, Upact ing t er, coll:/to,co!#ſus,
Was, Subj Subjeft fu. _ "| Fullof Darkneſs, Tenebroſus. A Daih in anger, cud per/io. 4
Wakout any danger Loving D# kneſs, Lucifugus To Daſfle, Perſtrings 822 Dazle.
_— anger Jo Perenſs A Darl ng, Delicie, —— tener | A Daftard, Timidus.
Seemingly d anger 08s, | Vent alumnus, on ms. Daſtarcie, aphemnies, 1gnavis.
Dangerouſly, periculeſe. Dermbect { in Tiffen } Darmfte- | Daftardly, Timi
To4ang Depereo ardly, (2449 ImbeDis, Puſille-
Hang angling P : ToD Da-n, Reſarcio, See Dearn,
Todangle up and down, Preminros, | Darnel, Lolwm Al \ Da rary { an Office at Rome) De-
Dangling, Pendulus. R-d Darnel, Lilivm rubrum.
A Dainghng, Prominen'ia. Darnel, adj. 2 Lebiacers. A Das [of Writing] Datum tem
mage py: Penduls, more perdulo, | Of Darnel, of De ro
Dawgws Afffatim, Loh wſque | Darnix, Panni Tornacenſes. t { day-book J] Epbe-
od exce[Jum & ſatietatem. Da're-n Conminuance, Uitima litis _—_ draviues.
Daniel (a man's name) D mel. cen" invatre or preregatio. To Dare a Writing, Dove, tempus
Dank 2 Mucidus, ſemifice«tus, ſub- | A DART, 9 culwn, telwm pilum, of e, dem ſeri tore.
Dank _—_ bumidinſculus, icu'w * Out of reach cf the *<d, Ditus, conſignatus,
on, = ju —_-F Ab iliu telorum | regs, * He on of be. ce, Ato—as
0 cdan'on t on cart] Exa- } i189 at a Dart, F-culo b«nus e are ruit s.
nim, 0 gu J * With fires and Darts they ie A little Da'e, Palmuls. =
Dan'zick { in Pdland] Dentiſcum, | ordered the Beſieged, Focitns ot- |Dite-l ke, In wr Dettyli.
Gedanwn, que boſtis turbobont obſe(ſos tree,
Danub10 [a river in > Grmeny] To Dart, Jaculor, jJaculym tor. |}An Indian by CTimarinds) Da-
The Dan 'wY Drns a Caſt a Dart, F quere. ttylus Indieur, Tamarind
The Dart-fiſh, Leuci/tus, Ts Indizn Date tree, Polmule In-
The T=—E porn of ativus or
A D hrer, Fiha, Nato
A litye Daughter, Fili-ls
A Dadghter-1m-law, Nurus, os,
A veep Daupheer, Þ ife, P—_—
r .
bog aug hter, Pregigne.P aftra
Dank a La Man's No Name] Dwvid,idis.
The Deu ulphinace (part of France]
Toi rn—— Salto, See Danee.
D*auney [the family De Aineto,
To daunt, Perce. Rupefocio, terre-
f cio, confſundo, od [uentiums ad1ge-
re, onimum drminuere.
To bed daunre1, Anmmun deſp ndeve,
, -<—_— confu/ws, tt
more pere
Dautrey [' he 1 tamily] De alta vio.
2ck-D2w dm nedul1.
To daw [brook a thing] Conroquo,
To dawb, Grp'o, oblin?, ungs.
L dawb> [finter} Polper, eduloy.
To dawb | bribe] Corrumpo,
Dawbed, Oblinus, unttus.
Dawbed with Gold-lace, Coopertus
To Daſh one in the Chaps , Cole
ptum impingere.
A Dawber, Gypſetor, limiter, eblini-
N 2 'A
P _
A ——_
A dawber, ( flatterer] adulatory pal-
\ Daw ng. Gypſatin,
To Dawn, d:luce/0.
The Dawn 2 Dilecutum, Aurers, Lux
D-wning dubia or primn.
A DAY, Dies, Lamen. * I the days
of yore, Apud majeres nefliros." Let
us hwe 2 day ont, Hilarem bunc
Sunames diem. * Ny davs are near
done, Prope jam decurnitur ou
From the
Cays of Auguſtus, Fomn
v: A«guto. * 't was tar
gon? of the day, Multe denique
diegmulto jam die, * They count
th-:ir cartel twice a day, Bis de
die or bis die namerant pecus, * It
is a hunired days (ine, Centeſma
beer lux eft ab, * By ten days end,
infra decimumn diem. * As if we
were ro know 0 'e another at this
time ct the Cay, Qu1ſt muve non no-
rms my enter nos, * They were
called dy thoſe names in hi« Cays,
Iis nminus vicobontur of te ejus,
* You came a day atrer the fair,
Poſt feſtum vents, * The day is
curs, N ftra minis He ef. * The
day woul4 fail me. N:x diem odi-
met, dies me deficiet, * To wait
day after day, dirm de die ex-
ettave, * Ih: better day he
trer deed , dicends bona ſunt
bona verba die. * The lovg:(|t day
muſt have #n end, Li2ge dies n4tt-
To pive one the time cf the Cay,
Day-lght, lax. * A little before
days ſub 19ſam lucem. * Tt is hgh
day or broad day, clara or multa
lux et
N-0T% day, meridies.
A holy-day, fe/tus dies,
- pg dies faſtus.
A Day appointed for hearing, Dies
cognoſiendes cauſe proepitutus,
onitdg a og Juſt
ays Ot reipity #715 Jul7z.
A Day of Sprdrnncs: Dies flotus
Days of return, dies furidica or /e-
erlion, : .
The dog-dzys, dies cariculeres, fe-
oy dies nefoft
V oCat10n-Cay3. 4101 nefaſis.
To Day _— Hearerm die, * 1
This Day F nave not ſeen h-m all
this live long Day, tam ego bodie
foto non vidi die * I never {aw hit
before to diy, neque ego banc vid!
onte bunc diem. * Todvry ms, to
morrow thee, da miti budiernum,
fy flows craftinum.
to Da ;
his ” $ Hodiernur,
From Day to Cay, De die in diem,
* He put it off from day to day,
Darm de ce diftulit.
Eve:y days Q-et14ie, *T love him
every Day inore and more, gue»
lus pluſque incies diligo,
Now a days, Hoc tempore, Nunc di-
ery, qu modo nunc e/t.
Day ty Day, In ſemeules dies.
2n 2 ceicall day, Dir quodem,
On a ſer dayy Die certo.
The Day before that Day, Pridie
ejus crei, * The Cay before he
was k lled, pridie quam Octideretur.
4 The day b:fure, Proximd Luce,
——_— —_—
inde a di-} A
far | Day, ad). $I akes Diaries Druynur, A Dead-body, C:dover, eris,
Ofa DayF * He is in aday-Dreams "> 1
Then xt day after thats Poftridie
Th- Dzy before nudin/
Tw> Days ago2 : teritus.
Three Days agoe, Nudiurquartas,
Four Cays fins, Nuly quintar,
This day leven-n ght, Nadius ofta-
th rext day, Craftin» dre
The n2Xx: Dey after to morrow, Pe- |
In th: ay tim®, Luci.
Within the
nother Day, P fte-i«r,
tic vieilims ſomniet.
The Day oreak Þ Luceſeit , Dieſtit,
A Dry-breaky Cum prima Luce of
dilnculo. ?
At ſhutting inof che day, Sub cre
uſculuwm veſpertinum.
A Day 1n1 a half, Seſquidies.
The {pace of two
* They were two days about theſe
th ite, 4 $13 liduum conſumitur,
The iva'e of three Drys, Triduwm.
In fou- days {ace Qu 1tri./u0,
The ſp3-* of n-n* da ©, Novendium.
o nine CPR, «we lis.
ver ay, L43)- —_
Of or racy Lay Quotidionus,
To (p:nJ on s day, Tempus tredu-
ceve, atitem agere.
A Diy I1-bourer, Merce avis,
A Dy 1 Ily, Li rum non bu'%ofun,.
A Day;-man ([um;1re] Diceptatey, |
Med: :tor.
A Dayes-wres. Dt :71umn,
Dayly (44) Afrtuns, Q v0tidionun,
Dayiy (adv,] Afidu?, Quotidiey, In- | To wake Deaf
A Day y, Loft rium, $ee dairy.
arp "*©Þ Bellix. See daifie,
Duwed, Semicoitus.
To Daze, Perſtringo, Preftringo, howy =
Compung», Ob/tupefaco.
nitus, Animi perturb tas.
days, Biduwn, \ A D+
cefſſe W mh , »
ge dead, Fe
Sunmum «© ju diem. * Woul,
w-re dead .t any body hold me
but zou. Mori fi quis me tent
bee te, * He 1s deat, medy
8 —_— Gent ——
0 mak: 4 orf .
Deacden e TY:
Made Dua i, Muti fcrtur,
Deat-netth: Lomnaen
ſe few days, Pripediem, | Dead of it ſe.f, Mrrt-cinue.
Half-dead, Seminex Semivi ous,
ok, V1 po.
1coal, Carbs ExtinIu.
Dead-A 1h, Caro in mime.
Dasd-payes,S'ipendia ad ducem reci.
rhe pro mlittbus ecciſis vel ſugi-
Almoſt dead, Seminetuy ſemizni-
Dong drunk, Uin» ſomnoque ſepul-
Dead-wine; U'na marcids, *
A dead water, Ajue profunde
Dead-fleep, Somnur altw.
bough Ramale
Deadly {nd} ] mort: fer, Lothifer, bn
thbebs Exitioſus, Exiticlis, Feralis
Fane ftus,
D-adly feud, Inimiciti e capitales,
D-aily [adv.), Meri fere M:rnaii-
ter, Leibaliter}, Pernict ſe.
DE AF, Surdur, "bſurdus, * Yeu tell
a tale tOa Deaf mai, Surdo can
or fa'ul»m notre, * Tam not deaf,
I hear you well enough, ond, ne
me ſurcum verbera
To be deaf, Surdeo, obfurdeo, auyi- |
bur ebturetis preterive,
To g © w deaf, Surde/cr, ob urde/eo.
| Som: a
| oem what deaf d $ubſurawr,
0'tundo, ſurcum
To Dzaicn yeddere, * You
t my ea's w'h entrea” ng.
Grondh ſurd 1s jam aurts reddidiray
: | Deafly, Turds
Is Dazed, Friger, pre frigore tre- Dezfly, [ad) ] Seliteriug,
De+zincls, Surditas,
«kn p at F$081uſi,
D. al-tere, Abies, etis,
Dazled,Perftrittus, Preftriius, Atto- Deal [in Rent) De/a,
Dazlng, Fajgidus,
A Deacun, Dracenw, mm n' flex,
Deaconry ;
D-2-op/tup F Diacomatus.
DEAD, Mortuus, Demirtuur, Em v=
tous Exanimis, Extinttzs, Deſun
ihouid rather wi'h the 1a dead
thin---, Pucrum pr ecptarem perive
potins geaam---. * Inthe di vuame
of the night, Notte concubts, om-
nitus olti Went ſopitts, * He
waitok:n up tor dead, Po occ
Jublatus eſt, * Speak w:ll of 1
dead, De wortuis mt mijt bonum,
* As Subtle as a D-ad pig, Tom ſa-
” pit quam ſur mittata. * As D:ad
quam ancua.
Dead {Numm'd] T ypidus.
D:ad Dull, Segnis, Iners. =
To be dead, Fareo, Diem obiiſe, * I
hear that Mortal is dead and am
ſor y tor ity, Audio Mertialem de-
nail, Tam mortuus eft
| A D-a! merchant, Abietarius.
O DEAL. Az». * I w:ll Dal
pla nly, N»n obſcure agom. * You
deal hike a friend, cmice Facis.* he
nt dTobule obiegne,
Fateperfuniius. * Hewiihes | has n> body to deal for him, Ui-
deal, Mortm exoptat meom* 1 | carium nullum habet
| To deal( dutribure?) Dna -
fle the caris anJ cel them again,
Mifte f.lia &f mnoſun impert'e.
* Youw 11 loſe yuur dea!, View
twom onittes di flirt) wendi
To deal fully. Proeverir or.
0 deal :n buſine{s, Mercer, rego-
To deal with one, Aliquem tr bare,
Cum ol quo contrctere * He deais
kin!ly wr h him, Lberatiter cum
tyattar, * Deal truly wih me,
dic bena fide * Do you Ceal with
me ſo, Itmme micum epitis?} *1
never had ro deal wich her, n
gum cum 02 mibl Ccommercium
A Deal
ed 4 _ _
— —
A great
- ſum In ere/t,
' vations ba
Deal, Vis, Numerns, keeys
YI # (tr, Maxima facit ter-
bas. * Wer he any deal the rieh-
er, Nunquid copiojiey evet.
al. | 1x00 vis, Numeras
ingent. * He makes @ great deat
n:tu maznas agit
1s 2 great of di
* I have noe a great
deal of a-quaintance with him, In
conſuetudines cus me perviins mn
me-/1, ® It was ſold tor a great
d-al of money, Pecuns grond!
wnditum oft. * There was 2 grent
gea! of wine, Maximus 197 rume-,
11, * Thy pay _ great deal
of money every year, qengons fr:
cantim pendunt i qu'tanms c
wis able ro ſpeak with a great
deal or fluency, Copioſtume potuit
A cr. it Deal, ady, ry Sngon:
Jy 4 great Deal »
= _ Bonk ry Satin
ey might a grear deal
n = way, Mults ER ilinere
we pefunt.
1 Le 19-y bee nag wn.
Dealer, tiaty
A Dezler ( Ca ds) ds) Diſtributor,
A tal'e D-aler, Prevaric ater.
D al ng. Occupa i>, Neg tin. * If
you have dealng with anc*her,
St cum oltero © ntyabes, * I hat
no deahi! ky h h m, Nibil cum e-
1 Deaiun 7, ' 0
y le: 4] nz 7 {1 = Cards) Dijtvi-
Avlan Deal'ng man, Sine furs &
frilacrns boynd,
D ub'e Dealing, Dolur mus,
A talſe D aling, Previricatio.
Ha'd Dealing, Exatti-.
D-al ng muc \, Ne otic/us.
Dealt, Allur,Tranſottus, Difiribu'tus
* I am ba'e.y dealt withal, Indiz-
ns ego ſum acceptus modis. * He
was well dealt wi. hal, Preclave
cum 2 oltum e/t
Dealt ingeujn cOmercinm fallum oft.
Deambulition, Deamiul1tio.
Dein tore!t {1m Glouceſterſhire) Do-
nave or Damea ſyiva.
A Dean, Decanus.
A Deans wife, Decent 7a
A Rural D*an, Decanus ruralir,
AD in'Y» > Deconotus, Decania.
DEAR, [ beloved) Chrrus, * No-
thing ſhould be more dear to 3vy
man, Nibil bemint detet eſſe anti-
gurus, * My Dear, Anme mi,
* How does wy dear, Meum ſua-
view quid ogitur 7 * You are as
dezr to me as your father, Mbi
Cf qu? £5 charus oc patyi. * He was
dear to every one, Charum omnes
Dear (coſtly) Corus. * Corn o
deary Ingroveſcit arnens. hey
are dear, Non ex'gu 5 rebiis vene-
unt, qxam plurimo venewnt, * Its
des e- by half, Autiwn id payte dr.
midid eft, * It was then as dear as
gold, *' & tunc erat awro contra,
* Do you think I bought it too
ery tum nimio empte 11hi «des
videntuy } * Tt is not dear at
twenty pounds, Vile eff wiginti
To make Dear [coſtly] Pretiuw
To fo make Corn Dear, Annenow ar-
AD "Dar as may be, «om plurime,
tos Dr > Lorculum,
LA Chare.
o-ned n. 5, Charites,
o Dea
Dons the 7 np t
earn | uncout itavi nfs,
A I ror they ang fi
A Dearner of Cloches, Polio, Vete-
A Dearning, Reſartio.
Dearth, Caritas, Famer, Auae-
r oo tf cullar, Ket ſrumentariee in-
0D artuate [quarter] Deartwo.
DEATH, Mor s, Lethum, O'itus, Fo-
tune, Intevituc, Exitus., * To beat
on2 to death, Ault:re uſque od
mortem, ®* Its dexth todo it, Neon
ine periculs capitis _ * She
"many times in the ice, 05
acules more ſepe mibi verſata eft.
* It is death to them, Mortis erct
injlay, * Death w it comes
w 1! have no Jen al N*que wlla oft
out m-gno aut parve letti Pegs:
* Death makes no difference,
ud [ee nece/ſitss ſortituy inſignes
im-s.* Dea h yhe ors
Poſt le "iu autilinm.
laughter) Nex, Occiſie, Cla+
ine. * You wil be whip
ped to fdeaih, Ad necem uſque 0-
prrieve { ris. * I wilpurſue hm
to the death, Ad internecionem mibi
peoſequend. T2725
I: is Death, Capitale ef.
Suiden Deiths Mort: iniun.
An exlie Deach, Necwls,
Death-pangs, Ag 1
A Des h-watch, Scarsbeus deme/t1-
cur, Termer.
At the your cf Death, Intermertuxs,
McaWibund us.
Yrs of Death Cas 2 erime) Ca-
| feels Leh Le bo
rthy of Death (as a man] Cru-
com meritur.
To put to Dea! Am Supplicio cepitis
damnare, capite Or morte
A Draurztion, wratio, :
To Debar, Arceo, "Exc! 'udo, Interdi-
co, Priv?, Impedio,
D: barred, endif, Interdiltur.
A D-barring, Prive
” Detatoy, Demitt, — De-
110 anc! #tio m1 -
mueye, } ins Army Digratatem
ws | To Debile Coin, Navmmum odulte-
Debaſed, De Depreſſus.
a cr, [4
A Debaſer of f Coun, Adwlterater,
$ Debafirg, Depre
A Debafng of Ceiny, "mo
A Detate in Law, Acti
& Riendly Debate,
DEBATE, Lis, itis ; Diſcept»tio,
| Adulterotus,
y collg-
———g ir
under de-
bare, I cliber cadit. , =
things about Þ hoe 00
Gedates =—_— qu diſcepta
A mall Debate, Diſceptotian-
maker, Priiilitig otew.
2 De res es Do evo, Diſpwo, Arguo,
Ko » D: .
Tp > Getace Cage [adv 7.aor Dſepee.
To Debate {Quarrel) Contendo, Al-
Debated, -Bpaabs Aftitetus,Con-
It is Debared. Vertitur,
A Debater, Di/putoter.
A Deba:i with ones
let} Deli
A Debating, Dt putatio, Difſceptatio,
To Debauch, Meribus - * x
Fitts, Ad nequiti ons abduc
To Debauch (play the Debauch)
Debacebor, Luccuri oy
A Debauche, Prodigus, Diſſolutos.
A Debauch, Magna vini inguigite»
A uched count wNequitia ,
Debaucke y,
A Debauching, I Corruptels Lhece-
Souldiers Deb:ntur, Stipendia de-
bita or ns
© De J— Enervo,
'tated, —_—
Debilt 5. oo
nd 14,
To Peat, ng. + Ad nequiti-
To Deboſh
— Hitorie Canis, Moribus
—_ , Comiter.
Deborah (a womans name] Devore.
Devrcrysn [n Hagery]} Debreci-
'A'D DEBT, r—_ op
| * Good debts
- 4 a become bal if #
[4 not in, B n«
fiunt ſt non exiges. *1f an "=
be left when 1 have pad m my debt,
Siquid &1i alien2 w1e0
To be in Debt, 35 re pn ofles
Ex ore _—_
was hugely in debn, Wins 8 dlie-
num ingens er/4t. * I was not able
to be any longer in your dedt,Nn
ofui 1151 d: 14 1148 debere,
oren in Debt, As alien e: nfl a-
re, Contyabere. * I thnk I uit be
ſan to go in dedt, Mibi «es alic-
num facrierdum
To Demand Debts. exigere,
To ſus for Debes Debita inſettari.
To pay Debr', Nomen «5 or
fetrſocere, deliia reſolver
Debulliace » Ebullive , » Efer-
= e.
To rid out of Dede, ZEre aliens k-
” ee? nemen e _ ie
To mae Deax- [beloved] Concilio, | Diſcerdia AltercativgDifficium, Con- [a eſ/crare Dc<ht, Drbitums inpine-
c< L
oo VN 3 Devted\
Debonar / — —_- Benignw, |.
to obnnxinusy Obera.
Dd F to [- ao aliens oppre[[us.
þ © CO Tor Decas, adis,
s, ſtatus vet detevior.
| — yon reed ſeriptor,conditor.
» Caftva muvere, vaſe
Xo are,
Þ The Depaloone (ten Commande-
_—= Dothan,
To Decant, Elutr:0, Decapulo,
A Decantation, Trans jw/1%,
A Decark, Decurio,
To Decapitate, Decepite.
To Decay Decline, Labor, Obſolto.
To Devay with age, Seneſco, /£vo
To £ Deeay ſin Colour] .Defloreſes,
1s Decay utterly, P
To Decay (2s bens) Flacceſeo,
A DECAY, Declinetio, ( co Occa-
Jus, —_ _—_— The houſe
to decay, des vitzum fece-
ws. * My memory goes to de-
Cay, Benerie minainr, * When
his Eſtate was gone to decay, In
clinatis —_ Jurs, * Things are
ous to decay thorow age, FPrep-
velu/ftatem obſcleverunt res,
In Deen Kuinoſus, Obſvetus, Con-
Jumptus, Dilapſus, In-
prong L
Decayed, (w wes Sea Marceidus.
Ds with age, PORT Senio
To Decea Decedoy Obes Morior.
—— —_ or f14s,
To Deeede, Dec
A Deer Fromn
JToen inace by
De ecui,F UL1x,froudulentus ,deloſus
A Deoceitful K
A Decer:tyl ek Det, —
Deocitfully, I Det.
. 1 Dolus, Fallacia.
» Doogie, Imprucentem | v
15 BECEIVE, Falle, Decipio, Im-
pono, Cireumvenio., * You are de-
ceived, Falſus er, Ervay, * He is
a egy. deceivedgHuic verba dare
| To Deceive [ mock) | Deludo, Eludo,
ivable, Fallex
'To be deecived, Follor, Decipicr,
Frouder, Eludor, Blanditiis cop Ver-
bis ttis ivretivi.
To be Deceived [erre) Erro, Ober-
ro, Halluciney. * They are greatly
» Ervore magno verſantur.
Deceived, Folſus, Fraudatus, Decep-
tus, Eluſus.
A Decciver, Impnflor, Fraudator,De-
Ceptor, Ludifcator,
Doretein ——— - III
atio urea,
Aon ud
ocemner, December, vis.
The Decemwirate, Decemwviratus.
Decency, Decor, oris.
Deecenn al, Decennalis.
D:cent, De aus.
Lecen ly, Decentey, Decore.
Deceptive, F1Cax, Fr :udulentur.
| Deeeption, Deceptia.
To DECIDE,Decerno, Decido.* This
day ſhall decide the C rlie
noſtram julicahit. * He had a mind
to have it deci battel, Rem
arms deduci ſt t.
Decided, Deciſus.
A Deciding, > Deciſiog onis,
Cn Deciduws,
[lo 1
Decrmation, Decim11io,
Deeifive, Deeret- __
Deo ory, ory, D:ciſ-riu
To Deoypher, Deſeridy Delinee, Fi-| A
pho ed, De Deſeri tus.
A Deeiphering, Deſeriptis,
The Deck of a Ship, Fori, jRo_
* Av I was fitt ng on the uppe!
deck, Forte ut «edt m_
The opening of the dec $7rvatiom| A
fororum exemptil's tatula.
To Deck, Orno, Exorn:, Polio, Expo-
lio, Excolo, * Now go deck mes
nunc fam 01111 me
Doched, Ornatus, Cultus, Comptus,
_n_ jr ecked Incomp fitus, {Incomp-
y Deeker, E x: rnatoy,
a Deck: ng, Ornatus, Cultus,
A, D-cl mano.
D:e amatory, Declametorins.
To Decla.m, Decl:mn.
To D.claim often, Declom'to.
A dee a1mer, Dechamet .
"WI 73 ly. Ty matoris.
A tio, Significatis.
* With a fu inet, Si of your MS
pleaſure towa'd him Cum ſumma | Decree
= ——_ ine tworum in ſe officic»
A "Decluration [at law) Libelus.
oÞ put in a Declaiation in law,
Dechirs ory, Declavetivus, Index, | Deore
Declarative, $ Interpres,
To DECLARE, Deciaro, Nyre,De-
nunciog Indico, Ediſſero, Aperio. * To
declare a meſſage to one, Mnndata
ad aliquem veferre, * To open and
declare dark th'ngs, 0, toes pote-
faceye & il uſtrare. o gcclare
CoD /ctds W per ſpi-
ire, * 1 will declare briet-
ly what it is, Exprmam breviter vo-
bis quid [it.
To Beads abroad, Divul, (go. Pubtice,
To Declare before-hand, ' <6 unqgo.
To Declare far.her, Proſcyner,
To Declare for one. Agnoſce, Can.
W . ” twert, a ; partihus ſtave.
0 Declare a meſſage, Nuncio,
as Declare ones mind, Elcquor, Pro-
T, 0 © Dechre briefly, Perſtringo.
To Declare fol mnly, Indico
To be Declared, Patefs, teri.
D clared Decleratus, Enavratus Ex-
reſjus, Indicotus.
or lared, Inenayratus, In. di tus.
—_— Declare Elcutus,
Not to be dec arced, Inen:wyabilis
A Dechargrs Declarater, m. Decla-
A Decia rY Declarat'o
Aſion, Dec matio.
The Derl nzv'i n -t a vlan®, Di-
antt » ophante ob equatcre,
o DE LINE ([avo0d] Dre 0,
vito, Devito, Evite, * He ceclined
Battel, Prolro diffugit. * I de
ed that City, bem illam dee
To > Decline [bend downward] Ver.
Deol; ne a word, ver bum
To __ e [decay] Lobaſes, Dey ;
yo! <linabilir,
Deel ma 'ng ;Cgcownng worſe] Refluus
My Ln ver, ,
wor nati ti
A D:chaing (of _ ds} / ann _
Dechvity (tteepneis] Declivitas,
5 - pid, boyling] Decoftio,
A Decollati
Te (+) | Decorate adorn) Decoy
yt 4 bandſomnzſs} Dece-
A Dezoy, Viiciaw.
8 _ $Utex, ics,
To Decoy, Illicio.
TS Deccy 3 perſon, Inducere in
Decoyed, Ileft
4 Deeoy! \ Hllecebrotie,
DE eſoo, Minuey,
Deeretuns, Sci.
ements, os - rebus mi-
wſui inſumptis pen.
on Inflitxtum,
" "ul wi
Decerne, In"e2, Status,
1 == Sancitus
Decree (ju nt) Seateati
A Dec:etiit Wt Radie-
16 i xg Ot Decree, Arbitrizm.
ne nn eevepitus,
[ot the Moon] Decre-
Je Decretals, Decyetalia, iuvm.
To Deery, Pablice deſamare, Edilte
abregare vel minuere,
A Decumbiture, Primus ex morbo
Decuple [ten-fold] Decuplus,
Decurt {100it) Decurtus,
To 'o Decyphery Cryptogropbiam ſol.
Decyphe-ed, Solutus, Enedetue,
A A Debs ins, Boed
Dedal an mae like Da aleus.
To Ae 1a Dice, Dedico, Nuncupo,
Ded A Dicatu 1, Devotus, Sacey,
Cen reratus.
A bedicator, Con/ecrratey,
ADed-catmn :, icatie, Conſe cya-
A Dedication, 5 tio
The Decycarion [ct a Church] En-
To Dedut, | Subtrabo,
y,-- 2 Sx” Mraltus.
A u
A Deduction d Subtraftis,
Dee river { n Cheſbire] Dere.
Dee nve, { n Scitlend] Dro, Diva,
Dee mouth, Deia or Seteia weffua-
A "wg,
10n beheading] Decolla-|
A Deed, fattumy atium, attus, ott-
io, Facinus, oris.
A good deed, Beneſattum, focinus
egregium, * It were a good d
to b:at you, Meruifti plagas.
| An Il deed. Flagitmum, maleficium,
Facinus ndignum of J_
A beed Cn t] Inflrumentum,
Litre, Libellus, Syngropha.
Ind:e4 > Keverd, Reipſay Re+
[n very Apſe. -
[n ihe very Manifefto.
To Dzcm, juic >, opiner, cenſeo.
+ Jadic atus,
A Deemer, Jud cofor,
a Deemng, Arbitratio,
A D:emſt:r, Arbiter, fudex. _
DEEP, Profundur, a/tur, * He 181
2 deep fl:ep,oliun dormit. * Heis
El Þ indy, ottentius cegitot,
M:ite*undus e/t, He fell m0 2
Deep ſorrow, In maximes tutius
inctit. * I ferel'd © deep figh,
Ter x: ex imo ventre ſuſpirinm. *He
mate (rench-s 30 foot Deepy Fo/ſas
pedum trigints in alt tudrnems ſect,
The Deep, Profundum, * Naxure
ha:h hidden tru h in the Deepyn t-
twys veritatem in profunio abſtru-
ih the D:ep of winter , Sunmd
p; Lox P : Penetyo.
| To thruſt D:ep into, pertento,
| To Deepen
| Lake Deep Excovs.
Deevly, Profunds, alts, Penitur, me-
He is deeply in love with her,
En mere amt,
| Deepne(s, Profund: tas,
'Deer, Chorus. See dear,
A Deer, Cervuss Fera,
A FaVow-deer, D ns ſulva,
A rain deer, Rengiſer, et.
A red-.deer, cervur, "Fe?
Th: deerhead withrall its rights.
Arbover cervi emu! _ ;
Deer- hairs , formide, retia cervins.
A Tame-deer, binnu/us creur,
A young fallow deer branulus,
A : 2epe: of Deer, Saltuoriu.
To Defice, Devean;to, Deformny De-
te2, oblitero,
Defaced. deſormatus, Deletus, Exo-
letur, Excſus.
A Detazer, Everſor. |
A Defacing, Deform tio, Deleti2, E-
Tv Defalk, Defaico, rrcidoy, Subtra-
-12, - £ ox
Defa «btrattns.
A Dctalkong Subtraltio, SubduB-
Defalcation 5 is. :
A Detamations Defomatio.
Defamatory, Famoſus, Diffematori-
To Defame, Diffomo, Traduco Ali-
cuſus nomen rodere.
A Default, Culpe., Preccatum, vitium.
T9 Defeat an Army, Exercitum ſun-
To defeat [make void] Reſcindo,
Irritum facere, Ws gore, deleve.
D feated, Fu/ur, [rein fattus,
Defecate, Purus, Deſecatus,
A defet, Defettw, Lobes, vitiom,
A Deſetion, De'eltio,
Defetive. Fin ſus,
To be defective, DefScia.
A defence, pre/:d ium, Tutela, Tuta-
men. muni men. um.
A Defence [in pleading ] Defen-
0 ſpeak in defence cf one, Ab a-
or ave,pro alique egrre,
For Defence Tutelovis.
In th= def-nce of, Pro.
TO DEFEND, Defends, Turor, Tu-
tor, propugnr, Suſtents, Sublevo.
* It defen34s the v.nes from cold.
4 frigate vites munity * He defends
h's lifs and ſafety, Ejus vitom &
Salitem prafidio W cuſledid tegit.
* He detcnds the quarrel of the
Common wealth, Cauſim publt-
licam Joſact,
To Deferd before, Premuzio.
ToD: fend CLents, Patrocinzy,
Defenfibie F Propugnobili,
a Crone, Now.
:kended, nſus , munitur.
A Defender, Defenſor. Con/eryrtey,
Detauir of Appearance, Vadiment: | NOt dined, Ini munatus,
de ht : A detilement
"7 7,
To make default, Vedimenizam de- | Uetiling
re nnd benny preftite gud To define, Defimo,
Deſcaſance ium Sotviiur ined
To make rv ance, Infeiium Definite F Depaituss
redlere quod fattum «ſt. A & fin tion Defniti
Defeac _ A detining $ O*Pnitio,
Defeature $ ev. Defimnave, D: finitivur, Deciſoring,
Prepugnator, muniter, vindex. *
c t fe offertorem veritatts,
A D:ſender {advoerre]} paircnus.
A Defending, Paty:cinium.
A Detendreſs, Defenſatrix, Propug-
nitrix, Paivena,
b:1macum, Apotropeumn.
efenſive, Propugnedilis.
Defenfory, defenſorius.
————_ { reſpect } Honor dela-
To D:fer, Differo.
Defer-ed, Delatus.
A Deferrer, Cunitatcy.
Deferring, Cuntt :2bundus-
A m— Cunitet1o, Dilatie.
Detiance, Provccatio ad Pugnm,
A Letter of Defiance, Liter. provo-
To defie Provoco, belum in-
Bid Defianee to F dicere.
To Defie [the devil] Abrenuncio.
Deficd, Provecetus, Abrenuncia-
Contam nog Pebuo, Fieds, 4/4 vi-
*, Maculans impri-
mere, Sord:ifur 2 e. * He
defiles his own neti, Jn ſims ſawn
frames h/ m{elf adefender of truth,
A Defcnſat ve againſt poiſon, Alexi- | |
ot 2 Contamuinetio, Inqui-
A dctiier, Contaminater, Temer ator,
Detinit vely, —_
Tod: tie, Defle 9.
Detiagraiion, Deflogratio.
i 0 deflower, Cinzupre, Vielo, vi-
LL. _— vithum inferre.
owred, Conflupratus, Corrupt
V ihatuw, Vert , rig
werer, Cinftuprater, Vitia-
AD. flowerino, Stupratio, Vitiatio.
A Dctorcement, Vi-lenta ſucdi de-
A Detiuxion, Cotarriw.
To Deformo, vitio.
Deformer, Defermatus, Faxdetus, vi-
I111us, Deformis,
De rayer, Erogator, Par: chus,
Defraying. Erog atio.
Defc (near) Netigus Pulcher, venu«
«1, Le 104M,
To defu
nerate, Deceners, * He
dezeneratey from his Anceſtors, ©
virtute major wn degenerat,
A Degene-ating, Degeneratio,
TO DEGRADE, Grads dejicere or
at Degrading Fra.
fo Dchod (aifwade\ Duortor di
ſuadee, d conſuro —— De _
A dehorter, D: uaſcy,
con/Puit. A Dehorting, Debertatio..
Defiled, Inow:inetuiy Cont aminetus, To Dejet, Aneo.
Fadatis, Vielatus, Vittatue, | A deicde, Deicida,
movere, 4 gradu deponeve,. exautto-
r0, obbcars aliquens mar: frote,ad-
rogere alicui ——
catio, Exonto-
* He o "2ded of ns w
nours, 4x at {ſono 41
detwbitur. oh EIPINY
qreef'© Status,
Dejeton F
To deifie, Ex b:mine Deum facere,in
orum numero referre.
Detfecs Diuus fottus, in Diver ve-
& Deiſying, Homigi: in Deos rele-
To deign, __.
ADegang, —_—
Deioty, Deheatus. See Dainty. _
Det hurſt (in Glncefter-ſbrre ] Dei-
ro/ylve. j
CO [in Tork- fbire] Deirorum
Deiſt, Athens,
The Deny, Deitas, num n.
A DELAY, Mor? tarditas, cunla
ti0, * He make» no delay, Lite we
ro non pmpRe. * You made
no delay at all, Ne minimom gqui/-
dem norm interpoſmti, * The
reſt wade delays, Ceteri cunttobon-
tw. * le cannot abide delays,
Moras meals fert,
A little D*lay, Moruls.
Withcut delay, Jrnewnfanter, * I
mutt be marned to her wi: hout de-
lay, Nec mora wlia oft quin 1am ux0-
rem ducam.
Deliberation 2 De theratio eomrna-
Del: i
Dehicare, Delicatus mellis, tener
To make delicate, Mo/ 10,
Mage ccheate, Mollitus.
A Gedients pericn, Troffulus, tr:ſ-
delicately, Delico!2, mclliter, tener
Debhcatene(ſs, Mel ities, ci,
Delicates, De'iciee, crum,
Delicious, Sx 72 te.
Dehciouſly, Exevitey,
DELIGHT. Vo uptar, dele(t at io, ob-
lettatin, obleft ementom., * 1 am
weary of thoſe delights, Sairetas
Jam tenet iffor um ſtudizyem. * I
can never be ſtalled with that de-
light, Ea ſatiavi delettatione nun peſ-
o del'ght [a4,] Delefto, oblefto,
{9% enrmum /u:vitate explere.
o del'ght, weur. 2 delettor, hlettey,
Take Celight em 1, cnygureſeo,
ſruor, $2. * I take delight in
that, Ines we chlefto. * 1 tock a
reat deal of delight in his talk,
Jus ſermone eupicd jrucber,
Devgh's, Delicte.
It delights, Juvt.
Del ghted, 0:/ettatus.
Depot > Fucundus, deletabilis.
ultji- |A DeFghiful Exerciſe, Exercitium:
laye3, Quum is diem de di: refervet,
* He deaayed it till Winter, Kew
in byemem produxit, * I delayed
= ae doing of it, Id «go ſine mo-
ra Feet,
To delay
To delayt
nitionem ſuſtinere,
Delayed, Ditatw, cemperendinatus,
Delayed [as wind} Dilutur.
A Delayer, Cunilotor, dil tex.
A Delay nz, Dilatio, crmperendina-
lis, procrefiinatic, prelatic , pro
traflto. :
A Delaying of judgment, Amplia-
Delaying, Cunfta! undus.
To delay wine, Vinw temperare,
mitigarty macerando emollive.
ble, Deleflabilis, gretus, Ju-
eundus, omanu.
DeleGablenels, Tutunditas, omani-
Dele&ableneſs in ſpeech, Sol, ve-
neut.) Cunity, morcy.
Tryal of a Suit, Cog-
De Wis Ameniter, jucund?, ve- ..,
Deletation, Deletamen' um.
Giren to DeleQation, Voluptuari-
To delegate [ap
A Dee Ea Le
[ t 1118.
100 [blotting out ] Deletio,
A Delf [mine] Fodina. 5
Delt: {im Holtand } Delpbi.
adj. Conſultus, ens,
Þaliber ets ou
| nſulto,
exraduſtrio, prnſiculote., * He atts
deliberately, Excogitatd retione yes
Juas cemporat.
—_— : —_ refetito,
Del ghtſomly ; F wennes,
A Deligh::ng, O'leftetio.
To dehneate. Delireo, adumbro.
iderate, Delibero, conſulto, ru- | A
Delincated, De'ineotw, odumbra! us.
A Delineating I » *dum-
D:lin:ation tretio.
A Del-nquent, Del:nquens, reus,
To de irate dote] Deliro.
Detir:ousr, lirus.
TO DELIVER (to] Trade,
D-liver, Agrtis. vividus.
To deliver t:om 2 Libero, expedio, e-
Deliver our of F ywo. * Deliver
me trom this grict, Eripe mibi bunc
To deliver down from hand to
hard, Per monu: traceve.
To deliver into ones hands, in l:-
fe JObftetricer,
em. exptd ttio,
boys, Geminor Alemena enititur,
Del vered, Traditus, redditus.
Delivered from, Liberatus, expedi-
tus, ereptus ſolutus
Delivered of child, Enixus,connixes.
A D:I verer, Liberator , ſervater,
_ _ op dTradi tor.
nag Liberatio.
A woman's Deliverys Payiur, Puer-
at, Dell, Meretricule,
To Deiwude, Lado, delgdo, iliade, In"
De!uded, Eluſus.
A Delucer, Luſer.
A Delud: AA
A Delutic me” $D4lnſiny irriſjo,
De >> Fallex.
Deluſions, Preftigie.
To Delve, Fedio,
Delver, Fw,
A Delver, &oſſor.
A De:ving, ſo. : p
A Deiuze { Floud ] Diluvium, c-
taclyſmus, ewes. mundatts.
D:v.n ( in I elend ] Deiſwrnio.
A Demagogue, Fauroms enteſigns-
A Demain, Reditns, ts. _
The King's Demain , ViOigel Re
of the Demain, Veſtigolitins,
A DEMAND, Poftularum, Rogea-
tym, geeftio, petit;o, * He mak $
h.s Demand, Poflulatom mmter pert,
* Know their ands, Vide guid
P*ſtulent, * Her Demands are jul},
Jus poſtulet.
A \ttie Demand, Rogathencu/a,
Ot a Demand, Felitor ins, poſtnlate-
To Demand, P:ſco, poftulo, requ'y
Seiftitr, * Te ofpio you for
what Reaſon, Quero abs te quires
* Having Demanded whence he
Was, Hujus requiſi'd ovigine.
To Demand Bail for Appeatance,
LV odari ren.
To Demand a Debt , Debitum exi-
1% Demand that one be Puniſhed,
Ad prnas aliqueimn vepoſeere
bs Dcmand iepari.won , Res repe.
To hear ones Deman1s , De alics-
jus peſtulati» cognoſcere,
Demanded, P fiuletus, Kogaius, Re-
qu! /1nus, Exottus, Peti wr,
A Demand 2Þo lator, Petitor,
A Demander, atcr, mm, Pe-
oftul .t10, Poftu/atus,»
Petitio, Petitus, Percent atio, Inter
rogati”, = =
uent Demand! «grtatio.
To Dimes ones ſeife $e «9
A Demeanour, H:bitus, mm regs
Demerit, Culpa, nx,
Canon , Canin dimidint ,
D<miſs { humble } Demiſſu, $u5-
mw [/ us.
A ſion, Dem ſho.
uſcovy ] Demi-
To Demoliſh, Demnlior, Dirue 1
Delm (a river in Eaft-Frieglond]
Deimenhorſt [in the Farldom of
Oidenburg] De.menbur ſtium,
PP n="
A Demoniack, Dawniecus, cf, wa.
To Demonltiate, Demonftvo
ate, .
AD &-
%, In
A Demonſtrating .
Demonſtration Þ Demenftratie.
Demonftrative, Demen/trativus, a-
mcatemivedy, Demonſ/trative.
A Demonſtrater Dem n/tratey.
A Dempiter( Judge Jorbiter, ſequeſter
Demure, Tocrturnus, modeſtus, vert
—- > & ſSeveritatem
£/e ferens.
Very demures prrmodeſins, pervere-
Demurely, Medeft?, werecund?,
I ——Fy Mod*:fhio, verecundia,
em .
de $ 2tiro, oxceptio,
To demur, D-morari, exceptionem or
Mnxom attont cbjicere,
a Demurrings E xceptionis obje(lio,
A Demy [at Mg. Coll. Ox ] Demi
A Den, Antrum, ſpelunca, Liithu-
ns m_ ___ - "y"
© zurk 1n a Den liteſes, lu/tror.
Full of Dens, Latebre _—
Denb:gh (1m We les] Iiebia.
Dender [a river un Flanders] Tene-
Denlermond 2 [in Flanders] Tene-
Dermond > ramund 1,
Dendrology [a treatiſe cf Trees)
Dema {iD Valentia] Di 1nium.
enier, Denvins Goblins,
Denis (a man's name} Di nyſus.
Denis { a woman's name] Dion ſis.
Denmark, Dania, Cimbrica Cherſo-
Of Denmarks Don cus, Cimpbricus,
A Dew'zen
i(ſon ; Civis. ”
Ta jnate, þ room
A D:nom- nating
To denote,
» Denotatus, |
A Dencting, Denotatro,
To denounce, Denuntic, edico, in-
Denounced, Denuntiatus, indiQus,
A Denouncer, rater,
A Denouncing, D:nunciatio, decla»
ratio, inditiio. :
Den(hure, as Devenſfhire.
To denihire Land, Agrum exuyere,
colere teyrom Devenien;um rim, See
Denſity [thickgeſs] Denſitas,
A Dent ontw/10.
To dent, Cen'ungo,
Dental, Dentehs, dentibus fermatus.
Dented, Contuſus, crenatus.
Dentels in ArchiteQ ure,
A Dentiſrice, Dentifricium.
Dent\loquent, Denti{ quus, H{eſks,
A Denunciation, Denunciatio, com
TO DENY denegs, diff
ENY, Ne» % diff. teor,
* I do es Ne inficias eo, |
* He will deny it. I e infocias 1617. |
* Never deny it, Ne nego. * Could
Ideny ? An poterom inficiari? |
Todeny the taith, Fidew gave,
or ebrenunciare. |
To deny one entrance inte the |
Town, _—_— 1here
To deny w an h, A\Fro, de-
Todery tif
Deny Orerty F Permeg'.
To den? hat has laids Dedi
0 what one ico,
Men deuy, Negatur.
a Denia!, Denegetio, vepuiſa.
Jo quay weed nant » Abnuo,
ay cloud, Beckes
Full of Demal, Negabundus.
eif-den al, Abn gotio ſui.
Dznied, N+gotus, repuiſus, * You
ſhall no: be denied,
N ullam patic-
A Detis!, Tafciet ter
enie: ietor, negater,
A r ( penny) Bra Sies,
vg, Infciatio, negetio.
Denzel OE — Deagil MI,
A Deolund, Deodandum.
Deodate [2 man's name) Decdatus.
To depntot Deprngo.
TO DEPART, Ede, abcedo, ve-
credo, demigro, * $ ſed to
depart the houſe, Folicite by ea
Fe cenceſſurom ex <dibus, * After
from you,Ut abit abs te.
To d:part out ot office, Abire mo-
of fats.
0 depart from th: truth, Aberrare
4 ver
To g ve one leave to depart, Alicui
diſcedendi poteſt 11em faceve.
To depa t this bfe; Deedoy 0beo, 6
vite cedere, de vita wtigrare, * My
mother is lately departed ths hie,
Mailer me: mv1u2 «ft nuper,
To depart out of, Emigro, cx00.
Departed, Proſettus.
Departed this lfe, Deſunitus, de-
A Departing D\ſteſſus, deceſſus, 0
A Departure } 6714s.
A Departing fo th, ProfeFio,
A paring this 11 Ds :
v depeac uit JAb/ſelvaremitto.
A Dea Rent lutro,
To Cepemd, rnd mes
oO , 0% 00,
To depen1 of, Confto, c
To depend on —— niti, ab
ol1quo pendere, alicu —_—
The Cauſe depends, £5 judice tis
a MES Tanixio,
A mutual ndency, Mutus inter
duas p = ratio.
Ds enlong $ Nis,
A Deploring, Depteratio,
COS ancſ»-JTeftis furatus.
& ver Deponear, }e ns.
od: i2te, Populor depepulcy,
pulated, Voterus.
later, Depopulztor.
A De pulatt oy 4
Depopulation * + —_—
To deport one's (elf, Se gerere
D:porta:.on, Depertatio.
Do; or m” nt, Converſatio, geffus.
To devole, Exeuttors, kes movere.
To depoſe by oach, Jurgjurande af
frmare, bowido gurare
Depoled, Depojitus, deprivatus, de-
ulſus, exanticr ot w.
o depotit, Depcm, ofrmo.
non vellicare ma'ignita .
aved, , evading, -— -®
A aver, orruptor,
A Depraving 2 Depravetio, ecrruptiog
To deprec ecer, abouni
A Deprecation, catto, _
Tode ace, Deprecior.
le , Pradationi obnoxi-
"Pireimm c J on ,
odeprehend, Depy
0 deprels, , rimo.
1 reſſus,
Depreflion F-P14ſſn.
To deprive, Privo, orbo, ſpolio, ave
To deprive of honours, Hnortbus
To deprive of authority, W1jeftatem
alicut exipert.
Todeprive of life, Exaninzo, avimd
| Privatus, orbatus, ſpoli a=
13, exutus, * The City deprived
of Cit Urbs viduata civibugs.
Dong 19:ns, privetivus.
A e . * "
Deprivations $ Privatio, orbatia.
Devi ord in Kent JProfundum vadum
Dept h, Profunditas.
A Char ytdis, guy-
Unſatiable > _— _
To de Dewirgms.
Depurate (cleanied) Depuratue.
as fon - > Irriſio, irriſus,
To have in Derifion, Deriſui bobere,
: Dexivetivus, dedultitius.
To derive, D:yivo, dedues,
To derive from {neut] Proceds, flo,
ori ginem duco,
DanvIDE > Derivatio, dedultio.
Dern, Dirus, Atvex.
Dern ( lonely] Seliterine, meſtur.
To derogate, Derego, detrobo.
Derogating om—— detraflori-
Drrogatery 5 us.
Decoguron. © > Detrattio,
n ATso : -
_ Derogationy Debenrffo
Derten $ (in Lief-Lond] Torpernm-
0 Derry
E in Irelond] Deyra, Roboretum,
CITE Kent ] Derenti vadum.
A Dervees. Sacerdcs Turcievs,
wothe, [ig Irel:ndJ] Der-
Deſart, D-ſertum . See Deſert.
Deans deſcantw, parap' reſi [8
$9 , = A $4 ſean's uti,
Tobces 2Dy enwro,
DESCE Dy deſcend».
To Defend rom ſome (ock, grnw
—_ tus, oriundus.
tus, nitus,
: ens, of FEnia, £*-
Deſeemt, Jchwitndeſce's
n eafhie Deſcent
A.ground Delcend n3 $4eclivi —_
A Deſecn o9-ſpnoe] progenies.
t Pate peep Chvafion)] impetus, ir-
To wake a Deſcent, terumpere, in-
to Deleribes Fnenibe, deph deping®, ex-
| ler; T-bed, deſirip'us, depilius, ex-
4 pre as.
A Deſcriber, deſcriptor.
GH Deſcriber of Countries, choro-
A Dfleriber of the earth, geogropbu
A Deſeriber of a place, t»pog7 _
a - MW of the wo: Id, Coſmu-
K'vtler A Deferibin8Þ uſeripto
(The D- /enprion of a Country,Cho-
hy” cnpton of the earth, Geogro-
The Deſeription of a place, Topo-
A*Deforieion of the world, Coſmo-
TO DESERVE, mereor, commere-r,
le It 18 Tani than what you the-
e. vs t e um, Ou
deſerve to be Fonds
loved. Wy ob1igit. * Served
, ornatur ex virtutte.
mou o. She deſervedto be remem-
by you, —_ eſt: ut memory
er ſw. ry I, have deſerved no
To Deſerve well, bene merecy.
Delerved, hs a ignes. De » Merion.
Dearyedys _ 4;
CLICETVI vir 41g745,
Welk det _ ag 1 _
ecaive, fiecond potens, exic-
de itio,
To Defign, es, Afipas,
Delignative, de/1gnotives.
nt ee
+ 4 induſtria.
A Deſigner, deſignster.
A De pom tio,
A D-figning, «c/ ſen! cond tus.
DeSIKE, co Cſidorrem, cupide, ftudrum,
* His deſire 1s accom
pliſhed, drennatur voti, * You had
4 == defire to do it than I, in
pp Is meip/ſum cuniditate vieiſti, * I
have a re to know, ſcire aveo.
* Which I have a great defire to,
+ bh. _
roeontro,vogatus, fe-
ae Hel — tis _ ur
Hoceine a * It is not A.
deſire t thil po ef 1. flulo "Wk
An humble Deſire, obtefterio
To Defire, cupio, deſidero. . I de»
fire no more, Sot boo. * He de.
fires tO ſpeak with me, Me cenven.
——_—_— * Gaiivo to ſee
you as ſoon as m + Te exopto
1nmwuym ide. * ris es
nothing that I defired more than--
Nitsl on Py petius nf quam ut--,
70. ] ors, y, petos requi-
2 CT yu; you to let him come
back, Te ov0 at feden * 1 defire
bur Ly of youth the medd te ebſecyo.
eaſon, Equum
poſtulate » They had deſired ts bs |
put when that ſervice, 14 ſibj mu
s dep«poſcerant. * He fired A)
A Deſiſting Leveliftie.
A Desk, plu 'eus, abacus, menſs ſtri-
ſmon4 [in Feland] Deſmonis,
A | Detbiae, deſertus, w-ftus.
Deſolate C full of grief ] Meftss,
M eerore plenus.
To make Deſolate, voſte, devoſts,
Ne Deſotae, devoſftatus.
voſis, maſis..
thing at your hands, ammers-
Deſolare, —_—
[D ox I
To 0 drow Delperate
Deſperate] ys
Erna. milers,
Deſpretiee oudaci
Deſ; teak L
oſperney, By
ly things, mu
tob be Deſp
Mi kttus
fe ſpretus.
Deſp pe, Heidio, ind
briumn nerdy
In Deſpi
Ke I do what I could,egit mecum | To De þ Jes s deſpondere,
1 elcry, prodo, delego, con ieio, | ut darem <peyom. 'Y. n_ deſperatio,
A Deſerying, detetiio, co n5z65- | To Defire humbly lico ſpot, deminus. freſes.
ſeruatio, $2 Due GRIN expeto, diſcupio. Dripotar [part of Epirus] Acarne*
A Deſert, deſtriums eremur, ſolitu* | To Defire tor God's ſ2ke, obteftor,
To Deſire importunately, eflagito, Defſaw ] Deſſavi
To make deſert, p:pulcr, voſt. A Defire unto, appetitus The De -ts bellona, temas.
Deloc adj.) deſeri»s. Having his Defire, compeg weti, To Deitin deti
ert {tor{ake] deſoro, deſti- | By Defire, precaris, qoaed Dettinate =
—_ Avecrding to one's Deſire, ex ſen- | Deftined 4 fas. &
DESERT [merit] mevituey af wk tentia, ex animo. Denid, eflinatus, devotus.
ritum. * He ſhall have his Dsſirable he neg ben e's excpta- | A Detiinating deftinetio » defigna-
, Premium ſe —_— .* Accor- | To be Defirei Deſtination
' ding to my deſert Pro ©9 ae mereor, » pvebas, Deſtiny, fotum, =
ex megito. ® Le! him have acror- | Greatly Deſired, expetitur. The nics, Parc.
ding to h's deſert, Quod _— More to be Defized, troy, Dering. readers, fandicz.
fit ferat. * Let every A Defirer, regator, pr [ ecatcy. f atolrs,
cording to his deſert, Pro dignitote Defiring, cuprens By Deltins? 2M
enique tribuatur., * ation | A Deſiring, procatio, eflagitatio, 6b- | Deltitute, egenw,
mould be had of defore, Deleftns | ſecrot rx leave Dy tients, ting inopem develin-
ejJet demtany, Deſirous, evidur, cupidus.
Viithout Deſerr, jmmerits Defronſly, expich, eveth, Putin), | TO Th Giri ——
1 , immer , iniurid. roully, . avices » s cn
A Deſ-rti1on, deſertro, derelittio. = Deſiſt, 4 ; diruo. * To deitrhy a Town, op-
to extidio dave.
<mmia incendig vaſt er
carr umper,
dpereiar, labe
| 4 Deflroyer, peter,
Deſalateneſs ies
erate ate bot-iwel, eudacia projets
op (oherta fogineX conjici,
feſterars, inconſulls,
mmvidia obſtimata, indig-
teeo mnumerove, mo "=
cum faftidio preterive, nibili «
mare, ducere, # To deſpiſe wor
iſed, nor
, cndigs y eftiditus,
_ \piſt [fs contemptoy, m, contem-
* D-Grlng, ws ds deſpicatus,
ite of one, ingratrs, alioi in-
piteſul centemptuoſus,
Defpicefully _—_ Confume-
Deſtroy all with fire and ſword,
To be Deltroyed, diſperoo, intereo,
itur = cnn
* The C
dirut iſe ry deſerte, * Men
rol exc} tf <t.
deſt o by men's violence, MHo-
» Jpem abjicere,
ia inconſulte.
emmy, Sperma,
omni s nogli-
= oppre-
waned, Drkes
« deleti.
» delutory ever-
” = y—_
th. i ” - .
nM —_—
| Defiroyings Sulalta, exiticſus.
T 'n of . "City, Exci
Deſtroying, ws,
Deſtrutnons Cy xd, mers
eſcaped ſent. Deſtrution , Ex
we. nA
foes cis ts Tang
Corn, ſerene lues venit arbort..
DeſtruSion 4 walte } Pope |
latto, Depopulatio.
Deſuetude, Deſueindo.
Deſulrory, Deſultcrins.
To Detain, Detines.
Dn Poor
etainer, Inficrat
Deta'n1 I ciativy detentio.
To Jos Detect, Geteges -» Retego, Indico,
To bz DeteQed, Patefio,
. Detected, Ry Proditur.
A Detecter, Retetter.
A ton > Retefiio, Detellis
To Detencbrate , Tenebras diſcu-
definioy Erna dinimo, concluds,
To Pererwhe { { neut. J t 3 Ceſſs.
To Determine Bachelour Arts,
Gracwm Boccalaure tur capeſſere.
Determinate Dete:m nat:
nely, Determunale,precise,
a ”o term nation, Dete: minatio, de-
FL JULIS deliberatus
ternuned, Sic deliberotwm e
* If it be ſo Determined, {bar
& 1151 certumn oft. * I am Deter-
not to leſſen the Forees,
Stat ſententia non minuere copiar.
D { concluded ] Deter-
minatus, etins, judicatus y deciſus,
c:mpeſitns, qun__ finitus. * The
mult be Decermi
D——_— by Judgment» Cognitss,
F-- Demrmined Conſti utwmn e
Have Detecmined, $ certum £
have Determined with my «if to
- > in all points , Eg me
ml ovi comma Af Seart,
o They Had had Determined har to
Conquer or | 1 05/tm rwerant ſe
enims out wincere out more,
» Definiti vas.
n ] Teryeo, ab-
Deterritus, obflerritus.
bo DETEST, Deteftor, Ab mim,
0d12 babere, m _ = flagrore,
cane Pejus W ongue
able, Dete
nefandus, odioſu
Denied. Y> Execeabiter, flagitios?,
A > — — Abomie
A D:tef ied, Þ
Det X:ſus, Peraſus, Odio ba-
Jay cnvcatn,
> Den the over ſus, ex9-
[Ig _— detwrbave,
An Attion of Detinne, Alio ſeque-
toad from , Detrabs, laudes
ful | alicujus obterere, maligns laudave.
from, Coalumnd lefus.
A Detratter, Detrattor, calummiator.
$ ONT "82 Detraftio, calumnia.
Devaitation, Devaſtat
COreneee Cin og OM Doven-
[Jo Oe Exu3, veſt exuere,
A Device, Teehns? ,- "04 See De-
Tag ot us Demon
” Devil ern |
onis, * The
Sicut ws am avacinue.
A She-Devil ment
Soming intempernis obo . fareve —
The ok
't 'Cin an Apple J
The " Devils bit [ herb J Mor ſus |
TheT Devit-fiſh, Rans 1
Devils-cirt, Terre rl mo
Devils milk { herb ] Tithymallus,
The Devil's gold-ring { a Cater-
£ th Diaketice, Demeoniacus,
by | Deviliſh , 009g Admodamn,
oft iq
- [Denldnncls, Fuvee —— PO
DEVISE, xcogrtanno, Meditetio,
defienatie, (ogiiatum, Commentum,
hy yy = (of a Shield } Em
bleme, » figure Hier y-
ca acuid ſententis vel
ofDeviſe, Exeegite, offingo, ecm-
mniſcoy As far as the wit of
Man ean Deviſe, Quantum cmmi.
niſet valet beminis ingenmm.. * Let
us Deviſe how, Commentemur qud
ravins, > What wiohndnad cen
any one uid ſcelerrs ex
c gitori poteſt +} * He x ——L
way tO (ave the Senate, Rat
int qu2 Senarum ſervoret,
To D:viſe before-hands ro—
To Deviſe craftily,
To Deviſe by ” Legar
& ly | Deviſed, Machinnſus.
A Deviſce, Legatorins,
A beviſer, Excogitator, inventcr,
commentoy, machinetor.
Full of Devotion,
Excogitatus, cmendidies, |
\ A Diagram, > Wo. atir.
_ | |
The Denies, {in Wire]. "Di-
Of Deilr, Tipe
Devoir f Duty ] Officimm,
AD Dereagon® "Ls Devolutio
C—_ mnonia, Dar-
D-vonſhire, ad D: ow
2. her Devon(ture TE Bn nyo
verem redattas terre w——_
Derored Devans Cc =P
A = , Addiftio, reads
votio, Pictas.
ofa Devotus
C ounrerfei Devotion, Simulats ſan-
Devotion » Nu-
CC Rel1gioss aiſtrvere s m1) -
#l70, Varccites,
Edacrtas, Devourngs Brow itatio.
Devout, 72=yoouy
in ſhew, H,
6, P, ity ea,
Derentndte Pi ea uncti-
oy "1p Religio, «
Deveeun [the Family] De Eroicis.
A Deuſan, Porwm durum <4 incoy-
Devont one
yun gux Foot {10 Gam—_— [Bipentiom
Wet Wet with Dew, Rovatur, Reſeidue.
Bacc x rubt repentis.
Dovy wy, Royals, Roridus,
Fakeg © Dew, F Reratio, aſper fo.
A Dew-claw,Unguis pofticus,tatarrs.
Dew-clawed, Tolaris inftyuctus wn- |
Dew-graſs, Gramen roris Iſchemen|
A D-w-lap, Pal» 1y, poleaye, is.
The Dewce, Dyes, eds,
Dewee take it, Mole vortat
Duuboteally, Dratol TY
Diadem, Drodem?, otis.
Diegenck Diagenahs,
Diagonally, Diagonahter,
Ot _—
A Dial.
= > ——
A Dial, Horologrum.
A nal, SGeterrcon, Hoyologium
' lave.
A Water-dial, Clepſydra. |
A Pilo:'s Dial, Pyxis noutiea. _
The hand of a Dial, 2 Gn:mn,enres
The Pin of a Dial, F index»ſ/tyius.
A Dial-maker, H.ret:gtariss.
A Dialect, Drolettus. :
A Dialogue, Dialo; us, Colloquium,
The Diameter, Diometrus. _
Diametricaliy, Ex Diame:ro, dire(ls,
A Diamond, A4amas, ntis. _
Diamond, ad). Adamantius,
Ot or like aD1amond, 5 edementinus.
Diamon t, An:ulatus.
The D:amon * at Cards, Rbembus.
Diana ( a Woman's Name } Drone.
A Diapaſon, Diap:ſen.
Diaper, Vepgt's ſtr; 19.
To Diaper, Sinrare , froribus inter-
Diapering, &, > Striatio, Striatura.
Diapered, Striztur, Figurie variis
x m— [Tranſparent] PeZuci-
Dia; horetick, Diſcuſſor ins. :
The Diaphragm, { Midriff J Dra-
tarberh (part of A/t2)Mefſepotomia.
Dia gumen: ( parnof Ajiz } Hyr-
A Diary ( Day-book J Epbemeris,
idis 3 dials, i
; 148,
A Dibble C tetting-ſtick ] Pofti-
Dreacityy Dicacitas.
ice, Alte, taxilt, teſſere.
To play at Dice, A/ze ludere.
A ealt at Dice, Alte jattus,
The play at Dice, Ludus talarins,
_ talorum jattus.
Dior, 8d): F Tolorins, teſſerarins,
A Dice-box, Pyrgus, orce, turrils.
A Dicer, ,
Diee-player, > Aleotor, eleo, onis.
A Dice-houte, Talerns alcatoria,
wan cleatormm. _
he keeper of a Dicimg-houſe, Als-
etorice fabernce dominus.
A Dich, Feſſo. See Ditch.
A Dichotomy, Drcbctomue,
A Licker of Leather, Pelium decos,
Lictany, 2 Diftemnus, cit mmm,
_ $ lepidrum, gin ghher bcy-
Faile Ditany, Chondris.
To DiQate. Ditto,
Dicated, Dittatvs,
a atour, 2 ;x. R
Dictatour-like, $ Diftotorins.
A Drictatour-thip, Dilteture.
A Dictonary, Dicthoenarmm, lexicen.
I Did, Feci. See Do-
Didatticky 2 Aptur ad d'cendum,do-
Didattical, F cendr efecer.
D.dapper, Mergus, winatrix.
Io Diddery Algeo, borreo, pre fri-
& 1t tremere,
A Didderings Alger, boryey.
2 do [a Woman's Name ] Diogus.
Die { in France ] Dro, Dea,
TO DIE, Merivr, of es, rntrveoy 6c-
erido , eencidog moriem oppe'tre.
* He Died two Years 2go , A
bins annos duos morinus ff * On
the very ſame day that he Died,
Eo ipfo di
have Died for it, N n /# me occr-
diſſes. * We muſt all Die, Omnes
eodem cogimuy,
To Die im a thing, Imm«ricr,
To Die ludderily > Morte ſubitened
To Die [ as Beer, &e.J Vento cor-
rumpiy voppem fieri, in voppam
vert!, ſaperem Cf odoyem genwmum
Condemned to Die, C:pite damne-
Like to Die,
Ready to Die,
us ſum. * hen he wes ready
to Die tor Hunger, Cum forme mo-
| corting,
D ers-weed [ h*tb ] Lute:le.
Dieben ( in Saxony ) Ttebe,
Dieppe { in Normandy Þ* Deppe.
Drefſ-n { in Bevaria } D-mſaa,
Diet ({ in Brabont ] Driejts.
| Diets Vittus.
A Diets, Diets, m:dinm villis vegi-
| men.
A D:et of the Empire , Crneiliumn,
| Cemtia, Conventus ordirum umpe-
(To Diet, Diet:m or vii rationem
Be q Ly > Dietetics,
Dieteds Ad prefſeriptom viiids ro:
tionem aſcriptns.
duyrum, Theed nis villa.
Dicuze ( 1u L:irroin) Dutdeciarum,
Diex ( in Provence ] Decio, Decen-
ium Civitas,
O DIFFER, differs, diſerep>», diſ-
{tdeo. * Hidden vertue d:fiers httle
from buried Nloth, P-ulay ſepulte
diftat inertie celata vietus. * Man
an1J Beaſt do differ ch efiy in this,
In'er b>min:m & belluam boc ma
ne intereſt. * Your Action dif-
fers from the ſence of the Law,
Faltum tum 4 ſententia legs dif-
erepat, * A Thrifty Man d tiers
from a Covetous Man , Diſcerdat
a1Cus aver. a
0 make to OE Dnnges » ſe*
To eaule to Differ, 3 cerno,
flerence, Dyffereniia, diſqrepon-
tie, diſcrimen, * What Difference
there 1s between Man & Nan, Ho-
mo brmni quid preftatt * There 1s
no greas Dificrence between them
and the Peripateticks, Non mulitons
a Peripate'icrs difſicent. * There 1s
as much Difference berween, Ton
tum intereft inter, * There 1s {ome
DYfterence between ſtaring 2nd
lta"k Mad, «ft inter Toanam medi- |
»n ſecernngee V. telli
Deen { Controverſie] Lis,itis ,
dt b
Tornd Differences by Treaty, Per
co'loquia controverſtas componere
; e quo exceſſit 8 vita, * Be- | Different, 2 Diverſur, diſcrepons, di-
tore he Died, Antequom & vita Giſ- | Diffenngs p Hi ;
cederet. * No not if I ſhould 7To be Different from, Diſcenvent
JSpary 4 imilis.
; Ditterently,
With Ditterencey $Y-r4.
A D ffering, Diſcrepontia,
D fhcult, Difficrltsy, Ar dunr, Gravis,
| Very b:ficu!", Perdifheilis
Ponaign Dutficule.s ubdifficitis.
Wr'h Dillculty, $ Opens 970 027%,
Difficulty, Diffralter! hs Vi.
| Diffidence. Drfadentis,
| Diff ien*, Difhgens, bis
To Diffuſe,
Dfuſed. Dif us.
The Digeſts, Juris voluming in pre-
rice digefle locos, digeſts, Par-
To Dipeſt [ ſet in Order ] Digpero.
To Digeſt { Meat Digs, cars
To Digeſt perfectly, Dec-guo, per-
To Digeſt { by Q:epingJ] Edwmi-
| Digeſted ſet in Order] Dirzeftus.
D'geted as Meat ] LS.
od D on, Gon
'geition, 18e/t'o, concoltio, con-
D geſting, F fats, :
| It-digett-on, Cruditer, ca«
| Wan* of Digeſtion, F corbymig.
| Digeſtive, Pepticur, c ncotticms þo-
; bens or effrcrens,
; TO DIG, Fedie, conf dio.
| To Dig about, Cirewnfedio,
; To Dig away from the Roots of
Trees, AMoqueo,
ſo Dig down, Defedis,
Ly. Dig im, Infedio,
0 Dig out ;
To DS out Þ Effedio, ev.
Diet:nheffen [ in Germ ny ] Dive- To Dig thorow, Transfedio,
|To Dig under, Suffedro.
| D gged, Foſſus, c nfoſſus,
DO gged 2gainy Ref] us.
[DUR4OW\ Tx Fs eats
D:p-ed through , Perſoſſus, tyons-
Digged under, Suffoſſus.
A D' oer, Feſſcy.
.- gs, Foſſurs.
Nye” 7 "
D gging into, Infeſn2.
A Digging under, Suffoffo.
A Digging up, Effoffie.
To Dight C Dreſs J Orne, pero, in-
ftr mo, polio,
A D-ghting, Ornatus. :
A Dight nunmter, Numerns denanio
infer1cy. .
A D git ({ Inch] Digitus, Poliex.
A D:gitation, Drgitts deſignatioy 41»
gitorum ſ1mulatto.
D:pladiat on, Digladiatio,
Dign ({. Wor. hy } Dignes.
Digne ( in Provence } Dinie.
To D gnifie Orno.
Dignified, Ornotus.
A Digniiying, Ornatus,?
A Dicmitary, Drignitorius.
Dign'ty, Diemter, amplitude, fofti-|
fone benor, 1itulus,
A _P ” _ _-
—_— _ nd vw
© promote to Dignity, Nobilite. |
= — >>, LUssz >>zOD 4d
—— ————_—
—_— —_— —_ ——
t |, Majeftss. Diminutus, Imminutus, Attern:tus., Dire (dreadful) Dirus,
(Dign: DO ons, ol Authority Qiminilied,Fluxs ou. Direct, Drreting :
To D:ierels, Digredior, Aberro, Ero» | thorites. To Dire&, Divigo, Medever, Oxdine.
foes | ob inſtitu2 ſermo-
A D feſkng, Digreſſio Digreſſus,
_—_ epiſodtum, Ext ur-
'b an ['n Burgundy] Divio, Divie-
| 'Tc Di
AD ke- bs = Chomarchurs, Azge-
' yum mer.
| To [ 114 -er2a*E, Dulaeero,
| Ditaccrated, Drilaceratus.
A Dilacera'ing,
rhlaceration, ng : Dil:cer atio.
To D:lip16ate, Drlapide.
Dilzprlatedy Dilapidatue.
A DilamiGation, Dilepidatio,
D:lap:dations, Kine.
Tobilate [inlarge) Dilato,
D la:ib'e Dil-tobrins.
Dilred, ay
A Dilating, Diletario.
A | Dilatatorys Dil:toatori-
wn. Luerande cut dilatond egut
ne ferream inſtrumentum 1do-
Rilztory, Dilaterins,
Di'atory pleas 0” exception, Excep-
trons or preefcriptiones mor ator ie.
A Di do, Fens ſuceedanens,
A Dilemma. D: lemma, tte.
Diligenre. Drligentia, Induſtvia, Cu
16, Stdulitas, Soleviia, S'tudim.
| Tog ve Dil genoey Curom edbibere.
| Opcram dare
(D.hg-nr, Di! igens, Sedulus, Affidu-
| w, bn uAriur, Studroſus, Atteninur.
| To be Ul: gen, Stags. Su20, Evi-
| gils, A-imo exubare, Srmman 11-
| coftrrom edbiter
[V ey Dil gent, Perditigens, Ditigen-
tſumus, Perwn gil
[2 feel toy 'y Dragenter, Attents, In-
| <uſtr's, Seduld, Studicſ?.
[D ks 'n Germany] Diling%s.
| Dl Cnerb] Antthum
| Wild Dilly, Ante chun ſpore,
FSR & ancthinas
Ub] !l-mbourg ['n Germany] Dillew”
[1 Mem
& A _Dilling, Prxculus, Delicie, Ama-
id cate, Drjudice.
ito bit :cidate, Dilucido.
'T" Dilute wines Diluwo, Tewpero.
[! tuted, Drlutus.
; D:luvial, Diluvralis.
A N-wenfion, Diwenſh>,
{ADi mean1on, Dimicd 1%
{Al emlaunce, Lanceola,
'A 4" ————_— Lancifer, L1nevari-
[7 T0 DIMINISH, Diminuo, Commi-
nm, Immimuo, Atienes, Extenuo,
Elevo, * The Centurion diminiſhes | T
| nothing f: om that praiſe, Nibil he T
| exi/ta lmude — * He
| C nvniſhes ſomerh'ng- of the pu-
| tſhment, De ſuppliers ſus aliqurd
ror Hen.
[To D:miniſh a ſum, De numero di-
| m —_ Partem aliquam Ccondo-
'T. de D.miniſhed, Dinnwy, Exte-
| mr, Keceds, * Theglory of the
; Y ory is dimmiſhed, Glerio vitte-
| fie deflorata eft. * Mens courage
's C:mmiſhed with their bodies,
Com corporitus gy antut.
in:nitled, «r, Comminutue,
'D m n ſhing» Y Diminutio, ex-
Ay Diminiſthment, > renuatio, Ele-
Diminution, v10ro,
Diminutive, Dimnutivns,
Diminut've, Dinunatve.
Lette:s Dimiſſory, Luecre "Wy
To Dimit, D:rmitto
Dimm, 0b/curus, Obtaſue, Hebes,
To Damm, Þ Obſcure, He'eto,
To Dimm the yo Oculos preftin-
to be Din ma of Abe, Lippie, C
imm 0 Cil-
110, Caligo, hn Ag
One D'mm cf fight, Caligens, Lu-
Seiofus, Luſeus, —_ _—_
D mmed, Cty Hebetatus,
A Dimming, Hebets
Dimmly, O3/cure, O48.
Dimneis, Caligo, Hebetwlo, Obfcuri-,
Dimaeſs of fi | Fights Caligatio, Ocules!
rum obtu
A Dimple, Neevus, menti ſeſſuls or
erobreu ue,
Drapes, Nevoſus, Cui adeft gt'a-
Gra nah [3 womams name?) Dn.
D nant {in the low Countiies] Di-
D nant (in Bretagne] Dinon'ium.
TO DALE Prandeo,* To D'ns with
Duke Humj hrey, F-mem o&ſcr.ari. |
Having Dined, Pr anſus.
A Dining-chamber, 2 Coenrulum |
Din: 20g: S— Cenatic,pron-,
Tol Ding, Allido, Illide, Incutio, t-\ 7
ing-dong, Componarum tintinnatio, |
To Dingle- pn, a |
A Dirgles Conv
D nkeſp'hel —_ "Nertb- Schwaiben]'
A D nn, Strepiturs.
To make a Dinn, Ke{.no.
A Dinner, Prandixm, * A Dinner:
for my dogy Hee rtes can, * At-
ter dinner (lit a while, after ſupper
walk a mvle, Poſt epulas ſtabs "vel
poſſus mille meabis,
A þ 1 Dinner, Prandium, Prondi-
A farting Dinner, Pr:ndium flat-
D. haneed a1).
Of or tor Dinner, $Pr anſering.
A Dint, Contuſte,Impreſſi,/efiginm.
To D.nt, Cer und
A Dioceſs, Drecefis, Territcrium,
A Dicceſan, Diwzcetes
_”———_ {a mans name) Dieclefi-
perique, Dioptrics.
'P, Tingo, Intingo, Mergo,
Ts Dip again, Retingo.
To Dip often, Merſtto.
To Dip under, Cu
1 Diph: hong, Dpbr
Dipl -\ —— a ia _
Ao inſeripta a err
nk pta que typot
bo , Intinfus, Jermnerſr.
1pper, Immerſor, ( Cotaboprifta
A Dipping, Immerſio, Bapt1ſma.
A Dipping ut —_— Sulmer,
A je- Bolts , Ferpendicu=
Dee op= lum novineumn ,
' Dire 20Ys
' Dirtily, __ Lutulente,
Diptychs, Diptyche.
To Direct ones courſe, Tendeve.
To Direct the right way, View
D rected, Premenſ/iratus.
Direted in the way, In vimm de-
$ Monftrens.
== + Divectio,
welte, Expreſſt,
Dee y aga.nit, & regioney 2x ad-
'- \rectneſs, Reftitude,
Dirigens, viam pr amen-
# \ Direferyy Liturgia Presbyteri a-
To 'de Dire#ly © 4
df oy ly oppoſite, Ex di
D r-ful, Dirus, Sevur, Atres.
Dirges, Exequie, Nenie funs"roy,
F -- 4JL iy” ——_ Dive us, |
wichaw [in Pru irchovis.
Diribirory, Dine) D
| Dire, Lutwm, Conun, Fimus,
Dirity, Diritas
Duty, Cena, Lutulentus, *% He
isa dirty tellow, [1.0 n.n (tun oft
To grow Dirty, Luteſeo
To Diſa oy nfm).
Diſable » Infirmetus,
A A Diving » Infirmatio,
To Diſibuſe, Erron'em in viam
veritatis reduceve.
To Diſaceord, Difſcevdo, D; 'ſ[ento,
To Diſaceuſom, Leſuefacio,
Di laccuſtomed, eſuetss,
Di'accuſtomedneſs, Deſuetudo,
Diladvant Inc:mmn dum.
To Diſacrantage, Incommodo, Ob-
Dil [ * vantaged, Fncommed at us.
Diladvantagious, a
Diſadvantagiouſfly, ge,
A Diladventuee, to Caſs
To Diſaffe&, Improbe, Abborreo,
Diſafſettion, Dtevetontis, ode.
TO DISAGREE, Di/ſideo, Dilcrepo,
Dt Diſconvenio, Diſſentio,
Diſagreeable, Jncengraue, Inconven-
ens, Diſſent
Diſagrecings "Difcers. * Neither
were his geftures diſagreeing to
his voice, Nice «bſoni 4 voce mt-
twe exont., * þ «5 1s <lagreeing to
my kind of li uy tum of alin-
_ TD d vita me
Diſcre atia, Dif-
An rene a ——_ Di flies,
To allow , Improho , Reprobo,
Diſſallowed, Improbatus, Damnatue.
A Diſallower, I _
A DiſaNowings
To d Diſak (dalable] Incopocem Ted-
To > Diſanchor, Anchorams ſolver
Having Diſanchored, Anchoris "fol
To Difanimate, Exnimo.
To Diſanul, Aboleo, Abrogo, Antique,
afeines, Infirmo, Irritum reddere,
D,lanufed, Abrogatus, Deletus.
MN *
j for ener —_—
: Dif pointed, Irritus , Deftitutus.
(a on- eli ed]
Ts ppoine ones iy & ratury 55 0 J
Dfappornt t s pur- Faddhors hanged, mililes exau-
m - =." ME IE A Diſcharger, ABbſolutor, Solutor.
To Diſeppoint one of his hopes a 2 dp Hbuties Solutto.
mr Wo 4 To Dilchenal, Copillos turbave,
y maſter is diſavpointed of 2 | Diſchevilled,
Wife, Her us uxore excidit, A Difei
D pPointment > Eyuftratio. D:ſe1 ” Di fſelu my wy inkus,
Diſciplinable. -—_—_ idoneuty ad
To D Da J oath. ac
A D: Card Staltne, ſes Sennio. Diwphne, 1 Sſeipline.
To diſarm, Exormo, Spelio,
: 4 ye) Diſciplice, Diſcipline mili-
To D eut] Arma deponere _
A. NI—_ *|To D: ſcipline, Exerceo, Doceo.
ſarmed, Dearmatus Spoliatus. A Diſclamer in law, Abrenunci :ter.
Dilerav'd Las2 dear] cornibus mu- | To Diſclaim, Kenuncic, rus
Diſcharged from m blawe, Abſchut us,
i{ch Exoneraius,
mmunis, libe-
di Abrogatio, Abolitiog FOR of his pains, Laborebws
-* - wal
til apnoſtere, Pro ſu» mn babere,
Diſtrmed, Dearmatus, Sfoliatus. - ſc:aimed, Renunciatus,
A Diſarming, Exaymatro, A Diſelaiming, Kerunciatio,
jTod- array, [un uncloa h] Exuo, ToDiſeloſe, Kevele, Ketego , Affricy
To Dilarray [an Arm 'L —_ ns. Indico, Pate foto,
tum fundereydirjiere di To be D:ſelof , Patefio, Pateſer.
Diſarrayed, Coneteg the] | 7 WR Diſcloled Deteftur, Nudatus, pate»
Dil arrayed Fuſes. attus, Recluſus.
A D. faſter, - mn! ho calamitas. | iſoloſed {in non] *vau E-
Difaſtrous, Infortunatug. witrſus ex 9vo, ex ov
DiſaſtronNly, Infortunote, A D. (cloſer, Kevelator, * Proditor, In-
To diſavow, Dejſterr, Inficiari.
ed, Abnega A "Dileloſing Revelatio, Patefattio,
To Disband, ESeulicrs, Dimitto, > ſeloſure FIndiciom.
$o A Diſcolouring, Decoler tio.
Disbanded, Exoudteratus, miſſur ſa» | To Diſcolour. Deceloro.
Ans. Diſcoloured, Deco. or, orvie.
A Disbanding, Dizifſs, miſo, TO DISCOMEFIT an Army, Exiv-
To Dbelieve, Difkde. c:itum fundere, diffipare, rumpere,
THO ny E xonerog lewo, libevo, propulſs — profliigare, copies deleve,
Disburdened, Exomneratus. To be be dilcomfited and out of heart,
A 5m nao Exonerotio. Fratty ac demiſſo eſe anims.
To Disbur >, Bepend ado, Rependo, Pe- Diſcomfited, devitins, Diffp tur
es refs 7 _ £ tur, * The enemy 15 af.
Expeuſes comfited and pur to flight, Fuſt
A CO Diberter” __ # ec tique boſte
A Dis Gi ecmfitare, Strages, clades,
A Deburſement. hens I «, Diſcomſort, Marvor, Meſftits, Tit-
$C2 ould Is In-| fiitio.
ode Stored o d&:ſcewfort, Merore officere,oni-
To diſcamp. Coftra movere. mum doloribus cumulave.
A diſcamping, Coftrorum motio or Tobo 6 diſcomt
To aſcar[at cards] alienioris ale To D: ſcommen1, Vitupere.
luſor ia folio vegicere, | If ation, Vitwperium.
To Diſcard, ExmTtoro, mititem miſ- Diſcommended , Virwperatus.
ſum A Diſcommender, 11 uper ator,
Dikarded. Exoeuftoratus. AD, Viuperatio,
A ciſcarding, Exautteratio, A
A Diſcomm Incomw odum.
To Diſcend, Deſcendo. D: onto, Luftpcobiir maſts,
A diſeent, Series qua bereditas ali- | Anim de
eat obvenit, Diſcontent, Grdelinm.
To D.ſeemn, Cerns, Dijudico, dig- | To Pdbancnar, Ange, Offende.
noſes, Difirnguo, | To be onemeaF 73 krog inte.
To diſcern from others, Internoſco. |Be Diſbonrented beſeo, groviter
Dileerned, Diſcretus. 6 ferre,
A D\ſcerning, 05ſervatio. D, | ed, Anxius, Ofenſus.
6:2) Oy A5ſolutio, Lileratio, hr wm Anxietos, FE gri-
"Fe [acquittanee) Apocba, To DISCONTINUE, (att ] Tater
Ac tatio. | mitt:, Deſue facie, Interrumps, * I
charge { from ſuitJIademnitas, | have Ciſcont:nued my Fudies a-
To Diſcharge (a reckoning] Solvo, | bove this two y-ars, Duvs ann «
TB. {charge a Gan3 Rave: | | 10 cefſavi,
» op ontinue [neut. ] Infermit-
To ſeha-ge (from 2 crime] Ab- * - - - hy ak
toy, e ueſco
ſo;/vo. Expe Diſco tinuance
Intermiſſio intey-
Acceptom forre flipulatinem,
I do, Interft't
j i(charged, Ke donotus. rom Maw
Diſcongoued, Interns ſus, Interrup-
tus, * All this —Yx being dif”
continued cold!
Ly vota res interpeliats
Bin ang twgi
To be at diſcord Diſtonveni Gif.
erepo, Di Diſſes, Anicition ag
renunci av
To © mods diſcord, Lites ſevere or me-
A \ Diſcord in muſiek, Diſſenentis
A Diſcordance, Diſcrep «ut!
Diſcordans, Diſeors, ,/ "nk
TO DISCOVER, Retego, vowels, de-
fero, In luc*m proferres
producere, * It is F towtull ro of
Lover it to all, In vulgw indicore ne-
fn eft
To Diſcover ſecrets, Areone +xpre-
To Diſtover ones —— Mentim
expleyare, —_
Diſcovered, eltus, y TYRE
x Dilooverer, Revelator, Exphre
F "Diſcover; ng, Indicatio,
A D.ſcoverie, Indicium.
ToDilrounts yy - Subducrre.
Diſcoun ena ont
Voltus axtedes aldates, ed
Di ilcoumenanteds Parum faverabili-
TO DISCOURAGE, Exonime, «.
LL TL ty animos adi
deficere, terreve * $ —
rages him, Pudcr ili = robe
To be diſcouraged, Animum de
pondeve, abjicere, Animo Cbtten,
onime fratte eſſe. * $1 are
ſoon diſcouraged om their
Ignavi — citd my
Diſcour Abjettus, Deterritas,
Not Diſcouraged, Infr oftws.
orted, Dyleo, Langueo,
A Diſcourag: = ; pp nm Ja #n1-
Diſcouragement mi demi
frepyo. * We muft diſcourſe of
t, de aps vyevadew eſt.
je ©, Oraticnis e4-
pid Flare Pts verbis =
as non F:bule.
Pye on nugatcria
cafing diſcourſe, Acroome, at ,
—_ 0 jucunda.
A Dry or ſhallow diſcourſe, Logue-
lo yerunn: in
To D, Ghote one of 2 covenant, Diſcontinuation F ruptio, deſuetudo,!
| ADiſ _ Deer oris 3 Tome
[ min,
| To Diſere it, Sf, El:vo, Infir-
mo. obtretto, Debonefto, #cxitn alt-
cuſys rodere,
'y- -redied, J=fams
A Diſcret.ogaInfemetio Obtrefs
". Prudens, ernſultus,
A Diſcreet man, Solers
\-— Ls
—__ Oo >04
PRA cw oc l@Oo ESRC _e— awawwuL — ec cw Qu” o_—_ſſua ye fe ry ee r ſfroT M.-Y
=. FT
Diſcreet. ys Prudenter, Conſultd,
Diſcceetneſs, Prudertia,
Diſe et,on, Pruden. ts
At ones Diſcretion, Pro erh+trio.
Wuhout diſcre:10n, Injipiens, fotu-
ut, inſulſus
To D jeribey D eſcyihe, Deing EX-
15D ſcriminate, Diſcrimino.
To Diſ-ure, Dete20, revelo,
Diſcurſivey ad ſermoc in ationem ſpel-
e114, ſormocinationis capax.
To diſcuſs, 71+ nog
Diſcuſſed, Die:
A Dt'culſer, Dr Luffer,
A 2 Dilenting $Diſtuſſo.
bajiidio, * He diſdain» his -
Preeces everſatur, * She da1{dai
tha: 1 ſhould love her, «me fofti-
dit am
D ſdajned, ay ſpretus.
AD (4ai\nery Didi
D (1a: nul,
Superbur, Vultw
Dignatuty Fafidi Contemptim.
D (41 nfplne(s, Feftidiums.
A Diſd: "mmg Deenotic Averſatie-
A Diſeaſe,
To Dri-caſe, Moleftham exbibere,
IUnſeaſed, Morbidus, Languidus.
Niſ- ond Lreftlels I ol
—— c ] Fob own
=P? = =——=y
To Diſembark,Oram tenere, Lilus ob-
Jo D-ſembogu= Is mare ingredi,
To.D ſclicem, Elevo, Vitipends,
Diſefieem, Cnutemp tus, (is,
Diſelteemed, Contemprus, dy 1991.
A Diſeſteemer, Contemptor,
A D ſe{teem'ng > Ettvetio,
Disf1woury Invidis,
row witiave, Corrum
To — ones = ay 0s ſadave.
D#Ygured, Deformntus, deform: s,
A \ Dofigwings De:formati-, Drbo-
To Duf anchiſe, Crvitetis jug adi-
mere, e numero civiem ſegregere.
jDotrinchiled, Proſtripiens Privile-
1109 mmunitatibus prevatus,
0 Disfurmiſh, $
Ootu niſhed, Spoliatus.
To Dif (geſt, d:geyo. See digeſt.
To oigorges nod Confertim eji-
So PITT: = .
© Diſgrace, Dedecoro, Deboneffo,
Deturpo, Conſpurco, Digmtazem
Ofearare, In tenebras conyieere,
Diſgraced, Dedecoretus,
A 7 noi Tredwttor.
A Diſ;racing, Tradu(tio.
We: ſgracefal, Dedecorgſus, contume lig-
Fes terms, Conviti,
Layve, Perſon :.
A. Diput * (yretence] Species,
Foidfur. "Foftuoſur, The laft Diſh, Czne
—_ T
Diſguiſed with drunk, Ebrius, vino
To Diſguiſe himſelf, Perſunom in-
curve, veſbem & on mutare,
Tul. u 'muleto in:edeve.
To Diſguiſe any thing, liam
ciem alieut rei inducere. aliqutd al
ena ſpecie obqucere, veſtire.
Ciſguiſca, Leroetes, Perſonstus, fu-
W's filtu
Al Dilguing, Peyſonatia, Diſſumu-
To DISGUST, Faſtidio, Indigny.
A Dilgulit, Faſtidrum, N wuſea.
| To tall into diſguit of, Nma/eve.
[Toes as EN Fn
+ Patina, #9 Lmx.
* He took an Woe yn of the
dith, Amygda/um de lance tultt,
og He laid it in his diſhas a foul
ime, Hoc ei quaſi deforme crimer
The ohief Diſh, Caput cone,
The firſt diſh, Cane proemium.
A little Dith, 1
A age-dilt, Cotinus, Pultavius,
, Foculus menſarius, | A
A incep/, I Peniculus, Peniculum,
2 diſh, Margo, Lo-
fmeat, Depes,
on pe
Diſh ment,
To = it in a Diſh, Exemuſſito.
You "tine Dill, C«-
Dilbs a” w/o.
Disfavour 1n:urred, Offenſs, Exanimatus.
Tod stavour, —_ Diſh-riſon, Exbered atto.
Ligfarowred, 1 A D:{herior, nu
To Disfigu ec, | wana Metis, figu- | Dilhevelled hair, Poſſi eapilli,
DISHONEST, Inboneftar, Provus,
Spurcus, Impurns, Twfi1 * *The cor-
Frouges ang filehineſs of a Diſ-
honeſt mind, Depravatio & "0
tas tuipificesi animi.
3» Cy c_
ake Diſhonett
ve Ditonefth,, Flagitios vi- A D.\mantlings Muni tionum <4que-
Toi plead Diſhonefilys Find fond con- vo. Dilnay Teyyto, Perterye fatio,
ans ſhonetty, Provitas ag Diſmayed, Territus, Terveſallus, me-
DISHONOUR, Dedecus, Ignomi= | tw peveulſus, *
n14, Macula.. * lt will be 2 great | To be # httle Diſmayed, Subfupeo, |
grſhonoer to you, Mr1gno t1b+ = s ſſco.
i: | bro utaram » He brivSs diſho- | To » Deartw, Dilanin,
nour and dt on himſelf, $154; | Membro di ecere, diſcerpere.
twÞ1tudinem Of dedecus infligit. _ Deartuatus, Dilaniae
Inqurmns, Treduto.
7 Twpin, Ignemini-
Dionourably, Turpiter
, Dehonafta
} Intonefftetio,
To D:fimbark, « novi in terram de.
Seendere, excendere..
os DiGingage, Zibers, Expedios Exe
A Dith of 'meat, Fercu/un, Miſus, Did;
babere, ex- Pretty diſhes
To Diſh u up meat, Infiruere potinas | Diſloe
Im pres et Maznibus orbatus, pri-
hifm dr
A yr ang
of tices K Kedimo, Vadimenio ſolvere.
\ ngaged, Literatusr, Vadimanie
Fi Dilings Liberator, Ree
A Di nl ca Liberetio, Red.
| Didngenuous Iliiberalis, inuwrbonus,
Tx Dilrherit Exberedo, Abdico.
iſinherited, Abdicetus, Exhereda-
tu, Ns.
A Lt foheriting, Abditatio, Exbe-
To Di Difiarangle, Expedio, Explico,
Difnrangled, Extvicatus.
A Di ner, 2 Exinicatio,
To Difi 0410.
Difinterred, Efo//us.
A Dilinterr:ng, Effoſſio,
To Dujcyn, Dizjung GY
Donne, Disju
DivjunSion 3 D igundts,
To D:sj.ynt, Deartuo.
Diyjuntbve, Dis junt! rows,
ry nem” rjunthivs,
ndne's, M-{-ficrum 2x4.
To Diflike, Improe, —_— —
A Diſlike
To fall nol iflike of, F fidio.
1nto = a1 of, Faftidien;,
Luxotio, offis ex.
oex cope ex /ede, offs
To ) Digooge oper Fs Det, Ceram exch.
To mp NEO mA
a Dian odg ing, Pulſes SEacitatio,
"Hoſp bor 3s demigr atto,
Drona, 7 Pop, Inj
Dima, Nemo, 7 Terribilis, Infou-
ſal | dais, Dies «tri, Fanefti, Is-
> bilmancle, Muror of mania di-
To More Precp CunkgeS) Equo ext u-
eye, ' ee, icere.
Giſmouat (neur J Equa defeom-
01 Diſmoun? [1 Canos] Tornen= |
tun muTale votis exinere. =_
Diſmounted, Dejettus, excuſſus. To Diſpatch ones hands of tzouble, | wwiter, * The Spiltle is full of
cdedhcnens Inabedientia , Contu- of nel wy _ m . yy
iſate *enfeltus ws, ab. | plena, *
Diſobedient, Inobediens, Immoriger, Robatur, expecrtus, * The matter| Apud illum in offenſs un, * No
ed moriger, contumax, refre- »] Papenett cenfelbons os LR dtectins to yuu, Bond tad veris
mm .
To bel Diſobedient, Kepugno, Juſſs | W: oy 3 little trouble as may be, | To hy bends Diſpleaſare, is 6j-
negligere, Imeranti non euſcultare, uwdm minims cum m-leſtia ves
et. D * They are with all| A \ D. {pleaſure Chrewd turn) in-
;— > = male focl ung
Diſpatched, Quompri- comm:dum, maie
To Diſt »n | mim exe To do one a Diſplealure inc
© Diſobey, Repugno , Morem 1 - —K m—_— : ys 5” Di Catched, | de, demne atignem afices A 7s
Diloke xs, negleIus. H's rebus celeriter adn n ſtratis, eannot do us a greater diſpleaſy |
T Lq _ de aliquo ty Diſpatehed, Mituratur, Nibil y- Hs in mos gravity conſy.
mel mereri, _ Diſpa'cher, Expeditor, Perfettor, | fere. e has done me a diſplez.
py Fe np LS net
! . , eco , ? [-]
_ , in \ DnBenfur inubanus _ = ings £5 pe itio, per fell io, Somewhat in Dilp 5 feaſs -q" A
A Houſe of Diſorder » Dems in- | D:ſpatching Poyſon, Venenum pre > Bo dats PERS
amis, : , Iz Cm
1G Dibeaer, Confundo , Conturbo, To Diſpend, Diſpendo, obſumo, ef- | To Diſpor . n
Per erogo MI, 65s foe
To Difuraer the Hair, Copilles twr- | A Diſpgenhing, £m To Dif, » ſelf, exulto,
A Diſpenſarion, D:Jpenatie, Indyl-| To Di bo/, di L
To Diſorder ones ſelf, Modwn tem- | gents, ſolutto, wxatio,
frantic excedere. A Diſpenſar + Phoren :copets, To Diſpoſe Will,
lordered, Incompefitus , Inc-nti- | To Diſpenſe, iſpenſ To D.ſpo'e © Horan expends,
tus, ccnfuſus, turbotus. * A con-| To Diſpenie with, Inilers legibu; | T9 D.\poſe of [io ſome” ule} ator,
fuſed and Diſordered h:ap, m—_ folvere, (ine pena drmiiter e in «ſum deſtinar
indigeflaque moles. Sou Di , Diſherſatur, To Dilpole of [let or place ou!)
Diſordered and out of A... Mi- Dilp: ſed with, legibus ſolu :us. leco, eloeo
tites im-rdinati & incempoſ1ti.* He | A Diſpenſer, di/peaſator. To o Bilpoſe of (to another] rem «-
utters Jeſts in Diſor Metre, | Diſpenſes, expenſe.
Yeelaria inconditis werſibus fun | To D le Diſpoſed [et in order] &{/p:/itw,
dit, * All things areconfounded | Diſpeopled, 1 ſtatus. cempeſitus, d1geffus.
_ Diſordered » Funditis emnia A Diſpeop] oy 7 a wif —_ (ineh incd] accommolety,
0 Diſperſe, 4: 0, ſpargo, Gif-
a Di Diſordered ftate, FEgro reſpus- fond 6 a o oy wY + l Dif] ond. A. hy offel ur.
7 ui, difſipatus, di am pooled, twet, fert ani
A Difordering, C. ntarbatio, pertur- ts » difporſur, diffipatur, A Diſpoſer, ordinator, h; —
Diſperſedly, Sporſim, diſperſim. A, ot | oling, ordrnatio, cump-ſuin,
3 I aCj. Incenditus, incom* | A Diſperfing dig erſio A Bip
Diſperſion parjmny ſpolition, affeltio, ind: olty, in-
Diforderty, adv, Incondite, incom- | To D {pert 2 Tormentum oculo metivi
lt Ib ew = 4s. 4} 7.25
Eee DI ODT ———_—_— __ VV
te, inordin 18, Diſpart ad differentes inter os The Ditohrion of the body |
Foe Lone Houſe, Ganewn, po- caudam diemetros cogn;ſcens| ris baki =" |
ina dum An:1l Diſh ion of body, cachexie,
ilordinate, Inordinatus. [Rehironse infenſw, inſetus. To D ſpoilels, detzrbo, exturbo, os
Ho Oouts inficiavi. © Diſplace, —— Submcvio, F-\, yore fog
o Dilown one, ico, Repo, £10 Yempover
Dibned, « _ F to! Diff lace Civ:n out of Office] ex- Db ro } exturbatia, (
A Diſpan Diſpoſe. Durable illandatus.
To Diſpa = Deſper D find, te loco metus. ſe, vituperinm. TY
boneſto, Jomee de- (placing, Fn Toh D ſpraiie, witupero, obtrefbe, ele. 'ALl
— «Hoy 2D, plant, 4 V3, traduco. nomen rodeye, To
-Diſparaged, Debeneflatur. To D:ſpiay, 0: _ expands, ex- A Gipraer, —_ To
A Diſparagement , Debeneflomen- on
vn, dedecus, 0 Diſplay a Crna (in Carving] & Dill aifings luperatio, obtrefls- To
a '1 aragers D'ffometor. Gruen eleganter dearturre, memnbr g- "we
raging, rrff f-motio. tim diſſecare. D. :ſprof, incommodum. Diff
A Difſai iſperriitas. "nets di explicatur. * With b:n- | To Diſprofic, inc:mmodo. TW
Maceriom diruere, vi- layed, S:gnis collotis. A "D:(;>ofitine, 1nc ommod to, *7
—— rr op —_" dejrcere, D4 ly! nt expanjine explicatio. | A & Poiprochs elencbus, refutatio, "
ſparked, Septo nudatue. To D ASE, diſplices, op Ihr proportion, _ tas, diſr- Difſe
A ing! Maceriee demwhitio. | in enlpaeſſs —_ ipeak noe | porno difp vilita bl Difſe
iſparpled, to calc any It ve bo invi- iipro — y aritey .
Di led, $ Confufm ſperſus. des, & 1 hou teigneatt this to dif- | fare, Tie "OP ht AN
ISPA 1 CH, Expeditio. pleaſe me, H. .: ut m bt incemmuda» | D*(proport! cable, Impar, diſp*s. due:
ous of D.ſpatch , Conficiends | rt comment ®s Di pr0,.0r, 10acd , impariter & 'fori- To[
yet cupidus * Make qu. <> Diipatch, oo aſant weleftus, offenſ Th by Tol
C* 'errus cnfice, Dilple aancly, moleſts, £14, grava-| A DifFroportioning, difiributio im- ſent
A Diſpatch Packet of Letters ] Difſet
Literarum faſciculus, Diſplealed, _ offenſus, in- 0 diſproves confulo, refuto, reſult, A Di
To Diſpatch, Expedio, mature, * I convelle regorgess, ſentinti cm alic- A Dil
will m—_ it quickly, Expedite of c * Diſples d, far cenſeo, ira Tore | jus refiter a, | Difſex
Sum fa * He wa; Miles d at it. Id £gr#, | Dil; roecd, reſwl aus. | A Did
To Diſpatch a Buſineſs , _Negotion or Graviter tulit, * I am drſpleaſ: | D:(prover, reſwat vr. | wn
C. cere pe azere, ed with him, Atiens «ximo ſum a5 | A Diſproving, re/vtatio. | A Dig
iſfva ch [ſend Mirt wh «lego. | illo., * He was ao{plea! with D (purveyed, Mute infiruur, Diſſer
j Ts Diſpa ch ( kill one quickly } | him Periniguo anime ferebot * D (purable, diſps' atils, ToD
Citd interrmere. It Diſp: ceaſes, dr _ Fi ſour ration 2 4+ ſ"utatro, Gt er tothe, D fey
{ To Diſpaich out of the way, emon- | Dilpleaſing, offen/rvu Diſpu'e 3 aifſe: totic, vet! 7 in wm A Dift
care, DISPLEASU E, ire, inimicitia, f A L > Diſpute, certomss 26” | Dif
ns p
: —Tfour 4 1if- D imilitude, difeomilitude. = Diſtaſted, Ofenſus.
' To te eticcter: inge- II | A Difaitmgy Ofſs |
, niorumn telrs Pp e, _ uſe Diſlimalat Froudulenter Dehlcnnas i en _—
0 Men Dil; putes Diſputover PORE To Dilt«mper,{ Intoxiexte JInebrio.
4 my Diſpus apa Nog ty Pre Difipabe, 4 £.la908, Aprnrt?, Diftempered w drink, Efrius, wi-
wverieer Diſputatus To difipace. difſipe. - obrutus. ig
b ſputed, - 4 . '
D Diſpurer Diſputator, Ratioci- Dillpans DT A D Bompers | - _—
y-: Diſpurtant LELGO a Diff m_ Diſtemp«e1, Per twrbetus.
| DISQUIE 2 Eqrivade, Inquietuds, | | pation A Diſtempere1 ſtomach, Stomechu
< Digs —— Du rater. 76 Le lem. Ca&.] Liqueſacio, | rudus, F
p go x. iets oy — Per turbo, To o Diſſotve ſocery, Secietaiems di CO I__—_
' i ( z 4 A
+ 4 _ 4 Why [T To o Dulfolre, Cneute.] Ligueſto, Hi. yo L- —4
{nould dſquiet my old age wit l dilchw'w To Di y 7 bare.
this » man's madneſs, Cur me wn ſe | Diiſo ved, chwws, A Doane, Shes detiy |
"2 tm bujus ſollicito omentis, Not Diſſolved, Indifſolutvs. pete To iſtich, done
Dd, Per 'urbatur, Conturbe- | Not to be difſolved, Indiſſotwbilis. 1 Bk "_
tus, [nquietets, Solicrtus. |: D\Folving humours,4iſe rin glte- | F , diftilbitis. F
To ke Dilquieted, Deſcrucior, Rin- D « | £3, Lug F difliÞetie.
Bien bac og {ng rg 6 EE Es Ag,
rhe A DrQueters quetator,TurSater ee, diſſotuts, TM Re-' | ow ord, jpBeer.
a Diquen erin Tnquiet atv, Contuy= | To live ah, om re Cen Ehwny diferatus
vitae? __ 4=F.- ay A Diſonen di ſolutio ET te Indiſere-
Di quiſitio. onant onus PRs
| To yank. Online, tnebare, Cin- | con ans. pe - | ADifinSicn &: flinttio, ry.
fundeve. ; Diſſonance, diſſenentis. wh = tiny, ” oe” fret G 2
Diiranked, Ordine turbotus, Confu- | To d (wade, dr debortor, in mrmuddy roars my
fu #dver ſom portem traducere, To b p77" Jong
Diſt 7 — fs, Incivi- | Diſwted, diſſueſus. "Dulinguiſh, 41A =g
Piſcelpett F titer 6 Diſſwacer, tſuder. Drapes, <ipindnr pot
yo he pr þ Contemne, A. Ni Aion B $diſefio On, ee,
my tein & diſtepute, Intro fomem : Dipllable, <iſ[jBabumn. £3 [Dill ds » diftinfler.
t e. Diſtorr ues.
4 L ch tow ow penfiens flower Diſtorted, differtus,
| Diened, Car mp, 4 nm. T0 DISTAIN,1 fn, Contamino, A Dnoresd difterſio,
Di cealtla, woe 4 . :
Dillvntied, 0 "few or ali LIE Da Tue. To Diſtradt (tr ]
/ } A 5 mem
13 Dlett, Difecs o Diſtain ones honour, digniteti To Difira® —— — Furie,
| Diſected, D. eons, : a Leben fpergere. , Bgs
| To Diſſeize, Spotie, | Maculatus 6 Pol u1,»Mem dftained D MY frei us, Inſenus
(Puſjene detyudere. whey Los and CID = b & Tg 4; > diflrattie.
[A Dletm. Ede . ſus. fomes. * i S900 RUME Ws Rover ” CO x decrets cx<
we Eee nod Simale, ings. intottus inf amia. TY Diſtrained, Curie or Pretoris edifto
Diſſemble ones - ifia:ined , Impollutus, Intomi- occupotus.
ry occult are. —_ inviolatus. os A Dutran; Boinoram preterio
reſis To Fiemble a matter, Rews colors A Diſtainer, Violater, | Juwe eerupre
4 Diſtaining, Infeftio. Maculatio,
Diſenbled, Simalatws Fi: ite, i —_ ;
| A Diſemblers > flor. | A DISTANCE, difentic, inter- Diltraught, Inſarus, delira, mente
0. we very Drſemblen Ol Spacrem. * He ne aft. A'Diftrels (Airs nine] diftrifio,
aiſor -lihe. FR8w. ance from thenee, Ile ob- I - lag
diff Die CT * As oerts'n Jo diſtreſs, "a -
pr is ſpectis i ; * in diſtreſs
Ml ea het I
ll [6 5 Difene, Diſears ſrew | Diſtanee [ciſeo OF 2M w_ FF Þ eat
tio 1 v4 \iftonce nm 6.
refulin, A Diſſemer, Enron Diſs, fem fit arts, To Dunbar 4/rites diſpenſe.
[A Diſeaton ſower, Frx coateatio+ | Far diftant, Longo interv«lle dſt ans, | A Diltribacer, diſtributor, partiter,
- * Places very tar diſtants Locs Mating & p
Ce os | pam En Cen
f, 5 Pen 55 DE LL - Ofendo, Dandaning 2 <&ftributivus.
m_ ſevered, Se erat A Diſt paſs, A Dain, dui $5, jwridift.
1 2607” Dion 1Corpe- m-
= ae pat See _ |TakedifatF ——_—_— / Diltrults diſþdentie, To
Dillruftng, d Saices » GCuſpicie-
A Duvet IM $Suſpici.
To Diſturb, Two, Perturbo, Tnter-
turbo, Meros Facere, Iter interclu-
dere, Ppreperanti viam obfirneye.
To Ditzas one another, Se inter-
#Dit Diſturbance, Perturbetio, Tuwultus,
M tu
Diſturbed, Turbidus,Pertuebozus, In-
quietatus, interpellatus,
Not Difturbed, Imvper turbotus.
A ay ———Y 0 s» Perturba- | A
tory, Interpellat
A Diſturbing, Turbatio, mquietatio,
Without Diſturbing ycus Bona cum
To Diſturn, Averto,
A Diſun:on, Diſſidium,
To D:ſunite, att. Diſcindo, Diftrabo,
Dr ſſecio, Separo.
lunue, neut, Diſcinder, Se-
Difunted, $ © Payatus.
A Diſunit.ngs Dijjeciatio, Separa-
Difuſe I Deſurtads.
To Di les De _
Diſu - Des .
Bafiard Dittany, Froxinella,
A Diteh, Scrobs, Foſſa,
A _ + Ditch, yr pre ' Feſſuls.
LF o//em duceve, S$cy0-
Mate: a Deed, bem ſubigere.
To D tch in, 2 Feſſ4 cirenmducere ,
D.tth about, F crcammunire,
Ditched in, Wo gs crcumdu-
-Ditched about,
A Di: cher, Foſſe.
Full of Ditehes, Lacunoſu, F-ſi-
A Dirchings Foſfſio, Fiſſe circum:
+ Ditio,
ih C _— of Holfiein] Dith-
Dae, Difw, 1
DE Jorogy; « Amps Varia leftio.
etyy Go Cormen, Cont-
A Divan, 3 Sopremas Senetus Tur-
To Di Dive, Uriner, Explore, Aquam
{97 Dive into 2 buſineſs, P-niliw
. See Devil.
— po cirrba-
viv ERS |
Your at's are
1 Paring, Ap
> Alnns, B
To Divaricate, Divaricer, Carve | A
Divers kinds of Religions, Ali at-
= ahi religiones,
Divers { mamtold}] - gp > Va.
rius, Ancepr, Multifarins, Multi-
Ts brinz men of Divers jongues to
talk toge:her, Lingue diſcordes ad
colloquium contre
To make Divers, Variere.
of Divers colours, Mullicoloy, Ver ſi»
of _ hinck. gens. »
ow Ct, ar 1 4110
Died 7p modo Squre. —uttvutt
<q ju I;
Pirefing, verſifieatio, Va-
riatio. ip ,
A Diverfion, Diverſio, Recveatio,
DIVERSITY, Drver/itz, V avieias.
* There is a great dryerfity
twixt a man and 2 Beaſt, Inter bo-
minem & Cons maxime inte= [T0
reſt, * As great diverſity in bo-
dies ſo great varieties in minds,
Ut in corperibus magne ſunt diſh
mulitudiner, fie in enim majores
ext ſtunt vaoyietetes.
To Divert, Drvertor, Digvredior.
D-verted, Alio everſus
To Divert [entertain one) Accipio
commode, Recyeo
A Urerticle, Diverticu/um,
A Diverting, Diver/ic.
A Divertiſemcn;, Kecrea:io, Oblelte-
To Divide, Divido, Dirimo. Payticr.
* D:vide it amongſt you, Ves intey
vos partite [or partimini, *
divide the ofh-es amongſt them,
ia inter tiuntuy, *% Lis
houſe was vided upon the |
ſtion, pterSiinn for of
ſronem fiebat.” * They are divided
10 their opinions, In contraries ſen*
tenti as Opin buntur,
To [2ev56 — Separo, $eceyno,
erm'ne, Di
vide 1n two qual parts, Bi-
porta Biſeco.
Divide in t
Divided, Diviſue,
Divided in two. Biper ertitur.
D:vided in three, Tripertitee.
—— many parts, Multipar-
Eakil Divided = ——qpn_—_
Ce —_ y- Summa di-
A (Drrcdens IC n Acithmetiek Nu-
mers drvide
A Divider Diner Portiter, Diftri-
buter, Se
A Dividing, Divi io, Partitie.
Dividing, (oo Feb Pradif@io,
ciums, Vaticinium.
the Air, Arromentis.
Barley an4 Wheat
hree, Tripartior.
__ Selhus.
mint, AFleurementia.
Div: "xatien by the Belly, Gaftye-
Divzorion by Birds, Oſcinem.
_— a Coe or Caock-
D vination by the Earh,Geomentis
Divination by fire, Pyromant
D vination by lots, _
Devieation \mcak, Cs n
Divination by water, H mie
The art of Divivation, cind,
Rows. | BY D.vinstion, mee,
Divine, Divine,
pIv £ DIV DOC kh
' mining a jorubus d D
Terdon Als plow upeiom ba- = Rn o—_—_ be fn — gn lenti
ed certi windices,
Vin? loves, ( --=ay drvinus.
A Divine, } Dives, Di
wine, hh rvintoy
Diviner, F gur, Vaticiaator. A
To Divine, Divine, Augurer, Heyie-
tor, Pradico, < Aco—_—_
Divinely, Divi
A Divini \ Divinatic, Prediflio,
Dennis Toes beolo ta,
Of A > Teeolegicus,
The Divimtys Deitors.
To Divinze, Divieun redo,
Net ho 07d 5d 5 tis, iti,
An unequal Divition, FParijuo ine-
Diviſion [in muſick ] Meduldic,
run Diviſion, Minurigo, Cantills,
1 Diviſor, Divifor.
A Divorce, Drvortiam, _
Divori um.
_ LL
A Diurnal, E
Tl Fin Publice.
To be Divulged, Permaneſco, Per.
D. Date: Iaulg «tus, Publicatus,
A Divulger, Va/g tr.
wUgings WW, wgatio,
Dixmuid {in Flanders) Dixmude.
To Diet, Focus foo as n'pulo or ſui
enicula i
Dizzard, Vertigi I—m—_
Dizzy, Vertigin:
—_ ertigo,
Do. See Doe.
Jo Dear! Delivo. See Dote.
Dob-eh' ck, Fahica, ?
A Dobeler Lanx, Magonomus,
poo $ Docitis,
polity, Dealites,
A Dock (for ſhips) Newle, is, n
A Dock (herb) Lipathum. * In
Dock out nettle, Clovas claw pt
"Dy Ditch-do-k with a ſharp red leaf,
£4 tepet
ſoure Dock, Runex, —
Lhe grant Dock Hi
Lpethum a
\Varer-docs Hydra athom
The The Dock of ED” Beai wth
fo Dock, h, Condom bores roam, Vitto
—_— equi c
a Docket hr breve 0 or ſumma conten-
in ſeri
Dockum (in oft fiend) Docum-
A Doctor » Ped Divioitys The:kgia
» | Dow or
C vhek, Medicus, M
A DoSor of Phyſician
dicine doſtoy .* The beft
are Door d
ee oy by hers $104
a. Mi
— —
a —.
== OAMe£©KX<CvGzBm=-m.c.. ro amA.DÞþ lr cc .
wo =: ox tk
*7e Soo.
7 2»
\ Per.
n—— Vos” DOG DON
cian! ient emedrci, medici tibr pant, bac, A Do Ju, Hwn bucculentus. A DOING, An, CinſeHic, Extcutio.
4g mens lata, requies, moderata;, Docgburg (in Guelderland } Doerburs | * It 1s now 2 doing, Nune ogrtur,
die ens, Textoburgium. » Magrus oppa tus,
A Dotiorſhi Dottcrotus. o D*off, Exa2. Dung, Agens, Meviens J
ADo Dodors » Alw in ſuſcipiendo To D'off ones hat, Aperire coput. * B 1 nothing w2 learn to
adn ba Sins, Dogs Cenis._ * I don't believe he | Do agends male ngere diſ-
Cannes Deftrins, Ernditio. has a Dog left to lick a dilh, N'n | _cimas.
bottrinal, Pretoey Hicws, 1lum puto in dome conem reltqu fe. To keep one Doing, Feceſſere alicui
wy n ay cr, by Ce SAS 014 | A DOR, Digites, Trims, ©
u 3 cans pabula. no reruns Tring,
Dodde:-graſs, ÞCaſſpte, Ciyfends, no hew trick, Senex | doit, Ne F J quiden, _—_
0 Dodge, px Dol (10 Bret»gne] ge] Dole, Urls Do-
1c ater.
A 'nN, Nummulus, Teruncius.
* Not worth a Dodkin,Afe carum.
al Doe, Dama famine.
bon nſec, * How
wor, Ne inte feceris
is quomdo
4 agitur, ut or
hat does he h ow
CD I re n—_—
bic & +* 'Tisbur as
m—_ more fecero.* Ile Do
as liks tor you, or I'le Do you
s g20d 2 turn, icem reddam, red-
Star opera, * Whet have you to
Doone we? Quid t161 yes emaruis
{ Quid mecum Tf tibi *
44 you to Do here ? Quid tihi bre
negot:1.* You'l de no good, Ntbil
promoveris. * It makes me that I
cannot cell what to OMe conſo-
lit incertums facit,* It will Do, Brne
procedir. *[t would not _— $ way,
Hic nin ſucceſfit, * What have you} A
to Dg oo at? Quid No id ve-
| fort? le have To:hing to Do
oy y- Ot 14s _ _
* Yum ave —— ,
Sudabis ſatis * You may {ome- | Of
thing el h hum, alebis bond -
nem, T hey nay Do ervice,
d, Mev remigio rem gero
» + We f ſhall Jo well » But
wit, * We muſt Do Do as we may it
in, Triens, Teruncins.
* What] A
Aſinus incidit in p_
++ well think to a Dog in 2
Ch:tterling, Una - —_ 9»
itivem canem ognimis latt
eli e Dog, Coniculs, wp
A Band-Dog, Canis catenarins, Mo-
*1 n Comis ſubſadeny Sub/idenz.
The -, Flare ” >=
d Dog Lac Fin) t
The -dayes, Dies conicul wer,
A DogeSotite:, Millum.
A Doz-fiih,
The Whitlh Dog- wo Cenis fuvis
A Dog of iron, Harpage ferreus, Re-
f\ naculum, Claws iraballs,
» (Andiron] 4n es, Cantbe-
A I uſe Kieinus,
feng 7, Caniſug "pl
7 OLITEL ate go Negus.
tg? C ynoſorcbis.
j $-
Conn? in, Pe. iptocs re-
we eannot do as we would, Ut 5. Dom-nion, Demintun,jmpertum jus,
ons qurndo uf v. lus non Vicet. Dog-briar, Cyn16hatog, Principotus, ditio,
0 Du (accomphth] Exequor, Peya- gas, Gramen caninum. To have inio0n, Dominoy, Rerum
[het » (ompctog af. * What (hall I] The _ 4 Cymxce+ troy.
|, Quid exequar ? omirgo [an Americen Iflan?] Deo-
deat <Fy h 5 ET —_
quid fatto oft opus? * 1 ſun. — a Mans name a-
noth ng to do, Lis by 1 nibil Pofrd [ery Eller. fi :
ef, * And fp you will it, Do tongue, Lingus canine, Cyno- A'D capitium canonicic uſita-
RD Age ſiquid vehon lugubre mulierum.
72 Be To Do dais For Aberyo. 4 Dogs tooth, Satyrien Erythreumn, Domirs Cm Mechlonturg] Domiti-
Do ones ans dave,
Do onesendeavour 45 pro Dog-to En] Cynoglo] us, Don | a river in Sarmatia) Tenors,
werilt enitj, * We mult Do our — ws, Mo | Don (2 river in Torb PireJDars,
» RY adbibenda evit cura. DoaGill, 3. rafur, A Spaniſh Dong Duminus Hifſpe-
*rie Do m Fa-| Dogged At tergo ſerva- | nas.
com bercle on a fun .y Dona Donation, Doneriam, Donum.
j4 7 Doggedly , —
To do ones $Hu?'d Often Hh, Dopeilhly, _ Moreſe. a river in Calobria] Iſau-
re. * le ©, the part of withs Barbar? tra- _
anger vice cotty, :tws, Cradetiter ur. Denenae ſin Germany] Donever-
To do ones errand, Obfrigille. A yes
To ſo abour to Do, Fateſſs putus, Qualis qualir, | Doneaſter _ Tort ſhire) Donum
3 and undo , Penelopes telom Rye ke Lent ſme arte,in- Deachety (1 agne] Dencberi-|
* nm.
Te do ones ut utmoſt, Ommem movere Doggrel, Barbar# loqui og A 9! ado ut Seb "4
ibil non experiri. - ip PI (on enti- © wi, ©#
we 0 bis worlt, Ont quam poſſit Dog ” 4 he butineſs is Done, Tr 51/1 gi-
+ Dogmatiſis, Nwve 6 hom * It ſhall b* Done, Cura»
To! Do ——_— Injuriam inferre, {# nos protee. bitur, Fiet. * It 1s Done hike your
Much to Do, Plurimum negotia. þ Dognanes, Nowm dogma difo | felt, Ad ingenium vedis, * Never
7 Doe pe [aQor Anltory Effettcs, 9 x: ——_d man before me had the bo;
1 Cur num. - t iltioy | nour Done him, Q- 0
Dodde1, Cornibus Mutilus. ley [he any] , eft ante me nemini. * It was
pies mg ven f Pres £-pors | ten
” us,
Dole {»n Burgundy] Duls, Didotti-
can, Tillizem.
A Dole, Donotivum, Congiarium,
Io Eltemoſyna, Panis gradi-
$ Doe d Fin Viretum inarotum in ar-
Sk Lomentebii Lg.
[hae $ Doler, Angor.
Dolorous, Mefhs, Triſtis,
A A Dal, buſy 8 inis ; Delphians.
Infulſus, Snipes, Heber, Fun-
leith upilus, Phumbeus,
edhly, 17, Injul wiſe, $ upids,
- mp Stupor, Fatwites.
jos canina ſyl-
Tefticulus ca» | Ds
Triſtis, Me fius,
OR [part of France] Troftus
A Domes-man, Julex,
To Domineer bn t k
To © Daminecr, Jmpert », Domin: r
——— over, Infolenter habi-
The Dominical wma" Litera rubya
or dominice ind
ly Done of him to ecme to me,
id i # ® bums.
nothing to day, Nulom hodie line-
om duxi, * Well I have Done, Hem | Dorſetſhi
Of Dorſecſhire, F > Dorſettenſir,
1:7e-men, Nurotrrges,
(eſo, Dort af in in Holland } Derdre-
A Donour, Donator Dortrecht .
Denoy {in France] Dinis. A Dort [dron e] Facus,
A Doom, Sententia, Fedicium. A Donter,2 1, i-orium,
Doomſday, Dies j _ Dorture,
A Doomiman, Fade Dortmund fin Weſft-pbalis] Tremn-
A DOOR, Oftum, Janus, Fores, | nia, Trotmani
* Get you in 4a Doors quickly , Doſe Deſisg is
I's intro cite, * Open the door A Doſel, Conop,cum regele
ſome B-dy, Aperite liquis eftium. | A Doſen, Durdecim, Duoderuamy Do-
* You th uſt me out of rs, | decar, Afr, $0idus
Me extruſiſti «x edibus, * He went » Corbis deſſurria.
A Doſſer-carrier, Corbuls,
To Dote. Deliyo, Devpio,
To deginto Dote, De/ip1ſto.
WY — _—
Hummmiter fecit quod ad me venit, — in Scotland } Dunredu- , A DOUBT, dubium, du itatio. » 3
* He took it as done in deſpight C1 ; make n 0 doubt but: Nullee dub?
to him, In ſuem contumelans ver- Doro [ariver in Ireland] Obeea. quin- -, x There was no doubt =
it. Dorothy [a womans name} Dcyo= | all maJe of it, de e0 Mer quam ome-
Done before, Antratius. thea. nino eſt dibitatum. * Puc me out!
Done adviledly, Deliberatus. A Dorp, Ps agus, Vicula Viculut of doubtyne libers meta. * Grave.
Done amultuort T2000 r-hawk, Accipiter cantbare- | ly no doubt, Sever# ſand. * You!
Done {diſpatched Perfettus, Ty ptag make more doubts than there
oftur. * Vie get it Done ap A Dart, Searebens orboreus needs Nodwm in ſcirpo quaris.
fd 'ght, Effetiuns boc reddam al =_ JE: r, Confiands, 09 tapes Js Dopbe Ambigo, Heres, A!
e in doubt F nimi (1 |
Done-h. 2u's, Hore eanmic A Dorler; Coo ; = oY tue inclinaye, *There i tone hug |
A Donee, Dono affetius, Munere de- | Dorſetſhire, Derſetu1a, Dorſetenia, | yet that I doubt of, At mibi
natug, Duria Serupulus etiem veſtat. * | douk
I have Done, Feci. * 1 have Done Do:ſetthire, dj. ®» dubio we
he will not live,
* ] be
— beſitare cenfiteey quid hh ;
Without doubt, Proculdubio, ſine
My ey 1 in 4
0 0 n cubt, Anim
al cut Lfperdere, =
Doubted, eubitotus, In dnbium v-
Doubter, H.
Dakine po Ancepr, dubi-
mo Ampbibologie.
Dowbttully, I, Anti dubi8, bes
Ar the r, Ad fores or pre , Wy
as, She = {hood at | Doter Delirus, Deſipiens. tanter, inc
» Ante oftium me audivit | An old Dotard, Senecio, Tedulvs. | Somewhat xt doubtfully, -—_—_
_ wa A- Doti - — ——_ deliratio, | Doulatulneſs, Ambiguitas
Jittle Door —_— Do:age, de'w A Doubring,” dubrtatio
& Back-door, Po ftica, Pofticum. Dating, Datiroms, "Gedirus, deſipiens, Doubtleſs, oc uldubio bout dubis,
To S door, weons og Al | Doring tree, Arbor vetufletems - bd Panoets of a Deer, Teft.culi
[+] 2 Door vytes Be [i ty
: ms of doting, Delirabundus. | Douece [CuP"ard] Artopols
To knock at the Doors F- o/ ——_ Doringl Aniliter. Dove River (in Dor
A Daor-bar, Veltis, Repagulum Dot. Maci elobu lobus or Grumus. A Dove, Columbus, C
A Door-bolr, Obex, Pe{/utns. a Dortret, inelius, Avis fotua, | A ring-Dove, Palumbus tor quotus
Door-eaſe, Opus circa eftium fabrica- | Dulire, imitatrix. A Stoek-dore, P :lumbug,
tum [ex quatuor offulis ſeſe interſe- | The Dovene, m_ 2 —— A Turtle dove, Turiur ;
cantibus. Douay [in Flanders ] Duacum, A Young-dove, Puus columbins:
Door-oheeks2 ,,... ;. Double,Duplex, hy Dove (adj) wats 60,
Door-polts NTT To Double, Duplico, Gemino. Ot os 1 ke a dove hinberis
ona Oftiarive, Yanitor,m. 2» ding ime Rare uplics yy ur :
ri 0 our times, Qu
Mi, Limen inis, A Double cloth, Dip A Gove houſe F Columborium,
Ven doors, Intus. 2 Denbie oS Dues cate» Dup/um, —_ Co/nmbatie
of Doors, Foros. | colour, Color columbinus,
From Door to Door ho. Three Double - od Dover fee: ſh. -rbJ Geranium.
Dor river [in Here ordfhive] Dorus, | Three times Double, F pls. pon n?. tory Js
Dorras {a womans name] Dorcas, | Four Double, Z Quadruplex, Dover ſin 1h Xen] Dover :
FM (flh] Faber, Gall Ces one” Quint l m—_— Fr ts.
us mayi- | Five times ex. » Mo
OTA : Ten times Double, Decupie F To kneed Cs Subigert |
Dorcheſter in Derſetſbire e- | Doubled, catus, Geminatus, Doughie Ponis malt
ia, yetta, Dunium, —_ A Doub'er, | ater, Dough -bread F coftus, |
A Double, . Dough'y, Fortis, —_— Magne-
Dorcheſter, ad) Dercenſle, Derſu- | A Doublet, y Diptoit Thorax. * nimus, Strenas, Validus.
Of cheſter (1 ten fri Ludus aleatorivs. To Douk, Immergo,
Dorcheſter we] | Tagen REG Dupls ludere, | The Douker, x
nie. Duroc Gemma mangoni7ats, | To Douk —
The Thor y no EF, —_ Doulens (in Preardy] Dulend
S334 ] : A Doubling (in heraldry) Duplics- | The Dour (a river in en? wy
ri .riIeas. lied 1
A Darman m—_— beam] Tignuns. AD bling, Duplicatic, Grminatio. | Douro [a River in Portugel] Dv
| Doubling- wile, Geminetim. vIMr,
Dorman: "Cunremov'd) Immotus. The doublings of a hare, Turbats Doulatle {2 womans name] Dulc-
A Dormer, Feneflrs intra domi2s te- | legoris veftigia = Jraus,
(hum exirutta, To run Ele a deer when Doſs ſen 2 womans name ] Dulcis.
A Dormito:y , Dormitorium,. hunted) arers v i. | A Doulet, Oogets,
A Doumouſe, G14, irie. = + I Uvularia. | The Doux {2 river in Burg)
y Flace where Dormioe are kep!, | Double-tongued, Ambiguat, Dubis, nbis, |
bly, Dupliciter : Dowager, detario. dotote,
Doenford i Lin Huntingtenſbir#] Du- | To To D-al Doubly, Prevericer, Huc | A Dcwer, —— «tis,
robrive. &- ue putore, tate uramgue pare Youngdowl, Lenn
Dornick (in Flanders) Ternacums. tems fl Dowlals, Lintcomen f craſſus, &
eqn pg——_ __——
. TU PT Yo
O27 >>>
= wr _
+ woue [ n Irelond] Dunum, a Dragoon end = <——_ £a> To Draw by tar means, ſuades, in-
0, MNts. vwco,
Down [of athers) velus, eris. Dragingnen Lin e] dragumi- | To Draw forth, extrabo,
Down (of flowers) peppus. o Draw by force, pertrabs yaſie.
Down [of thiftles] Porte or wm. A'Dr: Dr:icy trabs. See: Dray. To Draw produce, * To
Abow f Yy | -_ ronment | na re
. e or left ave,
_ v.24 —_— Drwnable, deſiecabilis. To Draw fouwls [23 Cooks] reviſes
Downward cor ſum. Drained deſiccatus, derivatus
DOWN [go down] deſcende. A Drining, deſtecatit aquatie To Draw w th 2 hook. inznco
I] am down deſeendi, | A Drake, anas mts OS hounds] by ſcent, in
Ce ce fn [> Det Tien ates. | Foe
| ne _— he Drakes ror, contyayerva, L. | '| To Draw > ein TY contyabo.
; Down to, we | A wild Drake, anas einer paluſtris. | To Draw in l:ngihy produce, protye-
Down the wind, #d inoyiam vel ege- | Fize-Drakes, faces pgr os
atem redattus A Dram, & "arp To raw Climb] delines, depings. |
Roe Down ['ad is ——_— Ig CE Yo Bend. T9 jm eppropingu a. |
i n [ adv. um,pe//um. "—_ _
1 Doane man, Drap de berry, penn.s Bitwri To Draw n p
- — w_vei rey U- Drape-ſheep, y -\- To Draw offs. revoce, a9:c0, retre-
A Draper, pernarius, panai mercd-
Then Down of 2 AR Jo D-w over, trajitio,
The | going Down of the folis a Woolln-Draper lanaviug, © Draw out, exbaurio, exfrobd.
A Linnen- Draper, linteo, To Drew a ſwo:d, gladium ſtringe-!
Wie face Donna, es. as [in emoing) ookus To drew x ſword haſtilys. glodi
c | n vi es,
content 4 ie, gnopd —_ Dravaniza [ anelagy ace, Viſtu- Th di ht
” [3 a
$a Dow Flite ao s pepult. See Drive. To Draw do. alrade.
A Dowry, 4 e D:ave (a Grrmes river] Dre- | To Draw together, ccntrobo.
» wy 2 D.wry to, dots. uns. To Draw up, beurio, extrabs, |
+ dotalis, A Draught [firſt copy] exemplar, | To Draw up [on army] ordimo, diſ-
_ . Dowry, dot atur. om — Tudis EE delinea- 4" digero, in ordinem adducere.
ar ing no Dowry, indetetur. i K.. : hve ſent NW Braw aw up the Army to the Ci-
o Dow LE cuters ame al! VN odmovere exercitum ur
The Dowlh Dowlee Fouad oe ae ertoral " Dratghe ono 4 47 2
. a a a=
dogs 4 ym F —— = 2h ro = K — --I
t - ver
A Doxy, i = tus —_—_ ov To let down a Draw- " dulta- ;
To Dow, Fwy a Dengae put ] _— —_— rium pcntem demittere, ere, re-
Dozed, im dri h axare.
27 ig {=+6-7-I My
ze 20200t latrina, forica, very
A Dozen, dodec hes ludus latruncu- | A Drawer, trofter.
ets [fol [Anne nn
7 yecidivus. b
A Drakes 3 ooh additementum, ou | A RCTS Jugalis. A Drawer of broad-eloth ; polio
A Drabblet F Uariums. Drauk gremen byomades A Drawer of » or,
Draf, /iliquet, eſe a porcina, ariver in Lorroin] Drachs- A Drawer [box] > 5 - "——_
atry, meleflus, t nis. Sulatur ſuti'ir, kentus curſor.
A Drag, rhedey ”R Draw (a river in Germany] Dro- | Drawers (hinting) Ardioraton,
To Dr [by the hais) crinidu TO DRA » trobo, duce. * Y Drowieg dntorics.* _
ou b .
th tr , ET may drow him op neg a an trattfo .
beday with a twine thread, Pauls Drawwg io.
Fr i 0; (ey w_ rbedavins or ju- to bus bh y * He draws A —_ ——__
11g net, retejecu/um, verricu- ways, x by .
by got Erik vin pert A Dwis extreltio ; vals
Gencdrogue } tregocenthi- | T by ry out 19,
-ofone Npre. Draw!
Dragged, tv we yt oh A Draw ns nord, produltio.
Dragges, quicqu ne wo. ppeadet & |To Draw ativer away, aver- } A Drawing [hmbing] de/ineatio,
ab.ea trabit os. Drawing nig t19.
| Draggi » totebenJue. To Draw back, r vetrabs, vevace. y \ haſty Drawing of a ſword, £2
| ( trattatio, cory - re _—_ vagine pror They
Dr A winch |T Derg ie nf] rents, | dn Cantg, beter fo Sigtad
Af on, dre, To Drewa bow, ercum ſinuore, in- A Drawing of water, aqua exantla-
Drago acand.
A little D To Draw breat ontelo (To Gravl im oneg ſpeceh,,,
Young Drugs dracuneulug, To Draw > erre verde, tor 066
A Sea-Dragon, dracs muvinus. To Draw =_y fertior, 'O BE PRAW trokor » dncor,
A how [it Se +" To Draw down a relation Ee. ti Meer omg: ”* Os ;
n-(tone «| tio oc
A Dragen-tree. draco orfor,, — | duces ” means be <rawn out to figh”s
A on-fly, libells,
Ts Draw a draught in writing, de-
Herb- cribo., tut, * He 19 drawn arnundy &
Dragon-w — -2 ſerpentaria. To Draw the firſt draught [as pain- | les verberet. _
Small Dragon works dracunculus, | ters] «dumbro, d Drawn, trofius, boufhen, *-
Dragons RA T0and5 Cna- [T9 Drew WOO þ ons
ev 1git
73g0nera [a Sponi ] - dry, '0y JD odfiretun, RM
LC G—_ is we;
wo _
* _—
lo Protrattus,
a Den Idle Tale w yr PR
Imoginatio mere.
[o D.eam, Somniere, Per quietem
v:dere, # To =s dream of a
dry ſammer, Src expetiare,
Dreamed, Pey quietem viſus.
A Dreamer, Scmniator
T oubled with dreames, Somnio/«s,
in perch, * Tardil:quns,
; A Dreaming, h, Terdddogwentie.
A 2 ww ellow, Somn:um,
camingly,Semniculoſt,Of (itonter.
Dree {of a way] longus, tedium of-
» Oxigi
The Et wine, a ng Caries.
or wax is,
The Deep of coarle Su Sugar, Soccha-
Th Dees of of the people, Sordes or
fox puli, uhis ſentins.
To Clear from Dre gs, Gefes .
of Dre ”, defecatus
of Dregs, JF eculentus,
, deſicco, See Gram.
To ore noh {i in] Jommnergo.
Drenched, Sahvatus.
Drenched, Villa.
Dreſe, Meſtw.
ey Lin M6ſais] Dreſte.
A DRESS, Ornatus. * He is got-
tenin:02a _ els, Ornetus In
any ineedit t modumy, * What
an you to go in this Dreſs, quid
ſovi bic popes querii? * What a
od is he in ? Lo gut ie notes eſt!
4 s {ec ovnar -
oy” tr fo your (elf before you
«in t= ts colis an-
ou the better now for having
Dreſſed ceſſed yo hi nunc
rode moles colut : capilles ?
*y are n print, ni-
bit -— ad mundins bo mogis ele-
To > Dieſuaga n,Recelo,
(+) $ ancw
T3 Dreſs tp $1 aterpole,
To Dreſs = a Chamber, Cubicu-
lum ordinave.
To D els Cloth, Veftrm polire. * He
hark taken cloaths to dreſs, curon-
poltondaque 1eft- mwenta acc:pit.
| To Dreſs curiouſly, Exermoecntin-
To Drels a Horſe, Equ-m curere.
To D-eis Meat, Crum coguere.
” Dato of the Filh Dromo, Piſces pur-
1 c
to Drels 2 Tree, Arborem putere,
To Drels a Vine, Vitem colere.
Ornatus, Poratus, Concin-
A Dreſſer, Infiruftey.
A Dreſſer of — _—
A Driſer of Meat,
A Dreſſer of old any Interpo-
latoy, veterementar ins.
A Dreſſer of a Vine, Putator.
A Dreſſcr, Ab. Woegs culingr ins,
Dreſſer-bcard, us coquinoria.
Dreſling Ornens. * What his Wife | 1
is | her (elf » Dom ſe ux.r
c mpayaor.
A Dre ng, Ornetio, Culturs.
A Drefling of Meat, App or atue.
A Drefling tor Women, MiteJe,
A Drct ling-knife, culter p prnovins.
A Dreſling up of old things, Inter-
1' Dreich, $: mmio, yo,
AU La Beauſe ] Drorum.
I'Dk DREW Cof draw} Traxi. * They
w out the time with hagring,
(untt endo extroxerunt diem, * He
drew them to take his part, In ſo-
cretotemn du
Devine Comal furs ] Pertizn-
DRIE, Avidus, freexs. * As drie as
a Kex,Pumex non que e -—
Dre { thirky J Sit!
Drie Jetts, Facetie -—<.—- mr
To G7 FA E
o Dr t; Exaveſco, Are-
Grow Dy 3d ; ſee,
To +» * The
Fountains VOL. are Dry, i7/i
ow fentes ſttrunt,
ob wed mn the {moak, Infum:, f-ms
To drie in the Sun, In/olo.
To drie Hertings for tarrelling, bo-
leces deſiccare.
To be ſo drie, Suboy
To drie-ſhave, Tondere — exuere
F — re.
Drie C without "Jwice ] Exuecus,
Drie Exchange, Uſure or commu-
Dried in the ſmoak Infomatus.
Dried in the Sun, Inſo/otsr.
ied to yowenn Inarefatius,
Drily, Sic IT;
Drieneſs, Sicciter, Ariditar.
Drieſen | {inthe Marquiſate of Bren-
denburg } Drie
A Dr ww Siecatio, deficcatio,
A Drying in the Sun, Inſoletio.
, drying up by extream » Ave-
A,Propo/itwm, ſcopur
A dnft of Silk, blob mnt tn in-
Pry bembycinum non tertile.
LG_ «ot Snow, Nivizm vis or 0g-
The he Ship i is a-drifc, Novis ed orbi-
trium venti feriur,
A Dull, Tere 4a.
To Drill, !erebro, perfero,
The D-Ill ] Satyrw Indicw,
To Dr.ll Soldiers, milites inftitue-
re, diſtiplins mil; avi imbuere, tac-
tica doceye,
hw pe nth 7
m tw p
radDank. fue Fewer?
1 ne 1n 7 Dri, vine obrutus,
To To beak has * He hu a mind
to drink me » ut me deponat
LS a affettat viem.
[8] in away care, vino wc
cn.mi diluere, of n P
nk Excoinely, perro
4 vin an+
[I be friends,
oO drink a ri tte.
from eraterem bibere , dE.
4 Drink in, imbibo,
To Drink a little too much, melinſ-
cule quam fot eh =
To Dr nk exneo,
Drink u _ —_— exinann,
* Drink it all off, od Fundam »/qu
L velim.
v Drink ctten,
To Drink a — eup, cum dif-
cedente Knams Out alter wn po-
culum exiccar
To rick round, titers in
To hey nk by ſips, pitiſſe.
in ordinem,
To Drink to or unto, prebi
Al Drinker of no Wine,
A Water-Drinker, A = =
A cont:
an nk1ng
Dee ; cmptth
Ot or ing 7 wh
A Driaking Flt -eup, empull peforia.
Driadt ps
ive at, Scio ow
= le » drives on a defign
* own honour F
a ſm, *Welet the thip drive,
ts wenlis nevigio fertbomw.
* Th2 O-ation dives a that, £6
pertinet ovatio, To
i... ili. Pay
». © 2 2 © = > 2» © oa
SC>,. YO
S829 58
\ > wi
D before him , Ofentes
ſabmovere, " ———_ a
To D ive down
To Drve from, ales b1g%, propelo.
To crive hard,
To Drive un bares lids. 2m ines.
To Drive © Tempus 16, ere,
m:res ſere:e. ut it you dnve | Dr
me oft tall 2. time, Sin eu-
tem 4 ffers me in aliud tempus.
To Drive on, Imope
” "nn on 4 Deugns Aliquid mn»
Tob Drive outs Expelle, Exige, Ex-
Ly Dive together, + Cempello, cogo.
To Drive toward, Ad ".)
yo en, Allure Sud Ius. *
yen, «5,081 Lat: e
15 Driven to c ch Ga De
men's a:u defied wr, * They
['rake Sail and to were Driven,
Demi ſus velis ita ſerebaniuy,
Daven AGEs Avattus, profligatus,
Driven tack,
briven by eneny Gottur,
Driven 1g Atatt
Driven oth, Procoeaftinetur, ex die in
dem diletus,
Driven outs Expulſus, Excluſus,
Drven unger, Su59({u.
A Driver, Agitator,
A Driver away, A5 !Hor.
An _ -driver » Agitator aft! ,
«g 1/0
A briver cf a Cart, @c. Aurigo
an Ox-driver, Agitater bcum,
A Dr wing, Agitatio.
an Dr:ving away, Abetlio, Propul-
A Driving back, Depwlſatio.
_ Driving of a o.. Auti-
- Driving of Cattle, Minatio.
1 Driving forth, 2 Exattic, Expul-
iv ng ou uts
To Dnyel, Sputom Lonitureyur
Urivel, Spurxon, Salty
A Driveler, Spu «lum y =="
A Driveling, Sputi demiſſin,
To Drizle, Silo, rore,
Drizled on, I-roretus,
A brizling, Stifet:o,
A Drizling 1a'n. Su*ftiDum.
Dregteds (in —_ Drogteda,
Drcginn (in ay cina.
D ogobuck {im eng] Drege
Droliers , Congerro lepidus.
roll. n.,2 $ Feeetie, Lepores,
A Cr tary s Dremas , Comelus
Droie [a Rives ir France) Druns.
0 Dome Far "*
An e — Oo.
Dronklew, ane, Pee
Dronteim { n N-woy ] Nidreft2.
” <——— Langues, Capt demit-
A dns Leng —_
To D rop with ——_— "Sudorem gut-
qiom mere,
A ro Stalattites,
Þy Gutretim.
» Stiatus, Dijnillatus,
ng, Diftiliet 1),
A Dropping im Infelterto.
A ng of the Hou
The Dropy ng of the Noſe, Neſt | Made
Drop-wort Filipendula,
Water Drop-w.rt Oenanthe.
The Drophc, Hyduope, opis3 aqua
The white Dropfie , Leucopblegma- the Dro Hydrep __
Droles 4 Kor clad] fer
Ad Hs 160g eompulit,
A L Donot Armentum, peceris ag=
Drove, ad).
Of a Dr ve, 3 Armentalis,
A Drover, Feceris minater.
Drong ht,..S:cc-tar.
mare ſe Freecipitonis. »* They "had
Drowned 1chemſelves i in Pleaſure,
In volwtates ſe immer ſer ant,
Drowned, Drmerſus, Immer ſus, Sub-
merſus, Olrutus,
Dr. ward 9 n Debts Oberatas » rt
aleno obrut
A D: own.nR, Demerſio, Submerſio,
Drowly, "Sommalentus. Scmmiculoſus,
10 make Drowſy, Sepia.
To be Drowiy, Longueo, Ti
The he Devany 8 Ev, Large, vter- Due
A "Drowſy Company cw - wa
Drowfi.y, $
Drowfine's, Somnelentia, tor por,
To Diuby "Fufte cadere,
A Drudge, Medroftimun,Lix 1, opera.
a bale
Legg vile,
— laborers > ans yt ft
s ſuſ-
Dradgety, Fomulitinm, Servitus.
To put one to Drudgery, Servitio
aees, Species or meteris medica,
* It 1s a meer Drug, In ex-
tremam vilitatem deverut,
Drugge', po exotic.
er-man, Interpres
"Speeralis » Metevia-
Drugiter, 5 riwy ſeplaſtarivs.
ums Tympanm.
about, Circum Bone do, Trijtis, maſius, To Drum,
To Dive away, Ahrgoy pk ſugo. Drop. uta, fila * Beat a Drum, d Tymporiom pulſare,
To Drive away the time , Fave ec — a {hower, Mimutulo plavie Tympanum may i-
— » lemyoris tadinm exens| imbrem parity ex gow þt acervus, | tanic
A li:tle Drop, Goctads A Child's-drum , Tympenulum pu-
To Drive back, Kepelo, prong. of 4 Ds SY F. ene,
© Bees, Apes ex atve in al- 0. Drum,
—— _ To Drot- rom the t y Drummer, > Tympanifte,
A Woman- -drummer, Tym prniftria,
AD .
_—_— Lin Comb =o il
Drunk (0 k Cor Dy Drink ] Epotus, potwry
Drunk? 2 3 Elrinn temulenius , po-
Drunken, Sw. . Soer Drunk,
ever avthi
pe - "M_ yo Folks
tru:h, In vine verites.
To be Inebrior, vin
W , Ihedr 10, ore,
Drunk, Inchriatus, -
Ebriofus, vinalentua,
Drunkenly, Ebriosd, temalenter.
Ebrietas, temalentia
& * What rneſs eon-
it in As —— i
ex 10 m 1
Þ U ore £8711,
C in NEO 3] Can-
ight, —_= friito
ladie creave.
DNneg Knight, Equer creatus,
A DublesÞj ro creatio.
Dublin { in Fel-nd ] Dublinia, Dub-
um, Ebans.
Publ County, Comitatus Dublini-
at Cards, Dyas.
take you, Diabolas tt bine ab-
A bacheſs Duciſe
p_ oy "a
A Young Ducks > Anatis pulls.
A Wiki Anas ſyiveftris or
Wild Docks An:zticuls.
To b eed young SC x
chucere, oleve. —_
Feeding Ducks, >
A place where Ducks are kept, neſ-
Duck and a Drake. and a white
y Cake, and a peny to pay the
ke 4 Duc Vento.
To waddle like _ D:ake on
the Water, Tefulom out lomelom
cypnagers Super aquet equiry, la-
le aquern quateye,
Dur ks-meat bo
Dect-wands 3s Pang
Duck-bill- -wheat, Triticum rubrum
ITS pour
To Duck [a_I” "Vrinty fin |
A Dull-paied
price a EI Due Reve-
Th take in Dua Datzen, . Indignor, in-
Dudley (3 Man's Name) Dadleins,
A » Formido.
__ Attonitus, mante aliend-
gun to Þ due , Pecunie capta de-
Dusbourg ( in Germany] Duirhur-
A Duke, Dux.
A licrie Duke, PuciCus
A Dukedome, Ducatus, i.
To Duwcifie, Edulco.
WR 1" C in Dalmatia J Olchini-
wn, 7/1 —_
A Dulcimer
+ of
hes, obt
, "Clu ] Hite Lg”
—_— _—_— * See what a
1 Fellow
iditatem bominis c cite.
he was, Incredibi/em
Dull | Dull wits Pingxir or craſſa mi-
A Dull "Dull Horſe Equus prger
Dul), Hetere eerooaripes
[Jo gr grow pul,
Teſco, torpeſco, +
Tn: Linfeuls —_
ull-p <0 ——_ [ in Scotlend
| Dullard, Hhies, Pars fungus, Donguergue Cin Flenders } Dan-| Duſty, puiverens
Avery Dulars Mubo inſcitior.
Hebetatus y contu,w, finpe-
Dule ty pr penſiculate.
Mutus, tecitus * Dumb
a ſw
bumb, 1 14mm In-
Os edftruere.
Mule, F
e (at
A'Dunee, Stipe, caudex, Bards,
Dunbar (in Scotland] Bara, Vara,
Dundiene { in Scotlond } Dumla-
Dundritton C in Scotland J Briten-
Duncan [a Man's Name J Dunce-
— ingenti
=I0 LJ Lots evan. |
Scotland }
Duntuce Lin Polnd Dunluca.
} Dunover-
Dun yl in Tordſbire] Dunm, Du-
or b
Nin 3 0 ncntory of Scot
* [Puntaburg Ci (in mas
poeafers \Lo Man's Name
hage [ in yn Eue-
lA Dur pum
Duncbour ( in Lettenlond) Dunebur- Dunng, drew,” oy
N3, Stereus, fimus, oletumn. A Ducag, ferotie :
To Dung, Alvwm exonerere. A lorg, dinturnitae,
Shoeps Jang, Priatey fuceerds, Darla Lim Germany] Devianm,
Ma +—dung, X ry . "Bulor die ] Du!
'n Durg, Forie. . ] enſur ſum, * He
T 3 ] 2 gtercoreut dueſt not vu > thay
| Non 8uderet GE ra
A Dung-fork, ideny ri.
A Pang tate Bane. - |Dotky Rankiy yomgrand
A Dung: farmer, Steccorarius Ducketh &
pn ; agg nr — ry Daky, inf«ſco, -obumbr:
u Dung, $ obfeur
A Dung-hill, 'Stergifnium, þ-| Duskily, eb/cur?.
Hears of Dung, Ji ; Duski afacs, ob} uritas,
To Fight on his own n Dung. hill, In| Duſſeldorp [in the Dutehy of Berg)
Body nd DUST. pleberls. ® Te f
A Dun , . Stercoratio. | duft "1 nibilumn - ———_
Dungal'{ in Frolend | Denretie, Sell Dul Duſt, DT clap
— 4 in dr ar-
v } Dag Mill-Dut}, [blow] colopbns pollen, inis,
Tulianum, beratbrum, | Saw- ſeobs, 6bis.
cercer ſubteryaneus &f caltei File-Duſt ramentum s Fetrimen-
y— — x - cw, ſubaquilus Hino tum. _
Dun Dungha it mire, Ad Pen rodedn Full of » - = —_—
= % . *
f [Bin Core Cores, Of or for Dag $Ivinerins R
Ro” ck. jy a had -box, theca pubvinario,
——1 17 —— To bring into Duſt, in pulv.rem 14-
Dn tie ems in Becfndpre? Mog-
Ste D
Duoſe (in Larroin } Decempagi » 4
[Oe 7 Send Duri, Duris.
neſs, * - ww perennitas, |
r00"" aag ——_—
pines fs. I \\ Dumfriſe {in Scotlond} Corde Sel- Durable, darebilis, firmur, Poor
V1 _ Vrinatus. Dun Stupor, torpor, Durable
A Duckng, Urinatic 7 =, Meiltaben ne, © _
I Ducking down for tear, Declina- | T T Io fo LJ a Dump, Stupes, tf Has, dann. ps od ment
corporr 1 Dum - 4 rance
A Ducket, "gh numi ſme du- So, ape) _ - tlie "5 5 4 ſeas, caducus
cale. To Dun one, Auwres obtwndere, im-| Duras (im Frence] Dwetive,
Dolth, Delile. portune debita expoſeere. Duration, duy tio.
& Ducgren-haſt Dagger, Pugio cam | Duna ( a River in Polond ] Duine,
TO D RE, 4 Jane, Supereſſe,
ures ill our me, T ou? ys -
fem Jn_—_Y it, * Whole wil-
rel tl! their laſt breath,
quoru us uſque od *, "Haag
Ju eft prudentia.
Dureſ, Gert, M
Dureſme "95M
Danelmis.* ,
Duſtes [of a Pot) pi
To 0 wow Daily, eſco, pulve-
Dutineſs vis pulverir,
A Dufting, pulveretic.
Du: = Duciſſa, Dux famins.
& licthe Dutehe Dex fer
Dutchy, Dacota, 1% {
Curis ducatd:
ml 47. Py —T—T=" mar © —
Du” poh. . tw@alb me, ailulutcs
| EZxcu ounF
; fingali,
inter ſinguls Judit lechrymas, * He
Declled in, b:bitatur.
A Dw-Iler, bobitatcr, incola,
A Dweler by, arcols, vicinus.
1 A Dweller en lan4, teryicols
A Dweller on the water, wndicola.
A Dwellngs bebitetio, commmnretity
incols ws, fs, * "Till d
! by bad aouboucts Aliquid
F pter vicmum m1/um
Dwelling- —_— do-
Dwell ng-plaze
A _ or poor Dw2lling, bobitati-
| | I Dwelt, babi: avi.
'Tobe Dwelt in, bbit abilis.
! Dwina [part of Aony] Detas,
| To Dw.ndle, evaneſeo, tabe/co.
| Dwined, conſumptue.
0Dye, morier, $8 Die.
.. Dye colours, lingo, inficia. See
-houſe, Oficin1 tin{lorts.
be tinitus, imbutus,
ds moribundus, * He is dying,
egit an 'mom.
Dying 2 natural death, qui nature
_ eſt, foto ſuc defunitus,
A Dying colours, tintture, infeTus.
[The Le of Dying, bephice.
27 7 bapbicus.
[90s [Government] dynaftia.
|Dyie alice, maſa corporis conflitu-
[Drvomy + Prave ligum conſtitu-
Diemer [bloody flux] Dyſente-
a Dyſury (difficulty of making wa-
| ter ] <yſuria,
quiſque, unuſquiſ-
ww, olteruter ,
» Ezch erh to ©-
ther, Vtergue clteri objicit. * At
each word !he let fall tears, Verbs
if mak | Of
[thought it w Duty, men ofſe —& — Gyy Aczes for cachj frinzere alicui colaphum.
I on. cons 4 Fe Page tens. oj bomines| Boxed on — rhe colapbis cafin
0 do one's 4s manu ihe, Ears, celop
Todo neu » munere ; ek other , s + invicem. = my
——__ x rig efficioſus, morige- pi Tak ng etch mer by he hand, DT n, ſpica.
To ) be Dutiful to, ob/iquer, worem | On Exch fide, I utrebigue, | Shoot forth rch BarsF/hicas emittere,
alicui gryove. Tace ( [1women 's name] Ads, Waco; Beari Ipicrfer,
Duifully cbſe qui 6.1 officio,d, Bears ] auricula ws,
Dutifulnels, Py 2a ar [ man's name] Eadgerm. | E
Dwale { night-ſhade] fel b 2 man's name b Hay Eats "
A Dwarf, nanw, is, bemuncio, Eager ( {in taſte] acery acidus, ccu- . eh, bandle] ”
L anſatus.
A Woman-Dwarf, pumila, none. Eager [Heree? feng, pienas. * The Penny an as Corn} fects.
arf s, Chametcyperi[ſus, eager with hunger, | Eared land, terra orot
Dwuf-elder, ebulng. A nts Pom t | An Earing of land, aratin, Suba-
A Dwatf-tree, Arbor pumila. defire, Sui udinm cupidum,
Dwar-hioht, iznis forums. "hs OR N_ ard. cxs s itis.
TODWELL, DO To be Eagers acgo. An Earl's Witt, comnti ſa.
* He dwells by ill hboursthat | T'o grow eager, ace/co, 0 , cn ts
is ſain to praiſe h + laws in oe uy grow ger { carneſt J exoy- | ba ly (adj.] me
to ſordeſert. Ea, Cav —_—_ te .* Ve-
ts Bu all by [near] eccolo. $3 . Eager, ſubecidus. ry ca:ly, Maturt #4 * Not
To Dwell in, inc«lo, indobits, Eagerly, acyiier. as yet, 'tis very ea'lys Nndum
To Dwell in the Country, os earncftly] evide, * The Wl 1urum enim oft 1d buc.
To i» DU (in(it) upon, 3 | "og ks eagerly, conis acritis e-| Farly in the morning, wwlte mone,
prin dilucule, primd tuce * I (ent
— averbitas, acrimonia, a-
Eageineſs Cearneſinels) fudium, c-
a 45 s equils.
A S-a- , ofſifr 4.
| Eagle, a4jet
7 like an Eagle F 99% lems.
E le-7on2, actites,
Th:G E Chr
>: Golden Eagle, Chryſactoes,
ki = Jr | Morpbno
gn let, Aqui
as ed { a —_—— Ealdre-
= Eam [Unkle) avunculur,
To Ban, egnum payere, ent,
Eaned, editus.
Hav ng Eaned, enix,
4n-ngy enixus, tis ; portus.
DI r- terram c.lere, avare,
ave, ſubigere.
Earable land, ervum
AN EAR, auris, * Prick up your
oo OO bg \ is ”
ears in lo
he bottom
A \ bitle Ear, euriculs.
They go in at one Ear, an] ont &
another, Ditto per,
eE | $ nviewavis
To whiſper in the Ear, in exrem
dicere, tutis euribus arconum de-
w. gve Ear, ettendo, euſculto.
Given Ear unto, ettents auditns.
Given Ear, ettentus.
A Giring Ear. aaſcult
To Tas an Ear, p + fe adbi-
The Ear-lap, awriculs.
The Ear-h auyium medtus,
a A. owiſcalpium.
The Ear-peice of an helmet, coſ-
dis onea.
The Ear of # pot, onſe.
An Ear-rirg, inouris.
Ear-wax, crrumen, ourium ſordes,
An Eat-wig, om merdelia, ferpcu-
la auric
A box on the 1 Far, olepe.
To give one a box on the Ear, in-
my Lone Letters vely carly, Literas bene
Earn (a lake in Ireland] Erm.
To Eam wages, #ipem mereri, Iu-
To _ within, viſceribus commu-
Eurncd, labe aſs.
EARNES ] vebemens,
erdens, ac
yy = 4 (ſerious) Frics z attenta,
ex _— bona fide, weverd, *
am in food ea"n:(t, Migoi vera
et. * To chide in gcoJ earneſt,
To be Earnall upon,
To ar
To de very Earneſt, eſamontes 4-
0 give in Earneft, in errbom dare,
yo in Earneſt, in entece/ſum proe-
A Giving of f Earneſt, arrbe donatio,
- | Earnefily, ve ter, nftanter, ar=
dentey, evids, odnix9?, Tn »1]
commended Yeu es hum as _
, and as diligen:ly as I could
ic ei te = —p——"p graviſſm! die
of ont ſomeque
Exceed 'n ener fl
To ; B laTi corgulum On
Earning, co
he Earth, terra, tellus, bum, ſ0-
A | Bank of Earth, ag ger, eris.
Each caſt u >, regeſium
Fullers Earth, ſmegma fuknum.
A Ditch of Ea'ths F ſo.
Fa' Exrch, «her ogri.
A Fox's Exrth, valpts on'rums. 1
To Ea'th one's(elf, in terroms ſe cc
To ca(t down tothe Earth, ſolo ade-
qure, fundrths demolint,
To cone tothe Ear: h, ſepelio,ter- |
A Feller rothe Earth, domnlit vr,
A haoweng down to ihe Earth, de-
re m }
| TTM efium, on'es, eliss requies, en,
* He ha'h » Writ of caſe given
Wu uw denar; oft
Give Paſe $449% ſuSeve, pO
* You ol 5 ive her fame etl, li
animum yr
To eaſe [a 93; rudentes nimiy diſ-
tentos laxare.
[To live at E "TY _
ve at tieſs agere, requi-
LL, y s Eaſe wy. - _
Fecils, mulls negotio.
* , i 'olit hinder it with calc,
quod {rs pr here erat facile,
r—X 1 {priſon} mls renſio,
5 Heart Eaſe, » fortunate,
, t
Ealed. e M oe TA
An.Eaſel (in Wore ] equalens pic-
Anace coan'erius tobeluice pitteri.
nt2 exomeratio, ſubleuntio,
fe tions per vicini ſundum tran-
Houſe of Faſement,forica,oum.
0 do one's Eaſement, a/vum atvum levare,
ventrem exonerar
Preetivi eft, * It is not fo
find a = way out, dificitiv of eft exitum
fle of
toncods Fetilis ad Aeon
| diene cibus oÞ. * You think old
Fee cafe to be born, Tolerabilis ti-
iy /oeuus. * Jt isan
d a ffaff to beat a dog,
| Fac fojtem invenerit qui cupit ca-
Eafiers be be ſpoken to, «f«bilis, cle-
[Eafie of diſpenſe,
-E xfic to be pleat
Eafil ally » fecilh 1 Y e
wento buc caſh 4 —m
[Ea6 Galinglh, faculias, nga preclivi-
An > Exfiog, ev tio.
ecunie parous.
gto mollis.
Spun =
"Faſt part F Cords crientalis,
'The Ealt w;nd, eurns, ſubſolonus, a-
TheBaks Nonh- Eaſt Wind, caecias, | E
[Ac Eaſe, otioſe, % I am well at eaſe, | T
Cin Law) immunis|E
* It is foal, pre J. Fox or JES
The Eait 2 oriens, ortws, ſolis exortus, | E
{The Eatt-South-Eaſt, ahem, (wnl- | E
; 018+
{-Eccentrick [out of 0:der] eccentrin
Totm licoriſh] _
To Eat mych hy Settuoy
To Eat often, eſto.
To Eat one out of houſe 2nd home,
Wy — _yU —
o Eat r1otou
To Eat (#12 f02e) exedo, exukero,
To Eat together, conveſcer.
Eaten Hy eroſus. * oeks —_
ftus, exeſus.
Dany Cater, Higurio.
A | goone Eater, credo, beJuo, abdo-
m en inſ turebile.
A little Eater, edoculus.
Eating, corroſion, edax.
bulls eſculenta, orum.
They the Raves ſubauſcults.
An OM Subouſeultator,
The Exves0 France) —_—— 7a:
An Eaw, eviculs, ovis ſemela.
Ebada { in Pelopomneſus ] Laced<-
To 'o Etb [25 the Sea) recedo, reci-
0, rt
Fo be be in the Ebb, decreſco, immi-
The "he Ebb eerie » Tefſluxis, Sals-
— and flowi ng, reriprocus,
ns > Heber,
ShOnys a\j. He benacons.
drunkenneſs) ebrietas,
Epriety wer in Spoin] Iberus,
Ebullition {boyling]J 2 «Uitio, ef-| A
dullicnsy veſcen-
An Being? Alt
#- mas KCG —_ 7
A Siforigeion of the Earth, Grogro-|Eaſter, paſche tis, dies paſebalis, { Beelefiaſtical [of the Chuceh}
. . (14/7icus,
of Ear: Earch-apple, Mandeagers, Of Eaſter F Paſchalis. Ech, elteruter, See Each.
Eenth-b Lv bulbe- Z - - moneT! '5y; Eon
n Earth-our ons ferred a $ (m Suffe/ —_ a |\ _ repercuſ
Ep 4 gs : _—_ ke th Hersford ie] = ago fan *
Earth- Ing aaed MW. 9 redder
An Earch- worm, tIumbricu TO EAT, py _— mumdo, veſ- lc _ > _ Y
Of Earth Wm Getinne , fterre- | cor, * Y an4 drink, and] An Echoing, reſonentis,
Earihen fare ofthe bet and all ar angthers, To Eckie? 4.; k
ror > C; veſſels, lute colti- « _ Miufe? agiti: <tctom. [$a 7 $4/7gno, con flitue,
» Vaſa fittilia. about, chedoy cir-| An clegms, Echigms.
An d Barthing of herbs, pulveratio. | cumrodo, An Echypſe, eclip/is, defelhus, deli-
Farthly $f0itir, figlinus, terreur To ra, m7 dk, and make good |7'> Ecliple, thumbro, ofScere hanin.
To grow Eanin fr | To at red are, Bel ſed, s
/ yY, + Ih evoro.
|Earthlineſs, rerum mundanerom @- | To Eat yyoun is with cartel, agr0s| To 4 Ea pled dopern Ee) defettu ls |
mor, mmodicum ſecali preſentis goons ad depaſcendum pr here. To be Ec ot F br
Eat 1mmo$.rmely, ingw/gitave | An Exvpfl yt, imtercoptis
The Ecliprick lime, JR
An Eclogus, echgs
An Ectype ( ectypum,
An Ediy, oque A ore
— exripus s aqus in [+ nie
An Eddy-tide, agus contre fluxun
Fab dfemem cordum.
5den (plea ure) elen, porad
E4en river Y ay
n Scetlond] Edew
burgus, Edenbar gm, alats @afire,
Edenborough -Caſtle, Corum
" - h Frith, Bodotrie.
Eder (3 river nvyer in Germ:ny] ders,
Ederingion Cin Suſſex] Aduyai pee.
Edernan [ in Thrace ] Hadriewps.
agar (1man man's name) Elgeres.
E, or of ath a thiag,
limbus, mw
The he Edge c 7 ku fo» Sc. ocieg 6,
The Edge of a garment, fmbris,
The Edge or border of a place, &
tremy fog,
Ws Eage —, = - og
a® ein rudo
of an Edge, faker exers
To 0 ſerthe teeth on n Eige, demtes be-
A ſerring th» teeth « oN E1ge, deati-
em Saget, I, behetatio.
E ui, ocie it
ores an Ed xs,
Having two ev, onceps.
To with Edging lave, Pe
To Edpe [harrow}] ceco.
two-Edged ſword, glading av
Hap three Ed tviſul:
Edges, eb. = _
coor ons, mm
oo oa Sarto,” to
porretius. _
is, lacinia, tw
Ly b irate. |
AnEdit, _ decyetuns,
4. Pekfles edifico,
ed! ficiums.
To Paine e Cſs) ] inflrms inflits.
an Eddy-wind, venta: retrocedens «|
An Elile [Remen Officer] — |
md nds x I. ſy —_—— —_——_=" = ————— .
+ nl 4 tr
> Do Oe,
> SD >is >
hd 4d
GJ Cofar-matd) Gramen /areti- Ef:ſoone, | my OI Illiee, A counterfeit Egy;tian, bupoforyac-
En147 11.
[a womans name] Edithe. 'Eger, Act! hem [in Aſai
Fark (2 mans name] Edmus- Ber pCim 2 Babe VE Egro, Memo: | An Ejaculation, 7 oo
, HOI ie, . * ZYe.
Edilio T
Enigma, | ISLET
uca:c WETTUT; WY a Mmang - 4.
St abound}. >
4 . 4 to a Z1ght avs,
Edwin [a mans name] Edwins P The Eight on on Cards, Ogdow.
fed [ a womans zame } ads , AN £66, Ove. que to | Eight aclock, Here oft-ve,
Ads. be1, Xemnocretis caſcolus. © | Eighth, Oftaver,
To Eek, Produce, Augeo. s and Nuts, you may ——_ An Eighthin _mulick, Ogdoes.
Eeked, Produttns, Nurs, Pemry ove alque nuces {+ det Of E:ght, Ofenarius
As Be -— >= t1bi ſordida gutter. Eighc r1mes, Octies.
1 AF by Sk L li on I, *, Ce RAE E Eetois Otteps hence, » Po ofdidune.
1 putt 0 1cta k _
dn Eet-yon _ Muſtels fin. Fr "4 rolling ſapponere _ MY tmes xo » Oituplus,
wotil "m ©
An Eel-ſpear, Fi Al N Oftedecion
Mn El: de. 3-4 — JO _ a E88) wo , gelins | Þ Pens Oltodecimus, Decimus
emy Nen occupori. A ttale E86- Ovam requietum.
The Fer of a Ho liday, Vigil, A rear Egg, Ovum edurum, of ſor- E ghreen 6 times, Oftodectes,
Jejuninmy Feriee pr ac Odegints.
Efable, fron Paſch-Eggs Ovum p1/cbale ah 0! edecimus,Ottuag eſanus,
Io Eflace 7 | ING crocqum 07 lu- ry Eighty, Ottogen 17145.
bo [xs > Chewige k) Rfetine. E ghcy times, Ottogies. |
An Effect, Efeclum, * Ns gf, Ovaws coftifletum. | Eight hun: intiy <, 4
tothus » His aut tolibur ym To To porch Bee One eollllere Erpht hundredth, Ollingen!eſions.
bs, reak Eg+s into a skillet, Ove e Of Eigh tunfred, 0:trmgenarius,
Efet [ Merohants] Nego- "oi patelle inſundere, E ght hundred times, 0c ingeat:es,
Im, Commereiun. Conage and Eggs, Ove cum tardo | An Bilet-hole, Arſala.
To Effect, Efficio. Effeftum dove. frizxa Eimot river (in Cumberland ] Ei-
To take Effect, Efettow ſo Liri, An Eg Dye, 0-gals, His. mus, ; |
Ot no Efl-@. Irritus, Cofſus, A har , Oman duriuſeu/um, Pres | Eimbury (in Huntingtonſbire] Er-j
To n» Effe'ty Fruftyd. ceftum or duriter elixum, nulphi curia,
= Efeces. Afar lage Eggs Oran decomnanum, | A | JENS in Ire, 2 Uk itine«\
Efe Tor. A little Egg, cu/um, Ovilum
kn feng ng» | Exell n Egg begun to de a chicks Ovum Eiſel [vinegar] Ac 77 |
& if
4 make £4 ettleſy britum red- "Wink ER8, Ovum irritum. Either NE he bp = oher Jer,
An addle-Ep 2, Ovam winemn. Alterater V gon" nay » 7 Thay
ys Efecileſs, arms folius. A Pancake of E:gs, O:laganum. it hurt not either w > |
F Fectrix, Efetiy The white of an Egg. Albu on. tro medo ladit. * on
| Eien, wil Fe, Gf eftrvns, Pret- They yolk of an Egg, Ovi lurewn, vi- thas ex Gter « of you, Le f habe
tx aud E ter, effeive, | An h Ovem gemi- he "Blood on either fide,
ucuſly, F Viſor, "-—_ o Few Wy Topo ion NO INE
> wg, Mo Lo e, Eee: -ſhell, Ovi putomen, Teſta. Of
Efcm nve, Efeminatu - —qcant The {train of an uy Ovi wnadili- | EI CE
ha £6 Feanneus, Enervus _ = C:. 1; = h
emunate vung ica- an mage
4 n gn Rig Tory Figurs _ prodeſſe e == _ Bs # Bi
"Y: To Edeminat, Effamins,emaſ- |T ther two or none, Vel duo vel ne-
u_ Make Efcminate Z culo, emollio, e- LR ok Len = Sti- - Ib your vertues —_—
wmevhat Effeminate Molliuſeu"us. ed « atas, ob mirable than ”" Nulls de vie-
Eirminated, Emellitzs, exit RY on, an Brule, Lo tatrbu aſe on _g » nec 6dmiva-
Efeminaring, E farminat , _—_ licr miſericordi# off. * Nothing
An Efeminazing, Eniretio, effami- "as us can be ep pn pr or
ent proper, er1 nec comm-
cFeminwely Efieminati, Mollter, | Ererte nfo? adm[ſs 6 ye fas nec optins. * Nothing is Ei-
Mulieby1 gulis fapti piers: ther mind or any mani, that may
Effete, Sheri, be taken away, Nibil neque wouns
Tſicacy Effcacia, efficacitas, emer- Eflevin [ſweet-brier] Quakers. e/t neque cajufpam quod auferri ”
Id Eglantine Kuhus Ryo
& mac much Efficacy, Valenti, Z o att On » Eicher part, Utringue, Uiive ci-
Eieactous, Efieox Effeltious, Epli 7 riverin, Frence Tholls.
pd Eflenep, cacitey, Eorgont: Eelgo oa ge ke (aiſ) Etiem. |
Flier, Efrciens. THASSES Egr _— Ekzleatort Fin Bennert] Etelen-
An Efigies { pituee) Efpgies. fey or
An Efluence, 2 5 gent 1" Fkiel for Ezekiel.
£finx, __ Ela, Climaecis muſe? fummut gr0-
- Temeritas. oo Bos Pre dus
Efronrery, bnpudentia. yet Foes her patet Elabornte [done exattly] Elabere-
An _ dre our] Conatus.Les- | exitus.
Eifuton {pouring out) Efuje, Bocun ___ = = Fn wp
An Bf, Locrts, = ” Eaworth Es Sulls- n 10a in the Tyſten Sea]
An Efies Introitus, Ambulacy —YL Zhen: iu Germany] Albis. *
: _ _ diorns, AMgyptins. {in Y pores 2b E1hing.
* I. had no Elbow-gr-ale beltow-
ed on't, Nee demerſor ſ:pit nngues,
the t:pent ct the Elbow, Acrolent-
wn Cubitt ſunmites Or exiromitas
E lbow- wiſe, Sinu ſus.
Elbow room, Spocrum loxium.
To lean on the Elbow, Cubito niti,
Acclinnweſe in eubiium
To jog or Joftle with the Elbow,
Cu haketh
ard verſe, Carmen byperme-
tram or redundons.
The Eltow of a bity Lupti promi-
Elbow, of I and, Terre ocroteria.
Elburg [in Guetderlond] Elbu gum.
AnE ac-tree, $ mbucus,
Fea dar, 5) d Sambucinus,
E1:ar-vinegar » Acttum ſembuci- | E
An E Elzar- r— Fi/iul: ſambucina.
y of Eld wes { flowers or berries]
Viewn # mbuctinum.
Wax Or cats F va
DentE Fob
dew T5 _ Ignis alimen-
An Elder [udder] Uber.
Elder in age, May r nat, Senior.
An Elde;, Fresbyter,
Our Elders. Mojuresy, Supericres Ve-
teres, Pruavt.
JEld-rilit', Majoritas
An Elzeritlup an the Church, Preſ-
Maximus, Veterrimus, :
The en 6 lon, Filivs nai maxi-
Ele. Auxilium. epis.
Eleanor { a womans name ] Eler-
. nora.
Eleazar (a man» name] Elcagor, E-
Eldred (a man* n*me) Eldredw.
Elecampane, Helenium.
» Elect (chooſe) Eligo,
: Elefus.
Ele&on, Eleftio, Optio.
Ele& ve, Ele/tivus.
= WNT, Elatior.
n ori
Blettorate 'P3 EleQoratuy,
- —_ tys Virtus feftucorum tra-
An vs Eleftuary gin,
Eleemoſ; NY" £1: ius.
ISI Tron Leper, Ie.
nuftes, concanmtas.
Bicganey it in apparel, Ornatus,Cultus,
- Mundices.
El gant, INES. .
xt n 2ppare [ tur
na, Woes. WER
ecants Fe
Tegan Egerton
ts, Venuſie
acal Ei 7 _
; egy [mournful verſe
le, £6 ales Dptolar, ©
Sombucus oguar
onptte Lieb, |»
Elendoroug (in Cumtertend'] Ole.
An n Bleach ( p: oof) E'encl ug.
m—_ —
= x BR like an Elevhant, Barrio,
The braying of an Elephant, Bay-
An Elephants trunck, Proboſers
_ s po bonti-
o or like an Elephant =
: levate (lift up) Elevs.
Elevated Elevarus.
An Elevati /
—_ 810 Elevetio,
An Elevatory, Elevatorium.
Elven, V ocins.
Ot Elevep, Undenerius,
Eleventh, Undecrmus.
Eleven times, Unecier.
An Elt [dwarf] Pam ho.
Eig n (:n Scotlard) El,
El as (a mans ang Ehes, ex.
El Ella See Elcg
(a mans _ Eliſen'y Eli-
an fiells, Compi E'i/#.
u nt=eſſentta.
(a Fonnces rame)Elige
Th-El ſ
Elxir, (
El zabes
on Elk, '_ ar.
of an El, VUinalis, UVinarir.
ENenborough [in Cumberland] Vo-
Ellemccal (defeRtive) Elipticus,
AnEla tree, win,
A little Elm, whnur t nera,
Mountain Elm, « ww mnton 1,
A Wich-Elm, uimus ſolis glibro.
\n Elm-G. ovey
1m-leed, ſomere.
*x : (49). ] > utmens.
Elmer [ a man's name ] Elbelme-
An El-mother, nver ca
EimAzy (1n Tort ſbi e] UVimtus. {1n Catelonie] Helena,
Elocuauny elecutio.
An Eiopy, e elegium.
To nN, on (ior, amando.
To Elope, Kecedere 4 m14t9
Eloquenee, el.quentia, facundia, &-
lquium, Cicendi ſacultas.
Stately Eloquenec, grendilo untia.
Want of Eloqu-nee, mfacun1e.
O uence, Rbetoricur-
Myr] inelegent 1efunus.
To ſpeak without Eloquence, incul-
1&1 1d8 dicere.
Floquent, eloguens,
= Inculentus.
be — ipquen. » pereloguens, ger fa-
_ ran; —_— fa-
dſertus, facun-
da __ wee! MW praefures rot,
nem. * Whoelſe + Quis item ?
Elſe (tha: 13, more] adtuc, omplins,
porro , preteres. M k As » on els
u will have any thi
Ae, #4 quid adbuc forte valtie [To
* Had you any thing elle to do
with her, Num quidnam omplins ti-
bi cum ia fuit } * Jo there any
El Elen tical, Elentt: thing elſe ————
Fioges' gy, bor bobs _ = Elephant, Elephory ntis 3 Bar- | porr -_ * day n0 1 man have ay
bow, Cubrtum, rea V thing elſe, mbil pretevec cnigue!
y young E.ezhant, Elepbentis put- | Licebit bybere 7
ELSE [that is, other] lies. » A
no man elſe, Ty
gw ſquom, oa
Rh elſe bu Rl orenhrow we,
nd egeront 1/1 me we -Ppr1.
Ee Corhery: ſe] eViequi (before x
4 al
Come) - Ae —_ (efores
Elſenore (is Denmark] Elſinn,,
elias, aut ſtu,
Or Is « out, wth
El*whz.c, olibr.
Ml (in Hertfordſhire) n
Eltham mus ngw linun,
Elt mT. n Ken'] Elteſh mum,
nent , anll
2 7 ca 6
n Ztiye exP*/itro
Ee, > » exp: ſat Sea;
rg 7 fn Schw 1her
US Combridgſiere Het Inful
E1vEg þ Eve ' _
ee Jn
To Emacuace Lake lean] emacs,
E macti y, emits
— I— (8. w.03 out] one
To 1 Emancipate [unſlave] eur
Emancipation, emencip tio,
Dmenuey [3 man's nanie ] Emens|,
9 condnn,
) mo conditny,
Emba\ming, pollin/tura
k, novem conſcendere,
Embargo, Ser Im 0.
To Emtark in an affair, Aligu:
fe implicare, fe invalverey ſe adw/-
To Eabarraſs, impedio, intrice.
An Emba ratment, perplexitery it
\n Embaſſalor, Legatus.
\n Enbaſſage legatia,
'o Embattel an Army, Acim'®
Lrkepbl explicare, coptes in ain
Embdcn Cin Grymany] Embie, 4
To mdelliſt;, Polte.
rs, cineres, favillg.
Ember-weeks wow ex qudtuer lt
of Eavers favillaceus,
To Embe bez:l, interverto.
An Emblem , Embloma, Syd»
An Eablematift z Emblemten Ef
To 'Embalm, |
Embalmed, ba,
etioy. ,
; |Emblements , Fintw Fuoki #
To Embody, incorpero.
To tm Dy roy addove, ar |
pmiviy (n ertn) mph |
mboly [1m in
To Embo N » Hoy Imboſs.
To > Emboſs a Deer, cervaem in
cogere, vob
———— MM Dn T””
_. RP :
hs Bhs, th. La ths, li. cat
ke, &
tmeral i
| tyos C.
=mboſt (of a deer] £
== = > =o\ Scalprive pr protube-'
Embowed, L 1queat us
Ot or like Ganrauld *
Zmera.d green
An Ement
Emerod- ſtone
| he >—— 6 3 —Worth idis ;
The Emrods
Emery [4 mani name) Almericus.
=<merical, Emeticus,
= mew [Dd rd] Emen.
Eminemey Frm i
c mmnently,
An Emiſary, Emiſſarius.
E mutiion (ſending fort
Emme (a womans name
An Emmet, form1ca.
The Emmet-huncer. Ire torguilla.
Emmerick [16 Clvilonc] Emmere.
Pey ut ma, ti
Embring-cays, Frie eſuriales, vi- ane,
i'r Embrion, Embryen
[0 —— Acupingo, In'exo,
Embroidered, api, Segmen-
ak Embio'dering needle, Acus ba-
byloma, Semivawia,
An Emtry 0, atiquid infermat
wo Pilura, cpur plumori-
To Embroil, Conſundo, Perturbo
To Emburſe, Pecuniom refunde:e of
=©mely Cin Itlond] Emelia, Aun.
Emen 21s, copidt, pecunice domms Or
An Fmendation, Emendatio.
FOI F Sera
Emergent, Subitzs, alio magni mo
An Eme- geney, Ocenſios res nats,
adj. ] Smaragdi-
> Smyris.
m nens, inſign's
Eminenter, Ia/1gniter,
0 Ea fo Emi ffo-
An Emollient, Malagme.
An Emotion {troubl: of mind] E- | hh,
Anka » Imminutus, Ationſus.
n Rngoneg, 3 into,
o Emvale, Sud HW mane.
TO EMPLOY, adibers confero,
They fay
—— mr oy the Ecgezy, og has nothing to Employ u i ei old
id extur E
An Embroitered garment, Veſt!
pirygie, Acupitta
An Embro:deier, Acupitter, Pbry-
g10, Segmentarius.
An Enbioidenrg, Intexins, ccu-
An Emry, Smyvis.
|4n he Emode, See
Emolument Co andanatons, |
To Empair, detero, Jamninuo
— —
he Empanel a jor Jarates arbi-
erikens, b |
\8® E mpacle, Dilatronem peteve, Emulous AEmplus.
mpa lance, Peritjo induciarie., An Emulion, Lac medicinate, |
Ts 2 Empeach, rode, criminis appel- | Enunauries, Super-
To Emboweh xenter See imbo- | An Emperchment of Felony, fwrti | To Enablc one, Alicui vires Suff+-
OPUS Fond Enadled, fab
To , WR Ampleter, m
P = Of or an Experts Impra- | AnE T1 brim | - oIn
To Emb ace about, Circumpletior, | toring, To nag, ecermo, Sci
mb aced, amplexu exceptus. An E mphaſis, Empbaſis. A » Legumn later,
An Embracer, qui ſe a/terius conſe | Empha ral, empbatiius, Enamel, /nathws.
©:10m juduce immiſcet(@ clyta cum | Emy hatically, emptarice. ro nancy, enc ouſto pingere inurere,
n:n (it) odjuvet, Em, hyteucck [let out to farm] [N= encouſtus. imu/tur,
An Embracing, Complexis, Am | empoytentions, \n Enamelter,encouftes metal}; in-
— Ro k,tmpyricus,medicoſter. Af Enameti Ui
An aing 3 ir peric ic ca! encauſtice, moto ll;
To Embrew, Tingo, Gannies Ms To Eben] diem Maes In jus i7a- | 1gnft io, _ "oa.
eul , Mans 'rabo 11quiney re, attronews i
colieco, mupende, impertio, mfumo,
* 1] FE mploy my tme mn
fiudying , omne 1 mem in
fiudifs conſume. * Employ
10me t1me 11 thinking on this, ro-
aliquid 1
parent. bo Employ this py br
buic mandes, *
10, in re gerenda verſari ſenel]
a ont, * He 19 fit to be Employ.
about 1*, dignus eff © munere,
An Employ [trade] ors.
yr mg Impenſus, Expenſns, in-
An _— ng, Inſumptio.
An Employment. negotium.
;mpoiſun, Venen» inficere.
5mbory, Emporium.
r) De
Pertetem red: gere,
Emvrnmed Is fugom —
w in a» Empty wan,
inqnia primum ducent pt ruftro,
'* The Empry leech ſucks fore,
non miſſure cutem 11ſt plena crworis Þ
To Empty, evacus, exhourio, exi-
nee, * Em your oul rwiee
a day, Oleun bis in die dap/oto.*He
hach k-mpned my pu: ſe, mewn ex-
entero uit morſupinm. * They
were a who'e night in Empry-ng
the {hiÞ, nox
To Empty out of one veſſ-l imo 2-
nother, decapulo, tyanſve
To be Empey, Vac, in ervaco.
nn tur.
Au Emprier, Evacuatey.
Emputineſs, Vacuitas, inenitas, ing-
ne, ver yum.
An Empciying, evacuatio, exine-
Ihe mroſe ry np mpmcts | fe Þ
"2 Gan nes ,
'o eulae! Fowler,
7 Lo pg
\n Emilaty
OD 8 > /Emwlatin,
n Fmulatour, /Zmulatcr.
| Be
105 t buictt
mpereies tenſors buy | 50
Sump1us, Colatus, Collecatus, Pojt- |
- Ag; in exinemenda 00
Enamoured of, Amore occenſur.
Foul _ Enamoured of, perdue
To png Enamoured
(+) ir
amore occend:. b, —_
= Enchante», incantatoe, vene fe us.
An _ meantatio, ajcre
: ale, Auro inſexeye,
wo |
\n.Fnchabng2,,, *rtio,
Enchuylen [1m Hollond} Enchaſe.
To Exr hoe, incline
o Enc
ſe, nn ps Circum-
penny c10go.
Encloſeds inckefts; Linterſeptur, cir-
(und at
An Encloling, circum epi io,
an » Enclofive » ſeptum , ſapmmeen
To Encomber, impedie, implico, fa-
tige, Inrbo, vexa.
_ i tus,
1 » ' mped imen tum,
E q * fe
ws, ver n_—_—Yy =
An Encomralt, Encomioſtes,
An mm {commendation}
———\ Ambio, Cireunds.
Ear ompadeds C round 14u7
ncompathag - - ombitus, ds. :
tunity of an Encounter ,
1 abat fore alrgquars {imicandi
m9. conſoler, boy-
tor, excito, extimmlo, anmn od-
———— animatus, incitatus,
An Encouragers bortotey z xtims-
A » incons bertatus, incite-
Encourage ging 1:0, cobertat 104
180 tomentuw.
An Encreale, increments, cug-
mentum, eull ws, profecttus, aceelſs.
To Enereae [aQ.] Augeo, Aday-
An gmerys, occumuls.
15 "Rooeolg {mcut. ] Cryſts, cu-
geſev, Angie, ngraveſes.,
——— _—
bk a
_—_ CT
Enereaſed, Autinsg-Cummulatuo, Exc |
{OEn-reaſed, Maſur.
cm in wealthy Pitatus, Lo
] Acecretio,
To kneroach, }rrepto, Lnunco, In-
trudo, ſenſum invacere.
[—— corelung > Alieni inuncatio.
» Enc is, ves
udttio. __
ND, Fims, terminus, _
tus, Exitus, Meto, Scopus. ” So
may but work your en1, dum
as id quod eupis, * Thiy ware ot
their wits end, 03/tupuerunt, Atto-
nitis beſere enmuis, * He know:
no end of hs means, _— ne/cit
Oy Cs pletes, * He ſpeaks
inning to the
a carcenit us : bags —p I
To Fnd (at. no, Termino, Con-
_ Ce zngs quartels Conte
s f on
Have been fairly s of
tium deduej poſſur. * They E
thats, | ſentences with —=
196 End | [neur. | Define, Exe, t
_ = acme. x DO the
better, 2
ſpeech —_— ———
To wake
.*1 will
the old man, Se.
.* Let them
A growng
To > what Mr End! Qaorfem, nor ſum,quatenus.
To the ſame E ems
To the End that, Ev uty In iftum
nem, Quo, * Tothe End that 1
might wor ſpeak of, Eo ut ne ef
cerem de
For this End, Hujus reiconrs »* I
do not ({peake of | it for this End,
Non 66 bec dico, * They do it for
this End that, 1d
cauſom «t,
To no End, Fru/trd. *itistono
End in the world, fruftrd operam
ſumis,laterom loves.
an End, Phyumgue, Plrimaen,
ut plurimum.
ogumt ob cam
comes next to his tongues | E
Of an End, Pinelir,
Neceo,0heſſe, dom- |
_—_ Perpetinns, _- |
is abſolut io, Exitus.
Nr OUR, wy we
To Eaeavour
Todo ones EE
your. per
navare, *T Endeavour it all I cang
I ago ſednlo. * They Enveavour
to raile + hemſe Commtuntuy vt
ſe erigant, * We div our
vour, Cen:tt quwdem ſumur. ©Thep|
; t en*cavonr to h nder, |
edire _——
Te our (0 get, Conſeftor,
To | ndeavour ea-neſily, Contendo.
Endezyouring Nitibundas.
An Endezovucng, Crne us Nixus,
With great Endeavours, En:xe.
ns zndewcth [of a Hawk] drge-
To Endite, cicto.
To Endite [accuſe] Aftionem in-
tendere, N-men indicere, accuſere .
ited, diftetus.
Enditement, Accuſotio.
To Endorſe on the back fidegs ter-
alries' ſin Heraldry] Inderſa-
To Endew
endowed, 4 = dote protditus.
An Endower, d: t<tor, poli 0nd,
tins, onperſef} ur. ine
Endowment of a vicaridg, pen-
vring Comma 8] dwotio.
NEM pan ares,
Heftis. * They boar boarced their ene-
= __—— In beſtium naves trenſ-
ace, 4 = ot. * 7s
e obborre 1s
= hk his enemies, Cum
inimicis in grotiom rediit. *
durit not look the enemic in the
face, Nv ues quidem boſtiy
Pg vo/ne
an enemy, » Hey Fiews, beflibs.
_ an Encmy, Hyſtiliter, Inimice,
Energetieal (forcible) Tuergaticns,
Y, Energis
[5 Ing, debilitativus.
eebling debilitatio.
[3 1 ccmmitters.
Rc5 yo,
Enforeed, Coattus, Confi rmatus
An Enforcement Cootti Comput
' An Enjor '&ng
| To Enfranchize, mtnogred-
tote done.
| Entranchized, Manuwmiſſus
Ante Entragchizer, Civi «tis domotor,
An Enf:anch: ſcement 2 jure civite-
An L -- women; 1is denatio,
ToE deyi
To agige Fneut Fre ncio.
To Bug'ſe (in TD cen flige,
ine prot wm.
To Engage himſelt in an a&lon,
"Mie 8 ſe.
Engag'd to ſome fooliſh temale, is-
Sano mulieris anne irietilus. cots
mulieris amere ftolics implicetys,
ToE '2mQ tenoro.
Tor = Emgagemen off » Regimen
——— 4
An —_ {fight] Preline,
n $
"word)- ejafpo, ping ons
To To Engeade r, » Grgns.
ndered ef together, Congenitw.
ge” ow Engendering, Cinitoliny
7 Ce
Sh, Engine, Machine, Machinomen-
An n Eng. ne (device]JArtificiuns, In-
Eng wer quulec
mall Engine,
Bags (ad). ]2 MochinalingMachi-
f an Engine$ norms,
. | En Engineer, IC m——_— Meochi-
,0ng'us ew Cans.
2.7 J==It5 uno
i ons,
Eogt-black maiden- hair, Tricho-
To Fo Englut, Satire.
To Engraff, Inſero, ere.
ToEngrave, tſeulpo,execulpo, InKide,
Engraved, infex/p1u', Conn. |
yn, 4 4 C0. lotus
An Eng avi 5 Inttrument, Calum.
To tt commodcaties] Cormuy
T ofs, In tabules inferre.
oEngrots I
rr—mmrrnn—_— —
Empgmatwca FEnigmetice.
- Man's Name ] nes,
lo njoyny Injungo, jubeo, man-
Enjoyned, Iuſſus I |
A .
Eniſham C in -: wap! Inſuls.
To Enlacges Amplipico, Amplio, di-
To Enlarge Houſes, FEdes grondie-
res & largiores faceve.
To Enlarge ( ſet free ] Ex cor-
ceye or nfs dza emitzere carcere 1: xe
enlarged, _ *_- tfcatus.
Enlafeq, IVaqueatus.
To Enlighten, I /wmine.
Enlightzn:d, I\nminetus.
An Enlightening, Ilununatio,
Enmity, Inim'crtie,
N Nobilitetus.,
$] Ennobling, Nobilitatio.
:noch { a Man's Name ] .
.nodation, Enodatto, EY
normity, Atrecitas , Indignites,
_Enormnitas, Flagitium.
znormous, Encarmas, Nefeandus, Ne-
norroufly, Enormiter, Facinarois,
rt BY nn wh to
alterum efficere.
* Enough ani Enough again,Setis
ſoon as you are old enough to
Ceſor kn-w it well enough, Ne-
que vero id Caſmnions ſugitbet, * E-
1 0Ugh 15 as good as « Feat, Jhud
foto oft qu'd {11s e/t.
0 give Enough un. 0, Satiert, ſe-
Flagitiogs, :
ENOUGH , Sat, fetis. * It is | ©
ngury { in Galatis ] Ancyra, Enprice, Mos, modus qui tenet. Entred into, Initwy, intratus.
An Engylcope, Engy/c prom. An Enqueſt, Inqu/þ1r.. To Enterchange, Aterno,
To Enhance the price, Fre,ium eu-f To Eng Inquiv%, quero. yeciproce.
ere, amplificare, To Enrage, Furio, are; Irvite, ex- | Enterchangeable, Alternus.
hanſeq, Pretio eouttur, cite, flimulo, FEnrerc] » Mu'uo, vic iſs.
En » Pretii auftcx, mercis\ Enraged, Ivritatus, in oftu. | Entere| Al:ernus, Mu' uns.
An Enhanſing, Monopolium, monepe- | An Enraging, þritatio. on mus :,
hyotio, pretii auttio To Enrich, he , angeo, o Enterteecr, Cakes deterere, inter-
Enriched, Diutatus, us,
To Enroll, Inſeribe, in eta publica
Fererre, -
Ens (in Auffrio] Claudiviem,Clow-
To Eniaim a Hawk, Accipitrens ve-
purgere, macerere, of maci m re-
Pha or wt _
n Enſamp xemp/um.
To Enſeonſe, Circumvalie, vale cir-
To Enſeel Hawks, Rec#ns capterum
accipitrum cilia fplo trajicers, &
terere, pedem illidere,
To Enterfeer in mater anc
The Enter
ka cering 0s 4 Horſe, I
To Emrerlace , Intereniſces, inter»
2 Revincio,
: _— or poſits, intertextus,
An Enterheing , Contextns , Tra-
To Enterline » Lineas lineis inter-
Emterines Inter linearis , interſer-
Enteched, Fadetus,
Entendaunce, Servitiew.
An Entendment, In:entio, Propoſs
TO” ENTER, (a8. ] Infero, bn
ſero, Intrudo.
To Enter an A&ion Y — ond
1 -
To Enter in by violenee , Irrumpo
To Enter in'o Bond for Appear-
ance, Vadimoninem prom'ttere.
To Enter into a Treaty tor Peace,
codews flo roftro 1Gigave. . 2
An Enſign, Ifgnr, Siguens militare, ot, map ane Linearum interſer-
10, inierÞ” v
An Enſign Signifer, Vexili-| An Enteriudes, Dr Þ
En bearer, F = vexiiorine bulg. or ee 5
nſigns 0 erect s.
ns [ob pm Nos Sugins. | A Player of Enerludes, Hiſftris.
eim { in Germany ] Enſiſhe- | A Writer © hudes, Comuens.
mum. To Entermeddie, ere /e,
en ett | ern EDE hen een
Enftalled Throw A on 36 i Wy
n Enſtall , 0 Inter m'ſceo.
Enfalment,”* Inouguretro, The Hawk n:expenns , "Arcipiter
To Enlue, Sequer , ſuccedo, poſtea p_ 1oped't or intricat.
contingere. naterþle » Cagnitio projudi-
Enſuing, Sequens. cialis.
To Eniail, Addico, Hereditatem per-| AN ENTERPRIZE, Coptum, nn
omen poſterrs tradere, | (imen, Conatuty res gefta, focinus.
0 Entangle, Irretro, impedio, in-} * Fortun: favours 'our -
As —— xeetes | Ta anſty c_ wy
> on | Auſpicer, Mor FFoniers * He
To be Entangled, Implicer, Cir- riſes above his Power, Se
An Entangler Irretitor Enterpriſed Suſteptas ous
n . .
An En aging, Implicatio, implex- | An Enterpriler, Licaphary ”. iter, f
nr, involutto. E L
To Enter in privily, Irrepo, illobor. | An
To with Stori
venienti dy - = _ _
To 'Entertain
te Entertainment, Me beſ-
De Conciliend price agere.
To Enter u"on an Office, M'giftre-
T_—_ mire, edive. pu Fe
+ Enter upon an Eſtate
Heredrfatem adive. » SPP
To Enter inco Orders, Initiori fa-
m commen' 171 wn r
To Enter { one in the Univerſity ]
In Acrdemic.rmn numerum referre
cr creptore,
, teyponere.
\Enp ited, Deleftotus.
To Enter [| in 2 Book ] Deſcribe, L E
To Enzer a Caveat , Coutionems ins 'To Entice, Allicio, ſolicize.
8 ve cold Entertainment, Frigi-
£14, jejund, parum liberaliter ex-
tn Em hufaſt, En.tuji:ftay, fanai-
An Enthymem,
—h— —
CI r—__— —_—_—_
> com net
-—" ny
An Enficement, Ilece5ro,
EoUcinge elax.
= ungorrupt ] Syncerus, pu-
Entire { whole Integer, tots,
:1rely, gen
— A dearly ] Sai, Con
rel holl
Bonk 4 [ who! olly ] In totumn, in
- Rand 208 Entitas, ens,
Entireneſs, Bulaqeſter.
To Entitle, Appe
To Entomb, - (rl Tumulo con-
Enroyre { in Heraldry ] Cireunda-
An Enrail, Inteſtinum,
The tntrails, Exto, viſcera:
An Entranze, Ingreſſu, —
tus. * Here 15 ng Entrance to
Cove conem
A Encrince into unto 2 Colledge, Ad-
A "forced Entranee, Irruptio.
To give Entrance, Fore aperrye.
To make an Entrance to a Diſ-
I Ayr avi, A
© tTntra ” 20 mejco, n
Coffidus ihe equi - La P!os
Cncappod, Irretitns.
ENTREA » Intricatura,
70 w-- E To » Ore, ? you of a
maxim? Pere fuefo * I wil _
treat Ciſer or you, Caſart pro te
- - — —_
ntreat often
To Emaar { handle VSiafle. See
== oy Rogaius, Exoratus,
Eafte to be Entreated , Exorabilis,
Not to be Entreated, Inex1r abilis,
An Entreater, Precator.
duc » Deprecabundus.
n:reating, Supplex.
Precotio, 4,
* There 1
Entreaing of him, Nibileft | preci
loa relifium.
A frequent Entreating, Rogitatio,
By Entreaty, Precarto,
by cafie » Exorabiliter.
An Eno Entrcating, }
Entred in the Principles of Learn-
ang s Literis irutiatus.
To be Entred into, Provebry.
To Entremete, Se _
To Entreneh, Vellum
Entriked, q=—
An Entring, in ngreſſo
Entrution, Vi: lenga fundi orcupatio.
ToeEntrutt, Fidei committere
An Enry, Atrium, veftibulum,
nl, to 4 piacts Adirusingveſ
The Entry of a River , Fiuminis
An Entry [ op Law J Ingreſſus in
To give Eniry unto, Admittere,
To Enucleate, Enuc 1: re.
Enuckation [{ untolding ] Envcle -
To Envelop, Involva.
Enveloped ([enwiapped] Implica-
Ins, involutus.
To Envenom, Ieneno tingere, inp-
nvenamed, Fenenet
+ Iividie, mttev:fente, liv.
0 navy, invideo, maiigner,
o Envy 2 hittle, Su511video.
in Envyer, Invifer, exoſr.
nvyous, invidus, lividu;,malignus,
malevclus, k of
Envyous, Sfxbinvidiofus.
Garpoutys invia#, maligrd, male-
Somewhat E
To: _—_— [ eeleſe } Cireumdo,
Circumivenis, Cingo , Cireum/epro,
« with ſtrength, C mu
no, Cireummun'o,
Environed , Circundatus , Circwn -
Septus, Cirewnſeſſus, Crnit
Environed with 2 Guard, 'Stip etus.
An anlets, Crrcumſeſſio, Cir-
To Envite, invi
10 Enumerate q reckon up ] Enu-
n Enumeration, Enameratio.
pon WS
To amet inv:1v).
Eowrapped, involutur,
An Enwrapping, involutio.
En-, See In-.
The Epatt, Epotte.
Eperies { 1n Hung ory ſperks
An hs [Hebrew py E-
hemerides, Epbemerides, wm.
n Fob , Colendvis tobele
_— fex, Lunaris calendarii ſcripter,
-y 4 in Ionic ] Epbeſue.
_ > Epbeſi ue.
E p ef the -mare ] In-
Ke Rh HO _
An n Epick { Heroick Poet J Poets
An Epieure Epicureur, beliws, Vo
Epreunie, ingluvier , guls, luxu-
AnE cle dfegeis b
Peet &; idowvien
Epideno (a River! in 'Tieſſ aly) Api»
The Epigaſtrium, Epiflagrizm,
_ Ep gram, Epi of rea: otis.
pierama-:t, FEM grommanen
ders Epilepſy {ſs J
if, ppaptien, Cemitialis,
An Epi Io £5, cone luſio.
wwelt-day } Epi-
oPhents Epiſcopat
00,32, Topriur.
ſeog, of Epſeep bis
An Epiftle ' oy Gs
» Epi
3 fM Epi E prſtolium.
Eote's Ys ; Epiſtoloyis, Epiftolicus.
— —
ID Epitopbing, feulebr
"pit Nel ceepei0 Cwodding frag)
as Epitheme, Epithemes.
== - 00M
me v
An Fprome, " —_
An Epitoauſt, Eritometer.
To Ep tcmize, Breviare , in com-
rn vedigere,
An Epoch, Kea.
An Epod,
Epuloſity, Et Ve edacites,
FEquipare, FEquipare, FE-
Equal weights Ernilidring
quatus, FEquali comm ſ-
quality, (queer geriter, atis,
'0 on Zt%
An Equalling, Fquip watio, Ade-
on _ Ly ©xeyuctn,
qually, aliter
Equal lly Cas well ood ye "The other]
Eqn mity, 7Equonimites.
The Equator — oris.
Ec celinen, F
Ec — diftens.
flats, eris.
} Aquineltium.
] ZquineGis-
To io Equip Lit ſtore with Furmiture ]
Equipage, Phaleree, inſignis, comi
The he Equipage of a Princes Court,
In "ll "Equipage » Copios# infleu-
Tok put in Equipage, infires, orcins,
Ornatus, inflrufus.
Equi upped, Or Rqupolints,
ny |Epaiade yr Fquitete pe
1 gg > FE quivalentia.
my qu, om mx]
Oo be Equivalent *" Aquivaleo, X-
Sx wc FE quivocus.
Equivocally, FEquivoce.
To Equivocate , Terminis equiv
cis ludeve, callids mentivi.
An Equivocating, > ine ivecotio,
yy ey
An ©-— Callid8 mendes.
To Eradieate { root up } Eradics,
rad cittis evellere.
41 edicatus.
2» Cranes Eradicetio.
af\ by Ca Heraldry ] Eraſur, 4
Bra ſaws {a Man's Name ] Erdf-
Eraud [ a River in Longuedsc]
Rbauroris, Arauravis
Erchenbald { { a Man's Name] 4-
Eriing, If in ___— Amocunen.
re, Anequam, Prinſquom.
mJ Tk
2 D
Boe A.. | $M: dd, Brevi.,
kr now, Ante boe tempus, To
Lo, ©, OPM, >
mf ut i M.A
— mm
(To Erol ———; ton |. An Bſcape, Fug
in Boot « or of es puildings, A847
(rn mob Molitio, ereftio.
g ride | in wm Bicurgium,
\ Cori Hevecles.
no 5 yd Ly altercatio,
Baſh, Fin cw]
Ento os Sibnis Front,
b 'kelens Cin Conemihr, = Herewtiv
Eel | aſi Hung ary ]
Erlaph [2 River in Auftr
An Erman,
'An Ermit, Eremita.
Ems, Vas Eremilicus,
An Er, P binnu/avie.
E-ne PP ner and Lake in drelend)
Eel Se Man's N Ernefius.
FI »
=p Meſtes. . ame ]
1p Her-
I 0 on an Ecrand, Capeſſere
ſend 02 an Errand, Lego, Ab-
Te 40 ones Ecrand, Criminart ali-
quem elteri
An Errand- -yoer, Nuncius,
Merus, See Arrant.
Errant ( wandri Erraticus.
fm A andring ,
To En, an aberyo, » berve, aller.
E nf C bf (pe of Apt Mgypia
Rant Papa
Er is cer vereh Vicia waldd
[Et 1 { heretofore] Antebac , Du-
oy eruditio, litert bumeni-
Anteyot Hawks, a /
(9020s Þ pryngiom.
| -Eningus , Eryngiam compe- |?
| ral [in great Armenis ] Zur-jT
| Brin in — Er-
ot in Swpyertand Verbige. L\
The furr Erguns, Muri: __ {
CE engt |
OTE EE Caped ant ole,
if th eng
ivily, -—qxys +l
ſeaped, opfac,
Ca forte in Flanders]
Omen. * An
An n Elchowing, Devitatio. * EC
chewing of Labour declares an
ule Feton, Lahoris fuga dejidiom
Eſcombrers [ a Sprnifh 1dand }
Blouage, Scutogium, ſervitiam mi-
a Eg Cn lo eng,
far from Lay ] Eſcariele,
An Ei, Sine oo ans
n Fronce
Efino-(s a River in A35 3 F/is fu-
Fea _ of ns tone] ii,
- | Sent out to py emiſtins.
[Ee I
255>> [22]
is Rf
y .
3 '1=s
| ft Thou +) Woes.
He 32 7 2p cauſe now fo-|
Fatitos audientiuns Oratori ſugi-
[ Chymical Extra@
enti ah tor.
Edcigy. Aliquan ſe excnſunton
[in Fr
Eftampes [ ance } Nan
ford { in Ir 3 1,201 a
AN wins ;—_ L ©
» Conditio ft-
A Cloth of Strotam yegole.
Reftored to his Former Eſtate. Ne-
Ot more Eſtimation, Plurir. _
Of no Einima; ons Vitir, fordidus,
ments, fy:
Cup or no Eitimation, Homo fſe-
lof* like Eftimution Agulecteg.
An mp7 X# flima
Eſtund Chace © of Liefland ) Efthe-
Eſtopes,fmpedimentim oftionis.
Eftotilind”({ in Amrrica ] Efteti-
Etovers, Alimentum, ſuftentatio.
To Eframpeds Aben ', abalieno.
» Alienatus.
X "_ 2aplctun + in lieno fun-
; wr Ker Tee rarndere, | erg-
ere, inſe ri aut ferro
1 aqua I 'ca. yy
wakes Een arte
\ Sn [oy
Eve (a Womans Name] E
An Eve or Eave, Profeflum, V-igi-
lie, Pridis,
EVEN C alſo ] etjom, guogues enm-
the wel, As, * Away with even
- 3
$, Avaritioe pelldtur etiam
—_— Suſpicte.
it were even 2 ihame to cf
, ita obſcana wt difta quogue
ondtontur turpia. * Force and
| wrong and even thing that
may be a hindrance, is <y inju-
r10 &f emnin: emne qued obfuturum
eft. * They are even nao where to |
be found, Omnino nuſquam reperi-
wn'xr, * You may even {nore
again for me, Per me vel fiertes
f, Quemadnndam in ſe qu-
que [ic 1n amicum ſit ayimatus.*
re s and loves me Even As a-
ENDS with bis Va
b 3. Canple
—_ A
el bend ren it DE A
; that ockng ſame Lady, aus
leaſt ſuſpition of Cove- | The
* $0 tiliby that |E
Its E
* Did
As, *
| ere
Making Eve
Cronioge | la ny in Oxferdſbhe]
» FEqualiter
fEvenly in Coon
Nan, - «
ud iview Bs * Did
.ccive, Nuncubi /,
ever nt a neatery ecquowy culj167ew|
EVER @ ſince, $-m inde fm om afque
Ever figce his Fathcrs and}
nceſiors ones 9 mn inde 0 patit'
ver after, inde ob ilo a—_
ver and anon, $
[For Rex an] a day,
4 - « -KVE HM
1 Eveem Te; = LY To Erymologize, = am 14d-| TF- AJ: ven {07 $
Io Eien CN wtd ODOT
0 wori wy, i o/e
Etnee nt re ng (onpef empty] Everno,”. Evens wi fr as trom N
A Man of nv Ph Erecmy yn ruins Evacumred, Eva: , psf x/que hes. *
eiis el An Eran, py ABER Fifth i rhey already overcomn,
Tobet he Etecwed » Eftrovor, p Pvacuation q Jom wictrint, * Exa
Evgenafive, © Catborticus. - _ Ad 4. requires, Pr.u; ro
Ty d: nothing Beome, RE gens, toda _ pn
y » om 6, 7.1m
Ts be Eeemed 2s Oratours, Ttne-| An Evading, pho. | o/e - EL my bo hen tec
re kewn ratrinmn, : By #130 - . 91 4 prin- |
(firurns, Hiebites, Re- | Evan { a Man' cipio widendum fit. *
: ' | An Eradect (Ee rg Evangeli- - ma he ren fr
divers betore others, Antebobi- uA. J-m inde & princimo Rm ini nuw-
tit, Pre lotus. "7 — E nis, *. Even from his Youth, in
1Li « Etcemed, Paywi nenfh, Ain rouge i, Ev elſfe, de ab ihtunte tote, ** Even aher
N ingE : De preotur,Deſ- To — "——_ {brearh out] eydpo- Nh times Uſe UVſque 4 Thaltte,
0,ce ven 0. Ww, » modo,
Ani n Eftecmer, FE-ftimater; Exiſtima- | Evapor: !, evaporetus, Even a and never before » Jon
n t raporating,. tio. fn
Eteli { it Navarre } Stelle,Curne- | Evaporation p” b ven then, Jom lum,
An Evaſion, coaſts effugiom Even ther yy
Efteponn [in Andelwyia] Auftippo.! An Evation [ ftiife ©] Techno, Str0- |Even -—— b,
Etther [4 Womans Name] Eſftbers. a, Even {to wit] Sei. bh
To to, FEffimo, pendo, unning Evaſions, obſ "nes. o whom did Nee
An timate, /tnntio, pretinm, | The E ft, encbori/tia plaint? Eyento ! riew|
TFſt ion, 5 pendus, locus, Euchariſtical, Exrbor:ticus, gralu- | 2d quem _—_ ?n cxmn !
came Eſtimation, Auttoritas, Dig-| 4atorqus The -— 1" pers. #* The Eve-
n:ng Crowns the day,
Diet beatur ante —_— nemo ſuprt-
mgue funere d
An Evenings Ly Lucubratio,
zvening, Veſperat.
Evening —— Aadveſpe-
© Conftenter .
nengut +] w I ee whecher
there b: An i Ship es Vijew
ecqua c_ n1vis.
Ce ortyon eee
think ot g an account Iofy.ur
AGions, SEquendo te rationem
Iuoruns yedd! tures pur Fj "
we ever hear this of any
de brmnwrne bee ng
fez * Did gu
Fer geiovony
! Ca Man's. Name } jv
Jn ciernmm,!
A—— — EXA
reclaſtingly Perpetud is me wee ſks. [4 h $100007 { an innag inew ..
s : it Mets, prove, perperams. gd porptrn as
Ererlattingmeſs tu Peren- evialit is, T9 give an.cxample to write by,
nitos, Prepetuit To Ev.nee, Evinco. 3s eras dlicw pr
An » Eunuchus, Semiviy. To take pple by, Imiteri, in
_VERY guilibet quifque, quivis. | An T--m exempl Pr s
every Citizeny To E As for E > gretis,
Omnibus crotberr patty * Ac Every goers (in ore Varbi cauſa.
word the iheds rears, Verbs inter Eapatr nm. | 0us, (bloodleſs) ex mg uis
ſmgula fudit lachrymws, * Almoſt Ex An k, hu.
at Every other word, Alternas pe - Eure a river in \ France] Etura, | To imate, exanm?
ne verbs, * U very gccafl- T ,
ry ones avi, [4 wen - A --
hi»owa t inp del numer ts
h s buniou”, Suns cxrqueeſt mos. To Exatt upon ons,
Cow, Sus Cuigue amr mi FR 4 Jem Ks .
* Every mans noſe will got make | Exattion, exo(tio
a\, Neg cxivis bownt» Grievous E
w cntingtt edire Corintiun, E a
very day, Indies, Quotidie. * T ot;
Enemies grow more more E- | F
rep Day, Oaſis in poor 4.64
E cp [09-2 Eva
very Do..c
Every whit ? main Provſiu, 'To
= rery ide, wſquequague, undi- _
Erer th: it _ Sigilatt |
inpulctim, [ng by » I Sg1Panmn, A
Br moths ty" ee Sremen- e, *
ts, Li pode, 2 Other Bn
Fa Evi os Liqubdiis mogi- | erunt.
ng E Duftuatio. |
Evdcar, ns Liguido, me»
= Having the
coſine een land ® Eureux, {in Notmendy] Medicls-
hath its ated vilijs nemo | ons Evgrovicum.
ne naſcirur, urope
{ain live. omnes Abi nutlins tf e ma» | European ca ent
lunt quam ottert, uſa (in Aqitain] Elſe
Body Evuſebjus (a mans Lame]
Every Man gniſque, ſinguli. | Euft Seve uh Iſland
Oe 'uſtace [a man) name
+ Every body did what he could | Evulfion, ev
to pur it off of hag le fPro fe de 26 | An Ew, agne, icula, atom
fot id munus recuſe £ w-tice, T:xu1.
iq ought, News 00s pl Fr wr, Aqualis, Gu'tus,
* Every one 48 he likes, Trabit ſur 'A 11 Ewery Gn/turnium.
guemgue Holu pray. * This 18 Eve- | Ex a Gro in Dev. —__ wt E
omnium Cc "og Wrmes They Exach, F Ins, Koquil ties
«0 exiue 16 res j_
of cherifſima, * Every man hath” ro » Exigo, wie cif _
* Every man where he | kes quoth * 0 ExaR in /pme, 7, yg ang eve.
very von. Oda mn, Lf He VA
{ Every year an, \ntmaw pe |
Breton Cin Worcs foire}
Gn hen =
Bve 1s,
An Evet, Lec Examap 3ton to.
Epgb: o{in Tray) Enugubium, Igu- \ An x 27== an 14-
, is,
TE Evid, Evinco. - JA curious Xnaaation of qanart
.Evicted, evil - athoy inqaſtis,.
Eviction, Pei. Cegnitie nlp ett 6 yy
Evid Evidentis TO O BXAMIN.
GE DL ok Pro | Percontor, EE
} xamine alike,
» Appares, Conſto,, . {ToE bei:
ON Wn : =
y | »
Amak : alu. F
. hor, Pearconi £8 j v. ;
Evil, Malut, Proves, Neqwom, __ D, ys Dram ers t
he 47%. Mee Clare wo, Types, 5
ings Evil, Sruma —Al- eand d Example of t thy F2-|
ld adv Waldd. *
xreoding ons
fi frones * He is peniſe, Dads
.”” lbnbone nimins, im-
hs — %
— -
bs: : s, immoderatio, profuſic,
er fluitas. . :
Cin Xo Exonia,
(+ xcRonge, ec, emer BM 0.
ywiufr ers,
An C- ant mp, Permartis os
Ro Exchange, Excambinm
port mag Johns
Fe Ter. iT.
Range [3] berſem perti-
; ——_ Permutone, eres»
tors fairer
V theſawrarins.
= —__— Libra-
Exe: %, Tributum,
An Exciſe-man,
Exofion, Exc
To Exaite c fic wp] excito,
Exoited, Ex
Exeiti {———_
ToE xclaim x , inclame, vo-
ame cr/ever.
ion, exclomotio, ve-
laimed avainft, Kiwmor p_
ſofrogit peputli
An Exclaimer, exclematy, worife-
Excommunicate 2 excommunicatus
Pxcommuniented F ob decile fis abci-
—"DHa .
ceſlive cus, ſlper ſtuns.
xeeſbeely , nadie: atria To
As Enſitg |
or excitatio, provecatio.
retry. :
72 2_
Excluded, ex et/w.
Enclahnn FEaenoes excipins
xeluſion FE=teſus
re ten ©
ho md, gs
gi — ments ee manic, |
po [in eat or drink] a have made my excuic, bob pur-
Luxuries, inteimp: { getionm. * There 1s ſomnet og
. ex. n" Excuſe, we
forms : on doing ns are ſo1 a k the
1s to be Excuſed, quibus 8< mat-
a cpnetonnns 0
To Excufe » markers fam elryare
To Excuſe hunielf accuſing 0-
—_ el, purga'us, excy/s "#1.
- have > up _ - wu w 4 gw
b co exc um, a
in x der, ecuſater. ati
n Exc excufolioy F 0.
xearadle, =—_— _ 1 o
xeerably, execrabilitey, dis.
To Exeorate {curſe} execror, de-
: xeerated, devotu
07 073.23
- [An Excerating Jexperetis, devotio, | E
Xeer 101 dire, orum,
10 EXECU TE,e xequor, fungor obeo,
[ 0 Exccute in ones os » Vicariam
_ cperam im
xeeute a malefattor, rem £a-
ite Peel
Fr 7vY * He
i0n, cernificinam
Ki copitetis
© do great Execution, ingentem
c acere, bornivilem
F-- oy cedow fect
ſen _ ©
- tion, likelu od
eres ok Hs —
—— Toys il T-fomen- | A
n EX oFaw '
—_— ha
of Execution, carnifi-
pjery, exemp R nagill
| = va Perbibens ſaguleariny iluſ-
uly,exempl!: Sie
E xeeut Conn maiSea cepite To
Pen Strom
| wut [craw out] exbowric,
To Exhib dare, (fxbertfe, Adi
410 1D Ee
: ited, ed birus ]e Prefh.
\n Exh biting, exhibith,
An "Exhonmicn In ats
Exhortative Poremticuss Suoſt-
|= Fra Joy
An Exhorter, Hey tater.
Exhorr: 9" — paid Susſ rim,
An nes wc
1 ency
as 1.4 'gent oeanton 0: ome
Erge ent, wc ie] Exe
pigent wri grads,
© Exagants fs ngu-
TEES Exirenderit jejunas, te-
mer oo ment) Ev nn
Xi Ls otws
An Extlement
xinanition, Exinenitiy,
i exilitas, tennitos,
To, Exiſt ,
[Tobe BxiftentF *#*
An Ext, exitms, .
xodh:, Exedus, 1,
To Bncagnae [unload] exroncrs,
Enonerated, <q Iu
An Exoner
; &'—wrx (to be — #x014-
[ Exorbitaney, .ex-rbitetie,
ex oonn__ ex 1hitons,
; Exoreize "Y Exorcige.
ren i4 'T An Excveifim, exerciſes.
E [recreation] Ladus, Gym- An Tore it , envrelſe.
Much Enxerci mm - evebro. } di rol c mM
Exerciſe 4 == of Acivity, - my a Fn
xiltence, exiſtentia.
22 29>
07 &-
ee ———_—_————_—— — —_ — _— —_— —_—
youek, exotics externus, barks» | To Ey ploit Exequr Gero, Petro, | Extenſible, Duftili
Tn . : W aps of of an E Exploit, CN The Eu Exe -
To Rn of” Hewes? Expen- Expan- | Exploited, Petretar, Gefhw, |The Euzeny of 4 Conmtrey, Fur
fon xploning, Potratio. an xtent of lands for debyy Poſ-
_— {ſpreading} expes- | Io aplore [079 Ty) os de detwrbotio ad <1
i, alienum 4!
ander] expat: An E oE To Extenuate [ lefſi tenuo,
Jt 0 Expert exp hers, foe fie, | Exploration © $ Exploretio, 24,» = ver
Expectant-f Es Cpt 's 2 fe To Expoſe, aponny 03jicio, E xtenuamed, Extenuotus
dum ad bervedes @ corpers cert a-| To Ex n Extenuating, — Di-
—_ pr ſong emanantes refrit- An yy my An Extenuaron,
To Export lake, Xteniour, Extency.
preteen F expettatra, ſpes. d. Kool, Bo ſcorn, Traduco, To -——— > —_ dy
f Expetation,expeltobundue Ang A —_— teyminati
bxpede [ty epediens, commud u1, ut - An Expoſion xpeſ1tiog Enmwyatio, Exrerm.nation mp - ——
"Lxpabiott, yatio, modus. A ſhort Expoſition, Scholi wm, E - = — ——— —
hs Ex-ecient, expeditycomducit. An Expod.ion 0 f Fables, Mythele- | Externa xeermally, Ex Externd.
is very Expedcie ” opus et. £4 Tn xtinitus, Defunitw,
o Ex e, k Aa Expoſitour, Toterpres, etis. An Ext-ncion. Extindiio,
Expecrngly, R , commeds, To upolulees {reaſon the caſe | To Excinguiſh _ out] Extinguo,
a _ Fe natie, meturitas, | An Expotilianon jo | guſt
An Exped tion ( of NGOS. To E, Ex- | An Extm - TE -
fettio — 2 » Int nterpretoy. An Ex Qun8 3 Extinghs,
An Ex 0 ExpounJ Fable! Epimythium Extinguil
ToE xl repay cps arceo. e. Eximguiſhment (of rent) Cum quiſ-
Expelled, exattus, expulſns. xpounded, Expoſitus, Explicatus, | quam ex conduttors fit dominu!
An Expeſſer, ex exattorgexpulſor. Enarratus.
An Expelling, exeQio, expulſio. Not Expourded, Inenerratuy 0 Extirpate Lone »pJ Extirpe.
cmpanſs, /anpres. E \ Enorrater,
To Exp:nd, » . | tor, [nterpres. An Ext patio, ;
SNFERIANS Exper entia, 4g A "EP emencve ef ToExes Y.... alle, Efferey Ewebe, Mi-
is 1 laudi
miſtreſs of t bs Cperientie fiul- [An , Expeſs — ___—_— Rn too highly, Verbts exag-
Wan of ExOerienns, inexperientis To her Exprims, N Megpifcatur, Boct
Ppt inſcitis, : _— Noe, Nt * 10 Ercolo:3f weltie, Þ Pree-
Otho Experiences Xperiencey inexperiniy ime- ZI om um verb1s gonſequi WT
on. Expraſt, D; "» 4g To Extort, Extorqu-d,
0 Experieneey experior, periculum An DF ] Nunc ug, — A
foams h agate gets, tus. Expreay, Dine O—_ SI "Opprefſo, Is=
[an Expermmenry oper _ mentun, ſpe- | An Ex prefling, af fon te ole Eeplti ah :
An Ex xþrethon, Dillne » Difluw,Sen- 0 take by Extortion, exprla.
To Ex Experiment, Experimentum fa. | teat: » Expilator, direptor,
cere, tentave, ToE Exprebro, imenod rej ſarnarir .
To Speak Experimentally , L:gni = rated, phones, , miluw, mil-
Exprebratic. vin
Experimented, comper tus, To | An ws pul. Excerytum, exemplar,
Pn enrdpan, — — |22 POE Tt | 19 Urts nant, £6 orgrap
» £1111 ie. ; t ; au”
Exprab!e, Sbigt” $= | e— xpulſao, ExaQio, dafteriders, - het 8
Expert n:(6, peritio. ob Paſig 20, Deleo. An Extratt (Epitomy] Compendium,
To Expire, expiare, | | e, Exqui/i/us, Exattus,oceu- As nw. ,
Red, eh; ny wo LOL. Elaborat th, Exellh, As An Extract ({chymical} Extreflis
Expuron expiatio, pietie, ea sth, Either LIL a 67% "| Excratted, Extretu, Deſer
X b
Extramundane emundoues.
To 0 Expue” [cnd] determiner, Sai -
Thetime is expired, Tempus abiity
pſam or ef.
*Xpiri n
| xpiration © *xpinetio.
xpla _ | [explicated] pany
An ned Porticule expletive.
LY licatoy.
goon, facinus. AnExrentont
EN He |
” þe 17 -—» wa
Extafie, tors Carreptio, Mew
Exraiie, Cory
To in an Prater C Corripier.
Extempor 2 -066 ext ens-
Extemten 07 87: HT
Exdompons Onan of Focultas prompta,
to Exi80, TEND, [ a2. ]} Extends,
Porrigo, Didate, Protato.
To Ly {n:ut.] Extender, Ex-
. Pazeo, Jaceo
ToE Bxrens land, fm os fonts
fe Tires,
f_—_ ——
"ie met
—_ ian
_ de IA
td hs, Sos a
mos $1 ena ww dw
To deal Excreamly, *x ſummo jure
A Extream cold Winter, byom!
The he Hare ty Catmeſh part] ex-
Excremey Carireſs] _
Xulcerzory, exuicerativus, ants
: be Exult, exulto.
= Exultaticn, exultatie, exulion- | $q
Eychſtat ſin Baverie] Aureatun,
EByder 8 Lou in Denmerh] pi F-
an ee E, oonſrs, lumen, inis, * A.
. have an eyec you do,
egis _—_ nt wrhbi, * It hat
dent cculi quam ten
An Eye ( a plam] eculus, gems)
little Eye, ocelus.
Eye ©, adj. go * Ont Eye.
| f the ye 5 witnels is better than
ten Ea:-witndſes, Puri eft ocu«
_ reffts nu quem enriti de-|E
The "may vo ſopercliu.
che Eves, o6& venivr, corom
5 Rolling Goggle-Eyc, ocu/us volu-
a fery ſparkling Eye, ccutvs tor-
A Leen re, xaos ; __ Ln
A L Tap-lghted E Eye; cculus
p wall.
; » Over- white phcadly
A ſwan ne
oentus| A
\Ailer cf -
KLE, alus Go. bs
[To'® wap, aſe elitr Stent
: To Eye. one often, or ; O-
eults venart, ocmles : in eliquerm con-
ail me not, ſi ft fatis cer «
Th be an Eye-
To Eye bice [hewiteh7 faſtin
z;» i
"auf fore. < _
ects, &
Eye to * 14 -& i
5 ny Nelhatks
Blee er Pyod, /
av the of oY, an.'s, Phoſiomeum
=_ { a Boltich wi O+r-
An je JL ts wins” minims in yg
a 1 Exte fudicum itiner entinm c«-
Eyſenach Turene] Iſenarums,
Eyſtadt toy oye
- [ExcchinhCa man's name] Eprcbies,
'|Bacchie {a mans name] |
I. n
Dpock (in Hungry] Murſo, Teats-| ©,
Egatumn, Av-
4 rt man's name} Fab; anus.
Tor rape B
AFablerſ- lier, of Fre les Jfobulotor.
ae fthologio.
F Feng Foo, Forum Do-'
pan (in Hereds @ Antens)| A
' Fabri «num.
A Fabrick, ways ſoc ay free:
| Fabulous, our, Faris Slittes.
Ipebr es
eorner of [iy of the
+ corner of ye,
Spoons the Eye-bwows,
Eye- "brows, cile, onis,
mm 2 duoblet } ocetfw
TETEf md dentes nnd,
bright (h afte.
F yc-holrs, ww cram cf ver.
ms of rhe Bye-i199, coliwws,
A— —_ R——
Fabulouſly, febulo
Cenag, Ft ng, '* M1 y
Tron o'es the fon
2 File, werki wuldus eft capi
dur noves, * Fhove weve | fa [A
to do it, a 1 pducia facere ande
He _
a face Of braſs.
Hay '* They Lad Foo
ms [25:4 bet frees, In-
py a. li
4 en
Fiero bo
1m 6 lay-
wed theiwRer, Sf an The
Try? to let 2
face on a bed marter, in re Pl
tere,rn inflantem pple boſtem /ig-
na convertere,
To Face » ga"ment, Veftis extromi-
tates ſplendidiore decoyars,
To a Face, os ri w_
$006 fiery Face, 0
Red ginpes m the F Face, fate,
0 orig,
ERS gow
race la "kind of pulſe] Pig
ene (40 Fl
Facilitated, F bug
With TRE. -_
The Facen Facon in
A Faak, cyculu uns rudentis in of»
bem convoluti.
A Eh Ls Frans, Bayt,
WY bot To twh-
FaRiouſneſs, OE on
, Fartif TS
Factiious, us. J
1 Fatour, or thy ] s procure
tos KO þ carb
* FaQours, infliteeine, procwrets|
re 1Fu20s
vas .- |
= fontes i — waar mit wn edvyſe
+ 1
sf br)
oy fac, = |
ed h dren clcom © =
_— ace, Tor
<. » hoſeo hain
rag: wmercature \precurs|
AS ifeiom. |
ly 01'
entr |
H-\To Faruly _— ——_— merceſcy,
1 pSIE2., TIE
Fades, evonidus, Jatides, nxetin} |
—_— SD -& A ot a
310 1241331 11-6
I e&p
fe Ealing Fuftratie, defeflus, ve-
= <b
ar ie ads,
To 'o Fagot up, #9 ſaſtica05 compo-
To e =:=1 feet) &|.
PIG virgeus lerum, tr-
Faul [an Atlentich Ifand] Fais-,
Fence [ n Frence] Faventia.
To F me Þ They fa
wile => hn LIES. Fingunt | nent
—_— if elleciam, * 1
ugned my lelt a fuol, me fic adſt-
mul.bam jo | —
Fx gned, þ
8 Faign'ngy ; fin [mumilatio,
TO FAIL. (aR.] depecie,, deſtituo,
deſwn, relinguo,
I» me, Me Fug ol. A. * His
hea t fails him, anime deficit, * If
my eye-light fail me not, a
mbi param proſpiciunt. * Be
fidenc 1 w.ll not fail __ ay
thing, Me 115i nulla re defutwrum
eſe cenfidas, * How am I failed
uy xpettation, Quonts ſÞe de-
To fal (nent. J deficits z ſuceumbe,
excids, * If you fail in never ©
{mall a matter, $i Poululum modo
quid tt fugerit. * In that word
cutom fa is, In eo verbo labitur ccn-
To Fa l of duty. deli
To Fail of, Fruftve- efſe. "+ He fails
rit. * He fails of his promiſe, Fi-
Fail {err} erro, aliucin re
Witour Fail, Plane, cerie,
Fouled, y eg
Fa ling, lap
47 ny s dh, i didarks, Joins
Perlaleater - Why * : Twoula fry |
ti't nunc rimis vellem ys Pr—_ * ]
would fain key $6 A Cruſom
qurro, _— fain fight of
ſum geſtre _ mb nm con-
ſolu * 1 would fain have it
vom vel.
would peye: Jo t31n; 4 gol
ime ye!; ew. '* They ware
dg wells, Puteos } 4. Agedenter;
* They were fain to run away for
want of vi*uals, Necefſorit vitw
pokes man Jugiunt. ada
» longuidus, remi (ſus Its
Somewhat Fain, l id,
of his word, Non f cit quod dixe- | Fai
dem folltt. Ihave often failed al- |
1Far demea:
A Fair w nl, ar ure ſecunds.
+ timid
pt ih tim wo, PP
aa enim ns Fongrey waar _——
Wt - Uo, languens.
Fan languids, remi[]s, trmids.
Eon, ae, laſtude, 1g
FAIR fy le dich ſe
as if he loved me me hugely,
offend't Smq_—_ diligtt, % That
was no fair Provofition, Erat ini-
gue conditio, * Let h mdnnk fair,
Ages > + 7 þ pebined. * At Far
dons £ lars lace, * Fair means is
Ficilitate mbil eft bomini me-
Fair words
butter no parſnips, Re Finances
nom verbs, * BE nd toftly, Fe-
ina len'e.
0 be in a Fair way to loſe his re-
prentivn, In diſcrimen ex'ſtimatio-
ns venire
To give one fair warming, Prob!
To ſpeak one Pals, Blendi.r.
To be Fair (bright) niteo,
To make - 1 [f —_
l1us neque clementid
ogrwker Fair, pulchellus, venuſtu-
Fac to ſee to, ſpecie preecierns.
in Irelond] Rhcbog-
Fautord Lin in Glcuceftey-ſbrre] Pul-
rum v
would | A Fair, Nunding, ctlebritas merca-
Fair, 2d). 2 nundin-lis. * On the
Of a Fair very fair, ipſe —
norum die.
The Fa ox place, nundingriue, empe-
y 'Fa rand man, Emo, Vagebun-
A haunter of Fairs, neundineter
A | Farng, Kenium, flens, denum
Fa weſh, F.
F# ty, "fulcbr, venufte. * You xe
even fairly chea: a tb 05 off fob-
3h Frints langueo, enims. linqui, de-
nt- hearterineſs, timilites, enimi
plcnder, folſs & frauiulents
"y nting, lpotbymie, enimi deli.
_ im | For ely perfidia, infidelMtas.
Few Ifland { m Germany} Faro, Dum- uo,
To Fatt 2 laughing, cochinnags fol-
To F n Pl d
To Fall ws? Ly ep
To Fall away "Com his religion, re- |
TP down, concido, decide, ce
To Fall owns procido, procum-
To Fall from a horſe, equo excuti, *
To grow Fain* fenqueſts, A Fairy, Enmpuſe, Laws.
To make Fant, debrity'y langu;rem | Faicy & Fl 's denabens.
_—_ Faines of 4% Oreades,
Four blew feolour] heridus. ons of the waters, Nejoder ,
A _—_ nt (heart _ Fare ot he wood ode,
oxver WOR ott
y» Fortes tune adfjuvet. *y hs gow.
» pail] rnimus, meticn- | Faith
Fath Free Rl name) Fides, Fi-
0 | Therghe Fan w4-A orthbodoxia,
The ID Farth, 's ſn
To violate his Faith, pdewm dot
on my Faith, meding-fidins, meter-
Faith delis, fid
Fa realy, Gdelider, Gdb.ox See, bo
full ſs, pdelitar,
pate, inevedu-
berg | Fgthleſ [not to be truſted) perfi-
ermandy] Fable(1a, Pro-
A Falechion, ,
Falcken>u _— lower - =
A Faldfool, Sedile juxta oltree
forces and oucd gen flettunt
Beidanatel £0008 cornentas,
A” Falditor, Sedes epiſc opi elation
Lu ab) *
'orawall) Portus Fa-
lenſ1s, Vi -q'7
Falernian, Faleynus.
Foltibad, Timuye per evpiam rotul!:
The Fal or yr Deer, £6.
> Fallen nit _
_ meat now , Nunc edmovete
0 Fall away trom his 06. \ Sarra-
menitum v!
Mn renuntiare.
To Fa!l back, recido, relabey. |
os nerve k ethers corrue.
o Falldown under, Recaps.
pA a, * Fallto |*
To Falllo
lum &
To g5 Fairly, nſos s poneve, To Pall into, i loher, incido.
Feb lod on my | To let fo It Iiſa Ingrom ark
3 fles.
To Fall ons og gredier. * When do
we fall on ? Q «am mox irrnimus ?
To Fall on fictt, Prior pretlio loceſ-
0 Fall contings, eccido, * It
will fall ot better chan you ex-
_ Il Fall'our ſo, 8pere
* Lhope it * We ro beware
Go net Sollou Mas Jet Summe | F
et adbibenda cau
To Fall out — = iraſcery fuccen-
0. Fa quite out with one, Totwn
e ab alicujus amicitid avertere,
To de cead to —=X collaboſeo.
ſeand F Fall with his voige, wo-
x RI & remittere.
To Fall fick, in va ivy,
To Bay o Che. _ if *B
0 to [ happen cent y
La thoſe Goods f Ul tome, £2
od me lege Kon}
Tp Fall upon, recumbey Superinci-
TI Fall upon his Sword, g/adio
\Fall of a Stag, cervi proftratio,| *6,
A great F2ll of rain, imbrium vis.
eStarsfall, meteors inftor ftella-| T:
rum cadentinm deft ont,
| pp l e is fallen ve-
yr ill, 'Graviter egrotare
ot aways _ £0.
1 from h.s Religion, e-
l 00
relopſur ——__
4 down, wap prolapſus,
Per = pm "od contingit, * It is
Ly o1 "I" ihe to your wilh,
iitd c
FAIL N out with, iratus, * They
alling away, «-
A Falling bby Aecttentia, pro-
A rea Falling down [as of ea-thJ
A Falling down through feeble-
1 fs, d
1 Falling Sf ch the hair, —
LD out —_—_ di
Ilings of Tides in rt of
| The Tay Fatling-fictneſs, morhu rs comi-
Troubled wi:kh the Falling-fickneſs,
- Ely, Fe? ſephiſme, atis. [x
Falla mous, fa!
Fallaciouſly, falleciter.
Res ſuccedet tare meliis. x La
To Fall — burth:n, cneri ſuc- Wo
Falncod N=
=; Fallow. incultus, derelifns,
requiet as,
oa oy Deer, dame _
alls, warii fororums
*alouque {kind rf Bun f Back) pbaſt-
it FALSE, ſalſu, falax.
Falſe ON, ca ————>
A Falle aceuler, columni
A Fells b other, frater tots,
Fy Falſe? bray (in fortification) Lo
F— = ur 99 nk
A F RG ſe cOPfs * evearicator.
A ro =? dw lum —
A Fal'e heart, cor :1nfidum,
A Fare knave, veter ator
AF Fails meaſure, menſurs edulteri-
alſe opinion, <pinis aluwnbrate.
A Falls prophet, pſeudopropbe's,
A Falſe reports Turner fel, us
A Fal fiem, - evi nim1is
corngina vitioſa.
dem violwe,
perfidioſus, fran-
Fully, ity, fa. p 6, agar! ſubdol8,
fids agere,
Fullnels, 0h is,
To Fallfiey Jubjct, fn hs
ET nr, adultere,
1 Falfi is Renee.
of writings, falſariur,
g i; = of. ErdemSeyrfre- ito
Foe '£) Ao IN#"d] F-lftris.
Sr Ir oo
Famagoſta = Cyprus J Arſinve, Fo-
To Famble in 0n:'s ſpeech, is ſer-
mone be/itore.
Fa manu.
Fame, fuma, —_ celebritas. *His
fame not die, wgebit in omne
A little Fame, rumnculus,
A Fame- ſpreader, famigerwuy, fa-
Area og of Feme, fmnigeretio.
A Family, Jomnlles Late Fans.
I 6 noble = ant
Of hs CnoFenty. famiberis, do-
Familiar. | femilioris, intimus.
Ts, be Familiar with, familimwiter
To grow Familiar with, femilieri-
totem contrabere or inire.
Grown Famil ar with, familiari;
Facbar ſpirits, lores,
Famular, +{/ omni prrne-
ceſſar ins, ccnjuntt!
= FAL FAM © ————_
oranon Tide, Fallible, follibilis. Famili b 1 v4
To Fa of Cas © Ship] decliners | A Fallow 2 er FAIT.
ventum. Fall: w field amiliarity
Ts Fall off into (in War] redire | Old Now, ory fl —— ſamiliarites Pavit,
Familiarly, familiariter,
Fomiliarly Coften] frequentey, of
A Famin, fancy, inedia, anMng 0s.
To FiGilh (a2. fm nope
0 Fam ——_ 2
Famiſhed, - —_
A Famiſhin
Fam ſhaven —_ p < fome.
"x7 iy Teac
being dead, t:t exfin.
To make famou?, cele illufr
A moving Famous, i
am clayeo, E
Nothi 4
bits 8 Famous, incelebriny igne-
nm 4 infigniter, clerd.
claritas, * he » Clovituds,
A Fan, ventilabrum.”
A Fan for cern, vonnus.
A lictle round Fan uw.
To Fan, owres fla Go colligere,
To Fan corn, ventilo
Fanagotia [in Copadecis] Themiſty-
Pangr (a river of Epirus ] Acheren,
pamaricnl F fanaticur, Enthuſof,
The Faneys Phants/ia, vis imaging
Een 4s enim
2 Fancy oo -12-,——p* ;
+ Frui, For mre free," Le
1929 275 7)
A \Fane, 6, tri, carongs ver ſatilis ven-
ToF Fang, wana probendeve,
Fingiou tan Eanguede] Fanum Jo-
Fanned, ventilotus. _
A Faaner, ventileter,
A FRnnengs veatilatin,
Fano ['n Nay] Fine Firtune,
The Phantafie, Phonteſi9,
1 7antafie p pbantoſma, Ns.
Fame : \ I fentefticns, cerebro ſus.
[ . .
ee fs efefat
: + fetenter,
Fantaltiekneſs Left
Fane {a Kingdom of Africs] Fi
A Fant phantaſma.
Fantomeſcors] Jſrument uns mace,
AR (bs d made
as [ Eng n A _ 2»
- bc. be. SY co aÞvJvdiw mm c©@.. cc
FAY Thom an 3n rounay
by] hng?, muitd, multiion
| —_— — —
oo —_—
4 xo beltent, * He fold for
leſs than you, Muld minore vendi-
wat wn _— ip me infortunium.
far TK, wi —
$0 Far 28, qu
As Sie wbpatih quantum m1xi-
qo Farbefore
ve Far behind 5 P00.
Gone Far before, cui preevertitur,
Inge a tergo relitiug.
He is Fat out of h2 way, muliun «
£07) cberrat
ar from Court Far from Fear, pro-
eu! 4 fove atque fulmine.
Faran:ly, nitidus, concinnus,
Faroe, mim.
A Farce [pudding] forcimen.
A Farce
A \ =
Git quam tu. * Fat the grenteſt Ci-
ty of all Sicily, ry totiga $101-
he muito maxima. orrune
will not be far do me, Houd
+ A man travell far, or -
foobons, * =
yocul 8
Fur of, 4 nee, eminils, jou:
y— Far ' "iſ de longin-
To Fart, erepits) pede
nhermall es
far fetched A little Farm, preediolum.
mech prom, Aoe.9 A e| To Farm, reals, Preding conduct
To Farm out!
Let out to Farm
FarmedJ out, elocatus.
Taken to Farm
to Farm, elecotio,
-- - vilicus.
A \ Farmer of wt cl ac mine, fi-
Farmers of the Cuſtoms, Redempto-
res veltigalinm.
egricul ture.
Y Farſe out (a
A Furſety cop o copſul
A Fart, Sedituns, FT
wil as ſoon pet a
10 d pumice ©e po/tules,
arty V/rnm.
ly ht e:thzr, compeda,
To Fart _ yam.
To Farchel's Sa' Sail, velum complica-
a her 0, ulerifrs, bogiu.
der id, ingeriide yo
arrago, |
Farced { (tuffed] fortus ſhould run faſteſt, Erat in celeri-
s ' home tate omne
f5 > in a horſe, elephantia Hou LL _—O—_— Lo rog, W955 | To play exons oft rue looks in INJ
k areies, tyit al , bown ar
he witer- Fog: 5am Fartheſt (adv. Longiſſont. A'Falt [tor s Boat or Ship] prymos-
Far Fungal A Farthing, fre you' Semi holus. of
ales lige orviculots, * Ill act give Hold F poveus, _
Its Non em LY — Falls indg% <Þgo-
Fanndel Lo land 3 quarts glove To Thiee Faris al em. Ge Lots
AFardie, "rc feul To Faſt, » diſeaſes
A little Fardel Foronab mule. Ars My 2 how Ay i
mak® mteo ob s cre ontuy a
Or or for Fardels, tel, conf " > ne Cheieah) fo fa ſims, Faſt aſleep, Sopere profundo mer-
FARE, vittus. A "Palin a3 F »
Bad Fares vitus tenale, [manner] 907, modus, by FASTEN, N pls fi AY
How COLT whos ? to 49, fic £ Claſſem religens 1 gere, ®*
Ts Fare hardly, p. «« or duriter vi= | wiz never his faſhion { | kim to2
tam ager qures Fuit. * This 1 dehigavi RA
To Fare well, 1s c,, * You the wor Mor bominum | upon El his body ws infigunt corpori
fare well gy ul tibi bene «/i| wen't. -* It ſuits not with the fa- | To Faſter cif
fit. ** You remnot Fare well bat | ſluon of this place, 45 To Fatten tothe , depango.
you mult 4. roait-meat, Sorex /uo| more —_— Th = iD , Fatten » configoe, co0-
e faſhion of 01d men,
nnd pr vlebis, rd, le. To Faſten under, ſu*ne&o
Fefehrace of one, dti- a, bn den pc To Falten anto, algo, anneZFo, of
© taxe on? 2 man ©
cut > _— faltion, Cum fociem videas © Faſten upon, «pprende, arripie.
A water-man's Fares noulun, porte- | efſe quantivis pretii. To] = 4 ahorlet to a plough, are-
—_ ſerr nauticay pecunia trajei- . [the Fregch Faſhion , More
To 799 hisFare, noukow ws. | [Im Faſhion, ebtinen, i For == a 5k wo eter, oe F the
Fanbo fo (com in Macedonio] Phy Gown ou: of Faſhion, de Due Fm wag nin
Jour 1con .
F of | 10-the carth,. poltus,
Fd Can _ in Fgypt ] Pho- To har Foie tt the tim {= aw, ee 90
Fa |
x — = EY || Vane only = Fail:0n, prefunt p , . aigatis; as
'| Without Faſhion, informis. firiftus. 2 oy |
— ——— ——
To Faihion, hes fn go, forme”
To Faſhion
ame Fa conforms
of = eng tm uniuſ-
farm two Faſhions, 5ifori
n many Fallons, multi faridn.
In a diverie Faihion, diſſimiliter.
_ a _ Faſhion, qued 70mme-
Aft anocher þ Faſhion, alids, aliuſ-
'hion boneftas, Civilis,
Faihonatee, poſes civiliter, de-
of ws Faſhions, bif.ymir,
Of three Faſhions, ir1f.rmis,
Of four Fiſons, gqu:drif.rme!.
many Fal melt:
Fationeds pt Bu == þ-
F + deform s.
Failuoned TH concinnus, politus,
A Faſhioner, Þgurater, formator.
Faſhion ng, 75 | =>
The Faſhions horlg, petimen.
Faſt {bound} trillar, Be (ure
you him tat, Cure ad ſiry 1n-
dans vindiunm. * He is faſt, Ne-
win” e extricare.
Le] fxus, firmus, flabills,
A woided merit:ins.
but. 2s faſt =, Fuge
iN as a5 woo -
do intro, * The Con was who
— _—_——_.
1 Fat
1A CE ATHER eter, genitcy. % He
if "ref R, P 8
- —— -
A Faſtener, eftritor Patherl (adv. ] poteres A Faukerer: t titubator,
A Faſtemag iftio, coligotioe Fath herhood
A Fa ng, 2frid n, b Fatherlmeſs $7 10791099. Fonring: Lefinr, i, titube-
A' Fat wg I ee "efayine. - —_ Bo vitieſus ——_ ehnoxi-[
a'RO ii .
To be Bk. of Falt ngs Jejunie Labe- [ y a [ ,
To keep F Faſting, intemeratuom reti-
ne/e LD
_ fm ing, 4d cibs @& pots inte-
Fart, ing days, jejunia, ſerie efuri-
Faitly ſurely] frme, tenactter.
Patty of wifey celeriter
| Clrong Hold] «gg*7,
A "Paſinels (t (b! place) locus Pre
bun uligin:ſ2 (qui circundatuy ) in»
FAT, pingwis, crnſ[u, obeſus, a
mus, * Fat paunches make lean
paters pinguis ven;er Facit ſenſum
A Fat conſtitution of body, nider.
The Fat of a hog, lardum,
A Fat tripe, «bdomen.
Fat of the kidneys, <——_
Fat in trees, e/burnum
Fat £02 ones vinuw ſpiſſum
Somewhir Fats prngnicrs Sobpinguis.
Tor Fats pings * "ping nie
$ Fat as a bro ] 1
To Fat ſachs exaſſo, meyaſſo, 0*
Feed Fat 5 prmo, pingwefacis.
To grow Fat, pingueſco, cr-feſeo.
A Far or Var, dom, cadus.
So farinos in'o a Fat, delio condere,
Fatal Ye ' tm,
Fatally, oy. for
| ate Tfatalites.
pets him as a father, Patrks in
loco eu colit, * He 15 even a Fa-
ther ro her, Pro potye buic et. * He
ſhall find me 2 kind father ro him,
Facili me wtetw potre, * Thou art
Iwillvs tothe fo 1 aft: 1671
Fetefh, fra _ dx; 2h tather
whilſt he wu a-
a= Patris * filins,
bttle Father, uhus,
To Father {own} wend:co.
To Father gpon, wputc, * We
father our fault upon her, Culpom
'noftr om illi imputonmy, * She ta-
© thers her child upon another man,
Comments eft efſe ex alia viro prerwn
AFather-in-law, ſocer marſpiter,
5: poet hn 1s PR
the Father's fide, ex ſanguine po
10s > Thor want 126
| "I s baud paternum iflbuc de
. i,
10 commit 9 Fookt. deli co F ly, pulcbr3,
| inguo, pecco, ayo Y.F by
DE ern. one
manu exienſa - >
To Fa:igate, fa'rg ule, cpa
A Fatigu: , felrgats, defatigetio, inculpatus, ew, irrepre-
F — 5, craſhties, nl A Fins, binnutus. See Fawn.
1#guedo, priguituds Faunteking, infontyuli,
To Farten, impingus, incyd FAVOUR, fover, cans, grotia,
Fatted 2 impinevatus » aginatus, Studivm. % By 4 favour, Four
AF —_ i went to curry f AB
atten uitio, ſaging- eu wons with him,
ng, imping » 'G Gratiam by & apud exum ab: tre-
A Fatren' houſe, ſoginarium, batur,
Fatwty, inpi ent; 1 Jogi The Favour [of the countemanee)
A Fouedt, cadi cerviſiarii ſipben, f- figura —_ 1s babitus,
tubuy. Sweetnels ot Favour, _ decoy,
Fiz w* [Ickion, en{is falcatur, baype, oris gratia,
A Fauleon, falco In great Favour » _poting,
' Barbary Harrod Falco libyeus, *That knive ung in fect grex
A Fau.con gentil i-_1 exdacif-| men's tavour, erit nedulo ifl cm
F— pre ont1 fu bs dyneſtis in gratis,
Ger-F 2ul-0n, acci iter maximus, | A Favour, bent bendicium
A little Fauleop, falco pullag, A Lavoug worn, munuſtukin omen
hs Faulcon, nyfizxcorax.
A F-uicon paſſenger, accipiter prre-| A Weding favour, Lemniſew —_
Faulcon ragged, eccipiter wal? They les Favour
fin pak Pops
Tanary Faulcon, accipiter Seythi- To Favour ( reſemble J offimnih,
A Fauleon great Gun) tormentum| dere. * He favours you =
mur le, ſalco mochinarins. the face, Te oe rrefert.
. 3g accipitrarius. & deffowing ot fav ours, beneficionm
A FAULT, crime exlpa, delifham, | A bog men's Favour, awhiti.
_ peccatum, vitinm, t 1s] A winning of Favour, omicitie con-
none of my fault, 4 me = eve ciliatis.
procut eff. will mike ſari Favonrable, benignur, emicu. bere-
aion ſor tha ault, Item culpam | volus, facilis, platidus,
"Me > - * He Sly 14 To put Ao aradls oonftratica
on elf, peccatums in ſe tranſ- na thi itiorem in partem
tulit, » 1 have my Les os welt opreterre?
as others, bomo ſam, bum ni nihil Fovodrabienels, denignites, condey.
A all Faulty © utes mentocs-| Favoured, heres woes fied
auir cu dy mm Chayys, gre
: | Well Fav oured, pic » 611 by
Fault, fegitium ſculur. |
At 10 Fu menda, erra- th wvoured, deformir;, wit tabs
thre, delitiven it ſe ad- M1 Favour ly, ſquat
oy A Favourer, f-ut
To 0 fad Fault, vitia onimedvertere. | A > Favourer of the people, podl
th bane yoo thy ito ders, * TA | Forewer of loathe; at
_ noth! nd fauit with | A Favouring, venie. $62
old age for, TIdil bees pod ces Not F ny, everſus,
{on wm ſecetintem. * It will be found | A »
belingum liquid repmbenſrs "To be one's pri
Fi ond! .
well found fault with, Saf repre | A Faulen, arguille proegreadis
T a Fs (i hunting] AF rock ons
o ons D 2 in er awcer, .
Fore abd pak ink A Fawchio bar pe.
To make © aut 2 Fault, \ vegreds 6 is mon | A Fawn, binnulw, cer? pullu,
dubia fer veſtigie, To Fawn, binm/wm pavers.
A Fault finder, «ccuſator, vitiorim To Fawn upon,edu/or. Mandior,cem.
|=» my [a dog and herd]
t finding, incuſatis, viticrum v Wal
of aults, mendoſus, vitie- A Fawner upon, #duletey,
roms os qu
Vichout Fault, emend9 inculpa-
_— ins A awning of De-r op enzxh,
h, &
Tn hauker in hon, hola, Pelberey , Uvs enype » go
jTo Fs ter [as threſhers) Framen- To 0 Feag one, cedere wirgir, fag
ties flageliore, |} tar
; [To cr #1 ces Fealry, Suns fdes. To
I es
— —_
PF ” AY AS 2X MM Y—rmrmwmwemns
> 0} > > 2179 0 eu SG GT nn
mn 2 nifioe— un, Inn, w
-4 ,
© O22 24
a , XX SS.
” OS” — ————
DD — —
At bore ne neſciatis dite, *
fear 1 ſhould ſee 1m, Ut ne vide.
rem. * There is no fear of it,
riculum baud eff, * It flicks
oe atque timeore attenins eff.
car [rever-nce] Reverentia.
Gr at Fear, Horror, Terror,
To Fear, at.2 Teryeo , Poerterren , 0 Fee one, þ Fang preebey
Put in Fear, F Terrefacio , Metwn a4-queſ, Convivs. Fee wh, 7x condi ">
aticut injicere, * He put them in Feat bOhdvj, berie. dum noois & beredibus mebein o-
| no (mall fear, N.n winimus ter- Rees Baeek malia, | nn,
rerir illry incuſſit. caft, adj. E is, Cinvive-, Held in Fee-farm, Poſſeſſuws ex be-
To Fear, neut- 2 Times, Prveo, Me- | Of q Feaſt, neficio
Be in Fear, tw, *I amina been ar a Fed, Epuietus, beedle, Devilis Lenguidue Sondtides.
bodily Fear, Toto corpere atque om- |Feal Convi vio exceptus, 0 make F
| nibus artibus contremiſto., * You | A Feafter, Sho, 4 To dn Fordla, —_
need not Fea”, Nibil eff _ time-
' s. * He inould not Pear to put
| it to a battel, Nn ddubiteret prec
«ww commuttere, * I fear I (am
| troubleſome to you, error 4 tibe
| grovie ſim. * Pax he canner de
; pavified, Vereoy wt ple 4 A
' To (tand in Fear, Treo,
To F-ar aw1y, Aferreo.
To Fear betore-hand, Protimes,
| To b-gin to Fear, Pretimeſs.
{ To Fear exreedingly, Horreſeo, Ex-
borreo, Pertimeſeo.
To Fear [reverence] Vereor, Reve-
; To ſhake for ſear, Contrem/co.
ſudda n madding Fear, Timor
Wi hout Fear, In'yepidur.
Without yo) adv. Intrepide,
Feared, Firnud atw. :
Feared Mien _ _M
up, Met deditronis. * For fear
you ſhould nor know it I tell you, & s Feaſt, E
be.wixt hope and frar, Aims in | om
To ſwear Fealty, Jerar9 in Virka d- os furniſh a Feat, Convivinm oppe- on Fed (nents) ps * He feo
7 >" = wran FEI To Feaſt (revel) Breckor, C ſ bg #0 £169 gud ſure! ſins
ueſe 4 "ee ome!/ or, is
To hold by p Fealty, Per pdem @ we To keep a Feaſt, bejturs Y ere, * He Led un, Comeſing. ejet,
_docienm \fenare "my Pevee kept a Faſt U20N hio | rth-Jay 4 Tr 7 $ 1tuy.
» Metws, 110 every year, Dew n - ce (reward K9,/emuney
do, * Foc fear of being yie gel . PEO tio. —_—
Pg iT 'nni; egit.
(me I-F alt, 5
ſolemac «tum ſolenne.
s Cans genialir,) A
- | Cons wr Mg Apprratus p*rſh ns.,
A eaſt, Xeyopbe,
The irft dui) at 2 Feaſt, Cone pre |
The chief diſh at a Feaſt, Coane ”_
A Feaſt [DS Epul
Feat, 2, Lhtdus, Concinnus, Ele-
var (0d ( odd Putidus Futilis,
A Feat, Facinur, Geftuwm.
Featly, Bell3, Elegontuls, _
Hz hi Fextly J-r
w begin to have Feathers, Plu-
meſeo, Penneſco,
To Feather, Plumis ornare or in
t Feather ones ones neſt, Oper corrageye,
Abundance of Fc2 hers, Pluwmeſitas.
au plume of Feathers,Crifts, plume-
The o_ diſh at a Feaſt, Cane wi-| 4 A (Fre-tmy Pre Pr drom pect-ov,
Feathers Hm eris,
cathers, L1nugo ,
Feather. a1). 2 Ptomentas, P/u*
Of Few hers, F meas,
A Feathe -bed, Culcitye plumes.
7 Feed exceſſively, » Commeſſor.
| toonts
Lawyers Fee, _
To be in Fee with, Penjrenem pres
bere or accipere.
Fees, orium mercedi condutt;
| Fee- Ample 7 erin
a —
ook Font Pat he In jenaites.
76 bE y CO Wy t Alb, Fo F:.
Ape wich abi ond 2 knock, Dutce
) tens op-
To Feed C neut. ] P V*ſcov.
* They Feed on key -
mals punico cibum carpunt. * They
go. - L, to eg =_ in
feed! Ad path a its - of -A
To Feed Eo Sos ant.
ar to cs 6 m ingerere, indere,
To Feed Kavrenouſly, Vers.
To have (ome Fezkogs Pr Pripetife |
on in Lee To Feed together Cenveſeer.
row] T Fult of F.a hers, Plumatilis, Plu- | A Feeder
i= 9g Pavidus, Treme meuty Plumo us A Ravenous Feeder, Hellw», Vorac,
ony Herri. A Feather- maker, Plumorius A Feeder of Catrle, Poſter.
| katy: A litle y h of Feathers, Piamute, Feeding Z Edex.
x boryi- | Bearing teathers, Phomiger, Penni- | Feeding on 5 *
; Greedily Feeding, Verox.
Somewhat at roy Ang Me- Without —1 —__ h A ng, Comme/tio,
ticuleſus. Implamit. A_ Feeding, a&t_ Nutritio. * Whats
morale timorouſly] Timidd, Per- | Th The Feathers of an Arrow,Ale fo ſverer was fit for foes the fie, |
018, Pav ure 4 opium er L
earfully bom) ferie Feat her-footed, Plamipes, ings Ekecite.
[Fewh F J Relig, | Princes | Feather (a flower) Ama-| A of Coerhes Ho toDepoftie.
timorouſaeſs oJ C o
| 8 Fe oy prune ſums. TO FEEL, a&t T# » Tratto, Corn
Fearfulgels ſterribleneſs) Horror, you lumatus, Pennatas. Sentio, ou to feal
Fearing, Veyitus, T Forma ovis, Figurs, me, Tentatwn adveinis, * Sehougta
[A Fear vhs F rmidatio, Trepidatio. To > Pans on oney FlagdLeve Y/irgis ce. | good to feel his mind, et
Fea lefs, mpovice, Intrep:dus. mibi ut ef tent:
[Fear 7 Fever, * I'le make him feel wy fingers
Fe ix, icis, See Fern, Jo have's Fever, Povolelto, Febre fs = 4 _
eftu * venom,
Feaſid Þ Facility quod Seri pete ft, is : » 0F puiſum arteriee perrimari, arterie
| A Fealant, Phoſtenus, ight » Febriculs, motrones expl: yore.
| A Feaſant-hen, Phoſiana. A burning Fever, Conſon, onis, To Feel + Palpo, Pertento.
0 Feaſe, Fl Virgis cadive, | A nul , 5 continue. | To Feel of the hammer
A FEAST, C:nvi Gena, s.1 F ſh, Febyrculoſus. (a \miths ) Duci, Malles ea |
+ A Feaſt for an Bmperour, Con- | Fever- wort, Felyifuge. tendt.
| Viyium fertticun, * He went | Feb ua;y ins, To begin to Feel, (ſts.
not to Feaſts, Conuivia non imbat, . A Feeling, Atrreddatio, T:i9. ;
| 7 He makes feaſt witbour wine Ferandey (mul @) ſecundit The ſenſe of cling ToguuySenſar
reve ſacyi me ne oc a. ]
[To Feaſt, Eputer Fed (of feed eed) Paſs Wu hout F,
ol — fe
Fe c
To Fei
yf *gn
« "er
a'Y, Excurſi0,
2 gn, (: "ps 01
To Feign [invent] Te Comm
fecling,Compoſſm, ſympathis;
op cogitatio,
for, wn rdy
od, Files
Fe gned holineſs, Hipocriſis.
2d marrer,
Fel |
y.- ner, Filtor
> Filtio, $
] Mentior, Ementior.
ey, See Fic,
A Feiſt, Cr a Suydus,
-__ 1n Hawks, Accipitrum
Fail Nofthe Felanders, Lumbricis ls-
A Felifare, © Collurio,
Feliety, Futiey
itous, Felix
$1.5 Beat1.udo,
in Lieflond) Felinum.
a womans name
womans name
Fell Ay 22004
they were retreat
_ —_
Hei He TP a Tpeaki
enm ſermonens incedit.
To be F |
A Fell { 7 Rn T5
A LD monger Pellio, Pellicavins.
I FELL (of fall Cecidt. * 7
_ down to the ground as thic!
as hops, Tom crebri ad terram acci-
debont quam pre. * He fell upcn
them without begs, Sine metu con-
exrrit, * They Fell upon them as as
ws. * Th Recedentibus
word fell from Flies "Non voz wile
excidit ej, * He fe fell
ane, e t
eftate bell bo ip/o difceſſ
» "Hes
. h:er
eſtate Fell to her d her | T
Is Hujus fie & eli ore
Fell aſlees, Sex:nus 0
l%s fieri baud pagvit.
ith Diis -— jy a * It be
ut very or me
| Fg 1 'yM ® "Theſe chi go
» Li,
eles of 8 Crt
ny t.
Tx, Trucu-
ng of | of i it, In
lackry oO
rom IR Com-
nw blica defecerunt.
e ſoldiers Fell off from
dowa at the
s ImPper ato.
5 Sg into 2
* That
Heveditos mihi
* It Fell our
Felly, Atrociter.
A Fellen (ſore) Furunculus, Pareny-
A Fellou Chief] Fur.
A Fellony, Furtum, Crimen guedvis A La, noe, Vallum, Lovice, Sepimen-
majus p erumone copitale,
Fellonious Nefar ins,
F comenly
AFELLOW C(eompanion] Secins,
Sedalts, Crmes.
are m
A Chamber
Fellow, $0),
Of a Fellow
del: tian
Fek ſofr
lan co
_ iis 0 Tet
A Female, Few
A Fellow [e
* Theſe F
" Colleteneus.
low Contubernilig.
A younz Fellow. fuvenis.
An old Fellow, Srnex.
A pretty Fel ow, Betfur b:mmo,
A Fellow-feelng, Sympa'bia.
A Fellow-ſouldier. C:ymmblito.
A Fellow-crvant, Conſfervns, Con-
Fellow- -worker, Cooper ar ivy,
opartner] Partiovies,
S :cralis.
Jo |rliow: 1 ke, Fetal Y ;
© Fel ow %, Pay jJungere.
* He isnot to Ne fellowed. for a |
be —— Artifex lenge citre os |
Fellewihipy Sccietar, Sodrlitas, $0- A FeofFment in \erult, is þ
Felt, Lone coalte, Sufcoolts, cum
venerunt| A Felc, Petar Cooltilir, Gulerns 3
l et it Fell our Gs.
&fs $i id culpa ſe-| A
minor, Phoſelns,
Fieminess, Famininas,
A Female Drazon, Drocens.
» H:lleSwrum biſce _-
's opus. * They thought them-
Ives to be fine F:llows, $i5! am-
liffemi eſſe videbntur, * He has 2
in4 of covetous f-1'ow to hrs fa-
thats Habet patrem quendams avi»
N Fellow ma*ch] Par, cris.
A baſe Fellow, H ons, * uh,
he were never ſo baſe a Feliow,Ut
turpi ſimu eſſet,
A mangidg- cr Homo c:mui-
To o play the good fellow, Pergre- Feni
A Fellow in Office, Co/legs.
A Bed fellow,
2; Fellow!hip in Service , Cenfſervi- | Ferden [in Sexony] Vera.
Fit 2.06 hold Felldwſhip with, Socia- ——_—_ (a mans name) Ferd-
To JO in Fellowhip, Sccis, Aſſo- Ferdw
«| Joined in Fellowſhip, C-nſociatus,
Payng Feilowſhip cf, Cenſcre.
Fellowſhip with, C.mmery-
cinm cum aliquo babere.
Felwort ( reat ) Gentiens myey.
e dwa f} Gentianella ſw-
4 Felo de ſe, - Q«i ſibi mortems ctn-
c 1 .
A Felt-fock; Udo cilicius, Impile.
To ——_ of Felt, 6 lans cootta cone
hen} ficer
ade wer ar, Bubocotiiils,7
Felt-maker, Lonorum
0 Feker [intangle} Intrice, Im
= oY Imp ww
| Fine Fences Ca Daniſh INand] Femere,
em.nine, Fzxmineur.
Fen [a river in Syri 1] Orontes.
Tot Fenee
0 Fence away a iiroak, Tum «-
vertere, Penitionem dejerguere, clypes
ok 7 or
enocd, Munituys.
Fenced (eneloſed) Septns,
Fence”, Glodiator, Lanifte,
A Fencing, Digladriatio.
The Art of Feneing, Gladieturs,
A Fencing-cully (term in Canting)
2s ablatorwmn receptor @ occul-
A Fenei -ſchool, Pugillat
a L4uS % Pres rim,
fie \Fen-gnat, Culex paluſtris.
Fu + Fenns, P 1u1, ſus.
Fennel, Fenicu/um.
Fennel-g:aat, Feruls.
[To Feofiee, Feuds donove.
Feof ſer, Fider comm ſſaris arivs.
duciayi 1,
; Feracnty, Feracitsr, Facundites.
it, Formule juris qui Rex
micidio in exercitu perpetr ato ig”,
Dh: Fere [in France] bara.
*erentin>{ in Jtrly) Ferentinem.
\ Ferkin, Dotium, Qurdrantal.
\ Ferling Q#:1to pars denarii.
*ermanagh _— (in Irelond)
Mo gen
Fermary. Nc:
To Fermen (n:ut ny y ny Riſe
To Ferment at.) Fermento
To Fe ( Lowry
= in I. tenorts.
Fermentared F Fermentate,
— ſin ” = a
> Þ 27 3
- [in Lialy] Ferraricy fon
Ne » (the family) De Ferrarits,
[- Fercet,
- Mae Fertibey Fecandatus,
erat N
Fenceneſa, > Fertilitor,
Fertilly, Fertiliter,
Fervency, Far vor, Animi av
Fervent, Fervidus _— yg —_
[0 be Fervent, Ferves, A-deo.
Fervently, Frrvids, Ardenter,
Ferren:n2ſs, Ferver,
A Ferula, Ferule, Palmitorium.
To Ferulate, Ferula percutere,
An Iron-ferrule, Annulas ferreus.
a 6-9 Frag ici cam-
relation neon
evi, 7 LE
+ oy vs ny
Solemn Feſtive, wie, 4+ -
rtbrou (men) > 7 = us
A Fetch
D tvr. TI b,
TO Dew ih Conf Pits, A pay
* He ferches it out paige fire, 4
hey were te eh'd as far as the
$ of (0 Accerſabontur
ora Freto Sic
To Fetch again, Kepeto, Revoco,
To Feteh brea'h, Keſpivo, *
To Fetch out, Depromo.
To Fetch ones tieze ind leap, Ex
precurſu ſahvee.
To Feed | in his debts, Relegore pecu- | A
Fob Fi pre ego d-cey
To Feieh a blow, Librare iflum. Mendox. ys
To Fetch in, Þmporto. The Fibres of Muſcles, Fibre.
To Fetch up ( equ*r, | Fibrowr _ dr hb
Petitus, * A far Fetched | Pull of Fibtes FF: u%%,
ed Alt 4 te erati», * For | Fickle, Inconfenes I :
were a gn | Fieklely, onter, Lewter
P acey Ut peregrd accitus er ot, F:cki-ne's, Ipconftont1e
—_— oP, equut! ſunt. Fiction, new, (ts |
A Fetcher, tn opt /
nd the pls Ein Africa } Feyqa , Volu-
2 Ros febrix.
everfew, Matvicoric, = ow
mp o'ts,
runs s (in in Fence)” Forum Srguſeant
PEW, Pouci, * He icbut for hav-
ing 2 few Jidust
ne » One men ware (6 fow tha
things ; SAMA is prop-
oy Poncitatem Berl nity! peteret,
laces of the world are in-
bited. Habitatur terre raris in
= * I will fee w thin
ems te wide-
In Few Powcir, Brevi.
FEWE ITN itis 5 os. 8 ary”:
lum 1 * Where no
the fire goes out, j © ys ceyere —_ Foo
bero friget venus, * Add
eumersCrrercrvieum. ;
To Fey 3 thin Oh nas, Har, Raritos.
(0) a
Y mg Pen prragere ;
Laudab;liter con-
Fs. ,
The Kingdom of Fez Regruns Fey - i
yoann, _ (
Fianone (in Iſftria] Flan'ne, Fle-
0 Ferrer ev y» Conquiro, , A fetcher in Impertator A Fid s aper ien-
Szngulos Bo foes oy angula,” : | A Fetoher of water, equetor. dum Ul por
Ferrered, Exturbatus Fetches, ” ConPortons AF Sdical, fpdoaricitbays.
A Ferreter, Conguiſitor, "a Fercfing No fron * Whit he | To Fiddle, citbors cenere.
Ferrete (in Germany] Ferrets. eng his ſtroek, Oleped dow To Fiddle Lento] .
yt 'N Jem, Ferrarie. in —_ ” hey efonp 1 Ard fk
erry, Trajetius, fs. -T compaſs t looped ddle
A Pe Ferry: -boar, the Guar £0 L:ngiore civenity cuſto- To > be Fiddiing up and down, di/-
A Horſe-Ferry boat, Hippago. <1 91 vita
A Ferry-man, Portitor. Fetching, —, WI Fdehiy, Fidelitas, Veracitas.
A Ferry- woman Portitris, A Fetching of water, Aqu1tio. To Filge, Diſcurro
To Ferry over, Trajicio, Fetid ) Fetigus. DELys Fiducioring.
Fermiage, Nauhom, $»rg nautice. Fet-locks, Ciryi, Subcirri.. Fie, Vaob. .
La Ferte fur Aube fin Champagne] 6G pals -Joint,(.oarticulatio cn | A Fief, py roman 07108.
Firmitas ad rs of A FIEL X3 © When rhat fa-
Laf:rre ſous — (in the Brie) Fortes loo = Vinculs,Pedice, by was fought, Is fetaii
Frymitas Aucu To Fet ay —w—— in- ofenef
La Fe ® n—_— a [inthe Moin]Fir- | durre, Com eld Gf a Seutcheon) avee, ſo-
mit's Beynir Ferrered, mp uy ir .
Fertile, Fete, Ferax. A Fe*'tering, Pedumn conftrittio. little Fie'd, ogelns,
To be Fertile, A'nndo. To Fettle, Se un ad aliquid, A Plain field, compus, ple nities,
fh aan Fertile} r.unds, Ae gr:dior. -— - tp ager compoſeuus.
Fertilize, n-Fie
A fallow F.e!d, «ger novalir.
Of the
To refi reid in the Fields, is agrie
rs challenge one the Field, in «-
| aricjews emit>
Togointo in arenm
To takethe ym de
—__ uw Cenhenarns, venire
T-E- ts /Fiel, hes loco forma
A Fieid-fow? — arven/\y,
AF (acid emon.
.creely, fercciter, ZH
Fzercene tas, feracis, ſoeviiis,
To —_ wif, Suppede, = ou
ventri: fletus.
A Too mwelite ws,
To Fetch ones ficze and leap, Ex
{cons of's Fox) Finus,S'ev - as
To Fib =q cant
o Fib (in ing language ) [
Field [ad Fel, b Flo hw * When [|
dd ang battle, quum acie decey- |.
Tow win - 7 Field, vincere, ſupwiv |
evadeye. # If Turnus win the Field,
wort, ficer!
R:oko (in = er) Achnon.
Figena C in Iniz Cr byela, þ Epbe-
horſe being engaged in yC0mte
nie ad cps ihus proelvo, * it came
to a Fight, res ad mans etgue fug-
num veniebat
To Fight, pugno, ccafiiee. dimicy
concerts, cngredicr. * Bring a-
bout to Fight his laſt bottle, uti-
mum pretinm iciturus. *Frght Dog |
F-ght bear, ne depugnes in oli
At ouriſh b. fore the Fight, Prets- |
To Fight againf, Oppugnt, Ke-
ght at ſharps, Ad ceriues di
the fiſts, - 6,9 BY
Toight with
To Frghe hand to hand,
z certare wn monomarhia, ds.
tb f
NECN ok wand, - digladiari,
to Fake, Pugneri-
I for Fight, Procinftvr.
ors A + Pugnuatorius
dia on tor, Conferter, di-
Ws dicetio, KEVLL
A” Counterfeit Fighting, Sciome-
(Qureds Fignretes, _
F-gunecery p fereos, 9
Filanders, See Felanders.
2 Pre.
Full of Fvaments,
A Fil-beard, Nt ave [ajo
ablonga, cortice tonui }
The \lbeard-trer, Hwllens orbory,
The red Fill-beard, Avebors Om
RDY A ETSs.—O OC ——_ ——
A FIG AT, Pugne, Profieg. * The | a Frle
folviſcala limando davaſus. »
File [in Heraldry) Lign's.
A File of pearl, Lines hace
Great File-duft » Scobs,
dyes writings, © Filum qu1
Fe- ile of Souldiers, Ordo militen
Secundum profunitatem. * Double
the files. ———_— duplica.
To march by File _ farie ive,
File into 2 march di m0 or-
_ _— Bios. ſerie ini*+
A FE tle- des. iy
Jos (0 Gn og 917 Filecums.
lim 14s.
& ooapnrnd Limetalus,
fre, Lim poli tus,
F a, Fits. "EAGER
Fibippo (in ye Bens gh
F appr
To Fight it out, acie decertare, de- |
A figure [njer, genetbliatury fati_ 71
| il; li, (in Throce] Pb
I to, * Mourning fil-
os FILL. rely Opplows t urbem bes fac
To Fin 2$ 2 bladder, diftendo,
To Fill
To Flt 70's þ Sho
0 Fill mens ears wr "words, 66-
minem axres ftrmonibus refer-
TS 9 Fillwich PRAGA ex=
To Fil owe Bat
To have
niſs poteſt « * T
fave not t ri of i wires
tem datur. * He he will
ve his Fill of love, ſatietatem
amoris ait ſe velle ſumere,
Y = with —-y ſatur s-
|Filles Pu, Expletur, appletus, dif-
y To be filled explt
ebilis, *
lemor colour. Color frondis eneey-
The Filler (fll-horſe] equuy carys
A Filler, s otiotor,
A Filler of Veal, Coxe vitaling ar-
The ſquare F Ret ofa pillar, obaces.
a Fnars old, equn/s anni
Fins ones, forctur £.
10% ex >
A F.Ning up
y fineh, Chieris.
A Thiſtle- fineh, Corduetis,
FIL FIL by wana;
All unſavou mriſts, A Fill «-b:zard , Corglernmm, uu
Atl ol ig9 6: Cotes Frecelfa- To Pilch, fr ; nie Jams," in nl 4 I® FREE
c*re, ne pili _——= ft ah by A Jucher, Ws WI, -— by (the Saturgtic ex.
Pg C26). Epc ormu Filching, fartivs AF lip, Talitras,
JOfaFig $5* : F, ſarreptionſabdadto, To Filip, Taliirum impingere, ta
4 tree (36). Ficytneus, Pllchings ; ſuriive litvo ferive,
P _—_ m_ m—_ An be, fo Limatul py # —_—_ brain,
4 it py .
as _ t Fig trees, Sertum, a ſooih File, Plenals Fly." hp = |
0 Limo, my, Membronaceus, menbr
toFg F.g up ip and Cown, curſito, To File aſunder, Lind perterere. fas. , '*
Fig- pecker, 2 em » Squatins. 8 Filter {ſtrain through a felt}
Files, $accatus,
Filtratioa 5 /*ccatio.
FILTH, Sordes, Spwrcities.
y filch of any t walked, pro-
The! Fith fvage « out of a room,
The Find "Filth " whe noſe, ways, |
Filthy. Che Er us firdes.
Lt) nd
A — pou = fotta, PA
» con/purco,
lthy, conſpurcotis
Fiſhy nk og E hy, caſÞrctic 1emw1-
Filme immunditia, tur pitude,
ombic hemp, cantabir eftive, Mre-
A Fin of a fiſh, piane/
The Fig fore chamer (fowl) Tre-
Fnled Cn G Genes) Finolium.
Fi — denguey demum, od exint-
AE Finance, Subqueſtor, falienetin
he Finanoes, Ratitur þ[ct,
fineh ingils.
P >
TOR inv-.nio, veperio, effen-
cannot in my brother
— ES up nor —_— Frotvem
ped gr or S_
may. hearty inceſt
coud fi
hart bw *1's ribengs 1 Yor #+
to wate
new ret. * He mn FE 7
xercebo t orium 115 facy-
p- wall find a find Lh-1,
oreep ©
* Yon find eruble FER
Uhbigue _ cel fy Z
without euſc, 4
T hare without 2 Muſe, vics —_
Fug it En: ra199,
good Afquem cenſere.
To find fault ; wichs incufo, repreber-
WE== CERES * The
tu bis vebus ſumpten fuego 1
— — dt Ee a.
S 3
ERE2% 2 SY
X37 57
"$9" 3 FI ?
—_ ———
ToFind = oo thi
fine thing » Pulchr
mo fi
Tor make Fine, Cencinno,
Made che ©
|A making wy
Fine force,
A Fine,
ver 4 Fin? UpPcR,
inen: = E legontia, nitor,
ToP Fine-draw z
To Ars by ſearch, in
, excgi-
Y LI, by» Jopoobent
* Theſe arc fin: things "oftalk of,
Its lepida ſunt menvars * You |F
ie him Sevens Peflits nu-
s, Mundvs.
thy pure Parns 's, Swhtelrs,
Sonewhat Fines Elegoninlny, Folito|
Man of
Tol Five. pod Purifico, De-.
F hevin C
Th 2 Geri Lie Conng
To pay on:s Fine, Judicatuwm ſol-
To take off ones Fine, Alicui mel.
| fm. Alicut
wulitom inypo-
To theemten L Fine Ons s Mica) [Ns
Fine C pur putified) ea tis
Fingy, Seitds bells, poiitd, nitide,
Ad polituram ſor-
To ne-er (in) » Joincry
ery ] Ferre-
ligne ex»
finds , The for:
The s
» Index, digitus ſa
Funger, Verpgogdigttss
To fprexd, the Fingers, Digites diſ-
then-fogs, Digitns annularis,
Th Bars Digits auricu- '
The Ji tle finger, F 2is
little Fi
Tor, EET ne
fy *ns jun lace-
co + ghoupd
inger of a -” Di itale.
1es- finger, Antbytlis / geenimſe.
- fern, 3
Finger » a4). ing, Digits
CET gh: Finger, Pies of:
iA Fin \ Fingers be nets reve
Not 1 Ropgers breadth » Ns loturs
quidem 4: gitum
For Euagers \dreadch », Quadronte-
At "the Fingers ends, . Perſe, ad
Final, YC calrmiflre' ws,cin-
+c1nn aus man'2 5 aher's Uh
"nat: city affettator ftud vg
A Fining [n
- =>
or 1m.
RE Pereths
thus, conſumm tus
= Finulhed, A\ſolutus, ex-
NotFun hed, Imiper felis, Inexple-
A F.aither, Þ jp_ |
a fly me X
perfectis, enmaCn,
concliſf 10.
Finue, YS. itns
[Fore marine [Sea-fennel) Crith-
Pialead Ti in Scandinevis } Finns,
[Th he Fw anders, Fenni , Phinnd, &+
The Finnof a Fiſh, Pinne,,ale, | |
tons PIs Fums Pirnates. '
Auer of Metah Metolli purg ater, = Fl the Dukedamof þ
urificator. Porme } Florentiols.
Finew, rw? FIRE,
16s, fitu . AF f
a I-75 Digans. "Neomeie A. Hellews Fire, 1gnis $, Hime | The
Tx » þ _
TALE. - 10 _
[] e e » . i
» My F1 + Geftnm wn! i 1; fre, Fren .
| Pugot. .* @ wer F -|A i fore ] PhlyQene.
imo negot brachis. _* His | To Incends. , nflguant.
Fingers are - Mibkerss | Set on Fire, F * He bai Fire
vir eft ungulis, * e it at my ſoccends juſft.
Fin In Scip ganenems ami On Fire, inc * All on i | din
bis =p in the ew. when 1 tus.
out fom- ire, go, igne/
e996 wremns mY om ce
Perfeltus , Rat Pera- A
Inexpler | age
| a ae
GA Pres af +7 or |
To firike Fire, ignem #xcxtere, eli-
Ta make a F.ce, Lignizs focum ex-
To mend he Fire, Prewn veconcin-
To Fire at, anon? oe.
1e-drakes, P pet
A Fire-flone, Pyri
Al Fire-br is,
\ Fire-brand of NO Fox
MprodR Pont gu
A Fine | 1Heol/us, Fen "i
Fi bt Q incen
To Fink, F ty werwt fer)
5; f Ea:
Fir, ad).
Of Fir, 5 Pieqns-
Fi, Ft Fur-grees » Sybve abi-
ponent ttt
A Firt
Fifcells }
wo! rt FIX FLA”
FileeſNo [ a Mountain in Tray ft. - * 1s chis think naute piſtes netentes trenſodigunt
Uus. Fir eo be ken 7 An boc tibi To Fizzle, Frequenter @
A rr Piſtir '* Alf is F.ſh that iebtor > Vin To e, ſi! _—
comes Nets 1'benu orld more aA is Fit, Atten- ellis, wvidas,
odry ex 4x op a—mn tier ad vem quam ſat e % A Fi , l, Flabelium.
A lttle da Piſticulas. To Fit, 2 Accommudor. His ſhooes| F accidns,
Be Fir, F fit his feet, Apte ad A-Flacker, UV;ier formam debens th-
Puna filt, Conchs, Piſcerius,piſ-| prdem calcet, * This Furs his Pa
i{h , , , i
ad). d). 2 Piſcoterini iſcarius,p =. Ad genium un /o nt, * This| A A Flag, VexiVun
Fit many
[Fu broth th, 2 Alrculey Gann we- > Hflas of hoc mid? ad mul; Jt Flag, "T=pet
yas: rare.
Torn Acccnins do , apo, , Flag, —a_ «quaice,Cipow|
omtipien - a Fit his $ —— r= Sweet Gar Plas Ae
it his r x
The Lo "Marker Pies Py” wat ery” * They 2 EY
A iy th- 'P . make r Ships aves ex- Gladiolus equet
A Filty vale, $ / © =" : pot Fag wid t [ apa Iris
iſh-ſpawn, Piſcrum ove. Fit at all Po'rits,, Arm, inf. oe. tris.
Frelh-water Filh, Prſcis. fviatilis. | A Fit, Acceſſw, p . * Hej To Flag, Flzc ſees xe,
Sea-fiſh, Piſeis mmwinus has every Year an il] Fit, Quoten Flagaga [ part of Ae] Þphe
Salt- -fiths $alſamenta, ns muris | 1115 periculose agretet, # We mult
have a ſeolding! Fit, Pareto ſunt F lageolee, Fifuls.
TT Fi Piſter tites. now ſtrike up and | Fiaggy,
ToF Fi e Kaul" Fo dhe nm fits. give us a Ir Jem infia buc- Flaggy in Linum ſapieng,
| Let ymiare, 1o-| ©28 epidom Sox cantiemm | T grow F » Len: 'ofes.
To frore with Fiſh 0 For Ft gr Tempus Flagg 0 lorektty marcidus
0 t 5 .
] Stored A x Fiſh Gvjens chem. | os Fits, Hic @ rac PRnc. lene egy Dp,
A 5Senati Fit { Mateh } Socio, pay adjun- To
| Pulf of Pit Pueeur Poſcutontus, V . Rp wa 2d Hung Plagg me, 7 us, penn
Dip eters. _ | Fitted af ck Elagtious picked Fen ] Flegitiow.
A Filh-eater, i@byzopbagus. .
JFulbed, _ ang | Made Fi a pr: Fls = pn
[inrns mplements, Afms piſ- w wants Accommatir, concinne. Um Jagtuun, fo
| A*F ilice-boats Lembiis| Lambuncu- Fivings - X,, | A Flake oi x Nivis eceus,
F\ Was, 4 Fain of lee, Glocior fu
' The Fitertng © Bad 3 Lon yy A Facing donna, Megs lakes that Gy from hammer'd Iron
Fl, Apte, «ccommod2,congruenter, | Strifture,
Fe Hog. Poſeor Fiſe ws FP Me Aptitude Flix bul
/ x I 0
PE oth 14 __ _ hd | "ime, Opportunites. A Flam | put off ] Prefextu,
£0 aF
q Fitch, Vicie. To Flam ove, D os
| Yr _—— A_ Fibcher, 2Puorius, viverre feti- | A Flame, a 3
| A Filhing-rod, Arundo, calomur. F itchow, day furo. A Iirle Flame, Flommule,
| AF Cetarixs, Piſcarins, | Crolv-titchet,' Crux ocaminele. To Fame, Flow, flagro.
omen. _ Salt- filb, Sol- a Fitter, a9 Peers To Flate again, Rad .
| To on into bruftulotin con- | To begin to Flommeſto.
on n
iſces leftacei.
To Fa - —þ4 © ſtave, Fun ies Gcofory (th the Family] Fits ey Y
To Fi:k about, 4 - : 1« ke) $ Fiennes.
a. wy about, Cu: J Naſt, a xz Maurioe, Filius Manriliy, Wc. bv hat like
mes (10 Fronce PRE, ad fines. Flaming, Flz 08
A Fiſſure ( cleft ] Fiſure. The Five, Low entas, adis. Flaming |
Fiſt, Pugnus; Of Five, vnorins, Flanders s Lone Sf The the Netherton) |
To beat one with his Fiſt Pugnis | Five times, Quingu Flandy |
. __ —_— he - times as mah, "Quint ETD Mitte, btw | laters. p
| (+) at nis cey* | Five years, MNquennmm. [4] t ianks icftiy, ,
| 4 Hs V 's F1 ola, Quinquennis, an L, wer Spit,
A F.ſtich-nut, Peotions. Of Five years Q«1nquennaliv. TTo F ters prot
| |
| 4 Eilt ro Filt, C YT ve- finger, a1tla marina. 4.
Filtula, Fijulsy + | Freefold, Quintuplex. | . - nan the Flank, Tra |
| tus, Ac Fivefoldly, Purniuliciter. verſum mcur
, oppoſitus, opportunus,"ideneus, * He | Five days go, Nudiaſquintus, Flanked, 4 proteltus.
1s not fit to be (ent Yon tne Five leav? red, Os {000 \& PRabers In cornibus lecatus, :
| 4s = mittatur. o is | Fire} Flanker Mens propugnaculis 1
or Df Five Totere munive.
f ay 0g, Ws rs Five hundredth Flamn:l, onus bibuls &
Firm Þ m0 ef. Ro ungdr =y
than is-fit. ##us Juſto vebit, * As red þ ED , 4
fit an O
| iy tcp ne porter Fire math, 4 to wii Fiat the Bare Labus emit
+ weeds igom Rte we - Qsjate 6
Ts Fx im the Barth, a Fi -ian Bs Colrptw
"Ge Ml Be 25 pre" kak! o Fix a Gun, Trmenay/epere, | The Flap of the Thee, Eng
© Fix # Gun, Tormen'uw aptere. ' | The F of the Throa*, Eprgieth
if When | Fixedly, CGnftente c ntem, ori (irkeJ fol pn [«
i por eft x f 0
BD: Biry xn Lees Fixer, Defane. * oF. eogrher Plone Plenge, /| |
[iep's 6 cite; A Frxer
In lee verentur, t AF 1iDE, Defzia. Te mjibs,
tall be done, Fient gue fieri A Frog. FR NN id [Fs pow: ifio,
n _ OI I I IS ee A
I "
mr re nn ———_—_—_
To 0 flare, re, Fluttue, Ven'tor.
Flan as Sh: pJ Surerimpenders
a £ _ 7 Lighia, vg or of light)
AB 'of fire, Crrutatio.
A fialh of water, Ague emiſſe.
A tlaſh { ſudden ſpurt ] Impetus.
To till, Fulg wro.
To Kath out, Emico.
To tlath as wa er, Afſitho.
A father of t Waters perfor
A flaiing of water, Aſper py inis
The fla/ing ”w — Corncatio, ful-
watie, mical
Flalby, Moliis, Lanes, dilutus, inſt-
idus, fatuns.
Flaily in D.Jcourſe, Inſub:idus,
Flally [0 not lating ] Eveniguryſu- | 1
A flaik [ flagon ] L1gens.
a = [ bore ] Amgula vimine
IM calakhburs,
corbrsy copbinus, ſporia.
FLAT, naies onus. * He took
me in # flat lye, oy mend «ci pre-
henit mmnife flo m: do.
op. (I Aquo, compleno,
Tothrow flat cn the ground, Pre-
frm, c-nfterno, * He threw her
: on the grounds Strovit bumi
grom lingot of L mins,
{qo day atus. * Flat
on his Belly, Pronus in ventre,
Flat-noſed, $.onus, Camry.
Somewbat flat-noſed, Simulus.
A far or thin ſlate, Scondul 1,
A fiat picce of — —_-
7 oo < oe
are on thole Coaſts, MN Me 207 um
lecorwn vada n - By le drives
them among t 2ts and ſands,
In breria & ſyrtes wget.
A flat note, Sinus gravis.
Flac, ay. Rn " They ſound
F/atly, flat, n—_ ſenant.
Fly in Language,
flatly, Proeci ———
pen AEquilitas, planities.
Flatred, F.quntus, complanates.
To FLATTER, Atubr, oſenter,
nz * T flatrer Yarus,
Art's IV oarxi ſervinnt, * Think not
I lay this to flatter you, Noli me
Mare beet euriius turs dave.
0 flatter a letle, SubMendior, ſup- | F
A Fer for a Dinner, Pareſi-
Flattered, De
Not to be | == o Ineduldbilis.
A fitterer, Adulator , Aſentotor,
ery, Aculatio, Bland imen-
A Flatterin?, tum, delinimentuns.
* Fiartery now adays gets fricnds
Obfequinas boc temps amices pe-
of | Flaterys Adulaterius , Aſſenta-
| Faattering, Blndus,. Blanditivy.
us op bo ws 4 va L yes, Qoulis inflay | A Aartering Knavey Gn tbe, Paya-
A flattering tale, Aſſentetienculs.
& Aateer.n W « 0% Adu'atr ixe.
Flatulen'y Ono) Poſh: f$a-} The
Fiatulent, | warner flatwoſur.”
Flavigny C in Burgundy } Flavia
Fdumum, Flovimacum.
A Fleun h ( in Heraliry J Figme
To flaunt it, Nti# veftivi,
Fluwn:ns, Delicar? am(t er.
F Fm Wenches , Moliitey ve-
A flaw, Vitiem, defeur.
A flaw ma —_L, 1ur 4.
Hai flaw, Rimas a —_
Flax unſpun, Linum inſeftwm.
A trke of flax, Ln 1m npuins,
A L flax, Linedrum
0 try Linam © non,
Boy! flux, Liniger,
A flax-finch, Linip6b9.
A flax- plat, Ligarium
A flax-comb, Petten od linum car-
F, 4
Seller of f flok, 3 Linovins, Linipels.
A flax-wom an, St a, linfex,
Wild fawn $ Gnas Jyfvejtre , ofy-
Of oe: flax Y
The fac part of any thing, Pla- c
To look Ficasy Vinari gulices,
F = fleas, Palicoſus.
Flee-bitin 3, news fulicine, * Theſe
but bit. ns, F.lis nunc ca-
4 Linen [ colour } Ex albo ſuſ-
Fles 9h. > Pulicoris, pulicinus,
[To flew, Excorio, deglubo, peliem de-
— Excoriatus.
A flexaer, Excoriator.
A fleaing, Excoriatio,
Flea v _
Flea-wort, P/yur
A ati, Crates ( (Ex fſeribus for- | A
Fleam, 9 —* See Phlegm.
Flecked ( \CArhafe] Queens
= q— _
Fled unto, Fags petitus,
Fled oug, gMge
Ehedge, Penn:twe.
To begin to be Fledged , Plame-
[+] flee, I'olare.
A Ficece, Vellus, eris.
Tho Golden Fleece, VL Phryxe-
Tot FIY [> Bryn * He
i Detonjit ilum euro.
Flax wel by on the Diſtaff, Penſum, fta- Fr
Fleeeed, Detonſus,
A Fleecing.
To Fleer, Irr:des.
& Fleet, CLlaffir. S When hey ha had
thus £qui their a
do a2 WOT "_
by no x (Palo) Carey ad an,-
Lhk C ri, bY Cotes, veksx. |
To fleet or flit, Flu, farts, fultus.
To flee: MIk , Lott eyemoron adi-
Spott a.
Flegmatck, Pblegnyticur,
'" + pitwits.
vot of F gm, Pituiie glolulu.
To i pit out Fg, Excreo.
Fs Pituitoſus
Smet Too Fagitivi cdmiſſing
Fi Fiming Gingive ſecretio or lax-
» Flandey.
Fientongh fin Denmark] Flenſ-
i Fleche Ci - os ] Flex:8.
A Title © feſt, » " Carniculs , Corn»
Flett-eolour Carneolur, Corneus,
The fly, Muſes cormvers,
F meat, Cooney: —_
ro get fleth, Fiagapts
Amenicd in fieit, O'eſier Felito,
083 ſagin tus.
0 take fl-
To make bare of fleſh,
To go the way of all
— vita defungi, «d
Living on fleſ, Cornivorue.
To fi-ih ones Corne imbuere, |
b She
T) >»
L., a. is, Mater.
Fleihly, Cornolis.
Fleſh] »£ ady. Carne.
ven to othe fleſh J Zibi-
Fletw:t, Mu 8 exlegibas Wy fu-
Fledwit, 3 gitivis inditts a4 paces
a= Im "np
erriculum, It
I flew ( of ani. * She
fey in 0 Jak » Rejilentens
Flexan' —@ deſertus
Flexibilicy nr om den) / flex-
F eo Flexidihs, /ent
41eX1 » YI010s, uf,
Flexible { caſic to be intreated J
lexi1bleneſs, Faciliter.
o© fl.cker { flutter } Atlas mutita-
Flicker ng, Fr gu, jettstus.
A Lg + _ Holand J Few
A little Flic, Muſculs.
An Ox flie, Tob-nw.
A Gad-fle, Aptns, oo =
LD —
Of a Fiz, $ Muſtarius.
A Fly-flap, Muſcarium,
Fly-biows, Eulayum cvs. _
To F-y-blow, Entarum ovis infice-
re, imp'ere, "
TO FLl&, Volo, ohis niti, * He
would Fhe but he w-nts Feath:rs,
fine pennrs wilare baud facrlt ejt.* It
fics like an Arrow out of a Bow,
n 40 cittf;zs velucyigue ſagittd fugtt.
To Flic abroad [ as News } Dims-
n Te 111 vulgus, :
To Flie about, Crreumvolito,
To Flie againft, O5vel vc,
To Flie back, R:fugis, Kevols,
To Fhe b*fore, Prev-lo.
To Flic beyond, 2 Pretervels.
awk ] Ad avicu as diveviere,
To Fl'c at ( as a Dog ] Impeto.
To Fliecown, Devoto, ;
To Fhlis far, Prorolo, prof-g'o.
AS 1a'tas !hecan Fle, Volats quam
0 Flic groſs [ as a Hawk ] Aves
vondioves impeieve. :
To Fhe high. I ſublime ferri.
To Flie hither an4 thaher, Dif
" a
10 Flie in, Invcl:, * I can hardly
yoop ay ſelf trom flying in his
race, Vix me coniineo quin In ca-
iWum involem. -
To b-t Flie (-n hooting] Diſpkds.
To Fhie over, Swpervalo, tranfvolo,
10 Fhe out. Evc/o,
To Flie out in Expences, Inmmedi-
£ 5 ſumnpi»ss facere
To Fire from place to place, Tranſ
wato, Tr ansfugt).
;To Flix for Refuge, Perfſugio _
10 Fhe (run away) ſugi:, eufugio,
| * They were ready ro Flie, Fene
terga verterunt. * He made him
Fhe out of Mecedenia, Corgit 6
Macedon;n profugere.
To Fle rogeth-r, Conv: bo, ecnfſuet:.
To Flie unto,oge lo, They
Flie to the Mercy of the Com-
manders, Ad Imperaterum fidew
to put to Flight, Fugo, profiige, in
fugem dare, or verters # He put
Þ them to Flight, Seſe vertere cceges,
in furom conjectt. :
Put to Flight, Fugatww, pr. flizates,
Flight [ 2 Dog's Name J P:erels.
A Fhght unto, Refueium.
{A Fght-thot, of jade.
'Swift of Flight, Fagaxy pernix.
'An inelination to Fight, Fuz acttas,
To fave himſclt by Flights Efugto,
Fly ne, Vilans, welucer, *
The Fly ng Fiſh, Piſeis biruna?,
Fly ng away, Refugss. heh» Attivelss,
Flying from light, Locifogus,
1e DY,
io Flie at Birfs [| as an ill-made} A
;A Dog-flic, Cyn mye. A Fly-ng. Volatus, Ful-tura,clarwn , The fiook of an An thor, Pars on
A Wate:-flie, Tipula, rem'g in. | Choree adunca que terre infigitur
AF-re-fli:, Pyroufte. A Flying unto, — A Floor, A ea. :
A Bliter flies Mardelle. A Flyng to the Enzmy , Tronsfu- | A boarted floor, Tobulotwn.
Flie, aJl)- A paved floor, Povimen um.
A Flyin; at Birds, Avinm per ac-
cifityem procdatio,
Migh'y in F.ying, Penn -otent,
Flmite, Flaccidus, L nowdus
A e ſpeech, Enzvate ora-
To Finch, Te girerſ.y De/ifto,
To Fling, Fas, mitto,c nirgqu?s.
To Fin; away or out, Ejicv, pro-
Jin. abjicrs,
To Fling away(be gone )previpere /e.
To Fling ( 45a Horie J Calcrtro,
A Fling, Fattus, 6s.
A Flinger, Progettor, 9 :culater. of kick ng, Colci'reſws,
A Flinging Horſe Cualcrtro,
A Flnging, P:cge to, i
The ot a horſe, Calcitratus.
ln:, L ET. CIT,
Flint £29. J Siticeus.
Flint C in FI ntfbire ] Flintis,
thntilire, Commatus flin;en/1s,
LUMP, _ Hats of
inty places, Loc fx11 offers,
A Flut, Scomme.
A Flirt, hmnoetas.
A Fur: ({ Bazgage ] Scortillum,
To Flirt one. Conmerey.
A Fltch ot Bacon, Succidis,
Io Flit, Meare, Migrare , Sedem
1s Flre, Alrercor, rixor
Flttermoule , Veſpertitio", ws
Fltting, Fugex, Figitivus.
A Fling, Me D__
The Fiix, Dyſenierta, obvi profiu-
The Bloody fx, D arrbers, Liente-
114, ſangutn s profliuy wn
An immoderate Flix of blood, He-
Hav.n; the Flix, Dyſentericus, li-
IX-W<L .
Flix-wort, Sophia,
Flxron { jn S»fdkt] Duwmwicus,
F-licts eppidum.
To Flizze , avolo, auſugio,
A Flizangs Al, Scbidium
Fivan {[ among Ma 14ers } L1xus.
Io FloazyF.utis ynn ito, ſuper aqu 199
Jerri. See Fiore,
To Float { a M-adow ] Admittere
rIrwn 1n p/ alum.
To float (Cheeſe J Coogu'umn &
ſervo ſecerneve. EE
Float-praſs, Gromen fluviatile,
Ky ex,
A Flock of People, Tuba,
A font Floek, Exercitus.
A Flock of Geef:, Polabr wn
A Flock of W:1d B: a''s, Armentum.
To Flock together, Coeo, convento.
Biros of a Feather floek rog-ther,
Pares em patibus Fact dime congre-
oy os
0 leparate from the Flock, Se-
& . ſame Flock, Gregahs,
In Flocks, Gregatmn, confertio,
A Flock cf Wool, Fleas, tormen-
A litth Flock of Wool, Fleculss,
A Flock-bed, Cukitro lones,
A Flock bed- maker, Culcitrarins,
Flock=d, Confertus, ( 11s,
A Flock ng, Cngregatis. ©
r brick ticor, Pavimentum later.
T- tioor with boards , Centa'yh,
To tioor with ſtones, Pavio.
Th: tioor-timbers of a Ship, Ce,
0 um.
Floore1 with boards, Contabul:tyr.
Floored wi.h, Ofc. Poving-
A ficoring with boards, Contely
laits, C niignuio.
Florimour, Amarent flores,
A Floren, Libro gablica.
Flor:nce {| in Tuſceny ] Fl.rentic,
Of Florence, F! rentinur.
| F ——_ { a Man's Name] Floren-
Florence [ a Womans Name] Fl>
Florence, Pannus flerent ings.
A Floren:ine { mace Diſh] Terte,
The Floarentines, Floyentin;,
Fioret [{ Silk ] Metex:,
Florid, Floridus, -
Fiorida { a Count'y in Americe]
Fl vida,
A F!lo:in, Forenxs,
To floce, Flutto,
To flote on the waves, Super ogu:s
A f10:e of T:mber, > Ratis incondi-
Flote-toa”', ta fſeted! i,
To ſet a Ship a flo*e, Novim 1emwl-
care, remmwice Ir tre,
Floting, F.uttwans,
A Floring, F «itzatio.
I h: flaring of water, Inundetis. |
Fio. {-ng, $ ms neufrogio in lit-
Flotziuns, 5 fus reject e.
Flotten Milk, Loc gelainm, lac fine
cr emore,
A Floud [Stream] Flamen, fluvins,
A hittie flout,, Fluvrolus,
A Lan:-floud, T rren:.
.A greas: floud, Diwvizm, inundetio,
cemnys exunia
A Floud-gre, Emi mined , Cota
A Flouk, 1 1
Flounder $Puſſer ah
To fiounſe, Demergo, Immergo.
To flouriſh, Flcre,, Efforeo. :
OY again, Refloreo, Revi-
To begin toflourifh, Vireſte.
TO FLOURISH with Weapons,
Crruſeo, vidro. ® It 15 one thing to
flouriſh, and an2ther to tight, a/ts/
veniilere. alin! pugnove.
To flouriſh in D;{courſe, Rbetericer,
li ficave cyeti nem.
To fiourit, in Muſick, Prclude,
To flouriſh a Trumpet, Clongert
An idle flouriſh of words , Pwle,
verberum ompulle, jotlantia thre-
A tfiouriſh before the matter, Pre-
Flourithing, Vegetos,
A flouriſh-ng, 7gor.
A flour, Sremma, difteriam. _
To flout, Swſonn2 , i./nd0y irrides,
os farere.
Full of flouts, D rex. |
Flouted, SwWſonna!us, ”
. --
— —
EE ond fin Sat ned as
= «© =—©
ces . w«« re
[To Flow in, mfſuo,
To F.ow out, efiue, emane.
To Flow over, exundo, inunds.
[o Fl w all over, Permeno, diflus.
To Flow'ss the Sea, fu'! ud, efla,
To Klow ogeiher, © nf/uo.
To Flow under, Subter fixa,
'To flow un 0, effiuo.
To beg n to Flow, Scateſco,
Flower, fler, oris.
A lvtle Flower, floſculps,
To Flower, Germins.
A F.ow:r { fiſh] T6ymabus, |
A Ficwat-de- Luce, t1i3,idis 3 fadix
The White F.ower-de-luce, iris
270 0159
{6 y.llow Flower-de-lu, iris
Ot a Flower-de-luce, Irinws, :
Our ladies flowers, buitbi efculenti,
byecintbr race” ſs.
Iuni-fower, fs Tunetenss.
on nm *
/ower. gent
Floger-amow'F ws we
10 5* 10 the tliower :
e/:l:ſco, Pubeo. . __ CO
A Flower-pot, beriue ima ginarius,
v-ſculwn fieribus m.
F.cwers to derk houſen, rerhene.
Books treating of Flowers, ontbo-
Made of Flowers, florexs.
Bearing fl-wers, flcriger,
Full of Flowers, flerulentus.
Gathering Flowers, flori/egus.
yy i meal, jwwlo, ſrnilego,
0 Flower meat, farins ecnſper-
lower work [in Maſonry] Zepbe-
fur, Encarpa, orum.
Of tne Flower, Pullinarins. :
Mate of tine Flower, {milagine-
Ficw pg in ſpeech, Velubilitor,
.ow n;ly, Vaubiliver.
Flown, Volatn ſubtuftus.
Flo1kwort, Coty/edon paluſtris.
To Flutuate, flutue,
The Flue of a rabbet, Cuniculi vel-
N ecti
Fivellin, veron'cs, elatine. The oil of a looking-glaſs, /fmm- | quor, morem gerere,
2 Flue-ner, lyagu/s, verriculum, num duttile averſo iVitum pecul” {To follow diligen ly, ſeller, of
Þ uent, furdus, volulrlis, T> give one a Fo), in ginua mn fatter,
mertneſs, veluSrlizas. ficere. To Follow fonbw'th, Sulfiquer,_ (
Gp 2 c
A Flouter, Scurre, Sanviv. lu:d, fimrd us» To take a Foil, r om ferre,
Flout:ng, Petulang, = PE hs aquenry languidur. Foiled, proftraturrhern Jus, ad genre
A Fiouring, Coviiletice A Flint, novis, quem flutom vicant. | ad-(tur.
Flouts, covilla, rum. Fiu'dneſs, flucr. A Foilers repul/#tor.
TO t LOW, flue, man". A Flucke [inſe2] Inſefi genus, | A Forling, reps.ſ+, repu'ſ«tio,
Fiow abour, circwmnflu2. Flung (of a8) Congsiins. The F {of 2 deer] chews
To Flow [abound] Afffeno. Flung away, Prejeti«,, cervi weftigiums in gromine.».
To Flow abruad, drmino, difiuo, AFflut alone. w©s A Fon, pundus.
To Flow :zg1'm, refloo. Fluret 5 pa, eclaphus. To Fon, purtiim /
To tioaw between, Interfu9. A Flirt [ tool} fultus, fwilis, Fo ned, punttus, lanctraturs
ToF.ow by, Preterfiue, Alabor. | To Flurt, Infpergere, lojicere. Foins, foutne,
To Flow cun'inuatly, Eluito, Fluih C abundance) copia. Foin:ngly, punt ims.
A 'Fluih decks | rw gr
o Fluſh, era/eſco.
A Fliuſting, celery 'ms
Sen; uinis ad faciem fluxus,
u tehring,
A Flute, fluls, t1/14,
The water Flower-de-luce, iris pa- -
A little Fluce, 115i 1s.
To play on a Flute, f/tulow inf:
re, froiuts cenere.
To Fiute (channel) laquerre,
A Fluter euleter,irym,
Player on the Flre F euletria,n,t.
A Fluting {chanelling }/aqno+tio,
Flutings, Colummaram conmiculi,
To Flutter, velit».
A Flutter ng, Volitatis, .
Curkoe-flower, tepidium ſyiveſtre, o web
A Fob, loculus minor, erunwmenul 1.
To Fob a man off, eliquem eludere,
fruftrari, viti c:ſſum veddeye, re-
pu;ſom dave.
Limes veltura.
, , fanum.
Fodder * firaw, pobulum flromi
Fo1rer (25). o*ul:yir, pobula-
of Fender J [Fark P
To Fodder, pabulor, fans p:ſcere
A Fodde:er, pabulater, fan: dat.y
A Foddering, pa5nlatio, fani pre-
bitjo, 5
A Foddering-place, Preſepe.
Son. inimicur, m, intmica, f.
Foggy, nebuloſas.
A Foggy bo -Y a c07 ful ebeſum, pin-
ogue | among £© lunum.
Foh! 4 ! A Li ——__
[47] . rudis | Ti [us x
2s, cla, yenſis prepitiius, f
To play a: Foils, rude ludere, batu-
e -
A Foil ſrepulſe] repulſe.
Fo'l, Us.
A Foil Ee Doomiad adementls in-
ub/tr atum.
Foiſon, abundanti a, coprs. .
A Foift [a bttle pr nice] likens
To Fo.ſt, w/*e, .
To Foilt in, fabds, ſuffarcio, furtim
Foilted 1n, ſubditus, ſuppoſibi11uss
Foit's, proji'y <, or un.
Foilty, mucous.
i £ Faxium.
” furdas ſine feripto poſſeſ
A Fold, plica ſinus.
To Fold, plies. £
To Fold in, implico, involve.
To Fol1 round about, e5wlve.
To Fold up, compirc:, crmvolye, |
To Fold up [thicad] Aggiomers.
A Shcep- fa, ceuls, floba'um, oi.
Folis cf hurdles, crates, 1m,
To Fo'd ſfhebulare, flabul;
Put into a Foli F includere, -
Lotte, om ch
9 together, compleatur,
Folded 7 lhoep] Þ buletus, Jabs.
lo inclaſos.
A Folder, plicater.
A Folding, plic 1170, plicaturs, |
Folding, plicatilis, -
AF oldtng of theep, f bale'i
S710 ot b/ : 0.
A Fole, po*us beeps ft
Fol-age, fate pita or ſen pts.
12 Ll MTT
OIKz wits, eos, , .
! Folk tind ſee land. _ v0
A Folk-mote, conventus, concio. =
TO FOLLOW. geR, will
ollow your counſel, con/iho veſtro
wtzy, * I om thinking to w
your di 05! are £0-
ito proeceptis tnis, * He follow:
is Pleaſure, in tro ag:t. * Let me
follow my cwn + Sine me
gerere mabr mnorem, mes vemigio
rem ger om. * They follow you in
your ftudies, fludicrwm tworum ſunt
emmli, * You follow your own
won!, cendem i[] om raticnem anti-
quam ebtines. * The main body
followed cloſe, mſtabet N
* He that folVows cruth too near
| th* hee s ſhall have dirt thrown
oo face, veritas (drum parit
To follow after, -equ's, c r,
inſeftex, * They fol the
chaſe tco eagerly , el:ts fludio te
mers inſecuti ſunt ſugientes,
| To tollow atrade, Artem excolere.
| Ly - follow his bock, Incumbere ſtu
| 5
, To follew 212y buſineſs, yei operam
dave. * He follows the law, 7ur?
attendit, lites ſiquituy.
To to!l.wby courſe, alterns, ſub
To follow mothers pleaſure, obſ+-
5 200
To tollow hotly, «tis quadrigis pr o-
0 fol:ow { mitate] emulcr, imi
Followed, comitatus. deduttur. * He
is followed by many, multi tllum
To be foll,wed, imitebilis, imiten-
A Follower, cus, dedutter,
A follow-r { puriuer} cn/etley,
A g cat man's ſolk wers, «<mitotur.
Follow ng, cenſetierens, conſelta-
A fol 'ow'ng, copſequentia, conſe-
quu'io, felt, Mg bv re fe
Folly, Sixl:11ia.
foman im!micur,
Fome, ſpume.
To Fome, /jpum?.
To begin to tome, ſpumeſeo,
To catt out fome,deſpums, #xpume,
To Fome at the mouth, freme, fren-
Full of fome, pum ſus.
The tome ot tried Lead, lethor-
omy, ſpumens, ſpumetus,
v0 Fomen!, /oveo. .
F 4. nmr eng { Foment :tio, ſoti9.
oming, /pamans.
A Ly «motio,
Fomingly, ſpume/e.
FOND, imdu/gens.
To be jond ft, indulgee. * I ani
fond of nothing, nit1! admirer.
* 1 was fond of nought, fruffra
Jem grins. * He will not be
mogno deſtderio tenebituy winnum.
Fond tricks, b{rnditte.
Fond [fookih] ftutwr. + You are
ond, nmmum nepluy ore
Fond + Juſur 1. :
Fonde { in Italy] Funds.
1 Fon'ly, Monde, indulgenter-
Fom: eſs, incu/gen tis
A ont, opti/te inm, lavacrum ſa-
Foncainebleau [in Fronce] Fen1bel-
4 Fontacabia [in Gaipuſeos] Fens ra-
Lonranelle ſin Normandy] Fonto-
A foman:11 (iſſu-J] fentanels, ene-
Fontenay [in Poicton]) Fontene-
wn, Aunedon:c um,
2," "am fin Anjon] Fer E-
Fogd, cibus, vilkus, alimertum.
Of or » C1ha1 ins, alimenta-
rius, Fſcorivs, eſculentus.
A L, ftw, fungus, * None
but a fool would run in 0 miche:
that may k-ep out, quod caver*
peffes fultom oft odmittere. * Av
| the fool th nks ſo the bell clinks»
quicqurd credimus facile mem ni-
x 1s,
An arrant fool, mecrio.
o Foo dejighyio. *% Let
To play the fool F me alone thou
Plaiſt the foul, ewittc me mu mTimr-
uw loſe i014.
1 A Fool in a (lay, ridicu ww,
Fool þ33yz |
| T0 jool one
a fool of Geelentem 0-
19Hem nNg-
16, delade. das:
"Made a Fol, infatuoteg,
Foolery, der1d/cn/umn,
' Fooleries, opiniey tric.
fond of firengrh, ile pen | On
Foo.-hardy,udax temerarius,
Fool-har 1incſs, temerttas,
To bet oohing, nugeriy /iultum @-
Foolbiſh, folidus, in:ptw, fatuus, in-
Julſur , * 1t my mind had not
back fookih, {i mens n:n leave fu:
To mzke fooliſh, infetw.
Fool th dall ance, petulontia, pro-
Fooliſh talk, fultiloquiums, - _
Fooluthly, flul'e, imprudenter, inſ1-
Uk og FouiN) ftuttil
alk ng fooliſhly, ffulti/oguns,
To {ycak fooliſhly, nan. _
Foohſhnefs, fullitis, infipientia,
ati 85.
foord, vadum.
To foord, vado, are,
Foo: ds Srevis.
Full of Fouords, vedoſur.
A FOOT, p 5. * You had not bel
tur a toot any whither from
thence, cave gu quam ex iſtboc ex-
ct fſis lkecy * As [oon as ever we
ſer foot on land, wt primuns ter-
rom t:t'g mus. * Let it ve
foot of the Hill, ſub radicis mon»
te fiat * He has one foot in the
——y > 9ony -lrerumn in cymba Char
ront!s baber, folicerniam ejt, * To
{lute his teet, Alternis pedibus in
Foot [3dj] 2 Ped iis, *% About 2
Of « Foot F toot bigs queſt peda-
IF way Jefte. #Y
oot (a0) edes, pedeſity. *You
foor ; F eapol hia on
foot, in pedibur es conſequins, =
To go 0n tot, p:4es 0: pecibus in-
cedere :
To light on foot, in pedes inſilire,
I | args" Seiſei
0 T00t Kt £,ivt ihineye propenjer,
The foot of Y table, > & &
The foot of a pillar, Bajis.
A C.ub foot, loripes.
A ſplay-foot, vg ar.
The foot of a bealt, ſolum, plonts.
The file of the toor, plonts pets.
The h-llow of the foot, pedis v.14.
A foot- ball, pile pedalis,
A toot-eloth, firatum, ephippiarium
infliragi wm.
Foo--geld, pecuniaqud canes juxta
faltus regis red mebantur ne expedi-
A Footman [ſouldier]. pedes, itis.
A Footman { lackey] :ſecla, 4 pe-
A Foot-ſtal, ſeabelwnm
The ſo2t-{tall of a pillar, fy{oba-
A Foot-ſtep, vefliginm,
The Foot- hocks Syct umm;
The toot -okes $; "8" DEU=
h: foot-Stocks)
A foor-path, Semita.
Calves: foot, arcn, 7.
To tread under foot, conculce.
cor of an army, peditetur.
be at the};
oor an a wu 11 R
Of ew Foot, bipedaty! _
Foot by Foot, pedetentim,
Foote9, 6a5ens pedes,
On*-ſoored, unipes,
Two- footed, bipes,
Three-footed tripes..
Four-footed, quedi iper,
Man -tuoted, mult ;per,
Broad-fgored, plenipes.
Cloven-t.oted, carpriper, biſulew,
Crump-footed, Lripes,
Long- footed, compernis,
Kough-footed, þ.nm1/per.
y 0oting-times exam putypera exur-
A Fop, ns ator, fatuus.
thoſe dayes it wes ſad, guippe 11
bis 1pſ1s t mporibur dicebatur.”
FOR [beng 2 gm 1s 0
wered by (everal latine pregi-
tions, videlicet, R
A a4 conſider, whether this be not
all for me, vide ne boe totwn {it 4
me, * For me ſhe is a maid, «
me puica or virgs eft.
AD. 2s, For a very little time, «
breviſimum tempus. * AN things
are created for the uſe ct man, +
ſum mim ome cunts
* Vain mortalty and wit'y tor
the deceiving it lelf, vane mot:
litar @ od creumfert bendom ſoy
ſom ingenieſa, * For a while
qurddam tempus, * Hayens fit for
a greater company of ilups, od me
Jorem naviam mult'tulinem aft!
ortus, * It is good for i&
reng: hening of the yo:c2, tire
ad firmitudinem vic,
De, as. He would not hav? dof? it
but for # great cauſe id ni f
uf de couſs mn feciſſet * It
not for nothing thag, ron hoe &
mbil> eft quod. He did it itt
the none, de 1nduftria fe-rt, * T'
TRIPS word tor o_ ver;
e vey - je un voſerye,
EX, 23, pe rpueſſe ft our profit, þ
ex u'n «ſſet n'ftro, * He 1s Jane
lick tor grief, in merbum ex <fgt
tudine conjicitur.,
IN, as, Ho tages weey Jefiyes ſora
piedye of the r faithfulneſs, in Ar
nus fideb obſides deſiderati fwt.
* They obtained a truce for thr
ty years,indwcios in ty gints an
impetrirunt. * They ar: had i«
J couble ſervice, | bentur in a
ex minmfierium, ar pun:10-
nent ſhall we think offer hymegud
tandem excegitabitur im eum ſup
cm, * It would be more both
to: our good and yours, magis 1n
yem 0 neftrom & veftrom id eſſet
* For time £O come, Mm
Fs «umm.
OB, 3s, 1 am pa'd for my ly pe
tixm ob ful1tiam * They
recerve ck me for holdim
their peace, iffi pretia maxima «©
—_— «=, une, ates, tos
er, as, for ſo many ages,
eo ;. * Nor inJeed could ſhe for
e, neque prey Aetoatem tram Pote-
rat.* You may tor me,per me Zieet,
Pre, a4, 1 cannot ſpeak yy
pre lachrymrs boqur 100 if: um.
* For tear, pre metu. * For an-
ger pr ra. * For joy, gre £au-
dio, * I dare not for wy ife, pre
vite mets non ouſim, * dare not
27 my cars, pre aurines periculs
nen 2 [m. x ,
r0, 45, I thall be puniſhe4 for his
faults, pro bujus peccatis ego ſuppli
cram ſuff ram, * I w.ll grind for
ou, £20 pro te molam. * You ſhall
w- this for your uu 4 titi
7 premie erit, y took up
ences tor ch: common liberty, ar-
m1 pro communi libertate ce f,
pro conceſſo ſumere. * To hold
done, pr. fotto babere, * To beheve
» | For ſome while, Ali
for true, pro cerfe<redere,
PROFTER 2%, He obeys the law
tor fear, /:g15us proptey metum pa-
SECUNDUM, #8, He ſpea kemn+h
for our five multun ſecundum can-
om 17
underſtood,es we are all the worſe
for liberty, deteriores emmnes ſung |
licentis * For the nonce, deditd
eper4. * He fo'de the body for
gold, auro corpus vendebet. * He
{ays he fold him for ſix poun1s,
at ſe vendidifſe ſex min's, * Kan-
ſom your felf for 5s httle as you
can. te redimas capium quam gqueas
For hw much, qu-nit?.
For ſo much, tents.
For more, pluris.
For leſs, av: movis,
For atter good, fit, lawful,
table, yc, 1s moſt y the
fign of the dative gaſe, as You
ſhall take that courſe which ſhall
be molt profitable for you. q«
tb! wih imum evit conjſuiii copies,
* W.thout doubt it 1s not lawtul
fo- any man to fin, cerfe peccare
he prevoſition- 1» ſometimes to be |
| For Ever and E
hicet neminj, * It 15 @ ſhame for
them t hat are bred well to hve
baſcly,twype eſt ej qui bene nati ſunt |
| Rx ons vivere, if
or couſa, ergo,gre-
For the ſake of Fire er, pres
proptey, av, * For ax C, exem-
ph erſd or gratis. * We are
mus, For mens ſakes are beaſts
b-ead, bom num gratid gener antur
belſtie. * T Entreat for the lake
of God and our frien{ſhip, per ego
te devs or9 &f noftram amicitions.
* For my fake” the Scnate an4
twe ty thouſan1 men more, put on
muu* ning, pro me Senatus bomrnum-
Jetereq viemti millia veſiem
mutayernnt+*Vertue isto be deſired
| For what cauſe,
come for his ſake, ins ergo veai- | F
for 1's own ſake, viriur ler
onpetends of. + Let bm home ide
my fake "mitte bane and «tid,
* He co footer for
eli peter tr.
Fot all this 2 Nibilominus, Tamen.
For H
1118 tamen.
ot for all
its, Nec tamen jderreo
finwr, * For all
» he w
that keeg) his ax from
For, [as for] De, Qu:d ad. as, For
what concerned rhe trace, Qu
indact 15 pertineret, * For what
remaing, (} «*d ſupereſt.
For nothing, Gratis. * You ſhall
not abuſe us for nothing, Ut ne
impune in nos iPuſoris.
For that Cerio prepteree quid
For as mu2h as Siquidom, onda.
gurdents gueniem . * Foraſmuch as
.— Quippe qui intellex-
For the moſt part, Fer#, Plernmque.
0, Ali-
qu1ndix., * He w ll not "ſenſi
ble of it for 2 while, Hoſe aligu't
dies nen ſentiet, * For a good
by may ced ;- e-
1 © Wluſen'ss <(60-
—_—_ jatee £41, hs
mmobrem, e.
For ver þ cauſe, Fro propteren, « ed
For ever, In eternum.
ver, In ſtculs ſecu-
Particular Phraſes, * He was 2 lit-
tle angry at me for mak ng a de-
fence, M1bi quod ge fendi(ſom
Succenſuit.* 1 know ihe s were
ſuſi-1ently angry with me for hear-
k-n'ng to him, Mrbi Deos ſatis ſerd
fm ſe rratos quia — He
wi- 2 very able ſpeaker for thoſe
times, Mu/twn ut temperibus il is va-
Nit dicend».%* To bring them tor to jW
Ut ad
b2 puniſhed erens £05 wt
unremtiur * Ie were 2 moft ſhame-
ful thing for me mot to remember,
ipſum non meminiſſe turp! ſſrmuns
oft, * They have Law for its [is
id ipſum per legem heebit. * It is
mot for me to {peak azain? the au-
thority of the $ nate, Nen e/t me-
wy conty2 Senatii; autbwitatem dice-
re, * For ought 1 ſee, Quantum
ego mg ir
Forage, Pobulum. See forrage.
Foraminou®, Malticevus.
I Forbad, Vetzi-- See forbid. ;
To Forbarce, in prepetwanm pri-
To Forb:ar, Porco, A\flineo, Patier,
Omitro, Ti "
orbearance,' Abſtinentia, I-dulgen-
nn eufertuy.
Wi'h great Forbea ance, Dongeni- |
Tc Forbid, Prot ibeo, Vets, Intileo,
Nego. :
To Forb'd Proceedings, O5nunci-
To Forbid fraitly, Interdico.
God Forbd, Abfit Avertet Dexr,Dii
mehiore, probiteant Superi.
; you would nt have been lo ma$
| » probibitic, inbibitio,
od | New
tia, Longonimit2s, * Forbearance |
is no Acquittarce , Qued differtur F-
FORBIDDEN, Probibitus, Interdic-
tus, Negatus. Velitus. * He 1» for-
bidden the uſe of fire wer,
It aque & igni interdifium eff.
* Had you not been forbidden it
on't, Aulix omnie perpeti gens
moans rut vetitum . * It
mn forbidden by the A, A cau-
dder ibiter,
. error
er babitus.
Provence) Forum
| FORCE (frrength] Vis etus.
ng 0s By Moli-
or ,
Forcalquier (1a
To Force Cogo. Im
Aturges.. ol What
f He Fl
- Lat
*Oorce ones ſelf, Molior.
Ts be of like —_————
[To Force 2 woman, Stupro, Fitio,
To Force a trench, Aggerem exſcin»
any w ne but upon} force, Cavezo ne
Of ima'l Foroe, Levis,
7 Force, vi & amis.
4 by Force, Extortus,
To get Forces together, C:pize con-
To be of Foree, Vs
were of no foroe, Leges nibil vate-
To Force 2 traJ
Ineftare dries.” —_ y_
dere, Perfodere, perrumpere.
To Force downs De-|
Ot Foree heats » Code.
Upon ForceF * Meddle not with
vim tratles ni/t nece(]ayio.
Of great Porce, ;noceſſ
Without Force, Ieefficax, Irritus.
Of more Force, Pleris, I: lentior.
» Allault by open Fo:ce, Machi-
nlz 6 nave,
To loſe Force, Fl:cceſco.
Forees, Copies.
To multer Forces, Deleflum botere.
Foreed, Adattus, Coo" ws.
tagra, Denticun.
Forcheim ( in Fronkentand J Fur- |
Fore1ble Viilens, Viclentus.
|Foreidiy, Viileate, Veibemanter, Ob-
| A Forcing, Coattio, Ceomput/io.
Forchiem [ in Francenis] Lecorituen,
Ld uns.
rdoe, Interims, Derogo,
ng (erogatte.
Fordog {1n Scotland] Fordurum.
| = A evior.
To Pore- .
| Fore-
Frre-a,pointment, predeftmatio.
To Fore-arm, premmis,
pu Im
Fore-armed, nengg®®s
Foro Fore-orda'ny preleftino.
he Fore-
121 pet. FokR 7 nA FOR FOR |
h Fore bank-rowety Ad puppins re- [ow he Fore-;azt of the head, Sinci- ,,To Fo:ge a lye, Mendacing cons
Fore-caft, providentia. A 0 ooh, Propylewm. 4 Forge, Ferraris of cing
To Fore:caf, ag, profpicio, | To Pore run, FOpe Ly Furaus Faber ” A
Fore-calt A Fore-runner , © precurſor, Antt- | Forged, Fabricatus, Excuſus,
| "> Amecedanexs, prodremus.
Ofs at Fore-caſt idus
A Forc-atting, Pia proſyici-
re we » MY Aaflelbns,
0 oſe, Excluſu;.
F En t
ore rYaecenceptiuad,
The Fore-doory jernny ?
x > F000 Gris Div im.
Fore-deeming, Drunetio.
Fore fa' hers, ojores, proavi, Ante-
God Fore-jend it, Avertat or probi-
beat Dru.
The F ore-finger, Index,
he Fore-fooc of a Bear, Mama.
Ih Fore-f:ont Pars dimils
ng, '-— ———
AF Fore-go, Leer I 9
ore- toc
Forego (not meddle with) A5-
fre lo Fore-go {quit it) Pro derelifio
IeFure of the mind doth lye, I
EL... tug
or i. ,
© a FOre- ,
iaving 2 Fore head, } Frontetus.
love's igh Fere-head , fronts , | A
—_ ng two Foreheads, Bifrons.
A Fore head band, Anadema, ot is.
Th- Fo chead-bone, Ys fronfele.
A eI-0tR, brontale, @.
To Fore- il Cy "Mente precipere,
Fore-1m x Ment proc We.”
Fore-judger, Koh Hep cat,
To Fere- kncw, precfeio, preenoſco,
\ = 4 oo progmſtes.
A \Fore-kowing, Prenetio, preſin
F ore-know'ng ; Prefſeci-
Having Fore- know!e K
Fore-knowledge, pre/cientia.
ore-known, pr Us,
A Fore- lan, Promontorium,
The Fore-looks, Anti, Coaprone.
& Fore-man of the queſt, procjurs»
or, primw
To Fore-loine (in! hunting) fere ©
d rem proefentiſcer
The Fore-maſt, Melen anttrier.
The Fore- noony Tempus an. emeridi-
eur ſores.
Logoranning, frenaſries,
A Forerunmirg, pre «w/w.
The Fore- fail 57 a ſhips Carbaſums.
I Fore-ſaw, awd a
To orelay, preedico
A ſaying, prediftin,
To Fore-ſee, Preevideo, proſhicio.
AF may
Fo ny fight » end, 1 , proſpici-
Wane of Fore ht, Imprudentia. s
The Fore oy pre a
To Fore-flow »s Celſo, Cuntor, De-
To Foreflow (a&) prepedie.
To Foreſpenk, # Fo ins
A Foreſpeech, fk. us.
pies prev
all, Anlicipe, Intercipio,
To Foretall a market, proemey-
Foreftalled, Intey.
A Foreſaller ot _—_— Annene fla-
Fore taller of the market, Dar-
donaring, preempte
A Porta Int eptivas.
enEd Ipterceptio,
A Fornaties, Predofatr
The Fore-tceth, Ieciſeres, Dentes
Toporen, frgaattle, pradiee.
Ariclus, premuncins,
Oy ; Vater, Augur. +
| Bos Foretelli -—— » preeditiio,
_ Fomth Obgitatione preci-
Forethought , Cogitati:ne praecep-
To Fo: 'e-token preſagio,
Foretold, preditius. .
«= Fore-top, Antit, oram, Ca-
Forewa:d, Antrexſum,
To Fore-warn, premones,
Forewarned, premonitus, * Fore-
warned, forearmed » premmnite
ore-welked (dried up) Exiccatus,
A Forewind, Vent»s ſecundus
A AL, —_ elifum, Multa
T5 t Fo feits Multan incurrere, Jiu.
ram facere
To ſeize upcn as Forfeit, Cenfiſco,
"y Forfeit a Recogniſance, Vadi-
1m:um deſerere
Forfeited. Conc rt ur,
A Forfeiture, Cenfiſcatio.
4 Forgave (of torg ve) Condonovr.
TO FORGE, Cu, Accndo,Excudo,
To (Gol) Fingo. Fulſiie
e (coun'erfcu »
Ementior, Subjicio. ,
» Antica,
To Forge (deceit) Datos precudere.
The Fore-runners of an Army,Ex- F
& Forger _ writings, falſorias,
A Fort Tn rketie. Cuſls
A Forging =; tales, pH:0,
KGET O*tiviſcer, 0 Ulm.
doliam. * To forget '
is the beſt
animi exigugus winply
To For Forget utterly, perpetud obliviens
To F drink
Toros by by & i -— Þ, — 159.
Os not (an evan
Horkerful, Oyioſus. * Renev _
forgetful ——ds 1m tum
For Forgetuleſs, 0 O5livie, Obliviam, |
orgerter, Immemor.
A Forgetting» Oblivie, Preterniſh
To Forgive, Condeno, Igne/ &
To Forgive part of Xp he muncy, Fs
foro: oliquid romittere,
0 Forgive wholly, Tam remit»
A Forgiver, Conden ator,
Forgiven, Condenates, * A puniſh.
ment not to be forgiven, pan in-
deprecabilis, * 4 oo \ forgiven by
kim, CIs it mibi n
'n —_ A
prpmng, Rene
To > Forgo ones right, De jure ſm
Remi/ſio pls
A Fo orgoer, Dy
A Forgoing, Dim:ſ/:
I Forgot O8/5tus ſum *I
I have Forgotten F h44 almoſt for-
gotten thy nzwme, Nomen ivum fe*
me mibi excderat,
Forgot O51wieni traditus. * All
which was
Totum yn effiuxerat. * He makes
nomen «fu
Coen 7 Forgoten, Intermor tar, Se-
k# 7 Forgotten, G_ _—_ In
{i vienem Yet forg
ter was not —_—
ifta clades ex let _—
A Fork, Fuca.
A hetle Fork, fircate furcills,
The Fork filby Poſtinaca mating,
A Pitch fork. Merge,
A Dung-fork, Bid ens.
An Oven-fork, Rutatu "wn.
A Fork for a Vine, Copreelus.
A Fork for burdens, naw, Mu-
[ur OED
A fire- fork, furce ign'ario.
Pos for nets, Vare.
ter] Adlte|
orgctten, |
wer _ I __—__—_— Cr...
. Oc S TU @ = _
To orſe ral
| Le h, oe
To ro fork» furcifo,
Forked, furcatus, brſurcus, bicornie.
Three: forked, triſulcus.
Forketly, bifhde.
Forkedne(s, bi/ *Qtio.
A forket, furcu/n,
hrs (in Italy) Frum Livii.
Forler 5 lifting,
rerarii, Terentari!
A $et-to'm, exemplum expreſſum.
To form, formo.
To torm anew, reforms, recogua,
A form. f-rma.
Aſormſ —
A little torm
Tha form 27 a 5 loperis ft-.
Formal. fſormalis,
L G_ Þ pr ecuro, procure,
Afo-mali?, formularum putidus of-
7ofom malize, formulas Putide con-
Formally, ſ-rmaliter.
FormaVi'y, ſelennis formul 3, recey-
Ix i fl
| Formed, ſormatur,
|F: —— breve "formatum dona-
[Ator loemer, formotvy,
Hp privy, ſuperior.
]: forme- __ aim,
| Former]
Famdate? , formidabilic, terribi-
A t- wing, f.rmetio.
Fo noſity, firms.
Formoit, primus, Precipues,
Afo mula y, formula,
| Firt an1 formoft,, imprimis.
! Formcation, fermicatio, ſcortatic.
| To commu fornication , ſcorters
fonic x,
A forn c:tor, ſeertator, gane?.
Forprile, exceptio,
For ape, pilutum.
| To forr » pobuler;
we 23pe . copiers.
A tortager, e xpulatcy
| Forragers in an Army, pobul. th
|Atorragirg, p-bul tio.
| Foreign, externus, exterusy exoti-
Our, Per*2/inus.
A tor:etgner, peregyinus, advens.
| A fore, {cttur, ſytva, nemus, denſe
h farrrum
Th- fo reſt A——_ {'n TOR.
7] fyb
Sb v1 Danica,
Senn e0.0u's, A {gnis diſcedunt.
deyelitins, deſerins, defli-
A forſ>ker, deſtr toy
o foelaking, derelifti, <ſertio, de-
* He fo:ſook
; L:cum rn lenuit.
joe ſeek, » Peliqud.
feil icet, newpe
Yes for ſooth, fy f Placet..
—w__ acrow- head, telum biſul-\ 0-
—_— deſiitulns, dere-
The forlo n hope, emi [arii wv lites, |
Forftraught, ment: motus. To make fortunate, beare, firtu-
To for » pejoro, perjuro, #bju- E.._ __ þ Ft ;
A forſwearer, pejora'er. citer, ſecundis aubus exfiicatds forfd, fl
A \ forſwearing , prjeratio, perjuri- Fortuncenelsy pe, =
Fo reef nk, fatigatus FORWARD audax, —_
[ .
I fo:\wore, pejerevi. C _ "Rn p __-
A fore, re, pn vr Preefidium. L orward We i x |
v.] anivor
Fort Charles Fo uim tend) Arx Coro- | furn. Add uarad
Fore Merdits Cin Fenders) Ar Torad Cready? promptur, alacer,
| _ « (in Flonders] Arx SID premoves.
Fort Noſew Cin Brabent] Arx N of- To go forward Lag profetrm
| fovi Set forward facia, progredeer.
|Fcer by fort, Coftellatims. * Go fo grow 1n vertue,
FORTH , fords, frris. * To be| wmalte virtute offs, * The
forth, Faris eſſe. * To go forths Gor fowly forward, Opus frigeſ-
F:rar ive
Lo ding t forth, edaco, proſero.
© bring forth ung, Forts pore
'To come or go forth, egredior, ex-
Ty” prodeo.
o caſt forth, fora ejicere,
T9 call forth. evoca.
To [, ally forthe ihe SruRilegas facere,
ied forth all on a ſud-
EN Seſe ed previpiunt.
athing, deſcri5e.
To fo = on 2 journy proficiſi er, -«
0 Hoy accin
© ſet forth a "Book, edo, valgs.
To be —" S— in medrq of in
_— extemplo, illicy progenmy, ffa-
'Forthela (2 river in Scotlend] Bode.
! £19, Bodeiyi
| Fo! forethink, deleo, animi d' ſcrutivy,
Fort <M Figitar,
[+ Tr 'Yo a dpgginds,
Ported! quadrogeſtmes,
times, quedragres.
Fortabte, Top Chi.
A fo entifh 2.100, munim'nium, preſt-
oi” fortifie, munio, vole, * Frient.
= bh os fortitfes a eo 0 Rehgeenls Amititia
'ftrongly, prrymunio, proe-
ulcio, corroboro
" fortifie firſt, premunns,
F ortified, munites, communitus,
Nor fortified, mmunitus,
A fartifier, munutor,
a munit'o,
LON rude
tlet, coftellum.
A jponro ines im fponte cri
nrek, ax, preſidum, oY
_ ap chance) forfuitug.
a man's name] Firtung-
Forth-wi'h, "ut wan confeſtim,con- | T
Foll ' {
forward 2? concito
= onward : 200 —_—
o Sy torward in the 1 world, di-
_ and n9 buobward, Tarn &
In good for wardnela, im prctn.
Toma (Oe ge
Foſon (fore) copiny & a.
Foluns {in Te —
The fa(s-way, vie foffens.
A Lolle {tle cheſt ciſies,
fofſety 49/11
CER {mm the Dukedom of
Urdbine} Forwn Sempron.
Fofta', ve/tiginem leporis, ſemits du-
eens of proftorium.
On: : (in Egypt] Me _—_—
r [a man
To ones —_ 2] va in, ®* No
bh Pony boy rg N
po Jomel res china eſt, ovnier 4
A fol s alter, rutricive,
A or Nic hery oltrix, matrix,
ofter-e hi hid, charms.
ofter- Ner, collatt envy.
Foſter-lean, pmunera nuptialia,
> foltering, oh
- uvgn-vit, .
flixit, * They fonghe many Bate
tels with good
freliſecurd? fecerunt,
—_ mul i forte in mentems bare rey,
io, Frte peri.
1 yereme# ng nd wrt wh
Foul Lt "avoured] defdunis, inde»
Sonrwhar "foul, ſordudutur, treyics,
As it Fortuneds forth, ut fit.
| ate, 8};
omew hat (0; mn
Foul (amoog monk $ex-nen) ors now
—————— > - --
Y HT .._ FRA FRA p I
t t F our years, quidriennium. Co fraight a ſhi
Foul Oul papers lurſers ov. vi into four, 0 JW | To Dey enets | = AP baton pap ng favs.
To foul. 3 <0/dur 0y ==» «oath
Mike foul CR
To be foul, fordes
To grow foal, ſordeſco.
Fouled, fxdatus, - Qann
ouling, 1nquinatio
Foulneſs, turpitudo, ſquater, ſpurci-, F 'F
ox dev.
Foulnels C (ill fayouredneſs] defor-
Fouly, Aerdida, Squalids, ons.
Fouly _ meoiredly) 4 defarmiter.
ND, far. invent, veperi.
* JIE A 7 inns Keper!
non pueri clomitant in foba ſt
re * Leave me 2s $500 28 as
you | nad me, Reftitue in quem me
accepiſti leum. * 1 found by the
want of it, Carendo intelexi, * He
found 4 way ro prelerve t
Senate, Kationem intit qu1 Sendtum
Found, aq n= —_ * —_
not to ou warm opp ar
MM foe be (rung Paul wy
1n(s wy obiturum «
he will not be found fault with
207 more Non accuſabrmur poſt-
Found out, edinventus, inveſti
Reſcitum ir; credit.
Not foun1, irrepertus.
Not to be fou th fenfigeline.
To foun] Cin building) funds, ore,
condo, erigo, conf u9.
To found [melt] fundo, ere,
A S ——_—_— fundamen, funda-
The making of a foundation, ſub-
rom the very foundation, Fundi-
Foun led, fundotus
To founder a horſe] «quo rigerem
Pty ets me [as a Ship] diſſotvi, vi-
s fotiſcere, @ RT is
Alounde 4 d Ships diſſoldtum nevi-
A founder [of building] fundator, | A
A founder of metal
A Bcll-founder, hs campanari-
oundered, pedibus claudus,
The foundering of a hoſe, Nw
F nfm anus » cole
Of a fountain-F lis.
| The Azul, {in Bretagne] Gobeum.
FOUR tuor
he four ac Cards, quaternio.
Four. ſquare, —_—
of four Jays, up FR
Mes, gue
_ 2s muck; quadruple, qut-
} qu 1druple x.
_— 14
Four manner
A Plc io whets four wayt meet, qus-
Fourch,” litts prorogntio,
a rhe ae fe: ts quay tug,
A fou-m for two, biſelium.
he | A fowl, volucyre.
A henper of fowl, pullarins.
Great fowl,
A fow Ngo [We oucup atus,
4. [Of or fo fowfin 2
* He thinks it wall be foun — A fow
Fowl of of Warren, Volucres ſylveſ-
AFOX, vulper.
To plays
Foxy _ j.
Fox ls Gog's name) lompurus,
A fox-e
Fox NR fulyur,
Fox-glove LROrD] digitatie,
a f lacunar.
Fox: <-rwilſh
Fox in the hole, empuſs.
Foy-peop'ie (in Cornw 1/1] Fowenſes,
A foy, we profelitio, watice :
o vinuw profectitium
To foyl, terram <ſtive wo are-
The foyling
A 7 action, fraftio.
A frationſin Arichmetick Jairatio| E
AtriSure, frattur
Fr ity, Fregulitas
Sail fragmen's, winutie, arum.
ou: huadred, gu:dringenti, gue-
Of tour, hun Ireds quadr ingentarivs.
= four bundreJthy guadringen- The _— (wages) nea'un, vile.
te ſimas.
_ undred times, qu2drinzentior.
ways, quadrifari-
x of
1=<- claſhing lin ſellay ſub/el-
fowler, aucepr, wpis.
ater-towl, oves polmipedes, wo
Fowling, $ oncup atoriue,
ling Picce, tormentum aucy-
* To ſe* the fox
the Geeſe, Overs lupo com-
* Tobein a fok 5 izep,
he fox, vulpiner,
© $ wupin»4.
An old fi anus guy, veterator.
w. 7 0X vipeculs,
ox's Hole,
oh nw
To > pt tare.
re, ſulcare.
of a Deer
apts dejett us,
ements aluo
#b —_— 2
To font +a
agil, frag is,
'' þ Jagrnm, ramen-
"fam fruflum.
Fragments of meat, enelef2a, re!i-
":agrancy, fragrantia.
Fragrant, be hoy Sure elens,
\ fray, concert atiuncula, pugne,
&, territo.
» quadrupliciter.,
ood Wye poby
Foot Fourfotaly
: The frame of a pifture, tobels ca
The fraight [burtken of a Ship] 6
Fra , ; op F,
Feaghe: fragitin 7 = up - =
y fe, peels, area, palaths.
A frail 'of figy P_—_ Bſcina, qus-
To 7 ® af Lleas
e conde,
Put into a frail ,
Frailed, in f ſealtes conditur,
AER agilit as.
De actkacks) imbecillitas, in
1m tos
ramboig Rubus Ideas,
TO FRAME, c.mpinge, forms, ſe
brieo, conftyu».
To t:ame unto, errommde.
The frame of Ordnance, forment
muy :1is rote.
To t ame Artillery, machings majy-
res roy imppomere.
The frame 'of a table, menſe ful
—_— trapepopborum, ſuber menſa.
phe in hay —
rame for Jewels, ee,
ooo f:ame, ad). pom
Out of trame, adv. abrupts.
To be out of frame, winss commu
- wtf valetudine.
FrameJ, formatur, confiruftus, fy,
Ill-fr framed, informis, malt comp
to the Fram
ons, to » E1pE
onem vite commu
Ts common k:r
cepts ad in © Lou
got Francia, G Galia
The Peers of France, Patricii Fruv
Frome ſa woman's name?) Fren-
by 4— os Compete Burgundis,
anch.ns {ma {make free] omar
Ernchined, nan_—_— _"
Franch I _—
Franchies 1m.
Francis [2 man's name
ol _ F :anciſcans, Fretyes _
&e, | Frankenal (in Germany] Bro
Frankenlaade [part of Germany]
Fravckfur Lin Germeny?) Franco
— Froje
encing)] Stem!
ns» aloe
petitio, /
wank Almiin, prectis Se
os in perpetuw1n elcemoſpnom
Frank bank, fundus Dotal's wm
peſſdet vidua @ vire ſuo virgo of
roks (in fi
cite impatt
ſo > begin the f:ay, impreſſiowm fo-
1h frank feel, Sagine. Rf
Ms. io.
ry A woe .. I w HY wy ory een nes #29.
j ac Ten>f; Sh wm o vETIT>,
AF.ank [to feed a Boar in] ſogins-
cats, turbo.
Monks? Hheretiter, ingenud.
Topertum » m- wy's,
aloe ncen
A Afro of ef ror thu/.
,ankineenſc, thuri fer,
FOES k (_
Fm, a
Frida rs the Pope] Froſce
Tolaſe, Fong Aſaf Eup
al Procernity ſrotermeoet, Frdahtinn
Teftarein 26s 78 fecietatons incerpe-
A Fratriide, fratricide,
Fraud, frous, dis, detus.
Franduſcncy, fraudulentis.
{ WI fraudulentus.
ulent roudulenter.
raugh roll Faight ] oneratug, pit-
Frow {the river at Dorcheffer] i
Frrvenburg Cin Prof] Fravenbur
Fray, pu See. Fraie,
A Deer's Fayinglof his his head] cor-
nerria od or
A Freak, pig ane i mpetur fb
itaria on'mi commotio
Freakiſh, in @eendo ſubitus of ve-
demens, tn repentines enimi motus
Arne, hag. ate "Y
rec ent15us mac tur.
——_ tentigo, inis.
Full of Freckles $lentigi ſis,
| Frederick {a man's name] Frederi-
Frederickftadt [in Norwsy] Fride-
FREE, liber, immuno. * You have
{ree lexve to ſpeak bey
Fee fort, * What viee is he| F
* He is not | k+ to eſca
re Inultum id aunqucns an
ToF -- wP
Make Free F =; denove, =;
"X ves ſobvi euyis catiris. -
free rom bondage, # vincutis |F
To make one a Free man, civif te
dnore, vincilts tier ore, PE Fileum
ViAore, e many enuttere.
Tobe free, ſui eſſe moncipii, * They
+*< free from one kind of i
Alters injuftitiee gonere vacant.
To make Free of a Company, me-
he Boat $oa men
_ = J
foo — -
=p oy =
reed man F miſſus. 4
houghe kimiet Nan ne
jurejurendo fe ſolutum puta- | F
A giver of | ofrter, wie-
Jhe Pune ATT of a City, Cinto.
avenar nm us.
free will, vw eavrbitr iu.
a Northern
Freeze ", ArchiteQure] Zopbe-
Toi Freeze, gee, congele.
Frem's, lrg y_ qutcos aul-
French Maliow, M:lve G
The French Pox,
Fredericksborg [in Zelond) Frideri-
Fre ae giving, literalir. þ Free Lis nd Freq
© pins rn
ER _—_ is 2" _
Prethn, rermer
T 7's eryrodo * It
p Fra { [ J » wo,
To Free aways _— ettritu dif-
To Fret
Wrought wi
\'Fri Fri
EEE ants A
A the Friend Conde
To be Friends wah one, in greti-
| Three Gagte piſtls coquens of
Freſh and faſting, jejunus, impron-
Ereſtmarih (tbe [the family] de Friſco
s detvi,
Frey Sen concelatus
A Frening, ittoy perfriflis,
Frevil Pride tamly) de Frevills.
Fndu' (Frea ERS Fe
opter] Frequen'um,
Corn = *His Lye hh rend
ath I
2 \ falſe friend, ſimulater.
Friendieſs, abſque amicis.
Fr endly, 2d). benevolent, amicus,
Friendly, adv. omicd, benevele.
Fr:endl, meſes berenlentio, offic inon.
Friends [ ſet ] Trement
Frienidſhip, emicitia x com atudone-
yr * Pricadth / —wax 'S,
16 ſcciorum olla mole ſerver.
To joyn in friendihip, —
A frier, jrater monac
A Friery, caxnedbium. *
A ſrier's eou), excullus,
Friers-cou] (h ] eviſarum-
"oof Auſun, alres ewdinis Aw-
uftini. ,
7 vchins,. Fratres —
Fir b/ervantes, Capucbi
F: ers Carmelites, ons ; Cornnli-
t-u7 bſarvantes.
Friers » Mendicantes Or-
divis Franciſconi,
Fiiers ro Minors, Fratres Ordinis Mi-
Fre ers n Prodicant , Fratyes Ondinis
Fr Fare 0h (heb) Nadw fetids,
Frieze, Gonfope, Tee Frize,
br frig, wn: /upr
hn Th gale
A ormido,” * The Ar-
| wy was wn ſuch a |: ights, Tontu
terror jacidit exercitui, * Iamina
a fripht, In meta ſum maximo
0 fright, terreo. ® Ir trghted
me to the very + Ea res me
borrore affecit, percuſſit mibi ani-
To put one jnto 3 {right, metumn c-
| lien: afferre, * They were put in-
to ſo grea: 2 fnghe, T oatus re og
m_ — * They.are p
| into a ſudden trightiver ant by
| Culoexterrentos, \gdtore is peri
# . fe !exritus, exonimatus.
Frightft ul, 1en7i57/5e.
4 righ fully, teri 6rliter,
A fright ings - terr itenrs,
Frigid [@0 Frigicas,
To Kt
pn babitus, vegetus,
( Yo olks, advene, ahenigence
ringe, pmbrio, lacinia.
hav vg. a fringe funoiet ug dati-
j* r:nged
\ frip r, inte: p: =
frippery, oficins veſtinm tritarum,
kt inferpolotiyiums
Friſc Cone ot the Netherlands] Fri-
Fr ſingh [ ip Bavaria ] Fiiſin-
0 *: is'k, clocr] ter oltitare,
Friks lets, bilarrs.
The frisket "fof a Prin'ing Rn
prel: typic: crates.
beisks {[gamboles] ſaltetiuncule,
TOOL eccipiter riget, ry
A A frith; of TTiumw.
re, muta vitlete pocis,
Fellary [herb] fritillaria. F
kritter, frills, —_—_ friftilum,
Friuly fin Rem! (2%«] F um Jullt.
Frivolous, frivelus, vonus, Caſſw.
A frivolous matter, res cad 71s 1989-
Fr volouſly, frivels.
Frize, ponnus viveſus,
Courſe frize for lin:ngs, ſogum vil-
ſum, cra
Frizeland, Fr :h —_ G__
ichnd , ; 9h ſpe
—_ leather dpellic friſia.
Os a, «6, See From.
To and fro, u/tre citrogque.
Jon pam 1m. Se Froth.
mo Cc fa
mecnerites,” » {© ſalir, vicunque,
A frgck, fagum, tencoe xtima boju-
lorum, ſs perindumentumn lineum,
-filh, rons pi catrix..
20 rog Lof a hook ] rane,
ke a frog, cax9.
The eroak'ng of frogs, coaxntio.
Green trogs,colomite, oe werides.
Young frogs. ronerum
A - tull of trogs, WM ries ro»
Fre o-bie ] yong morſus,
Frog: herd gonm, gromen jun-
Frog- atuftyis.
F on kite, Mfihuw pa aqu 11108.
A froiſe, lordum 1 £599 infritium.
Frotiek, exutts » Jeſtryns,\
A frolick, repent: us enim! mpe-
tar, libido [oi
LL de a— oe
$7 Litareſee.
SY ok "Letobrndus, bilaris
ro'ickly, b:laritey, Letobund?,
» us.
Froliek/amneſs Laſteive.
k'ng and
2 clock there was driv buy
De ceſp"te »irge ſt le-
Lo From 4h Bin, om,
os tween fort
a drwvny Us his
ob incun # etote, * From three A Fr
om aliguem yecipert, in gratiam cum Fries [in Heſfſie] Fiiaria, Brge-| excufing, Ex de deferdendo quem «2.
eliquo redrre. euſemdo uberidy gloria cimperojer
To make men friends, bowin; bemt- To Frille criſpo, uſt ule, vi3ro, * I will ſpeak from my hearty &
nem cenciliare, in gratiom vedigere, | To frifle over, ocu crinali torguere, | quidem dicom ex animo
* I'll go 8nd make them friends, | Fr £:d, criſpotur, colomiftratus. the ſourth of Jus to "the an
exibo ut conciliem gacem, A triſl-r, copiBature firulter, Ciniflo.| Ju'y, Ex onte diem oy Juni
My friend, mi tu. cr Nng, coiſpatio. wſque od pridie Colexd.
A ow: end, =o A ir lung iron, celamiſtrum. Au... _ you a>
A b:Ny frien natbo ayaſi- | Fry 2 n—_
hon ds fo I Cena! » Pareſi Frifl:d '0oks F ©22uli, cincinni. —_ deepens po .
an \aſared {:1end, anich Je atiſi- os friſt, od tempus fide, crncyede- | ded wolt in him f om the
reſt of the Gauls, Er ex aliis Gat
lis m2 ximem fidewns babebat. * He
lives from hand to mouth, Er
e vivit, *® _ betore 2
Ex inferts,
* Fr time, &
troar that day for 1 kx ib
tempere, ex t3, ex tune,
PER, as, Todehver from hand to
Per manus alter: tradere,
The Prepolitiun is ſometimes to he
unJe floo1 5 as, * He goes fron
Capue to Rime, Capua Romampe|
tit. * From ay Dem», * Fron
the C country, Kure. # There wy
ſeen a Navy of the Enemies goug|
from Certbage to Ulics, C
cl $d,9es bf iam oft Uticam C
Partfeular Phraſes ; as, * He
h mſelf frem plead ng ng his Cav
Ne couſ:m dicavet ſe wpuit
* Winter k t JROURng from be-
ing ems rem gevi prebily
* Your flekneſs keP. you fron
conings Te ingrmate valerwiny!
is teruit venires, #1
can hardl {cep my þ.my ſelf frum h-
ing in þ $ faceyV/ix me cun'inco que
irvelem in capillum. * They dif-
fe: one trom another, Inter ſe dif
iJent. * They lent bet
rom one to the other, Uitre 6.
trogue /egati inter tos m'
To take yy Hide f:um, Gr,
ftus ſuit lapis.
From abroad, per eq'2.
From all plac es, undiqut,
om benea 1nferne.
From door to OE, oftiatims..
From hence. bin
From henoeforch. ebtine, debim,
rom + to man, vrritim.
From ſome 0: her plzce, eliunce.
From ftrcet to ſtreet, vicetm |
From t —
From thencetorth, exinde, ex &, tr
ills tempcre,
From time eto time, i® dies rnguit,
From whe
From wha! * PlBce forver,undecans |
. | From wy hin, intr
” [From without, "= — tr en/ocus,
1Frome river [ at Dorcbe 2 v.rls,
rome river [at Braftow] Frome.
cont, ite Jars antermvy pors atv
he Prent of an Army, cies.
A Fronter, {1mes, itis 3 confurs.
tj anignen ſie Lenguedce] Frets
nionum, Forum Domiti4.
A — Feontypicion, lis
y itt-ciuws.
_— al of g bridle, ſrontah,
Abs en [of Freeze} gelotns, wayy
lahw, congleciatns, coneretiw.
ld | oe round about, circungadut
"> ai *% Royer mm... rd ld nt om nn ti» wm»;
ny 1 Fd MAI DT» 29 29% 9 »% alin} Himes ot THY 9.2” ow 280” 4
mn Ou nw
oft, ela.
I ——_—
+ = - i - hn —
—_— ——R——
A hoar froſt,
Vhice fro; 3 > Pruins can,
A troti-naily Clovis glaciatir.
F:0{t-nnled, Clom's extontibus ſup-
go. » Pruinelis, pruinoſus.
Fro o
Thed'y roth ( of the Sex] He-
To froth, Spums. :
To froth iu bubbles, BuYio.
To ſeum uft the fro.h, Dyſpemnn.
ER > Spur ns, +; ny...
Frothiiys Spumo58,
A frothing, Spun tio.
Frowa'dy Proterwas, perverſis, wo=
Y2/ us,
mewhat froward, Submoroſus,
rowardly, Protervs, Contum rchter.
Frowardneſs, Protervitas, Contuma-
' (12, M,Foſitas.,
A trower, Ferramentum acuminatum
. of findendas off ulas,
A frown, Ruga.
To trown, Frentem controbere, coye
17 cre, wllum coperare.
The frownce in Hawks , Spwmſ<
' EF «lids ferdes circa 0s &f paln-
Frowning, Torvus.
A (0ORuRgs Fren'is corrugatio,con-
, trtito.
Frowning'y, Torviim, Torriter, diro
Frowy { as Joyners lay] Enodis,
new!1gam CN Pre,
Frugal, Fragi, Abſtinens, Meodera-
Frupility, Frugelitas, Temperentia,
Fruzally, Frugaliter,
A iruggin, Kutobutam furn 1inum.
FRUIT. Frultas.
Fruit { Profit } Lucrwts.
The firlt- fruits. Primitie, ern.
The frut of the Womb » Libert,
A truit-loſt, Oporotbera, Cucumere-
num, gurev/bum,
Fratt-Dearings Frugi fer,
4 rerer .
Frut-ſeller, FP ——_—_
Frut-time, Vindemi a,
a _—— —_— ;
runtrul, Fax, 7 xt ſy, fertitis,
To be fruutfu!, Abundo,
[0 make fruitful, farcunds,
Mize fruitful, faecundatus..
Fruttully, feraciter, fertiliter,, foe-
gomuyen! fertilitas, ſecunditas,
Frum, Uhertim or feliciter ver-
Frumneſs, Luxuries fertilis.
Frumenty, Laftis & tyitici decof2-
Brily-frumenty, Decefum latis &
A frump, Senn, ridiculum.
To trump, I'udc, irvideo.
Brumpinz1 » Ridieul8.
Fruſilone { in It ty } Fruſint,
rultrate, fruftraneus, =
A frumper, S:nnio. |
To fruftrze, ftroy,
Fruſtrated, ps fron
fry L —_ {ffim.
f.y much. Deſrige.
he try of filh, Mini piſcicui,
prima prſerum,
yed, frictns, frixus.
Fryed Meat, Caro frixa, frixa, 0-
wmg 1n X
Scyliom qut vult vitare Charyb-
Fry:h { underwood J Sylve cedus,
Fuage VeAtiget ſecarium.
L der, Vetiura.
To tuddle { at. ] Inebrio.
To tuddle [ neut. ] Inebrioryp:tito,
Teatte: M:4ul
u e-ca 7 4.
Fuddied, pt Toons 4
Fuel, femes, focale,
A TUSitve » Fagitivus , Prefugut,
A fugue [ in Muſick } Cenſinantis
£d om M Kai.
Tot Ges
0 oe t, Ju/g*0.
Fulg: nt, ,
FUG a, fulgidus.
Fulpency, julgor.
Fuligno ( in Jtely ] fulinum.
Fu'k, [ 3 Man's Name ] Felco-
Ful:gincus, fuligineſus.
Men, Ad qu 1twv bim nam wilie
Full [ very }
is full heavy, In meer ore of. * I un-
ES tis ſenſ.m
chre caleo.,
fed, $atuy, pu p
fari:tus, * You
Ne t
is. * You can never have your
> ay ys mo potes.
e eat a twll Diggs, Prin
de\at ad ſatieratem. .
Full C perfect ] Perſe "ws, * You
have a full Year to it1y yet, An-
rus oft integer vobis expeBtandas.
Ve:y tull, Afisens.
To bs tull, Abunds, Scotes, Scatu-
To be made full, leor, ſaticy,
vat ſull, Sema Fx
The full-moon, Plenilunium.
To tull C oths P-nn'1 con Tipaye, ar-
my ped. bute © gere pornum ft-
Fultages Pr emium fullcnium.
Fulled, « uote c.nftipatus,
a — "4 onig.
Uuers, 2 . , y
Of " Feller. $fu'en uf, fulcnicus,
A tulle's Trade, Ars full nice.
Fullers-Earth, Crete c1ml: ay lerra
Fullers-thiftle, D:pſocus, labrion ve-
nic. -
Fulton cal, fallen us.
Fully, Pens :
a fulling, ſuletio, perni crnflife-
A full'ng-miſl, fulonia, m:lendimum
falloni um.
Fulamatory, fulw
$0 ultil, Imple, «dr1mp/eo.
Fulflled, Expicins, Impietus.
A fulfiller, Top 4 ;
A full ing, ary ro » Peyſeio,
Perefticy Compiemen! um.
Fulbes { in Middleſex ] Voluerum
F ULL. Plenus, expletus, reſertus,
—_ Tu I can hgvee ſer it out
te 12216 MINK
he ET hare Grietied
him ,to the full, Puto me iti offa-
v/', * When it is full Sca, Cm
maris eſiur intummertt; * You
have ſar15fied me ro the full, 4 te
guitem cumulots ſatisfat: wn eff mi-
+1. * O:d Age 13 Naturally full of
wk, Senettins off naturd loquacrer,
mornis niminus cxet. * He 1s 2 full
Man, Omnizam rerum eofficentibus
e:piis ditatuy, * was 2 full
ate, Senetus [a pms conventt.
* He paid the full worth of it,
FEqud folid efiimaticne perunioms
Full So] Ommim. * When
I hid been there full ten days,
os 181 derem ipſos fuil/em dres
**"When he was full ninetecn
years ot Age, Expleto anno <tatis
undevieeſwmo, + He wai full a
h and ſeven years Old, cen -
tem onn's complievie.
tm & Jp
* Full a hunfred 1, 7a/lom
He was too tult of words, Ser- | a
Fulneſs, Plenitudo, A5undantio, Sa-
fretas. TR
Fulſom, Praedulcis, pro nimid dul-
cedine ingraius. :
The fulſom ſavour of things burnt,
Teter @ gravis nidey ex uſtulati»
Fulſomneſs, N mia dulcedo que naw-
Fun _— þ
umage, fumogium, flercoratio.
To fumb.e, Ines & eperaryiy rem in-
epis tyottare &f aggredi.
A ſume, Exbeletio.
To fume, FPapores emittere.
To tume [ be angry ] Apert# ft6-
mochayi, frewere.
In 2 fume, Irotus.
Fumed, V.porctus.
Fumets, fmus Cervinug.
Fumidity, furmdites, _
fumigaticn, fum'gatio.
A fuming, V aperatio.
A fuming undeineath , Suffumig 9-
Fumingly, Stomachosd.” _
Fumitory [herb ] fwmaria, capren.
A fummer, Pu'erius, ,
A fun&tion, funttio, mwnunns, orie.
A tund, Ingens nammorum vits fee
un & (wwulns,
The funtament, Anur, ſeter._
The faliing down of the funda»
ment, Sed's prociden'te. _
Fundamental, fur: -mentalry,
Funding, Inventrires, |
Funen { 2 D1rifb Iſland J Penre,
A tunaal, fumes, LED
ani h's meaning full well,
will foun have a b:lly full of her,
opediem 1/t1us 0 ſaturabe-
Valde , wetemente”*
* I am full gi2d, Totxs goudes, * Sh©
Full grown, 2 Adult, Adultd &-
Of full ag + Sobd.
nerir. .
The tuller-ſcate » Levircia fule-|
ſeculum, #* Full tour thoultund
V2 Te
To make 3 Funera
Keep a Funeral, 's $-funns exagat.
Funeral, aj. C Funerenry funeralin
Of a Fun*ra', 5 funebris.
A Funeral Obſequy, Officium ſupre-
A Funeral-dinner, dipole paren-
Funeral Ries, Fuſta »
.Fune al Ceremon'es, F Tie.
A f— Song, Nenia, epicedium,
Funt kirken C in Hungery] Quinque|7
Fank, . Jungoſus
unk , Viper ſafes z teter.
To tun with 2 gm Per infundi-
um infuncere,
Tho Funnel of a Chimney, C:mini
The Funnel of a Piivy, Latrine |
A Chvurg unne]
Chirur cop "g's x
To » Kecudo, p Gegdntorpols
Furbiſhed, Politus, interpolatus
A Furbiſher, Policy interpolater,
A Furbiſhing, Kecuſbo, interpelatio,
Croſs Furchee [in rle:aldry ] Crux
Where Fured jou? Qed tentift 3
re Fu u « Hl
The Furies, go urie, Eumenides,
Fury, Furor, Rabies, Inſonia.
Hair-brain'd Fury, Furor preeceys,
Kabies caca.
m_- of Fury, furibundus.
ury-like, forts 5, $a
ofus, redidur, inſanus,
To be Furious, uro, TED bac-
arore exagitari.
To make Fur 10Us , In furorem @-
- FUS GAG ” |
——_— — — — —
A Farrier, Pellis, pelliculator, +4 Phy! Zobt, p
urring, Pellicu{a110, F (
urrow, Sulcus. Eynlandets, Foo, Pi b (
little Sulculus, hung, Profe1o w literis, (
A Water funow Bic, 1is;Colliquie, | A Fyit, Viſmm,
The Furrow of @ Pully, Rot ver- | 19 yi, 1/40
Satilts lacun:, To breed a "If . | (
Little Furrows { running along 2 one Fylt, 5 wn ciere,
Dzers Head J] Caudicarii conalicu- | Cauſing to Fyſt, fatulentas.
ti cervayioy ww corny A Fylter, Greveo/ens
Furrow by Furrow, Sulcatims. A & --9=. hs Catellus gravivle,
To Furrow, 3 Sul melt
Make Furcows, 5%
Long narrow Furrows, foru!f.
Full of Furrows, Sulccſus, ""
Made in Sulcatus, G A
A maker of Furrows, Sulcater. T2. Gab. Gorruls, mentior,
A Furrowing of Tumber, Stones, Gabardine , Tuiice paſteitic
Laquertio materi. eraſſuey, lens,
Furne ( in Iytlend ] Feuria, Ts _ _ 960eribgngy
Purftentetde £L. iria ] Aque.
in German Calned-
l « ain, Ved bg ee ex venali 9m
F UATHER, Moy * I will : Gabin wn.
her, Lengins non Fi 15, Corbis teryd oppletua.
progradier. * F Unich you. will have | To Gabions , Terra ſufferti
a”y thing Further, fo quad - corbitis 0b 7 x a. 1
buc forte vultis, * I
go no Further, Dites _- dn
27 nan babes.
Fur: h-r," adj. Ultericr, * In the
Further Spain, In Hiſpenis ulteri-
ori. * Inthe Further cnd of your
third Book, In extrems tertio Ui-
bro, * On the Futther fide of
Tyber, Tran; Tyberim
To Further, Prcvebo, by JOG *1
Entreat Further me herein,
Po oro ut mw adjuves in bat re.
A Furtheranee, Provettio, promotic,
Furthered, Premotus, proveftus,
" 2008 furiors, yapide,
To Furl a Sail, Velum controbere,
ecmplic 2re.
Furled, Com Mlicetus, ecntr oltus.
A Furling, = — controftio.
A Eurlong, S!
- Porters Furnace, figulins.
Em g98y © adj, y $ fur noceus.
Furnace-1: ke, Ffurnaceur, forn teens,
A mt melung Furzace, Vas fufo-
Purnes F in Flanders J Furne.
To Furniſh, Inftrw, wy —
po nfpedito, Sulmini
Furniſhed, Ornotus, Þ us, Sup-
feditatur. * A Houſe Richly fur-
> <_gy Opime & opipars infirefta
A eniQe, yo porockus.
A Furniſhing, Inftrutiie, ſuppediga-
| 0th, ornatus,
. Furniſhment,
. Furmy
F Apparatus, Sopellex.
Furr, Pelis, veus, evis.
Ar worn by Canons, Pelicinm.
ASkin of Furr, Pulls viloſa,
'To Furr, Felliculare, ſubducere pel
To Purre [ a Ship ] Aſerem re: ul.
| Jou eltis plancis offices Juperindu-
| Furred, Pellitus
[7 1/ "”*
; bs my Togo jellite, pelii
A Lo, Adjutory foutor.
Furthering, Propcuns.
A Furihering, Prenwrie.
Furthermore, Poyro, inſuper, prete-
rea, tiom, wlter ins, bac.
Night at woke bi will be out
with his Army, Nec longit's abeft
guin progima nfte exercitum edu-
Fury, furor, is rag rabies.
Furz, Gen!
The Fuſs of a ' ' Cerwi veſtiginm.
A Fuſe [ of a Watch 3 Funs po»
marie rote.
Pyle: Fult of a Par Colne pe
Faſtang X
go -Rotins,
Fuſted Fuftian, Xylinum fimbrietun.
Colowed Fuſtian, fuſcs tinfium.
F _ an Lanzuage , Sermo inflatus,
ot offettatus, grendil>ques.
0 uy bath Proferre ampul-
E_ pedolig verba.
wy "4 PW mucyſur
= Fuſty, " F free
1 UZzs, ogit 3 J e110 OPT,
Fuſtmeſs, Put
The Futocks s (in Navigation] S$te-
tuming nav
Furure Salares.
A Fur balls fangus pulvevalentus.
FUSZEDs > Atimentum.
[9 Purred Gown,
'A Gail-clcar
The Gable end of 2 Houſe, Sun
mitas or frontiſpicium dom(is.
Havi |. Gable end, ſoſtigiatus, py.
Gidril Cc a Man's Name} Galrid,
A Gag of bees 2p Chalybis maſſe.
nw, oſs! 1ſ#/ us, tabs
as =
T9 > 339 up and down, Vagio, Cir-
A Ga4d [ Fowl } Anes cons
A Gadier, Err, Wagus. vigaun.
Gavd ng mg up anJ dcwn, Erralunds,
A Go Ambulat
A Gadding Vaeia. _
Grier T Irie 3 Ty tins poliy,
es of KL bow, (br
Nt, Jap -
Ga wes,
Gatol LI \ Terre cenfualix,
1 Ga i/tomium.
; Gaps Þ ſemis exerts,
Als Peres Lepeſitam,
L ,
\ G pes MOee GH, Faye
Fe 'ca or > -——_—_
0 Gage,
OS ET pare
zonte gart
To G _
navis A #1 rare.
FT Fs detus,
A - Cc ſured } Virge chere
& /Delinim menſur
aging of arts, enſure tle
chorome'r: 9
le of Polahy
Ih4eI=5x Gheits
Fo toy Sicily ] G albrin, Gv
G |.
Gago(a 14 a bevy
Gaietts Cin Cho ] Caiets.
Guite, dildo pion
Gaillon ('n Neymondy] Gallio,
Ga l', nitide,
Gain (bn) acecmmodus,
Gain | pſ0) -gilrs, dexter.
Gain( way] «© mpendioſus,
Gunels, nite. oh
Ga nabley ocquirendus.
Gan, ; Sn weſtus, * AN that
tecko+ to be clear gains, Id de {u-
er6 eſe putato, * He wakes a ga1n
of hy +k.I, Staturt an Suc pro-
* Have your
id _ ad 16 ye-
Little Guni, tu:glumn. FN
To Gyn, lucyory lucyifacio, p—_
commeres, domeres. * Hegar
others loſſes, Ex me is «lte-
119 ſu1 eompoyat commeds, *There | A
is 70 ealier way to gain good will,
Nu/la ye conciliatur facilities beneve-
lentis, * There ſeems to be too
muck Art to gain attention, Ni-
mis infidiarum od cepiendas aures
To drow, Gam, RIES
o drawin Ga'n, que inferve.
Dae G Nz twype {ucrum, ſor-
+ Jus tenendt fundos [ine [tri
ad Iibitum domini. þ ſeig-| 0
Gained, tucr1 fattus, acquiſitus,
A Gainer, ucroter
Gainful, Uucriſurs 6 fi
Gun ly,
rp negs.
Ga ben contradittey,
G Laſay ng, contredittorins, repug- | A
KY (in SY _ Fa-
{A Galh ills cutis plage, obli-
ſe Pell fear Pas
(To (all, cuticulone defricare, witus
y{nducere, intertereye.
os [vex] diftectis proſeinds,
» decutatus, inter ini,
Galli » Ker an.
yn (foms nes grophlens or
yy Gallant to a Lady, Adler, Mar-
>> -
Nothing Gallant , Inclegons, inve-
Gfanty, Compt?, nit1d8, ſplendid3,
To aire Gallantly M-Uiter omicire,
debcatd veſtive.
» Magnificentia, nitor,
yy of Humour, Animi mog-
Gallanrey [ Gallantneſs ] Magni-
mm as
antry ugn 'nimites.
A Gallery, Porticus , Ambulacy un,
Gallery, Hype thre,ſubdiale.
ns by A Gallery open abou a Court, Þ Pe-
=> >, Gallery, Porticuls, Ambula-
A Gallemawfry, Cinnu, cornium va-
ST Eh Wiſeet-| A
aned/ Galley
Novis attwari
A La Ns Gas? þ ne mags ob
Galley [4d J I Novalir,
Ad rewr's demmnatw) |
nautico mancipatus. janache C in P iow } Genochio,
A wpateb noun Myopero. {4 Ganatorda Cin Ireland } Tvernis-
bd, Galley- worms 4 41 © Genes n ſudes acutes preecipi-)
Galliard, Letus, elacer. Gand [ in Flanders 7 Gondawone.
Ogata By Danee] Solatiofotive. A little Gande ; Anſercuus,..
ins. acace lax, I,
7 —_ » Navis 6 pa gr0n- 7 vagog_kag bis pak” py
Fr: 6 Gum in # -—y T Gm
Gal: Th Gelipetis.
Gall Lim on 2 m
AGinſays contyadiftio, A : ks
0 ga'nitand, re alloon-lace rim .
Gallerat (Art + Aja) Tis To hy Pratexs.
Gulades{ 2 kind of filhJGoledes Rae with © 2lloon, Pretexius.
4 Calags, Abe. To Galbeſs Cur/u concitets ferri,
Mi c volave,
os Sub Card +7 CR, —_— ae: Jo concitatus, citatus
| G
A Gale: of w: n1, flobrum, flatus, fla- | The moo mY Saltus cenci-
men, ven us incitotior,
A gentle Grle, aws, A Ga ws rapides,
To gale, indignor. AG fg. Wag \Nneitolue,
[A Galen 7 6Y Gal 'de lignee, ſoite.
ay » Galeni ſtquax, aſſe- Galloway (part of Scotland] Gal- a
A Galoway-Nafs Maonnus , monnu-
A Gal'ows, Ptibulun fucs * The
Gallows Credo
«go 116 ie jy - ears
re for whom the Gallows groans,
x little Gallows, Farcello furculs,
a Gallows, Su/penſn:,
ag cordb,
'Gull-pr, Sr Fel
ares Forett oreſt [ 3 Ca
Gamalicl 7 nl Name] Gon
NT ————_—_
y Bay { io Ireland ] Arſebs, T
Gambades, Fon, Ra ———
To make Gamboles, Satrres tudere.
Hanne Canyons, Ladio, onas,
-gambole, t
o Gaa-dolings Crum "> ldins
A Game, Luſus, ludus, certomen.
_y- i, tiunting, Wc. ] Prads,
To = © the G:me, RES
Certomine g-—v
A Game- Cock, Gol/us
Gameſome Pejnians,
The Matter of the Games, Brabew
» Aleatorius. |
anet (Bird nerenp. ;
ines (Dtd JL Tg
To nun the on » ppt miliers
Patt Gaol, Law » Crftodia, Ergofins |
A&A > Caoler Carceroying, c
= uſtes, exgo-
—_ E—_— SO __
OE ———_
lows g4pi with a lou noiſe,vo-
ci ferons ſt
A \ Grping: Roy-on, ſpetoatrix impu-
To Aand Gaping about, inbiare.
ape biatue, ] oftitetio,
AG in Ly Faſeiculus fru
A RG, gi, Teom ml,
Having a good Gac monde
Without Garbe, inuybenus, moribu
Garbage, viſtersy un, &c.
To gots [Refaſe} Purgamentum.
To garbage, eviſtero, exenters,
uo wo ble, purge, expurgo, excri-
To gi guble (eu out] Excerps, dele.
a Gar &c, purgater.
Ga', purg
A Garboil, At A contentio,
A tuaulkuous Garboil, tumultur, ſe»
| The Garboord? [a Sea- term) Aſer
aſs jobs to to be of the E
Pref _W Neronem
GS 0
To > be upon the Garde, In yrs:
1 A .upon my Garde, Me armis
4 % of a garment, Fimbric,
4n of the Garde, ſolelles,
S422 Ca pretes
ned (p:ote FI % protego.
I ec atus cut
A Garder, Po 'r
T'ry IM _ coleys, | |
ESTA bebitu Nw ee? exbi-
A Garden for Pot-herbs, bortw 01i-
AG Garden for $allt-herbs, «cetari-
A Gardeh of flowers, foretuws.
tRo c
ES pete Pon
fem; narinm.
A Faites ardian, contutor,
Of a Gendiony em tatelaris.
Hd Gand-mangere ills penovis,
The Gar- Atuis
are - fooarle Wool) vilur,
=. -——_
A Garde, fotellitiom. * "One of his | An old Garment
— |
Tos The Ga of Fthethroat, gurgulio, |
ob ['
A Gmglng, & 1wgarix tic
Garithe SelendaN & i pompam we- |
Garland, fertums coro'la,
To make Gaclanis, Serta texere.
To w-ar Gaciands, ſertis redimiri.
A Garland of Bay, loxree, laureum.
Wearing a Garlan i, coron 110k
Sea- Garlan1 ( herb] opuntio marina,
Garlick, allium.
Bear's Garlick, aJium ur /rmnam.
_ Mouuntain-Garhe ollium
Wild Gar >
Con-Gurlck 3 _—_ Hveftre.
Whole-heac Lick) allium m2s.!
Garhck-ſawee, elliatum.
A Garlick-bed, aletum
A Bunch of Garlick, reflix,
a Clove of Garlick, «ltr nuclens,
4 Tony of _ elht
A GARMENT, ve Min eefimaton,
viſtitus, babitas.
A little Garment, emicuhm.
» lacerna vehus,
A Garment ar of fl Ak, vo/fi boloſerica.
An Under Garment, Tenice,
a Upper Garment, pallizm,
A \ Garment of hair, ſagum cilici-
A He Holiday Garment, mutator inm.
An inner —_—_ inducul 2,
A turned nt, veſtis trenſicta.
Gement (ad) (a9). ] Þ veftiarins.
A Garner, Telrones, cella peracyi s,
A rent ( Garner for Stlt, ſalts repo
7a'nley I0an4, Sarnia
A Garre:, fanis trottovins,
A Garn:t itone, lapis gronitug, ear-
—_—_ carchedunicus, garomanti-
An Oriental Garnet, gronatus radi-
A (mall Garnet, grana twlus.
Garniih, Encania,orm,corcerdticum.
To garnildy adorns, excols, inſtyuo,
Garvilhed, exornatw, excultus, per-
A Garniſher, adermator, exornator.
A Garnilh'ng 1—_ ornamen-
yt [make) «cf Ih,
o Garr e)
Garranty, fideju I =
vas lo [a River in Fronee]
at Gueret, Canacutum, folorinm ſn-
o (Garriſon, up dio munire, pre-
dium colloc
Garriſon, p "I
THY _ in Gairifh on, preſiding agi-| þ > —
Gank on, 24), - ary s, flatie
Of the Garri\ CINE ————_— ——
Gaerulty, garra'itas,
Garter, periſcelis, idir, faſciola' —_ ws rem
tibi als,
To Garter up Mehlies
Tye on the GarterF cingo Jo.
periſcelidem circumdare,
A | Knight of the Garter , oeuratee |
prriſeelidis eques.
mb yard] are1, atrium.
pd. fart of 465] Albaw's.
ſcoyne (part of France] Vaſtce.
06 or Fic- |
Of Gaſcoipne, Vaſconicus. |
The Galcoigne s Yaſcenes,
A Gale-hound, Ages.
A Galty Vainus, Ceſura, inciſure,
To Galh, ——_— t:cers, ſtin-
Mike 4 Gaſh
a Gallung, Is atio,
A Gaſpe, Halitzs
To ql b < tor HET 'h, Reſpire.
At the in LT... b:li
To be at lat Calpe, » Agere nn
tari cum morte.
To give the laſt Gaſpe, Extreman
Fg Ares
aſping, iratio,
A Gatt-houndq, Neaſeewe,
Ts > Gallen Improvſum incutere we.
s or | tevy!
Gino jf.3 ſmall Pcovinee in
ance ] Voſtinium.
Gatly, 2 aJj. Horrificus, borridus ,
Galtiys ads. = boyrics,
_ merti, * Her
4 her to be 2 true Goddeſs, Vir
es patuit —_
ate emita, vie.
A little Ky 5s
A oe at Gate, Pine:
olding Gate, Valvula.
A Poltern-Gate, Peſticugn, jonus pu-
9 keep a Gate, Founens 0&/ervere,
Janie tultlem gover
Fi Gate-keeper,
Gates-head {in = Biſhoprick of
Durbam)Gobroſtntum,(opree caput,
TO GATHER, Cobige, excipre.
et Five days after you have ga-
em, v dit quo ſun
Rrateri, * When
ene we gather,
T quo intel.igituy.
To Gather again, —
To Gather Corn, F, wnen
To Gather to a Curd, Cagute,
To Ga Gather Flowers, #lores carper:,
To » Gather Grapes, Vindemiare,vin-
Ea 0 out, Excerpo, ſtligo.
T9Y ather together, Congrego,cogts!
To Gather together on heaps, Cen
Ge eccumulo
Gather ether neut. ] Con-
re tes Crnte, | nent $6
-- er together, Frequens coit
( Gather ups Colieo, :
To Gather up Money, Pecunion|
her wealth, 1 conquirert
ather, pi Fen. mp)
Gathered Lefius, percepius, * Mo-
gathered up 1 Loot the Com-
an catch, ns —_—_
Gathered about, Maltituds
| circumſuſs.
A_ together, ColelFus,cooftus.
hered together on heaps, Con”
— eceumnulatus.
FW hered or drawn together, Con-
Ga hered [ con
| Decerpt $4
Decerptus, left
eled } Crneretur,
FIOWerS ] Coarptve,
—u _ C4
| mon
[AGn: hecer, & Gachecer, Collettcy,
[A Gatherer of truity Strifter,
a Gurheret: of Grapes, Findemia-
A Guthererof toll, Telonarius, Pub-
A G. "Gather; ng Colleftio ,
A \ Gathering rogevher, Congeftio,
Gukerng together » Congregali-
N Gahering of fruits, Carptus, corp-
A Gr hering c of grapes, inlemiatio,
Racemat ”.,
A Gathering round, Conglobatio.
'A Gattle-head, wroſus, Memo-
fie inide.
A Gaude, C:mme, bulletee nuge.
oÞ- Gaudy, Epule adj. cialins opt-
(Guts, Loutur.
| Gaudily, Lute,
Gau4ineſs, L-ntitfe,
Gere (a r1yer- in Aquitane) Goba-
IGare of Dedi. * He gave
ou? ASE ro be Philip, Se _
pun fere5at, * He gave out 18
(hz Council that he L1quitur itn
eoncilto palom ſte. ce over
being Prieft, oy io 6b b1t.* He
ave her not a word more, Nec
: max ſermon- dignatus oft. * He
never gave any of us a word, N _
qumm eniquom neſt rum ver
. * They gave themſelves w olly
to plen(ure, Voluptati ſe toti tra-
diderent, * My mint gave me that
I ſhould loſe my f labour i m, going,
Preſagiebet mibi aninus fruſire me
A Gare, Frumenti maniputur, Mer
Gfvelki nd, Portio cuilibet equaliter
Gavelock, Haftile,
Coen (eſter ( Kent- ale ) Sextavius
A Geet Mmſty doin» jus,
A Gaul, Intertrigo. See Gall.
A Guule, Patong.
SY Gauted back, Dor/um intertriga-
Gz:nlefs (a river in Durbom? Pin-
G2un: [lean] Mater, M-cilentus.
count [td [the tamily] de Gondawo,
A Gauntke » Manica militaris or
W ror oof 2a Gauntlet, Menicdtur,
A Guan: ree jor Caiks, Dolicrum fob |
A x Cone ur,
Paſs Comptus, "Towns, Aa.
To be 347, Nireo, Splenges,
To make Gay, Excol> Exorms,
Gorey 'ery £ cheer fulneſs } Hrwlaritas,
Gayly, Nitid2, Srlendide,
Gayaeſs, Nit'y Spſencor.
(ranter-tree, Virge ſeaguinee,
To (31 ie Avid# eft are.
ToGme out of 4 w.ndow, Exerty
capt'e perſprcere.
To ftn1 at » Gaz*, Ocutor morari,
Gaed upon, Avide ſpetatus.
Anet [ Arabien der] Capres A-
A Gazer, Speſtatoy.
A Gazng hoydon, Speftotrix.
A Gazing ſtock, Spettaculum.
Garng wittly, N.ſcftobundus.
To _ Gazing about, Crircuwn-
A Gazett
Goon ſin Polond] Gedarum.
To San, Bok.
} Coftratur, Emaſculatur.
A Gelded man} Eonachus » Sh6-
ers Cotter.
A Gelder-roſe, Sam roſea.
COINS [in lower "Gray 3
A Gelding, Caftratio, Eviratio,
A GEAR ſ x CG.
Ira I ] Cobipolis,
iboh [in Throce
A Gelhe,-C <pukn, Grlatum.
A Gellover, Cary pby.uns.
Gem. Gemma.
G: mart n Alſ.tie] Geemorings.
y— ours [in Brabent ] Gembla-
Bures Gameties Cin Heraldry) Big
—_—y Aſia] Arobia fe-
the fign) —
ry ! 4
A Gemmc 44 jarcnntb
3emote, Curie centuries.
emund [ in Frententend ] Ge
Gendt ['n Flanders
— Clarines,
bs Gordung-
Genealogy: \
a Genzath, V; ing + erne,
| General, Generals, Untverſus.
A General Scholar, Omnis Mrineyve
men cm.
A General vice, item c:mmune.
The General of an Army, Impera-
Te make one General, Be7wm dare
The Generallity, Pays m 151m,
Generally, Generatim, plerumnue..
Generalinefſs, Generator.
To Generat:, Genero, Gigno.
4 nerated, Generatur, Genitus.
& Cen; Generdtia , Geni-
les, reſapee.
» Nuncins publicas ſeriptury ' |
_ liter rerum movarum nuy-
| Generous, from Mr
uſty, Liberatitey nifics.
A Gear [term in founding } Frra- Generou!ne(s raven Ii dl
men per quod metalium fun labitur 1 peemiie,
Gees Bows |Th Geneſis, Gemejs =
Geer, Materia. Ornomentum. | Genet-cat þ Genetta, Martes,
In his Geers, In precintt«. | CrIES S8av0z] oy
Geer for On Mundus muliehs is. Genes SITE Equus | biſpani-
A General Council, Concilium Orcu- | A
A Gene-at on {lincage] Genus, pro- r=
A Generation (age) Sreenlons, Gen:
Generative, DET Gemlatt,
Generical, Genezje
- Genius, Genius wy Doren,
Gennep [in Cleveland }
A ————— —__g Pomunn p7 cox pre
Genoua [in It —_ Gern 1, Jonue,
Gol hula.
Gene ilenels » Venuſtas ,